
Source Code of

* Copyright (c) 2004 SourceTap -
*  The contents of this file are subject to the SourceTap Public License
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an  "AS IS"  basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.ofbiz.core.entity.EntityAttribute;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityComparisonOperator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityConditionList;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityExpr;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityOperator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity;
import org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField;
import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityListIterator;

import com.sourcetap.sfa.event.DataMatrix;
import com.sourcetap.sfa.replication.GenericReplicator;
import com.sourcetap.sfa.util.Preference;
import com.sourcetap.sfa.util.QueryInfo;
import com.sourcetap.sfa.util.UserInfo;

public class SecurityWrapper {
    private static final String ROLE = "role";
    private static final String TEAM = "team";
  public static final String module = SecurityWrapper.class.getName();

     * @param entity
     * @param orderBy
     * @param userInfo
     * @param securityInfo
     * @param delegator
     * @return
     * @throws GenericEntityException
    public static List findAll(String entity, List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo,
        SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo, GenericDelegator delegator)
        throws GenericEntityException {
        return findByAnd(entity, new ArrayList(), orderBy, userInfo,
            securityInfo, delegator);

   * @param entity
   * @param entityExpressions
   * @param orderBy
   * @param userInfo
   * @param securityInfo
   * @param delegator
   * @return
   * @throws GenericEntityException
  public static List findByAnd(String entity, List entityExpressions,
    List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo, SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo,
    GenericDelegator delegator) throws GenericEntityException {
    return findByAnd( entity, entityExpressions, orderBy, userInfo, securityInfo, delegator, "TEAM");

   * @param entity
   * @param entityExpressions
   * @param orderBy
   * @param userInfo
   * @param securityInfo
   * @param delegator
   * @return
   * @throws GenericEntityException
  public static List findByAndRoleOnly(String entity, List entityExpressions,
    List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo, SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo,
    GenericDelegator delegator) throws GenericEntityException {
    return findByAnd( entity, entityExpressions, orderBy, userInfo, securityInfo, delegator, "ROLE");

     * @param entity
     * @param entityExpressions
     * @param orderBy
     * @param userInfo
     * @param securityInfo
     * @param delegator
     * @return
     * @throws GenericEntityException
    public static List findByAnd(String entity, List entityExpressions,
        List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo, SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo,
        GenericDelegator delegator, String securityType) throws GenericEntityException {
        HashMap equalsMap = new HashMap();
        EntityExpr entityExpr = null;
        QueryInfo queryInfo = new QueryInfo( delegator, entity);

        //convert existing expressions into AND clauses.
        for (int i = 0; i < entityExpressions.size(); i++) {
            entityExpr = (EntityExpr) entityExpressions.get(i);

            Object lhs = (Object) entityExpr.getLhs();
            Object rhs = (Object) entityExpr.getRhs();
      EntityComparisonOperator op = (EntityComparisonOperator) entityExpr.getOperator();

            if (lhs instanceof EntityAttribute &&
                    rhs instanceof EntityAttribute) {
                lhs = (EntityAttribute) lhs;
                rhs = (EntityAttribute) rhs;
                String firstEntity = ((EntityAttribute) lhs).getEntity();
                String secondEntity = ((EntityAttribute) rhs).getEntity();
                if ( !firstEntity.equals(secondEntity) )
          if ( !op.equals( EntityOperator.EQUALS ))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Join operator must be EQUALS");
                  queryInfo.addJoin(firstEntity, secondEntity, Boolean.FALSE, ((EntityAttribute) lhs).getField(),
                        ((EntityAttribute) rhs).getField());
          queryInfo.addCondition( firstEntity, ((EntityAttribute) lhs).getField(), op, ((EntityAttribute) rhs).getField());
            } else {
                if (lhs instanceof EntityAttribute) {
                  queryInfo.addCondition( ((EntityAttribute) lhs).getEntity(), ((EntityAttribute) lhs).getField(), op, rhs);
                } else {
          queryInfo.addCondition( entity, (String) lhs, op, rhs);

        buildSecurityInfo(queryInfo, userInfo, securityInfo, entity, delegator, securityType);

    queryInfo.setOrderBy( orderBy );
    return queryInfo.executeQuery();

