Package org.teiid.jdbc

Source Code of org.teiid.jdbc.BaseDataSource

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.  Some portions may be licensed
* to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.

package org.teiid.jdbc;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Properties;

import javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource;
import javax.sql.PooledConnection;
import javax.sql.XAConnection;
import javax.sql.XADataSource;

import org.teiid.client.RequestMessage;

* The Teiid JDBC DataSource implementation class of {@link javax.sql.DataSource} and
* {@link javax.sql.XADataSource}.
* <p>
* The {@link javax.sql.DataSource} interface follows the JavaBean design pattern,
* meaning the implementation class has <i>properties</i> that are accessed with getter methods
* and set using setter methods, and where the getter and setter methods follow the JavaBean
* naming convention (e.g., <code>get</code><i>PropertyName</i><code>() : </code><i>PropertyType</i>
* and <code>set</code><i>PropertyName</i><code>(</code><i>PropertyType</i><code>) : void</code>).
* </p>
* The {@link javax.sql.XADataSource} interface is almost identical to the {@link javax.sql.DataSource}
* interface, but rather than returning {@link java.sql.Connection} instances, there are methods that
* return {@link javax.sql.XAConnection} instances that can be used with distributed transactions.
public abstract class BaseDataSource extends WrapperImpl implements javax.sql.DataSource, XADataSource, ConnectionPoolDataSource, {
  public static final String DEFAULT_APP_NAME = "JDBC"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    // constant indicating Virtual database name
    public static final String VDB_NAME = TeiidURL.JDBC.VDB_NAME;
    // constant indicating Virtual database version
    public static final String VDB_VERSION = TeiidURL.JDBC.VDB_VERSION;
    // constant for vdb version part of serverURL
    public static final String VERSION = TeiidURL.JDBC.VERSION;
    // name of the application which is obtaining connection
    public static final String APP_NAME = TeiidURL.CONNECTION.APP_NAME;
    // constant for username part of url
    public static final String USER_NAME = TeiidURL.CONNECTION.USER_NAME;
    // constant for password part of url
    public static final String PASSWORD = TeiidURL.CONNECTION.PASSWORD;
    protected static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 0;
    protected static final int DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = 0;

     * The name of the virtual database on a particular Teiid Server.
     * This property name is one of the standard property names defined by the JDBC 2.0 specification,
     * and is <i>required</i>.
    private String databaseName;

     * The logical name for the underlying <code>XADataSource</code> or
     * <code>ConnectionPoolDataSource</code>;
     * used only when pooling connections or distributed transactions are implemented.
     * This property name is one of the standard property names defined by the JDBC 2.0 specification,
     * and is <i>optional</i>.
    private String dataSourceName;

     * The description of this data source.
     * This property name is one of the standard property names defined by the JDBC 2.0 specification,
     * and is <i>optional</i>.
    private String description;

     * The user's name.
     * This property name is one of the standard property names defined by the JDBC 2.0 specification,
     * and is <i>required</i>.
    private String user;

     * The user's password.
     * This property name is one of the standard property names defined by the JDBC 2.0 specification,
     * and is <i>required</i>.
    private String password;

     * The version number of the virtual database to which a connection is to be established.
     * This property is <i>optional</i>; if not specified, the assumption is that the latest version
     * on the Teiid Server is to be used.
    private String databaseVersion;

     * The name of the application.  Supplying this property may allow an administrator of a
     * Teiid Server to better identify individual connections and usage patterns.
     * This property is <i>optional</i>.
    private String applicationName;

    /** Support partial results mode or not.*/
    private String partialResultsMode;
    /** Default fetch size, <= 0 indicates not set. */
    private int fetchSize = BaseDataSource.DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE;

