Package com.sun.enterprise.launcher

Source Code of com.sun.enterprise.launcher.PELaunchFilter

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package com.sun.enterprise.launcher;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;

//The RelativePathResolver is used to translate relative paths containing
//embedded system properties (e.g. ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications)
//into absolute paths
import com.sun.enterprise.util.RelativePathResolver;

import com.sun.enterprise.util.ASenvPropertyReader;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.SystemPropertyConstants;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.OS;

* Create a filter for Appserver to use commons launcher. This filter is used
* to parse out the jvm-options from server.xml and use it to launch the vm.
* @author Ramesh Mandava (
* @author Sheetal Vartak (

public class PELaunchFilter implements LaunchFilter {

    public static final String DEBUG_OPTIONS = "com.sun.aas.jdwpOptions";
    public static final String LOCALE = "locale";

    ArrayList jvmArgsList = null;
    HashMap sysProps = null;
    String serverModeOrClientMode = null;

    public static String getDebugProperty(String debug_options, String name) {
        int nameIndex;
        if ( (nameIndex = debug_options.indexOf(name)) != -1 ) {
            // format is "name=value"
            String value = debug_options.substring(nameIndex
                                                   + name.length() + 1);
            int commaIndex;
            if ( (commaIndex = value.indexOf(",")) != -1 ) {
                value = value.substring(0, commaIndex);
            return value;
        return null;

    public void filter(LaunchCommand command) throws BuildException {

  try {
            //Set system properties that correspond directly to asenv.conf/bat. This
            //keeps us from having to pass them all from -D on the command line.
            ASenvPropertyReader reader = new ASenvPropertyReader(

            // Reset serverModeOrClientMode to null for each filter invocation
            serverModeOrClientMode = null;

            boolean stopOperation = false;
            boolean waitForChild = command.getWaitforchild();
            boolean debugOption = false;

            ArrayList argsList = command.getArgs();
            String[] args =(String[])argsList.toArray(new String[argsList.size()]);

            for ( int ar=0; ar < args.length; ar++ ) {
                if ( "stop".equals( args[ar] ) ) {
                // When server need to be stopped keep the process in foreground
                     stopOperation = true;
                     waitForChild = true;
                    debugOption = false;
                else if ( "debug".equals(args[ar]) ) {
                    debugOption = true; // for "asadmin start-domain --debug"
                else if ( "verbose".equals(args[ar]) ) {
                    waitForChild = true; // for "asadmin start-domain --verbose"

            //ArrayList jvmArgsList = command.getJvmargs( );
            jvmArgsList = command.getJvmargs( );
            if ( jvmArgsList == null ) {
                jvmArgsList = new ArrayList();

      if ( waitForChild ) {
    // this is used in ServerLogManager to send logs to stderr

      //HashMap sysProps = command.getSysproperties();
      sysProps = command.getSysproperties();
      if ( sysProps == null ) {
                // We are relying on system propeties to be present with the
                // required values
                // It is FATAL error if  execution come to this block
                // PENDING : Logging and update the messages
                System.out.println("[FATAL ERROR] System properties with S1AS"+
                   " installation values doesn't present" );
                System.out.println("Please check <installtionDir>/lib/launcher.xml" );
                System.out.println( "Exiting out");
      DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
      DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

            // We must set up a custom entity resolver (the same used by the admin
            // backend in the server). This is necessary to parse the DOCTYPE
            // attribute in domain.xml which now contains ${com.sun.aas.installRoot}

            String instanceRoot =(String)sysProps.get("com.sun.aas.instanceRoot");
            String serverName = (String)sysProps.get("com.sun.aas.instanceName");
            // If for some reason com.sun.aas.instanceName property is not set,
            //  we are defaulting to "server"
            if serverName == null ) {

            String domainConfigFilePath = instanceRoot + File.separator +
      "config" + File.separator +

      Document doc = db.parse(domainConfigFilePath );

      Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();

            //Set any system properties specified as domain properties first
            //since these have the lowest precedence.

