Package org.kohsuke.args4j

Source Code of org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser$CmdLineImpl

package org.kohsuke.args4j;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.BooleanOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.ByteOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.CharOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.DoubleOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.EnumOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.FileOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.PathOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.FloatOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.InetAddressOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.IntOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.LongOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.MapOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.OptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.Parameters;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.Setter;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.ShortOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.StringOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.URIOptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.URLOptionHandler;

* Command line argument owner.
* <p>
* For typical usage, see <a href="">this example</a>.
* @author
*     Kohsuke Kawaguchi (
public class CmdLineParser {
     * Discovered {@link OptionHandler}s for options.
    private final List<OptionHandler> options = new ArrayList<OptionHandler>();

     * Discovered {@link OptionHandler}s for arguments.
    private final List<OptionHandler> arguments = new ArrayList<OptionHandler>();

    private boolean parsingOptions = true;
    private OptionHandler currentOptionHandler = null;

   *  The length of a usage line.
   *  If the usage message is longer than this value, the parser wraps the line.
     *  Defaults to {@code 80}.
  private int usageWidth = 80;

     * Creates a new command line owner that
     * parses arguments/options and set them into
     * the given object.
     * @param bean
     *      instance of a class annotated by {@link Option} and {@link Argument}.
     *      this object will receive values. If this is {@code null}, the processing will
     *      be skipped, which is useful if you'd like to feed metadata from other sources.
     * @throws IllegalAnnotationError
     *      if the option bean class is using args4j annotations incorrectly.
    public CmdLineParser(Object bean) {
        // A 'return' in the constructor just skips the rest of the implementation
        // and returns the new object directly.
        if (bean==null) return;

        // Parse the metadata and create the setters
        new ClassParser().parse(bean,this);

        // for display purposes, we like the arguments in argument order, but the options in alphabetical order
        Collections.sort(options, new Comparator<OptionHandler>() {
      public int compare(OptionHandler o1, OptionHandler o2) {
        return o1.option.toString().compareTo(o2.option.toString());

     * Programmatically defines an argument (instead of reading it from annotations as normal).
     * @param setter the setter for the type
     * @param a the Argument
    public void addArgument(Setter setter, Argument a) {
        OptionHandler h = createOptionHandler(new OptionDef(a,setter.isMultiValued()),setter);
      int index = a.index();
      // make sure the argument will fit in the list
      while (index >= arguments.size()) {
      if(arguments.get(index)!=null) {
            throw new IllegalAnnotationError(Messages.MULTIPLE_USE_OF_ARGUMENT.format(index));

     * Programmatically defines an option (instead of reading it from annotations as normal).
     * @param setter the setter for the type
     * @param o the {@code Option}
    public void addOption(Setter setter, Option o) {
        for (String alias : o.aliases()) {
        options.add(createOptionHandler(new NamedOptionDef(o), setter));

     * Lists up all the defined arguments in the order.
    public List<OptionHandler> getArguments() {
        return arguments;

     * Lists up all the defined options.
    public List<OptionHandler> getOptions() {
        return options;

  private void checkOptionNotInMap(String name) throws IllegalAnnotationError {
    if(findOptionByName(name)!=null) {
            throw new IllegalAnnotationError(Messages.MULTIPLE_USE_OF_OPTION.format(name));

     * Creates an {@link OptionHandler} that handles the given {@link Option} annotation
     * and the {@link Setter} instance.
    protected OptionHandler createOptionHandler(OptionDef o, Setter setter) {

        Constructor<? extends OptionHandler> handlerType;
        Class<? extends OptionHandler> h = o.handler();

        if(h==OptionHandler.class) {
            // infer the type

            // enum is the special case
            Class t = setter.getType();
                return new EnumOptionHandler(this,o,setter,t);

            handlerType = handlerClasses.get(t);
                throw new IllegalAnnotationError(Messages.UNKNOWN_HANDLER.format(t));
        } else {
            handlerType = getConstructor(h);

        try {
            return handlerType.newInstance(this,o,setter);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new IllegalAnnotationError(e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new IllegalAnnotationError(e);
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            throw new IllegalAnnotationError(e);

     * Formats a command line example into a string.
     * See {@link #printExample(OptionHandlerFilter, ResourceBundle)} for more details.
     * @param filter
     *      must not be {@code null}.
     * @return
     *      always non-{@code null}.
    public String printExample(OptionHandlerFilter filter) {
        return printExample(filter,null);

     * @deprecated
     *      Use {@link #printExample(OptionHandlerFilter)}
    public String printExample(ExampleMode mode) {
        return printExample(mode,null);

