Examples of ArtifactMock

Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.testutils.ArtifactMock

        final MavenProject mainProject = createProject( "group", "main", "1", null );

        final String artifactVersion = "2-20070807.112233-1";
        final String artifactBaseVersion = "2-SNAPSHOT";
        final MavenProject artifactProject = createProject( "group", "artifact", artifactVersion, null );
        final ArtifactMock artifactMock =
            new ArtifactMock( mockManager, "group", "artifact", artifactVersion, "jar", true, artifactBaseVersion );

        artifactProject.setArtifact( artifactMock.getArtifact() );

        final MockControl sessionCtl = MockClassControl.createControl( MavenSession.class );
        mockManager.add( sessionCtl );

        final MavenSession session = (MavenSession) sessionCtl.getMock();
        sessionCtl.setReturnValue( null, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );

        sessionCtl.setReturnValue( new Properties(), MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );

        final MockControl csCtl = MockControl.createControl( AssemblerConfigurationSource.class );
        mockManager.add( csCtl );

        final AssemblerConfigurationSource cs = (AssemblerConfigurationSource) csCtl.getMock();
        csCtl.setReturnValue( session, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );


        final String result =
            AssemblyFormatUtils.evaluateFileNameMapping( "${artifact.artifactId}-${artifact.baseVersion}",
                                                         artifactMock.getArtifact(), mainProject, artifactProject, cs );

        assertEquals( "artifact-2-SNAPSHOT", result );

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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.testutils.ArtifactMock

    private void verifyEvalFileNameMapping( final String expression, final String classifier, final String extension,
                                            final MavenProject mainProject, final MavenProject moduleProject,
                                            final MavenProject artifactProject, final String checkValue )
        throws AssemblyFormattingException
        final ArtifactMock artifactMock =
            new ArtifactMock( mockManager, artifactProject.getGroupId(), artifactProject.getArtifactId(),
                              artifactProject.getVersion(), extension, classifier, false, null );

        final ArtifactMock moduleArtifactMock =
            new ArtifactMock( mockManager, moduleProject.getGroupId(), moduleProject.getArtifactId(),
                              moduleProject.getVersion(), "jar", false, null );

        final MockControl sessionCtl = MockClassControl.createControl( MavenSession.class );
        mockManager.add( sessionCtl );

        final MavenSession session = (MavenSession) sessionCtl.getMock();
        sessionCtl.setReturnValue( System.getProperties(), MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );

        sessionCtl.setReturnValue( new Properties(), MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );

        final MockControl csCtl = MockControl.createControl( AssemblerConfigurationSource.class );
        mockManager.add( csCtl );

        final AssemblerConfigurationSource cs = (AssemblerConfigurationSource) csCtl.getMock();
        csCtl.setReturnValue( session, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );


        final String result =
            AssemblyFormatUtils.evaluateFileNameMapping( expression, artifactMock.getArtifact(), mainProject,
                                                         moduleProject, moduleArtifactMock.getArtifact(),
                                                         artifactProject, cs );

        assertEquals( checkValue, result );

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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.testutils.ArtifactMock

        mainModel.setGroupId( mainGid );
        mainModel.setVersion( mainVer );

        final MavenProject mainProject = new MavenProject( mainModel );

        final ArtifactMock mainArtifactMock = new ArtifactMock( mockManager, mainGid, mainAid, mainVer, "jar", false );

        mainProject.setArtifact( mainArtifactMock.getArtifact() );

        final Model depModel = new Model();
        depModel.setArtifactId( depAid );
        depModel.setGroupId( depGid );
        depModel.setVersion( depVer );
        depModel.setPackaging( depExt );

        final MavenProject depProject = new MavenProject( depModel );

        final ArtifactMock depArtifactMock = new ArtifactMock( mockManager, depGid, depAid, depVer, depExt, false );

        final File newFile = depArtifactMock.setNewFile();

        depProject.setArtifact( depArtifactMock.getArtifact() );

        final MockAndControlForAddDependencySetsTask macTask =
            new MockAndControlForAddDependencySetsTask( mockManager, mainProject );

        macTask.expectBuildFromRepository( depProject );
        macTask.expectCSGetFinalName( mainAid + "-" + mainVer );

        macTask.expectCSGetRepositories( null, null );

        macTask.expectGetDestFile( new File( "junk" ) );
        macTask.expectAddFile( newFile, outDir + depAid + "-" + depVer + "." + depExt, 10 );

        macTask.expectGetSession( null );


        final Logger logger = new ConsoleLogger( Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, "test" );

        final AddDependencySetsTask task =
            new AddDependencySetsTask( Collections.singletonList( ds ),
                                       Collections.singleton( depArtifactMock.getArtifact() ), depProject,
                                       macTask.projectBuilder, macTask.archiverManager, logger );

        task.addDependencySet( ds, macTask.archiver, macTask.configSource );

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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.testutils.ArtifactMock

        final String version = "2.0-SNAPSHOT";
        final String type = "jar";

        final File file = new File( "dep-artifact.jar" );

        final ArtifactMock depMock = new ArtifactMock( mockManager, gid, aid, version, type, true );
        depMock.setBaseVersion( version );
        depMock.setFile( file );

        final File destFile = new File( "assembly-dep-set.zip" );

        macTask.expectGetDestFile( destFile );
        macTask.expectBuildFromRepository( pbe );
        macTask.expectCSGetRepositories( null, null );
        macTask.expectCSGetFinalName( "final-name" );
        macTask.expectAddFile( file, "out/" + aid + "-" + version + "." + type );

        macTask.expectGetSession( null );

        final DependencySet ds = new DependencySet();
        ds.setOutputDirectory( "/out" );


        final Logger logger = new ConsoleLogger( Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, "test" );

        final AddDependencySetsTask task =
            new AddDependencySetsTask( Collections.singletonList( ds ), Collections.singleton( depMock.getArtifact() ),
                                       project, macTask.projectBuilder, macTask.archiverManager, logger );

        task.addDependencySet( ds, macTask.archiver, macTask.configSource );

