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import org.jpox.ClassLoaderResolver;
import org.jpox.ObjectManager;
import org.jpox.ObjectManagerFactoryImpl;
import org.jpox.StateManager;
import org.jpox.exceptions.JPOXException;
import org.jpox.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData;
import org.jpox.util.Localiser;

* Representation of the mapping of a Java type.
* The java type maps to one or more datastore mappings. This means that a field
* in a java class can be mapped to many columns in a table (in an RDBMS).
* A JavaTypeMapping can exist in 2 forms
* <ul>
* <li>Constructed for the java type on its own to represent a literal in a JDOQL query, and consequently has
* no metadata/container information</li>
* <li>Constructed for a field managed by a datastore container, and so has metadata/container information</li>
* </ul>
* @version $Revision: 1.33 $
public abstract class JavaTypeMapping
    /** Localiser for messages */
    protected static final Localiser LOCALISER = Localiser.getInstance("",

    /** Role signifying that the mapping is for a field in the primary class table */
    public static final int MAPPING_FIELD = 0;

    /** Role signifying that the mapping is for a collection element in a join table */
    public static final int MAPPING_COLLECTION_ELEMENT = 1;

    /** Role signifying that the mapping is for an array element in a join table */
    public static final int MAPPING_ARRAY_ELEMENT = 2;

    /** Role signifying that the mapping is for a map key in a join table */
    public static final int MAPPING_MAP_KEY = 3;

    /** Role signifying that the mapping is for a value in a join table */
    public static final int MAPPING_MAP_VALUE = 4;

     * The field definition, when the type relates specifically to a field.
     * When this mapping is for a query literal then the metadata will be null.
    protected AbstractMemberMetaData fmd;

     * Role of the mapping for the field. Whether it is for the field as a whole, or element of
     * a collection field (in a join table), or key/value of a map field (in a join table).
    protected int roleForField = MAPPING_FIELD;

    /** The Datastore mappings for this Java type. */
    protected DatastoreMapping[] datastoreMappings = new DatastoreMapping[0];

    /** The Datastore Container storing this mapping. */
    protected DatastoreContainerObject datastoreContainer;

    /** Adapter for the datastore being used. */
    protected DatastoreAdapter dba;

    /** Actual type being mapped */
    protected String type;

     * Mapping of the reference on the end of the association - Only used when this mapping does not
     * have datastore fields, but the other side of the association has
    protected JavaTypeMapping referenceMapping;

     * Create a new empty JavaTypeMapping.
     * The caller must call one of the initialize methods to initialize the instance with the DatastoreAdapter
     * and its type.
     * <p>
     * The combination of this empty constructor and one of the initialize method is used instead of parameterized
     * constructors for efficientcy purpose, both in execution time and code maintainability.
     * See MappingFactory for how they are used.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Concrete subclasses must have a public accesstable empty constructor.
     * </p>
    protected JavaTypeMapping()

     * Create a new Mapping with the given DatastoreAdapter for the given type.
     * @param dba The Datastore Adapter that this Mapping should use.
     * @param type The Class that this mapping maps to the database.
     * @param fmd FieldMetaData for the field to be mapped (if any)
     * @param container The datastore container storing this mapping (if any)
    protected JavaTypeMapping(DatastoreAdapter dba, String type, AbstractMemberMetaData fmd,
            DatastoreContainerObject container)
        this.dba = dba;
        this.type = type;
        this.fmd = fmd;
        this.datastoreContainer = container;

     * Initialize this JavaTypeMapping with the given DatastoreAdapter for the given type.
     * This will not set the "fmd" and "datastoreContainer" parameters. If these are required for
     * usage of the mapping then you should call
     * "setFieldInformation(AbstractMemberMetaData, DatastoreContainerObject)" below
     * @param dba The Datastore Adapter that this Mapping should use.
     * @param type The Class that this mapping maps to the database.
     * @see MappingFactory#createMapping(Class, DatastoreAdapter, String)
    public void initialize(DatastoreAdapter dba, String type)
        this.dba = dba;
        this.type = type;