            //set the default locale specified in domain.xml config file
            if(root.hasAttribute(LOCALE)) {
                String locale = root.getAttribute(LOCALE);
                if(locale != null && !"".equals(locale)) {
                    sysProps.put(SystemPropertyConstants.DEFAULT_LOCALE_PROPERTY, locale);
            } else {

      // Get server element for the given server name

            NodeList servers = root.getElementsByTagName("servers");

      if (servers.getLength() < 1) {
                System.out.println("[FATAL ERROR] " +
      " domain.xml doesn't have servers element");

      Element serversElement = (Element) servers.item(0);

            NodeList server  = serversElement.getElementsByTagName("server");

      if (server.getLength() < 1) {
                System.out.println("[FATAL ERROR] " +
      " domain.xml doesn't have server element");

      Element serverElement = null;

        boolean foundMatchingServer = false;
      for (int i=0; i<server.getLength(); i++) {
    serverElement = (Element) server.item(i);
    if ((serverElement.getAttribute("name")).equals(serverName)) {
            foundMatchingServer = true;

      if (! foundMatchingServer) {
                System.out.println("[FATAL ERROR] " +
      " domain.xml doesn't have the server element named: " + serverName);

      // Get config element
      // config is an attribute of server. So, use getAttribute
            String configRef = serverElement.getAttribute("config-ref");

        //Set the com.sun.aas.configName system property to hold the configName
        sysProps.put(SystemPropertyConstants.CONFIG_NAME_PROPERTY ,

        NodeList logServices = getNodeList(root, configRef, "log-service");

      Element logServiceElement = null;
        String logFileName = null;
        String logToConsole = null;

        // Only one log-service element would be there in domain.xml
        // In case of more than one log-service element declaration is
        // there, then the last one would be used
        for ( int ls=0; ls<logServices.getLength(); ls++ ) {
             logServiceElement = (Element)logServices.item(ls);
             logFileName = RelativePathResolver.resolvePath(
             logToConsole = logServiceElement.getAttribute("log-to-console");

        if( (logToConsole != null )
          &&(logToConsole.equals( "true" ) ) )
            waitForChild = true;
        } else if ( logFileName != null ) {
             command.setOutput( new File(logFileName) );
        command.setWaitforchild ( waitForChild );

      // Modified the code to get java-config for the given server
            // NodeList javaConfigs = root.getElementsByTagName("java-config");

            NodeList javaConfigs = getNodeList(root, configRef, "java-config");

            //javaconfig attribute value holders declaration
            Element javaConfigElement = null;
            String debug_enabled = null;
            String debug_options = null;
            String rmic_options = null;
            String javac_options = null;
            String java_home = null;
            String classpath_prefix = null;
            String server_classpath = null;
            String classpath_suffix = null;
            String native_library_path_prefix = null;
            String native_library_path_suffix = null;
            String bytecode_preprocessors = null;
            String env_classpath_ignored = "true";

            // It seems that only one java-config element would be there as
            // part of domain.xml. Shall we just use first occurence instead of
            // for loop. PENDING : Error condition check
            for ( int jc=0; jc<javaConfigs.getLength(); jc++ ) {
                javaConfigElement = (Element)javaConfigs.item(jc);

                debug_enabled = javaConfigElement.getAttribute
                debug_options = javaConfigElement.getAttribute
                rmic_options = javaConfigElement.getAttribute
                javac_options = javaConfigElement.getAttribute
                if (OS.isDarwin()) {
                    java_home = RelativePathResolver.resolvePath(
                } else {
                    java_home = RelativePathResolver.resolvePath(
                        javaConfigElement.getAttribute("java-home") +
                        File.separator + "jre");
                classpath_prefix = RelativePathResolver.resolvePath(
          server_classpath = RelativePathResolver.resolvePath(
                classpath_suffix = RelativePathResolver.resolvePath(
                native_library_path_prefix = javaConfigElement.getAttribute
                native_library_path_suffix = javaConfigElement.getAttribute
                bytecode_preprocessors = javaConfigElement.getAttribute
                env_classpath_ignored= javaConfigElement.getAttribute
      if(java_home != null)
                System.setProperty("java.home", java_home );
            String profilerClasspath = null;
            String profilerNativeLibraryPath = null;
            // Now handle profiler element

