
Source Code of



import javax.naming.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;
import java.awt.dnd.*;
import java.awt.dnd.peer.DragSourceContextPeer;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

* SmartTree displays the directory, using configurable
* icons.  The SmartTree uses an internal 'SmartNode' class
* which stores information about a visible Entry.  The
* display information is separate from the underlying
* directory; if the class is modified or extended, care
* must be taken to always keep the two in sych.

// The drag and drop handling in this code owes a lot to the java world tutorial:

public class SmartTree extends JTree
        implements TreeSelectionListener, DataListener,
        TreeExpansionListener, JXplorerEventGenerator,
        DragGestureListener, DropTargetListener, DragSourceListener

    boolean setup = false; // whether the delayed graphics constructor has been called.
    boolean activated = false; // whether the delayed action stuff has been called.

    public static String NODATA = CBIntText.get("cn=no entries");

    JXplorerEventGenerator eventPublisher; // if registered, this object is used to publish external events
    // (to programs that are using JXplorer as an embedded component)

    //final JTree           tree;            // the main JTree over which everything is built.

    Frame owner;           // used for Swing/graphics L&F continuity

    SmartNode root;            // the node representing the first RDN of the rootDN
    SmartNode rootDNBase;      // the node representing the lowest RDN of the rootDN (may = top if only 1 rdn in rootDN)

    DN rootDN;          // the full root DN

    SmartModel treeModel;       // the tree model used to track tree data

    DN currentDN;       // the currently selected DN

    SmartPopupTool popupTreeTool;   // the right-mouse-click tree tools menu

    DefaultTreeCellEditor treeEditor;      // widget that allows user to edit node names

    TreeCellEditor innerEditor;     // the custom widget that actually creates the editor component.

    SmartTreeCellRenderer treeRenderer;    // widget that display the nodes (text + icons)

    public boolean rootSet = false; // whether the root node is set.

    DataSource treeDataSource;               // where the tree obtains its data
    Vector treeDataSinks = new Vector(); // a list of objects interested in tree changes

    //int                   treeCapabilities; // a bit mask of DataQueries to respond to.

    public DXEntry entry;       //TE: the current entry.

    String name;   // a unique name for the tree.

    AttributeDisplay pluggableEditorSource = null; // if initialised, this can find pluggable editors to set extended tree behaviour

    private SearchGUI searchGUI = null;
    static int treeNo = 0;

    public boolean dragging = false; // whether a drag 'n drop operation is in progress.

    /* Variables needed for DnD */
    private DragSource dragSource = null;
    //private DragSourceContext dragSourceContext = null;
    private Point cursorLocation = null;

     * A holder for the number of results returned by a search.
     * This is used in the status bar for user info.
    public int numOfResults = 0;

    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SmartTree.class.getName());

     * Constructor for SmartTree.  The Tree starts off disconnected, and
     * must be later linked to a data source (using @RegisterDataSource)
     * to become active.
     * @param Owner          the owning awt component - used for look and feel updates
     * @param name           the 'name' of the tree - used for debugging,
     * @param resourceLoader - a resource Loader used to get extra tree icons.  May be null.

    public SmartTree(Frame Owner, String name, CBResourceLoader resourceLoader)
        owner = Owner; = name;


        setup = true// one way or another, only do this once!


         *    a custom renderer, shows mutli valued attributes and icons.

        treeRenderer = new SmartTreeCellRenderer();

         *    custom editor, allows editing of multi-valued rdn.

        //treeEditor = new SmartTreeCellEditor(this, new DefaultTreeCellRenderer()); 
        treeEditor = new SmartTreeCellEditor(this, treeRenderer);


        treeModel = new SmartModel(root);

        registerPopupTool(new SmartPopupTool(this));
        // disallow multiple selections...

        // use the default editor, but nobble it to avoid editing when drag and drop
        // is operating, and stick special handling in for multi valued rdn editing...


        setEditable(true);                      // make sure the user can edit tree cells.


    public String getName()
        return name;

    public String toString()
        return name;

     * Returns the currently selected Node.
    protected SmartNode getSelectedNode()
        if (getSelectionPath() == null) return null;
        return (SmartNode) getSelectionPath().getLastPathComponent();

     * Set the popup tool that will be used by the tree.

    public void registerPopupTool(SmartPopupTool tool)
        popupTreeTool = tool;

     * returns a vector of DNs being the all inclusive list of all DNs
     * in the subtree from the given apex DN.  Used by ldif save ftn.
     * @return a Vector of DNs

    public Vector getAllNodes(DN start)
        if (start == null) return new Vector(0);          // sanity check
        SmartNode apex = treeModel.getNodeForDN(start);   // need the smart node to find children
        if (apex == null) return new Vector(0);           // another sanity check

            Vector result = new Vector(10);

            result.add(start);                    //

            Enumeration children = apex.children()// find children of 'from'
            while (children.hasMoreElements())
                DN next = new DN(start);
                next.addChildRDN(((SmartNode) children.nextElement()).getRDN());
            return result;
        catch (Exception e)
            log.log(Level.WARNING, "error in SmartTree dump: ", e);
            return new Vector(0);

     * This sets the root of the tree, creating the nodes
     * necessary to display it.  A small wrinkle: the
     * 'rootDN' is the base DN as given by the user, e.g.
     * 'o=Democorp,c=us'.  This may contain multiple RDNs.
     * the root node, however, is the top level node in the
     * display tree; it has only a single RDN (i.e. 'c=us'
     * in the above example.)  The rootDN therefore may be
     * displayed as a number of nodes in the tree (maybe the
     * rootDN should be renamed the 'baseDN' or something...)
     * @param rootString the DN of the root as a string

    public void setRoot(String rootString)
        if (rootString == null)
            rootString = "";

        rootDN = new DN(rootString);   // rootString MAY BE BLANK!

