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import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;


// XXX 1.3 <-> 1.4
//import*;  // jdk 1.3 requires alljssl.jar in external
import javax.naming.NamingException;    // jdk 1.4 includes ssl in standard distro

* <p>Socket factory for SSL jndi links that returns an SSL socket.
* It incorporates a keystore, which must contain the certs used
* to authenticate the client.</p>
* <p>This code is based on sample code made freely available by author
* Spencer W. Thomas on his web site
* On Wed 24 May, 2000.</p>
* <p><b>Warning</b></p>
* <p>This class relies heavily on an internal, single, static SSLSocketFactory.
* multiple objects of this type in fact will use the same internal SSLSocketFactory.
* (This is why a single static init() method sets up everything for the entire
* class.)  The reason for this structure is that JndiSocketFactory is dynmaically
* invoked by the jndi connection, and we have no other chance to initialise the
* object.</p>

public class JndiSocketFactory extends SSLSocketFactory

     * This is the (static) factory internally shared between
     * all JndiSocketFactory objects.

    private static SSLSocketFactory factory = null;

     * A single default object of this class.  It is
     * initialised when first called for, and then reused
     * whenever called again.

    private static JndiSocketFactory default_factory = null;

    private static KeyStore clientKeystore;

     * The sun 'JKS' keystore is the simplest and most commonly
     * available keystore type.

    private static final String DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE = "JKS";

     * The 'KSE' keystore is used by the Glen Iris group to
     * wrap openssl calls. It has some peculiarities requiring
     * special handling.

    private static final String PKI_INTERNAL_TYPE = "KSE";

     *  the class loader to use for loading security providers
     *  'n stuff.  Defaults to the system loader.

    private static ClassLoader myClassLoader = null;

     *    Register a custom class loader to be used by
     *    the class when getting security providers.

    public static void setClassLoader(ClassLoader newLoader)
        myClassLoader = newLoader;

     *  checks that myClassLoader is initialised, uses the System
     *  default loader if it isn't, and returns the guaranteed
     *  initialised loader.

    private static ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        if (myClassLoader == null)
            myClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

        return myClassLoader;

     *  Enable debugging...

    public static void setDebugOn()
        all         turn on all debugging
        ssl         turn on ssl debugging

        The following can be used with ssl:

            record      enable per-record tracing
            handshake   print each handshake message
            keygen      print key generation data
            session     print session activity

            handshake debugging can be widened with:
            data        hex dump of each handshake message
            verbose     verbose handshake message printing

            record debugging can be widened with:
            plaintext   hex dump of record plaintext

        System.setProperty("", "ssl handshake verbose");

     *    <p>Initialize the socket factory with a particular key store(s) and
     *    security provider.  The minimum requirement is for a keystore
     *    containing trusted directory servers (the 'castore', or trusted
     *    certificate authority store, since the servers are usually signed
     *    by a common CA, whose cert would be held in this file).</p>
     *    <p>Further options include a private key store (the 'clientstore')
     *    that allows for client-authenticated ssl and SASL).</p>
     *    <p>Finally, it is possible to configure a non-standard keystore
     *    type and security provider.  The keystore type defaults to Sun's
     *    JKS (at time of writting, the only keystore type that the default
     *    Sun security provider will handle).</p>
     *    <p>Nb. - it is possible to set a custom class loader (using
     *    'registerClassLoader()' ) in which case this loader can be used
     *    to load the security provider.</p>
     *    @param caKeystoreFile      A keystore file name of public certificates (trusted CA signs)
     *    @param clientKeystoreFile  A keystore file name of the client's certificates, containing private keys.
     *                               (may be null if only simple, 'server authenticated' ssl is being used).
     *    @param caPassphrase        A password for the caKeystoreFile certificate.
     *                               (may be null if only simple, 'server authenticated' ssl is being used, and keystore type is 'JKS').
     *                               <b>Calling Program must manually clear passphrase after init() call.</b>
     *    @param clientPassphrase    A password for the clientKeystoreFile certificate.
     *                               (may be null if only simple, 'server authenticated' ssl is being used).
     *                               <b>Calling Program must manually clear passphrase after init() call.</b>
     *    @param caKeystoreType      The type of cakeystore file. (null => 'JKS')
     *    @param clientKeystoreType  The type of clientkeystore file. (null => 'JKS')

    public static void init(String caKeystoreFile, String clientKeystoreFile,
                            char[] caPassphrase, char[] clientPassphrase,
                            String caKeystoreType, String clientKeystoreType)
        throws NamingException
        if (default_factory != null)

            checkFileSanity(caKeystoreFile, clientKeystoreFile, clientPassphrase);

            // use the client store if there is no caKeystoreFile.
            if (caKeystoreFile == null)
                caKeystoreFile = clientKeystoreFile;

            SSLContext sslctx;

