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* Created on October 23, 2003, 2:07 PM


import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.RuntimeStatus;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.Status;

import com.sun.enterprise.util.i18n.StringManager;
import java.util.HashMap;

* @author  basler
public final class ProcessManager implements Observer {
    protected static final String PROCESS_COMMANDS="process";
    protected static final String PROCESS_NAME="name";
    protected static final String PROCESS_COMMAND_LINE="command-line";
    protected static final String PROCESS_START_COMMAND="start-command";
    protected static final String PROCESS_STOP_COMMAND="stop-command";
    protected static final String PROCESS_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE="environment-variable";
    protected static final String PROCESS_ENVIRONMENT_ARG="arg";
    protected static final String PROCESS_WORKING_DIR="working-dir";
    protected static final String PROCESS_WORKING_DIR_FILE="directory";
    // 'volatile' because of get/set methods
    private static volatile Hashtable _htProcesses=new Hashtable();
    private static ProcessManager _processManager;
    private final ProcessManagerMonitor _processManagerMonitor;
    protected static final StringManager _strMgr=StringManager.getManager(ProcessManager.class);

    private static final boolean bDebug=System.getProperty("Debug") != null;
    private static boolean _restartInstance = true;
    /** Creates a new instance of ProcessManager */
    private ProcessManager(boolean restartInstance) {
        _processManagerMonitor=new ProcessManagerMonitor();
        if (restartInstance)

    public static ProcessManager getInstance() {
        if (_processManager == null)
            _processManager = new ProcessManager(getRestartInstance());
        return _processManager;

    public static void setRestartInstance(boolean restartInstance) {
        _restartInstance = restartInstance;
    public static boolean getRestartInstance() {
        return _restartInstance;
    public void initializeConfiguration(final String configFile) throws ProcessManagerException {
        final ProcessManagerConfig config = new ProcessManagerConfig(configFile);

    public void startProcess(String name) throws ProcessManagerException, IOException {
        // get appropriate process by name to start
        ProcessInstance pInstance=(ProcessInstance)getProcesses().get(name);
        // start process via Runtime.exec, use this method so exceptions in start can be comminicated
        // CAUTION: do no reset system properties here, other threads could be starting up
        // and changing them for their own purposes--a lock is held in PEInstancesManager.startInstance() to
        // protect them from each other, but that does not protect them from changing outside of startInstance().
        // DO NOT DO THIS in particular: InstanceDirs.resetSysProp();
        // add the ProcessManager as an observer of
        // the instance
        if(bDebug) System.err.println("\tObserver Registered for :" + name);
    public void startAll() throws ProcessManagerException, IOException {
        // start each process on it's own thread
        // which will wait on the exit code
        String sxLine=null, key=null;
        Iterator it=getProcesses().keySet().iterator();
        while(it.hasNext()) {
            // executing process

    public void stopProcess(String name) throws ProcessManagerException, IOException {
        ProcessInstance pInstance=(ProcessInstance)getProcesses().get(name);
        if (pInstance != null) {
            //  instance could have been started by the startserv command
            // directly, or could be a nodeagent that has recovered from a failure
            if(bDebug) System.err.println("\tProcess Stopped for :" + name);
        } else {
            // not started by nodeagent
            throw new ProcessManagerException("Instance was not started by ProcessManager");

    public void stopProcess(String name, int timeout)
    throws ProcessManagerException, IOException {
        ProcessInstance pInstance=(ProcessInstance)getProcesses().get(name);
        if (pInstance != null) {   
            //  instance could have been started by the startserv command
            // directly, or could be a nodeagent that has recovered from a failure
            if(bDebug) System.err.println("\tProcess Stopped for :" + name);
        } else {
            // not started by nodeagent
            throw new ProcessManagerException("Instance was not started by ProcessManager");
    public void stopAll() throws ProcessManagerException, IOException {
        // stop each process on it's own thread
        // which will wait on the exit code
        String sxLine=null, key=null;
        Iterator it=getProcesses().keySet().iterator();
        while(it.hasNext()) {
            // executing process
     * The setMonitorSleepInterval method allows the sleep time interval
     * to be set for the ProcessManagerMonitor
    public void setMonitorSleepInterval(int sleepTime) {
        if (getProcessManagerMonitor() != null) {
     * The getMonitorSleepInterval method allows the sleep time interval
     * to be retrieved from the ProcessManagerMonitor
    public int getMonitorSleepInterval() {
        int iRet=0;
        if (getProcessManagerMonitor() != null) {
        return iRet;
    private ProcessManagerMonitor getProcessManagerMonitor() {
        return _processManagerMonitor;
    public void addProcessInstance(String key, ProcessInstance pi)
        getProcesses().put(key, pi);