     * This sets the root of the tree, creating the nodes
     * necessary to display it.  A small wrinkle: the
     * 'rootDN' is the base DN as given by the user, e.g.
     * 'o=Democorp,c=us'.  This may contain multiple RDNs.
     * the root node, however, is the top level node in the
     * display tree; it has only a single RDN (i.e. 'c=us'
     * in the above example.)  The rootDN therefore may be
     * displayed as a number of nodes in the tree (maybe the
     * rootDN should be renamed the 'baseDN' or something...)
     * @param rootDN the DN of the root as a DN object

    public void setRoot(DN rootDN)
        rootSet = true;
        if (rootDN == null) rootDN = new DN()// equivalent to empty DN, 'cn=World'

         *    Special handling for 'No Data' trees...

        if (NODATA.equals(rootDN.toString()))
            rootDN = new DN(NODATA);
            root = new SmartNode(NODATA);
            rootDNBase = root;
            rootSet = false;
            if (treeModel != null)

        this.rootDN = rootDN;

        root = new SmartNode("");        // equivalent to new SmartNode("cn=World")

        treeModel.setRoot(root);     // reset the tree Model

        // set up the path to the lowest node of the DN, creating smart nodes for each RDN.

        SmartNode parent = root;
        rootDNBase = root;

        for (int i = 0; i < rootDN.size(); i++)
            SmartNode child = new SmartNode(rootDN.getRDN(i));
            parent = child;
        rootDNBase = parent;
        rootDNBase.add(new SmartNode())// stick in a dummy node so there's something to expand to...


        if (rootDN.size() > 0)


     * Forces a particular DN that is already in the tree to be displayed.

    public void expandDN(DN dn)
        TreePath path = treeModel.getPathForDN(dn);

        expandPath(path.getParentPath())// without the 'getParentPath()' the next level children are shown as well.

     * Forces the root node of the tree to expand.
     * (May trigger a list request)

    public void expandRoot()

     * Get the rootDN of the tree (often the same as the directory DSE
     * naming prefix, e.g. 'o=DemoCorp,c=au'.
     * @return the root DN

    public DN getRootDN()
        return (rootSet) ? rootDN : null;

     * Get the root node of tree.  Needed for root.setStructural() hack
    public SmartNode getRootNode()
        return root;

     * Get the lowest smart node of the baseDN.
     * For example, if base dn is ou=R&D,o=Democorp,c=au, this
     * returns the SmartNode corresponding to ou=R&D.
    public SmartNode getLowestRootNode()
        return rootDNBase;

     * Returns the tree model used by the Smart Tree to store node data in.

    public SmartModel getTreeModel()
        return treeModel;

     * registers the data source the tree is to use to read its
     * data (e.g. a JNDIBroker).  There can be only one of these.
     * @param s the source of data for initialising SmartNodes etc.

    public void registerDataSource(DataSource s)
        if (s == null) return;    // sanity check

        log.fine("registering data source for tree " + getName());
        treeDataSource = s;

        // Register ourselves as interested in *all* data events that pass through this data source...


     * Returns the active data source that has been registered for the tree.
     * @return the data source used by the tree.

    public DataSource getDataSource()
        return treeDataSource;

     * Register a <code>DataSink</code>.
     * DataSinks are entities that are interested in
     * displaying the data corresponding to a particular
     * SmartNode (that is, the attributes of the node).  There
     * may be a number of such sinks in operation simultaneously.
     * This registration method adds a new data sink to the list
     * of active data sinks.
     * @param s a new data sink to add to the list of active sinks.

    public void registerDataSink(DataSink s)
        if (s instanceof AttributeDisplay)
            registerPluggableEditorSource((AttributeDisplay) s);

     * Quick Hack to clear out a tree preparitory to loading a new
     * one.  May need revisiting to do a neater data clean up.
    public void clearTree()
        for (int i = 0; i < treeDataSinks.size(); i++)
            ((DataSink) treeDataSinks.elementAt(i)).displayEntry(null, null);

     * Takes a node, and adds a bunch of children.
     * @param parent   the node to add the children too
     * @param children an enumeration of NameClassPair containing
     *                 the names of the child nodes

    public void addCutting(SmartNode parent, NamingEnumeration children)
        // sanity checks
        if (parent == null)
        if (children == null)
            log.warning("null child list in addCutting...!");

        if (children != null)
            // Step 1: Clear any dummy nodes prior to adding real ones.
            if (parent.getChildCount() == 1 && ((SmartNode) parent.getChildAt(0)).isDummy())
            // Step 2: Add new children (nb - there may be *zero* children to add, in which case parent is actually a leaf node
            while (children.hasMoreElements())
                NameClassPair np = (NameClassPair) children.nextElement();

                SmartNode child;

                // &(*%& pointless bloody jndi; the one time it would be useful for them
                // to use 'Name' objects they use strings; in 'NameClassPair' no less. What a joke.

                DN temp = new DN(np.getName());
                child = new SmartNode(temp.getRDN(temp.size() - 1));

                if (parent.hasChild(child.toString()) == false// don't add a child twice!
                    //treeModel.insertNodeInto(child, parent, parent.getChildCount());

                    // Step 3:  try to recover the object class list for the node to use.

                    if (np instanceof SearchResult)
                        doObjectClassSpecificHandling(child, ((SearchResult) np));


                //XXX is it more efficient to work on nodes, then call nodeStructureChanged?
                //XXX i.e. parent.add(child);

                if (child.getAllowsChildren())
                //    treeModel.insertNodeInto(new SmartNode(), child, 0);
                    child.add(new SmartNode());




    public void registerPluggableEditorSource(AttributeDisplay display)
        pluggableEditorSource = display;

     * <p/>
     * In order for pluggable editors to truncate trees, special displays for aliases,
     * object class based icons, and object class based popup menus, we need special
     * handling for nodes where the object class is known.<p><
     * <p/>
     * This registers the object class with a node, and checks to see if any pluggable
     * editors are known corresponding to these object classes that are unique, and
     * have special requests (for icons/popup menus/etc.)<p>
     * <p/>
     * This is all optional stuff - the browser will work fine if these details are
     * not available, but more complex pluggable functionality will not be possible.
     * @param child the smart node to register the object classes with
     * @param ocs   a search result containing the object class attribute (we hope).

    protected void doObjectClassSpecificHandling(SmartNode child, SearchResult ocs)
        if (ocs == null) return;                        // can't do anything.
        Attributes atts = ocs.getAttributes();

        if (atts == null || atts.size() == 0) return;   // still can't do anything.