     * @param entity
     * @param entityExpressions
     * @param orderBy
     * @param userInfo
     * @param securityInfo
     * @param delegator
     * @return
     * @throws GenericEntityException
    public static List findByClause(String entity, List entityExpressions,
        List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo, SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo,
        GenericDelegator delegator, boolean old_not_used_anymore) throws GenericEntityException {

        Debug.logVerbose("[findByClause] userInfo: " + userInfo.toString(), module);
    QueryInfo queryInfo = new QueryInfo( delegator, entity)

        ArrayList newExpressions = new ArrayList(entityExpressions);
        HashMap equalsMap = new HashMap();
        buildSecurityInfo(queryInfo, userInfo, securityInfo, entity, delegator, "TEAM");

    throw new IllegalArgumentException("findByClause not supported");
       // return delegator.findByClause(entity, newExpressions, equalsMap, orderBy);

     * @param entity
     * @param entityExpressions
     * @param orderBy
     * @param userInfo
     * @param securityInfo
     * @param delegator
     * @return
     * @throws GenericEntityException
    public static List findByClauseRoleOnly(String entity,
        List entityExpressions, List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo,
        SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo, GenericDelegator delegator, boolean old_not_used_anymore)
        throws GenericEntityException {
        ArrayList newExpressions = new ArrayList(entityExpressions);
        HashMap equalsMap = new HashMap();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("findByClauseRoleOnly not supported");
       // newExpressions = buildSecurityInfo(newExpressions, userInfo,
         //       securityInfo, entity, delegator, "ROLE");

//        return delegator.findByClause(entity, newExpressions, equalsMap, orderBy);

  public static List findByCondition(String entity, QueryInfo queryInfo,
    List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo, SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo,
    GenericDelegator delegator) throws GenericEntityException {

    Debug.logVerbose("[findByClause] userInfo: " + userInfo.toString(), module);

    buildSecurityInfo(queryInfo, userInfo, securityInfo, entity, delegator, "TEAM");
    queryInfo.setOrderBy( orderBy );
    return queryInfo.executeQuery();

  public static List findByCondition(String entity, EntityCondition condition,
    List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo, SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo,
    GenericDelegator delegator) throws GenericEntityException {

    Debug.logVerbose("[findByCondition] userInfo: " + userInfo.toString(), module);
    QueryInfo queryInfo = new QueryInfo( delegator, entity );
    queryInfo.addCondition( condition );
    return findByCondition( entity, queryInfo, orderBy, userInfo, securityInfo, delegator );

  public static EntityListIterator findListIteratorByCondition(String entity, EntityCondition condition,
    List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo, SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo,
    GenericDelegator delegator) throws GenericEntityException {

    Debug.logVerbose("[findListIteratorByCondition] userInfo: " + userInfo.toString(), module);
    QueryInfo queryInfo = new QueryInfo( delegator, entity );
    queryInfo.addCondition( condition );
    return findListIteratorByCondition( entity, queryInfo, orderBy, userInfo, securityInfo, delegator );

  public static EntityListIterator findListIteratorByCondition(String entity, QueryInfo queryInfo,
    List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo, SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo,
    GenericDelegator delegator) throws GenericEntityException {

    Debug.logVerbose("[findByClause] userInfo: " + userInfo.toString(), module);

    buildSecurityInfo(queryInfo, userInfo, securityInfo, entity, delegator, "TEAM");
    queryInfo.setOrderBy( orderBy );
    return queryInfo.getQueryIterator();