     * Initialize this JavaTypeMapping with the given DatastoreAdapter for the given FieldMetaData.
     * Subclasses should override this method to perform any datastore initialization operations.
     * @param dba The Datastore Adapter that this Mapping should use.
     * @param fmd FieldMetaData for the field to be mapped (if any)
     * @param container The datastore container storing this mapping (if any)
     * @param clr the ClassLoaderResolver
    public void initialize(DatastoreAdapter dba, AbstractMemberMetaData fmd, DatastoreContainerObject container,
            ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        this.dba = dba;
        this.fmd = fmd;
        this.type = fmd.getType().getName();
        this.datastoreContainer = container;

     * Convenience method for use where the mapping was created for a particular type
     * (using the initialize(DatastoreAdapter, String) and we now have the field that it applies for.
     * @param fmd Field MetaData
     * @param container Container (table) that the mapping is for
    public void setFieldInformation(AbstractMemberMetaData fmd, DatastoreContainerObject container)
        this.fmd = fmd;
        this.datastoreContainer = container;

     * Method to set the role for the field.
     * Should be called before initialize().
     * @param role Role for field.
    public void setRoleForField(int role)
        roleForField = role;

     * Convenience method to return if the (part of the) field being represented by this mapping is serialised.
     * @return Whether to use Java serialisation
    public boolean isSerialised()
        if (roleForField == MAPPING_FIELD)
            return (fmd != null ? fmd.isSerialized() : false);
        else if (roleForField == MAPPING_COLLECTION_ELEMENT)
            if (fmd == null)
                return false;
            return (fmd.getCollection() != null ? fmd.getCollection().isSerializedElement() : false);
        else if (roleForField == MAPPING_ARRAY_ELEMENT)
            if (fmd == null)
                return false;
            return (fmd.getArray() != null ? fmd.getArray().isSerializedElement() : false);
        else if (roleForField == MAPPING_MAP_KEY)
            if (fmd == null)
                return false;
            return (fmd.getMap() != null ? fmd.getMap().isSerializedKey() : false);
        else if (roleForField == MAPPING_MAP_VALUE)
            if (fmd == null)
                return false;
            return (fmd.getMap() != null ? fmd.getMap().isSerializedValue() : false);
        return false;

     * Accessor for whether this mapping is nullable
     * @return Whether it is nullable
    public boolean isNullable()
        for (int i=0; i<datastoreMappings.length; i++)
            if (!datastoreMappings[i].isNullable())
                return false;
        return true;

     * Accessor for the datastore mappings for this java type
     * @return The datastore mapping(s)
    public DatastoreMapping[] getDataStoreMappings()
        return datastoreMappings;

     * Accessor for the datastore class (e.g in an RDBMS context, the Table).
     * Will be null if this mapping is for a literal in a query.
     * @return The datastore class containing this mapped field.
    public DatastoreContainerObject getDatastoreContainer()
        return datastoreContainer;

     * Accessor for a datastore mapping
     * @param index The id of the mapping
     * @return The datastore mapping
    public DatastoreMapping getDataStoreMapping(int index)
        return datastoreMappings[index];

     * Accessor for the mapping at the other end of a relation when this field is
     * part of a 1-1, 1-N, M-N relation. Will be null otherwise.
     * @return The mapping at the other end.
    public JavaTypeMapping getReferenceMapping()
        return referenceMapping;

     * Method to set the mapping at the other end of the relation.
     * Not to be used when this field is not part of a relation.
     * @param referenceMapping The mapping at the other end
    public void setReferenceMapping(JavaTypeMapping referenceMapping)
        this.referenceMapping = referenceMapping;

     * Method to add a datastore mapping
     * @param datastoreMapping The datastore mapping
    public void addDataStoreMapping(DatastoreMapping datastoreMapping)
        DatastoreMapping[] dm = datastoreMappings;
        datastoreMappings = new DatastoreMapping[datastoreMappings.length+1];
        System.arraycopy(dm, 0, datastoreMappings, 0, dm.length);
        datastoreMappings[dm.length] = datastoreMapping;

     * Acessor for the number of datastore fields (e.g. RDBMS number of columns)
     * @return the number of datastore fields
    public int getNumberOfDatastoreFields()
        return datastoreMappings.length;

     * Accessor for the FieldMetaData of the field to be mapped.
     * Will be null if this mapping is for a literal in a query.
     * @return Returns the FieldMetaData.
    public AbstractMemberMetaData getFieldMetaData()
        return fmd;

