Package org.restlet.ext.oauth

Source Code of org.restlet.ext.oauth.AuthPageServerResource

* Copyright 2005-2010 Noelios Technologies.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of one of the following
* open source licenses: LGPL 3.0 or LGPL 2.1 or CDDL 1.0 or EPL 1.0 (the
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package org.restlet.ext.oauth;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

import org.restlet.ext.freemarker.ContextTemplateLoader;
import org.restlet.ext.freemarker.TemplateRepresentation;
import org.restlet.ext.oauth.OAuthError;
import org.restlet.ext.oauth.internal.AuthSession;
import org.restlet.ext.oauth.internal.Scopes;
import org.restlet.representation.EmptyRepresentation;
import org.restlet.representation.Representation;
import org.restlet.resource.Get;

import freemarker.template.Configuration;

* Helper class to the AuhorizationResource Handles Authorization requests. By
* default it will accept all scopes requested.
* To intercept and allow a user to control a Context parameter
* OAuthServerResource.AUTH_TEMPLATE_PARAM should be set in the attributes. It
* should contain a static HTML page or a FreeMarker page that will be loaded
* with the CLAP protocol straight from root.
* The FreeMarker data model looks like the following
* <pre>
* {
*     &#064;code
*     HashMap&lt;String, Object&gt; data = new HashMap&lt;String, Object&gt;();
*     data.put(&quot;target&quot;, &quot;/oauth/auth_page&quot;);
*     data.put(&quot;clientId&quot;, clientId);
*     data.put(&quot;clientDescription&quot;, client.toString());
*     data.put(&quot;clientCallback&quot;, client.getRedirectUri());
*     data.put(&quot;clientName&quot;, client.getApplicationName());
*     data.put(&quot;requestingScopes&quot;, scopes);
*     data.put(&quot;grantedScopes&quot;, previousScopes);
* }
* </pre>
* Below is an example of a simple FreeMarker page for authorization
* <pre>
* {@code
* <html>
* <head>
* <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
* <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen"
*   charset="utf-8">
* <title>OAuth2 Authorization Server</title>
* </head>
* <body>
*   <div id="container">
*    <div id="header">
*      <h2>OAuth authorization page</h2>
*      <section id="intro">
*         <h2>Application requesting scope</h2>
*         <p>Client ClientId = ${clientId} CB = ${clientDescription} wants to get access to your information.</p>
*       </section>
*     </div>
*     <aside>
*     <form action="${target}" method="get">
*    <h4>The following private info is requested</h4>
*     <#list requestingScopes as r> <input type="checkbox" name="scope" value="${r}" checked />
*       <b>${r}</b><br/>
*     </#list>
*     <#if grantedScopes?has_content>
*       <hr />
*       <h4>Previously approved scopes</h4>
*       <#list grantedScopes as g> <input type="checkbox" name="scope" value="${g}" checked />
*         <b>${g}</b><br/>
*       </#list>
*     </#if>
*     <br/>
*     <input type="submit" name="action" value="Reject"/>
*     <input type="submit" name="action" value="Accept" />
*     </form>
*     </aside>
*     <footer>
*       <p class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2010 Ericsson Inc. All rights reserved.</p>
*     </footer>
*   </div>
* </body>
* </html>
* }
* </pre>
* should be set in the attributes. It should contain a static HTML page or a
* FreeMarker page that will be loaded with the CLAP protocol straight from
* root.
* @author Kristoffer Gronowski

public class AuthPageServerResource extends OAuthServerResource {

     * Entry point to the AuthPageResource. The AuthorizationResource dispatches
     * the call to this method. Should also be invoked by an eventual HTML page
     * FORM. In the from HTTP GET should be used and a result parameter: action
     * = Accept results in approving requested scope while action = Reject
     * results in a rejection error back to the requestor.
     * @return HTML page with the graphical policy page

    public Representation showPage() {
        String action = getQuery().getFirstValue("action");
        // Came back after user interacted with the page
        if (action != null) {
            String[] scopes = getQuery().getValuesArray("scope");
            handleAction(action, scopes);
            return new EmptyRepresentation();

        // Check if an auth page is set in the Context
        String authPage = OAuthHelper.getAuthPageTemplate(getContext());
        getLogger().info("this is auth page: " + authPage);
        if (authPage != null && authPage.length() > 0) {
            getLogger().info("loading authPage: " + authPage);
            // Check if we should skip the page if already approved scopes
            boolean sameScope = OAuthHelper.getAuthSkipApproved(getContext());
            if (sameScope) {
                String[] scopesArray = getQuery().getValuesArray("scope");

                List<String> scopes = Arrays.asList(scopesArray);
                List<String> previousScopes = Arrays.asList(getQuery()

                if (previousScopes.containsAll(scopes)) {
                    // we already have approved the current scopes being
                    // requested...
                            "All scopes already approved. - skip auth page.");
                    handleAction("Accept", scopesArray);
                    return new EmptyRepresentation(); // Will redirect

            return getPage(authPage);
        getLogger().info("accepting scopes since no authPage: " + authPage);
        // No page automatically accept all the scopes requested
        handleAction("Accept", getQuery().getValuesArray("scope"));
        getLogger().info("action handled");
        return new EmptyRepresentation(); // Will redirect