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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.testutils.ArtifactMock

        ds.setFileMode( Integer.toString( 10, 8 ) );

        final MockAndControlForAddDependencySetsTask macTask =
            new MockAndControlForAddDependencySetsTask( mockManager, new MavenProject( new Model() ) );

        final ArtifactMock artifactMock = new ArtifactMock( mockManager, "group", "artifact", "version", "jar", false );
        final File artifactFile = artifactMock.setNewFile();

        if ( unpack )
            macTask.expectAddArchivedFileSet( artifactFile, outputLocation + "/",
                                              AddArtifactTask.DEFAULT_INCLUDES_ARRAY, null );
            macTask.expectModeChange( -1, -1, 10, 10, 2 );
            macTask.expectAddFile( artifactFile, outputLocation + "/artifact", 10 );

        macTask.expectGetDestFile( new File( "junk" ) );
        macTask.expectCSGetFinalName( "final-name" );
        macTask.expectCSGetRepositories( null, null );

        macTask.expectGetSession( null );

        final MavenProject depProject = new MavenProject( new Model() );

        macTask.expectBuildFromRepository( depProject );

        final Logger logger = new ConsoleLogger( Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, "test" );

        final AddDependencySetsTask task =
            new AddDependencySetsTask( Collections.singletonList( ds ),
                                       Collections.singleton( artifactMock.getArtifact() ), project,
                                       macTask.projectBuilder, macTask.archiverManager, logger );


        task.addDependencySet( ds, macTask.archiver, macTask.configSource );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.testutils.ArtifactMock

        final MavenProject project = new MavenProject( new Model() );

        final MockAndControlForAddDependencySetsTask macTask = new MockAndControlForAddDependencySetsTask( mockManager );

        final ArtifactMock artifactMock = new ArtifactMock( mockManager, "group", "artifact", "version", "jar", false );

        project.setArtifacts( Collections.singleton( artifactMock.getArtifact() ) );

        final DependencySet dependencySet = new DependencySet();

        final Logger logger = new ConsoleLogger( Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, "test" );


        final AddDependencySetsTask task =
            new AddDependencySetsTask( Collections.singletonList( dependencySet ),
                                       Collections.singleton( artifactMock.getArtifact() ), project,
                                       macTask.projectBuilder, macTask.archiverManager, logger );

        final Set<Artifact> result = task.resolveDependencyArtifacts( dependencySet );

        assertNotNull( result );
        assertEquals( 1, result.size() );
        assertSame( artifactMock.getArtifact(), result.iterator()
                                                      .next() );

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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.testutils.ArtifactMock

        final MavenProject project = new MavenProject( new Model() );

        final Set<Artifact> artifacts = new HashSet<Artifact>();

        final ArtifactMock am = new ArtifactMock( mockManager, "group", "artifact", "1.0", "jar", false );
        am.setDependencyTrail( Collections.singletonList( project.getId() ) );
        artifacts.add( am.getArtifact() );

        final ArtifactMock am2 = new ArtifactMock( mockManager, "group2", "artifact2", "1.0", "jar", false );
        am2.setDependencyTrail( Collections.singletonList( project.getId() ) );
        artifacts.add( am2.getArtifact() );

        final DependencySet dependencySet = new DependencySet();

        dependencySet.addInclude( "group:artifact" );
        dependencySet.setUseTransitiveFiltering( true );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.testutils.ArtifactMock

        final MavenProject project = new MavenProject( new Model() );

        final Set<Artifact> artifacts = new HashSet<Artifact>();

        final ArtifactMock am = new ArtifactMock( mockManager, "group", "artifact", "1.0", "jar", false );
        artifacts.add( am.getArtifact() );

        final ArtifactMock am2 = new ArtifactMock( mockManager, "group2", "artifact2", "1.0", "jar", false );
        artifacts.add( am2.getArtifact() );

        final DependencySet dependencySet = new DependencySet();

        dependencySet.addInclude( "group:artifact" );
        dependencySet.setUseTransitiveFiltering( false );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.testutils.ArtifactMock

    public void testShouldAddArchiveFileWithoutUnpacking()
        throws ArchiveCreationException, AssemblyFormattingException, IOException
        String outputLocation = "artifact";

        ArtifactMock artifactMock = new ArtifactMock( mockManager, "group", "artifact", "version", "jar", false );
        File artifactFile = artifactMock.setNewFile();

        mac.expectGetDestFile( new File( "junk" ) );
        mac.expectAddFile( artifactFile, outputLocation );

        AddArtifactTask task = createTask( artifactMock.getArtifact() );

        task.execute( mac.archiver, mac.configSource );

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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.testutils.ArtifactMock

        String artifactId = "myArtifact";
        String version = "1";
        String ext = "jar";
        String outputDir = "tmp/";

        ArtifactMock mock = new ArtifactMock( mockManager, "group", artifactId, version, ext, false );

        File file = mock.setNewFile();
        mock.setExtension( ext );

        mac.expectGetDestFile( new File( "junk" ) );
        mac.expectAddFile( file, outputDir + artifactId + "-" + version + "." + ext );

        AddArtifactTask task = new AddArtifactTask( mock.getArtifact(), new ConsoleLogger( Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, "test" ) );
        task.setOutputDirectory( outputDir );
        task.setFileNameMapping( new DependencySet().getOutputFileNameMapping() );

        Model model = new Model();
        model.setArtifactId( artifactId );
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