Examples of CasStateEntry

Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.LocalCache.CasStateEntry

      // Initially make both equal
      String inputCasReferenceId = casReferenceId;
      // Destination where Free Cas Notification will be sent if the CAS came from a Cas Multiplier
      Endpoint freeCasEndpoint = null;

      CasStateEntry inputCasStateEntry = null;

      // CASes generated by a Cas Multiplier will have a CasSequence property set.
      if (aMessageContext.propertyExists(AsynchAEMessage.CasSequence)) {
        // Fetch the name of the Cas Multiplier's input queue
        // String cmEndpointName = aMessageContext.getEndpoint().getEndpoint();
        String cmEndpointName = aMessageContext
        newCASProducedBy = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())
        // Fetch an ID of the parent CAS
        inputCasReferenceId = aMessageContext
        // Fetch Cache entry for the parent CAS
        CacheEntry inputCasCacheEntry = getController().getInProcessCache().getCacheEntryForCAS(
        // Fetch an endpoint where Free CAS Notification must be sent.
        // This endpoint is unique per CM instance. Meaning, each
        // instance of CM will have an endpoint where it expects Free CAS
        // notifications.
        freeCasEndpoint = aMessageContext.getEndpoint();
        // Clone an endpoint where Free Cas Request will be sent
        freeCasEndpoint = (Endpoint) ((Endpoint_impl) freeCasEndpoint).clone();

        if (getController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController) {
          inputCasStateEntry = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())

          // Associate Free Cas Notification Endpoint with an input Cas

        computeStats(aMessageContext, inputCasReferenceId);
        // Reset the destination
        // This CAS came in from a CAS Multiplier. Treat it differently than the
        // input CAS. In case the Aggregate needs to send this CAS to the
        // client, retrieve the client destination by looking up the client endpoint
        // using input CAS reference id. CASes generated by the CAS multiplier will have
        // the same Cas Reference id.
        Endpoint replyToEndpoint = inputCasCacheEntry.getMessageOrigin();
        // The message context contains a Cas Multiplier endpoint. Since
        // we dont want to send a generated CAS back to the CM, override
        // with an endpoint provided by the client of
        // this service. Client endpoint is attached to an input Cas cache entry.

        // Before sending a CAS to Cas Multiplier, the aggregate has
        // saved the CM key in the CAS cache entry. Fetch the key
        // of the CM so that we can ask the right Shadow Cas Pool for
        // a new CAS. Every Shadow Cas Pool has a unique id which
        // corresponds to a Cas Multiplier key.
        // newCASProducedBy = inputCasCacheEntry.getCasMultiplierKey();
        if (getController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController) {
          Endpoint casMultiplierEndpoint = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())
                  .lookUpEndpoint(newCASProducedBy, false);
          if (casMultiplierEndpoint != null) {
            // Save the URL of the broker managing the Free Cas Notification queue.
            // This is needed when we try to establish a connection to the broker.
      } else if (getController().isTopLevelComponent()) {
        if (getController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController) {
          ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController()).addMessageOrigin(casReferenceId,
        if (getController().isCasMultiplier()) {
          // Send an ack to the client. The ack message will include a FreeCasQueue
          // to enable the client to send messages to the service processing a CAS.
          try {
                    aMessageContext.getEndpoint(), casReferenceId);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
              UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.WARNING, getClass().getName(),
                      "handleProcessRequestFromRemoteClient", UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      "UIMAEE_exception__WARNING", new Object[] { e });
      // To prevent processing multiple messages with the same CasReferenceId, check the CAS cache
      // to see if the message with a given CasReferenceId is already being processed. It is, the
      // message contains the same request possibly issued by the caller due to timeout. Also this
      // mechanism helps with dealing with scenario when this service is not up when the client
      // sends
      // request. The client can keep re-sending the same request until its timeout thresholds are
      // exceeded. By that time, there may be multiple messages in this service queue with the same
      // CasReferenceId. When the service finally comes back up, it will have multiple messages in
      // its queue possibly from the same client. Only the first message for any given
      // CasReferenceId
      // should be processed.
      if (!getController().getInProcessCache().entryExists(casReferenceId)) {
        CasStateEntry cse = null;
        if (getController().getLocalCache().lookupEntry(casReferenceId) == null) {
          // Create a new entry in the local cache for the CAS received from the remote
          cse = getController().getLocalCache().createCasStateEntry(casReferenceId);
          // Check if this CAS is a child
          if (aMessageContext.propertyExists(AsynchAEMessage.CasSequence)) {
        } else {
          cse = getController().getLocalCache().lookupEntry(casReferenceId);

