Package com.dropbox.core

Source Code of com.dropbox.core.DbxEntry$WithChildrenC$Extractor

package com.dropbox.core;

import static com.dropbox.core.util.StringUtil.jq;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import com.dropbox.core.json.JsonArrayExtractor;
import com.dropbox.core.json.JsonDateExtractor;
import com.dropbox.core.json.JsonExtractionException;
import com.dropbox.core.json.JsonExtractor;
import com.dropbox.core.util.Collector;
import com.dropbox.core.util.DumpWriter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonLocation;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken;

* Holds the metadata for a Dropbox file system entry.  Can either be a regular file or a folder.
public abstract class DbxEntry extends DbxDataObject implements Serializable
    public static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

     * Just the last part of {@link #path}.  Derived automatically from {@link #path}.
     * @see DbxPath#getName
    public final String name;

     * The path to the file or folder, relative to your application's root.
     * The path always starts with a {@code "/"}.
     * <p>
     * For full-Dropbox apps, the path is relative to the root
     * of the user's Dropbox.  For App Folder apps, the path
     * is relative to your application's App Folder within the user's Dropbox.
     * </p>
    public final String path;

     * The name of the icon to use for this file.  The set of names returned by this call match up
     * with icons in a set of icons provided by Dropbox.  Read more about the <em>icon</em>
     * field in <a href="">
     * Dropbox's documentation for the {@code /metadata} HTTP endpoint</a>.
    public final String iconName;

     * Whether this file or folder might have a thumbnail image you can retrieve via
     * the [TODO: thumbnail call].
     * If this is {@code true}, there might be a thumbnail available.  If this is
     * {@code false}, there is definitely no thumbnail available.
    public final boolean mightHaveThumbnail;

     * @param path {@link #path}
     * @param iconName {@link #iconName}
     * @param mightHaveThumbnail {@link #mightHaveThumbnail}
    private DbxEntry(String path, String iconName, boolean mightHaveThumbnail)
    { = DbxPath.getName(path);
        this.path = path;
        this.iconName = iconName;
        this.mightHaveThumbnail = mightHaveThumbnail;

    protected void dumpFields(DumpWriter w)
        dump(w, path);

        dump(w, iconName);


     * Whether this metadata is for a folder, which can be cast to type
     * {@link Folder}.  (Every metadata object is either for a file or a folder.)
    public abstract boolean isFolder();

     * Whether this metadata is for a file, which can be cast to type
     * {@link File}.  (Every metadata object is either for a file or a folder.)
    public abstract boolean isFile();

     * If this metadata entry is a folder, return it as a {@code DbxEntry.Folder}
     * instance.  If it's not a folder, return {@code null}.
    public abstract Folder asFolder();

     * If this metadata entry is a file, return it as a {@code DbxEntry.File}
     * instance.  If it's not a file, return {@code null}.
    public abstract File asFile();

     * The subclass of {@link DbxEntry} used to represent folder metadata.  Folders
     * actually only have the same set of fields as {@link DbxEntry}.
    public static final class Folder extends DbxEntry
    public static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

         * @param path {@link #path}
         * @param iconName {@link #iconName}
         * @param mightHaveThumbnail {@link #mightHaveThumbnail}
        public Folder(String path, String iconName, boolean mightHaveThumbnail)
            super(path, iconName, mightHaveThumbnail);

        protected String getTypeName() { return "Folder"; }

         * A abbreviated version of {@link #toStringMultiline}.  Only includes the path.
        public String toString() { return "Folder(" + jq(path) + ")"; }

        public boolean isFolder() { return true; }
        public boolean isFile() { return false; }
        public Folder asFolder() { return this; }
        public File asFile() { return null; }

     * The subclass of {@link DbxEntry} used to represent file metadata (as opposed
     * to folder metadata).
    public static final class File extends DbxEntry
    public static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

         * The size, in bytes, of the file content.
        public final long numBytes;

         * A human-readable string version of the file size (ex: "13 kb").  This string will
         * be localized based on the {@link java.util.Locale Locale} in {@link DbxRequestConfig#userLocale}
         * (passed in to the {@link DbxClient} constructor).
        public final String humanSize;

         * The time the file was added, moved, or last had it's contents changed on the Dropbox
         * server.  (This probably won't match the time on the Dropbox user's filesystem.  For that
         * the {@link #clientMtime} is a better estimate.)
        public final Date lastModified;

         * The modification time sent up by the Dropbox desktop client when the file was added
         * or modified.  This time is based on the system clock of the particular host that the
         * client was running on, as opposed to the system clock of the Dropbox servers.
         * <p>
         * This field <em>should not</em> be used to determine if a file has changed, but only as
         * a way to sort files by date (when displaying a list of files to the user).
         * </p>
        public final Date clientMtime;

        public final String mimeType;

         * The revision of the file at this path.  This can be used with {@link DbxClient#uploadFile}
         * and the {@link DbxWriteMode#update} mode to make sure you're overwriting the revision of
         * the file you think you're overwriting.
        public final String revision;

