Examples of AltChunkType

Examples of org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.WordprocessingML.AltChunkType

      AlternativeFormatInputPart afip
        =  (AlternativeFormatInputPart)clonedPart.getRelationshipsPart().getPart(
            altChunk.getId() );
      // Can we process it?
      AltChunkType type = afip.getAltChunkType();

      if (type.equals(AltChunkType.Xhtml) ) {
        XHTMLImporter xHTMLImporter= null;
          try {
            Class<?> xhtmlImporterClass = Class.forName("org.docx4j.convert.in.xhtml.XHTMLImporterImpl");
            Constructor<?> ctor = xhtmlImporterClass.getConstructor(WordprocessingMLPackage.class);
            xHTMLImporter = (XHTMLImporter) ctor.newInstance(clonePkg);
          } catch (Exception e) {
              log.error("docx4j-XHTMLImport jar not found. Please add this to your classpath.");
          log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
          return null;
              List<Object> results = null;
        try {
          results = xHTMLImporter.convert(toString(afip.getBuffer()), null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
          // Skip this one
        int index = locatedChunk.getIndex();
        locatedChunk.getContentList().remove(index); // handles case where it is nested eg in a tc
        locatedChunk.getContentList().addAll(index, results)
        log.info("Converted altChunk of type XHTML ");
      } else if (type.equals(AltChunkType.Mht) ) {
        log.warn("Skipping altChunk of type MHT ");
      } else if (type.equals(AltChunkType.Xml) ) {
        log.warn("Skipping altChunk of type XML "); // what does Word do??
      } else if (type.equals(AltChunkType.TextPlain) ) {
        String result= null;
        try {
          result = toString(afip.getBuffer());
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
          log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
          // Skip this one
        if (result!=null) {
          int index = locatedChunk.getIndex();
          locatedChunk.getContentList().remove(index); // handles case where it is nested eg in a tc
          org.docx4j.wml.ObjectFactory factory = Context.getWmlObjectFactory();
          org.docx4j.wml.P  para = factory.createP();
          locatedChunk.getContentList().add(index, para)
          org.docx4j.wml.R  run = factory.createR();

          org.docx4j.wml.Text  t = factory.createText();
          log.info("Converted altChunk of type text ");

      } else if (type.equals(AltChunkType.WordprocessingML)
           || type.equals(AltChunkType.OfficeWordMacroEnabled)
           || type.equals(AltChunkType.OfficeWordTemplate)
           ||type.equals(AltChunkType.OfficeWordMacroEnabledTemplate) ) {
        encounteredDocxAltChunk = true;
      } else if (type.equals(AltChunkType.Rtf) ) {
        log.warn("Skipping altChunk of type RTF ");
      } else if (type.equals(AltChunkType.Html) ) {
        log.warn("Skipping altChunk of type HTML ");
        // if there was a pretty printer on class path,
        // could use it via reflection?
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