     * @param entity
     * @param entityExpressions
     * @param orderBy
     * @param userInfo
     * @param securityInfo
     * @param delegator
     * @return
     * @throws GenericEntityException
    public static List findByLike(String entity, List entityExpressions,
        List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo, SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo,
        GenericDelegator delegator) throws GenericEntityException
    return findByLike( entity, entityExpressions, orderBy, userInfo, securityInfo, delegator, "TEAM");

   * @param entity
   * @param entityExpressions
   * @param orderBy
   * @param userInfo
   * @param securityInfo
   * @param delegator
   * @return
   * @throws GenericEntityException
  public static List findByLikeRoleOnly(String entity,
    List entityExpressions, List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo,
    SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo, GenericDelegator delegator)
    throws GenericEntityException
    return findByLike( entity, entityExpressions, orderBy, userInfo, securityInfo, delegator, "ROLE");
   * @param entity
   * @param entityExpressions
   * @param orderBy
   * @param userInfo
   * @param securityInfo
   * @param delegator
   * @return
   * @throws GenericEntityException
  public static List findByLike(String entity,
    List entityExpressions, List orderBy, UserInfo userInfo,
    SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo, GenericDelegator delegator, String securityType)
    throws GenericEntityException
    QueryInfo queryInfo = new QueryInfo( delegator, entity);
    EntityExpr entityExpr = null;

    //convert existing expressions into LIKE clauses.
    for (int i = 0; i < entityExpressions.size(); i++) {
      entityExpr = (EntityExpr) entityExpressions.get(i);

      Object lhs = entityExpr.getLhs();
      Object rhs = entityExpr.getRhs();
      EntityComparisonOperator op = (EntityComparisonOperator) entityExpr.getOperator();
      if ( !op.equals(EntityOperator.LIKE) && !op.equals(EntityOperator.EQUALS))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Join Operator must be LIKE or EQUALS");

      if (lhs instanceof EntityAttribute &&
          rhs instanceof EntityAttribute) {
        lhs = (EntityAttribute) lhs;
        rhs = (EntityAttribute) rhs;
        String firstEntity = ((EntityAttribute) lhs).getEntity();
        String secondEntity = ((EntityAttribute) rhs).getEntity();
        if ( !firstEntity.equals(secondEntity) )
          if ( !op.equals( EntityOperator.EQUALS ))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Join operator must be EQUALS");
          queryInfo.addJoin(firstEntity, secondEntity, Boolean.FALSE, ((EntityAttribute) lhs).getField(),
                  ((EntityAttribute) rhs).getField());
          queryInfo.addCondition( firstEntity, ((EntityAttribute) lhs).getField(), op, ((EntityAttribute) rhs).getField());
      } else {
        if (lhs instanceof EntityAttribute) {
          queryInfo.addCondition( ((EntityAttribute) lhs).getEntity(), ((EntityAttribute) lhs).getField(), op, rhs);
        } else {
          queryInfo.addCondition( entity, (String) lhs, op, rhs);

    buildSecurityInfo(queryInfo, userInfo, securityInfo, entity, delegator, securityType);

    queryInfo.setOrderBy( orderBy );
    return queryInfo.executeQuery();

     * @param newExpressions
     * @param userInfo
     * @param securityInfo
     * @param entity
     * @param delegator
     * @param roleOrTeam
     * @return
     * @throws GenericEntityException
    private static QueryInfo buildSecurityInfo(QueryInfo queryInfo,
        UserInfo userInfo, SecurityLinkInfo securityInfo, String entity,
        GenericDelegator delegator, String roleOrTeam)
        throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelEntity modelEntity = delegator.getModelEntity(entity);

        Debug.logVerbose("[buildSecurityInfo] userInfo: " +
                userInfo.toString(), module);

        String linkEntity = null;
        String linkAttribute = null;
        String partyId = userInfo.getPartyId();
        String roleId = userInfo.getRoleId();

        Preference preference = new Preference(delegator);
        String securityMode = preference.getPreference(userInfo.getAccountId(),
                "SECURITY_MODE", "team");

