Package net.sourceforge.jiu.color.quantization

Source Code of net.sourceforge.jiu.color.quantization.MedianCutContourRemoval

* MedianCutContourRemoval
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Marco Schmidt.
* All rights reserved.

package net.sourceforge.jiu.color.quantization;

import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.BMPCodec;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.CodecMode;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.ImageLoader;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.color.analysis.MatrixCreator;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.color.analysis.MeanDifference;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.ops.ImageToImageOperation;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.ops.MissingParameterException;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.ops.OperationFailedException;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.ops.WrongParameterException;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.util.ComparatorInterface;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.util.Sort;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.util.Statistics;

* A data structure for storing the index values of a pair of
* contouring colors plus their respective self co-occurrence
* frequency values.
* @author Marco Schmidt
* @see MedianCutContourRemoval
class ContouringColorPair implements ComparatorInterface
  private int index1;
  private int index2;
  private double scof1;
  private double scof2;

   * Creates a new object of this class.
  public ContouringColorPair()

   * Creates a new object of this class.
   * @param i1 palette index of first color
   * @param i2 palette index of second color
   * @param sf1 self co-occurrence frequency value of first color
   * @param sf2 self co-occurrence frequency value of second color
  public ContouringColorPair(int i1, int i2, double sf1, double sf2)
    index1 = i1;
    index2 = i2;
    scof1 = sf1;
    scof2 = sf2;

  public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
    ContouringColorPair p1 = (ContouringColorPair)o1;
    ContouringColorPair p2 = (ContouringColorPair)o2;
    double sum1 = p1.scof1 + p1.scof2;
    double sum2 = p2.scof1 + p2.scof2;
    if (sum1 < sum2)
      return -1;
    if (sum1 > sum2)
      return 1;
      return 0;

  public int getColorIndex(boolean smaller)
    if (smaller)
      return scof1 < scof2 ? index1 : index2;
      return scof1 < scof2 ? index2 : index1;