    /** Whether to use result set cache if it available **/
    private String resultSetCacheMode;
     * The number of milliseconds before timing out.
     * This property is <i>optional</i> and defaults to "0" (meaning no time out).
    private int loginTimeout;
    private String showPlan;
    private boolean noExec;
    private String disableLocalTxn;

    private String transactionAutoWrap;
    private boolean ansiQuotedIdentifiers = true;
    private int queryTimeout;
     * Reference to the logWriter, which is transient and is therefore not serialized with the DataSource.
    private transient PrintWriter logWriter;
    public static final String JDBC = "jdbc:"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    // Default execution property constants
    protected static final int DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE = RequestMessage.DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE;
    protected static final String DEFAULT_PARTIAL_RESULTS_MODE = "FALSE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    protected static final String DEFAULT_RESULT_SET_CACHE_MODE = "FALSE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
     * Transaction auto wrap constant - never wrap a command execution in a transaction
     * and allow multi-source updates to occur outside of a transaction.
    public static final String TXN_WRAP_OFF = ExecutionProperties.TXN_WRAP_OFF;

     * Transaction auto wrap constant - always wrap every non-transactional command
     * execution in a transaction.
    public static final String TXN_WRAP_ON = ExecutionProperties.TXN_WRAP_ON;

     * Transaction auto wrap constant - checks if a command
     * requires a transaction and will be automatically wrap it.
    public static final String TXN_WRAP_AUTO = ExecutionProperties.TXN_WRAP_DETECT;

     * String to hold additional properties that are not represented with an explicit getter/setter
    private String additionalProperties;
     * Constructor for MMDataSource.
    public BaseDataSource() {
        this.loginTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                             H E L P E R   M E T H O D S
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    protected Properties buildProperties(final String userName, final String password) {
        Properties props = new Properties();

        if ( this.getDatabaseVersion() != null && this.getDatabaseVersion().trim().length() != ) {

        if ( userName != null && userName.trim().length() != 0) {
            props.setProperty(BaseDataSource.USER_NAME, userName);
        } else if ( this.getUser() != null && this.getUser().trim().length() != 0) {
            props.setProperty(BaseDataSource.USER_NAME, this.getUser());

        if ( password != null && password.trim().length() != 0) {
            props.setProperty(BaseDataSource.PASSWORD, password);
        } else if ( this.getPassword() != null && this.getPassword().trim().length() != 0) {
            props.setProperty(BaseDataSource.PASSWORD, this.getPassword());

        if ( this.getApplicationName() != null && this.getApplicationName().trim().length() != 0 ) {
        if (this.getPartialResultsMode() != null && this.getPartialResultsMode().trim().length() != 0) {
            props.setProperty(ExecutionProperties.PROP_PARTIAL_RESULTS_MODE, this.getPartialResultsMode());
        if(this.getFetchSize() > 0) {
            props.setProperty(ExecutionProperties.PROP_FETCH_SIZE, String.valueOf(this.getFetchSize()));
        if (this.getQueryTimeout() > 0) {
          props.setProperty(ExecutionProperties.QUERYTIMEOUT, String.valueOf(this.getQueryTimeout()));

        if (this.getResultSetCacheMode() != null && this.getResultSetCacheMode().trim().length() != 0) {
            props.setProperty(ExecutionProperties.RESULT_SET_CACHE_MODE, this.getResultSetCacheMode());
        if (this.getShowPlan() != null) {
            props.setProperty(ExecutionProperties.SQL_OPTION_SHOWPLAN, this.getShowPlan());
        if (this.isNoExec()) {
          props.setProperty(ExecutionProperties.NOEXEC, String.valueOf(this.isNoExec()));
        if ( this.getTransactionAutoWrap() != null && this.getTransactionAutoWrap().trim().length() != 0   ) {
            props.setProperty(ExecutionProperties.PROP_TXN_AUTO_WRAP, this.getTransactionAutoWrap());
        if (this.getDisableLocalTxn() != null) {
            props.setProperty(ExecutionProperties.DISABLE_LOCAL_TRANSACTIONS, this.getDisableLocalTxn());
        if (this.additionalProperties != null) {
          JDBCURL.parseConnectionProperties(this.additionalProperties, props);
        return props;