        Debug.logVerbose("[buildSecurityInfo] securityMode: " + securityMode, module);

        if (securityInfo != null) {
            linkEntity = securityInfo.getEntityName();
            linkAttribute = securityInfo.getAttributeName();

        if ((linkEntity == null) || (linkEntity.equals(""))) {
            linkEntity = entity;

        if ((linkAttribute == null) || (linkAttribute.equals(""))) {
            List pks = modelEntity.getPksCopy();
            linkAttribute = ((ModelField) pks.get(0)).getName();

        Debug.logVerbose("[buildSecurityInfo] securityMode: " + securityMode, module);
        Debug.logVerbose("[buildSecurityInfo] linkEntity: " + linkEntity, module);
        Debug.logVerbose("[buildSecurityInfo] entity: " + entity, module);
        Debug.logVerbose("[buildSecurityInfo] linkAttribute: " +
                linkAttribute, module);
        Debug.logVerbose("[buildSecurityInfo] userInfo.getAccountId(): " +
                userInfo.getAccountId(), module);
        Debug.logVerbose("[buildSecurityInfo] partyId: " + partyId, module);

        if (securityMode.equals("none")) {
            //Find Entities in the Entity_Access where the accountId for the role is the same as the user
            //this makes anything anyone adds available to anyone in the company
            queryInfo.addJoin( entity, "EntityAccess",  Boolean.FALSE, linkAttribute, "entityId");
      queryInfo.addCondition( "EntityAccess", "entity", EntityOperator.EQUALS, linkEntity);
      queryInfo.addCondition( "EntityAccess", "partyEntityType", EntityOperator.EQUALS, "Role");
      queryInfo.addJoin( "EntityAccess", "Role", Boolean.FALSE, "partyId", "roleId");
      queryInfo.addAlias("Role", "accountId", "Role_accountId");
      queryInfo.addCondition( "Role", "Role_accountId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, userInfo.getAccountId())
        } else if (securityMode.equals("territory") ||
                roleOrTeam.equalsIgnoreCase("ROLE")) {
            //Find Entities in the Entity_Access table where the partyId has Role access
            roleId = "%" + roleId + "%";

                    "-->[SecurityWrapper.buildSecurityInfo] roleId: " + roleId, module);

      queryInfo.addJoin( entity, "EntityAccess",  Boolean.FALSE, linkAttribute, "entityId");
      queryInfo.addCondition( "EntityAccess", "entity", EntityOperator.EQUALS, linkEntity);
      queryInfo.addCondition( "EntityAccess", "partyEntityType", EntityOperator.EQUALS, "Role");
      queryInfo.addJoin( "EntityAccess", "Role", Boolean.FALSE, "partyId", "roleId");

      queryInfo.checkAttribute("EntityAccess", "entityCreatedBy");
      queryInfo.checkAttribute("Role", "rolePath");
      EntityCondition condition  = new EntityConditionList( UtilMisc.toList(
        new EntityExpr( "entityCreatedBy", EntityOperator.EQUALS, userInfo.getPartyId() ),
        new EntityExpr( "rolePath", EntityOperator.LIKE, roleId)), EntityOperator.OR);
      queryInfo.addCondition( condition );

        } else if (roleOrTeam.equalsIgnoreCase("TEAM")) {
            // Find Entities in the Entity_Access table where the partyId has Team_Member access.
      queryInfo.addJoin( entity, "EntityAccess",  Boolean.FALSE, linkAttribute, "entityId");
      queryInfo.addCondition( "EntityAccess", "entity", EntityOperator.EQUALS, linkEntity);
      queryInfo.addCondition( "EntityAccess", "partyEntityType", EntityOperator.EQUALS, "Team");
      queryInfo.addJoin( "EntityAccess", "TeamMember", Boolean.FALSE, "partyId", "teamId");
      queryInfo.addCondition( "TeamMember", "partyId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, partyId);
        } else {
            throw new GenericEntityException(
                "SecurityWrapper.buildSecurityInfo() must use either role or team as a parameter.");

        return queryInfo;