        Attribute OC;

        try  // the usual fuss and bother to retrieve the object class attribute.  X500 does this so much better...
            OC = atts.get("objectClass");
            if (OC == null)
                OC = atts.get("objectclass");

            if (OC == null) // there *may* only be one attribute, which *may* be a wierd capitalisation of object class...
                Attribute test = (Attribute) atts.getAll().next();
                if ("objectclass".equals(test.getID().toLowerCase()))
                    OC = test;

            if (OC == null)   // give up!  It doesn't have one.

            if ((OC instanceof DXAttribute) == false)
                OC = new DXAttribute(OC);
            OC = DXAttributes.getAllObjectClasses((DXAttribute) OC); // order it...

            doObjectClassSpecificHandling(child, OC);
        catch (Exception e)
            log.warning("Warning error doing object class specific handling for tree nodes: " + e);

     * <p/>
     * In order for pluggable editors to truncate trees, special displays for aliases,
     * object class based icons, and object class based popup menus, we need special
     * handling for nodes where the object class is known.<p><
     * <p/>
     * This registers the object class with a node, and checks to see if any pluggable
     * editors are known corresponding to these object classes that are unique, and
     * have special requests (for icons/popup menus/etc.)<p>
     * <p/>
     * This is all optional stuff - the browser will work fine if these details are
     * not available, but more complex pluggable functionality will not be possible.
     * @param child the smart node to register the object classes with
     * @param OC    objectclass attribute
    protected void doObjectClassSpecificHandling(SmartNode child, Attribute OC)
        if (OC instanceof DXAttribute == false)
            OC = new DXAttribute(OC);
        child.setTrueObjectClass((DXAttribute) OC);                   // and register it with smartnode

        // *** TRICKYNESS ***

        // The code below looks for, and interogates, any pluggable editors
        // that are related to the node in order to determine any special
        // handling requirements such as custom popup menus, icons, or
        // subtree truncations.

        if (pluggableEditorSource != null)
            PluggableEditor editor = pluggableEditorSource.getUniqueEditor(OC);

            if (editor != null)

                if (editor.hideSubEntries(child.toString()))

                ImageIcon newIcon = editor.getTreeIcon(child.toString());
                if (newIcon != null)

                if (editor.getPopupMenu(child.toString()) != null)

     * Takes an entry, usually from a search result list, and adds it to
     * the tree, creating parent nodes if necessary.
     * @param newDN the new DN to create a smart Node for, and add to the tree.

    public SmartNode addNode(DN newDN)
        if (newDN == null) return null;

        SmartNode parent, child = null;

        if (rootDN.toString().equals(NODATA))
            setRoot("")// the same as 'cn=World'

        // Walk through the current newDN, creating new nodes
        // as necessary until we can add a new node corresponding to
        // the lowest RDN of the newDN.

        parent = root;
        RDN rdn;

        for (int i = 0; i < newDN.size(); i++)
            rdn = newDN.getRDN(i);
            Enumeration children = parent.children();

            child = null;
            while (children.hasMoreElements())
                child = (SmartNode) children.nextElement();

                if (child.isDummy())                // strip any dummy nodes en passent
                else if (child.rdnEquals(rdn))      // and check if the node already exists (before overwritting it below)

                child = null;

            if (child == null)               // if the node doesn't exist...
                child = new SmartNode(rdn)// ... create it
                if (i < newDN.size() - 1)
                parent.add(child);           // ... add it to the parent

                parent = child;
                parent = child;              // reset parent pointer for next turn around
                if (i == newDN.size() - 1)
//    setSelectionPath(treeModel.getPathForDN(newDN));  //TE: make sure its selected.   
        return parent;

     * Refresh the display of a given volatile dn or node.

    public void refresh(DN dn)
        if (dn != null)    //TE: make sure the dn is not null.

     * Forces a refresh of the Editor Pane.  Currently is used by the tab listener in
     * JXplorer for when the user changes tabs the correct entry display is updated
     * depending on the entry selected in the tree of the tab that is selected.
     * (see Bug 2243).
     * .

    public void refreshEditorPane()
        //TE: was...  if(entry!=null && treeDataSource!=null)
        pluggableEditorSource.refreshEditors(entry, treeDataSource);

     * Gets the DN of the currently selected tree node (or the root Node,
     * if no node is selected).
     * @return DN the distinguished name of the current SmartNode.

    public DN getCurrentDN()
        return (currentDN == null) ? rootDN : currentDN;

     * Displays a null entry in the table editor and the html view.
     * Intended to be used if an entry has been deleted.

    public void clearEntry()
        pluggableEditorSource.displayEntry(null, treeDataSource);

     * removes everything except the root DN node(s), and
     * sets things up as they were in the beginning, the
     * point being to force the tree to reload from the
     * data source, which has changed independantly of the
     * tree...

    public void collapse()

        String dn = rootDN.toString();

        if (dn.equals(NODATA)) return// don't bother!

            NamingEnumeration en = treeDataSource.getChildren(rootDN).getEnumeration();

            if (en != null)
                addCutting(rootDNBase, en);
        catch (NamingException e)
            CBUtility.error(CBIntText.get("threaded broker error")+ ": ", e);
        } // XXXTHREAD

     * removes a SmartNode and its children from the tree.
     * Only affects the GUI tree - does nothing to the underlying data.
     * @param apex the root of the subtree to be deleted (may be a leaf).

    protected void deleteTreeNode(SmartNode apex)

     * changes the RDN of a tree node to the lowest level
     * RDN of the supplied DN.
     * (usually to mirror a change  in the underlying DIT)
     * @param node  the node to modify
     * @param newDN the DN providing the new lowest level RDN
     *              to modify the node RDN to.

    public void renameTreeNode(SmartNode node, DN newDN)

     * moves a subtree (may be a leaf) to a
     * new position.  This only modifies the
     * tree, it <i>does not</i> modify the
     * underlying directory.
     * @param node the node to move.
     * @param to   the DN of the position to move it to.

