Package com.appsecinc.ant

Source Code of com.appsecinc.ant.WsitClientTask

* WSIT Build Tools (
* Copyright (c) 2011 Application Security, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
*     Application Security, Inc.
package com.appsecinc.ant;


import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import com.appsec.wsitbt.core.util.WSITBTUtil;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import com.appsec.wsitbt.core.wsit.Namespace;
import com.appsec.wsitbt.core.wsit.WsitDocument;
import com.appsec.wsitbt.core.holders.SecureConversation;

* <p>Creates WSIT client configuration files from a WSDL and policy information.</p>
* <p>
* The task takes the WSDL file specified strips any existing policy information from it
* and merges in the policy information provided. The task can take a policy file and
* merge it in or it can create a policy for specifying callback handlers automatically.
* </p>
* <p>
* If you specify a policy, the policy will be used. You must also specify a bindingpolicy
* to use. The bindingpolicy must be a policy id that exists in the policy document provided.
* </p>
* <p/>
* <p>
* If you only need to specify callback handlers, the task can automatically construct
* a policy for you. Simply provide any of the callback handler properties
* (samlhandler, passwordhandler, usernamehandler) and a policy will be automatically
* created and merged into the WSIT configuration file.
* </p>
* <p/>
* <p>
* The task will output two files, the first is the client configuration for the service
* that the WSDL defines. The second is the main WSIT client configuration file called
* wsit-client.xml. If a wsit-client.xml file already exists in the output folder, the
* file will be updated.
* </p>
* <p/>
* <p>
* To use this task, include a taskdef for the appsecinc-anttasks in your build.xml
* </p>
* <pre>
* <code>
* &lt;taskdef resource="com/appsecinc/ant/" classpath="appsecinc-anttasks.jar" /&gt;
* </code>
* </pre>
* <p>
* You can then use the task
* </p>
* <pre>
* <code>
* &lt;wsit-client
*     outputdir="src/META-INF"
*     wsdl="src/wsdl/MyService.wsdl"&gt;
*     &lt;callback
*         usernameHandler="com.appsec.UsernameHandler"
*         passwordHandler="com.appsec.PasswordHandler" /&gt;
*     &lt;keystore
*         aliasSelector="com.appsec.AliasSelector"
*         callbackHandler="com.appsec.KeystoreHandler" /&gt;
*     &lt;truststore ..../&gt;
*     &lt;certstore ..../&gt;
* &lt;/wsit-client&gt;
* </code>
* </pre>
* <p>
* This code will produce two files in <code>src/META-INF</code>: <code>MyService.xml</code>
* and <code>wsit-client.xml</code>. This configuration tells any MyService clients to
* use the specified Username Handler and Password Handler.
* </p>
* <p/>
* <p>
* The inner tags (callback, keystore, truststore, and certstore) each allow you to specify
* security configuration to support different security scenarios. Not all of the tags are required
* for every security scenario. For a good list of security
* scenarios, please see
* </p>
* @author jhite
public final class WsitClientTask extends Task
    private File wsdl;
    private File policy;
    private File outputdir;
    private String outputfile;
    private String bindingpolicy;
    private CallbackConfig callback;
    private KeyStoreConfig keystore;
    private TrustStoreConfig truststore;
    private CertStoreConfig certstore;
    private SecureConversation secureconversation;

    public void execute()
            //Validate properties.


            //If outputfile is not specified, set it to the name of the wsdl file with a .xml extension.
            if (outputfile == null)
                outputfile = wsdl.getName();
                outputfile = outputfile.substring(0, outputfile.lastIndexOf('.')) + ".xml";

            final File wsitOut = new File(outputdir.getAbsoluteFile(), outputfile);
            FileUtils.getFileUtils().copyFile(wsdl, wsitOut);

            WsitDocument wsitDoc = WsitDocument.parse(wsitOut, true);

            if (null != policy)
                log("Using policies from " + policy.getAbsolutePath(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
                Document defaultPolicy = createDefaultPolicyDocument();


            log("Creating " + wsitOut.getAbsolutePath());