     * Combines two GenericValue-Lists into one.  Does not add duplicate GenericValues.
    private static List unionLists(List one, List two) {
        List returnList = null;

        if (one.size() > two.size()) {
            Iterator twoIter = two.iterator();
            GenericValue value = null;

            while (twoIter.hasNext()) {
                value = (GenericValue);

                if (!one.contains(value)) {

            returnList = one;
        } else {
            Iterator oneIter = one.iterator();
            GenericValue value = null;

            while (oneIter.hasNext()) {
                value = (GenericValue);

                if (!two.contains(value)) {

            returnList = two;

        return returnList;

     * Add security information to the list of data to store with the specified entitiy
    public static boolean addRoleInformation(DataMatrix dataMatrix, int row,
        UserInfo userInfo, String ownerPartyId, String accessEntityName,
        String accessEntityAttributeValue, GenericDelegator delegator) {
        // Create a new Team, with the current logged-in user as primary and the owner if it is different from the current user.
        Timestamp now = new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime());
        List storeGVL = new LinkedList();

        String userPartyId = userInfo.getPartyId();
        String userRoleId = userInfo.getRoleId();

        GenericValue party = new GenericValue(delegator.getModelEntity("Party"));
        String teamId = GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId("Party", delegator);
        party.set("partyId", teamId);
        dataMatrix.addEntity("Party", false, true);

        GenericValue team = new GenericValue(delegator.getModelEntity("Team"));
        team.set("teamId", teamId);
        team.set("createdBy", userPartyId);
        team.set("createdDate", now);
        team.set("modifiedBy", userPartyId);
        team.set("modifiedDate", now);
        dataMatrix.addEntity("Team", false, true);

        // Add user to team_members
                "-->[SecurityWrapper.addRoleInformation] Adding user to the team.", module);

        GenericValue userTeamMember = new GenericValue(delegator.getModelEntity(
            GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId("TeamMember", delegator));
        userTeamMember.set("teamId", teamId);
        userTeamMember.set("partyId", userPartyId);

        if (!ownerPartyId.equals(userPartyId) && !ownerPartyId.equals("") &&
                (ownerPartyId != null)) {
            // The current user is not the owner.
            userTeamMember.set("teamOwner", "N");
        } else {
            // The current user is the owner.
            userTeamMember.set("teamOwner", "Y");

        userTeamMember.set("createdBy", userPartyId);
        userTeamMember.set("createdDate", now);
        userTeamMember.set("modifiedBy", userPartyId);
        userTeamMember.set("modifiedDate", now);
        dataMatrix.addEntity("TeamMember", false, true);

                "-->[SecurityWrapper.addRoleInformation] userPartyId: " +
                userPartyId, module);
                "-->[SecurityWrapper.addRoleInformation] ownerPartyId: " +
                ownerPartyId, module);

        if (!ownerPartyId.equals(userPartyId) && !ownerPartyId.equals("") &&
                (ownerPartyId != null)) {
            // Add owner to team_members since it is different from the current user.
                    "-->[SecurityWrapper.addRoleInformation] Adding owner to the team.", module);

            GenericValue ownerTeamMember = new GenericValue(delegator.getModelEntity(
            ownerTeamMember.setDelegator( delegator );
                GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId("TeamMember", delegator));
            ownerTeamMember.set("teamId", teamId);
            ownerTeamMember.set("partyId", ownerPartyId);
            ownerTeamMember.set("teamOwner", "Y");
            ownerTeamMember.set("createdBy", userPartyId);
            ownerTeamMember.set("createdDate", now);
            ownerTeamMember.set("modifiedBy", userPartyId);
            ownerTeamMember.set("modifiedDate", now);
            dataMatrix.addEntity("TeamMember", false, true);

