
Source Code of

* Copyright 2010-2013, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.

import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import com.amazonaws.*;
import com.amazonaws.auth.*;
import com.amazonaws.handlers.HandlerChainFactory;
import com.amazonaws.handlers.RequestHandler;
import com.amazonaws.http.StaxResponseHandler;
import com.amazonaws.http.DefaultErrorResponseHandler;
import com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext;
import com.amazonaws.internal.StaticCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.transform.Unmarshaller;
import com.amazonaws.transform.StaxUnmarshallerContext;
import com.amazonaws.transform.StandardErrorUnmarshaller;


* Client for accessing AmazonSQS.  All service calls made
* using this client are blocking, and will not return until the service call
* completes.
* <p>
* Amazon Simple Queue Service <p>
* Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) offers a reliable, highly scalable, hosted queue for storing messages as they travel between computers. By
* using Amazon SQS, developers can simply move data between distributed components of their applications that perform different tasks, without losing
* messages or requiring each component to be always available. Amazon SQS makes it easy to build an automated workflow, working in close conjunction
* with the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and the other AWS infrastructure web services.
* </p>
* <p>
* Amazon SQS works by exposing Amazon's web-scale messaging infrastructure as a web service. Any computer on the Internet can add or read messages
* without any installed software or special firewall configurations. Components of applications using Amazon SQS can run independently, and do not need
* to be on the same network, developed with the same technologies, or running at the same time.
* </p>
* <p>
* Visit <a href=""> </a> for more information.
* </p>
public class AmazonSQSClient extends AmazonWebServiceClient implements AmazonSQS {

    /** Provider for AWS credentials. */
    private AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredentialsProvider;

     * List of exception unmarshallers for all AmazonSQS exceptions.
    protected final List<Unmarshaller<AmazonServiceException, Node>> exceptionUnmarshallers
            = new ArrayList<Unmarshaller<AmazonServiceException, Node>>();

    /** AWS signer for authenticating requests. */
    private AWS4Signer signer;

     * Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on
     * AmazonSQS.  A credentials provider chain will be used
     * that searches for credentials in this order:
     * <ul>
     <li> Environment Variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY </li>
     <li> Java System Properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey </li>
     <li> Instance profile credentials delivered through the Amazon EC2 metadata service </li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * All service calls made using this new client object are blocking, and will not
     * return until the service call completes.
     * @see DefaultAWSCredentialsProvider
    public AmazonSQSClient() {
        this(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(), new ClientConfiguration());

     * Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on
     * AmazonSQS.  A credentials provider chain will be used
     * that searches for credentials in this order:
     * <ul>
     <li> Environment Variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY </li>
     <li> Java System Properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey </li>
     <li> Instance profile credentials delivered through the Amazon EC2 metadata service </li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * All service calls made using this new client object are blocking, and will not
     * return until the service call completes.
     * @param clientConfiguration The client configuration options controlling how this
     *                       client connects to AmazonSQS
     *                       (ex: proxy settings, retry counts, etc.).
     * @see DefaultAWSCredentialsProvider
    public AmazonSQSClient(ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration) {
        this(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(), clientConfiguration);

     * Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on
     * AmazonSQS using the specified AWS account credentials.
     * <p>
     * All service calls made using this new client object are blocking, and will not
     * return until the service call completes.
     * @param awsCredentials The AWS credentials (access key ID and secret key) to use
     *                       when authenticating with AWS services.
    public AmazonSQSClient(AWSCredentials awsCredentials) {
        this(awsCredentials, new ClientConfiguration());

     * Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on
     * AmazonSQS using the specified AWS account credentials
     * and client configuration options.
     * <p>
     * All service calls made using this new client object are blocking, and will not
     * return until the service call completes.
     * @param awsCredentials The AWS credentials (access key ID and secret key) to use
     *                       when authenticating with AWS services.
     * @param clientConfiguration The client configuration options controlling how this
     *                       client connects to AmazonSQS
     *                       (ex: proxy settings, retry counts, etc.).
    public AmazonSQSClient(AWSCredentials awsCredentials, ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration) {
        this.awsCredentialsProvider = new StaticCredentialsProvider(awsCredentials);

     * Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on
     * AmazonSQS using the specified AWS account credentials provider.
     * <p>
     * All service calls made using this new client object are blocking, and will not
     * return until the service call completes.
     * @param awsCredentialsProvider
     *            The AWS credentials provider which will provide credentials
     *            to authenticate requests with AWS services.
    public AmazonSQSClient(AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredentialsProvider) {
        this(awsCredentialsProvider, new ClientConfiguration());

     * Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on
     * AmazonSQS using the specified AWS account credentials
     * provider and client configuration options.
     * <p>
     * All service calls made using this new client object are blocking, and will not
     * return until the service call completes.
     * @param awsCredentialsProvider
     *            The AWS credentials provider which will provide credentials
     *            to authenticate requests with AWS services.
     * @param clientConfiguration The client configuration options controlling how this
     *                       client connects to AmazonSQS
     *                       (ex: proxy settings, retry counts, etc.).
    public AmazonSQSClient(AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration) {
        this.awsCredentialsProvider = awsCredentialsProvider;

    private void init() {
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new QueueDeletedRecentlyExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new QueueNameExistsExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new EmptyBatchRequestExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new InvalidMessageContentsExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new InvalidBatchEntryIdExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new OverLimitExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new TooManyEntriesInBatchRequestExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new InvalidIdFormatExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new QueueDoesNotExistExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new InvalidAttributeNameExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new BatchRequestTooLongExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new ReceiptHandleIsInvalidExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new MessageNotInflightExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new BatchEntryIdsNotDistinctExceptionUnmarshaller());
        exceptionUnmarshallers.add(new StandardErrorUnmarshaller());

        signer = new AWS4Signer();

        HandlerChainFactory chainFactory = new HandlerChainFactory();

