Package org.apache.tomcat.util.http.mapper

Source Code of org.apache.tomcat.util.http.mapper.Mapper$Wrapper

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package org.apache.tomcat.util.http.mapper;

import javax.naming.NamingException;

import org.apache.catalina.core.AlternateDocBase;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.CharChunk;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.MessageBytes;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.Ascii;
// START GlassFish 1024
import java.util.HashMap;
// END GlassFish 1024
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

* Mapper, which implements the servlet API mapping rules (which are derived
* from the HTTP rules).
* @author Remy Maucherat
public final class Mapper {

    private static logger =;
    // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables

     * Array containing the virtual hosts definitions.
    protected Host[] hosts = new Host[0];

     * Default host name.
    protected String defaultHostName = null;

     * Context associated with this wrapper, used for wrapper mapping.
    protected Context context = new Context();

    // START GlassFish 1024
    private HashMap defaultContextPathsMap = new HashMap();
    // END GlassFish 1024

     * Indicates whether or not this class handles directory redirection.
     * Set to false, if directory redirection (for requests that aren't /
     * terminated) is handled by the default servlet.
    private static boolean handleFolderRedirects = true;

    // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods

     * Get default host.
     * @return Default host name
    public String getDefaultHostName() {
        return defaultHostName;

     * Set default host.
     * @param defaultHostName Default host name
    public void setDefaultHostName(String defaultHostName) {
        this.defaultHostName = defaultHostName;

     * Sets whether or not this Mapper redirects directory requests that
     * aren't / terminated.
     * @param redirect true if this Mapper should redirect such
     * requests, false if the default servlet handles such requests.
    public static void setHandleFolderRedirects(boolean redirect) {
        handleFolderRedirects = redirect;

     * Returns whether or not this Mapper redirects directory requests that
     * aren't / terminated.
    public static boolean isHandleFolderRedirects() {
        return handleFolderRedirects;

     * Add a new host to the mapper.
     * @param name Virtual host name
     * @param host Host object
    public synchronized void addHost(String name, String[] aliases,
                                     Object host) {

        Host[] newHosts = new Host[hosts.length + 1];
        Host newHost = new Host();
        ContextList contextList = new ContextList();
        // START GlassFish 1024
        Context[] defaultContexts = new Context[1];
        String[] defaultContextPaths = new String[1];
        // END GlassFish 1024 = name;
        newHost.contextList = contextList;
        newHost.object = host;
        // START GlassFish 1024
        newHost.defaultContexts = defaultContexts;
        newHost.defaultContextPaths = defaultContextPaths;
        // END GlassFish 1024
        if (insertMap(hosts, newHosts, newHost)) {
            hosts = newHosts;
        for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++) {
            newHosts = new Host[hosts.length + 1];
            newHost = new Host();
   = aliases[i];
            newHost.contextList = contextList;
            // START GlassFish 1024
            newHost.defaultContexts = defaultContexts;
            newHost.defaultContextPaths = defaultContextPaths;
            // END GlassFish 1024
            newHost.object = host;
            if (insertMap(hosts, newHosts, newHost)) {
                hosts = newHosts;

        // START GlassFish 1024
        String defaultContextPath = (String) defaultContextPathsMap.get(name);
        if (defaultContextPath != null) {
            newHost.defaultContextPaths[0] = defaultContextPath;
        // END GlassFish 1024

     * Remove a host from the mapper.
     * @param name Virtual host name
    public synchronized void removeHost(String name) {
        // Find and remove the old host
        int pos = find(hosts, name);
        if (pos < 0) {
        Object host = hosts[pos].object;
        Host[] newHosts = new Host[hosts.length - 1];
        if (removeMap(hosts, newHosts, name)) {
            hosts = newHosts;
        // Remove all aliases (they will map to the same host object)
        for (int i = 0; i < newHosts.length; i++) {
            if (newHosts[i].object == host) {
                Host[] newHosts2 = new Host[hosts.length - 1];
                if (removeMap(hosts, newHosts2, newHosts[i].name)) {
                    hosts = newHosts2;

        // START GlassFish 1024
        // END GlassFish 1024

    public String[] getHosts() {
        String hostN[] = new String[hosts.length];
        for( int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++ ) {
            hostN[i] = hosts[i].name;
        return hostN;

     * Set context, used for wrapper mapping (request dispatcher).
     * @param welcomeResources Welcome files defined for this context
     * @param resources Static resources of the context
    public void setContext(String path, String[] welcomeResources,
                           javax.naming.Context resources) { = path;
        context.welcomeResources = welcomeResources;
        context.resources = resources;

     * Add a new Context to an existing Host.
     * @param hostName Virtual host name this context belongs to
     * @param path Context path
     * @param context Context object
     * @param welcomeResources Welcome files defined for this context
     * @param resources Static resources of the context
    public void addContext
        (String hostName, String path, Object context,
         String[] welcomeResources, javax.naming.Context resources,
         ArrayList<AlternateDocBase> alternateDocBases) {

