Examples of CertificateVO

Examples of com.drighetto.essai.bouncycastle.certificate.CertificateVO


      /* Generate a root and a normal certificate for this sample */
      CertificateGenerator certificateGenerator = new CertificateGenerator();
      RootCertificateVO rootCertificateInfo = certificateGenerator.createRootCertificate();
      CertificateVO certificateContainer = certificateGenerator.createNormalizeCertificate2(rootCertificateInfo);

       * Create a keystore of type "JKS" using the "SUN" security provider
       * because BouncyCastle do not support this type of keystore and
       * then store the normal certificate private key into it
      System.out.printf("Create the keystore to the temporary file '%s'\n", keystoreTemporaryStorageFile.getAbsolutePath());
      // --Initialize the keystore in order to set the keystore access
      // password
      KeyStore keyStoreForWrite = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS", Security.getProvider("SUN"));
      keyStoreForWrite.load(null, KEYSTORE_ACCESS_PASSWORD.toCharArray());
      // --Create a certificates array representing the normal certificate
      // identification/validation chain
      Certificate[] validationChain = { rootCertificateInfo.getRootCertificate(), certificateContainer.getCertificate() };
      // --Save the normal certificate private key in the keystore
      System.out.printf("Save the normal certificate private key below into it :\n%s\n", certificateContainer.getCertificatePrivateKey());
      keyStoreForWrite.setKeyEntry(NORMAL_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATEKEY_IDENTIFICATION_ALIAS, certificateContainer.getCertificatePrivateKey(), NORMAL_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATEKEY_ACCESS_PASSWORD.toCharArray(), validationChain);
      // --Save the keystore to a temporary file used for this sample
      keyStoreForWrite.store(keystoreTemporaryStorageFileOS, KEYSTORE_ACCESS_PASSWORD.toCharArray());
      System.out.printf("WriteMode -> Keystore security provider : %s - Keystore instance : %s\n\n", keyStoreForWrite.getProvider().getName(), keyStoreForWrite);

      /* Reread the normal certificate private key from the keystore file */
      System.out.printf("Read the keystore from the temporary file '%s'\n", keystoreTemporaryStorageFile.getAbsolutePath());
      // --Load the keystore from the temporary file
      KeyStore keyStoreForRead = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS", Security.getProvider("SUN"));
      keyStoreForRead.load(keystoreTemporaryStorageFileIS, KEYSTORE_ACCESS_PASSWORD.toCharArray());
      // --Get the private key using is alias and is key access
      // password
      // --Display it
      System.out.printf("Normal certificate private key readed from the keystore :\n'%s'\n\n", pk);
      System.out.printf("ReadMode -> Keystore security provider : %s - Keystore instance : %s\n", keyStoreForRead.getProvider().getName(), keyStoreForRead);
      System.out.printf("Private key writed and readed are equals ? : %s\n", certificateContainer.getCertificatePrivateKey().equals(pk));
    } catch (Exception exp) {
    } finally {
      // Release I/O stream
      if (keystoreTemporaryStorageFileOS != null) {
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