    protected void validateProperties( final String userName, final String password) throws java.sql.SQLException {
        String reason = reasonWhyInvalidApplicationName(this.applicationName);
        if ( reason != null ) {
            throw new SQLException(reason);

        reason = reasonWhyInvalidDatabaseName(this.databaseName);
        if ( reason != null ) {
            throw new SQLException(reason);

        reason = reasonWhyInvalidDatabaseVersion(this.databaseVersion);
        if ( reason != null ) {
            throw new SQLException(reason);

        reason = reasonWhyInvalidDataSourceName(this.dataSourceName);
        if ( reason != null ) {
            throw new SQLException(reason);

        reason = reasonWhyInvalidDescription(this.description);
        if ( reason != null ) {
            throw new SQLException(reason);

        final String pwd = password != null ? password : getPassword();
        reason = reasonWhyInvalidPassword(pwd);
        if ( reason != null ) {
            throw new SQLException(reason);

        reason = reasonWhyInvalidPartialResultsMode(this.partialResultsMode);
        if (reason != null) {
            throw new SQLException(reason);

        reason = reasonWhyInvalidFetchSize(this.fetchSize);
        if (reason != null) {
            throw new SQLException(reason);

        final String user = userName != null ? userName : getUser();
        reason = reasonWhyInvalidUser(user);
        if ( reason != null ) {
            throw new SQLException(reason);

        reason = reasonWhyInvalidTransactionAutoWrap(this.transactionAutoWrap);
        if ( reason != null ) {
            throw new SQLException(reason);
        if (this.queryTimeout < 0) {
          throw new TeiidSQLException(JDBCPlugin.Util.getString("MMStatement.Bad_timeout_value")); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                        D A T A S O U R C E   M E T H O D S
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Attempt to establish a database connection.
     * @return a Connection to the database
     * @throws java.sql.SQLException if a database-access error occurs
     * @see javax.sql.DataSource#getConnection()
    public Connection getConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException {
        return getConnection(null,null);
     * @see javax.sql.XADataSource#getXAConnection()
    public XAConnection getXAConnection() throws SQLException {
        return getXAConnection(null,null);
     * Attempt to establish a database connection that can be used with distributed transactions.
     * @param userName the database user on whose behalf the XAConnection is being made
     * @param password the user's password
     * @return an XAConnection to the database
     * @throws java.sql.SQLException if a database-access error occurs
     * @see javax.sql.XADataSource#getXAConnection(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
    public XAConnection getXAConnection(final String userName, final String password) throws java.sql.SQLException {
      return XAConnectionImpl.newInstance(new XAConnectionImpl.ConnectionSource() {

            public ConnectionImpl createConnection() throws SQLException {
                return (ConnectionImpl)getConnection(userName, password);
    public PooledConnection getPooledConnection() throws SQLException {
    return getPooledConnection(null, null);

  public PooledConnection getPooledConnection(final String userName, final String password)
      throws SQLException {
    return getXAConnection(userName, password);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                        P R O P E R T Y   M E T H O D S
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  public String getDisableLocalTxn() {
    return disableLocalTxn;

  public void setDisableLocalTxn(String disableLocalTxn) {
    this.disableLocalTxn = disableLocalTxn;

     * Get the log writer for this data source.
     * <p>
     * The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and tracing
     * messages for this data source object instance will be printed. This includes
     * messages printed by the methods of this object, messages printed by methods
     * of other objects manufactured by this object, and so on. Messages printed
     * to a data source specific log writer are not printed to the log writer
     * associated with the {@link java.sql.DriverManager} class. When a DataSource object is
     * created the log writer is initially null, in other words, logging is disabled.
     * @return the log writer for this data source, null if disabled
     * @throws java.sql.SQLException if a database-access error occurs
     * @see javax.sql.DataSource#getLogWriter()
    public PrintWriter getLogWriter() throws java.sql.SQLException{
        return this.logWriter;