      // Modified the code to get profiler for the given server
            // NodeList profilers = root.getElementsByTagName("profiler");

      NodeList profilers = javaConfigElement.getElementsByTagName("profiler");

            int numberOfProfilerElements =  profilers.getLength();
            if ( numberOfProfilerElements > 0 ) {
                //According to DTD we should have only one or zero, but even if
                // we have more than 1, just use first one
                Element profilerElement = (Element)(profilers.item(0));
                String profilerEnabled=profilerElement.getAttribute("enabled");

                if ( (profilerEnabled != null ) &&
                    ( profilerEnabled.equals("true") ) ) {
                    //Now we need to take care of profiler options
                    String profilerName=profilerElement.getAttribute("name");
                    if ( profilerName == null ) {
                        //Send error message but continue
                        System.err.println("ERROR : Profiler is enabled. But Name is null");
                        System.err.println("Profiler settings are ignored");
                    } else {
                        profilerClasspath =profilerElement.getAttribute(
                        profilerNativeLibraryPath =

                        handleJvmOptions ( profilerElement );
                        handleProperties ( profilerElement );




            String requestedClasspath = server_classpath;

      // Classpath set through launcher.xml launch task
            String originalClasspath = command.getClasspath();

            if ( originalClasspath != null ) {
                requestedClasspath = originalClasspath + File.pathSeparator +

            if (( classpath_prefix != null ) &&
                (!classpath_prefix.trim().equals("")) ) {
                requestedClasspath = classpath_prefix + File.pathSeparator +
            if (( classpath_suffix != null ) &&
                (!classpath_suffix.trim().equals("")) ) {
                requestedClasspath = requestedClasspath + File.pathSeparator +
                    classpath_suffix ;

            if (( profilerClasspath != null)&&
                (!profilerClasspath.trim().equals("")) ) {
                requestedClasspath = requestedClasspath + File.pathSeparator +

            String envClasspath = (String)sysProps.get("user.classpath");

            if ( env_classpath_ignored != null  &&
                env_classpath_ignored.equals("false") &&
                (!envClasspath.equals("${env.CLASSPATH}") )) {
                requestedClasspath = requestedClasspath + File.pathSeparator +

            command.setClasspath ( requestedClasspath );

            handleJvmOptions ( javaConfigElement );

            // Now set the remaining properties which we got from java-config
            // We should n't set debugger for stop operation ( stop-domain)
            if ( debug_enabled != null && debug_enabled.equals("true") ) {
                debugOption = true;
            if ( debugOption && !stopOperation ) {

                // If debug is enabled, then we need to pass on -Xdebug option

           // It seems that -Xdebug and other debug options shouldn't go
                // as one argument  So we will check if debug_options starts
                //  with that and give it as separate argument
                if ( debug_options.startsWith("-Xdebug") ) {
                    debug_options =debug_options.substring("-Xdebug".length()).trim();

                // Get the JPDA transport and address (port) from the
                // debug_options. If address is not specified in debug_options
                // for transport=dt_socket, we find a free port
                // and add it to -Xrunjdwp.
                // If address is specified in -Xrunjdwp, then the JVM
                // does not print any debug message, so we need to print it for
                // easy viewing by the user.
                // If address is not specified in debug_options,
                // then the JVM will print a message like:
                // Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 33305
                // This is only visible with "asadmin start-domain --verbose"
                // The format of debug_options is:
                // -Xrunjdwp:<name1>[=<value1>],<name2>[=<value2>]

