
Examples of

                            DataCenterIpAddressVO dcPrivateIp = _dcDao.allocatePrivateIpAddress(guestConfig.getDataCenterId(), lbProviderDevice.getUuid());
                            if (dcPrivateIp == null) {
                                throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException("failed to acquire a priavate IP in the zone " + guestConfig.getDataCenterId() +
                                        " needed for management IP of the load balancer appliance", DataCenter.class, guestConfig.getDataCenterId());
                            Pod pod = _podDao.findById(dcPrivateIp.getPodId());
                            String lbIP = dcPrivateIp.getIpAddress();
                            String netmask = NetUtils.getCidrNetmask(pod.getCidrSize());
                            String gateway = pod.getGateway();

                            // send CreateLoadBalancerApplianceCommand to the host capable of provisioning
                            CreateLoadBalancerApplianceCommand lbProvisionCmd = new CreateLoadBalancerApplianceCommand(lbIP, netmask, gateway);
                            CreateLoadBalancerApplianceAnswer createLbAnswer = null;
                            try {
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            DeployDestination dest, long guestNetworkId) {
        long dcId = dest.getDataCenter().getId();
        List<DomainRouterVO> routers = null;
        DeploymentPlan plan = new DataCenterDeployment(dcId);
        if (isPodBased) {
            Pod pod = dest.getPod();
            Long podId = null;
            if (pod != null) {
                podId = pod.getId();
            } else {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Pod id is expected in deployment destination");
            routers = _routerDao.listByNetworkAndPodAndRole(guestNetworkId, podId, Role.VIRTUAL_ROUTER);
            plan = new DataCenterDeployment(dcId, podId, null, null, null, null);
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                List<Host> suitableHosts = new ArrayList<Host>();

                Pair<Host, Map<Volume, StoragePool>> potentialResources = findPotentialDeploymentResources(suitableHosts, suitableVolumeStoragePools);
                if(potentialResources != null){
                    Pod pod = _podDao.findById(host.getPodId());
                    Cluster cluster = _clusterDao.findById(host.getClusterId());
                    Map<Volume, StoragePool> storageVolMap = potentialResources.second();
                    // remove the reused vol<->pool from destination, since we don't have to prepare this volume.
                    for(Volume vol : readyAndReusedVolumes){
                    DeployDestination dest =  new DeployDestination(dc, pod, cluster, host, storageVolMap);
                    s_logger.debug("Returning Deployment Destination: "+ dest);
                    return dest;
            s_logger.debug("Cannnot deploy to specified host, returning.");
            return null;

        if (vm.getLastHostId() != null && haVmTag == null) {
            s_logger.debug("This VM has last host_id specified, trying to choose the same host: " +vm.getLastHostId());

            HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(vm.getLastHostId());
            if(host == null){
                s_logger.debug("The last host of this VM cannot be found");
            }else if(avoid.shouldAvoid(host)){
                s_logger.debug("The last host of this VM is in avoid set");
            }else if(_capacityMgr.checkIfHostReachMaxGuestLimit(host)){
                s_logger.debug("The last Host, hostId: "+ host.getId() +" already has max Running VMs(count includes system VMs), skipping this and trying other available hosts");
                if (host.getStatus() == Status.Up && host.getResourceState() == ResourceState.Enabled) {
                    if(_capacityMgr.checkIfHostHasCapacity(host.getId(), cpu_requested, ram_requested, true, cpuOverprovisioningFactor, true)){
                        s_logger.debug("The last host of this VM is UP and has enough capacity");
                        s_logger.debug("Now checking for suitable pools under zone: "+host.getDataCenterId() +", pod: "+ host.getPodId()+", cluster: "+ host.getClusterId());
                        //search for storage under the zone, pod, cluster of the last host.
                        DataCenterDeployment lastPlan = new DataCenterDeployment(host.getDataCenterId(), host.getPodId(), host.getClusterId(), host.getId(), plan.getPoolId(), null);
                        Pair<Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>>, List<Volume>> result = findSuitablePoolsForVolumes(vmProfile, lastPlan, avoid, HostAllocator.RETURN_UPTO_ALL);
                        Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>> suitableVolumeStoragePools = result.first();
                        List<Volume> readyAndReusedVolumes = result.second();
                        //choose the potential pool for this VM for this host
                            List<Host> suitableHosts = new ArrayList<Host>();