        Host[] hosts = this.hosts;
        int pos = find(hosts, hostName);
        if( pos <0 ) {
            addHost(hostName, new String[0], "");
            hosts = this.hosts;
            pos = find(hosts, hostName);
        if (pos < 0) {
            logger.error("No host found: " + hostName);
        Host host = hosts[pos];
        if ( {
            int slashCount = slashCount(path);
            synchronized (host) {
                Context[] contexts = host.contextList.contexts;
                // Update nesting
                if (slashCount > host.contextList.nesting) {
                    host.contextList.nesting = slashCount;
                Context[] newContexts = new Context[contexts.length + 1];
                Context newContext = new Context();
       = path;
                newContext.object = context;
                newContext.welcomeResources = welcomeResources;
                newContext.resources = resources;
                newContext.alternateDocBases = alternateDocBases;
                if (insertMap(contexts, newContexts, newContext)) {
                    host.contextList.contexts = newContexts;
                    // START GlassFish 1024
                    if (path.equals(host.defaultContextPaths[0])) {
                        host.defaultContexts[0] = newContext;
                    // END GlassFish 1024

     * Remove a context from an existing host.
     * @param hostName Virtual host name this context belongs to
     * @param path Context path
    public void removeContext(String hostName, String path) {
        Host[] hosts = this.hosts;
        int pos = find(hosts, hostName);
        if (pos < 0) {
        Host host = hosts[pos];
        if ( {
            synchronized (host) {
                Context[] contexts = host.contextList.contexts;
                if( contexts.length == 0 ){
                Context[] newContexts = new Context[contexts.length - 1];
                if (removeMap(contexts, newContexts, path)) {
                    host.contextList.contexts = newContexts;
                    // Recalculate nesting
                    host.contextList.nesting = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < newContexts.length; i++) {
                        int slashCount = slashCount(newContexts[i].name);
                        if (slashCount > host.contextList.nesting) {
                            host.contextList.nesting = slashCount;

     * Return all contexts, in //HOST/PATH form
     * @return The context names
    public String[] getContextNames() {
        List list=new ArrayList();
        for( int i=0; i<hosts.length; i++ ) {
            for( int j=0; j<hosts[i].contextList.contexts.length; j++ ) {
                String cname=hosts[i].contextList.contexts[j].name;
                list.add("//" + hosts[i].name +
                        (cname.startsWith("/") ? cname : "/"));
        String res[] = new String[list.size()];
        return (String[])list.toArray(res);

     * Add a new Wrapper to an existing Context.
     * @param hostName Virtual host name this wrapper belongs to
     * @param contextPath Context path this wrapper belongs to
     * @param path Wrapper mapping
     * @param wrapper Wrapper object
    public void addWrapper(String hostName, String contextPath, String path,
                           Object wrapper) {
        addWrapper(hostName, contextPath, path, wrapper, false);

    public void addWrapper(String hostName, String contextPath, String path,
                           Object wrapper, boolean jspWildCard) {
        Host[] hosts = this.hosts;
        int pos = find(hosts, hostName);
        if (pos < 0) {
        Host host = hosts[pos];
        if ( {
            Context[] contexts = host.contextList.contexts;
            int pos2 = find(contexts, contextPath);
            if( pos2<0 ) {
                logger.error("No context found: " + contextPath );
            Context context = contexts[pos2];
            if ( {
                addWrapper(context, path, wrapper, jspWildCard);

     * Add a wrapper to the context associated with this wrapper.
     * @param path Wrapper mapping
     * @param wrapper The Wrapper object
    public void addWrapper(String path, Object wrapper) {
        addWrapper(context, path, wrapper);

    public void addWrapper(String path, Object wrapper, boolean jspWildCard) {
        addWrapper(context, path, wrapper, jspWildCard);

    protected void addWrapper(Context context, String path, Object wrapper) {
        addWrapper(context, path, wrapper, false);

     * Adds a wrapper to the given context.
     * @param context The context to which to add the wrapper
     * @param path Wrapper mapping
     * @param wrapper The Wrapper object
     * @param jspWildCard true if the wrapper corresponds to the JspServlet
     * and the mapping path contains a wildcard; false otherwise
    protected void addWrapper(Context context, String path, Object wrapper,
                              boolean jspWildCard) {

        synchronized (context) {
            Wrapper newWrapper = new Wrapper();
            newWrapper.object = wrapper;
            newWrapper.jspWildCard = jspWildCard;
            if (path.endsWith("/*")) {
                // Wildcard wrapper
       = path.substring(0, path.length() - 2);
                Wrapper[] oldWrappers = context.wildcardWrappers;
                Wrapper[] newWrappers =
                    new Wrapper[oldWrappers.length + 1];
                if (insertMap(oldWrappers, newWrappers, newWrapper)) {
                    context.wildcardWrappers = newWrappers;
                    int slashCount = slashCount(;
                    if (slashCount > context.nesting) {
                        context.nesting = slashCount;
            } else if (path.startsWith("*.")) {
                // Extension wrapper
       = path.substring(2);
                Wrapper[] oldWrappers = context.extensionWrappers;
                Wrapper[] newWrappers =
                    new Wrapper[oldWrappers.length + 1];
                if (insertMap(oldWrappers, newWrappers, newWrapper)) {
                    context.extensionWrappers = newWrappers;
            } else if (path.equals("/")) {
                // Default wrapper
       = "";
                context.defaultWrapper = newWrapper;
            } else {
                // Exact wrapper
       = path;
                Wrapper[] oldWrappers = context.exactWrappers;
                Wrapper[] newWrappers =
                    new Wrapper[oldWrappers.length + 1];
                if (insertMap(oldWrappers, newWrappers, newWrapper)) {
                    context.exactWrappers = newWrappers;

