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import flex.messaging.MessageBroker;
import flex.messaging.MessageException;
import flex.messaging.Destination;
import flex.messaging.cluster.ClusterManager;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigurationConstants;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigurationException;
import flex.messaging.endpoints.Endpoint;
import flex.messaging.log.LogCategories;
import flex.messaging.log.Log;
import flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage;
import flex.messaging.messages.Message;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

* This is the default implementation of <code>Service</code>, which provides a
* convenient base for behavior and associations common to all Services.
* @author neville
public abstract class AbstractService extends ManageableComponent implements Service
    /** Log category for <code>AbstractService</code>.*/
    public static final String LOG_CATEGORY = LogCategories.SERVICE_GENERAL;
     * Log category that captures startup information for service's destinations.
    public static final String LOG_CATEGORY_STARTUP_DESTINATION = LogCategories.STARTUP_DESTINATION;

    // Errors
    protected static final int UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_TYPE = 10454;

    // AbstractService's properties
    protected Map adapterClasses;
    protected String defaultAdapterId;
    protected List defaultChannels;
    protected Map destinations;

    // Constructor

     * Constructs an unmanaged <code>AbstractService</code>.
    public AbstractService()

     * Constructs an <code>AbstractService</code> with the indicated management.
     * @param enableManagement <code>true</code> if the <code>AbstractService</code>
     * is manageable; otherwise <code>false</code>.
    public AbstractService(boolean enableManagement)

        adapterClasses = new HashMap();
        destinations = new ConcurrentHashMap();            

    // Initialize, validate, start, and stop methods.

     * Verifies that the <code>AbstractService</code> is in valid state before
     * it is started. If subclasses override, they must call <code>super.validate()</code>.
    protected void validate()
        if (isValid())


        if (defaultChannels != null)
            for (Iterator iter = defaultChannels.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                String id = (String);
                if (!getMessageBroker().getChannelIds().contains(id))
                    if (Log.isWarn())
                        Log.getLogger(getLogCategory()).warn("Removing the Channel "+id+" from Destination "+getId()+
                                "as MessageBroker does not know the channel");
            defaultChannels = getMessageBroker().getDefaultChannels();

     * Starts the service if its associated <code>MessageBroker</code> is started.
     * and if the service is not already running. The default implementation of
     * this method starts all of the destinations of the service.
     * If subclasses override, they must call <code>super.start()</code>.
    public void start()
        if (isStarted())
            // Needed for destinations added after startup.

        // Check if the MessageBroker is started
        MessageBroker broker = getMessageBroker();
        if (!broker.isStarted())
            if (Log.isWarn())
                Log.getLogger(getLogCategory()).warn("Service with id '{0}' cannot be started" +
                        " when the MessageBroker is not started.",
                        new Object[]{getId()});

        // Set up management
        if (isManaged() && broker.isManaged())
            MessageBrokerControl controller = (MessageBrokerControl)broker.getControl();
            if (getControl() != null)



     * The default implementation of this method stops all of the destinations
     * of the service.
     * If subclasses override, they must call <code>super.stop()</code>.
    public void stop()
        if (!isStarted())



        // Remove management
        if (isManaged() && getMessageBroker().isManaged())
            if (getControl() != null)

    // Public Getters and Setters for AbstractService properties

     * Returns the adapters registered with the <code>AbstractService</code>.
     * @return The Map of adapter id and classes.
    public Map getRegisteredAdapters()
        return adapterClasses;

     * Registers the adapter with the <code>AbstractService</code>.
     * @param id The id of the adapter.
     * @param adapterClass The class of the adapter.
     * @return The previous adapter class that the id was associated with.
    public String registerAdapter(String id, String adapterClass)
        return (String)adapterClasses.put(id, adapterClass);

     * Unregistered the adapter with the <code>AbstractService</code> and
     * set the default adapter to <code>null</code> if needed.
     * @param id The id of the adapter.
     * @return The adapter class that the id was associated with.
    public String unregisterAdapter(String id)
        if (id != null && id.equals(defaultAdapterId))
                defaultAdapterId = null;

        return (String)adapterClasses.remove(id);


     * Returns the id of the default adapter of the <code>AbstractService</code>.
     * @return defaultAdapterId The id of the default adapter of the <code>AbstractService</code>.
    public String getDefaultAdapter()
        return defaultAdapterId;