     * <p>
     * Sets the value of one or more queue attributes. Valid attributes that
     * can be set are [VisibilityTimeout, Policy, MaximumMessageSize,
     * MessageRetentionPeriod, ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds].
     * </p>
     * @param setQueueAttributesRequest Container for the necessary
     *           parameters to execute the SetQueueAttributes service method on
     *           AmazonSQS.
     * @throws InvalidAttributeNameException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public void setQueueAttributes(SetQueueAttributesRequest setQueueAttributesRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<SetQueueAttributesRequest> request = new SetQueueAttributesRequestMarshaller().marshall(setQueueAttributesRequest);
        invoke(request, null);
     * <p>
     * This is a batch version of ChangeMessageVisibility. It takes multiple
     * receipt handles and performs the operation on each of the them. The
     * result of the operation on each message is reported individually in
     * the response.
     * </p>
     * @param changeMessageVisibilityBatchRequest Container for the necessary
     *           parameters to execute the ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch service method
     *           on AmazonSQS.
     * @return The response from the ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch service
     *         method, as returned by AmazonSQS.
     * @throws BatchEntryIdsNotDistinctException
     * @throws TooManyEntriesInBatchRequestException
     * @throws InvalidBatchEntryIdException
     * @throws EmptyBatchRequestException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResult changeMessageVisibilityBatch(ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequest changeMessageVisibilityBatchRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequest> request = new ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequestMarshaller().marshall(changeMessageVisibilityBatchRequest);
        return invoke(request, new ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResultStaxUnmarshaller());
     * <p>
     * The <code>ChangeMessageVisibility</code> action changes the visibility
     * timeout of a specified message in a queue to a new value. The maximum
     * allowed timeout value you can set the value to is 12 hours. This means
     * you can't extend the timeout of a message in an existing queue to more
     * than a total visibility timeout of 12 hours. (For more information
     * visibility timeout, see <a
     * Visibility Timeout </a> in the Amazon SQS Developer Guide.)
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For example, let's say you have a message and its default message
     * visibility timeout is 30 minutes. You could call
     * <code>ChangeMessageVisiblity</code> with a value of two hours and the
     * effective timeout would be two hours and 30 minutes. When that time
     * comes near you could again extend the time out by calling
     * ChangeMessageVisiblity, but this time the maximum allowed timeout
     * would be 9 hours and 30 minutes.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <b>IMPORTANT:</b>If you attempt to set the VisibilityTimeout to an
     * amount more than the maximum time left, Amazon SQS returns an error.
     * It will not automatically recalculate and increase the timeout to the
     * maximum time remaining.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <b>IMPORTANT:</b>Unlike with a queue, when you change the visibility
     * timeout for a specific message, that timeout value is applied
     * immediately but is not saved in memory for that message. If you don't
     * delete a message after it is received, the visibility timeout for the
     * message the next time it is received reverts to the original timeout
     * value, not the value you set with the ChangeMessageVisibility action.
     * </p>
     * @param changeMessageVisibilityRequest Container for the necessary
     *           parameters to execute the ChangeMessageVisibility service method on
     *           AmazonSQS.
     * @throws ReceiptHandleIsInvalidException
     * @throws MessageNotInflightException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public void changeMessageVisibility(ChangeMessageVisibilityRequest changeMessageVisibilityRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<ChangeMessageVisibilityRequest> request = new ChangeMessageVisibilityRequestMarshaller().marshall(changeMessageVisibilityRequest);
        invoke(request, null);
     * <p>
     * The <code>GetQueueUrl</code> action returns the URL of an existing
     * queue.
     * </p>
     * @param getQueueUrlRequest Container for the necessary parameters to
     *           execute the GetQueueUrl service method on AmazonSQS.
     * @return The response from the GetQueueUrl service method, as returned
     *         by AmazonSQS.
     * @throws QueueDoesNotExistException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public GetQueueUrlResult getQueueUrl(GetQueueUrlRequest getQueueUrlRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<GetQueueUrlRequest> request = new GetQueueUrlRequestMarshaller().marshall(getQueueUrlRequest);
        return invoke(request, new GetQueueUrlResultStaxUnmarshaller());
     * <p>
     * The <code>RemovePermission</code> action revokes any permissions in
     * the queue policy that matches the specified <code>Label</code>
     * parameter. Only the owner of the queue can remove permissions.
     * </p>
     * @param removePermissionRequest Container for the necessary parameters
     *           to execute the RemovePermission service method on AmazonSQS.
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public void removePermission(RemovePermissionRequest removePermissionRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<RemovePermissionRequest> request = new RemovePermissionRequestMarshaller().marshall(removePermissionRequest);
        invoke(request, null);
     * <p>
     * Gets attributes for the specified queue. The following attributes are
     * supported:
     * <ul>
     * <li> <code>All</code> - returns all values.</li>
     * <li> <code>ApproximateNumberOfMessages</code> - returns the
     * approximate number of visible messages in a queue. For more
     * information, see Resources Required to Process Messages in the Amazon
     * SQS Developer Guide.</li>
     * <li> <code>ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible</code> - returns the
     * approximate number of messages that are not timed-out and not deleted.
     * For more information, see Resources Required to Process Messages in
     * the Amazon SQS Developer Guide.</li>
     * <li> <code>VisibilityTimeout</code> - returns the visibility timeout
     * for the queue. For more information about visibility timeout, see
     * Visibility Timeout in the Amazon SQS Developer Guide.</li>
     * <li> <code>CreatedTimestamp</code> - returns the time when the queue
     * was created (epoch time in seconds).</li>
     * <li> <code>LastModifiedTimestamp</code> - returns the time when the
     * queue was last changed (epoch time in seconds).</li>
     * <li> <code>Policy</code> - returns the queue's policy.</li>
     * <li> <code>MaximumMessageSize</code> - returns the limit of how many