     * Gets the maximum time in seconds that this data source can wait while attempting
     * to connect to a database. A value of zero means that the timeout is the default
     * system timeout if there is one; otherwise it means that there is no timeout.
     * When a DataSource object is created the login timeout is initially zero.
     * @return the data source login time limit
     * @throws java.sql.SQLException if a database-access error occurs
     * @see javax.sql.DataSource#getLoginTimeout()
    public int getLoginTimeout() throws java.sql.SQLException {
        return this.loginTimeout;

     * Set the log writer for this data source.
     * <p>
     * The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and tracing
     * messages for this data source object instance will be printed. This includes
     * messages printed by the methods of this object, messages printed by methods
     * of other objects manufactured by this object, and so on. Messages printed
     * to a data source specific log writer are not printed to the log writer
     * associated with the {@link java.sql.DriverManager} class. When a DataSource object is
     * created the log writer is initially null, in other words, logging is disabled.
     * @param writer the log writer for this data source, null if disabled
     * @throws java.sql.SQLException if a database-access error occurs
     * @see javax.sql.DataSource#setLogWriter(
    public void setLogWriter( final PrintWriter writer) throws java.sql.SQLException{
        this.logWriter = writer;

     * Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source can wait while attempting
     * to connect to a database. A value of zero means that the timeout is the default
     * system timeout if there is one; otherwise it means that there is no timeout.
     * When a DataSource object is created the login timeout is initially zero.
     * @param timeOut the data source login time limit
     * @throws java.sql.SQLException if a database-access error occurs
     * @see javax.sql.DataSource#setLoginTimeout(int)
    public void setLoginTimeout( final int timeOut) throws java.sql.SQLException {
        this.loginTimeout = timeOut;

     * Returns the name of the application.  Supplying this property may allow an administrator of a
     * Teiid Server to better identify individual connections and usage patterns.
     * This property is <i>optional</i>.
     * @return String the application name; may be null or zero-length
    public String getApplicationName() {
        return applicationName!=null?applicationName:DEFAULT_APP_NAME;

     * Returns the name of the virtual database on a particular Teiid Server.
     * @return String
    public String getDatabaseName() {
        return databaseName;

     * Returns the databaseVersion.
     * @return String
    public String getDatabaseVersion() {
        return databaseVersion;

     * Returns the logical name for the underlying <code>XADataSource</code> or
     * <code>ConnectionPoolDataSource</code>;
     * used only when pooling connections or distributed transactions are implemented.
     * @return the logical name for the underlying data source; may be null
    public String getDataSourceName() {
        return dataSourceName;

     * Returns the description of this data source.
     * @return the description; may be null
    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

     * Returns the user.
     * @return the name of the user for this data source
    public String getUser() {
        return user;

     * Returns the password.
     * @return the password for this data source.
    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

<     * Sets the name of the application.  Supplying this property may allow an administrator of a
     * Teiid Server to better identify individual connections and usage patterns.
     * This property is <i>optional</i>.
     * @param applicationName The applicationName to set
    public void setApplicationName(final String applicationName) {
        this.applicationName = applicationName;

     * Sets the name of the virtual database on a particular Teiid Server.
     * @param databaseName The name of the virtual database
    public void setDatabaseName(final String databaseName) {
        this.databaseName = databaseName;

     * Sets the databaseVersion.
     * @param databaseVersion The version of the virtual database
    public void setDatabaseVersion(final String databaseVersion) {
        this.databaseVersion = databaseVersion;

     * Sets the logical name for the underlying <code>XADataSource</code> or
     * <code>ConnectionPoolDataSource</code>;
     * used only when pooling connections or distributed transactions are implemented.
     * @param dataSourceName The dataSourceName for this data source; may be null
    public void setDataSourceName(final String dataSourceName) {
        this.dataSourceName = dataSourceName;

     * Sets the user.
     * @param user The user to set
    public void setUser(final String user) {
        this.user = user;

     * Sets the password.
     * @param password The password for this data source
    public void setPassword(final String password) {
        this.password = password;