     * Accessor for the role of the is mapping for the field.
     * @return Role of this mapping for the field
    public int getRoleForField()
        return roleForField;

     * Accessor for the java type being mapped.
     * This is the java type that the mapping represents. Some examples :
     * <ul>
     * <li>if the field is of type "MyClass" then the mapping will be OIDMapping (or subclass)
     * the javaType will be OID, and the type will be MyClass.</li>
     * <li>if the field is of type "int" then the mapping will be IntegerMapping, the javaType will
     * be Integer, and the type will be int.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The "java type" is the java-type name used in the plugin.xml mapping file
     * @return The java type
    public abstract Class getJavaType();

     * Accessor for the name of the java-type actually used when mapping the particular datastore
     * field. This java-type must have an entry in the datastore mappings.
     * The default implementation throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
     * TODO Merge this with getJavaType().
     * @param index requested datastore field index.
     * @return the name of java-type for the requested datastore field.
    public String getJavaTypeForDatastoreMapping(int index)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Datastore type mapping is not supported by: "+getClass());

     * Accessor for the class name of the object that is being mapped here.
     * There are mainly two situations:
     * <ul>
     * <li>For a JavaTypeMapping that maps a PersistentCapable class field, this will return
     * the type of the field. For example with a field of type "MyClass" this will return "MyClass"</li>
     * <li>For a JavaTypeMapping that maps a variable or parameter in a query, this will return
     * the type declared in the query.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return The actual type that this Mapping maps.
    public String getType()
        return type;

     * Return a sample value of the mapping type to be used for internal
     * evaluation of type and conversion.
     * @param clr TODO
     * @return The sample value.
    public abstract Object getSampleValue(ClassLoaderResolver clr);

     * Accessor for whether this mapping is to be included in any fetch statement.
     * @return Whether to include this mapping in a fetch statement
    public boolean includeInFetchStatement()
        return true;

     * Accessor for whether this mapping is to be included in the update statement.
     * @return Whether to include in update statement
    public boolean includeInUpdateStatement()
        return true;

     * Accessor for whether this mapping is to be included in the insert statement.
     * @return Whether to include in insert statement
    public boolean includeInInsertStatement()
        return true;

     * Creates a literal from an value.
     * A string literal is enclosed in single quotes. for example: "literal".
     * A string literal that includes a single quote is represented by two
     * single quotes. for example: "literal''s".
     * An exact numeric literal is a numeric value without a decimal point,
     * such as 57, -957, +62.
     * An approximate numeric literal is a numeric value in scientific notation,
     * such as 7E3, -57.9E2, or a numeric value with a decimal, such as 7.,
     * -95.7, +6.2.
     * @param qs The Query statement
     * @param value The object
     * @return A Scalar Expression
    public abstract ScalarExpression newLiteral(QueryExpression qs, Object value);

     * Creates a expression from a field name/table.
     * e.g. tablename.fieldname; tablealias.fieldalias
     * @param qs The Query statement
     * @param te the alias for the table
     * @return A Scalar Expression
    public abstract ScalarExpression newScalarExpression(QueryExpression qs, LogicSetExpression te);

     * Utility to output any error message.
     * @param method The method that failed.
     * @return the localised failure message
    protected String failureMessage(String method)
        return LOCALISER.msg("041004",getClass().getName(),method);

    // ------------------- Accessors & Mutators for datastore access -----------------------

     * Convenience setter to provide a default value for this field.
     * If the field is nullable, a null is provided, otherwise the sample value.
     * @param om The ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement Prepared Statement
     * @param exprIndex The indices in the statement
    public void setDefault(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex)
        // TODO Dont just use the first datastore mapping and parameter number
        getDataStoreMapping(0).setObject(datastoreStatement, exprIndex[0], isNullable() ? null : getSampleValue(om.getClassLoaderResolver()));

     * Sets a <code>value</code> into <code>datastoreStatement</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the statement
     * @param value the value
    public void setBoolean(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex, boolean value)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setBoolean")).setFatal();

     * Obtains a value from <code>datastoreResults</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreResults an object returned from the datastore with values
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the result
     * @return the value
    public boolean getBoolean(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreResults, int[] exprIndex)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setBoolean")).setFatal();