                            Pair<Host, Map<Volume, StoragePool>> potentialResources = findPotentialDeploymentResources(suitableHosts, suitableVolumeStoragePools);
                            if(potentialResources != null){
                                Pod pod = _podDao.findById(host.getPodId());
                                Cluster cluster = _clusterDao.findById(host.getClusterId());
                                Map<Volume, StoragePool> storageVolMap = potentialResources.second();
                                // remove the reused vol<->pool from destination, since we don't have to prepare this volume.
                                for(Volume vol : readyAndReusedVolumes){
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            //find suitable hosts under this cluster, need as many hosts as we get.
            List<Host> suitableHosts = findSuitableHosts(vmProfile, potentialPlan, avoid, HostAllocator.RETURN_UPTO_ALL);
            //if found suitable hosts in this cluster, find suitable storage pools for each volume of the VM
            if(suitableHosts != null && !suitableHosts.isEmpty()){
                if (vmProfile.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.BareMetal) {
                    Pod pod = _podDao.findById(clusterVO.getPodId());
                    DeployDestination dest =  new DeployDestination(dc, pod, clusterVO, suitableHosts.get(0));
                    return dest;

                Pair<Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>>, List<Volume>> result = findSuitablePoolsForVolumes(vmProfile, potentialPlan, avoid, StoragePoolAllocator.RETURN_UPTO_ALL);
                Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>> suitableVolumeStoragePools = result.first();
                List<Volume> readyAndReusedVolumes = result.second();

                //choose the potential host and pool for the VM
                    Pair<Host, Map<Volume, StoragePool>> potentialResources = findPotentialDeploymentResources(suitableHosts, suitableVolumeStoragePools);

                    if(potentialResources != null){
                        Pod pod = _podDao.findById(clusterVO.getPodId());
                        Host host = _hostDao.findById(potentialResources.first().getId());
                        Map<Volume, StoragePool> storageVolMap = potentialResources.second();
                        // remove the reused vol<->pool from destination, since we don't have to prepare this volume.
                        for(Volume vol : readyAndReusedVolumes){
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        if(zone != null && Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled == zone.getAllocationState()){
  "Zone is currently disabled, cannot allocate to this zone: "+ zoneId);
            return false;

        Pod pod = _podDao.findById(podId);
        if(pod != null && Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled == pod.getAllocationState()){
  "Pod is currently disabled, cannot allocate to this pod: "+ podId);
            return false;

        Cluster cluster = _clusterDao.findById(clusterId);
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        String haVmTag = (String)vmProfile.getParameter(VirtualMachineProfile.Param.HaTag);
    if (vm.getLastHostId() != null && haVmTag == null) {
      HostVO h = _hostDao.findById(vm.getLastHostId());
      DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(h.getDataCenterId());
      Pod pod = _podDao.findById(h.getPodId());
      Cluster c =  _clusterDao.findById(h.getClusterId());
      s_logger.debug("Start baremetal vm " + vm.getId() + " on last stayed host " + h.getId());
      return new DeployDestination(dc, pod, c, h);
    if (haVmTag != null) {
        hostTag = haVmTag;
    } else if (offering.getHostTag() != null) {
      String[] tags = offering.getHostTag().split(",");
      if (tags.length > 0) {
        hostTag = tags[0];
    List<ClusterVO> clusters = _clusterDao.listByDcHyType(vm.getDataCenterId(), HypervisorType.BareMetal.toString());
    int cpu_requested;
    long ram_requested;
    HostVO target = null;
    List<HostVO> hosts;
    for (ClusterVO cluster : clusters) {
      hosts = _resourceMgr.listAllUpAndEnabledHosts(Host.Type.Routing, cluster.getId(), cluster.getPodId(), cluster.getDataCenterId());
      if (hostTag != null) {
        for (HostVO h : hosts) {
          if (h.getDetail("hostTag") != null && h.getDetail("hostTag").equalsIgnoreCase(hostTag)) {
            target = h;