     * Sets the default adapter of the <code>AbstractService</code>.
     * @param id The id of the default adapter.
    public void setDefaultAdapter(String id)
        if (adapterClasses.get(id) == null)
            // No adapter with id '{0}' is registered with the service '{1}'.
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
            ex.setMessage(ConfigurationConstants.UNREGISTERED_ADAPTER, new Object[]{id, getId()});
            throw ex;
        defaultAdapterId = id;

     * Returns the list of channel ids of the <code>AbstractService</code>.
    public List getDefaultChannels()
        return defaultChannels;

     * Adds the channel to the list of channels of the <code>AbstractService</code>.
     * <code>MessageBroker</code> has to know the channel. Otherwise, the channel
     * is not added to the list.
     * @param id The id of the channel.
    public void addDefaultChannel(String id)
        if (defaultChannels == null)
            defaultChannels = new ArrayList();
        else if (defaultChannels.contains(id))

        if (isStarted())
            List channelIds = getMessageBroker().getChannelIds();
            if (channelIds == null || !channelIds.contains(id))
                // No channel with id ''{0}'' is known by the MessageBroker.
                if (Log.isWarn())
                    Log.getLogger(getLogCategory()).warn("No channel with id '{0}' is known by the MessageBroker." +
                            " Not adding the channel.",
                            new Object[]{id});
        // Either message broker knows about the channel, or service is not
        // running and channel will be checked during startup

     * Sets the channel list of the <code>AbstractService</code>.
     * <code>MessageBroker</code> has to know the channels, otherwise they
     * are not added to the list.
     * @param ids List of channel ids.
    public void setDefaultChannels(List ids)
        if (ids != null && isStarted())
            List channelIds = getMessageBroker().getChannelIds();
            for (Iterator iter = ids.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                String id = (String);
                if (channelIds == null || !channelIds.contains(id))
                    if (Log.isWarn())
                        Log.getLogger(getLogCategory()).warn("No channel with id '{0}' is known by the MessageBroker." +
                                " Not adding the channel.",
                                new Object[]{id});
        // Otherwise, channels will be checked before startup
        defaultChannels = ids;

     * Removes the channel from the list of channels for the <code>AbstractService</code>.
     * @param id The id of the channel.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the list contained the channel id.
    public boolean removeDefaultChannel(String id)
        if (defaultChannels == null)
            return false;
        return defaultChannels.remove(id);

     * Returns the <code>Destination</code> that the <code>Message</code> targets.
     * @return The <code>Destination</code> that the <code>Message</code> targets.
     * @throws <code>MessageException</code> if no such <code>Destination</code> exists.
    public Destination getDestination(Message message)
        String id = message.getDestination();
        Destination result = getDestination(id);
        if (result == null)
            throw new MessageException
                    ("No destination '" + id + "' exists in service " + getClass().getName());
        return result;

     * Returns the <code>Destination</code> with the specified id or null if no
     * <code>Destination</code> with id exists.
     * @param id The id of the <code>Destination</code>.
    public Destination getDestination(String id)
        Destination result = (Destination)destinations.get(id);
        return result;

     * Returns the Map of <code>Destination</code> ids and instances.
     * @return The Map of <code>Destination</code> ids and instances.
    public Map getDestinations()
        return destinations;

     * Creates a <code>Destination</code> instance, sets its id, sets it manageable
     * if the <code>AbstractService</code> that created it is manageable,
     * and sets its <code>Service</code> to the <code>AbstractService</code> that
     * created it.
     * @param id The id of the <code>Destination</code>.
     * @return The <code>Destination</code> instanced created.
    public Destination createDestination(String id)
        Destination destination = new Destination();

        return destination;

     * Adds the <code>Destination</code> instance to the list of destinations
     * known by the <code>AbstractService</code>. It also sets destination's
     * service to this <code>AbstractService</code> instance. Note that
     * <code>Destination</code> cannot be null, it cannot have a null id, and it
     * cannot have an id of a <code>Destination</code> already registered with
     * the <code>AbstractService</code>.
     * <code>Destination</code> needs to be started if the <code>AbstractService</code>
     * is already running.
     * @param destination The <code>Destination</code> instance to be added.
    public void addDestination(Destination destination)
        if (destination == null)
            // Cannot add null ''{0}'' to the ''{1}''
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
            ex.setMessage(ConfigurationConstants.NULL_COMPONENT, new Object[]{"Destination", "Service"});
            throw ex;

        String id = destination.getId();

        if (id == null)
            // Cannot add ''{0}'' with null id to the ''{1}''
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
            ex.setMessage(ConfigurationConstants.NULL_COMPONENT_ID, new Object[]{"Destination", "Service"});
            throw ex;
        // No need to add if the destination is already there
        if (getDestination(id) == destination)