     * bytes a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it.</li>
     * <li> <code>MessageRetentionPeriod</code> - returns the number of
     * seconds Amazon SQS retains a message.</li>
     * <li> <code>QueueArn</code> - returns the queue's Amazon resource name
     * (ARN).</li>
     * <li> <code>ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed</code> - returns the
     * approximate number of messages that are pending to be added to the
     * queue.</li>
     * <li> <code>DelaySeconds</code> - returns the default delay on the
     * queue in seconds.</li>
     * <li> <code>ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds</code> - returns the time
     * for which a ReceiveMessage call will wait for a message to
     * arrive.</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param getQueueAttributesRequest Container for the necessary
     *           parameters to execute the GetQueueAttributes service method on
     *           AmazonSQS.
     * @return The response from the GetQueueAttributes service method, as
     *         returned by AmazonSQS.
     * @throws InvalidAttributeNameException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public GetQueueAttributesResult getQueueAttributes(GetQueueAttributesRequest getQueueAttributesRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<GetQueueAttributesRequest> request = new GetQueueAttributesRequestMarshaller().marshall(getQueueAttributesRequest);
        return invoke(request, new GetQueueAttributesResultStaxUnmarshaller());
     * <p>
     * This is a batch version of SendMessage. It takes multiple messages and
     * adds each of them to the queue. The result of each add operation is
     * reported individually in the response.
     * </p>
     * @param sendMessageBatchRequest Container for the necessary parameters
     *           to execute the SendMessageBatch service method on AmazonSQS.
     * @return The response from the SendMessageBatch service method, as
     *         returned by AmazonSQS.
     * @throws BatchEntryIdsNotDistinctException
     * @throws TooManyEntriesInBatchRequestException
     * @throws BatchRequestTooLongException
     * @throws InvalidBatchEntryIdException
     * @throws EmptyBatchRequestException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public SendMessageBatchResult sendMessageBatch(SendMessageBatchRequest sendMessageBatchRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<SendMessageBatchRequest> request = new SendMessageBatchRequestMarshaller().marshall(sendMessageBatchRequest);
        return invoke(request, new SendMessageBatchResultStaxUnmarshaller());
     * <p>
     * This action unconditionally deletes the queue specified by the queue
     * URL. Use this operation WITH CARE! The queue is deleted even if it is
     * NOT empty.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Once a queue has been deleted, the queue name is unavailable for use
     * with new queues for 60 seconds.
     * </p>
     * @param deleteQueueRequest Container for the necessary parameters to
     *           execute the DeleteQueue service method on AmazonSQS.
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public void deleteQueue(DeleteQueueRequest deleteQueueRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<DeleteQueueRequest> request = new DeleteQueueRequestMarshaller().marshall(deleteQueueRequest);
        invoke(request, null);
     * <p>
     * The <code>SendMessage</code> action delivers a message to the
     * specified queue.
     * </p>
     * @param sendMessageRequest Container for the necessary parameters to
     *           execute the SendMessage service method on AmazonSQS.
     * @return The response from the SendMessage service method, as returned
     *         by AmazonSQS.
     * @throws InvalidMessageContentsException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public SendMessageResult sendMessage(SendMessageRequest sendMessageRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<SendMessageRequest> request = new SendMessageRequestMarshaller().marshall(sendMessageRequest);
        return invoke(request, new SendMessageResultStaxUnmarshaller());
     * <p>
     * Retrieves one or more messages from the specified queue, including the
     * message body and message ID of each message. Messages returned by this
     * action stay in the queue until you delete them. However, once a
     * message is returned to a <code>ReceiveMessage</code> request, it is
     * not returned on subsequent <code>ReceiveMessage</code> requests for
     * the duration of the <code>VisibilityTimeout</code> . If you do not
     * specify a <code>VisibilityTimeout</code> in the request, the overall
     * visibility timeout for the queue is used for the returned messages.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If a message is available in the queue, the call will return
     * immediately. Otherwise, it will wait up to
     * <code>WaitTimeSeconds</code> for a message to arrive. If you do not
     * specify <code>WaitTimeSeconds</code> in the request, the queue
     * attribute ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds is used to determine how long
     * to wait.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * You could ask for additional information about each message through
     * the attributes. Attributes that can be requested are <code>[SenderId,
     * ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp, ApproximateReceiveCount,
     * SentTimestamp]</code> .
     * </p>
     * @param receiveMessageRequest Container for the necessary parameters to
     *           execute the ReceiveMessage service method on AmazonSQS.
     * @return The response from the ReceiveMessage service method, as
     *         returned by AmazonSQS.
     * @throws OverLimitException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public ReceiveMessageResult receiveMessage(ReceiveMessageRequest receiveMessageRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<ReceiveMessageRequest> request = new ReceiveMessageRequestMarshaller().marshall(receiveMessageRequest);
        return invoke(request, new ReceiveMessageResultStaxUnmarshaller());
     * <p>
     * Returns a list of your queues.
     * </p>
     * @param listQueuesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to
     *           execute the ListQueues service method on AmazonSQS.
     * @return The response from the ListQueues service method, as returned
     *         by AmazonSQS.
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public ListQueuesResult listQueues(ListQueuesRequest listQueuesRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<ListQueuesRequest> request = new ListQueuesRequestMarshaller().marshall(listQueuesRequest);
        return invoke(request, new ListQueuesResultStaxUnmarshaller());
     * <p>
     * This is a batch version of DeleteMessage. It takes multiple receipt
     * handles and deletes each one of the messages. The result of the delete
     * operation on each message is reported individually in the response.
     * </p>
     * @param deleteMessageBatchRequest Container for the necessary
     *           parameters to execute the DeleteMessageBatch service method on
     *           AmazonSQS.