    public void removeProcessInstance(String key) {         
    private Hashtable getProcesses() {
        return _htProcesses;
    public boolean processExists(String key) {
        boolean bRet=false;
        Object obj=getProcess(key);
        if (obj != null) {
        return bRet;
    public ProcessInstance getProcess(String key) {
        return (ProcessInstance)_htProcesses.get(key);
    private void setProcesses(Hashtable ht) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            if(args.length > 0) {

            // start processManager process creation and monitoring

        } catch (Exception e) {

     * This method formats the instances that are manaaged for display
     * @return Formated String
    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("ProcessManager instances:");
        Hashtable htTemp=getProcesses();
        Iterator it=htTemp.keySet().iterator();
        String key=null, status=null, type=null;
        Process process=null;
        ProcessInstance pInstance=null;
        while(it.hasNext()) {
            if(process != null) {
                status="Has Process";
            } else {
                status="No Process";
            if(pInstance instanceof ProcessInstanceInternal) {
            } else {
            sb.append("\nName:" + key + "  - Process:" + status + "  - Type:" + type + " - ExitCode:" + pInstance.getExitCode());
        return sb.toString();

    * Method getLogger
    * @return Logger - logger for the NodeAgent
    protected Logger getLogger() {
        return Logger.getLogger(EELogDomains.NODE_AGENT_LOGGER,

    // **********************************************************************************************
    // method(s) of Observable interface
    // **********************************************************************************************
    public void update(Observable observable, Object arg) {
        if(observable instanceof ProcessInstance) {
            ProcessInstance pi=(ProcessInstance)observable;
            String instanceName = pi.getName();
            if (bDebug) System.err.println("ProcessManager: ***** CHANGE-NOTIFICATION for:" + instanceName + " EXIT CODE=" + pi.getExitCode());
            //Note: We do not examine the exit code of the process. If the process is in a running
            //state and exits, then it is restarted. The only way a process in a running state
            //can exit is if it crashes, since when a process is explicitly stopped through the
            //node agent, it will go into a stopping state followed by a notRunning state. One
            //issue encountered was the exitValue() would return non-zero for a process that was
            //in the middle of gracefully stopping on Unix systems.
            //if (pi.restartProcess() && pi.getExitCode() != 0) {
            if (pi.restartProcess()) {
                //We can only restart a process that is in the running state...Currently we have
                //a problem in that on Unix platforms instance that are stopped gracefully
                //exit with a non-zero return code if pinged by the ProcessManagerMonitor
                //before being completely stopped. This can be reproduced by reducing the sleep
                //time in the montior and stopping an instance gracefully -- it will be restarted.
                //At this point our status should be running since it is checked upstream
                //before notifying, but its best to be on the safe side.               
                boolean wasRunning = InstanceStatus.getInstance().updateStatusIfStopped(instanceName,
                if (wasRunning) {
                    getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "processManager.restartingProcessInstance", instanceName);
                    try {                                       
                        // restart instance
                        //Upon restart failure, we mark the instance as not running.
                    } catch(ProcessManagerException e) {
                        //??? should log
                        //Upon restart failure, we mark the instance as not running. This will
                        //allow it to be manually started again.
                } else {
                    getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "ProcessManager: did not restart" + instanceName +
                        " since it is " +
                        InstanceStatus.getInstance().getStatus(instanceName).getStatus().getStatusString() +
                        " and not running.");

