
Examples of

            s_logger.debug("Run command on domR " + cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP) + ", /root/ ");

        Pair<Boolean, String> result;
        try {
            VmwareManager mgr = getServiceContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);
            String controlIp = getRouterSshControlIp(cmd);
            result = SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null,
                    "/root/ ");

            if (!result.first()) {
                s_logger.error("BumpUpPriority command on domR " + cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP) + " failed, message: " + result.second());
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        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("Run vm_data command on domain router " + cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP) + ", data: " + content);

        try {
            VmwareManager mgr = getServiceContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);
            SshHelper.scpTo(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "/tmp", content.getBytes(), tmpFileName, null);

            try {
                Pair<Boolean, String> result = SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null,
                        "/root/ " + tmpFileName);

                if (!result.first()) {
                    s_logger.error("vm_data command on domain router " + controlIp + " failed. messge: " + result.second());
                    return new Answer(cmd, false, "VmDataCommand failed due to " + result.second());
            } finally {

                SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "rm /tmp/" + tmpFileName);

            if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "vm_data command on domain router " + controlIp + " completed");
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        String vmName = vmSpec.getName();
        State state = State.Stopped;
        VmwareContext context = getServiceContext();
        try {
            VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);

            // mark VM as starting state so that sync() can know not to report stopped too early
            synchronized (_vms) {
                _vms.put(vmName, State.Starting);

            VirtualEthernetCardType nicDeviceType = VirtualEthernetCardType.valueOf(vmSpec.getDetails().get(VmDetailConstants.NIC_ADAPTER));
              s_logger.debug("VM " + vmName + " will be started with NIC device type: " + nicDeviceType);
            VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context);
            VolumeTO[] disks = validateDisks(vmSpec.getDisks());
            assert (disks.length > 0);
            NicTO[] nics = vmSpec.getNics();

            HashMap<String, Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO>> dataStoresDetails = inferDatastoreDetailsFromDiskInfo(hyperHost, context, disks);
            if ((dataStoresDetails == null) || (dataStoresDetails.isEmpty()) ){
                String msg = "Unable to locate datastore details of the volumes to be attached";
                throw new Exception(msg);

            VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmName);
            if (vmMo != null) {
      "VM " + vmName + " already exists, tear down devices for reconfiguration");
                if (getVmState(vmMo) != State.Stopped)
                vmMo.tearDownDevices(new Class<?>[] { VirtualDisk.class, VirtualEthernetCard.class });
            } else {
                ManagedObjectReference morDc = hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter();
                assert (morDc != null);

                vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnPeerHyperHost(vmName);
                if (vmMo != null) {
                    if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
              "Found vm " + vmName + " at other host, relocate to " + hyperHost.getHyperHostName());

                    takeVmFromOtherHyperHost(hyperHost, vmName);

                    if (getVmState(vmMo) != State.Stopped)
                    vmMo.tearDownDevices(new Class<?>[] { VirtualDisk.class, VirtualEthernetCard.class });
                } else {
                    int ramMb = (int) (vmSpec.getMinRam() / (1024 * 1024));
                    Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO> rootDiskDataStoreDetails = null;
                    for (VolumeTO vol : disks) {
                        if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) {
                          rootDiskDataStoreDetails = dataStoresDetails.get(vol.getPoolUuid());

                    assert (vmSpec.getSpeed() != null) && (rootDiskDataStoreDetails != null);
                    if (!hyperHost.createBlankVm(vmName, vmSpec.getCpus(), vmSpec.getSpeed().intValue(),
                        getReserveCpuMHz(vmSpec.getSpeed().intValue()), vmSpec.getLimitCpuUse(), ramMb, getReserveMemMB(ramMb),
                      translateGuestOsIdentifier(vmSpec.getArch(), vmSpec.getOs()).toString(), rootDiskDataStoreDetails.first(), false)) {
                        throw new Exception("Failed to create VM. vmName: " + vmName);

                vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmName);
                if (vmMo == null) {
                    throw new Exception("Failed to find the newly create or relocated VM. vmName: " + vmName);

            int totalChangeDevices = disks.length + nics.length;
            VolumeTO volIso = null;
            if (vmSpec.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
                // system VM needs a patch ISO
            } else {
                for (VolumeTO vol : disks) {
                    if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ISO) {
                        volIso = vol;

                if (volIso == null)

            VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
            int ramMb = (int) (vmSpec.getMinRam() / (1024 * 1024));
            VmwareHelper.setBasicVmConfig(vmConfigSpec, vmSpec.getCpus(), vmSpec.getSpeed().intValue(),
              getReserveCpuMHz(vmSpec.getSpeed().intValue()), ramMb, getReserveMemMB(ramMb),
            translateGuestOsIdentifier(vmSpec.getArch(), vmSpec.getOs()).toString(), vmSpec.getLimitCpuUse());
            VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] deviceConfigSpecArray = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[totalChangeDevices];
            int i = 0;
            int ideControllerKey = vmMo.getIDEDeviceControllerKey();
            int scsiControllerKey = vmMo.getScsiDeviceControllerKey();
            int controllerKey;
            String datastoreDiskPath;

            // prepare systemvm patch ISO
            if (vmSpec.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
                // attach ISO (for patching of system VM)
                String secStoreUrl = mgr.getSecondaryStorageStoreUrl(Long.parseLong(_dcId));
                if(secStoreUrl == null) {
                    String msg = "secondary storage for dc " + _dcId + " is not ready yet?";
                    throw new Exception(msg);
                ManagedObjectReference morSecDs = prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnHost(secStoreUrl);
                if (morSecDs == null) {
                    String msg = "Failed to prepare secondary storage on host, secondary store url: " + secStoreUrl;
                    throw new Exception(msg);
                DatastoreMO secDsMo = new DatastoreMO(hyperHost.getContext(), morSecDs);

                deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                Pair<VirtualDevice, Boolean> isoInfo = VmwareHelper.prepareIsoDevice(vmMo, String.format("[%s] systemvm/%s", secDsMo.getName(), mgr.getSystemVMIsoFileNameOnDatastore()),
                  secDsMo.getMor(), true, true, i, i + 1);
                if (isoInfo.second()) {
                    s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at new device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
                } else {
                    s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
            } else {
                // we will always plugin a CDROM device
                if (volIso != null && volIso.getPath() != null && !volIso.getPath().isEmpty()) {
                    Pair<String, ManagedObjectReference> isoDatastoreInfo = getIsoDatastoreInfo(hyperHost, volIso.getPath());
                    assert (isoDatastoreInfo != null);
                    assert (isoDatastoreInfo.second() != null);

                    deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                    Pair<VirtualDevice, Boolean> isoInfo = VmwareHelper.prepareIsoDevice(vmMo, isoDatastoreInfo.first(), isoDatastoreInfo.second(), true, true, i, i + 1);
                    if (isoInfo.second()) {
                        s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at new device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
                    } else {
                        s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
                } else {
                    deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                    Pair<VirtualDevice, Boolean> isoInfo = VmwareHelper.prepareIsoDevice(vmMo, null, null, true, true, i, i + 1);
                    if (isoInfo.second()) {
                        s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
                    } else {
                        s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));

            for (VolumeTO vol : sortVolumesByDeviceId(disks)) {
                deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();

                if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ISO) {
                    controllerKey = ideControllerKey;
                } else {
                    if(vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) {
                      if(vmSpec.getDetails() != null && vmSpec.getDetails().get(VmDetailConstants.ROOK_DISK_CONTROLLER) != null)
                          controllerKey = scsiControllerKey;
                          controllerKey = ideControllerKey;
                      } else {
                        controllerKey = scsiControllerKey;
                    } else {
                        // DATA volume always use SCSI device
                        controllerKey = scsiControllerKey;

                if (vol.getType() != Volume.Type.ISO) {
                    Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO> volumeDsDetails = dataStoresDetails.get(vol.getPoolUuid());
                    assert (volumeDsDetails != null);
                  VirtualDevice device;
                    datastoreDiskPath = String.format("[%s] %s.vmdk", volumeDsDetails.second().getName(), vol.getPath());
                    String chainInfo = vol.getChainInfo();

                    if (chainInfo != null && !chainInfo.isEmpty()) {
                        String[] diskChain = _gson.fromJson(chainInfo, String[].class);
                        if (diskChain == null || diskChain.length < 1) {
                            s_logger.warn("Empty previously-saved chain info, fall back to the original");
                            device = VmwareHelper.prepareDiskDevice(vmMo, controllerKey, new String[] { datastoreDiskPath }, volumeDsDetails.first(), i, i + 1);
                        } else {
                  "Attach the disk with stored chain info: " + chainInfo);
                            for (int j = 0; j < diskChain.length; j++) {
                                diskChain[j] = String.format("[%s] %s", volumeDsDetails.second().getName(), diskChain[j]);

                            device = VmwareHelper.prepareDiskDevice(vmMo, controllerKey, diskChain, volumeDsDetails.first(), i, i + 1);
                    } else {
                        device = VmwareHelper.prepareDiskDevice(vmMo, controllerKey, new String[] { datastoreDiskPath }, volumeDsDetails.first(), i, i + 1);

                    s_logger.debug("Prepare volume at new device " + _gson.toJson(device));