    public void moveTreeNode(SmartNode node, DN to)
        DN from = treeModel.getDNForNode(node);
        if (from.sharesParent(to))    // we may only need to do a rename...
            renameTreeNode(node, to);
            // step 1; remove node from old position
            SmartNode parent = (SmartNode) node.getParent();

            // step 2: modify the nodes RDN

            // step 3: add it to new position
            parent = treeModel.getNodeForDN(to.parentDN());

            if (parent.getChildCount() == 1 && ((SmartNode) parent.getChildAt(0)).isDummy())
                return// tree hasn't been read from the directory yet - wait until it is before adding anything


     * This copies a tree node and its children to a newly
     * created tree node with the given name, <i>without affecting
     * the underlying directory</i>.
     * @param node the tree node to copy data from
     * @param to   the name of the new tree node to create and, if
     *             necessary, populate.

    public void copyTreeNode(SmartNode node, DN to)
        // find the parent corresponding to the target DN
        SmartNode parent = treeModel.getNodeForDN(to.parentDN());

        // sanity check
        if (parent == null)
            CBUtility.error(this, CBIntText.get("unable to copy node {0}.", new String[]{node.toString()}), null);

        // copy the node (and children) and note the resulting node created
        SmartNode newCopy = copyTreeNodes(node, parent);

        // see if the newly created node has the right RDN
        // (it may not if it has been changed to avoid a 'copy'ing
        // name collision.

        if (newCopy.getRDN().equals(to.getLowestRDN()) == false)
            // we must be doing a 'copy' with a naming problem, so
            // update the newCopy node with it's new, unique RDN.

        // signal a change to the tree for a display update...

     * Copies the node 'from' (creating a new node to hold the copy),
     * adding it as a child to 'toParent',
     * and recursively copies all the children held by 'from' into
     * the newly created copy.
     * This only affects the tree, <i>not</i> the directory.
     * @param from     the node to copy.
     * @param toParent the node which receives the from node as a child.
     * @return the copy of from that is added to toParent

    public SmartNode copyTreeNodes(SmartNode from, SmartNode toParent)
        SmartNode fromCopy = new SmartNode(from); // make copy of 'from' called 'fromCopy
         *    Time saver/Bug Fix - don't bother updating the tree
         *    if the parent hasn't had its children read yet.
        if (toParent.hasDummy())
            return fromCopy;

        toParent.add(fromCopy);                   // add 'fromCopy' to 'toParent'

        Enumeration children = from.children()// find children of 'from'
        while (children.hasMoreElements())
            SmartNode child = (SmartNode) children.nextElement();
            copyTreeNodes(child, fromCopy);       // and add them recursively to 'fromCopy'
        return fromCopy;

     * fully expands all nodes of the tree.
     * (Mainly used for debugging; this could take an
     * unreasonable time if used on a large production
     * directory.)

    public void expandAll()
        int rows = 0;
        while (rows != getRowCount()) // i.e. tree is still expanding...
            rows = getRowCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)


     * This makes the internal tree object available, in case
     * different cell editors/renderers and so on need to be
     * registered.
     * @return the internal tree object

    public JTree getTree()
        return this;

     * Starts the process of making a new entry.  As an aid to the user,
     * it tries to find any children of the current node, and if it can
     * find such, it uses them as a template for the new object.

    public void makeNewEntry(DN parentDN)
        if (treeDataSource.getSchemaOps() == null)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(owner, CBIntText.get("Because there is no schema currently published by the\ndirectory, adding a new entry is unavailable."), CBIntText.get("No Schema"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
            // step 1: find a child to use as a template

            SmartNode parent = treeModel.getNodeForDN(parentDN);
            DN childDN = null;
            if (parent == null)
                log.warning("unable to find " + parentDN + " in tree!");

            if (parent.getChildCount() > 0)
                SmartNode child = (SmartNode) parent.getChildAt(0);
                if ((child != null) && (child.isDummy() == false))
                    RDN childRDN = child.getRDN();
                    childDN = new DN(parentDN);
                    catch (InvalidNameException e)
                        log.log(Level.WARNING, "ERROR: makeNewEntry(DN parentDN) " + parentDN, e);
                else  // children are not currently displayed - send of a query to get them...


// step 2: find a datasink that can handle a partially created entry

            DataSink editor = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < treeDataSinks.size(); i++)
                if (((DataSink) treeDataSinks.get(i)).canCreateEntry())
                    editor = (DataSink) treeDataSinks.get(i);

            if (editor == null)
                CBUtility.error("Unable to create a new entry!", new Exception("No available entry editors"));

// step 3: open a NewEntryWin (see) and pass the found child to it.

            NewEntryWin userData = new NewEntryWin(parentDN, childDN, treeDataSource, editor, owner);

            userData.setSize(400, 300);
  , owner);    // TE: centres window.

    public boolean exists(DN nodeDN)
        if (nodeDN == null) return false;
            return treeDataSource.exists(nodeDN).getStatus();
        } catch (NamingException e) {CBUtility.error("threaded broker error: ", e); } // XXXTHREAD
        return false;

     * Returns the current popup tool.
     * This is used by the menu bar and others to trigger edits
     * etc, since all that functionality lives in SmartPopupTool.

    public SmartPopupTool getPopupTool()
        return popupTreeTool;

    public void registerEventPublisher(JXplorerEventGenerator gen)
        eventPublisher = gen;

    public void fireJXplorerEvent(JXplorerEvent e)
        if (eventPublisher != null)

    public boolean isModifiable()
        return treeDataSource.isModifiable();

    public DirContext getDirContext()
        return (treeDataSource == null) ? null : treeDataSource.getDirContext();


     * This files a request with the directory broker to modify (move / delete / add)
     * an entry.  If oldEntry is null this is an add, if newEntry is null it is a
     * delete, otherwise it is (when called by the tree) usually a rename.

    public void modifyEntry(DXEntry oldEntry, DXEntry newEntry)
        if (oldEntry == null && newEntry == null) return; // nothing to do.

        treeDataSource.modifyEntry(oldEntry, newEntry)// queue directory request

     * This files a request with the directory broker to copy a node or subtree.