     *  ... attempting to make file compile and run under both 1.3 (using*) and
     ** (where they moved SSLContext in v1.4).  By leaving it unspecified, we
     *  hope that the compiler will pick up the right one at compile time.  Probably means grief
     *  if you run a 1.3 compiled version on 1.4 or vica-versa...
    // XXX 1.3 <-> 1.4
    // XXX This is a STOOPID Idea, since we can't set the imports at run time, so it
    // shouldn't work, because it will get con-foos-ed about which version of "SSLContext" to load.
            // TODO: could we tweak it by using fully qualified class names?  Doesn't matter now I suppose,
            // so much other 1.4 stuff is in the code now...
            if ("1.4".compareTo(System.getProperty("java.version")) >= 0)
                sslctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");  // TLS for java 1.4
                sslctx = SSLContext.getInstance("SSLv3");  // "SSLv3" for java 1.3 ...
            // ONLY SUPPORTS Java 1.4+

            // evil undocumented feature - can change SSL protocol on command line
            // (needed for mainframe TOPSECRET folks who have crippled TLS implementatiuon and want to use SSLv3)
            String protocol = System.getProperty("sslversion", "TLS"); // TLS for java 1.4
            if (!"TLS".equals(protocol))
                System.out.println("SECURITY: Using non-standard ssl version: '" + protocol + "'");
    //TODO: proper logging
            sslctx = SSLContext.getInstance(protocol);

             *    The KeyManagerFactory manages the clients certificates *and* private keys,
             *    which allow the client to authenticate itself to others.  It is not required
             *    for 'simple' SSL.

            KeyManagerFactory clientKeyManagerFactory = null;
            TrustManagerFactory caTrustManagerFactory;
            KeyStore caKeystore;

            if ((clientPassphrase!=null) && (clientPassphrase.length>0))
                 *    Special hack for Glen Iris PKI group, until the pki
                 *    keystore is fully functional.
                 *    We make heavy use of reflection to allow code to
                 *    compile and run when the libraries
                 *    aren't available.

                if (PKI_INTERNAL_TYPE.equals(clientKeystoreType))
                        Class c = getClassLoader().loadClass("");
                        if (c==null)
                            System.out.println("PKI internal error");

                        Constructor constructor = c.getConstructor(new Class[] {String.class, byte[].class});

                        // get password safely - rely on calling routine to clear clientPassphrase
                        int size = clientPassphrase.length;
                        byte[] password = new byte[size];
                        for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
                             password[i] = (byte) clientPassphrase[i];

                        Object pkcs12Parser = constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {clientKeystoreFile, password});

                        Method getSunKeyStore = c.getMethod("getSunKeyStore", new Class[] {String.class} );

                        clientKeystore = (KeyStore) getSunKeyStore.invoke(pkcs12Parser, new Object[] {"MyFriend"});

                        for (int i=0; i<size; i++// clear temp password store.
                            password[i] = 0;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        System.err.println("unable to load pkcs12 parser (not in class path?)");
                     *    Create a keystore to hold the client certificates and private keys.

                    if (clientKeystoreType == null)
                        clientKeystoreType = DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE;

                    clientKeystore = KeyStore.getInstance(clientKeystoreType); // key manager key store

                     *    Load the keystore from the client keystore file using the client
                     *    keystore password.

                    if (clientKeystoreFile != null)
                        clientKeystore.load(new FileInputStream(clientKeystoreFile), clientPassphrase);
                 *    Create a key manager using the default sun X509 key manager

                clientKeyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");

                 *    Initialise the client keystore manager with the just loaded keystore,
                 *    and the keystore password.

                clientKeyManagerFactory.init(clientKeystore, clientPassphrase);


             * Initialise the list of key managers (may be null if the client keystore is not
             * being used).

            KeyManager[] keyManagers = null;
            if (clientKeyManagerFactory != null)
                keyManagers = clientKeyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers();

             *   Initialise the trusted server certificate keystore.

            if (caKeystoreType == null)
                caKeystoreType = DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE;

            caKeystore = KeyStore.getInstance(caKeystoreType);

             *    Load the keys from the 'certificate authority' keystore (the trusted server keystore) file.

            if (caKeystoreFile != null)
                // caPassword may be null for some keystores (e.g. a 'JKS' keystore), and it is not an error.
                //if (caPassphrase == null && DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE.equals(caKeystoreType) == false)
                //    throw new Exception("Internal SSL Initialisation error: No password for non standard trusted server (CA) keystore.");

                caKeystore.load(new FileInputStream(caKeystoreFile), caPassphrase);

             *    Create a trust manager factory using the default java X509 certificate based trust manager.

            caTrustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");

             *    Initialise the trust manager with the keystore containing the trusted server certs.


             *    Get the list of trust managers from the trust manager factory, to initialise the
             *    ssl context with.