        if (getController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController
                && aMessageContext.propertyExists(AsynchAEMessage.CasSequence)) {
          String delegateInputQueueName = aMessageContext
          String delegateKey = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())
                  .lookUpDelegateKey(delegateInputQueueName); // aMessageContext.getEndpoint().getEndpoint());
          if (delegateKey != null) {
            Delegate delegate = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())
            // Save the last delegate handling this CAS
            // If there is one thread receiving messages from Cas Multiplier increment number of
            // child Cases
            // of the parent CAS. If there are more threads (consumers) a special object
            // ConcurrentMessageListener
            // has already incremented the count. This special object enforces order of processing
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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.LocalCache.CasStateEntry

    try {
      // This is only used when handling CASes produced by CAS Multiplier
      String inputCasReferenceId = null;
      CAS cas = null;
      CasStateEntry cse = null;
      String casReferenceId = getCasReferenceId(aMessageContext);
      if ((cse = getController().getLocalCache().lookupEntry(casReferenceId)) == null) {
        // Create a new entry in the local cache for the CAS received from the remote
        cse = getController().getLocalCache().createCasStateEntry(casReferenceId);

      // Check if this Cas has been sent from a Cas Multiplier. If so, its sequence will be > 0
      if (aMessageContext.propertyExists(AsynchAEMessage.CasSequence)) {
        isNewCAS = true;

        Endpoint casMultiplierEndpoint = aMessageContext.getEndpoint();

        if (casMultiplierEndpoint == null) {
          if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
            UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.INFO, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                    UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMAEE_no_endpoint_for_reply__INFO",
                    new Object[] { casReferenceId });
        // Get the id of the parent Cas
        inputCasReferenceId = aMessageContext
        if (cse.getInputCasReferenceId() == null) {

        if (getController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController) {
          CasStateEntry parentCasEntry = getController().getLocalCache().lookupEntry(
          // Check if the parent CAS is in a failed state first
          if (parentCasEntry != null && parentCasEntry.isFailed()) {
            // handle CAS release
            getController().process(null, casReferenceId);
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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.LocalCache.CasStateEntry

              + " Received <<<STOP>>> Request For CAS:" + casReferenceId);
      if (getController() instanceof PrimitiveAnalysisEngineController) {
      } else if (getController() instanceof AggregateAnalysisEngineController_impl) {
        try {
          CasStateEntry casStateEntry = getController().getLocalCache().lookupEntry(casReferenceId);
          // Mark the CAS as if it have failed. In this case we dont associate any
          // exceptions with this CAS so its really not a failure of a CAS or any
          // of its children. We simply use the same logic here as if the CAS failed.
          // The Aggregate replyToClient() method will know that this CAS was stopped
          // as opposed to failed by the fact that the CAS has no exceptions associated
          // with it. In such case the replyToClient() method returns an input CAS as if
          // it has been fully processed.
          ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController_impl) getController()).stopCasMultipliers();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        } // CAS may have already been deleted

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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.LocalCache.CasStateEntry

      // Fetch entry from the cache for a given Cas Id. The entry contains a CAS that will be used
      // during deserialization
      CacheEntry cacheEntry = getController().getInProcessCache().getCacheEntryForCAS(

      CasStateEntry casStateEntry = ((AggregateAnalysisEngineController) getController())
      if (casStateEntry != null) {
        // Set the key of the delegate that returned the CAS
      } else {
        return; // Cache Entry Not found

      cas = cacheEntry.getCas();
      int totalNumberOfParallelDelegatesProcessingCas = casStateEntry
      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.FINE, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                "handleProcessResponseFromRemote", UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                new Object[] { totalNumberOfParallelDelegatesProcessingCas });
      if (cas == null) {
        throw new AsynchAEException(Thread.currentThread().getName()
                + "-Cache Does not contain a CAS. Cas Reference Id::" + casReferenceId);
      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
        UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.FINEST, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                "handleProcessResponseFromRemote", UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                new Object[] { aMessageContext.getEndpoint().getEndpoint(), casReferenceId, xmi });
      long t1 = getController().getCpuTime();
      /* --------------------- */
      /* --------------------- */