     * Sets the description of this data source.
     * @param description The description for this data source; may be null
    public void setDescription(final String description) {
        this.description = description;

    public void setPartialResultsMode(String partialResultsMode) {
        this.partialResultsMode = partialResultsMode;

    public String getPartialResultsMode() {
        return this.partialResultsMode;

    public void setFetchSize(int fetchSize) {
        this.fetchSize = fetchSize;

    public int getFetchSize() {
        return this.fetchSize;
    public void setResultSetCacheMode(String resultSetCacheMode) {
        this.resultSetCacheMode = resultSetCacheMode;

    public String getResultSetCacheMode() {
        return this.resultSetCacheMode;
    public String getShowPlan() {
    return showPlan;
    public void setShowPlan(String showPlan) {
    this.showPlan = showPlan;
    public void setNoExec(boolean noExec) {
    this.noExec = noExec;
    public boolean isNoExec() {
    return noExec;
     * @deprecated
     * @see #getAutoCommitTxn()
     * @return
    public String getTransactionAutoWrap() {
        return transactionAutoWrap;

     * @deprecated
     * @see #setAutoCommitTxn(String)
     * @param transactionAutoWrap
    public void setTransactionAutoWrap(String transactionAutoWrap) {
        this.transactionAutoWrap = transactionAutoWrap;

     * Returns the current setting for how connections are created by this DataSource manage transactions
     * for client requests when client applications do not use transactions.
     * Because a virtual database will likely deal with multiple underlying information sources,
     * Teiid will execute all client requests within the contexts of transactions.
     * This method determines the semantics of creating such transactions when the client does not
     * explicitly do so.
     * @return the current setting, or null if the property has not been set and the default mode will
     * be used.
    public String getAutoCommitTxn() {
    return this.transactionAutoWrap;
     * Sets the setting for how connections are created by this DataSource manage transactions
     * for client requests with autoCommit = true.
     * Because a virtual database will likely deal with multiple underlying information sources,
     * Teiid will execute all client requests within the contexts of transactions.
     * This method determines the semantics of creating such transactions when the client does not
     * explicitly do so.
     * <p>
     * The allowable values for this property are:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>"<code>OFF</code>" - Nothing is ever wrapped in a transaction and the server will execute
     * multi-source updates happily but outside a transaction.  This is least safe but highest performance.
     * The {@link #TXN_WRAP_OFF} constant value is provided for convenience.</li>
     *   <li>"<code>ON</code>" - Always wrap every command in a transaction.  This is most safe but lowest
     * performance.
     * The {@link #TXN_WRAP_ON} constant value is provided for convenience.</li>
     *   <li>"<code>AUTO</code>" - checks if a command requires a transaction and will be automatically wrap it.
     * This is the default mode.
     * The {@link #TXN_WRAP_AUTO} constant value is provided for convenience.</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param transactionAutoWrap The transactionAutoWrap to set
    public void setAutoCommitTxn(String transactionAutoWrap) {
      this.transactionAutoWrap = transactionAutoWrap;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                  V A L I D A T I O N   M E T H O D S
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Return the reason why the supplied application name may be invalid, or null
     * if it is considered valid.
     * @param applicationName a possible value for the property
     * @return the reason why the property is invalid, or null if it is considered valid
     * @see #setApplicationName(String)
    public static String reasonWhyInvalidApplicationName( final String applicationName ) {
        return null;        // anything is valid

     * Return the reason why the supplied virtual database name may be invalid, or null
     * if it is considered valid.
     * @param databaseName a possible value for the property
     * @return the reason why the property is invalid, or null if it is considered valid
     * @see #setDatabaseName(String)
    public static String reasonWhyInvalidDatabaseName( final String databaseName ) {
        if ( databaseName == null || databaseName.trim().length() == 0 ) {                                 
            return JDBCPlugin.Util.getString("MMDataSource.Virtual_database_name_must_be_specified"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return null;

     * Return the reason why the supplied user name may be invalid, or null
     * if it is considered valid.
     * @param userName a possible value for the property
     * @return the reason why the property is invalid, or null if it is considered valid
     * @see #setUser(String)
    public static String reasonWhyInvalidUser( final String userName ) {
        return null;