     * Sets a <code>value</code> into <code>datastoreStatement</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the statement
     * @param value the value
    public void setChar(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex, char value)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setChar")).setFatal();

     * Obtains a value from <code>datastoreResults</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreResults an object returned from the datastore with values
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the result
     * @return the value
    public char getChar(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreResults, int[] exprIndex)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("getChar")).setFatal();

     * Sets a <code>value</code> into <code>datastoreStatement</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the statement
     * @param value the value
    public void setByte(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex, byte value)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setByte")).setFatal();

     * Obtains a value from <code>datastoreResults</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreResults an object returned from the datastore with values
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the result
     * @return the value
    public byte getByte(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreResults, int[] exprIndex)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("getByte")).setFatal();

     * Sets a <code>value</code> into <code>datastoreStatement</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the statement
     * @param value the value
    public void setShort(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex, short value)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setShort")).setFatal();

     * Obtains a value from <code>datastoreResults</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreResults an object returned from the datastore with values
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the result
     * @return the value
    public short getShort(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreResults, int[] exprIndex)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("getShort")).setFatal();

     * Sets a <code>value</code> into <code>datastoreStatement</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the statement
     * @param value the value
    public void setInt(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex, int value)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setInt")).setFatal();

     * Obtains a value from <code>datastoreResults</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreResults an object returned from the datastore with values
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the result
     * @return the value
    public int getInt(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreResults, int[] exprIndex)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("getInt")).setFatal();

     * Sets a <code>value</code> into <code>datastoreStatement</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the statement
     * @param value the value
    public void setLong(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex, long value)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setLong")).setFatal();

     * Obtains a value from <code>datastoreResults</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreResults an object returned from the datastore with values
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the result
     * @return the value
    public long getLong(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreResults, int[] exprIndex)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("getLong")).setFatal();

     * Sets a <code>value</code> into <code>datastoreStatement</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the statement
     * @param value the value
    public void setFloat(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex, float value)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setFloat")).setFatal();

     * Obtains a value from <code>datastoreResults</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreResults an object returned from the datastore with values
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the result
     * @return the value
    public float getFloat(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreResults, int[] exprIndex)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("getFloat")).setFatal();

     * Sets a <code>value</code> into <code>datastoreStatement</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the statement
     * @param value the value
    public void setDouble(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex, double value)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setDouble")).setFatal();

     * Obtains a value from <code>datastoreResults</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreResults an object returned from the datastore with values
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the result
     * @return the value
    public double getDouble(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreResults, int[] exprIndex)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("getDouble")).setFatal();

     * Sets a <code>value</code> into <code>datastoreStatement</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the statement
     * @param value the value
    public void setString(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex, String value)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setString")).setFatal();

     * Obtains a value from <code>datastoreResults</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreResults an object returned from the datastore with values
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the result
     * @return the value
    public String getString(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreResults, int[] exprIndex)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("getString")).setFatal();

     * Sets a <code>value</code> into <code>datastoreStatement</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the statement
     * @param value the value
     * @param ownerSM the owner StateManager
     * @param ownerFieldNumber the owner absolute field number
    public void setObject(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex, Object value, StateManager ownerSM, int ownerFieldNumber)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setObject")).setFatal();

     * Sets a <code>value</code> into <code>datastoreStatement</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreStatement a datastore object that executes statements in the database
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the statement
     * @param value the value
    public void setObject(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreStatement, int[] exprIndex, Object value)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("setObject")).setFatal();

     * Obtains a value from <code>datastoreResults</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreResults an object returned from the datastore with values
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the result
     * @param ownerSM the owner StateManager
     * @param ownerFieldNumber the owner absolute field number
     * @return the value
    public Object getObject(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreResults, int[] exprIndex, StateManager ownerSM, int ownerFieldNumber)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("getObject")).setFatal();

     * Obtains a value from <code>datastoreResults</code>
     * at position specified by <code>exprIndex</code>.
     * @param om the ObjectManager
     * @param datastoreResults an object returned from the datastore with values
     * @param exprIndex the position of the value in the result
     * @return the value
   public Object getObject(ObjectManager om, Object datastoreResults, int[] exprIndex)
        throw new JPOXException(failureMessage("getObject")).setFatal();

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