
Examples of

        boolean networkOfferingChanged = false;

        long oldNetworkOfferingId = network.getNetworkOfferingId();
        NetworkOffering oldNtwkOff = _networkOfferingDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(oldNetworkOfferingId);
        NetworkOfferingVO networkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(networkOfferingId);
        if (networkOfferingId != null) {
            if (networkOffering == null || networkOffering.isSystemOnly()) {
                InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find network offering with specified id");
                ex.addProxyObject(networkOfferingId.toString(), "networkOfferingId");
                throw ex;

            // network offering should be in Enabled state
            if (networkOffering.getState() != NetworkOffering.State.Enabled) {
                InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Network offering with specified id is not in " + NetworkOffering.State.Enabled + " state, can't upgrade to it");
                ex.addProxyObject(networkOffering.getUuid(), "networkOfferingId");
                throw ex;
            //can't update from vpc to non-vpc network offering
            boolean forVpcNew = _configMgr.isOfferingForVpc(networkOffering);
            boolean vorVpcOriginal = _configMgr.isOfferingForVpc(_configMgr.getNetworkOffering(oldNetworkOfferingId));
            if (forVpcNew != vorVpcOriginal) {
                String errMsg = forVpcNew ? "a vpc offering " : "not a vpc offering";
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't update as the new offering is " + errMsg);

            if (networkOfferingId != oldNetworkOfferingId) {
                Collection<String> newProviders = _networkMgr.finalizeServicesAndProvidersForNetwork(networkOffering, network.getPhysicalNetworkId()).values();
                Collection<String> oldProviders = _networkMgr.finalizeServicesAndProvidersForNetwork(oldNtwkOff, network.getPhysicalNetworkId()).values();

                if (providersConfiguredForExternalNetworking(newProviders) != providersConfiguredForExternalNetworking(oldProviders)
                        && !changeCidr) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Updating network failed since guest CIDR needs to be changed!");
                if (changeCidr) {
                    if (!checkForNonStoppedVmInNetwork(network.getId())) {
                        InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("All user vm of network of specified id should be stopped before changing CIDR!");
                        ex.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId");
                        throw ex;
                // check if the network is upgradable
                if (!canUpgrade(network, oldNetworkOfferingId, networkOfferingId)) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't upgrade from network offering " + oldNtwkOff.getUuid() +
                            " to " + networkOffering.getUuid() + "; check logs for more information");
                restartNetwork = true;
                networkOfferingChanged = true;

        Map<String, String> newSvcProviders = new HashMap<String, String>();
        if (networkOfferingChanged) {
            newSvcProviders = _networkMgr.finalizeServicesAndProvidersForNetwork(_configMgr.getNetworkOffering(networkOfferingId), network.getPhysicalNetworkId());

        // don't allow to modify network domain if the service is not supported
        if (domainSuffix != null) {
            // validate network domain
            if (!NetUtils.verifyDomainName(domainSuffix)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                        "Invalid network domain. Total length shouldn't exceed 190 chars. Each domain label must be between 1 and 63 characters long, can contain ASCII letters 'a' through 'z', the digits '0' through '9', "
                                + "and the hyphen ('-'); can't start or end with \"-\"");

            long offeringId = oldNetworkOfferingId;
            if (networkOfferingId != null) {
                offeringId = networkOfferingId;

            Map<Network.Capability, String> dnsCapabilities = getNetworkOfferingServiceCapabilities(_configMgr.getNetworkOffering(offeringId), Service.Dns);
            String isUpdateDnsSupported = dnsCapabilities.get(Capability.AllowDnsSuffixModification);
            if (isUpdateDnsSupported == null || !Boolean.valueOf(isUpdateDnsSupported)) {
                // TBD: use uuid instead of networkOfferingId. May need to hardcode tablename in call to addProxyObject().
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Domain name change is not supported by the network offering id=" + networkOfferingId);

            // have to restart the network
            restartNetwork = true;

