Package flex.messaging.util

Source Code of flex.messaging.util.UserAgentManager

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package flex.messaging.util;

import flex.messaging.client.UserAgentSettings;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

* Manages user agent information.
public class UserAgentManager
     * The name of the HTTP header that transports the user agent value.
    public static final String USER_AGENT_HEADER_NAME = "User-Agent";

    * Configuration constants
    private static final String KICKSTART_BYTES = "kickstart-bytes";
    private static final String MATCH_ON = "match-on";
    public static final String MAX_STREAMING_CONNECTIONS_PER_SESSION = "max-streaming-connections-per-session";
    private static final String USER_AGENT = "user-agent";
    private static final String USER_AGENT_SETTINGS = "user-agent-settings";

     * Used to keep track of the mapping between user agent match strings and
     * the settings object
    private Map<String, UserAgentSettings> userAgentSettingsMap = new HashMap<String, UserAgentSettings>();

     * Default settings, where match="*"
    private UserAgentSettings defaultSettings;

     * Given a match-on string, returns the settings for that user agent, or
     * null if no user agent settings exist for that match-on string.
     * @param matchOn The match-on string used to match a specific user agent.
     * @return The settings for that user agent, or null if no user agent settings
     *         exist for that match-on string.
    public UserAgentSettings getUserAgentSettings(String matchOn)
        return userAgentSettingsMap.get(matchOn);

     * Returns the collection of user agent settings.
     * Collection can be empty.
     * @return The (possibly empty) collection of user agent settings.
    public Collection<UserAgentSettings> getUserAgentSettings()
        return userAgentSettingsMap.values();

     * Puts a new user agent to the existing list of user agents. If an existing
     * user agent with the same match-on property as the new user agent exists,
     * it is simply overwritten.
    public void putUserAgentSettings(UserAgentSettings userAgent)
        userAgentSettingsMap.put(userAgent.getMatchOn(), userAgent);

     * Removes the user agent with the same match-on property from the list of
     * existing user agents.
    public void removeUserAgentSettings(UserAgentSettings userAgent)
        if (userAgent != null)

     * Set the default settings to return when there is no match found.
    public void setDefaultUserAgentSettings(UserAgentSettings settings)
        defaultSettings = settings;

     * Look for the best match (based on longest match) for a user agent.
     * If no match is found, the default settings are returned if set.
     * @see UserAgentManager#setDefaultUserAgentSettings(flex.messaging.client.UserAgentSettings)
     * @param userAgent a user agent to look for
     * @return settings or null if no match and no default.
    public UserAgentSettings match(String userAgent)
        // search for the longest match
        if (userAgent != null && userAgentSettingsMap.size() > 0)
            // Search for the best match based upon length.
            int bestMatchLength = 0;
            String matchedAgent = null;
            for (String key : userAgentSettingsMap.keySet())
                if (userAgent.indexOf(key) != -1)
                    int matchLength = key.length();
                    if (matchLength > bestMatchLength)
                        bestMatchLength = matchLength;
                        matchedAgent = key;

            if (matchedAgent != null)
                return userAgentSettingsMap.get(matchedAgent);
        // Return default if we have one
        return (defaultSettings != null) ? defaultSettings : null;

     * Initializes the provided manager with settings from the property map.
     * Sets default settings if it encounters a match="*" entry.
     * @param properties configuration properties, possibly containing "user-agent-settings" element
     * @param manager    the UserAgentManager to configure
    public static void setupUserAgentManager(ConfigMap properties, UserAgentManager manager)
        // Add entries for IE and FireFox to all

        ConfigMap userAgents = properties.getPropertyAsMap(USER_AGENT_SETTINGS, null);
        if (userAgents != null)
            List userAgent = userAgents.getPropertyAsList(USER_AGENT, null);
            if (userAgent != null)
                for (Object anUserAgent : userAgent)
                    ConfigMap agent = (ConfigMap) anUserAgent;
                    String matchOn = agent.getPropertyAsString(MATCH_ON, null);
                    int kickstartBytes = agent.getPropertyAsInt(KICKSTART_BYTES, 0);
                    int connectionsPerSession = agent.getPropertyAsInt(MAX_STREAMING_CONNECTIONS_PER_SESSION, UserAgentSettings.DEFAULT_MAX_STREAMING_CONNECTIONS_PER_SESSION);
                    if (matchOn != null)
                        UserAgentSettings ua = UserAgentSettings.getAgent(matchOn);
                        if (matchOn.equals("*"))


Related Classes of flex.messaging.util.UserAgentManager

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