     * Remove a wrapper from the context associated with this wrapper.
     * @param path Wrapper mapping
    public void removeWrapper(String path) {
        removeWrapper(context, path);

     * Remove a wrapper from an existing context.
     * @param hostName Virtual host name this wrapper belongs to
     * @param contextPath Context path this wrapper belongs to
     * @param path Wrapper mapping
    public void removeWrapper
        (String hostName, String contextPath, String path) {
        Host[] hosts = this.hosts;
        int pos = find(hosts, hostName);
        if (pos < 0) {
        Host host = hosts[pos];
        if ( {
            Context[] contexts = host.contextList.contexts;
            int pos2 = find(contexts, contextPath);
            if (pos2 < 0) {
            Context context = contexts[pos2];
            if ( {
                removeWrapper(context, path);

    protected void removeWrapper(Context context, String path) {
        synchronized (context) {
            if (path.endsWith("/*")) {
                // Wildcard wrapper
                String name = path.substring(0, path.length() - 2);
                Wrapper[] oldWrappers = context.wildcardWrappers;
                Wrapper[] newWrappers =
                    new Wrapper[oldWrappers.length - 1];
                if (removeMap(oldWrappers, newWrappers, name)) {
                    // Recalculate nesting
                    context.nesting = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < newWrappers.length; i++) {
                        int slashCount = slashCount(newWrappers[i].name);
                        if (slashCount > context.nesting) {
                            context.nesting = slashCount;
                    context.wildcardWrappers = newWrappers;
            } else if (path.startsWith("*.")) {
                // Extension wrapper
                String name = path.substring(2);
                Wrapper[] oldWrappers = context.extensionWrappers;
                Wrapper[] newWrappers =
                    new Wrapper[oldWrappers.length - 1];
                if (removeMap(oldWrappers, newWrappers, name)) {
                    context.extensionWrappers = newWrappers;
            } else if (path.equals("/")) {
                // Default wrapper
                context.defaultWrapper = null;
            } else {
                // Exact wrapper
                String name = path;
                Wrapper[] oldWrappers = context.exactWrappers;
                Wrapper[] newWrappers =
                    new Wrapper[oldWrappers.length - 1];
                if (removeMap(oldWrappers, newWrappers, name)) {
                    context.exactWrappers = newWrappers;

    public String getWrappersString( String host, String context ) {
        String names[]=getWrapperNames(host, context);
        StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
        for( int i=0; i<names.length; i++ ) {
        return sb.toString();

    public String[] getWrapperNames( String host, String context ) {
        List list=new ArrayList();
        if( host==null ) host="";
        if( context==null ) context="";
        for( int i=0; i<hosts.length; i++ ) {
            if( ! host.equals( hosts[i].name ))
            for( int j=0; j<hosts[i].contextList.contexts.length; j++ ) {
                if( ! context.equals( hosts[i].contextList.contexts[j].name))
                // found the context
                Context ctx=hosts[i].contextList.contexts[j];
                list.add( ctx.defaultWrapper.path);
                for( int k=0; k<ctx.exactWrappers.length; k++ ) {
                    list.add( ctx.exactWrappers[k].path);
                for( int k=0; k<ctx.wildcardWrappers.length; k++ ) {
                    list.add( ctx.wildcardWrappers[k].path + "*");
                for( int k=0; k<ctx.extensionWrappers.length; k++ ) {
                    list.add( "*." + ctx.extensionWrappers[k].path);
        String res[]=new String[list.size()];
        return (String[])list.toArray(res);

    // START GlassFish 1024
     * Configures the given virtual server with the given default context path.
     * The given default path corresponds to the context path of one of the
     * web contexts deployed on the virtual server that has been designated as
     * the virtual server's new default-web-module.
     * @throws Exception if there is no web context deployed on the given
     * virtual server that matches the given default context path
    public void setDefaultContextPath(String hostName,
                                      String defaultContextPath)
            throws Exception {

        if (defaultContextPath != null) {
            defaultContextPathsMap.put(hostName, defaultContextPath);

        int pos = find(hosts, hostName);
        if (pos < 0) {

        hosts[pos].defaultContextPaths[0] = defaultContextPath;

        if (defaultContextPath != null) {
            addDefaultContext(hosts[pos], defaultContextPath);
        } else {
            hosts[pos].defaultContexts[0] = null;