        //IP reservation checks
        // allow reservation only to Isolated Guest networks
        DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId());
        String networkCidr = network.getNetworkCidr();

        if (guestVmCidr!= null ) {
            if(dc.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Guest VM CIDR can't be specified for zone with " + NetworkType.Basic  + " networking");
            if (network.getGuestType() != GuestType.Isolated) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can only allow IP Reservation in networks with guest type " + GuestType.Isolated);
            if (networkOfferingChanged == true) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot specify this nework offering change and guestVmCidr at same time. Specify only one.");
            if (!(network.getState() == Network.State.Implemented)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException ("The network must be in " +  Network.State.Implemented + " state. IP Reservation cannot be applied in " + network.getState() + " state");
            if (!NetUtils.isValidCIDR(guestVmCidr)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException ("Invalid format of Guest VM CIDR.");
            if (!NetUtils.validateGuestCidr(guestVmCidr)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException ("Invalid format of Guest VM CIDR. Make sure it is RFC1918 compliant. ");

            // If networkCidr is null it implies that there was no prior IP reservation, so the network cidr is network.getCidr()
            // But in case networkCidr is a non null value (IP reservation already exists), it implies network cidr is networkCidr
            if (networkCidr != null) {
                if(! NetUtils.isNetworkAWithinNetworkB(guestVmCidr, networkCidr)) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException ("Invalid value of Guest VM CIDR. For IP Reservation, Guest VM CIDR  should be a subset of network CIDR : " + networkCidr);
            } else {
                if (! NetUtils.isNetworkAWithinNetworkB(guestVmCidr, network.getCidr())) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException ("Invalid value of Guest VM CIDR. For IP Reservation, Guest VM CIDR  should be a subset of network CIDR :  " + network.getCidr());

            // This check makes sure there are no active IPs existing outside the guestVmCidr in the network
                String[] guestVmCidrPair = guestVmCidr.split("\\/");
                Long size = Long.valueOf(guestVmCidrPair[1]);
                List<NicVO> nicsPresent = _nicDao.listByNetworkId(networkId);

                String cidrIpRange[] = NetUtils.getIpRangeFromCidr(guestVmCidrPair[0], size);
      "The start IP of the specified guest vm cidr is: " +  cidrIpRange[0] +" and end IP is: " +  cidrIpRange[1]);
                long startIp = NetUtils.ip2Long(cidrIpRange[0]);
                long endIp = NetUtils.ip2Long(cidrIpRange[1]);
                long range =  endIp - startIp + 1;
      "The specified guest vm cidr has " +  range + " IPs");

                for (NicVO nic : nicsPresent) {
                    long nicIp = NetUtils.ip2Long(nic.getIp4Address());
                    //check if nic IP is outside the guest vm cidr
                    if (nicIp < startIp || nicIp > endIp) {
                        if(!(nic.getState() == Nic.State.Deallocating)) {
                            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Active IPs like " + nic.getIp4Address() + " exist outside the Guest VM CIDR. Cannot apply reservation ");

                // In some scenarios even though guesVmCidr and network CIDR do not appear similar but
                // the IP ranges exactly matches, in these special cases make sure no Reservation gets applied
                if (network.getNetworkCidr() == null) {
                    if (NetUtils.isSameIpRange(guestVmCidr, network.getCidr()) && !guestVmCidr.equals(network.getCidr())) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The Start IP and End IP of guestvmcidr: "+ guestVmCidr + " and CIDR: " + network.getCidr() + " are same, " +
                                "even though both the cidrs appear to be different. As a precaution no IP Reservation will be applied.");
                } else {
                    if(NetUtils.isSameIpRange(guestVmCidr, network.getNetworkCidr()) && !guestVmCidr.equals(network.getNetworkCidr())) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The Start IP and End IP of guestvmcidr: "+ guestVmCidr + " and Network CIDR: " + network.getNetworkCidr() + " are same, " +
                                "even though both the cidrs appear to be different. As a precaution IP Reservation will not be affected. If you want to reset IP Reservation, " +
                                "specify guestVmCidr to be: " + network.getNetworkCidr());

                // When reservation is applied for the first time, network_cidr will be null
                // Populate it with the actual network cidr
                if (network.getNetworkCidr() == null) {

                // Condition for IP Reservation reset : guestVmCidr and network CIDR are same
                if (network.getNetworkCidr().equals(guestVmCidr)) {
                    s_logger.warn("Guest VM CIDR and Network CIDR both are same, reservation will reset.");
                // Finally update "cidr" with the guestVmCidr
                // which becomes the effective address space for CloudStack guest VMs
                _networksDao.update(networkId, network);
      "IP Reservation has been applied. The new CIDR for Guests Vms is " + guestVmCidr);