         * @param path {@link #path}
         * @param iconName {@link #iconName}
         * @param mightHaveThumbnail {@link #mightHaveThumbnail}
         * @param numBytes {@link #numBytes}
         * @param humanSize {@link #humanSize}
         * @param lastModified {@link #lastModified}
         * @param clientMtime {@link #clientMtime}
         * @param mimeType {@link #mimeType}
         * @param revision {@link #revision}
        public File(String path, String iconName, boolean mightHaveThumbnail, long numBytes, String humanSize, Date lastModified, Date clientMtime, String mimeType, String revision)
            super(path, iconName, mightHaveThumbnail);
            this.numBytes = numBytes;
            this.humanSize = humanSize;
            this.lastModified = lastModified;
            this.clientMtime = clientMtime;
            this.mimeType = mimeType;
            this.revision = revision;

        protected void dumpFields(DumpWriter w)
            dump(w, humanSize);
            dump(w, lastModified);
            dump(w, clientMtime);
            dump(w, mimeType);
            dump(w, revision);

        protected String getTypeName() { return "File"; }

         * A abbreviated version of {@link #toStringMultiline}.  Only includes the path.
        public String toString()
            return "File(" + jq(path) + ", numBytes=" + numBytes + ", lastModified=" + toStringDate(lastModified) + ", revision=" + jq(revision) + ")";

        public boolean isFolder() { return false; }
        public boolean isFile() { return true; }
        public Folder asFolder() { return null; }
        public File asFile() { return this; }

    // ------------------------------------------------------
    // JSON parsing

    public static final JsonExtractor<DbxEntry> Extractor = new JsonExtractor<DbxEntry>()
        public final DbxEntry extract(JsonParser parser)
            throws IOException, JsonExtractionException
            return DbxEntry.extract(parser, null).entry;

     * Holds the metadata for a file or folder; if it's a folder, we also store the folder's
     * hash and the metadata of its immediate children.
     * @see DbxClient#getMetadataWithChildren
     * @see DbxClient#getMetadataWithChildrenIfChanged
    public static final class WithChildren implements Serializable
        public static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

        public final DbxEntry entry;

         * If {@link #entry} is a folder, this will contain a hash that identifies the folder's
         * contents.  This value can be used with {@link DbxClient#getMetadataWithChildrenIfChanged}
         * to void downloading the folder contents if they havne't changed.
        public final String hash;

         * If {@link #entry} is a folder, this will contain the metadata of the folder's
         * immediate children.  If it's not a folder, this will be {@code null}.
        public final List<DbxEntry> children;

         * @param entry {@link #entry}
         * @param hash {@link #hash}
         * @param children {@link #children}
        public WithChildren(DbxEntry entry, String hash, List<DbxEntry> children)
            this.entry = entry;
            this.hash = hash;
            this.children = children;

        public static final JsonExtractor<WithChildren> Extractor = new JsonExtractor<WithChildren>()
            public final WithChildren extract(JsonParser parser)
                throws IOException, JsonExtractionException
                WithChildrenC<List<DbxEntry>> c = DbxEntry.<List<DbxEntry>>extract(parser, new Collector.ArrayListCollector<DbxEntry>());
                return new WithChildren(c.entry, c.hash, c.children);

     * The more general case of {@link WithChildren}.  It's used in the {@code C}-suffixed
     * variants ({@link DbxClient#getMetadataWithChildrenC} and {@link DbxClient#getMetadataWithChildrenIfChanged}
     * to allow you to process the {@link DbxEntry} values as the come in and aggregate them into
     * your own object (instead of the default {@link List}) using a custom {@link Collector}.
    public static final class WithChildrenC<C> implements Serializable
        public static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

        public final DbxEntry entry;

         * If {@link #entry} is a folder, this will contain a hash that identifies the folder's
         * contents.  This value can be used with {@link DbxClient#getMetadataWithChildrenIfChanged}
         * to void downloading the folder contents if they havne't changed.
        public final String hash;

         * If {@link #entry} is a folder, this will contain the metadata of the folder's
         * immediate children.  If it's not a folder, this will be {@code null}.
        public final C children;

         * @param entry {@link #entry}
         * @param hash {@link #hash}
         * @param children {@link #children}
        public WithChildrenC(DbxEntry entry, String hash, C children)
            this.entry = entry;
            this.hash = hash;
            this.children = children;

        public static class Extractor<C> extends JsonExtractor<WithChildrenC<C>>
            private final Collector<DbxEntry,? extends C> collector;
            public Extractor(Collector<DbxEntry,? extends C> collector) { this.collector = collector; }

            public final WithChildrenC<C> extract(JsonParser parser)
                throws IOException, JsonExtractionException
                return DbxEntry.extract(parser, collector);

     * @return
     *     {@code null} if the entry is an 'is_deleted' entry.
    public static <C> WithChildrenC<C> extract(JsonParser parser, Collector<DbxEntry,? extends C> collector)
        throws IOException, JsonExtractionException
        JsonLocation top = JsonExtractor.expectObjectStart(parser);