                String transport = getDebugProperty(debug_options, "transport");
                String addr = getDebugProperty(debug_options, "address");

                if ( transport == null || transport.equals("") ) {
                    // XXX I18N this
                    throw new BuildException("Cannot start server in debug mode: no transport specified in debug-options in domain.xml.");

                if ( transport.equals("dt_socket") ) {
                    if ( addr != null && !addr.equals("") ) {
                        // XXX Should we check if the port is free using
                    else {
                        // Get a free port
                        int port =
                        if ( port == 0 ) {
                            // XXX I18N this
                            throw new BuildException("Cannot start server in debug mode: unable to obtain a free port for transport dt_socket.");
                        addr = String.valueOf(port);

                        debug_options = debug_options + ",address=" + addr;


                // Provide the actual JDWP options to the server using a
                // system property. This allow the server to make it available
                // to the debugger (e.g. S1 Studio) using an API.
                String jdwpOptions = debug_options.substring(
                   debug_options.indexOf("-Xrunjdwp:") + "-Xrunjdwp:".length());

                jvmArgsList.add("-D" + DEBUG_OPTIONS + "=" + jdwpOptions);

      // Need to fix Launcher code to deal with this native_library_path

            String javaLibPath = System.getProperty("java.library.path");

            if ( (native_library_path_prefix != null ) &&
                (! native_library_path_prefix.trim().equals("") ) ) {
                if (javaLibPath != null ) {
                    javaLibPath =native_library_path_prefix +
                        File.pathSeparator +  javaLibPath;
                } else {
                    javaLibPath = native_library_path_prefix;
            if ( (native_library_path_suffix != null ) &&
                (! native_library_path_suffix.trim().equals("") ) ) {
                if (javaLibPath != null ) {
                    javaLibPath =javaLibPath + File.pathSeparator +
                        native_library_path_suffix ;
                } else {
                    javaLibPath = native_library_path_suffix;
            if (( profilerNativeLibraryPath != null ) &&
                ( !profilerNativeLibraryPath.trim().equals("") ) ) {
                if (javaLibPath != null ) {
                    javaLibPath =javaLibPath + File.pathSeparator +
                        profilerNativeLibraryPath ;
                } else {
                    javaLibPath = profilerNativeLibraryPath;

      /* windows appends the java.library.path sys property
       with the %Path% value. We need to make sure that the %Path%
       doesnot contain double quotes for path elements. Otherwise
       server exits with error.
      javaLibPath = normalize(javaLibPath);
            sysProps.put("java.library.path" , javaLibPath);
            System.setProperty("java.library.path", javaLibPath );

            // Put vm mode -server or -client, only when user mention that as
            // part of domain.xml as the first arg in jvmArgsList  to give that
            // as the first argument to VM

            if ( serverModeOrClientMode != null ) {
                jvmArgsList.add( 0"-" + serverModeOrClientMode );

            //Set any server properties specified as configuration properties followeed
            //by server instance specific properties since these have the highest precedence.
            handleSystemProperties(getConfigElement(root, configRef));
            //FIXTHIS:WARNING. Currently properties which are present in the cluster element
            //referenced by the server element are not handled. This is not implemented for
            //the following reasons:
            //1)Currently commons-launcher is used to start the DAS only and the DAS can
            //never be a cluster member
            //2)It is not clear how long this code will stay around
            /* uncommment to enable a dump of the system properties
            Object[] keys = sysProps.keySet().toArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                System.out.println("sysProp: " + (String)keys[i] + " " + sysProps.get((String)keys[i]));

  } catch(Exception e) {
      throw new BuildException();

    /* windows appends the java.library.path sys property
       with the %Path% value. We need to make sure that the %Path%
       doesnot contain double quotes for path elements. Otherwise
       server exits with error.
    private String normalize(String path) {
  path = path.replaceAll("\"","");
  path = path.replaceAll("\'","");
  return path;

    private void handleJvmOptions ( Element element  ) {
      NodeList jvmoptions = element.getChildNodes();
      Element tmpElement = null;
      Node tmpNode = null;
      String systemProperty = null;
      String property = null;
      String value = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < jvmoptions.getLength(); i++) {
                Node varNode = jvmoptions.item(i);
                if ( ( varNode.getNodeType()!=  Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) ||
                    (!varNode.getNodeName().equals("jvm-options") ) ) {
          tmpElement = (Element) varNode;
          tmpNode = tmpElement.getFirstChild();
                // If we encounter element like <jvm-options/> then ignore that
                if ( tmpNode == null ) {