        ReservationContext context = new ReservationContextImpl(null, null, callerUser, callerAccount);
        // 1) Shutdown all the elements and cleanup all the rules. Don't allow to shutdown network in intermediate
        // states - Shutdown and Implementing
        boolean validStateToShutdown = (network.getState() == Network.State.Implemented || network.getState() == Network.State.Setup || network.getState() == Network.State.Allocated);
        if (restartNetwork) {
            if (validStateToShutdown) {
                if (!changeCidr) {
                    s_logger.debug("Shutting down elements and resources for network id=" + networkId + " as a part of network update");

                    if (!_networkMgr.shutdownNetworkElementsAndResources(context, true, network)) {
                        s_logger.warn("Failed to shutdown the network elements and resources as a part of network restart: " + network);
                        CloudRuntimeException ex = new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to shutdown the network elements and resources as a part of update to network of specified id");
                        ex.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId");
                        throw ex;
                } else {
                    // We need to shutdown the network, since we want to re-implement the network.
                    s_logger.debug("Shutting down network id=" + networkId + " as a part of network update");

                    //check if network has reservation
                    if(NetUtils.isNetworkAWithinNetworkB(network.getCidr(), network.getNetworkCidr())) {
                        s_logger.warn ("Existing IP reservation will become ineffective for the network with id =  " + networkId + " You need to reapply reservation after network reimplementation.");
                        //set cidr to the newtork cidr
                        //set networkCidr to null to bring network back to no IP reservation state

                    if (!_networkMgr.shutdownNetwork(network.getId(), context, true)) {
                        s_logger.warn("Failed to shutdown the network as a part of update to network with specified id");
                        CloudRuntimeException ex = new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to shutdown the network as a part of update of specified network id");
                        ex.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId");
                        throw ex;
            } else {
                CloudRuntimeException ex = new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to shutdown the network elements and resources as a part of update to network with specified id; network is in wrong state: " + network.getState());
                ex.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId");
                throw ex;

        // 2) Only after all the elements and rules are shutdown properly, update the network VO
        // get updated network
        Network.State networkState = _networksDao.findById(networkId).getState();
        boolean validStateToImplement = (networkState == Network.State.Implemented || networkState == Network.State.Setup || networkState == Network.State.Allocated);
        if (restartNetwork && !validStateToImplement) {
            CloudRuntimeException ex = new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to implement the network elements and resources as a part of update to network with specified id; network is in wrong state: " + networkState);
            ex.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId");
            throw ex;

        if (networkOfferingId != null) {
            if (networkOfferingChanged) {
                Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
                _networksDao.update(networkId, network, newSvcProviders);
                // get all nics using this network
                // log remove usage events for old offering
                // log assign usage events for new offering
                List<NicVO> nics = _nicDao.listByNetworkId(networkId);
                for (NicVO nic : nics) {
                    long vmId = nic.getInstanceId();
                    VMInstanceVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
                    if (vm == null) {
                        s_logger.error("Vm for nic " + nic.getId() + " not found with Vm Id:" + vmId);
                    long isDefault = (nic.isDefaultNic()) ? 1 : 0;
                    String nicIdString = Long.toString(nic.getId());
                    UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_REMOVE, vm.getAccountId(), vm.getDataCenterId(),
                            vm.getId(), nicIdString, oldNetworkOfferingId, null, isDefault, VirtualMachine.class.getName(), vm.getUuid());
                    UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_ASSIGN, vm.getAccountId(), vm.getDataCenterId(),
                            vm.getId(), nicIdString, networkOfferingId, null, isDefault, VirtualMachine.class.getName(), vm.getUuid());
            }   else {
                _networksDao.update(networkId, network, _networkMgr.finalizeServicesAndProvidersForNetwork(_configMgr.getNetworkOffering(networkOfferingId), network.getPhysicalNetworkId()));
        }   else {
            _networksDao.update(networkId, network);

