Package flex.messaging.endpoints

Source Code of flex.messaging.endpoints.HTTPEndpoint

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package flex.messaging.endpoints;

import flex.messaging.MessageBroker;
import flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.AMFFilter;
import flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.BatchProcessFilter;
import flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.MessageBrokerFilter;
import flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SerializationFilter;
import flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SessionFilter;
import flex.messaging.log.LogCategories;
import flex.messaging.messages.Message;

* This class replaces Flex 1.5's ProxyServlet by splitting
* the proxy's functionality into two pieces. Requests for proxied HTTP
* content can now be sent using a message type via any channel.
* The message broker directs requests to the appropriate service,
* in Flex 1.5 terms, the Proxy Service. The response from the proxy
* request is streamed back to the client.
* //TODO: QUESTION: Pete, How should we wrap HTTP responses via this channel?
public class HTTPEndpoint extends BasePollingHTTPEndpoint
    public static final String LOG_CATEGORY = LogCategories.ENDPOINT_HTTP;
    // Constructor
     * Constructs an unmanaged <code>HTTPEndpoint</code>.
    public HTTPEndpoint()
     * Constructs a <code>HTTPEndpoint</code> with the indicated management.
     * @param enableManagement <code>true</code> if the <code>HTTPEndpoint</code>
     * is manageable; otherwise <code>false</code>.
    public HTTPEndpoint(boolean enableManagement)

     * Currently this override is a no-op to disable small messages over HTTP
     * endpoints.
    public Message convertToSmallMessage(Message message)
        return message;
    // Protected/Private Methods
     * Create default filter chain or return current one if already present.
    protected AMFFilter createFilterChain()
        AMFFilter serializationFilter = new SerializationFilter(getLogCategory());
        AMFFilter batchFilter = new BatchProcessFilter();
        AMFFilter sessionFilter = new SessionFilter();
        AMFFilter messageBrokerFilter = new MessageBrokerFilter(this);


        return serializationFilter;

     * Returns MessageIOConstants.XML_CONTENT_TYPE.
    protected String getResponseContentType()
        return MessageIOConstants.XML_CONTENT_TYPE;
     * Returns the log category of the endpoint.
     * @return The log category of the endpoint.
    protected String getLogCategory()
        return LOG_CATEGORY;

     * Returns the deserializer class name used by the endpoint.
     * @return The deserializer class name used by the endpoint.
    protected String getDeserializerClassName()
        return "";       
     * Returns the serializer class name used by the endpoint.
     * @return The serializer class name used by the endpoint.
    protected String getSerializerClassName()
        return "";        

     * Returns the Java 1.5 specific serializer class name used by the endpoint.
     * @return The Java 1.5 specific serializer class name used by the endpoint.
    protected String getSerializerJava15ClassName()
        return "";
     * Invoked automatically to allow the <code>HTTPEndpoint</code> to setup its
     * corresponding MBean control.
     * @param broker The <code>MessageBroker</code> that manages this
     * <code>HTTPEndpoint</code>.
    protected void setupEndpointControl(MessageBroker broker)
        controller = new HTTPEndpointControl(this, broker.getControl());

Related Classes of flex.messaging.endpoints.HTTPEndpoint

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