     * Configures the given virtual server with the given default context path.
     * The given default path corresponds to the context path of one of the
     * web contexts deployed on the virtual server that has been designated as
     * the virtual server's new default-web-module.
     * @throws Exception if there is no web context deployed on the given
     * virtual server that matches the given default context path
    private void addDefaultContext(Host host, String defaultContextPath)
            throws Exception {

        boolean defaultContextFound = false;

        Context[] contexts = host.contextList.contexts;

        if (contexts != null) {
            for (int i=0; i<contexts.length; i++) {
                if (contexts[i].name.equals(defaultContextPath)) {
                    host.defaultContexts[0] = contexts[i];
                    defaultContextFound = true;

        if (!defaultContextFound) {
            throw new Exception("No context matching " + defaultContextPath
                                + " deployed on virtual server "
    // END GlassFish 1024

     * Map the specified host name and URI, mutating the given mapping data.
     * @param host Virtual host name
     * @param uri URI
     * @param mappingData This structure will contain the result of the mapping
     *                    operation
    public void map(MessageBytes host, MessageBytes uri,
                    MappingData mappingData)
        throws Exception {

        if (host.isNull()) {
        internalMap(host.getCharChunk(), uri.getCharChunk(), mappingData);


     * Map the specified URI relative to the context,
     * mutating the given mapping data.
     * @param uri URI
     * @param mappingData This structure will contain the result of the mapping
     *                    operation
    public void map(MessageBytes uri, MappingData mappingData)
        throws Exception {

        CharChunk uricc = uri.getCharChunk();
        internalMapWrapper(context, uricc, mappingData);


    // -------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods

     * Map the specified URI.
    private final void internalMap(CharChunk host, CharChunk uri,
                                   MappingData mappingData)
        throws Exception {


        Context[] contexts = null;
        Context context = null;
        int nesting = 0;
        int hostPos = -1;

        // Virtual host mapping
        if ( == null) {
            Host[] hosts = this.hosts;
            int pos = findIgnoreCase(hosts, host);
            if ((pos != -1) && (host.equalsIgnoreCase(hosts[pos].name))) {
       = hosts[pos].object;
                hostPos = pos;
                contexts = hosts[pos].contextList.contexts;
                nesting = hosts[pos].contextList.nesting;
            } else {
                if (defaultHostName == null) {
                pos = find(hosts, defaultHostName);
                if ((pos != -1) && (defaultHostName.equals(hosts[pos].name))) {
           = hosts[pos].object;
                    hostPos = pos;
                    contexts = hosts[pos].contextList.contexts;
                    nesting = hosts[pos].contextList.nesting;
                } else {

        // Context mapping
        if (mappingData.context == null) {

            // START GlassFish 1024
            boolean found = false;
            // END GlassFish 1024

            int pos = find(contexts, uri);
            if (pos == -1) {
                // START GlassFish 1024
                if (hosts[hostPos].defaultContexts[0] == null) {
                // END GlassFish 1024
                // START GlassFish 1024
                context = hosts[hostPos].defaultContexts[0];
                mappingData.context = context.object;
                found = true;
                mappingData.isDefaultContext = true;
                // END GlassFish 1024

            // START GlassFish 1024
            if (!found) {
            // END GlassFish 1024
                int lastSlash = -1;
                int uriEnd = uri.getEnd();
                int length = -1;
                /* GlassFish 1024
                boolean found = false;
                while (pos >= 0) {
                    if (uri.startsWith(contexts[pos].name)) {
                        length = contexts[pos].name.length();
                        if (uri.getLength() == length) {
                            found = true;
                        } else if (uri.startsWithIgnoreCase("/", length)) {
                            found = true;
                    if (lastSlash == -1) {
                        lastSlash = nthSlash(uri, nesting + 1);
                    } else {
                        lastSlash = lastSlash(uri);
                    pos = find(contexts, uri);

                if (!found) {
                    if (contexts[0].name.equals("")) {
                        context = contexts[0];
                    // START GlassFish 1024
                    } else if (hosts[hostPos].defaultContexts[0] != null) {
                        context = hosts[hostPos].defaultContexts[0];
                        mappingData.isDefaultContext = true;
                    // END GlassFish 1024
                } else {
                    context = contexts[pos];
                if (context != null) {
                    mappingData.context = context.object;

        // Wrapper mapping
        if ((context != null) && (mappingData.wrapper == null)) {
            internalMapWrapper(context, uri, mappingData);


     * Wrapper mapping.
    private final void internalMapWrapper(Context context, CharChunk path,
                                          MappingData mappingData)
        throws Exception {

        int pathOffset = path.getOffset();
        int pathEnd = path.getEnd();
        int servletPath = pathOffset;
        boolean noServletPath = false;

        // START GlassFish 1024
        if (mappingData.isDefaultContext) {
            servletPath = pathOffset;
        } else {
        // END GlassFish 1024
            int length =;
            if (length != (pathEnd - pathOffset)) {
                servletPath = pathOffset + length;
            } else {
                noServletPath = true;
                pathOffset = path.getOffset();
                pathEnd = path.getEnd();
                servletPath = pathOffset+length;
        // START GlassFish 1024
        // END GlassFish 1024