        // 3) Implement the elements and rules again
        if (restartNetwork) {
            if (network.getState() != Network.State.Allocated) {
                DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(_dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId()), null, null, null);
                s_logger.debug("Implementing the network " + network + " elements and resources as a part of network update");
                try {
                    if (!changeCidr) {
                        _networkMgr.implementNetworkElementsAndResources(dest, context, network, _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId()));
                    } else {
                        _networkMgr.implementNetwork(network.getId(), dest, context);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    s_logger.warn("Failed to implement network " + network + " elements and resources as a part of network update due to ", ex);
                    CloudRuntimeException e = new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to implement network (with specified id) elements and resources as a part of network update");
                    e.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId");
                    throw e;

        // 4) if network has been upgraded from a non persistent ntwk offering to a persistent ntwk offering,
        // implement the network if its not already
        if ( networkOfferingChanged && !oldNtwkOff.getIsPersistent() && networkOffering.getIsPersistent()) {
            if( network.getState() == Network.State.Allocated) {
                try {
                    DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(_dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId()), null, null, null);
                    _networkMgr.implementNetwork(network.getId(), dest, context);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
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                    throws ResourceAllocationException, ConcurrentOperationException, InsufficientCapacityException {

        Account owner = _accountMgr.getAccount(networkOwnerId);

        // Get system network offeirng
        NetworkOfferingVO ntwkOff = findSystemNetworkOffering(NetworkOffering.SystemPrivateGatewayNetworkOffering);

        // Validate physical network
        PhysicalNetwork pNtwk = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId);
        if (pNtwk == null) {
            InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find a physical network" +
                    " having the given id");
            ex.addProxyObject(String.valueOf(physicalNetworkId), "physicalNetworkId");
            throw ex;

        // if end ip is not specified, default it to startIp
        if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(startIp)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format for the ip address parameter");
        if (endIp == null) {
            endIp = startIp;
        } else if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(endIp)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format for the endIp address parameter");

        String cidr = null;
        if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(gateway)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid gateway");
        if (!NetUtils.isValidNetmask(netmask)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid netmask");

        cidr = NetUtils.ipAndNetMaskToCidr(gateway, netmask);

        Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();

        //lock datacenter as we need to get mac address seq from there
        DataCenterVO dc = _dcDao.lockRow(pNtwk.getDataCenterId(), true);

        //check if we need to create guest network
        Network privateNetwork = _networksDao.getPrivateNetwork(BroadcastDomainType.Vlan.toUri(vlan).toString(), cidr,
                networkOwnerId, pNtwk.getDataCenterId());
        if (privateNetwork == null) {
            //create Guest network
            privateNetwork = _networkMgr.createGuestNetwork(ntwkOff.getId(), networkName, displayText, gateway, cidr, vlan,
                    null, owner, null, pNtwk, pNtwk.getDataCenterId(), ACLType.Account, null, vpcId, null, null, true, null);
            s_logger.debug("Created private network " + privateNetwork);
        } else {
            s_logger.debug("Private network already exists: " + privateNetwork);
            //Do not allow multiple private gateways with same Vlan within a VPC
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        Mockito.when(_itMgr.toNicTO(Mockito.any(NicProfile.class), Mockito.any(HypervisorType.class))).thenReturn(null);
        DataCenterVO dc = new DataCenterVO
                (1L, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, NetworkType.Advanced, null, null);
        NetworkOfferingVO networkOfferingVO = new NetworkOfferingVO();
        try {
            Mockito.when(_itMgr.expunge(Mockito.any(DomainRouterVO.class), Mockito.any(User.class), Mockito.any(Account.class))).thenReturn(true);
        } catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
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    protected ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO allocateLoadBalancerForNetwork(Network guestConfig) throws InsufficientCapacityException {
        boolean retry = true;
        boolean tryLbProvisioning = false;
        ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbDevice = null;
        long physicalNetworkId = guestConfig.getPhysicalNetworkId();
        NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(guestConfig.getNetworkOfferingId());
        String provider = _ntwkSrvcProviderDao.getProviderForServiceInNetwork(guestConfig.getId(), Service.Lb);

        while (retry) {
            GlobalLock deviceMapLock = GlobalLock.getInternLock("LoadBalancerAllocLock");
            Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
            try {
                if (deviceMapLock.lock(120)) {
                    try {
                        boolean dedicatedLB = offering.getDedicatedLB(); // does network offering supports a dedicated
// load balancer?
                        long lbDeviceId;

                        try {
                            // FIXME: should the device allocation be done during network implement phase or do a
                            // lazy allocation when first rule for the network is configured??