            //Create a new wsit-client.xml or update it if it exists.
            final File clientOut = new File(outputdir.getAbsoluteFile(), "wsit-client.xml");

            final WsitDocument clientDoc;
            if (clientOut.exists())
                log("Updating WSIT client configuration " + clientOut.getAbsolutePath());
                clientDoc = WsitDocument.parse(clientOut);
                log("Creating WSIT client configuration " + clientOut.getAbsolutePath());
                clientDoc = WsitDocument.newDocument("mainclientconfig");

            clientDoc.importWsitDocument(wsitDoc, wsitOut.getName());
        catch (RuntimeException e)
            throw new BuildException(e);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new BuildException(e);

    private void checkProperties()
        if (null == outputdir)
            throw new BuildException("The required attribute outputdir must be set");
        if (null == wsdl)
            throw new BuildException("The required attribute wsdl must be set");
        if (!wsdl.exists())
            throw new BuildException("The file specified by wsdl attribute must exist");
        if (null == bindingpolicy && policy != null)
            this.log("A policy is provided but a bindingpolicy is not specified", Project.MSG_WARN);
        if (null != policy && null == callback && null == keystore && null == truststore && null == certstore)
            this.log("No WSIT Configuration has been specified", Project.MSG_WARN);

     * Constructs a wsp:Policy document using the task properties.
     * @return
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException
    private Document createDefaultPolicyDocument() throws ParserConfigurationException
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbfac = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder docBuilder = dbfac.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document wsitDoc = docBuilder.newDocument();

        if (null == bindingpolicy)
            bindingpolicy = "Client_BindingPolicy";

        Element def = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.WSDL, "definitions");

        Element policyElem = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.WSP, "wsp:Policy");
        policyElem.setAttributeNS(Namespace.WSU, "wsu:Id", bindingpolicy);

        Element exactlyOneElem = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.WSP, "wsp:ExactlyOne");

        Element allElem = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.WSP, "wsp:All");

        if (null != this.callback)
            configureCallbackHandlers(wsitDoc, allElem);

        if (null != this.keystore)
            configureKeyStore(wsitDoc, allElem);

        if (null != this.truststore)
            configureTrustStore(wsitDoc, allElem);

        if (null != this.certstore)
            configureCertStore(wsitDoc, allElem);

        if (null != this.secureconversation)
            configureSecureConversation(wsitDoc, allElem);


        return wsitDoc;

    private void configureKeyStore(Document wsitDoc, Element parent)
        Element ks = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.SC1, "sc1:KeyStore");
        ks.setAttributeNS(Namespace.WSPP, "wspp:visibility", "private");

        if (null != keystore.getAlias())
            ks.setAttribute("alias", keystore.getAlias());
        if (null != keystore.getAliasSelector())
            ks.setAttribute("aliasSelector", keystore.getAliasSelector());
        if (null != keystore.getCallbackHandler())
            ks.setAttribute("callbackHandler", keystore.getCallbackHandler());
        if (null != keystore.getKeypass())
            ks.setAttribute("keypass", keystore.getKeypass());
        if (null != keystore.getLocation())
            ks.setAttribute("location", keystore.getLocation());
        if (null != keystore.getStorepass())
            ks.setAttribute("storepass", keystore.getStorepass());
        if (null != keystore.getType())
            ks.setAttribute("type", keystore.getType());

    private void configureTrustStore(Document wsitDoc, Element parent)
        Element ts = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.SC1, "sc1:TrustStore");
        ts.setAttributeNS(Namespace.WSPP, "wspp:visibility", "private");

        if (null != truststore.getPeeralias())
            ts.setAttribute("peeralias", truststore.getPeeralias());
        if (null != truststore.getCertSelector())
            ts.setAttribute("certSelector", truststore.getCertSelector());
        if (null != truststore.getCallbackHandler())
            ts.setAttribute("callbackHandler", truststore.getCallbackHandler());
        if (null != truststore.getLocation())
            ts.setAttribute("location", truststore.getLocation());
        if (null != truststore.getStorepass())
            ts.setAttribute("storepass", truststore.getStorepass());
        if (null != truststore.getType())
            ts.setAttribute("type", truststore.getType());