        // Rule 1 -- Exact Match
        Wrapper[] exactWrappers = context.exactWrappers;
        internalMapExactWrapper(exactWrappers, path, mappingData);

        // Rule 2 -- Prefix Match
        boolean checkJspWelcomeFiles = false;
        Wrapper[] wildcardWrappers = context.wildcardWrappers;
        if (mappingData.wrapper == null) {
            internalMapWildcardWrapper(wildcardWrappers, context.nesting,
                                       path, mappingData);
            if (mappingData.wrapper != null && mappingData.jspWildCard) {
                char[] buf = path.getBuffer();
                if (buf[pathEnd - 1] == '/') {
                     * Path ending in '/' was mapped to JSP servlet based on
                     * wildcard match (e.g., as specified in url-pattern of a
                     * jsp-property-group.
                     * Force the context's welcome files, which are interpreted
                     * as JSP files (since they match the url-pattern), to be
                     * considered. See Bugzilla 27664.
                    mappingData.wrapper = null;
                    checkJspWelcomeFiles = true;
                } else {
                    // See Bugzilla 27704
                    mappingData.wrapperPath.setChars(buf, path.getStart(),

        if(mappingData.wrapper == null && noServletPath) {
            // The path is empty, redirect to "/"
                (path.getBuffer(), pathOffset, pathEnd);
            path.setEnd(pathEnd - 1);

        // Rule 3 -- Extension Match
        Wrapper[] extensionWrappers = context.extensionWrappers;
        if (mappingData.wrapper == null && !checkJspWelcomeFiles) {
            internalMapExtensionWrapper(extensionWrappers, path, mappingData);

        // Rule 4 -- Welcome resources processing for servlets
        if (mappingData.wrapper == null) {
            boolean checkWelcomeFiles = checkJspWelcomeFiles;
            if (!checkWelcomeFiles) {
                char[] buf = path.getBuffer();
                checkWelcomeFiles = (buf[pathEnd - 1] == '/');
            if (checkWelcomeFiles) {
                for (int i = 0; (i < context.welcomeResources.length)
                         && (mappingData.wrapper == null); i++) {
                    path.append(context.welcomeResources[i], 0,

                    // Rule 4a -- Welcome resources processing for exact macth
                    internalMapExactWrapper(exactWrappers, path, mappingData);

                    // Rule 4b -- Welcome resources processing for prefix match
                    if (mappingData.wrapper == null) {
                            (wildcardWrappers, context.nesting,
                             path, mappingData);

                    // Rule 4c -- Welcome resources processing
                    //            for physical folder
                    if (mappingData.wrapper == null
                            && context.resources != null) {
                        Object file = null;
                        String pathStr = path.toString();

                        if (context.alternateDocBases == null
                                || context.alternateDocBases.isEmpty()) {
                            try {
                                file = context.resources.lookup(pathStr);
                            } catch(NamingException nex) {
                                // Swallow not found, since this is normal
                        } else {
                            AlternateDocBase match =
                            if (match != null) {
                                try {
                                    file = match.getResources().lookup(pathStr);
                                } catch(NamingException nex) {
                                    // Swallow not found, since this is normal
                            } else {
                                // None of the url patterns for alternate
                                // docbases matched
                                try {
                                    file = context.resources.lookup(pathStr);
                                } catch(NamingException nex) {
                                    // Swallow not found, since this is normal

                        if (file != null && !(file instanceof DirContext) ) {
                                                        path, mappingData);
                            if (mappingData.wrapper == null
                                && context.defaultWrapper != null) {
                                mappingData.wrapper =
                                    (path.getBuffer(), path.getStart(),
                                    (path.getBuffer(), path.getStart(),


        // Rule 7 -- Default servlet
        if (mappingData.wrapper == null && !checkJspWelcomeFiles) {
            if (context.defaultWrapper != null) {
                mappingData.wrapper = context.defaultWrapper.object;
                    (path.getBuffer(), path.getStart(), path.getLength());
                    (path.getBuffer(), path.getStart(), path.getLength());
            // Redirection to a folder
            char[] buf = path.getBuffer();
            if (handleFolderRedirects && context.resources != null
                    && buf[pathEnd -1 ] != '/') {
                Object file = null;
                String pathStr = path.toString();

                if (context.alternateDocBases == null
                        || context.alternateDocBases.isEmpty()) {
                    try {
                        file = context.resources.lookup(pathStr);
                    } catch(NamingException nex) {
                        // Swallow, since someone else handles the 404
                } else {
                    AlternateDocBase match =
                    if (match != null) {
                        try {
                            file = match.getResources().lookup(pathStr);
                        } catch(NamingException nex) {
                            // Swallow, since someone else handles the 404
                    } else {
                        // None of the url patterns for alternate
                        // docbases matched
                        try {
                            file = context.resources.lookup(pathStr);
                        } catch(NamingException nex) {
                            // Swallow, since someone else handles the 404

                if (file != null && file instanceof DirContext) {
                    // Note: this mutates the path: do not do any processing
                    // after this (since we set the redirectPath, there
                    // shouldn't be any)
                        (path.getBuffer(), path.getStart(), path.getLength());
                } else {