        // Register with the MessageBroker first to make sure no destination
        // with the same id exists in another service.
        getMessageBroker().registerDestination(id, getId());

        destinations.put(id, destination);

        if (destination.getService() == null || destination.getService() != this)

     * Removes the <code>Destination</code> from the list of destinations known
     * by the <code>AbstractService</code>.
     * @param id The id of the <code>Destination</code>.
     * @return Previous <code>Destination</code> associated with the id.
    public Destination removeDestination(String id)
        Destination destination = (Destination)destinations.get(id);
        if (destination != null)
        return destination;

     * Sets the id of the <code>AbstractService</code>. If the <code>AbstractService</code>
     * has a <code>MessageBroker</code> assigned, it also updates the id in the
     * <code>MessageBroker</code>.
    public void setId(String id)
        String oldId = getId();


        // Update the service id in the broker
        MessageBroker broker = getMessageBroker();
        if (broker != null)
            // broker must have the service then

     * Returns the <code>MessageBroker</code> of the <code>AbstractService</code>.
     * @return MessageBroker of the <code>AbstractService</code>.
    public MessageBroker getMessageBroker()
        return (MessageBroker)getParent();

     * Sets the <code>MessageBroker</code> of the <code>AbstractService</code>.
     * Removes the <code>AbstractService</code> from the old broker
     * (if there was one) and adds to the list of services in the new broker.
     * @param broker <code>MessageBroker</code> of the <code>AbstractService</code>.
    public void setMessageBroker(MessageBroker broker)
        MessageBroker oldBroker = getMessageBroker();


        if (oldBroker != null)

        // Add service to the new broker if needed
        if (broker.getService(getId()) != this)

    // Other Public APIs

     * Returns a <code>ConfigMap</code> service properties that the client needs.
     * By default, it returns null. Subclasses can override to return properties
     * relevant to their implementation.
     * @param endpoint Endpoint used to filter the destinations of the service.
     * @return ConfigMap of service properties.
    public ConfigMap describeService(Endpoint endpoint)
        return null;

     * Processes messages by invoking the requested destination's adapter.
     * Subclasses should provide their implementation.
    public abstract Object serviceMessage(Message message);

    public Object serviceCommand(CommandMessage message)
        Object result = serviceCommonCommands(message);
        if (result != null)
            // TODO: ServiceControl needs this method.
            if (isManaged())
            return result;
        throw new MessageException("Service Does Not Support Command Type " + message.getOperation());

    // Protected/private methods.

    protected Object serviceCommonCommands(CommandMessage message)
        Object commandResult = null;
        if (message.getOperation() == CommandMessage.CLIENT_PING_OPERATION)
            commandResult = Boolean.TRUE;
        else if (message.getOperation() == CommandMessage.CLUSTER_REQUEST_OPERATION)
            ClusterManager clusterManager = getMessageBroker().getClusterManager();
            String serviceType = getClass().getName();
            String destinationName = message.getDestination();
            if (clusterManager.isDestinationClustered(serviceType, destinationName))
                commandResult = clusterManager.getEndpointsForDestination(serviceType, destinationName);
                // client should never send this message if its local
                // config declares the destination is not clustered
                commandResult = Boolean.FALSE;
        return commandResult;

     * Returns the log category of the <code>AbstractService</code>. Subclasses
     * can override to provide a more specific logging category.
     * @return The log category.
    protected String getLogCategory()
        return LOG_CATEGORY;

     * Invoked automatically to allow the <code>AbstractService</code> to setup its corresponding
     * MBean control. Subclasses should override to setup and register their MBean control.
     * Manageable subclasses should override this template method.
     * @param broker The <code>MessageBroker</code> that manages this <code>AbstractService</code>.
    protected abstract void setupServiceControl(MessageBroker broker);

     * Start all of the destinations of the service.
    private void startDestinations()
        for (Iterator iter = destinations.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
            Destination destination = (Destination);

            long timeBeforeStartup = 0;
            if (Log.isDebug())
                timeBeforeStartup = System.currentTimeMillis();


            if (Log.isDebug())
                long timeAfterStartup = System.currentTimeMillis();
                Long diffMillis = new Long(timeAfterStartup - timeBeforeStartup);
                Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY_STARTUP_DESTINATION).debug("Destination with id '{0}' is ready (startup time: '{1}' ms)",
                        new Object[]{destination.getId(), diffMillis});

     * Stop all of the destinations of the service.
    private void stopDestinations()
        for (Iterator iter = destinations.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
            Destination destination = (Destination);

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