     * @return The response from the DeleteMessageBatch service method, as
     *         returned by AmazonSQS.
     * @throws BatchEntryIdsNotDistinctException
     * @throws TooManyEntriesInBatchRequestException
     * @throws InvalidBatchEntryIdException
     * @throws EmptyBatchRequestException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessageBatch(DeleteMessageBatchRequest deleteMessageBatchRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<DeleteMessageBatchRequest> request = new DeleteMessageBatchRequestMarshaller().marshall(deleteMessageBatchRequest);
        return invoke(request, new DeleteMessageBatchResultStaxUnmarshaller());
     * <p>
     * The <code>CreateQueue</code> action creates a new queue, or returns
     * the URL of an existing one. When you request <code>CreateQueue</code>
     * , you provide a name for the queue. To successfully create a new
     * queue, you must provide a name that is unique within the scope of your
     * own queues.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * You may pass one or more attributes in the request. If you do not
     * provide a value for any attribute, the queue will have the default
     * value for that attribute. Permitted attributes are the same that can
     * be set using SetQueueAttributes.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If you provide the name of an existing queue, a new queue isn't
     * created. If the values of attributes provided with the request match
     * up with those on the existing queue, the queue URL is returned.
     * Otherwise, a <code>QueueNameExists</code> error is returned.
     * </p>
     * @param createQueueRequest Container for the necessary parameters to
     *           execute the CreateQueue service method on AmazonSQS.
     * @return The response from the CreateQueue service method, as returned
     *         by AmazonSQS.
     * @throws QueueNameExistsException
     * @throws QueueDeletedRecentlyException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public CreateQueueResult createQueue(CreateQueueRequest createQueueRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<CreateQueueRequest> request = new CreateQueueRequestMarshaller().marshall(createQueueRequest);
        return invoke(request, new CreateQueueResultStaxUnmarshaller());
     * <p>
     * The AddPermission action adds a permission to a queue for a specific
     * <a
     * principal </a> . This allows for sharing access to the queue.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * When you create a queue, you have full control access rights for the
     * queue. Only you (as owner of the queue) can grant or deny permissions
     * to the queue. For more information about these permissions, see <a
     * om/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/?acp-overview.html">
     * Shared Queues </a> in the Amazon SQS Developer Guide.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <code>AddPermission</code> writes an SQS-generated policy. If you
     * want to write your own policy, use SetQueueAttributes to upload your
     * policy. For more information about writing your own policy, see <a
     * mpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/?AccessPolicyLanguage.html">
     * Appendix: The Access Policy Language </a> in the Amazon SQS Developer
     * Guide.
     * </p>
     * @param addPermissionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to
     *           execute the AddPermission service method on AmazonSQS.
     * @throws OverLimitException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public void addPermission(AddPermissionRequest addPermissionRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<AddPermissionRequest> request = new AddPermissionRequestMarshaller().marshall(addPermissionRequest);
        invoke(request, null);
     * <p>
     * The <code>DeleteMessage</code> action unconditionally removes the
     * specified message from the specified queue. Even if the message is
     * locked by another reader due to the visibility timeout setting, it is
     * still deleted from the queue.
     * </p>
     * @param deleteMessageRequest Container for the necessary parameters to
     *           execute the DeleteMessage service method on AmazonSQS.
     * @throws ReceiptHandleIsInvalidException
     * @throws InvalidIdFormatException
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public void deleteMessage(DeleteMessageRequest deleteMessageRequest)
            throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        Request<DeleteMessageRequest> request = new DeleteMessageRequestMarshaller().marshall(deleteMessageRequest);
        invoke(request, null);
     * <p>
     * Returns a list of your queues.
     * </p>
     * @return The response from the ListQueues service method, as returned
     *         by AmazonSQS.
     * @throws AmazonClientException
     *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client while
     *             attempting to make the request or handle the response.  For example
     *             if a network connection is not available.
     * @throws AmazonServiceException
     *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
     *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server side issue.
    public ListQueuesResult listQueues() throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
        return listQueues(new ListQueuesRequest());
     * Overrides the default endpoint for this client ("") and explicitly provides
     * an AWS region ID and AWS service name to use when the client calculates a signature
     * for requests.  In almost all cases, this region ID and service name
     * are automatically determined from the endpoint, and callers should use the simpler
     * one-argument form of setEndpoint instead of this method.
     * <p>
     * <b>This method is not threadsafe. Endpoints should be configured when the
     * client is created and before any service requests are made. Changing it
     * afterwards creates inevitable race conditions for any service requests in
     * transit.</b>
     * <p>
     * Callers can pass in just the endpoint (ex: "") or a full
     * URL, including the protocol (ex: ""). If the
     * protocol is not specified here, the default protocol from this client's
     * {@link ClientConfiguration} will be used, which by default is HTTPS.
     * <p>
     * For more information on using AWS regions with the AWS SDK for Java, and
     * a complete list of all available endpoints for all AWS services, see:
     * <a href="">
     * @param endpoint
     *            The endpoint (ex: "") or a full URL,
     *            including the protocol (ex: "") of
     *            the region specific AWS endpoint this client will communicate
     *            with.
     * @param serviceName
     *            The name of the AWS service to use when signing requests.
     * @param regionId
     *            The ID of the region in which this service resides.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             If any problems are detected with the specified endpoint.
    public void setEndpoint(String endpoint, String serviceName, String regionId) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    protected String getServiceAbbreviation() {
        return "sqs";