     * Exact mapping.
    private final void internalMapExactWrapper
        (Wrapper[] wrappers, CharChunk path, MappingData mappingData) {
        int pos = find(wrappers, path);
        if ((pos != -1) && (path.equals(wrappers[pos].name))) {
            mappingData.wrapper = wrappers[pos].object;

     * Wildcard mapping.
    private final void internalMapWildcardWrapper
        (Wrapper[] wrappers, int nesting, CharChunk path,
         MappingData mappingData) {

        int pathEnd = path.getEnd();
        int pathOffset = path.getOffset();

        int lastSlash = -1;
        int length = -1;
        int pos = find(wrappers, path);
        if (pos != -1) {
            boolean found = false;
            while (pos >= 0) {
                if (path.startsWith(wrappers[pos].name)) {
                    length = wrappers[pos].name.length();
                    if (path.getLength() == length) {
                        found = true;
                    } else if (path.startsWithIgnoreCase("/", length)) {
                        found = true;
                if (lastSlash == -1) {
                    lastSlash = nthSlash(path, nesting + 1);
                } else {
                    lastSlash = lastSlash(path);
                pos = find(wrappers, path);
            if (found) {
                if (path.getLength() > length) {
                         path.getOffset() + length,
                         path.getLength() - length);
                    (path.getBuffer(), path.getOffset(), path.getLength());
                mappingData.wrapper = wrappers[pos].object;
                mappingData.jspWildCard = wrappers[pos].jspWildCard;

     * Extension mappings.
    private final void internalMapExtensionWrapper
        (Wrapper[] wrappers, CharChunk path, MappingData mappingData) {
        char[] buf = path.getBuffer();
        int pathEnd = path.getEnd();
        int servletPath = path.getOffset();
        int slash = -1;
        for (int i = pathEnd - 1; i >= servletPath; i--) {
            if (buf[i] == '/') {
                slash = i;
        if (slash >= 0) {
            int period = -1;
            for (int i = pathEnd - 1; i > slash; i--) {
                if (buf[i] == '.') {
                    period = i;
            if (period >= 0) {
                path.setOffset(period + 1);
                int pos = find(wrappers, path);
                if ((pos != -1)
                    && (path.equals(wrappers[pos].name))) {
                        (buf, servletPath, pathEnd - servletPath);
                        (buf, servletPath, pathEnd - servletPath);
                    mappingData.wrapper = wrappers[pos].object;

     * Find a map elemnt given its name in a sorted array of map elements.
     * This will return the index for the closest inferior or equal item in the
     * given array.
    private static final int find(MapElement[] map, CharChunk name) {
        return find(map, name, name.getStart(), name.getEnd());

     * Find a map elemnt given its name in a sorted array of map elements.
     * This will return the index for the closest inferior or equal item in the
     * given array.
    private static final int find(MapElement[] map, CharChunk name,
                                  int start, int end) {

        int a = 0;
        int b = map.length - 1;

        // Special cases: -1 and 0
        if (b == -1) {
            return -1;
        if (compare(name, start, end, map[0].name) < 0 ) {
            return -1;
        if (b == 0) {
            return 0;

        int i = 0;
        while (true) {
            i = (b + a) / 2;
            int result = compare(name, start, end, map[i].name);
            if (result == 1) {
                a = i;
            } else if (result == 0) {
                return i;
            } else {
                b = i;
            if ((b - a) == 1) {
                int result2 = compare(name, start, end, map[b].name);
                if (result2 < 0) {
                    return a;
                } else {
                    return b;


     * Find a map elemnt given its name in a sorted array of map elements.
     * This will return the index for the closest inferior or equal item in the
     * given array.
    private static final int findIgnoreCase(MapElement[] map, CharChunk name) {
        return findIgnoreCase(map, name, name.getStart(), name.getEnd());

     * Find a map elemnt given its name in a sorted array of map elements.
     * This will return the index for the closest inferior or equal item in the
     * given array.
    private static final int findIgnoreCase(MapElement[] map, CharChunk name,
                                  int start, int end) {

        int a = 0;
        int b = map.length - 1;

        // Special cases: -1 and 0
        if (b == -1) {
            return -1;
        if (compareIgnoreCase(name, start, end, map[0].name) < 0 ) {
            return -1;
        if (b == 0) {
            return 0;

        int i = 0;
        while (true) {
            i = (b + a) / 2;
            int result = compareIgnoreCase(name, start, end, map[i].name);
            if (result == 1) {
                a = i;
            } else if (result == 0) {
                return i;
            } else {
                b = i;
            if ((b - a) == 1) {
                int result2 = compareIgnoreCase(name, start, end, map[b].name);
                if (result2 < 0) {
                    return a;
                } else {
                    return b;


