
Examples of

    @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_EXTRACT, eventDescription = "extracting volume", async = true)
    public Long extractVolume(ExtractVolumeCmd cmd) throws URISyntaxException {
        Long volumeId = cmd.getId();
        String url = cmd.getUrl();
        Long zoneId = cmd.getZoneId();
        AsyncJobVO job = null; // FIXME: cmd.getJob();
        String mode = cmd.getMode();
        Account account = UserContext.current().getCaller();

        if (!_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(account.getType()) && ApiDBUtils.isExtractionDisabled()) {
            throw new PermissionDeniedException("Extraction has been disabled by admin");

        VolumeVO volume = _volumeDao.findById(volumeId);
        if (volume == null) {
            InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find volume with specified volumeId");
            ex.addProxyObject(volume, volumeId, "volumeId");
            throw ex;

        // perform permission check
        _accountMgr.checkAccess(account, null, true, volume);

        if (_dcDao.findById(zoneId) == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please specify a valid zone.");
        if (volume.getPoolId() == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The volume doesnt belong to a storage pool so cant extract it");
        // Extract activity only for detached volumes or for volumes whose
        // instance is stopped
        if (volume.getInstanceId() != null && ApiDBUtils.findVMInstanceById(volume.getInstanceId()).getState() != State.Stopped) {
            s_logger.debug("Invalid state of the volume with ID: " + volumeId
                    + ". It should be either detached or the VM should be in stopped state.");
            PermissionDeniedException ex = new PermissionDeniedException(
                    "Invalid state of the volume with specified ID. It should be either detached or the VM should be in stopped state.");
            ex.addProxyObject(volume, volumeId, "volumeId");
            throw ex;

        if (volume.getVolumeType() != Volume.Type.DATADISK) { // Datadisk dont
            // have any
            // template
            // dependence.

            VMTemplateVO template = ApiDBUtils.findTemplateById(volume.getTemplateId());
            if (template != null) { // For ISO based volumes template = null and
                // we allow extraction of all ISO based
                // volumes
                boolean isExtractable = template.isExtractable() && template.getTemplateType() != Storage.TemplateType.SYSTEM;
                if (!isExtractable && account != null && account.getType() != Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN) { // Global
                    // admins are always allowed to extract
                    PermissionDeniedException ex = new PermissionDeniedException("The volume with specified volumeId is not allowed to be extracted");
                    ex.addProxyObject(volume, volumeId, "volumeId");
                    throw ex;

        Upload.Mode extractMode;
        if (mode == null || (!mode.equals(Upload.Mode.FTP_UPLOAD.toString()) && !mode.equals(Upload.Mode.HTTP_DOWNLOAD.toString()))) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please specify a valid extract Mode ");
        } else {
            extractMode = mode.equals(Upload.Mode.FTP_UPLOAD.toString()) ? Upload.Mode.FTP_UPLOAD : Upload.Mode.HTTP_DOWNLOAD;

        // If mode is upload perform extra checks on url and also see if there
        // is an ongoing upload on the same.
        if (extractMode == Upload.Mode.FTP_UPLOAD) {
            URI uri = new URI(url);
            if ((uri.getScheme() == null) || (!uri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("ftp"))) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported scheme for url: " + url);

            String host = uri.getHost();
            try {
                InetAddress hostAddr = InetAddress.getByName(host);
                if (hostAddr.isAnyLocalAddress() || hostAddr.isLinkLocalAddress() || hostAddr.isLoopbackAddress() || hostAddr.isMulticastAddress()) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal host specified in url");
                if (hostAddr instanceof Inet6Address) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("IPV6 addresses not supported (" + hostAddr.getHostAddress() + ")");
            } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to resolve " + host);

            if (_uploadMonitor.isTypeUploadInProgress(volumeId, Upload.Type.VOLUME)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(volume.getName()
                        + " upload is in progress. Please wait for some time to schedule another upload for the same");

        long accountId = volume.getAccountId();
        StoragePoolVO srcPool = _poolDao.findById(volume.getPoolId());
        HostVO sserver = _storageMgr.getSecondaryStorageHost(zoneId);
        String secondaryStorageURL = sserver.getStorageUrl();

        List<UploadVO> extractURLList = _uploadDao.listByTypeUploadStatus(volumeId, Upload.Type.VOLUME, UploadVO.Status.DOWNLOAD_URL_CREATED);

        if (extractMode == Upload.Mode.HTTP_DOWNLOAD && extractURLList.size() > 0) {
            return extractURLList.get(0).getId(); // If download url already
            // exists then return
        } else {
            UploadVO uploadJob = _uploadMonitor.createNewUploadEntry(sserver.getId(), volumeId, UploadVO.Status.COPY_IN_PROGRESS, Upload.Type.VOLUME,
                    url, extractMode);
            s_logger.debug("Extract Mode - " + uploadJob.getMode());
            uploadJob = _uploadDao.createForUpdate(uploadJob.getId());