     * Returns additional metadata for a previously executed successful, request, typically used for
     * debugging issues where a service isn't acting as expected.  This data isn't considered part
     * of the result data returned by an operation, so it's available through this separate,
     * diagnostic interface.
     * <p>
     * Response metadata is only cached for a limited period of time, so if you need to access
     * this extra diagnostic information for an executed request, you should use this method
     * to retrieve it as soon as possible after executing the request.
     * @param request
     *            The originally executed request
     * @return The response metadata for the specified request, or null if none
     *         is available.
    public ResponseMetadata getCachedResponseMetadata(AmazonWebServiceRequest request) {
        return client.getResponseMetadataForRequest(request);

    private <X, Y extends AmazonWebServiceRequest> X invoke(Request<Y> request, Unmarshaller<X, StaxUnmarshallerContext> unmarshaller) {
        for (Entry<String, String> entry : request.getOriginalRequest().copyPrivateRequestParameters().entrySet()) {
            request.addParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

        AWSCredentials credentials = awsCredentialsProvider.getCredentials();
        AmazonWebServiceRequest originalRequest = request.getOriginalRequest();
        if (originalRequest != null && originalRequest.getRequestCredentials() != null) {
          credentials = originalRequest.getRequestCredentials();

        ExecutionContext executionContext = createExecutionContext();
        StaxResponseHandler<X> responseHandler = new StaxResponseHandler<X>(unmarshaller);
        DefaultErrorResponseHandler errorResponseHandler = new DefaultErrorResponseHandler(exceptionUnmarshallers);

        return (X)client.execute(request, responseHandler, errorResponseHandler, executionContext);

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