    //XXX This should be done in the thread that actually does the operation - it is
    //XXX possible for the user to 'beat' this method by quickly copying multiples of
    //XXX the same entry.  Also, it produces extra naming attributes.

    public void copyTree(DN oldNodeDN, DN newNodeDN)

        // 'copy'ing a tree means placing the old tree *under*
        // the newly selected tree... hence deepen 'activeDN' by
        // one new level.  (i.e. copying ou=eng,o=uni,c=au moved
        // to o=biz,c=au requires activeDN extended to ou=eng,o=biz,c=au before move

        // * first check name is not already there; if it is, create a
        //   unique name of the form "copy [(n)] of ..." first.
        // * if adding this to the *display* tree fails display error message.
        // * if directory mod fails, clean up display tree...

        String uniqueRDN = treeModel.getUniqueCopyRDN(newNodeDN, oldNodeDN);

        // check not recursively pasting
        catch (javax.naming.InvalidNameException e)
            CBUtility.error(this, CBIntText.get("Unable to add {0} due to bad name", new String[]{newNodeDN.toString()}), e);

        treeDataSource.copyTree(oldNodeDN, newNodeDN)// queue directory request

     * Displays the result of a expand result, triggered from the data listener.
     * This (should) run from the directory connection thread.
     * @param result the directory read result

    protected void displayExpandedNodeResult(DataQuery result)
        // 1) Find node for result

        SmartNode node = treeModel.getNodeForDN(result.requestDN());

        if (node == null)
            node = addNode(result.requestDN());

            // 1b) Special Hack for structural nodes to make work nicely for both x500 and ldap...
             *  What a debacle.  If null prefix router has knowledge of democorp (o=democorp,c=au) then a list of 'root' fails
             *  horribly, because no-one has the node 'c=au'.  So we hack it to not delete root nodes even if it gets zero
             *  results from a list.  Whoo hoo.  *But*, we still need to keep it all clear in the circumstance that it is
             *  just an empty dsa with a null root.  So we have to check IF the node is a 'base DN' type node (alwaysRefresh())
             *  AND we got no search results THEN if it is an empty DSA (only has a single dummy child) close things up,
             *  OTHERWISE keep the 'fake' node (e.g. c=AU).
            if (node.isAlwaysRefresh() && result.getEnumeration().size() == 0)
                if (node.getChildCount() != 1 || ((SmartNode) node.getChildAt(0)).isDummy() == false)
                    return;    // don't remove structural nodes children, even if server returns no entries.  Assume server is wrong. (for Scott)

            // 2) clear old data


            // 3) add new data

            addCutting(node, result.getEnumeration());

            // XXX (another) pki hack

            if (node == getLowestRootNode() && node.getChildCount() == 0)
                pluggableEditorSource.displaySpecialEntry(null, treeDataSource, JXplorer.getProperty("null.entry.editor"));

            // 4) Make sure the newly added data nodes are visible           

        catch (NamingException e)
            result.setException(e)// register error and trust someone else to handle it...

     * Takes a DN and reads and displays the corresponding entry.
     * Then reads all unexpanded parent nodes.  These calls are done
     * via the broker thread.
     * TE: only displays the entry if the supplied dn is below the root
     * DN (which actually is the baseDN) and if the prefix is the same.
     * @param dn the end DN to display.

    public void readAndExpandDN(DN dn)
        if (currentDN.size() < rootDN.size())
        {  //TE: if the user has selected a node above the prefix (i.e. c AU instead of c AU o DEMOCORP
            //  in the case of a router being off line) - re select the prefix otherwise a read error may occur.

        if (dn.size() < rootDN.size() || !dn.getPrefix(rootDN.size()).toString().equalsIgnoreCase(rootDN.toString()))
            //TE: only display the entry if the dn is below the root DN (baseDN) and if the prefix is the same.

            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(owner, CBIntText.get("The entry {0}\nwill not be displayed because it is either above the baseDN\n{1}\n" +
                    "that you are connected with or it has a different prefix.", new String[]{dn.toString(), rootDN.toString()}),
                    CBIntText.get("Display Error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

        log.warning("Opening '" + dn + "' from root DN '" + getRootDN())//TE: fixes bug 2540 - don't ask me how!

        // work down the DN, reading children as required...

        for (int level = 1; level <= dn.size(); level++)
            DN ancestor = (DN) dn.getPrefix(level);

            if (ancestor.size() >= rootDN.size())
                SmartNode node = treeModel.getNodeForDN(ancestor);

                 *   Check if node hasn't been read - if so, read it and all its sibling
                 *   nodes, by 'listing' all the children of its parent.
                if (node == null)
                 *  This check shouldn't be called, if the baseDN is skipped.
                else if (node.isStructural())
                    treeDataSource.getChildren(ancestor)//TE: for some unknown reason the structural nodes (root dn) need to be read for the correct behavor to occur.
                 *  The node hasn't been read yet - read its sibling nodes by 'listing'
                 *  all the children of its parent.
                else if (node.isDummy())
                 *  The node already exists in the tree - make sure its visible.
                    //was: expandDN(ancestor);

     * Displays the result of an entry read result, triggered from the data listener.
     * This (should) run from the directory connection thread.
     * @param node the directory read result.  If null, indicates a 'no data' display should
     *             be shown.

    public void displayReadNodeResult(DataQuery node)
        // sanity check
        if (treeDataSinks.size() == 0)
            log.warning("no data sink in display Node");

            if (node != null)
                currentDN = node.requestDN();
                currentDN = null;

            publishData(entry, treeDataSource);

        catch (NamingException e)
            CBUtility.error("unexpected naming error trying to \ndisplay: " + node, e);

        if (node != null)
            TreePath current = treeModel.getPathForDN(node.requestDN());

            if (current == null)
                log.warning("Unable to find tree path for DN: " + node.requestDN());

// 'User' demand seems to oscillate between wanting the next level displayed, and not
// wanting it displayed.  Comment out appropriate section below...