        String size = null;
        long bytes = -1;
        String path = null;
        Boolean is_dir = null;
        Boolean is_deleted = null;
        String rev = null;
        Boolean thumb_exists = null;
        String icon = null;
        Date modified = null;
        Date client_mtime = null;
        String mime_type = null;
        String hash = null;
        C contents = null;

        while (parser.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
            String fieldName = parser.getCurrentName();

            int fi = FM.get(fieldName);
            try {
                switch (fi) {
                    case -1: JsonExtractor.skipValue(parser); break;
                    case FM_size: size = JsonExtractor.StringExtractor.extractField(parser, fieldName, size); break;
                    case FM_bytes: bytes = JsonExtractor.extractUnsignedLongField(parser, fieldName, bytes); break;
                    case FM_path: path = JsonExtractor.StringExtractor.extractField(parser, fieldName, path); break;
                    case FM_is_dir: is_dir = JsonExtractor.BooleanExtractor.extractField(parser, fieldName, is_dir); break;
                    case FM_is_deleted: is_deleted = JsonExtractor.BooleanExtractor.extractField(parser, fieldName, is_deleted); break;
                    case FM_rev: rev = JsonExtractor.StringExtractor.extractField(parser, fieldName, rev); break;
                    case FM_thumb_exists: thumb_exists = JsonExtractor.BooleanExtractor.extractField(parser, fieldName, thumb_exists); break;
                    case FM_icon: icon = JsonExtractor.StringExtractor.extractField(parser, fieldName, icon); break;
                    case FM_modified: modified = JsonDateExtractor.Dropbox.extractField(parser, fieldName, modified); break;
                    case FM_client_mtime: client_mtime = JsonDateExtractor.Dropbox.extractField(parser, fieldName, client_mtime); break;
                    case FM_mime_type: mime_type = JsonExtractor.StringExtractor.extractField(parser, fieldName, mime_type); break;
                    case FM_hash:
                        if (collector == null) throw new JsonExtractionException("not expecting \"hash\" field, since we didn't ask for children", parser.getCurrentLocation());
                        hash = JsonExtractor.StringExtractor.extractField(parser, fieldName, hash); break;
                    case FM_contents:
                        if (collector == null) throw new JsonExtractionException("not expecting \"contents\" field, since we didn't ask for children", parser.getCurrentLocation());
                        contents =, collector).extractField(parser, fieldName, contents); break;
                        throw new AssertionError("bad index: " + fi + ", field = \"" + fieldName + "\"");
            catch (JsonExtractionException ex) {
                throw ex.addFieldContext(fieldName);


        if (path == null) throw new JsonExtractionException("missing field \"path\"", top);
        if (icon == null) throw new JsonExtractionException("missing field \"icon\"", top);
        if (is_deleted == null) is_deleted = Boolean.FALSE;
        if (is_dir == null) is_dir = Boolean.FALSE;
        if (thumb_exists == null) thumb_exists = Boolean.FALSE;

        if (is_dir && (contents != null || hash != null)) {
            if (hash == null) throw new JsonExtractionException("missing \"hash\", when we asked for children", top);
            if (contents == null) throw new JsonExtractionException("missing \"contents\", when we asked for children", top);

        DbxEntry e;
        if (is_dir) {
            e = new Folder(path, icon, thumb_exists);
        else {
            // Normal File
            if (size == null) throw new JsonExtractionException("missing \"size\" for a file entry", top);
            if (bytes == -1) throw new JsonExtractionException("missing \"bytes\" for a file entry", top);
            if (modified == null) throw new JsonExtractionException("missing \"modified\" for a file entry", top);
            if (client_mtime == null) throw new JsonExtractionException("missing \"client_mtime\" for a file entry", top);
            if (mime_type == null) throw new JsonExtractionException("missing \"mime_type\" for a file entry", top);
            if (rev == null) throw new JsonExtractionException("missing \"rev\" for a file entry", top);
            e = new File(path, icon, thumb_exists, bytes, size, modified, client_mtime, mime_type, rev);

        if (is_deleted) return null;
        return new WithChildrenC<C>(e, hash, contents);

    private static final int FM_size = 0;
    private static final int FM_bytes = 1;
    private static final int FM_path = 2;
    private static final int FM_is_dir = 3;
    private static final int FM_is_deleted = 4;
    private static final int FM_rev = 5;
    private static final int FM_thumb_exists = 6;
    private static final int FM_icon = 7;
    private static final int FM_modified = 8;
    private static final int FM_client_mtime = 9;
    private static final int FM_mime_type = 10;
    private static final int FM_hash = 11;
    private static final int FM_contents = 12;
    private static final JsonExtractor.FieldMapping FM;

    static {
        JsonExtractor.FieldMapping.Builder b = new JsonExtractor.FieldMapping.Builder();
        b.add("size", FM_size);
        b.add("bytes", FM_bytes);
        b.add("path", FM_path);
        b.add("is_dir", FM_is_dir);
        b.add("is_deleted", FM_is_deleted);
        b.add("rev", FM_rev);
        b.add("thumb_exists", FM_thumb_exists);
        b.add("icon", FM_icon);
        b.add("modified", FM_modified);
        b.add("client_mtime", FM_client_mtime);
        b.add("mime_type", FM_mime_type);
        b.add("hash", FM_hash);
        b.add("contents", FM_contents);
        FM =;

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