            VirtualDevice nic;
            int nicMask = 0;
            int nicCount = 0;
            for (NicTO nicTo : sortNicsByDeviceId(nics)) {
      "Prepare NIC device based on NicTO: " + _gson.toJson(nicTo));

                Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String> networkInfo = prepareNetworkFromNicInfo(vmMo.getRunningHost(), nicTo);
                if (mgr.getNexusVSwitchGlobalParameter()) {
                    String dvSwitchUuid;
                    ManagedObjectReference dcMor = hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter();
                    DatacenterMO dataCenterMo = new DatacenterMO(context, dcMor);
                    ManagedObjectReference dvsMor = dataCenterMo.getDvSwitchMor(networkInfo.first());
                    dvSwitchUuid = dataCenterMo.getDvSwitchUuid(dvsMor);
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        } else {
            argsBuf.append(" -d ").append(" -s ").append(cmd.getVpnServerIp());

        try {
            VmwareManager mgr = getServiceContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);

            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Executing /opt/cloud/bin/ ");

            Pair<Boolean, String> result = SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "/opt/cloud/bin/ " + argsBuf.toString());

            if (!result.first()) {
                s_logger.error("RemoteAccessVpnCfg command on domR failed, message: " + result.second());

                return new Answer(cmd, false, "RemoteAccessVpnCfg command failed due to " + result.second());
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        return new Answer(cmd);

    protected synchronized Answer execute(final VpnUsersCfgCommand cmd) {
        VmwareManager mgr = getServiceContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);

        String controlIp = getRouterSshControlIp(cmd);
        for (VpnUsersCfgCommand.UsernamePassword userpwd : cmd.getUserpwds()) {
            StringBuffer argsBuf = new StringBuffer();
            if (!userpwd.isAdd()) {
                argsBuf.append(" -U ").append(userpwd.getUsername());
            } else {
                argsBuf.append(" -u ").append(userpwd.getUsernamePassword());

            try {

                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    s_logger.debug("Executing /opt/cloud/bin/ ");

                Pair<Boolean, String> result = SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "/opt/cloud/bin/ " + argsBuf.toString());

                if (!result.first()) {
                    s_logger.error("VpnUserCfg command on domR failed, message: " + result.second());

                    return new Answer(cmd, false, "VpnUserCfg command failed due to " + result.second());
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        final String vmName = vm.getName();
        try {
            VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext());
            VmwareManager mgr = hyperHost.getContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);

            // find VM through datacenter (VM is not at the target host yet)
            VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnPeerHyperHost(vmName);
            if (vmMo == null) {
                String msg = "VM " + vmName + " does not exist in VMware datacenter";
                throw new Exception(msg);

            NicTO[] nics = vm.getNics();
            for (NicTO nic : nics) {
                // prepare network on the host
                prepareNetworkFromNicInfo(new HostMO(getServiceContext(), _morHyperHost), nic);

            String secStoreUrl = mgr.getSecondaryStorageStoreUrl(Long.parseLong(_dcId));
            if(secStoreUrl == null) {
                String msg = "secondary storage for dc " + _dcId + " is not ready yet?";
                throw new Exception(msg);
            ManagedObjectReference morSecDs = prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnHost(secStoreUrl);
            if (morSecDs == null) {
                String msg = "Failed to prepare secondary storage on host, secondary store url: " + secStoreUrl;
                throw new Exception(msg);
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    private VmwareHypervisorHost getTargetHyperHost(DatacenterMO dcMo, String destIp) throws Exception {
        VmwareManager mgr = dcMo.getContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);
        ObjectContent[] ocs = dcMo.getHostPropertiesOnDatacenterHostFolder(new String[] { "name", "parent" });
        if (ocs != null && ocs.length > 0) {
            for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) {
                HostMO hostMo = new HostMO(dcMo.getContext(), oc.getObj());
                VmwareHypervisorHostNetworkSummary netSummary = hostMo.getHyperHostNetworkSummary(mgr.getManagementPortGroupByHost(hostMo));
                if (destIp.equalsIgnoreCase(netSummary.getHostIp())) {
                    return new HostMO(dcMo.getContext(), oc.getObj());
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  "Executing resource BackupSnapshotCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd));

        try {
            VmwareContext context = getServiceContext();
            VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);

            return mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            if (e instanceof RemoteException) {
                s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context");
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        boolean success = false;
        String newVolumeName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        try {
            VmwareContext context = getServiceContext();
            VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);
            return mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            if (e instanceof RemoteException) {
                s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context");
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  "Executing resource CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd));

        try {
            VmwareContext context = getServiceContext();
            VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);

            return mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd);

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            if (e instanceof RemoteException) {
                s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context");
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