// just expand node
            if (isExpanded(current.getParentPath()) == false)

// expand node and children
//            if (isExpanded(current) == false)
//                expandPath(current);

            if (current.equals(getSelectionPath()) == false)

            if (currentDN.size() <= rootDN.size())
            //TE: if the user has connected using a baseDN for example, and then moves
            //TE: up the tree, change the rootDN to the entry that the user has moved to.
                rootDN = currentDN;

     * sets the current entry highlighted by the tree.
    public void setEntry(DXEntry newEntry)
        entry = newEntry;

     * This publishes entry data to all available data listeners,
     * along with a data source.
     * note that both entry and treeDataSource can legitimately be null here
     * @param entry      the entry to publish.  Null indicates no data
     * @param dataSource the datasource to use for further info/operations.
     *                   Null indicates no available data source.
    public void publishData(DXEntry entry, DataSource dataSource)
        for (int i = 0; i < treeDataSinks.size(); i++)
            ((DataSink) treeDataSinks.elementAt(i)).displayEntry(entry, treeDataSource);

     * This is called when a modify request has been completed.

    protected void displayModifyResult(DataQuery result)

            if (result.getStatus() == true)
                DXEntry oldEntry = result.oldEntry();
                DXEntry newEntry = result.newEntry();

                // first, do the 'easy' pure adds and pure deletes.

                if (oldEntry == null || (newEntry != null) && (newEntry.isNewEntry())) // add
                    SmartNode node = addNode(newEntry.getDN());
                    node.add(new SmartNode())// stick in a dummy node so there's something to expand to...
                    doObjectClassSpecificHandling(node, newEntry.getAllObjectClasses());
                    //XXX *** WARNING ***
                    // This code is a little naughty.  We reset the status of
                    // the entry, assuming that no other editor cares about it.
                    // - this *should* be done by the broker, but for some reason
                    // isn't...
                    publishData(newEntry, treeDataSource);
                else if (newEntry == null) // delete
                else if (oldEntry.getDN().equals(newEntry.getDN()) == false) // check for a change of name
                    SmartNode node = treeModel.getNodeForDN(oldEntry.getDN());

                     *    If the old node is not null, then move it to the right place.  If it
                     *    *is* null, it should be because it has been directly edited (and hence
                     *    the tree model is already up to date).
                    if (node != null)
                        moveTreeNode(node, newEntry.getDN());
                     *    If the newEntry is empty (i.e. we're just doing a name change)
                     *    use the atts from the old entry...
                    if (newEntry.size() == 0)
                    // re-read node (to get attributes)
                    // XXX is this always necessary?
                else    // update editors
                    // re-read node so as to force the browser to correctly display the current state
                    // (A bit heavy, but solves a bunch of consistancy problems)

                // don't need to worry about a change of attributes, since the tree doesn't use them...
        catch (NamingException e)
            result.setException(e)// XXX set the exception on the result object, let someone else handle it.
        catch (Exception e)


     * Displays a copy result, triggered from the data listener.
     * This (should) run from the directory connection thread.
     * @param result the directory copy result.
     *               be shown.

    protected void displayCopyResult(DataQuery result)
            if (result.getStatus() == true)
                copyTreeNode(treeModel.getNodeForDN(result.oldDN()), result.requestDN());
        catch (NamingException e)
            result.setException(e)// XXX set the exception on the result object, let someone else handle it.

     * Displays a search result, triggered from the data listener.
     * This (should) run from the directory connection thread.
     * @param result the directory copy result.
     *               be shown.

    protected void displaySearchResult(DataQuery result)

// XXX Currently search results aren't sorted: do want to make them sorted?
// XXX (easy way is to sort result.getEnumeration() as DXNamingEnumeration,
// XXX but this may be expensive...

            NamingEnumeration results = result.getEnumeration();

            while (results.hasMoreElements())
                SearchResult sr = (SearchResult) results.nextElement();
                //Attribute obClass = sr.getAttributes().get("objectClass");
                String search = sr.getName();
                if (search == null || search.length() == 0)
                    addNode(new DN(SmartTree.NODATA));
                    DN searchDN = new DN(search);
            //TE: task 4648...
            if (owner instanceof JXplorer)
                ((JXplorer) owner).setStatus("Number of search results: " + String.valueOf(numOfResults));


        catch (NamingException e)
            result.setException(e)// XXX set the exception on the result object, let someone else handle it.

     * @return the numOfResults.

    public int getNumOfResults()
        return numOfResults;

     * Sets numOfResults.
     * @param numOfResults a holder for the number of results returned by a search.

    public void setNumOfResults(int numOfResults)
        this.numOfResults = numOfResults;

     *    By default the tree can handle dataQueries of type LIST, COPY, MODIFY, and READENTRY.
     *    This method allows these capabilities to be modified (for example to include SEARCH).
     *    @see .
    public void setCapabilities(int cap)
        treeCapabilities = cap;
    //  Graphicsy overhead / user i/o functions...

     * Sets up a listener to monitor whether the user has
     * finished editing a tree cell...

    protected void setTreeCellEditorListener()

        // We are unable to distinguish between keyboard 'esc'
        // and mouse clicking outside the cell, we'll pretend
        // the user wants their changes to go through.
        // XXX may still need to work out some way to distinguish
        // XXX between different cancel modes...
        CellEditorListener cl = new CellEditorListener()
            public void editingCanceled(ChangeEvent e)

            public void editingStopped(ChangeEvent e)

             * This method is called when the user has changed the name of an
             * entry directly, using a tree cell editor or the multi-valued
             * RDN editor.

            protected void changeDN()
                // o.k., we're not connected to anything...
                if (isActive() == false)

                RDN rdn = (RDN) treeEditor.getCellEditorValue();

                DN newDN = new DN(currentDN);

                newDN.setRDN(rdn, newDN.size() - 1);

                // check if anything actually changed...
                if (currentDN.toString().equals(newDN.toString()))

                //TE: Bug 3172 - if the name exists in the tree, don't attempt a rename...

                if (treeModel.exists(newDN))
                    new CBErrorWin(owner, "The name you are trying to use already exists - " +
                            "please choose another name or delete the original entry.",
                            "Name already exists");

                // modify entry will sort out all the yucky details for us...
                treeDataSource.modifyEntry(new DXEntry(currentDN), new DXEntry(newDN));


     * sets up the mouse listener to monitor mouse clicks.  At
     * the moment, the sole use of this is to check whether the
     * popup menu has been triggered.

    protected void setTreeMouseListener()
        MouseListener ml = new MouseAdapter()
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
                if (!doPopupStuff(e)) super.mousePressed(e);

            public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
                if (!doPopupStuff(e)) super.mouseReleased(e);

            public boolean doPopupStuff(MouseEvent e)
                if (isActive() == false) return false; // o.k., we're not connected to anything...

                if (e.isPopupTrigger() == false) return false;

                TreePath path = getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
                if (path == null)
                    return false;

                setSelectionPath(path); // make sure highlighting stays around

                // this probably isn't necessary, but just to make sure that currentDN is set

                DN thisDN = treeModel.getDNForPath(path);
                if (thisDN.equals(currentDN) == false)
                    currentDN = thisDN;

                if (treeDataSource != null)
                    popupTreeTool.setModifiable(treeDataSource.isModifiable())// whether the user can change anything...