      // check if the CAS is part of the Parallel Step
      if (totalNumberOfParallelDelegatesProcessingCas > 1) {
        // Synchronized because replies are merged into the same CAS.
        synchronized (cas) {
          if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.FINEST, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                    "handleProcessResponseFromRemote", UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                    new Object[] { casStateEntry.howManyDelegatesResponded(), casReferenceId });
          // If a delta CAS, merge it while checking that no pre-existing FSs are modified.
          if (aMessageContext.getMessageBooleanProperty(AsynchAEMessage.SentDeltaCas)) {
            int highWaterMark = cacheEntry.getHighWaterMark();
            deserialize(xmi, cas, casReferenceId, highWaterMark, AllowPreexistingFS.disallow);
          } else {
            // If not a delta CAS (old service), take all of first reply, and merge in the new
            // entries in the later replies. Ignoring pre-existing FS for 2.2.2 compatibility
            if (casStateEntry.howManyDelegatesResponded() == 0) {
              deserialize(xmi, cas, casReferenceId);
            } else { // process secondary reply from a parallel step
              int highWaterMark = cacheEntry.getHighWaterMark();
              deserialize(xmi, cas, casReferenceId, highWaterMark, AllowPreexistingFS.ignore);
      } else { // Processing a reply from a non-parallel delegate (binary or delta xmi or xmi)
        String serializationStrategy = endpointWithTimer.getSerializer();
        if (serializationStrategy.equals("binary")) {
          byte[] binaryData = aMessageContext.getByteMessage();
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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.LocalCache.CasStateEntry

        Thread t = new Thread(Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup().getParent(), recoveryThread);
      } else {
        try {
            CasStateEntry casStateEntry = getAnalysisEngineController().
            casStateEntry.setDeliveryToClientFailed();   // Mark the CAS, so that later we know that the delivery to client failed
            if ( anEndpoint != null ) {
          // Add the reply destination (temp queue) to a dead client map
                Object clientDestination = anEndpoint.getDestination();
              if ( clientDestination != null && clientDestination instanceof TemporaryQueue ) {
                if ( !getAnalysisEngineController().
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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.LocalCache.CasStateEntry


  private void sendCasToRemoteEndpoint(boolean isRequest, Object aSerializedCAS, CacheEntry entry,
          Endpoint anEndpoint, boolean startTimer) throws AsynchAEException,
          ServiceShutdownException {
    CasStateEntry casStateEntry = null;
    long msgSize = 0;
    try {
      if (aborting) {
      //  If this is a reply to a client, use the same broker URL that manages this service input queue.
      //  Otherwise this is a request so use a broker specified in the endpoint object.
      String brokerConnectionURL = (anEndpoint.isReplyEndpoint()) ? serverURI : anEndpoint.getServerURI();

      casStateEntry = getAnalysisEngineController().getLocalCache().lookupEntry(
      if (casStateEntry == null) {
                new Object[] { getAnalysisEngineController().getComponentName(),
                  anEndpoint.getDestination(), brokerConnectionURL,
                  entry.getInputCasReferenceId() == null ? "" : entry.getInputCasReferenceId(),
                          entry.getCasReferenceId(), 0,
                          new Exception("Unable to lookup entry in Local Cache for a given Cas Id")  });

      // Get the connection object for a given endpoint
      JmsEndpointConnection_impl endpointConnection = getEndpointConnection(anEndpoint);