     * Return the reason why the supplied transaction auto wrap value may be invalid, or null
     * if it is considered valid.
     * <p>
     * This method checks to see that the value is one of the allowable values.
     * </p>
     * @param autoWrap a possible value for the auto wrap property.
     * @return the reason why the property is invalid, or null if it is considered valid
     * @see #setTransactionAutoWrap(String)
    public static String reasonWhyInvalidTransactionAutoWrap( final String autoWrap ) {
        if ( autoWrap == null || autoWrap.trim().length() == 0 ) {
            return null;    // no longer require an app server name, 'cause will look on classpath
        final String trimmedAutoWrap = autoWrap.trim();
        if( TXN_WRAP_ON.equals(trimmedAutoWrap) ) {
            return null;
        if( TXN_WRAP_OFF.equals(trimmedAutoWrap) ) {
            return null;
        if( TXN_WRAP_AUTO.equals(trimmedAutoWrap) ) {
            return null;

        Object[] params = new Object[] {
        return JDBCPlugin.Util.getString("MMDataSource.Invalid_trans_auto_wrap_mode", params); //$NON-NLS-1$
     * Return the reason why the supplied virtual database version may be invalid, or null
     * if it is considered valid.
     * @param databaseVersion a possible value for the property
     * @return the reason why the property is invalid, or null if it is considered valid
     * @see #setDatabaseVersion(String)
    public static String reasonWhyInvalidDatabaseVersion( final String databaseVersion ) {
        return null;        // anything is valid (let server validate)

     * Return the reason why the supplied data source name may be invalid, or null
     * if it is considered valid.
     * @param dataSourceName a possible value for the property
     * @return the reason why the property is invalid, or null if it is considered valid
     * @see #setDataSourceName(String)
    public static String reasonWhyInvalidDataSourceName( final String dataSourceName) {
        return null;        // anything is valid

     * Return the reason why the supplied password may be invalid, or null
     * if it is considered valid.
     * @param pwd a possible value for the property
     * @return the reason why the property is invalid, or null if it is considered valid
     * @see #setPassword(String)
    public static String reasonWhyInvalidPassword( final String pwd ) {
        return null;

     * Return the reason why the supplied description may be invalid, or null
     * if it is considered valid.
     * @param description a possible value for the property
     * @return the reason why the property is invalid, or null if it is considered valid
     * @see #setDescription(String)
    public static String reasonWhyInvalidDescription( final String description ) {
        return null;        // anything is valid

     * The reason why partialResultsMode is invalid.
     * @param partialMode boolean flag
     * @return String reason
    public static String reasonWhyInvalidPartialResultsMode( final String partialMode) {
        if ( partialMode != null ) {
            if (partialMode.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || partialMode.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                return null;
            return JDBCPlugin.Util.getString("MMDataSource.The_partial_mode_must_be_boolean._47"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return null;

     * The reason why fetchSize is invalid.
     * @param fetchSize Number of rows per batch
     * @return the reason why the property is invalid, or null if it is considered valid
    public static String reasonWhyInvalidFetchSize( final int fetchSize) {
        if ( fetchSize <= 0 ) {
            return JDBCPlugin.Util.getString("MMDataSource.The_fetch_size_must_be_greater_than_zero"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return null;
  public void setAdditionalProperties(String additionalProperties) {
    this.additionalProperties = additionalProperties;

  public String getAdditionalProperties() {
    return additionalProperties;

  public void setAnsiQuotedIdentifiers(boolean ansiQuotedIdentifiers) {
    this.ansiQuotedIdentifiers = ansiQuotedIdentifiers;

  public boolean isAnsiQuotedIdentifiers() {
    return ansiQuotedIdentifiers;
  public int getQueryTimeout() {
    return queryTimeout;
  public void setQueryTimeout(int queryTimeout) {
    this.queryTimeout = queryTimeout;


Related Classes of org.teiid.jdbc.BaseDataSource

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