                    // XXX el hack - check to see if entry has a *special* popup tool to use instead...
                    if (getSelectedNode().getPopupMenu() != null)
                        getSelectedNode().getPopupMenu().show(SmartTree.this, e.getX(), e.getY());
                    //TE: this should be improved...
                        Toolkit toolKit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();

              , e.getX(), e.getY())//TE: displays the popup menu.

                        if ((int) popupTreeTool.getLocationOnScreen().getY() > toolKit.getScreenSize().height - (popupTreeTool.getHeight() + 30))  //TE: if the popup menu extends off the bottom of the screen...
                  , e.getX(), e.getY() - popupTreeTool.getHeight())//TE: ...reposition it so that the menu ascends from the node rather than descends!
                return true;

     * null implementation to satisfy @TreeExpansionListener interface
     * @param e tree event, implicitly specifying the expanding node.

    public void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent e)

     * The user has asked the tree to expand.  Check the node,
     * and if it is a null placeholder, read the node properly from the
     * directory before expanding and displaying.
     * @param e tree event, implicitly specifying the expanding node.

    public void treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent e)
        if (isActive() == false) return; // o.k., we're not connected to anything...
        SmartNode current = (SmartNode) e.getPath().getLastPathComponent();

            if (((SmartNode) current.getFirstChild()).isDummy() == true)
            else if (current.isAlwaysRefresh())
        catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException err)
        }  // why would it be trying to expand anyway?

     * a node value has changed, so redisplay it...
     * @param e tree event, implicitly specifying the changed node.

    public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e)
        if (isActive() == false) return; // o.k., we're not connected to anything...

        if (getSelectionPath() == null)

        if (e.isAddedPath() == false) // deletion occured
            setSelectionPath(null);        // clear the 'currently selected' data object in popupTreeTool
            displayReadNodeResult(null);          // clear the editor
        else // addition occured
            DN addedDN = treeModel.getDNForPath(getSelectionPath());

            if (addedDN.equals(currentDN) == false)

     * Returns whether the tree is active - i.e. has a valid data source,
     * which is active, and the
     * tree has it's root set.

    protected boolean isActive()
        if (treeDataSource == null) return false;
        if (treeDataSource.isActive() == false) return false;
        if (rootSet == false) return false;
        return true;

     * This is the data listener interface - this method is called when a data query is finished
     * by a Broker.  The tree listens to these results, and adjusts itself to reflect successfull
     * directory operations.

    public void dataReady(DataQuery result)
        int type = result.getType();

        if (result.hasException())
            String exception = result.getException().toString()//TE: quick solution to bug 561...if dsa is offine keep the tree but set everything else to disconnected mode.
            if (exception.indexOf("Socket closed") > -1)
                if (owner instanceof JXplorer)
                    ((JXplorer) owner).setDisconnectView();

            CBUtility.error("Unable to perform " + result.getTypeString() + " operation.", result.getException());

            if (type == DataQuery.LIST)        // clean up failed list result...
                SmartNode node = treeModel.getNodeForDN(result.requestDN());
                if (!node.isAlwaysRefresh()) // XXX Hack to avoid losing tree when get error reading non-existant base DN node.

            switch (type)
                case DataQuery.LIST:

                case DataQuery.COPY:

                case DataQuery.MODIFY:

                case DataQuery.SEARCH:

                case DataQuery.READENTRY:

            if (result.hasException())
                CBUtility.error("Exception occurred during tree display of " + result.getTypeString() + ".\n\n(Error caught by display tree)", result.getException());

    public void validate()

    //  ********************
    //  *** DRAG 'N DROP ***
    //  ********************

    protected void setupDragAndDrop()
// XXX Disable Drag and Drop on Solaris.  Doesn't work worth a damn, and
// XXX has some *VERY* strange behaviour

        if (JXplorer.isSolaris()) return;

// Disable Drag and Drop if the user has set the option to do so... ('true' is default though).
        if (!JXplorer.getProperty("option.drag.and.drop").equals("true"))

        /*  Custom dragsource object: needed to handle DnD in a JTree.
          *  This is pretty ugly. I had to overide (labotimize) the updateCurrentCursor
         *  method to get the cursor to update properly.

        dragSource = new DragSource()
            protected DragSourceContext createDragSourceContext
                    (DragSourceContextPeer dscp, DragGestureEvent dgl, Cursor dragCursor,
                     Image dragImage, Point imageOffset, Transferable t,
                     DragSourceListener dsl)
                return new DragSourceContext(dscp, dgl, dragCursor, dragImage, imageOffset, t, dsl)
                    protected void updateCurrentCursor(int dropOp, int targetAct, int status)

        DragGestureRecognizer dgr = dragSource.createDefaultDragGestureRecognizer(this,
                DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE, this);

* Eliminates right mouse clicks as valid actions - useful especially
          * if you implement a JPopupMenu for the JTree
//?    dgr.setSourceActions(dgr.getSourceActions() & ~InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK);

        dgr.setSourceActions(dgr.getSourceActions() + InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);

        /* First argument:  Component to associate the target with
         * Second argument: DropTargetListener
        new DropTarget(this, this);


     * DragGestureListener interface method
    public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent e)
        //Get the selected node
        SmartNode dragNode = getSelectedNode();
        if (dragNode != null)
            dragging = true;