                            // find a load balancer device for this network as per the network offering
                            lbDevice = findSuitableLoadBalancerForNetwork(guestConfig, dedicatedLB);
                            lbDeviceId = lbDevice.getId();

                            // persist the load balancer device id that will be used for this network. Once a network
                            // is implemented on a LB device then later on all rules will be programmed on to same
// device
                            NetworkExternalLoadBalancerVO networkLB = new NetworkExternalLoadBalancerVO(guestConfig.getId(), lbDeviceId);

                            // mark device to be either dedicated or shared use
                            lbDevice.setAllocationState(dedicatedLB ? LBDeviceAllocationState.Dedicated : LBDeviceAllocationState.Shared);
                            _externalLoadBalancerDeviceDao.update(lbDeviceId, lbDevice);


                            // allocated load balancer for the network, so skip retry
                            tryLbProvisioning = false;
                            retry = false;
                        } catch (InsufficientCapacityException exception) {
                            // if already attempted to provision load balancer then throw out of capacity exception,
                            if (tryLbProvisioning) {
                                retry = false;
                                // TODO: throwing warning instead of error for now as its possible another provider can
// service this network
                                s_logger.warn("There are no load balancer device with the capacity for implementing this network");
                                throw exception;
                            } else {
                                tryLbProvisioning = true; // if possible provision a LB appliance in to the physical
// network
                    } finally {
                        if (lbDevice == null) {
            } finally {

            // there are no LB devices or there is no free capacity on the devices in the physical network so provision
// a new LB appliance
            if (tryLbProvisioning) {
                // check if LB appliance can be dynamically provisioned
                List<ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO> providerLbDevices = _externalLoadBalancerDeviceDao.listByProviderAndDeviceAllocationState(physicalNetworkId, provider, LBDeviceAllocationState.Provider);
                if ((providerLbDevices != null) && (!providerLbDevices.isEmpty())) {
                    for (ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbProviderDevice : providerLbDevices) {
                        if (lbProviderDevice.getState() == LBDeviceState.Enabled) {
                            // acquire a private IP from the data center which will be used as management IP of
// provisioned LB appliance,
                            DataCenterIpAddressVO dcPrivateIp = _dcDao.allocatePrivateIpAddress(guestConfig.getDataCenterId(), lbProviderDevice.getUuid());
                            if (dcPrivateIp == null) {
                                throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException("failed to acquire a priavate IP in the zone " + guestConfig.getDataCenterId() +
                                        " needed for management IP of the load balancer appliance", DataCenter.class, guestConfig.getDataCenterId());
                            Pod pod = _podDao.findById(dcPrivateIp.getPodId());
                            String lbIP = dcPrivateIp.getIpAddress();
                            String netmask = NetUtils.getCidrNetmask(pod.getCidrSize());
                            String gateway = pod.getGateway();

                            // send CreateLoadBalancerApplianceCommand to the host capable of provisioning
                            CreateLoadBalancerApplianceCommand lbProvisionCmd = new CreateLoadBalancerApplianceCommand(lbIP, netmask, gateway);
                            CreateLoadBalancerApplianceAnswer createLbAnswer = null;
                            try {
                                createLbAnswer = (CreateLoadBalancerApplianceAnswer) _agentMgr.easySend(lbProviderDevice.getHostId(), lbProvisionCmd);
                                if (createLbAnswer == null || !createLbAnswer.getResult()) {
                                    s_logger.error("Could not provision load balancer instance on the load balancer device " + lbProviderDevice.getId());
                            } catch (Exception agentException) {
                                s_logger.error("Could not provision load balancer instance on the load balancer device " + lbProviderDevice.getId() + " due to " + agentException.getMessage());

                            String username = createLbAnswer.getUsername();
                            String password = createLbAnswer.getPassword();
                            String publicIf = createLbAnswer.getPublicInterface();
                            String privateIf = createLbAnswer.getPrivateInterface();

                            // we have provisioned load balancer so add the appliance as cloudstack provisioned external
// load balancer
                            String dedicatedLb = offering.getDedicatedLB() ? "true" : "false";
                            String capacity = Long.toString(lbProviderDevice.getCapacity());