            // Update the async Job

            ExtractResponse resultObj = new ExtractResponse(ApiDBUtils.findVolumeById(volumeId).getUuid(),
                    volume.getName(), ApiDBUtils.findAccountById(accountId).getUuid(), UploadVO.Status.COPY_IN_PROGRESS.toString(),
            AsyncJobExecutor asyncExecutor = BaseAsyncJobExecutor.getCurrentExecutor();
            if (asyncExecutor != null) {
                job = asyncExecutor.getJob();
                _asyncMgr.updateAsyncJobAttachment(job.getId(), Upload.Type.VOLUME.toString(), volumeId);
                _asyncMgr.updateAsyncJobStatus(job.getId(), AsyncJobResult.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, resultObj);
            String value = _configs.get(Config.CopyVolumeWait.toString());
            int copyvolumewait = NumbersUtil.parseInt(value, Integer.parseInt(Config.CopyVolumeWait.getDefaultValue()));
            // Copy the volume from the source storage pool to secondary storage
            CopyVolumeCommand cvCmd = new CopyVolumeCommand(volume.getId(), volume.getPath(), srcPool, secondaryStorageURL, true, copyvolumewait);
            CopyVolumeAnswer cvAnswer = null;
            try {
                cvAnswer = (CopyVolumeAnswer) _storageMgr.sendToPool(srcPool, cvCmd);
            } catch (StorageUnavailableException e) {
                s_logger.debug("Storage unavailable");

            // Check if you got a valid answer.
            if (cvAnswer == null || !cvAnswer.getResult()) {
                String errorString = "Failed to copy the volume from the source primary storage pool to secondary storage.";

                // Update the async job.
                if (asyncExecutor != null) {
                    _asyncMgr.completeAsyncJob(job.getId(), AsyncJobResult.STATUS_FAILED, 0, resultObj);

                // Update the DB that volume couldn't be copied
                uploadJob.setLastUpdated(new Date());
                _uploadDao.update(uploadJob.getId(), uploadJob);

                throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorString);

            String volumeLocalPath = "volumes/" + volume.getId() + "/" + cvAnswer.getVolumePath() + "." + getFormatForPool(srcPool);
            // Update the DB that volume is copied and volumePath
            uploadJob.setLastUpdated(new Date());
            _uploadDao.update(uploadJob.getId(), uploadJob);

            if (extractMode == Mode.FTP_UPLOAD) { // Now that the volume is
                // copied perform the actual
                // uploading
                _uploadMonitor.extractVolume(uploadJob, sserver, volume, url, zoneId, volumeLocalPath, cmd.getStartEventId(), job.getId(), _asyncMgr);
                return uploadJob.getId();
            } else { // Volume is copied now make it visible under apache and
                // create a URL.
                _uploadMonitor.createVolumeDownloadURL(volumeId, volumeLocalPath, Upload.Type.VOLUME, zoneId, uploadJob.getId());
                return uploadJob.getId();
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        AsyncJobExecutor asyncExecutor = BaseAsyncJobExecutor
        if (asyncExecutor != null) {
            AsyncJobVO job = asyncExecutor.getJob();

            if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "Trying to attaching volume " + volumeId
                        + " to vm instance:" + vm.getId()
                        + ", update async job-" + job.getId()
                        + " progress status");

            _asyncMgr.updateAsyncJobAttachment(job.getId(), "volume", volumeId);
                    BaseCmd.PROGRESS_INSTANCE_CREATED, volumeId);

        String errorMsg = "Failed to attach volume: " + volume.getName()
                + " to VM: " + vm.getHostName();
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        AsyncJobExecutor asyncExecutor = BaseAsyncJobExecutor
        if (asyncExecutor != null) {
            AsyncJobVO job = asyncExecutor.getJob();

            if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "Trying to attaching volume " + volumeId
                        + "to vm instance:" + vm.getId()
                        + ", update async job-" + job.getId()
                        + " progress status");

            _asyncMgr.updateAsyncJobAttachment(job.getId(), "volume", volumeId);
                    BaseCmd.PROGRESS_INSTANCE_CREATED, volumeId);

        String errorMsg = "Failed to detach volume: " + volume.getName()
                + " from VM: " + vm.getHostName();
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        SearchCriteria<SnapshotScheduleVO> sc = _snapshotScheduleDao.createSearchCriteria();
        sc.addAnd("asyncJobId", SearchCriteria.Op.NNULL);
        List<SnapshotScheduleVO> snapshotSchedules =, null);
        for (SnapshotScheduleVO snapshotSchedule : snapshotSchedules) {
            Long asyncJobId = snapshotSchedule.getAsyncJobId();
            AsyncJobVO asyncJob = _asyncJobDao.findById(asyncJobId);
            switch (asyncJob.getStatus()) {
            case AsyncJobResult.STATUS_SUCCEEDED:
                // The snapshot has been successfully backed up.
                // The snapshot state has also been cleaned up.
                // We can schedule the next job for this snapshot.
                // Remove the existing entry in the snapshot_schedule table.
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                CreateSnapshotCmd cmd = new CreateSnapshotCmd();
                ApiDispatcher.getInstance().dispatchCreateCmd(cmd, params);
                params.put("id", ""+cmd.getEntityId());
                params.put("ctxStartEventId", "1");

                AsyncJobVO job = new AsyncJobVO(User.UID_SYSTEM, volume.getAccountId(), CreateSnapshotCmd.class.getName(),
                        ApiGsonHelper.getBuilder().create().toJson(params), cmd.getEntityId(),

                long jobId = _asyncMgr.submitAsyncJob(job);
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