     * Formats a command line example into a string.
     * <p>
     * This method produces a string like <samp> -d &lt;dir> -v -b</samp>.
     * This is useful for printing a command line example (perhaps
     * as a part of the usage screen).
     * @param mode
     *      Determines which options will be a part of the returned string.
     *      Must not be {@code null}.
     * @param rb
     *      If non-{@code null}, meta variables (<samp>&lt;dir></samp> in the above example)
     *      is treated as a key to this resource bundle, and the associated
     *      value is printed. See {@link Option#metaVar()}. This is to support
     *      localization.
     *      Passing {@code null} would print {@link Option#metaVar()} directly.
     * @return
     *      always non-{@code null}. If there's no option, this method returns
     *      just the empty string {@code ""}. Otherwise, this method returns a
     *      string that contains a space at the beginning (but not at the end).
     *      This allows you to do something like:
     *      <code><pre>System.err.println("java -jar my.jar"+parser.printExample(REQUIRED)+" arg1 arg2");</pre></code>
    public String printExample(OptionHandlerFilter mode,ResourceBundle rb) {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

        for (OptionHandler h : options) {
            OptionDef option = h.option;
            if(option.usage().length()==0continue;   // ignore
            if(!             continue;

            buf.append(' ');

        return buf.toString();

     * @deprecated
     *      Use {@link #printExample(OptionHandlerFilter,ResourceBundle)}
    public String printExample(ExampleMode mode,ResourceBundle rb) {
        return printExample((OptionHandlerFilter)mode,rb);

     * Prints the list of options and their usages to the screen.
     * <p>
     * This is a convenience method for calling {@code printUsage(new OutputStreamWriter(out),null)}
     * so that you can do {@code printUsage(System.err)}.
    public void printUsage(OutputStream out) {
        printUsage(new OutputStreamWriter(out),null);

     * Prints the list of all the non-hidden options and their usages to the screen.
     * <p>
     * Short for {@code printUsage(out,rb,OptionHandlerFilter.PUBLIC)}
    public void printUsage(Writer out, ResourceBundle rb) {

     * Prints the list of all the non-hidden options and their usages to the screen.
     * @param rb
     *      If non-{@code null}, {@link Option#usage()} is treated
     *      as a key to obtain the actual message from this resource bundle.
     * @param filter
     *      Controls which options to be printed.
    public void printUsage(Writer out, ResourceBundle rb, OptionHandlerFilter filter) {
        PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(out);
        // determine the length of the option + metavar first
        int len = 0;
        for (OptionHandler h : arguments) {
            int curLen = getPrefixLen(h, rb);
            len = Math.max(len,curLen);
        for (OptionHandler h: options) {
            int curLen = getPrefixLen(h, rb);
            len = Math.max(len,curLen);

        // then print
        for (OptionHandler h : arguments) {
          printOption(w, h, len, rb, filter);
        for (OptionHandler h : options) {
          printOption(w, h, len, rb, filter);


     * Prints usage information for a given option.
     * <p>
     * Subtypes may override this method and determine which options get printed (or other things),
     * based on {@link OptionHandler} (perhaps by using {@code handler.setter.asAnnotatedElement()}).
     * @param out      Writer to write into
     * @param handler  handler where to receive the information
     * @param len      Maximum length of metadata column
     * @param rb       {@code ResourceBundle} for I18N
     * @see Setter#asAnnotatedElement()
    protected void printOption(PrintWriter out, OptionHandler handler, int len, ResourceBundle rb, OptionHandlerFilter filter) {
      // Hiding options without usage information
      if (handler.option.usage() == null ||
            handler.option.usage().length() == 0 ||
            ! {

      // What is the width of the two data columns
      int widthMetadata = Math.min(len, (usageWidth - 4) / 2);
      int widthUsage    = usageWidth - 4 - widthMetadata;

      // Line wrapping
      List<String> namesAndMetas = wrapLines(handler.getNameAndMeta(rb), widthMetadata);
      List<String> usages        = wrapLines(localize(handler.option.usage(),rb), widthUsage);

      // Output
      for(int i=0; i<Math.max(namesAndMetas.size(), usages.size()); i++) {
        String nameAndMeta = (i >= namesAndMetas.size()) ? "" : namesAndMetas.get(i);
      String usage       = (i >= usages.size())        ? "" : usages.get(i);
      String format      = (nameAndMeta.length() > 0)
                         ? " %1$-" + widthMetadata + "s : %2$-1s"
                         : " %1$-" + widthMetadata + "s   %2$-1s";
      String output = String.format(format, nameAndMeta, usage);

    private String localize(String s, ResourceBundle rb) {
        if(rb!=null)    return rb.getString(s);
        return s;