* Performs the <em>Median Cut</em> color quantization algorithm in combination with
* a contour removal algorithm.
* <p>
* Quantization is an operation that reduces the number of colors in
* an image while trying to remain as close to the original image
* as possible.
* Standard Median Cut quantization is implemented in the 
* {@link net.sourceforge.jiu.color.quantization.MedianCutQuantizer}
* class.
* <p>
* This class implements an algorithm that improves the standard
* implementation.
* It repeatedly calls the original quantizer and adjusts the palette
* in order to reduce the amount of contouring errors.
* <h3>Image types</h3>
* This operation requires an {@link}
* object as input and produces a {@link}
* as output.
* <h3>Usage example</h3>
* <pre>
* RGB24Image inputImage = ...; // image to be processed, from a file etc.
* MedianCutQuantizer quantizer = new MedianCutQuantizer();
* quantizer.setPaletteSize(256);
* MedianCutContourRemoval removal = new MedianCutContourRemoval();
* removal.setQuantizer(quantizer);
* removal.setInputImage(inputImage);
* removal.setTau(11.0);
* removal.setNumPasses(3);
* removal.process();
* PixelImage outputImage = removal.getOutputImage();
* </pre>
* <h3>Rationale - why an extension to Median Cut?</h3>
* Quantization without dithering can lead to contouring (banding) in the output image.
* The contours introduced that way are not only ugly but they may lead to erroneous
* results when processing that quantized image.
* Dithering, an alternative group of algorithms used in combination with quantizers
* to improve output quality, leads to output which is more pleasant to the human eye.
* However, it introduces noise that may not be acceptable when the output image
* is to be further processed by image processing algorithms.
* Instead, this algorithm attempts to adjust the palette found by the Median
* Cut algorithm.
* The adjustments aim at reducing the amount of contouring caused by a
* palette found in a previous Median Cut operation.
* <h3><a name="howitworks">How the contour removal algorithm works</a></h3>
* <ul>
* <li>
*  First, a normal Median Cut quantization operation is performed.
*  The class
{@link net.sourceforge.jiu.color.quantization.MedianCutQuantizer}
*  is used for that purpose.
*  This results in a palette and an output image that was mapped from
*  the original using the palette.
* </li>
* <li>
*  Now a {@link} is created
*  from a {@link}, which is in
*  turn created from the paletted image that was produced in the previous step.
*  The co-occurrence frequency matrix stores how often a pixel value j is the
*  neighbor of pixel i in the image, in relation to all occurrences of i.
*  The matrix stores this information as <code>double</code> values between
<code>0.0</code> and <code>1.0</code>.
*  If the value is <code>0.6</code>, j makes 60 percent of all neighboring
*  pixels of i.
* </li>
* <li>
*  Using certain heuristics that take advantage of the above mentioned matrices,
*  colors are classified into three groups:
*   <li>contouring color pairs which contribute significantly to the contouring,</li>
*   <li>compressible color pairs, two colors which are similar to each other and not contouring, and</li>
*   <li>all colors which are not part of one of the two color pair types described before.</li>
*  The tau value which can be specified with {@link #setTau(double)} is a
*  distance value in RGB space (tau is adjusted for an RGB cube where each
*  axis can take values from 0 to 255).
*  It is used to define a threshold for similar colors.
*  A pair of compressible colors may not differ by more than tau.
*  It is guaranteed that no color can be both compressible and contouring.
* </li>
* <li>
*  Note that each palette color generated by the Median Cut algorithm represents a
*  cuboid part of the RGB color cube.
*  For each pair of compressible colors, their corresponding cuboids are neighbors in the cube.
*  Now a number N of palette entries is changed.
*  That number N is either the number of compressible color pairs found, or the number
*  of contouring color pairs found, whichever is smaller.
*  If N equals zero, nothing can be done and the algorithm terminates.
* </li>
* <li>
*  Now N swap operations are performed on the palette.
*  Two palette entries of a compressible color pair are merged to form one palette entry.
*  Their colors are similar so it will not decrease image quality much.
*  The newly freed palette entry is used to split one color of a contouring color pair
*  into two, thus allowing to represent a gradient type section in the image with an
*  additional color.
* </li>
* <li>
*  The original truecolor image is mapped to the new, modified palette.
*  This whole process can now be performed again with the modified palette.
*  That's why this operation has a {@link #setNumPasses(int)} method.
*  Usually, more than eight iterations do not make a difference.
* </li>
* </ul>
* For an in-depth description of the algorithm see the journal article mentioned in the
* <em>Credits</em> section below.
* <h3>Credits</h3>
* The algorithm was developed by
* <a target="_top" href="">Jefferey
* Shufelt </a> and described in
* his article
* <em>Texture Analysis for Enhanced Color Image Quantization.</em>
* CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 59(3): 149-163 (1997).
* @see MedianCutQuantizer
* @author Marco Schmidt
public class MedianCutContourRemoval extends ImageToImageOperation
   * The default tau value, used if none is specified
   * with {@link #setTau(double)}.
   * Check the class documentation to find out more about
   * the meaning of tau: {@link MedianCutContourRemoval}.
  public static final double DEFAULT_TAU = 12;

   * The default number of passes, used if they are not specified
   * with {@link #setNumPasses(int)}.
   * Check the class documentation to find out more about
   * the meaning of that number of passes: {@link MedianCutContourRemoval}.
  public static final int DEFAULT_NUM_PASSES = 8;

  private Vector compressibleNodes;
  private Vector contouringPairs;
  private MedianCutNode[] leaves;
  private double[] meanC;
  private double meanS;
  private int numPasses = DEFAULT_NUM_PASSES;
  private Palette palette;
  private MedianCutQuantizer quantizer;
  private double stdDevS;
  private double[] stdDevC;
  private double sumMeanStdDevS;
  private double tau = DEFAULT_TAU;

  private double computeDistance(int index1, int index2)
    return RGBColor.computeDistance(
      palette.getSample(RGBIndex.INDEX_RED, index1),
      palette.getSample(RGBIndex.INDEX_GREEN, index1),
      palette.getSample(RGBIndex.INDEX_BLUE, index1),
      palette.getSample(RGBIndex.INDEX_RED, index2),
      palette.getSample(RGBIndex.INDEX_GREEN, index2),
      palette.getSample(RGBIndex.INDEX_BLUE, index2)