                // If we encounter <jvm-options> elements with just white space
                // then ignore that
          if(tmpNode instanceof Text) {
        if(tmpNode.getNodeValue().equals("")) {
          systemProperty = (tmpNode.getNodeValue()).trim();

                // Allowing multiple options in one jvm-options element
                // We also allow - to appear in any jvm-option content like
                // -Dtest-name=test-value
                StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(systemProperty,"-");
                String currentToken = null;
                String option = null;

                int tokenCount = 0;
                int numOfTokens = stk.countTokens();

                while  ( stk.hasMoreTokens() ) {
                    if ( currentToken != null ) {
                        currentToken = currentToken + "-" +  stk.nextToken();
                    } else {
                        currentToken = stk.nextToken();

                    if ! currentToken.endsWith(" " ) ) {
                        // if there are still tokens then try to augment them
                        // other wise the currentToken would be the last option
                        if ( tokenCount < numOfTokens ) {

                    option = currentToken.trim();
                    currentToken = null;

                    if ( option.startsWith("D") ) {
                        option = option.substring(1, option.length() );

                        int indexOfEqual= option.indexOf("=");
                        if ( indexOfEqual > 0 ) {
                            property = option.substring(0,indexOfEqual );
                            value = option.substring(indexOfEqual+1 );
                        } else {
                            //To allow options like -Djava.compiler without val
                            property = option;
                jvmArgsList.add( "-D" + property );
                    } else {
                        if ( ( option.equals("client")) ||
                            (option.equals("server")) ) {
                            //If user mentions server or client mode for VM
                            // then use that over default which is "server"
                            // As we want to keep this as first arg don't add
                            // to the jvmArgsList yet
                            serverModeOrClientMode = option;
                        } else {
                jvmArgsList.add( "-" + option );



    private void handleSystemProperties ( Element element  ) {
        handleProperties(element, "system-property");

    private void handleProperties ( Element element  ) {
        handleProperties(element, "property");

    private void handleProperties ( Element element, String elementName  ) {
        NodeList properties = element.getChildNodes();
        Element propertyElement = null;
        Node tmpNode = null;
        String systemProperty = null;
        String property = null;
        String value = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < properties.getLength(); i++) {
           Node varNode = properties.item(i);
           if ( ( varNode.getNodeType()!=  Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) ||
                (!varNode.getNodeName().equals(elementName) ) ) {
            propertyElement = (Element)varNode;

            String propertyName = propertyElement.getAttribute("name");
            String propertyValue = propertyElement.getAttribute("value");

            sysProps.put(propertyName, propertyValue);

    private Element getConfigElement(Element root, String configRef)
        Element configElement = null;
        NodeList configs = root.getElementsByTagName("configs");
        //will never enter this condition as dtd requires configs.
        if (configs.getLength() < 1) {
            System.out.println("[FATAL ERROR] " +
            " domain.xml doesn't have configs element");

        Element configsElement = (Element) configs.item(0);
        NodeList config = configsElement.getElementsByTagName("config");
        if (config.getLength() < 1) {
            System.out.println("[FATAL ERROR] " +
            " domain.xml doesn't have config element");

        for (int j=0; j < config.getLength(); j++) {
            configElement = (Element) config.item(j);
            if ((configElement.getAttribute("name")).equals(configRef)) {
                return configElement;

        //There better be a configuration matching the server's configuration ref
        //or domain.xml is corrupt.
        System.out.println("[FATAL ERROR] " +
            " domain.xml doesn't have config element matching " + configRef);
        return null;

    private NodeList getNodeList(Element root, String configRef, String nlName) {
        Element configElement = getConfigElement(root, configRef);
        return configElement.getElementsByTagName(nlName);


Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.launcher.PELaunchFilter

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