                            // acquire a public IP to associate with lb appliance (used as subnet IP to make the
// appliance part of private network)
                            PublicIp publicIp = _networkMgr.assignPublicIpAddress(guestConfig.getDataCenterId(), null, _accountMgr.getSystemAccount(), VlanType.VirtualNetwork, null, null, false);
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        if (networkId == null) {
            networkId = userIp.getAssociatedWithNetworkId();
        NetworkVO network = _networksDao.findById(networkId);
        NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId());
        if (offering.getGuestType() != GuestType.Isolated) {
            return true;
        IPAddressVO ipVO = _ipAddressDao.findById(userIp.getId());
        PublicIp publicIp = PublicIp.createFromAddrAndVlan(ipVO, _vlanDao.findById(userIp.getVlanId()));
        if (!canIpUsedForService(publicIp, service, networkId)) {
            return false;
        if (!offering.isConserveMode()) {
            return canIpUsedForNonConserveService(publicIp, service);
        return true;
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    public List<NetworkOfferingVO> getSystemAccountNetworkOfferings(String... offeringNames) {
        List<NetworkOfferingVO> offerings = new ArrayList<NetworkOfferingVO>(offeringNames.length);
        for (String offeringName : offeringNames) {
            NetworkOfferingVO network = _systemNetworks.get(offeringName);
            if (network == null) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find system network profile for " + offeringName);
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    public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException {
        _configs = _configDao.getConfiguration("Network", params);
        _allowSubdomainNetworkAccess = Boolean.valueOf(_configs.get(Config.SubDomainNetworkAccess.key()));
        _executeInSequenceNtwkElmtCmd = Boolean.valueOf(_configs.get(Config.ExecuteInSequenceNetworkElementCommands.key()));

        NetworkOfferingVO publicNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemPublicNetwork, TrafficType.Public, true);
        publicNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(publicNetworkOffering);
        _systemNetworks.put(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemPublicNetwork, publicNetworkOffering);
        NetworkOfferingVO managementNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemManagementNetwork, TrafficType.Management, false);
        managementNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(managementNetworkOffering);
        _systemNetworks.put(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemManagementNetwork, managementNetworkOffering);
        NetworkOfferingVO controlNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemControlNetwork, TrafficType.Control, false);
        controlNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(controlNetworkOffering);
        _systemNetworks.put(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemControlNetwork, controlNetworkOffering);
        NetworkOfferingVO storageNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemStorageNetwork, TrafficType.Storage, true);
        storageNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(storageNetworkOffering);
        _systemNetworks.put(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemStorageNetwork, storageNetworkOffering);
        NetworkOfferingVO privateGatewayNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemPrivateGatewayNetworkOffering,
        privateGatewayNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(privateGatewayNetworkOffering);
        _systemNetworks.put(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemPrivateGatewayNetworkOffering, privateGatewayNetworkOffering);
        _privateOfferingId = privateGatewayNetworkOffering.getId();
        IpAddressSearch = _ipAddressDao.createSearchBuilder();
        IpAddressSearch.and("accountId", IpAddressSearch.entity().getAllocatedToAccountId(), Op.EQ);
        IpAddressSearch.and("dataCenterId", IpAddressSearch.entity().getDataCenterId(), Op.EQ);
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        return null;
    public boolean isNetworkInlineMode(Network network) {
        NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId());
        return offering.isInline();
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    public boolean getNetworkEgressDefaultPolicy (Long networkId) {
        NetworkVO network = _networksDao.findById(networkId);

        if (network != null) {
            NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId());
            return offering.getEgressDefaultPolicy();
        } else {
            InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("network with network id does not exist");
            throw ex;
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        if (!canHandle(network, null)) {
            return false;

        NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId());
        if (offering.isSystemOnly()) {
            return false;
        if (!_networkMgr.isProviderEnabledInPhysicalNetwork(_networkMgr.getPhysicalNetworkId(network), getProvider().getName())) {
            return false;

        VirtualMachineProfile uservm = vm;
        List<DomainRouterVO> routers = _routerMgr.deployVirtualRouterInGuestNetwork(network, dest,
                uservm.getParameters(), offering.getRedundantRouter());
        if ((routers == null) || (routers.size() == 0)) {
            throw new ResourceUnavailableException("Can't find at least one running router!",
                    DataCenter.class, network.getDataCenterId());
        return true;
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