        //add Team to Entity Access.
        GenericValue entityAccess = new GenericValue(delegator.getModelEntity(
        entityAccess.setDelegator( delegator );
            GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId("EntityAccess", delegator));
        entityAccess.set("entity", accessEntityName);
        entityAccess.set("entityId", accessEntityAttributeValue);
        entityAccess.set("partyId", team.getString("teamId"));
        entityAccess.set("partyEntityType", "Team");
        entityAccess.set("entityCreatedBy", userPartyId);
        entityAccess.set("createdBy", userPartyId);
        entityAccess.set("createdDate", now);
        entityAccess.set("modifiedBy", userPartyId);
        entityAccess.set("modifiedDate", now);
        dataMatrix.addEntity("EntityAccess", false, true);

        // Get the owner party's role.
        String ownerRoleId = "";
        HashMap roleFindMap = new HashMap();
        roleFindMap.put("contactId", ownerPartyId);

        try {
            GenericValue ownerContactGV = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Contact",

            if (null != ownerContactGV) {
                ownerRoleId = ownerContactGV.getString("roleId");

                        "-->[SecurityWrapper.addRoleInformation] Found owner's role ID.", module);

        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                "[SecurityWrapper.addRoleInformation] And error occurred while looking for the entity owner's contact. (" +
                ownerPartyId + ")", module);

        if ((ownerRoleId == null) || ownerRoleId.equals("")) {
            // The owner does not have a role.  Give access to the user that created the entity, and log a warning.
            ownerRoleId = userRoleId;
                "[SecurityWrapper.addRoleInformation] Warning!  Owner of " +
                accessEntityName + " " + accessEntityAttributeValue +
                " does not have a role.  Granting access to the current user's role ( " +
                userRoleId + ") instead.", module);

        //Add a Role entity to Entity_Access with the owner's role as the party_id
                "-->[SecurityWrapper.addRoleInformation] Adding entity access for role ID " +
                ownerRoleId + ".", module);

        GenericValue entityRoleAccess = new GenericValue(delegator.getModelEntity(
        entityRoleAccess.setDelegator( delegator );
            GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId("EntityAccess", delegator));
        entityRoleAccess.set("entity", accessEntityName);
        entityRoleAccess.set("entityId", accessEntityAttributeValue);
        entityRoleAccess.set("partyId", ownerRoleId);
        entityRoleAccess.set("partyEntityType", "Role");
        entityRoleAccess.set("entityCreatedBy", userPartyId);
        entityRoleAccess.set("createdBy", userPartyId);
        entityRoleAccess.set("createdDate", now);
        entityRoleAccess.set("modifiedBy", userPartyId);
        entityRoleAccess.set("modifiedDate", now);
        dataMatrix.addEntity("EntityAccess", false, true);

        return true;

     * Add security information to the list of data to store with the specified entitiy
    public static boolean updateRoleInformation(DataMatrix dataMatrix, int row,
        UserInfo userInfo, String ownerPartyId, String accessEntityName,
        String accessEntityAttributeValue, GenericDelegator delegator) {
        // Add the owner to the team if it is different from the current user.
        Timestamp now = new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime());

        String userPartyId = userInfo.getPartyId();
        String userRoleId = userInfo.getRoleId();

                "-->[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] userPartyId: " +
                userPartyId, module);

                "-->[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] ownerPartyId: " +
                ownerPartyId, module);