     * Wraps a line so that the resulting parts are not longer than a given maximum length.
     * @param line       Line to wrap
     * @param maxLength  maximum length for the resulting parts
     * @return list of all wrapped parts
    private List<String> wrapLines(String line, final int maxLength) {
      List<String> rv = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String restOfLine : line.split("\\n")) {
            while (restOfLine.length() > maxLength) {
                // try to wrap at space, but don't try too hard as some languages don't even have whitespaces.
                int lineLength;
                String candidate = restOfLine.substring(0, maxLength);
                int sp=candidate.lastIndexOf(' ');
                if(sp>maxLength*3/4)    lineLength=sp;
                else                    lineLength=maxLength;
                rv.add(restOfLine.substring(0, lineLength));
                restOfLine = restOfLine.substring(lineLength).trim();
      return rv;

  private int getPrefixLen(OptionHandler h, ResourceBundle rb) {
      return 0;

    return h.getNameAndMeta(rb).length();

     * Essentially a pointer over a {@link String} array.
     * Can move forward; can look ahead.
    private class CmdLineImpl implements Parameters {
        private final String[] args;
        private int pos;

        CmdLineImpl( String[] args ) {
            this.args = args;
            pos = 0;

        protected boolean hasMore() {
            return pos<args.length;

        protected String getCurrentToken() {
            return args[pos];

        private void proceed( int n ) {
            pos += n;

        public String getParameter(int idx) throws CmdLineException {
      if( pos+idx>=args.length || pos+idx<0 )
                throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineParser.this, Messages.MISSING_OPERAND.format(getOptionName()));
            return args[pos+idx];

        public int size() {
            return args.length-pos;

         * Used when the current token is of the form "-option=value",
         * to replace the current token by "value", as if this was given as two tokens "-option value"
        void splitToken() {
            if (pos < args.length && pos >= 0) {
                int idx = args[pos].indexOf("=");
                if (idx > 0) {
                    args[pos] = args[pos].substring(idx + 1);

    private String getOptionName() {
        return currentOptionHandler.option.toString();

     * Same as {@link #parseArgument(String[])}
    public void parseArgument(Collection<String> args) throws CmdLineException {
        parseArgument(args.toArray(new String[args.size()]));

     * Parses the command line arguments and set them to the option bean
     * given in the constructor.
     * @param args arguments to parse
     * @throws CmdLineException
     *      if there's any error parsing arguments, or if
     *      {@link Option#required() required} option was not given.
    public void parseArgument(final String... args) throws CmdLineException {
        CmdLineImpl cmdLine = new CmdLineImpl(args);

        Set<OptionHandler> present = new HashSet<OptionHandler>();
        int argIndex = 0;

        while( cmdLine.hasMore() ) {
            String arg = cmdLine.getCurrentToken();
            if( isOption(arg) ) {
              boolean isKeyValuePair = arg.indexOf('=')!=-1;
                // parse this as an option.
                currentOptionHandler = isKeyValuePair ? findOptionHandler(arg) : findOptionByName(arg);

                if(currentOptionHandler==null) {
                    // TODO: insert dynamic handler processing
                    throw new CmdLineException(this, Messages.UNDEFINED_OPTION.format(arg));

                // known option; skip its name
                if (isKeyValuePair) {
                } else {
            } else {
              if (argIndex >= arguments.size()) {
                Messages msg = arguments.size() == 0 ? Messages.NO_ARGUMENT_ALLOWED : Messages.TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS;
                    throw new CmdLineException(this, msg.format(arg));

              // known argument
              currentOptionHandler = arguments.get(argIndex);
                if (currentOptionHandler==null) // this is a programmer error. arg index should be continuous
                    throw new IllegalStateException("@Argument with index="+argIndex+" is undefined");

              if (!currentOptionHandler.option.isMultiValued())
          int diff = currentOptionHandler.parseArguments(cmdLine);

        // make sure that all mandatory options are present
        for (OptionHandler handler : options)
            if(handler.option.required() && !present.contains(handler))
                throw new CmdLineException(this, Messages.REQUIRED_OPTION_MISSING.format(handler.option.toString()));

        // make sure that all mandatory arguments are present
        for (OptionHandler handler : arguments)
            if(handler.option.required() && !present.contains(handler))
                throw new CmdLineException(this, Messages.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT_MISSING.format(handler.option.toString()));

        //make sure that all requires arguments are present
        for(OptionHandler handler : present) {
            if(handler.option instanceof NamedOptionDef && !isHandlerHasHisOptions((NamedOptionDef)handler.option, present)) {
                throw new CmdLineException(this, Messages.REQUIRES_OPTION_MISSING
                        .format(handler.option.toString(), Arrays.toString(((NamedOptionDef)handler.option).depends())));