   * Computes the mean and standard deviation (stddev) values and
   * from the argument matrix and initializes the mean / stddev
   * fields of this class with them.
   * @param matrix
  private void computeStatistics(CoOccurrenceFrequencyMatrix matrix)
    final int N = quantizer.getPaletteSize();
    double values[] = new double[N];
    // compute mean of self co-occurrence frequencies
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      values[i] = matrix.getValue(i, i);
    meanS = Statistics.computeMean(values);
    // compute mean of self co-occurrence frequencies
    stdDevS = Statistics.computeStandardDeviation(values, meanS);
    sumMeanStdDevS = meanS + stdDevS;
    // compute mean and standard deviation of co-occurrence frequencies
    meanC = new double[N];
    stdDevC = new double[N];
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
      for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        values[i] = matrix.getValue(i, j);
      meanC[j] = Statistics.computeMean(values);
      stdDevC[j] = Statistics.computeStandardDeviation(values, meanC[j]);

   * Takes
   * @return
  private Vector createContouringIndexList()
    Hashtable table = new Hashtable(contouringPairs.size() * 2);
    Vector indexes = new Vector();
    Object[] contouringPairArray = toArray(contouringPairs);
    Sort.sort(contouringPairArray, new ContouringColorPair());
    for (int i = contouringPairArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      ContouringColorPair pair = (ContouringColorPair)contouringPairArray[i];
      Integer index = new Integer(pair.getColorIndex(false));
      if (table.get(index) == null)
        table.put(index, index);
      index = new Integer(pair.getColorIndex(true));
      if (table.get(index) == null)
        table.put(index, index);
    return indexes;

  private void findColorPairs(CoOccurrenceFrequencyMatrix matrix, final CoOccurrenceMatrix A)
    compressibleNodes = new Vector();
    contouringPairs = new Vector();
    final int N = quantizer.getPaletteSize();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      final double SI = matrix.getValue(i);
      for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++)
        final double SJ = matrix.getValue(j);
        if (SI > sumMeanStdDevS && SJ > sumMeanStdDevS)
          // potential contouring pair
          if (matrix.getValue(i, j) > meanC[j] + stdDevC[j] &&
              matrix.getValue(j, i) > meanC[i] + stdDevC[i] &&
              computeDistance(i, j) <= tau)
            contouringPairs.addElement(new ContouringColorPair(i, j, SI, SJ));
        if (SI < meanS && SJ < meanS)
          MedianCutNode parentI = leaves[i].getParentNode();         
          MedianCutNode parentJ = leaves[j].getParentNode();
          // potential compressible pair
          if (parentI == parentJ && A.getValue(i, j) == 0 && parentI.getNumColors() > 1)
            System.out.println("compressible: " + i + "/" + j);

   * Small command line application that performs a contour removal
   * on an image.
   * The first and only argument must be the name of image file from
   * which the image to be quantized is loaded.
   * @param args program arguments; must have length one, the only argument being the input image file name
   * @throws Exception
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    PixelImage inputImage = ImageLoader.load(args[0]);
    if (inputImage == null)
      System.err.println("Could not load image from " + args[0]);
    MedianCutQuantizer quantizer = new MedianCutQuantizer();
    MedianCutContourRemoval removal = new MedianCutContourRemoval();
    BMPCodec codec = new BMPCodec();
    codec.setFile(args[1], CodecMode.SAVE);
    MeanDifference diff = new MeanDifference();
    diff.setImages(inputImage, removal.getOutputImage());
    System.out.println("Mean difference: " + diff.getDifference());

  private void mergeAndSplit()
    Vector contouringIndexes = createContouringIndexList();
    final int ITERATIONS = Math.min(contouringIndexes.size(), compressibleNodes.size());
    int index = 0;
      // make the node a leaf by setting its two successors (which are leaves) to null
      MedianCutNode compressibleNode = (MedianCutNode)compressibleNodes.elementAt(index);
      compressibleNode.setSuccessors(null, null);
      // split the contouring color into two
      Integer contouringIndex = (Integer)contouringIndexes.elementAt(index);
      MedianCutNode contouringNode = leaves[contouringIndex.intValue()];
    while (index < ITERATIONS);