    // **********************************************************************************************
    // **********************************************************************************************
    // protected INNER CLASS ProcessManagerMonitor
    // **********************************************************************************************
    // **********************************************************************************************
     * This class is responsible for monitoring the process that have been started by the ProcessManager.
     * Is the process is returned with a non-zero return code the process will restart.
     * This method of polling removes the Process.waitFor problem of killing every instance that is associated with
     * the ProcessManager is abruptly terminated.
    class ProcessManagerMonitor extends Thread {
        //This controls how frequently we monitor crashed processes for restart.
        private int _sleepTime=5000;

        public void setSleepInterval(int sleepTime) {
        public int getSleepInterval() {
            return _sleepTime;
        public void run() {
            getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Start monitoring Processes in ProcessManager...");
            while(true) {
                try {
                    // loop continueously for monitoring of process
                    Iterator it=ProcessManager.getInstance().getProcesses().values().iterator();
                    Process process=null;
                    ProcessInstance pInstance=null;
                    int iExit=0;
                    while(it.hasNext()) {
                        if (process != null && !pInstance.isStopping()) {
                            // check to if process still going
                            getLogger().log(Level.FINEST, "ProcessManagerMonitor checking server - " + pInstance.getName());                           
                            try {
                                getLogger().log(Level.FINEST, "exitValue returned - " + iExit);                               
                                //Note: We do not examine the exit code of the process. If the process is in a running
                                //state and exits, then it is restarted. The only way a process in a running state
                                //can exit is if it crashes, since when a process is explicitly stopped through the
                                //node agent, it will go into a stopping state followed by a notRunning state. One
                                //issue encountered was the exitValue() would return non-zero for a process that was
                                //in the middle of gracefully stopping on Unix systems.
                                //if (iExit != 0) {
                                getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Should Restart Process - " + pInstance.getName());                                   
                                //We can only restart a process that is in the running state...Currently we have
                                //a problem in that on Unix platforms instance that are stopped gracefully
                                //exit with a non-zero return code if pinged by the ProcessManagerMonitor
                                //before being completely stopped. This can be reproduced by reducing the sleep
                                //time in the montior and stopping an instance gracefully -- it will be restarted.
                                RuntimeStatus status = InstanceStatus.getInstance().getStatus(pInstance.getName());
                                if (status.isStopped()) {
                                    // set for observer to check status and to setChanged flag so notification will be sent
                                    String clusterName = NodeAgentMain.getClusterName(pInstance.getName());
                                    if (clusterName != null || !clusterName.equals("")) {
                                        HashMap gmsMap = NodeAgentMain.getGMSHandleMap();
                                        GroupManagementService gms = (GroupManagementService) gmsMap.get(clusterName);
                                        if (gms != null) {
                                            GroupHandle gh = gms.getGroupHandle();
                                            try {
                                                getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "GMS WATCHDOG notification to group:"+ clusterName + " that member:" +
                                                            pInstance.getName() + " has failed.");
                                            } catch (Error e) {
                                                getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Exception is ", e);
                                    // set process to null so ProcessManagerMonitor will
                                    // set notify the ProcessManager again
                                    // exitCode is already stored in ProcessInstance for restart check
                                    // notify the observers that something has changed after setting process to null
                                    // our jvm uses the same thread to perform notification which is not guarented sematics
                                    // but it was messing me up when it returned
                                    // TODO: Currently the notification & restart will be done on the polling thread, need to put on another
                                    // thread so in case of catastrophic failures, servers can be restarted faster ???
                                } else {
                                    getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "ProcessManager: did not restart" + pInstance.getName() +
                                        " since it is " + status.getStatus().getStatusString() + " and not running.");
                            } catch (IllegalThreadStateException itse) {
                                // ignore, because it will be the normal case that the process has
                                // not returned.
                                getLogger().log(Level.FINEST, "exitValue exception returned - " + itse.toString());                               