            TrustManager[] trustManagers = caTrustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers();

            sslctx.init(keyManagers, trustManagers, null);

                factory = sslctx.getSocketFactory();

                default_factory = new JndiSocketFactory();
        catch (GeneralSecurityException e)
            NamingException ne = new NamingException("security error: unable to initialise JndiSocketFactory");
            throw ne;
        catch (IOException e)
            NamingException ne = new NamingException("file access error: unable to initialise JndiSocketFactory");
            throw ne;

     *    Checks that the files containing the keystores really exist.
     *    Throws an exception (that can be bubbled through to the gui)
     *    if they don't.  This is much clearer than relying on the
     *    Sun ssl stuff to meaningfully report back the error :-).

    private static void checkFileSanity(String caKeystoreFile, String clientKeystoreFile, char[] clientPassphrase)
        throws NamingException
        if (clientKeystoreFile == null && caKeystoreFile == null)
            throw new NamingException("SSL Initialisation error: No valid keystore files available.");

        if (caKeystoreFile != null)
            if (new File(caKeystoreFile).exists() == false)
                throw new NamingException("SSL Initialisation error: file '" + caKeystoreFile + "' does not exist.");

        if (clientKeystoreFile != null && clientPassphrase != null)
            if (new File(clientKeystoreFile).exists() == false)
                throw new NamingException("SSL Initialisation error: file '" + clientKeystoreFile + "' does not exist.");

        KeyManager[] myKM = new KeyManager[keyManagers.length];
        for (int i=0; i<keyManagers.length; i++)
            myKM[i] = new MyX509KeyManager((X509KeyManager)keyManagers[i]);

        TrustManager[] myTM = new TrustManager[trustManagers.length];
        for (int i=0; i<trustManagers.length; i++)
            myTM[i] = new MyX509TrustManager((X509TrustManager)trustManagers[i]);

        System.out.println("Number of Keymanagers = " + myKM.length);
        if (myKM.length >=1)
            KeyManager bloop = myKM[0];
            if (bloop == null) System.out.println("Bloop is Null???!");
            System.out.println("bloop is a " + bloop.getClass());
            if (bloop instanceof X509KeyManager)
                System.out.println("bloop is X509KeyManager!");
                String[] clients = ((X509KeyManager)bloop).getClientAliases("SunX509", null);
                System.out.println("Num clients = " + clients.length);
                for (int i=0; i<clients.length; i++)
                    System.out.println("client: " + i + " = " + clients[i]);

        System.out.println("Number of Trustmanagers = " + myTM.length);
        if (myTM.length >=1)
            TrustManager bloop = myTM[0];
            if (bloop == null) System.out.println("Bloop is Null???!");
            System.out.println("bloop is a " + bloop.getClass());
            if (bloop instanceof X509TrustManager)
                System.out.println("bloop is X509TrustManager!");

     * Constructor
    public JndiSocketFactory()

     * Return an instance of this class.
     * @return    An instance of JndiSocketFactory.

    public static SocketFactory getDefault()
            if (default_factory == null)
              default_factory = new JndiSocketFactory();

        return (SocketFactory)default_factory;

  public static KeyStore getClientKeyStore() {
    return clientKeystore;

     * Return an SSLSocket (upcast to Socket) given host and port.
     * @param host  Name of the host to which the socket will be opened.
     * @param port  Port to connect to.
     * @return    An SSLSocket instance (as a Socket).
     * @throws  IOException  If the connection can't be established.
     * @throws  UnknownHostException  If the host is not known.
    public Socket createSocket(String host, int port)
        throws IOException, UnknownHostException
        return factory.createSocket(host, port);

     * Return an SSLSocket (upcast to Socket) given host and port.
     * @param host  Address of the server host.
     * @param port  Port to connect to.
     * @return    An SSLSocket instance (as a Socket).
     * @throws  IOException  If the connection can't be established.
     * @throws  UnknownHostException  If the host is not known.
    public Socket createSocket(InetAddress host, int port)
       throws IOException, UnknownHostException
        return factory.createSocket(host, port);

     * Return an SSLSocket (upcast to Socket) given host and port.
     * The client is bound to the specified network address and port.
     * @param host  Address of the server host.
     * @param port  Port to connect to.
     * @param client_host  Address of this (client) host.
     * @return    An SSLSocket instance (as a Socket).
     * @throws  IOException  If the connection can't be established.
     * @throws  UnknownHostException  If the host is not known.
    public Socket createSocket(InetAddress host, int port,
           InetAddress client_host, int client_port)
       throws IOException, UnknownHostException
        return factory.createSocket(host, port, client_host, client_port);

     * Return an SSLSocket (upcast to Socket) given host and port.
     * The client is bound to the specified network address and port.
     * @param host  Address of the server host.
     * @param port  Port to connect to.
     * @param client_host  Address of this (client) host.
     * @return    An SSLSocket instance (as a Socket).
     * @throws  IOException  If the connection can't be established.
     * @throws  UnknownHostException  If the host is not known.
    public Socket createSocket(String host, int port,
           InetAddress client_host, int client_port)
       throws IOException, UnknownHostException
        return factory.createSocket(host, port, client_host, client_port);

     * Return an SSLSocket layered on top of the given Socket.
    public Socket createSocket(Socket socket, String host, int port, boolean autoclose)
       throws IOException, UnknownHostException
        return factory.createSocket(socket, host, port, autoclose);

     * Return default cipher suites.
    public String[] getDefaultCipherSuites()
      return factory.getDefaultCipherSuites();

     * Return supported cipher suites.
    public String[] getSupportedCipherSuites()
      return factory.getSupportedCipherSuites();

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