  public void process() throws MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, WrongParameterException
    if (quantizer == null)
      throw new MissingParameterException("No MedianCutQuantizer object was specified.");
    PixelImage pixelImage = getInputImage();
    if (!(pixelImage instanceof RGB24Image))
      throw new WrongParameterException("Input image must implement RGB24Image.");
    RGB24Image originalImage = (RGB24Image)pixelImage;
    quantizer.setMapping(true); // we want the quantizer to create an output image
    quantizer.setTruecolorOutput(false); // that output image must be paletted
    for (int currentPass = 0; currentPass < numPasses; currentPass++)
      Paletted8Image palImage = (Paletted8Image)quantizer.getOutputImage();
      palette = palImage.getPalette();
      // create co-occurrence matrix for paletted image
      CoOccurrenceMatrix com = MatrixCreator.createCoOccurrenceMatrix(palImage);
      // create co-occurrence frequency matrix for co-occurrence matrix
      CoOccurrenceFrequencyMatrix cofm = MatrixCreator.createCoOccurrenceFrequencyMatrix(com);
      // compute certain statistics from the co-occurrence frequency matrix
      // find pairs of contouring and compressible colors
      leaves = quantizer.createLeafList();
      findColorPairs(cofm, com);
      if (compressibleNodes.size() == 0 ||
          contouringPairs.size() == 0)
        //System.out.println("Compressible=" + compressibleNodes.size() + contouring=" + contouringPairs.size() + " in iteration " + currentPass);
      // adjust Median-Cut-specific data structures:
      // merge compressible and split contouring nodes
      System.out.println((currentPass + 1) + " " +
        compressibleNodes.size() + " " + contouringPairs.size());
      // create a new version of the paletted image:
      // (1) reassign palette index values for the nodes
      // (2) make it recompute the representative colors
      // (3) create a new Palette object
      palette = quantizer.createPalette();
      // (4) give that to the paletted image
      Paletted8Image out = (Paletted8Image)quantizer.getOutputImage();
      // (5) map original to that new palette
      quantizer.mapImage(originalImage, out);

   * Set the
   * {@link net.sourceforge.jiu.color.quantization.MedianCutQuantizer}
   * object to be used with this contour removal operation.
   * This is a mandatory parameter.
   * If process gets called before the quantizer object was specified,
   * a {@link MissingParameterException} is thrown.
   * @param medianCutQuantizer the quantizer object that will get used by this operation
  public void setQuantizer(MedianCutQuantizer medianCutQuantizer)
    quantizer = medianCutQuantizer;

   * Specify the number of contour removal passes to be performed.
   * Check out the section <a href="#howitworks">How the contour removal algorithm works</a>
   * to learn more about the meaning of this value.
   * If this method is not called the default value {@link #DEFAULT_NUM_PASSES}
   * is used.
   * @param newValue number of passes, 1 or higher
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is 0 or smaller
  public void setNumPasses(int newValue)
    if (newValue < 1)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of passes must be 1 or larger.");
    numPasses = newValue;

   * Specify the tau value to be used by this operation.
   * Check out the section <a href="#howitworks">How the contour removal algorithm works</a>
   * to learn more about the meaning of this value.
   * If this method is not called the default value {@link #DEFAULT_TAU}
   * is used.
   * @param newValue tau value, 0.0 or higher
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is smaller than 0.0
  public void setTau(double newValue)
    if (newValue < 0.0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tau value must be 0.0 or larger.");
    tau = newValue;

   * Converts a Vector to an Object array.
   * Since Java 1.2 Vector has a toArray method, but we cannot rely
   * on 1.2 being available.
   * @param list Vector with objects
   * @return Object array with elements from list, in the same order
  private Object[] toArray(Vector list)
    Object[] result = new Object[list.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
      result[i] = list.elementAt(i);
    return result;

Related Classes of net.sourceforge.jiu.color.quantization.MedianCutContourRemoval

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