Examples of AllocationDeciders

Examples of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider.AllocationDeciders

             * TODO: We could be smarter here and group the shards by index and then
             * use the sorter to save some iterations.
            final AllocationDeciders deciders = allocation.deciders();
            final Comparator<MutableShardRouting> comparator = new Comparator<MutableShardRouting>() {
                public int compare(MutableShardRouting o1,
                                   MutableShardRouting o2) {
                    if (o1.primary() ^ o2.primary()) {
                        return o1.primary() ? -1 : o2.primary() ? 1 : 0;
                    final int indexCmp;
                    if ((indexCmp = o1.index().compareTo(o2.index())) == 0) {
                        return o1.getId() - o2.getId();
                    return indexCmp;
             * we use 2 arrays and move replicas to the second array once we allocated an identical
             * replica in the current iteration to make sure all indices get allocated in the same manner.
             * The arrays are sorted by primaries first and then by index and shard ID so a 2 indices with 2 replica and 1 shard would look like:
             * [(0,P,IDX1), (0,P,IDX2), (0,R,IDX1), (0,R,IDX1), (0,R,IDX2), (0,R,IDX2)]
             * if we allocate for instance (0, R, IDX1) we move the second replica to the secondary array and proceed with
             * the next replica. If we could not find a node to allocate (0,R,IDX1) we move all it's replicas to ingoreUnassigned.
            MutableShardRouting[] primary = unassigned.drain();
            MutableShardRouting[] secondary = new MutableShardRouting[primary.length];
            int secondaryLength = 0;
            int primaryLength = primary.length;
            ArrayUtil.timSort(primary, comparator);
            final Set<ModelNode> throttledNodes = new IdentityHashSet<>();
            do {
                for (int i = 0; i < primaryLength; i++) {
                    MutableShardRouting shard = primary[i];
                    if (!shard.primary()) {
                        boolean drop = deciders.canAllocate(shard, allocation).type() == Type.NO;
                        if (drop) {
                            while(i < primaryLength-1 && comparator.compare(primary[i], primary[i+1]) == 0) {
                        } else {
                            while(i < primaryLength-1 && comparator.compare(primary[i], primary[i+1]) == 0) {
                                secondary[secondaryLength++] = primary[++i];
                    assert !shard.assignedToNode() : shard;
                    /* find an node with minimal weight we can allocate on*/
                    float minWeight = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    ModelNode minNode = null;
                    Decision decision = null;
                    if (throttledNodes.size() < nodes.size()) {
                        /* Don't iterate over an identity hashset here the
                         * iteration order is different for each run and makes testing hard */
                        for (ModelNode node : nodes.values()) {
                            if (throttledNodes.contains(node)) {
                             * The shard we add is removed below to simulate the
                             * addition for weight calculation we use Decision.ALWAYS to
                             * not violate the not null condition.
                            if (!node.containsShard(shard)) {
                                node.addShard(shard, Decision.ALWAYS);
                                float currentWeight = weight.weight(Operation.ALLOCATE, this, node, shard.index());
                                 * Remove the shard from the node again this is only a
                                 * simulation
                                Decision removed = node.removeShard(shard);
                                assert removed != null;
                                 * Unless the operation is not providing any gains we
                                 * don't check deciders
                                if (currentWeight <= minWeight) {
                                    Decision currentDecision = deciders.canAllocate(shard, routingNodes.node(node.getNodeId()), allocation);
                                    if (currentDecision.type() == Type.YES || currentDecision.type() == Type.THROTTLE) {
                                        if (currentWeight == minWeight) {
                                            /*  we have an equal weight tie breaking:
                                             *  1. if one decision is YES prefer it
                                             *  2. prefer the node that holds the primary for this index with the next id in the ring ie.
                                             *  for the 3 shards 2 replica case we try to build up:
                                             *    1 2 0
                                             *    2 0 1
                                             *    0 1 2
                                             *  such that if we need to tie-break we try to prefer the node holding a shard with the minimal id greater
                                             *  than the id of the shard we need to assign. This works find when new indices are created since
                                             *  primaries are added first and we only add one shard set a time in this algorithm.
                                            if (currentDecision.type() == decision.type()) {
                                                final int repId = shard.id();
                                                final int nodeHigh = node.highestPrimary(shard.index());
                                                final int minNodeHigh = minNode.highestPrimary(shard.index());
                                                if ((((nodeHigh > repId && minNodeHigh > repId) || (nodeHigh < repId && minNodeHigh < repId)) && (nodeHigh < minNodeHigh))
                                                        || (nodeHigh > minNodeHigh && nodeHigh > repId && minNodeHigh < repId)) {
                                                    minNode = node;
                                                    minWeight = currentWeight;
                                                    decision = currentDecision;
                                                } else {
                                                    break NOUPDATE;
                                            } else if (currentDecision.type() != Type.YES) {
                                                break NOUPDATE;
                                        minNode = node;
                                        minWeight = currentWeight;
                                        decision = currentDecision;
                    assert decision != null && minNode != null || decision == null && minNode == null;
                    if (minNode != null) {
                        minNode.addShard(shard, decision);
                        if (decision.type() == Type.YES) {
                            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                logger.trace("Assigned shard [{}] to [{}]", shard, minNode.getNodeId());
                            routingNodes.assign(shard, routingNodes.node(minNode.getNodeId()).nodeId());
                            changed = true;
                            continue; // don't add to ignoreUnassigned
                        } else {
                            final RoutingNode node = routingNodes.node(minNode.getNodeId());
                            if (deciders.canAllocate(node, allocation).type() != Type.YES) {
                                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                    logger.trace("Can not allocate on node [{}] remove from round decisin [{}]", node, decision.type());
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider.AllocationDeciders

                    logger.trace("Try relocating shard for index index [{}] from node [{}] to node [{}]", idx, maxNode.getNodeId(),
                final RoutingNode node = routingNodes.node(minNode.getNodeId());
                MutableShardRouting candidate = null;
                final AllocationDeciders deciders = allocation.deciders();
                /* make a copy since we modify this list in the loop */
                final ArrayList<MutableShardRouting> shards = new ArrayList<>(index.getAllShards());
                for (MutableShardRouting shard : shards) {
                    if (shard.started()) {
                        // skip initializing, unassigned and relocating shards we can't relocate them anyway
                        Decision allocationDecision = deciders.canAllocate(shard, node, allocation);
                        Decision rebalanceDecision = deciders.canRebalance(shard, allocation);
                        if (((allocationDecision.type() == Type.YES) || (allocationDecision.type() == Type.THROTTLE))
                                && ((rebalanceDecision.type() == Type.YES) || (rebalanceDecision.type() == Type.THROTTLE))) {
                            Decision srcDecision;
                            if ((srcDecision = maxNode.removeShard(shard)) != null) {
                                minNode.addShard(shard, srcDecision);
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider.AllocationDeciders

     * already allocated on a node and balances the cluster to gain optimal
     * balance.*/
    public void testRandomDecisions() {
        RandomAllocationDecider randomAllocationDecider = new RandomAllocationDecider(getRandom());
        AllocationService strategy = new AllocationService(settingsBuilder().build(), new AllocationDeciders(ImmutableSettings.EMPTY,
                new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(new SameShardAllocationDecider(ImmutableSettings.EMPTY),
                        randomAllocationDecider))), new ShardsAllocators(), ClusterInfoService.EMPTY);
        int indices = scaledRandomIntBetween(1, 20);
        Builder metaBuilder = MetaData.builder();
        int maxNumReplicas = 1;
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