    if (target == null) {
      s_logger.warn("Cannot find host with tag " + hostTag + " use capacity from service offering");
      cpu_requested = offering.getCpu() * offering.getSpeed();
      ram_requested = offering.getRamSize() * 1024L * 1024L;
    } else {
      cpu_requested = target.getCpus() * target.getSpeed().intValue();
      ram_requested = target.getTotalMemory();
    for (ClusterVO cluster : clusters) {
        if (haVmTag == null) {
            hosts = _resourceMgr.listAllUpAndEnabledNonHAHosts(Host.Type.Routing, cluster.getId(), cluster.getPodId(), cluster.getDataCenterId());
        } else {
            s_logger.warn("Cannot find HA host with tag " + haVmTag + " in cluster id=" + cluster.getId() + ", pod id=" + cluster.getPodId() + ", data center id=" + cluster.getDataCenterId());
            return null;
      for (HostVO h : hosts) {
                long cluster_id = h.getClusterId();
                ClusterDetailsVO cluster_detail_cpu =  _clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(cluster_id,"cpuOvercommitRatio") ;
                ClusterDetailsVO cluster_detail_ram =  _clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(cluster_id,"memoryOvercommitRatio");
                Float cpuOvercommitRatio = Float.parseFloat(cluster_detail_cpu.getValue());
                Float memoryOvercommitRatio = Float.parseFloat(cluster_detail_ram.getValue());

        if (_capacityMgr.checkIfHostHasCapacity(h.getId(), cpu_requested, ram_requested, false, cpuOvercommitRatio, memoryOvercommitRatio, true)) {
          s_logger.debug("Find host " + h.getId() + " has enough capacity");
          DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(h.getDataCenterId());
          Pod pod = _podDao.findById(h.getPodId());
          return new DeployDestination(dc, pod, cluster, h);

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    public DomainRouterVO deployLoadBalancerVM(Long networkId, IPAddressVO ipAddr, Long accountId) {
        NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findById(networkId);
        DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId());
        Long podId = getPodIdForDirectIp(ipAddr);
        Pod pod = podId == null?null:_podDao.findById(podId);
        Map<VirtualMachineProfile.Param, Object> params = new HashMap<VirtualMachineProfile.Param, Object>(
        params.put(VirtualMachineProfile.Param.ReProgramGuestNetworks, true);
        Account owner = _accountService.getActiveAccountByName("system", new Long(1));
        DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, pod, null, null);
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    public Provider getProvider() {
      return BaremetalPxeManager.BAREMETAL_PXE_SERVICE_PROVIDER;

    private boolean canHandle(DeployDestination dest, TrafficType trafficType, GuestType networkType) {
        Pod pod = dest.getPod();
        if (pod != null && dest.getDataCenter().getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic && trafficType == TrafficType.Guest) {
            QueryBuilder<BaremetalPxeVO> sc = QueryBuilder.create(BaremetalPxeVO.class);
            sc.and(sc.entity().getPodId(), Op.EQ, pod.getId());
            return sc.find() != null;
        return false;
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            DeployDestination dest, long guestNetworkId) {
        long dcId = dest.getDataCenter().getId();
        List<DomainRouterVO> routers = null;
        DeploymentPlan plan = new DataCenterDeployment(dcId);
        if (isPodBased) {
            Pod pod = dest.getPod();
            Long podId = null;
            if (pod != null) {
                podId = pod.getId();
            } else {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Pod id is expected in deployment destination");
            routers = _routerDao.listByNetworkAndPodAndRole(guestNetworkId, podId, Role.VIRTUAL_ROUTER);
            plan = new DataCenterDeployment(dcId, podId, null, null, null, null);
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            String routerAliasIp =null;
            DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(router.getDataCenterId());
            if (ipInVmsubnet == false) {
                try {
                    if (network.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Guest && network.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared) {
                        Pod pod = _podDao.findById(vm.getPodIdToDeployIn());
                        Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
                        List<VlanVO> vlanList = _vlanDao.listVlansByNetworkIdAndGateway(network.getId(), nic.getGateway());
                        List<Long>   vlanDbIdList = new ArrayList<Long>();
                        for (VlanVO vlan : vlanList) {
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