     * Helper method to handle a FORM response. Returns with setting a 307 with
     * the location header. Token if the token flow was requested or code is
     * included.
     * @param action
     *            as interacted by the user.
     * @param scopes
     *            the scopes that was approved.
    protected void handleAction(String action, String[] scopes) {
        // TODO: should maybe be removed
        String sessionId = (String) getRequest().getAttributes().get(
        if (sessionId == null)
            sessionId = getCookies().getFirstValue(ClientCookieID);

        // getLogger().info("This is sessionId: "+sessionId);
        // getLogger().info("This is sessionId: "+getRequest().getAttributes().get(ClientCookieID));
        ConcurrentMap<String, Object> attribs = getContext().getAttributes();
        AuthSession session = (sessionId == null) ? null
                : (AuthSession) attribs.get(sessionId);

        if ("Reject".equals(action)) {
            sendError(session, OAuthError.ACCESS_DENIED, session.getState(),
                    "Rejected.", null);
        getLogger().info("Accepting scopes - in handleAction");
        Client client = session.getClient();
        String id = session.getScopeOwner();

        String redirUrl = session.getDynamicCallbackURI();
        getLogger().info("OAuth2 get dynamic callback = " + redirUrl);
        if (redirUrl == null || redirUrl.length() == 0)
            redirUrl = client.getRedirectUri();

        String location = null;
        ResponseType flow = session.getAuthFlow();
        if (flow.equals(ResponseType.token)) {
            location = generateAgentToken(id, client, redirUrl);
        } else if (flow.equals(ResponseType.code)) {
            location = generateCode(id, client, redirUrl);

        // Following scopes were approved
        AuthenticatedUser user = client.findUser(session.getScopeOwner());
        if (user == null) {
            setStatus(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "Can't find User id : "
                    + session.getScopeOwner());

        // clear scopes.... if user wants to downgrade

        // TODO compare scopes and add an error if some were not approved.
        // Scope parameter should be appended only if different.

        for (String s : scopes) {
            getLogger().info("Adding scope = " + s + " to user = " + id);
            user.addRole(Scopes.toRole(s), "");

        String state = session.getState();
        if (state != null && state.length() > 0) {
            // Setting state information back.
            Reference stateful = new Reference(location);
            stateful.addQueryParameter(OAuthServerResource.STATE, state);
            location = stateful.toString();
        // Reset the state
        // Save the user if using DB


     * Helper method if a auth page was present in a context attribute.
     * The Freemarker Data model looks the following :
     * HashMap<String,Object> data = new HashMap<String,Object>();
     * data.put("target", "/oauth/auth_page"); data.put("clientId", clientId);
     * data.put("clientDescription", client.toString());
     * data.put("clientCallback", client.getRedirectUri());
     * data.put("clientName", client.getApplicationName());
     * data.put("requestingScopes", scopes); data.put("grantedScopes",
     * previousScopes);
     * @param authPage
     *            name of the page in class loader context
     * @return html page representation

    protected Representation getPage(String authPage) {
        String clientId = getQuery().getFirstValue("client");
        Client client = clients.findById(clientId);
        String[] scopes = getQuery().getValuesArray("scope");
        String[] previousScopes = getQuery().getValuesArray("grantedScope");

        Configuration config = new Configuration();

        ContextTemplateLoader ctl = new ContextTemplateLoader(getContext(),
        getLogger().info("loading: " + authPage);
        TemplateRepresentation result = new TemplateRepresentation(authPage,
                config, MediaType.TEXT_HTML);

        // Build the model
        HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        data.put("target", getRootRef() + OAuthHelper.getAuthPage(getContext()));

        // TODO check with Restlet lead
        data.put("clientId", clientId);
        data.put("clientDescription", client.toString());
        data.put("clientCallback", client.getRedirectUri());
        data.put("clientName", client.getApplicationName());
        // scopes
        data.put("requestingScopes", scopes);
        data.put("grantedScopes", previousScopes);

        return result;

     * Helper method to format error responses according to OAuth2 spec.
     * @param session
     *            local server session object
     * @param error
     *            code, one of the valid from spec
     * @param state
     *            state parameter as presented in the initial auth request
     * @param description
     *            any text describing the error
     * @param errorUri
     *            uri to a page with more description about the error

    protected void sendError(AuthSession session, OAuthError error,
            String state, String description, String errorUri) {
        String redirUri = session.getDynamicCallbackURI();

        Reference cb = new Reference(redirUri);
        if (state != null && state.length() > 0) {
            cb.addQueryParameter("state", state);
        if (description != null && description.length() > 0) {
            cb.addQueryParameter("error_description", description);
        if (errorUri != null && errorUri.length() > 0) {
            cb.addQueryParameter("error_uri", errorUri);

        // cleanup cookie..
        ConcurrentMap<String, Object> attribs = getContext().getAttributes();



Related Classes of org.restlet.ext.oauth.AuthPageServerResource

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