        // Find the team-type entity access for this entity.
        List teamEntityAccessGVL = findEntityAccessGVL(accessEntityName,
                accessEntityAttributeValue, "Team", delegator);
        Iterator teamEntityAccessGVI = teamEntityAccessGVL.iterator();

        if (teamEntityAccessGVI.hasNext()) {
            // Team entity access was found.  Get the team members.
            GenericValue teamEntityAccessGV = (GenericValue);
            String teamId = teamEntityAccessGV.getString("partyId");
            HashMap teamMemberFindMap = new HashMap();
            teamMemberFindMap.put("teamId", teamId);

            try {
                List teamMemberGVL = delegator.findByAnd("TeamMember",
                Iterator teamMemberGVI = teamMemberGVL.iterator();
                boolean ownerFound = false;

                while (teamMemberGVI.hasNext()) {
                    GenericValue teamMemberGV = (GenericValue);
                    String teamMemberPartyId = (teamMemberGV.getString(
                            "partyId") == null) ? ""
                                                : teamMemberGV.getString(

                    if (teamMemberPartyId.equals(ownerPartyId)) {
                                "-->[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] Owner is already on the team.", module);

                        ownerFound = true;


                if (!ownerFound) {
                    // Need to add the owner to the team.
                            "-->[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] Adding owner to the team.", module);

                    GenericValue ownerTeamMember = new GenericValue(delegator.getModelEntity(
                    ownerTeamMember.setDelegator ( delegator );
                        GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId("TeamMember", delegator));
                    ownerTeamMember.set("teamId", teamId);
                    ownerTeamMember.set("partyId", ownerPartyId);
                    ownerTeamMember.set("teamOwner", "Y");
                    ownerTeamMember.set("createdBy", userPartyId);
                    ownerTeamMember.set("createdDate", now);
                    ownerTeamMember.set("modifiedBy", userPartyId);
                    ownerTeamMember.set("modifiedDate", now);
                    dataMatrix.addEntity("TeamMember", false, true);
            } catch (GenericEntityException e2) {
                    "[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] An error occurred while finding team " +
                    "members for team " + teamId, module);
        } else {
                "[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] Could not find the team for the " +
                accessEntityName, module);

        // Get the owner party's role.
        String ownerRoleId = "";
        HashMap roleFindMap = new HashMap();
        roleFindMap.put("contactId", ownerPartyId);

        try {
            GenericValue ownerContactGV = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Contact",
            ownerRoleId = ownerContactGV.getString("roleId");

                    "-->[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] Found owner's role ID.", module);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                "[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] An error occurred while looking for the " +
                "entity owner's contact. (" + ownerPartyId + "):", module);
            Debug.logError(e.getLocalizedMessage(), module);

        if ((ownerRoleId == null) || ownerRoleId.equals("")) {
            // The owner does not have a role.  Give access to the user that created the entity, and log a warning.
            ownerRoleId = userRoleId;
                "[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] Warning!  Owner of " +
                accessEntityName + " " + accessEntityAttributeValue +
                " does not have a role.  Granting access to the current user's role ( " +
                userRoleId + ") instead.", module);

        // Check whether there is an entity access record for the owner's role.

        List roleEntityAccessGVL = findEntityAccessGVL(accessEntityName,
                accessEntityAttributeValue, "Role", delegator);
        String entityCreatedBy = userPartyId;
        boolean roleEntityAccessFound = false;
        Iterator roleEntityAccessGVI = roleEntityAccessGVL.iterator();

        while (roleEntityAccessGVI.hasNext()) {
            GenericValue roleEntityAccessGV = (GenericValue);
            String partyId = (roleEntityAccessGV.getString("partyId") == null)
                ? "" : roleEntityAccessGV.getString("partyId");

            if (partyId.equals(ownerRoleId)) {
                roleEntityAccessFound = true;

                        "-->[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] Found entity access record for owner's role.", module);
            } else {
                // This entity access record is not for the owner's role. Remove it.
                        "-->[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] Removing entity access record not " +
                        "for owner's role (" + roleEntityAccessGV.toString(), module);

                entityCreatedBy = roleEntityAccessGV.getString(

                try {
                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                        "[SecurityWrapper.entityAccessGVL] Warning!  An error occurred while removing an " +
                        "entity access record:", module);
                    Debug.logError(e.getLocalizedMessage(), module);

        if (!roleEntityAccessFound) {
            // No entity access was found for the owner's role.  Need to add it.
                    "-->[SecurityWrapper.updateRoleInformation] Adding entity access for role ID " +
                    ownerRoleId + ".", module);