                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                        // ignore, doesn't matter whether is true time
                } catch (Exception e) {
    // **********************************************************************************************
    // **********************************************************************************************
    // protected INNER CLASS ProcessManagerConfig
    // **********************************************************************************************
    // **********************************************************************************************
     * This class is responsible for loading class information for use when the ProcessManager is used as
     * a standalone component.
     * The configuration is in the format of :
     XML configuration for PM to read in process to start is in the following format
        <process name="NodeAgent">
            <!-- MAKING SUBSTITUTION AND REDIRECTION WORK for commands -->
            <!-- for windows all commands must start with a "cmd /c command_to_execute -->
            <!-- for unix all commands must start with a ""sh -c command_to_execute" -->
            <environment-variable arg="AS_IMQ_LIB=C:\AppServer8\imq\lib"/>
            <environment-variable arg="AS_IMQ_BIN=C:\AppServer8\imq\bin"/>
            <environment-variable arg="AS_CONFIG=C:\AppServer8\config"/>
            <environment-variable arg="AS_INSTALL=C:\AppServer8"/>
            <environment-variable arg="AS_JAVA=C:\AppServer8\jdk"/>
            <environment-variable arg="AS_ACC_CONFIG=C:\AppServer8\domains\domain1\config\sun-acc.xml"/>
            <environment-variable arg="AS_LOCALE=en_US"/>
            <environment-variable arg="AS_DEF_DOMAINS_PATH=C:\AppServer8\domains"/>
            <working-dir directory="/AppServer8/nodeagent/nodeagentw1/agent"/>
    protected class ProcessManagerConfig {
        private String _file=null;
        protected ProcessManagerConfig(String file) {
        protected String getFile() {
            return _file;
        protected Hashtable initializeConfig() throws ProcessManagerException {
            Hashtable htRet=new Hashtable();
            try {
                // read in config
                Document doc=readDOM(getFile());

                // get processes
                String commandLine=null, key=null;
                ProcessInstanceExternal pInstance=null;
                Node childNode=null, grandNode=null;
                Element processElement=null, childElement=null;
                NodeList nl=doc.getElementsByTagName(PROCESS_COMMANDS);
                NodeList nlx=null;
                for(int ii=0;ii < nl.getLength(); ii++) {
                    // create processInstance and put in vector of managed processes
                    pInstance=new ProcessInstanceExternal();
                    // get process name
                    if(bDebug) System.err.println(this.getClass().getName() + ": Creating process:" + pInstance.getName());

                    // loop through children of process
                    while (childNode != null) {
                        if (childNode instanceof Element) {
                            // digest command into its parts and populate ProcessInstance
                            if(childElement.getTagName().equals(PROCESS_START_COMMAND)) {
                                addCommandLine(pInstance, childElement, ProcessInstance.START_COMMAND);
                            } else if(childElement.getTagName().equals(PROCESS_STOP_COMMAND)) {
                                // get actual stop command
                                addCommandLine(pInstance, childElement, ProcessInstance.STOP_COMMAND);
                            } else if(childElement.getTagName().equals(PROCESS_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE)) {
                                // get actual enviroment variable and add it to the command
                            } else if(childElement.getTagName().equals(PROCESS_WORKING_DIR)) {
                                // get actual working directory
                    if(bDebug) System.err.println(this.getClass().getName() + ": Process Created: " + pInstance);

                    // add object to return vector
                    htRet.put(key, pInstance);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ProcessManagerException(e);

            // return objects to ProcessManager
            return htRet;
        * addCommandLine - adds command to processInstance
        * @param pInstance - ProcessInstance to add line to
        * @param element - Element that has the children to load
        * @param type - Type of command to add
        private void addCommandLine(ProcessInstanceExternal pInstance, Element element, String type) {
            // get actual command
            Node grandNode=null;
            String commandLine=null;
            NodeList nlx=element.getElementsByTagName(PROCESS_COMMAND_LINE);
            for(int jj=0;jj < nlx.getLength(); jj++) {

                // get childrem of command-line and look for text node
                while(grandNode != null) {
                    if(grandNode instanceof Text) {
                        // should be command
                        //if(bDebug) System.err.println("command line added:" + commandLine);
                        pInstance.addCommandLine(type, commandLine);
        * readDOM - This method reads in XML into a DOM
        * @param file - A qualified file where to read the XML
        * @return Document - The read in DOM
        * @exception - Any thrown exception that may occur during the read process
        protected Document readDOM(String file) throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException {
            DocumentBuilderFactory dbf=DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder db=dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
            return db.parse(file);

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