     * @param option
     * @param present
     * @return {@code true} if all options required by {@code option} are present, {@code false} otherwise
    private boolean isHandlerHasHisOptions(NamedOptionDef option, Set<OptionHandler> present) {
        if (option.depends() != null) {
            for (String depend : option.depends()) {
                if (!present.contains(findOptionHandler(depend)))
                    return false;
        return true;

    private OptionHandler findOptionHandler(String name) {
    OptionHandler handler = findOptionByName(name);
    if (handler==null) {
      // Have not found by its name, maybe its a property?
      // Search for parts of the name (=prefix) - most specific first
      for (int i=name.length(); i>1; i--) {
        String prefix = name.substring(0, i);
        Map<String,OptionHandler> possibleHandlers = filter(options, prefix);
        handler = possibleHandlers.get(prefix);
        if (handler!=null) return handler;
    return handler;

   * Finds a registered {@code OptionHandler} by its name or its alias.
   * @param name name
   * @return the {@code OptionHandler} or {@code null}
  private OptionHandler findOptionByName(String name) {
    for (OptionHandler h : options) {
      NamedOptionDef option = (NamedOptionDef)h.option;
      if (name.equals( {
        return h;
      for (String alias : option.aliases()) {
        if (name.equals(alias)) {
          return h;
    return null;

  private Map<String,OptionHandler> filter(List<OptionHandler> opt, String keyFilter) {
    Map<String,OptionHandler> rv = new TreeMap<String,OptionHandler>();
    for (OptionHandler h : opt) {
      if (h.option.toString().startsWith(keyFilter)) rv.put(h.option.toString(), h);
    return rv;

     * Returns {@code true} if the given token is an option
     * (as opposed to an argument).
    protected boolean isOption(String arg) {
        return parsingOptions && arg.startsWith("-");

     * All {@link OptionHandler}s known to the {@link CmdLineParser}.
     * Constructors of {@link OptionHandler}-derived class keyed by their supported types.
    private static final Map<Class,Constructor<? extends OptionHandler>> handlerClasses =
            Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Class,Constructor<? extends OptionHandler>>());

     * Registers a user-defined {@link OptionHandler} class with args4j.
     * <p>
     * This method allows users to extend the behavior of args4j by writing
     * their own {@link OptionHandler} implementation.
     * @param valueType
     *      The specified handler is used when the field/method annotated by {@link Option}
     *      is of this type.
     * @param handlerClass
     *      This class must have the constructor that has the same signature as
     *      {@link OptionHandler#OptionHandler(CmdLineParser, OptionDef, Setter)}
    public static void registerHandler( Class valueType, Class<? extends OptionHandler> handlerClass ) {
        if(valueType==null || handlerClass==null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.NO_OPTIONHANDLER.format());

        Constructor<? extends OptionHandler> c = getConstructor(handlerClass);

    private static Constructor<? extends OptionHandler> getConstructor(Class<? extends OptionHandler> handlerClass) {
        try {
            return handlerClass.getConstructor(CmdLineParser.class, OptionDef.class, Setter.class);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.NO_CONSTRUCTOR_ON_HANDLER.format(handlerClass));

    static {
        registerHandler(URL.class, URLOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(URI.class, URIOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(Double.class, DoubleOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(Byte.class, ByteOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(byte.class, ByteOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(Character.class, CharOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(char.class, CharOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(Float.class, FloatOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(float.class, FloatOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(Long.class, LongOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(long.class, LongOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(Short.class, ShortOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(short.class, ShortOptionHandler.class);
        registerHandler(InetAddress.class, InetAddressOptionHandler.class);
        // enum is a special case

        try {
            Class p = Class.forName("java.nio.file.Path");
            registerHandler(p, PathOptionHandler.class);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // running in Java6 or earlier

  public void setUsageWidth(int usageWidth) {
    this.usageWidth = usageWidth;

  public void stopOptionParsing() {
    parsingOptions = false;

     * Prints a single-line usage to the screen.
     * <p>
     * This is a convenience method for calling {@code printUsage(new OutputStreamWriter(out),null)}
     * so that you can do {@code printUsage(System.err)}.
  public void printSingleLineUsage(OutputStream out) {
    printSingleLineUsage(new OutputStreamWriter(out),null);

     * Prints a single-line usage to the screen.
     * @param rb
     *      if this is non-{@code null}, {@link Option#usage()} is treated
     *      as a key to obtain the actual message from this resource bundle.
  public void printSingleLineUsage(Writer w, ResourceBundle rb) {
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(w);
    for (OptionHandler h : arguments) {
      printSingleLineOption(pw, h, rb);
    for (OptionHandler h : options) {
      printSingleLineOption(pw, h, rb);

  private void printSingleLineOption(PrintWriter pw, OptionHandler h, ResourceBundle rb) {
    pw.print(' ');
    if (!h.option.required())
    if (h.option.isMultiValued()) {
      pw.print(" ...");
    if (!h.option.required())

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CmdLineParser.class.getName());

Related Classes of org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser$CmdLineImpl

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