      if (!endpointConnection.isOpen()) {
        if (!isRequest) {
      Message tm = null;
      try {
        if ( anEndpoint.getSerializer().equals("xmi")) {
          tm = endpointConnection.produceTextMessage((String)aSerializedCAS);
          if (aSerializedCAS != null) {
            msgSize = ((String)aSerializedCAS).length();
          tm.setIntProperty(AsynchAEMessage.Payload, AsynchAEMessage.XMIPayload);
        } else {
          // Create empty JMS Bytes Message
          tm = endpointConnection.produceByteMessage((byte[])aSerializedCAS);
          if (aSerializedCAS != null) {
            msgSize = ((byte[])aSerializedCAS).length;
          tm.setIntProperty(AsynchAEMessage.Payload, AsynchAEMessage.BinaryPayload);
      } catch (AsynchAEException ex) {
                  new Object[] { getAnalysisEngineController().getComponentName(),
                    anEndpoint.getDestination(), brokerConnectionURL, entry.getInputCasReferenceId() == null ? "" : entry.getInputCasReferenceId(), entry.getCasReferenceId(), 0, ex  });
      // Add Cas Reference Id to the outgoing JMS Header
      tm.setStringProperty(AsynchAEMessage.CasReference, entry.getCasReferenceId());
      // Add common properties to the JMS Header
      if (isRequest == true) {
        populateHeaderWithRequestContext(tm, anEndpoint, AsynchAEMessage.Process);
      } else {
        populateHeaderWithResponseContext(tm, anEndpoint, AsynchAEMessage.Process);  
        tm.setBooleanProperty(AsynchAEMessage.SentDeltaCas, entry.sentDeltaCas());
      // The following is true when the analytic is a CAS Multiplier
      if (casStateEntry.isSubordinate() && !isRequest) {
        // Override MessageType set in the populateHeaderWithContext above.
        // Make the reply message look like a request. This message will contain a new CAS
        // produced by the CAS Multiplier. The client will treat this CAS
        // differently from the input CAS.
        tm.setIntProperty(AsynchAEMessage.MessageType, AsynchAEMessage.Request);
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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.LocalCache.CasStateEntry

  private String getTopParentCasReferenceId(String casReferenceId) throws Exception {
    if (!getAnalysisEngineController().getLocalCache().containsKey(casReferenceId)) {
      return null;
    CasStateEntry casStateEntry = getAnalysisEngineController().getLocalCache().lookupEntry(

    if (casStateEntry.isSubordinate()) {
      // Recurse until the top CAS reference Id is found
      return getTopParentCasReferenceId(casStateEntry.getInputCasReferenceId());
    // Return the top ancestor CAS id
    return casStateEntry.getCasReferenceId();
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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.LocalCache.CasStateEntry

            UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.WARNING, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                    "disableDelegates", UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                    "UIMAEE_exception__WARNING", ex);
          if (aCasReferenceId != null) {
            CasStateEntry parentCasCacheEntry = getLocalCache().getTopCasAncestor(aCasReferenceId);
            if (parentCasCacheEntry != null && aDelegateList.size() > 0) {
              String delegateKey = (String) aDelegateList.get(0);
              if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
                  UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.INFO, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
                          "disableDelegates", UIMAEE_Constants.JMS_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                          new Object[] { getComponentName(), delegateKey, parentCasCacheEntry.getCasReferenceId() });
              super.terminate(ex, parentCasCacheEntry.getCasReferenceId());
            } else {
          } else {
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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.LocalCache.CasStateEntry

          // Check if the local cache already contains an entry for the Cas id.
          // A colocated Cas Multiplier may have already registered this CAS
          // in the parent's controller
          if (localCache.lookupEntry(aNewCasReferenceId) == null) {
            // Add this Cas Id to the local cache. Every input CAS goes through here
            CasStateEntry casStateEntry = localCache.createCasStateEntry(aNewCasReferenceId);

          // Save the subordinate Flow Object in a cache. Flow exists in the
          // cache until the CAS is fully processed or it is
          // explicitly deleted when processing of this CAS cannot continue
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Examples of org.apache.uima.aae.controller.LocalCache.CasStateEntry


  private void sendReplyWithShutdownException(String aCasReferenceId) {
    try {
      CasStateEntry casStateEntry = localCache.createCasStateEntry(aCasReferenceId);
      CacheEntry cacheEntry = getInProcessCache().getCacheEntryForCAS(aCasReferenceId);
      Endpoint replyEndpoint = getReplyEndpoint(cacheEntry, casStateEntry);
      if (replyEndpoint != null) {
        getOutputChannel().sendReply(new ServiceShutdownException(), aCasReferenceId, null,
                replyEndpoint, AsynchAEMessage.Process);
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