            //Get the Transferable Object
            Transferable transferable = (Transferable) dragNode;

            //Select the appropriate cursor;
            Cursor cursor = DragSource.DefaultCopyDrop;
            int action = e.getDragAction();
            if (action == DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE)
                cursor = DragSource.DefaultMoveDrop;

            //begin the drag
            dragSource.startDrag(e, cursor, transferable, this);

     * DragSourceListener interface method
    public void dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent dsde)
        dragging = false;

     * DragSourceListener interface method
    public void dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent dsde)

     * DragSourceListener interface method
    public void dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent dsde)

     * DragSourceListener interface method
    public void dropActionChanged(DragSourceDragEvent dsde)

     * DragSourceListener interface method
    public void dragExit(DragSourceEvent dsde)

     * DragSourceListener interface method. This is a bit ugly.
     * This is where we set the cursor depending on whether
     * we are allowed to drop our Transferable object. However,
     * we need to have the location of the mouse and the object
     * that sets the cursor, which come from two different events.
     * Its not pretty but I set a global variable with the location
     * in the DropTargetListener dragOver method.
    private void setCursor(DragSourceDragEvent dsde)
        //if we dont know the cursor location, don't do anything.
        if (cursorLocation == null) return;

        TreePath destinationPath =
                getPathForLocation(cursorLocation.x, cursorLocation.y);

        //get the object that sets the cursor type
        DragSourceContext dsc = dsde.getDragSourceContext();

        //TE: if copy & if destination path is okay set cursor to allow drop...
        if (testDropTarget(destinationPath, getSelectionPath()) == null && dsde.getDropAction() == 1)

        //TE: otherwise...if copy...set to drop not allowed
        else if (dsde.getDropAction() == 1)

        //TE: if move & if destination path is okay set cursor to allow drop...
        else if (testDropTarget(destinationPath, getSelectionPath()) == null && dsde.getDropAction() == 2)

        //TE: ...otherwise set to drop not allowed

     * DropTargetListener interface method - What we do when drag is released
    public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent e)
            Transferable tr = e.getTransferable();

            //flavor not supported, reject drop
            if (!tr.isDataFlavorSupported(SmartNode.UNICODETEXT))

            //cast into appropriate data type
            String bloop = tr.getTransferData(SmartNode.UNICODETEXT).toString();

            //get new parent node
            Point loc = e.getLocation();
            TreePath destinationPath = getPathForLocation(loc.x, loc.y);

            final String msg = testDropTarget(destinationPath, getSelectionPath());

            if (msg != null)

                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
                    public void run()
                        //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Parent, msg, "Error Dialog", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);


            SmartNode newParent = (SmartNode) destinationPath.getLastPathComponent();
            DN parentDN = treeModel.getDNForNode(newParent);

            SmartNode oldNode = (SmartNode) getSelectedNode();
            DN oldDN = treeModel.getDNForNode(oldNode);

            int action = e.getDropAction();
            boolean copyAction = (action == DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY);

            if (copyAction)
                if (System.getProperty("java.version").startsWith("1.4.0"))
                    popupTreeTool.dragCopy(oldDN, parentDN);
                    popupTreeTool.copy(oldDN, parentDN)//TE: XXXXXXXX crashes!  CB: Not any more - Swing bug fixed in 1.4.1+
                if (System.getProperty("java.version").startsWith("1.4.0"))
                    popupTreeTool.dragMove(oldDN, parentDN);
                    popupTreeTool.move(oldDN, parentDN)//TE: XXXXXXXX crashes!  CB: Not any more - Swing bug fixed in 1.4.1+

        catch (IOException io)
        catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ufe)
    } //end of method

     * DropTargetListener interface method
    public void dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent e)

     * DropTargetListener interface method
    public void dragExit(DropTargetEvent e)

     * DropTargetListener interface method
    public void dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent e)
        //set global cursor location. Needed in setCursor method.  El Hack.
        cursorLocation = e.getLocation();

     * DropTargetListener interface method
    public void dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent e)

     * Convenience method to test whether drop location is valid
     * @param destination The destination path
     * @param dropper     The path for the node to be dropped
     * @return null if no problems, otherwise an explanation

    private String testDropTarget(TreePath destination, TreePath dropper)
        //Typical Tests for dropping

        //Test 1.
        boolean destinationPathIsNull = destination == null;
        if (destinationPathIsNull)
            return CBIntText.get("Invalid drop location.");

        //Test 2.
//    PersonNode node = (PersonNode) destination.getLastPathComponent();
//    if ( !node.getAllowsChildren() )
//      return "This node does not allow children";

        if (destination.equals(dropper))
            return CBIntText.get("Destination cannot be same as source");

        //Test 3.
        if (dropper.isDescendant(destination))
            return CBIntText.get("Destination node cannot be a descendant.");

        //Test 4.
        if (dropper.getParentPath().equals(destination))
            return CBIntText.get("Destination node cannot be a parent.");

        return null;

     * Opens the delete bookmark dialog.
    public void openDeleteBookmarkDialog()
        BookMarks bm = new BookMarks((JXplorer) owner);

     * Opens the edit bookmark dialog.
    public void openEditBookmarkDialog()
        BookMarks bm = new BookMarks((JXplorer) owner);

     * Opens the add bookmark dialog.
     * @param dn the DN of the bookmark to add.
    public void openAddBookmarkDialog(DN dn)
        BookMarks bm = new BookMarks((JXplorer) owner);
        BookMarks.AddDialog addDialog = bm.getAddDialog(dn.toString(), false);

     * Opens the search dialog.
    public void openSearch()

     * Opens the search dialog.
     * @param dn the DN to search from.
    public void openSearch(DN dn)
        JXplorer jx = (JXplorer) owner;
        if (searchGUI == null)
            searchGUI = new SearchGUI(dn, jx);


     * @return the search GUI.
    public SearchGUI getSearchGUI()
        return searchGUI;

     * Set the search GUI.
     * @param searchGUI
    public void setSearchGUI(SearchGUI searchGUI)
        this.searchGUI = searchGUI;

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