     * Find a map elemnt given its name in a sorted array of map elements.
     * This will return the index for the closest inferior or equal item in the
     * given array.
    private static final int find(MapElement[] map, String name) {

        int a = 0;
        int b = map.length - 1;

        // Special cases: -1 and 0
        if (b == -1) {
            return -1;
        if (name.compareTo(map[0].name) < 0) {
            return -1;
        if (b == 0) {
            return 0;

        int i = 0;
        while (true) {
            i = (b + a) / 2;
            int result = name.compareTo(map[i].name);
            if (result > 0) {
                a = i;
            } else if (result == 0) {
                return i;
            } else {
                b = i;
            if ((b - a) == 1) {
                int result2 = name.compareTo(map[b].name);
                if (result2 < 0) {
                    return a;
                } else {
                    return b;


     * Compare given char chunk with String.
     * Return -1, 0 or +1 if inferior, equal, or superior to the String.
    private static final int compare(CharChunk name, int start, int end,
                                     String compareTo) {
        int result = 0;
        char[] c = name.getBuffer();
        int len = compareTo.length();
        if ((end - start) < len) {
            len = end - start;
        for (int i = 0; (i < len) && (result == 0); i++) {
            if (c[i + start] > compareTo.charAt(i)) {
                result = 1;
            } else if (c[i + start] < compareTo.charAt(i)) {
                result = -1;
        if (result == 0) {
            if (compareTo.length() > (end - start)) {
                result = -1;
            } else if (compareTo.length() < (end - start)) {
                result = 1;
        return result;

     * Compare given char chunk with String ignoring case.
     * Return -1, 0 or +1 if inferior, equal, or superior to the String.
    private static final int compareIgnoreCase(CharChunk name, int start, int end,
                                     String compareTo) {
        int result = 0;
        char[] c = name.getBuffer();
        int len = compareTo.length();
        if ((end - start) < len) {
            len = end - start;
        for (int i = 0; (i < len) && (result == 0); i++) {
            if (Ascii.toLower(c[i + start]) > Ascii.toLower(compareTo.charAt(i))) {
                result = 1;
            } else if (Ascii.toLower(c[i + start]) < Ascii.toLower(compareTo.charAt(i))) {
                result = -1;
        if (result == 0) {
            if (compareTo.length() > (end - start)) {
                result = -1;
            } else if (compareTo.length() < (end - start)) {
                result = 1;
        return result;

     * Find the position of the last slash in the given char chunk.
    private static final int lastSlash(CharChunk name) {

        char[] c = name.getBuffer();
        int end = name.getEnd();
        int start = name.getStart();
        int pos = end;

        while (pos > start) {
            if (c[--pos] == '/') {

        return (pos);


     * Find the position of the nth slash, in the given char chunk.
    private static final int nthSlash(CharChunk name, int n) {

        char[] c = name.getBuffer();
        int end = name.getEnd();
        int start = name.getStart();
        int pos = start;
        int count = 0;

        while (pos < end) {
            if ((c[pos++] == '/') && ((++count) == n)) {

        return (pos);


     * Return the slash count in a given string.
    private static final int slashCount(String name) {
        int pos = -1;
        int count = 0;
        while ((pos = name.indexOf('/', pos + 1)) != -1) {
        return count;

     * Insert into the right place in a sorted MapElement array, and prevent
     * duplicates.
    private static final boolean insertMap
        (MapElement[] oldMap, MapElement[] newMap, MapElement newElement) {
        int pos = find(oldMap,;
        if ((pos != -1) && ([pos].name))) {
            return false;
        System.arraycopy(oldMap, 0, newMap, 0, pos + 1);
        newMap[pos + 1] = newElement;
            (oldMap, pos + 1, newMap, pos + 2, oldMap.length - pos - 1);
        return true;

     * Insert into the right place in a sorted MapElement array.
    private static final boolean removeMap
        (MapElement[] oldMap, MapElement[] newMap, String name) {
        int pos = find(oldMap, name);
        if ((pos != -1) && (name.equals(oldMap[pos].name))) {
            System.arraycopy(oldMap, 0, newMap, 0, pos);
            System.arraycopy(oldMap, pos + 1, newMap, pos,
                             oldMap.length - pos - 1);
            return true;
        return false;

    // ------------------------------------------------- MapElement Inner Class

    protected static abstract class MapElement {

        public String name = null;
        public Object object = null;


    // ------------------------------------------------------- Host Inner Class

    protected static final class Host
        extends MapElement {

        public ContextList contextList = null;
        // START GlassFish 1024
        public String[] defaultContextPaths = null;
        public Context[] defaultContexts = null;
        // END GlassFish 1024

    // ------------------------------------------------ ContextList Inner Class

    protected static final class ContextList {

        public Context[] contexts = new Context[0];
        public int nesting = 0;


    // ---------------------------------------------------- Context Inner Class

    protected static final class Context
        extends MapElement {

        public String path = null;
        public String[] welcomeResources = new String[0];
        public javax.naming.Context resources = null;
        public ArrayList<AlternateDocBase> alternateDocBases = null;
        public Wrapper defaultWrapper = null;
        public Wrapper[] exactWrappers = new Wrapper[0];
        public Wrapper[] wildcardWrappers = new Wrapper[0];
        public Wrapper[] extensionWrappers = new Wrapper[0];
        public int nesting = 0;