            GenericValue entityRoleAccess = new GenericValue(delegator.getModelEntity(
            entityRoleAccess.setDelegator( delegator );
                GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId("EntityAccess", delegator));
            entityRoleAccess.set("entity", accessEntityName);
            entityRoleAccess.set("entityId", accessEntityAttributeValue);
            entityRoleAccess.set("partyId", ownerRoleId);
            entityRoleAccess.set("partyEntityType", "Role");
            entityRoleAccess.set("entityCreatedBy", entityCreatedBy);
            entityRoleAccess.set("createdBy", userPartyId);
            entityRoleAccess.set("createdDate", now);
            entityRoleAccess.set("modifiedBy", userPartyId);
            entityRoleAccess.set("modifiedDate", now);
            dataMatrix.addEntity("EntityAccess", false, true);

        return true;

     * @param accessEntityName
     * @param accessEntityAttributeValue
     * @param partyEntityType
     * @param delegator
     * @return
    protected static List findEntityAccessGVL(String accessEntityName,
        String accessEntityAttributeValue, String partyEntityType,
        GenericDelegator delegator) {
        HashMap entityAccessFindMap = new HashMap();
        entityAccessFindMap.put("entity", accessEntityName);
        entityAccessFindMap.put("entityId", accessEntityAttributeValue);
        entityAccessFindMap.put("partyEntityType", partyEntityType);

        try {
            return delegator.findByAnd("EntityAccess", entityAccessFindMap);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                "[SecurityWrapper.entityAccessGVL] Warning!  An error occurred while looking for " +
                "entity access records for {(accessEntityName, " +
                accessEntityName + "), (accessEntityAttributeValue," +
                accessEntityAttributeValue + "), (partyEntityType," +
                partyEntityType + "):", module);
            Debug.logError(e.getLocalizedMessage(), module);

            return null;

     * @param teamId
     * @param contactId
     * @param userInfo
     * @param delegator
     * @return
    public static boolean addTeamMember(String teamId, String contactId,
        UserInfo userInfo, GenericDelegator delegator) {

        Debug.logVerbose("[SecurityWrapper.addTeamMember]", module);

        try {
            // Add the specified user as a non-primary member of the specified team.
            String userPartyId = userInfo.getPartyId();
            GenericValue teamMember = new GenericValue(delegator.getModelEntity(
            teamMember.setDelegator( delegator );
            Timestamp now = new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()

                GenericReplicator.getNextSeqId("TeamMember", delegator));
            teamMember.set("teamId", teamId);
            teamMember.set("partyId", contactId);
            teamMember.set("teamOwner", "N");
            teamMember.set("createdBy", userPartyId);
            teamMember.set("createdDate", now);
            teamMember.set("modifiedBy", userPartyId);
            teamMember.set("modifiedDate", now);

                    "[SecurityWrapper.addTeamMember] About to insert team member " +
                    teamMember.toString(), module);

        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                "[SecurityWrapper.addTeamMember] Error inserting new team member: " +
                e.getLocalizedMessage(), module);

            return false;

        return true;

     * @param teamId
     * @param contactId
     * @param userInfo
     * @param delegator
     * @return
    public static boolean removeTeamMember(String teamId, String contactId,
        UserInfo userInfo, GenericDelegator delegator) {
        Debug.logVerbose("[SecurityWrapper.removeTeamMember]", module);

        try {
            //Delete a team member
            HashMap fields = new HashMap();

            fields.put("teamId", teamId);
            fields.put("partyId", contactId);

                    "[SecurityWrapper.removeTeamMember] About to remove by and: " +
                    fields.toString(), module);

            delegator.removeByAnd("TeamMember", fields);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                "[SecurityWrapper.removeTeamMember] Error removing team member: " +
                e.getLocalizedMessage(), module);

            return false;

        return true;

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