    public void configureCertStore(Document wsitDoc, Element parent)
        Element cs = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.SC1, "sc1:CertStore");
        cs.setAttributeNS(Namespace.WSPP, "wspp:visibility", "private");

        if (null != certstore.getCallbackHandler())
            cs.setAttribute("callbackHandler", certstore.getCallbackHandler());
        if (null != certstore.getCertSelector())
            cs.setAttribute("certSelector", certstore.getCertSelector());

     * Add callback handler configuration
     * @param wsitDoc
     * @param parent
    private void configureCallbackHandlers(Document wsitDoc, Element parent)
        Element sc = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.SC1, "sc1:CallbackHandlerConfiguration");
        sc.setAttributeNS(Namespace.WSPP, "wspp:visibility", "private");

        if (null != callback.getSamlHandler())
            Element handler = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.SC1, "sc1:CallbackHandler");
            handler.setAttribute("classname", callback.getSamlHandler());
            handler.setAttribute("name", "samlHandler");
        if (null != callback.getUsernameHandler())
            Element handler = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.SC1, "sc1:CallbackHandler");
            handler.setAttribute("classname", callback.getUsernameHandler());
            handler.setAttribute("name", "usernameHandler");
        if (null != callback.getPasswordHandler())
            Element handler = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.SC1, "sc1:CallbackHandler");
            handler.setAttribute("classname", callback.getPasswordHandler());
            handler.setAttribute("name", "passwordHandler");
        if (null != callback.getJmacCallbackHandler())
            Element handler = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.SC1, "sc1:CallbackHandler");
            handler.setAttribute("classname", callback.getJmacCallbackHandler());
            handler.setAttribute("name", "jmacCallbackHandler");
        if (null != callback.getXwssCallbackHandler())
            Element handler = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.SC1, "sc1:CallbackHandler");
            handler.setAttribute("classname", callback.getXwssCallbackHandler());
            handler.setAttribute("name", "xwssCallbackHandler");

    private void configureSecureConversation(Document wsitDoc, Element parent)
        Element sc = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.SCC, "scc:SCClientConfiguration");
        sc.setAttributeNS(Namespace.WSPP, "wspp:visibility", "private");
        sc.setAttribute("renewExpiredSCT", String.valueOf(secureconversation.isRenewExpiredSCT()));

        Element lifetime = wsitDoc.createElementNS(Namespace.SCC, "scc:LifeTime");

     * Required - The WSDL to create client configuration for.
     * @param wsdl
    public void setWsdl(File wsdl)
        this.wsdl = wsdl;

     * Optional - A document containing a Policy definition to be
     * used in the client configuration.
     * @param policy
    public void setPolicy(File policy)
        this.policy = policy;

     * Required - The configuration files will be written to this directory.
     * @param output
    public void setOutputdir(File output)
        this.outputdir = output;

     * <p>Required if a policy is set - Specifies the id of the
     * desired policy.</p>
     * <p/>
     * <p>If the is specified and policy is not set, this will be
     * used as the id of the automatically generated policy.</p>
     * @param bindingpolicy
    public void setBindingpolicy(String bindingpolicy)
        this.bindingpolicy = bindingpolicy;

     * Optional - overrides the output file name.
     * @param output
    public void setOutputfile(String output)
        this.outputfile = output;

    public void addConfiguredCallback(CallbackConfig cb)
        this.callback = cb;

    public void addConfiguredKeystore(KeyStoreConfig ks)
        this.keystore = ks;

    public void addConfiguredTruststore(TrustStoreConfig ts)
        this.truststore = ts;

    public void addConfiguredCertstore(CertStoreConfig cs)
        this.certstore = cs;

    public void addConfiguredSecureConversation(SecureConversation sc)
        this.secureconversation = sc;

Related Classes of com.appsecinc.ant.WsitClientTask

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