    // ---------------------------------------------------- Wrapper Inner Class

    protected static class Wrapper
        extends MapElement {

        public String path = null;
        public boolean jspWildCard = false;

    // -------------------------------------------------------- Testing Methods

    // FIXME: Externalize this
    public static void main(String args[]) {

        try {

        Mapper mapper = new Mapper();

        mapper.addHost("sjbjdvwsbvhrb", new String[0], "blah1");
        mapper.addHost("sjbjdvwsbvhr/", new String[0], "blah1");
        mapper.addHost("wekhfewuifweuibf", new String[0], "blah2");
        mapper.addHost("ylwrehirkuewh", new String[0], "blah3");
        mapper.addHost("iohgeoihro", new String[0], "blah4");
        mapper.addHost("fwehoihoihwfeo", new String[0], "blah5");
        mapper.addHost("owefojiwefoi", new String[0], "blah6");
        mapper.addHost("iowejoiejfoiew", new String[0], "blah7");
        mapper.addHost("iowejoiejfoiew", new String[0], "blah17");
        mapper.addHost("ohewoihfewoih", new String[0], "blah8");
        mapper.addHost("fewohfoweoih", new String[0], "blah9");
        mapper.addHost("ttthtiuhwoih", new String[0], "blah10");
        mapper.addHost("lkwefjwojweffewoih", new String[0], "blah11");
        mapper.addHost("zzzuyopjvewpovewjhfewoih", new String[0], "blah12");
        mapper.addHost("xxxxgqwiwoih", new String[0], "blah13");
        mapper.addHost("qwigqwiwoih", new String[0], "blah14");

        for (int i = 0; i < mapper.hosts.length; i++) {


        String[] welcomes = new String[2];
        welcomes[0] = "boo/baba";
        welcomes[1] = "bobou";

        mapper.addContext("iowejoiejfoiew", "", "context0", new String[0], null);
        mapper.addContext("iowejoiejfoiew", "/foo", "context1", new String[0], null);
        mapper.addContext("iowejoiejfoiew", "/foo/bar", "context2", welcomes, null);
        mapper.addContext("iowejoiejfoiew", "/foo/bar/bla", "context3", new String[0], null);

        mapper.addWrapper("iowejoiejfoiew", "/foo/bar", "/fo/*", "wrapper0");
        mapper.addWrapper("iowejoiejfoiew", "/foo/bar", "/", "wrapper1");
        mapper.addWrapper("iowejoiejfoiew", "/foo/bar", "/blh", "wrapper2");
        mapper.addWrapper("iowejoiejfoiew", "/foo/bar", "*.jsp", "wrapper3");
        mapper.addWrapper("iowejoiejfoiew", "/foo/bar", "/blah/bou/*", "wrapper4");
        mapper.addWrapper("iowejoiejfoiew", "/foo/bar", "/blah/bobou/*", "wrapper5");
        mapper.addWrapper("iowejoiejfoiew", "/foo/bar", "*.htm", "wrapper6");

        MappingData mappingData = new MappingData();
        MessageBytes host = MessageBytes.newInstance();
        MessageBytes uri = MessageBytes.newInstance();
        uri.getCharChunk().setLimit(-1);, uri, mappingData);
        System.out.println("MD Host:" +;
        System.out.println("MD Context:" + mappingData.context);
        System.out.println("MD Wrapper:" + mappingData.wrapper);

        System.out.println("contextPath:" + mappingData.contextPath);
        System.out.println("wrapperPath:" + mappingData.wrapperPath);
        System.out.println("pathInfo:" + mappingData.pathInfo);
        System.out.println("redirectPath:" + mappingData.redirectPath);

        mappingData.recycle();, uri, mappingData);
        System.out.println("MD Host:" +;
        System.out.println("MD Context:" + mappingData.context);
        System.out.println("MD Wrapper:" + mappingData.wrapper);

        System.out.println("contextPath:" + mappingData.contextPath);
        System.out.println("wrapperPath:" + mappingData.wrapperPath);
        System.out.println("pathInfo:" + mappingData.pathInfo);
        System.out.println("redirectPath:" + mappingData.redirectPath);

        for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  , uri, mappingData);

        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  , uri, mappingData);
        System.out.println("Elapsed:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));

        System.out.println("MD Host:" +;
        System.out.println("MD Context:" + mappingData.context);
        System.out.println("MD Wrapper:" + mappingData.wrapper);

        System.out.println("contextPath:" + mappingData.contextPath);
        System.out.println("wrapperPath:" + mappingData.wrapperPath);
        System.out.println("requestPath:" + mappingData.requestPath);
        System.out.println("pathInfo:" + mappingData.pathInfo);
        System.out.println("redirectPath:" + mappingData.redirectPath);

        } catch (Exception e) {



Related Classes of org.apache.tomcat.util.http.mapper.Mapper$Wrapper

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