
Source Code of

* @(#)  1.11 07/03/15
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

import javax.swing.plaf.synth.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.swing.*;

import javax.imageio.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import sun.awt.image.SunWritableRaster;
import sun.swing.ImageCache;

* GTKNativeEngine delegates all painting job to native GTK libraries.
* Painting with GTKNativeEngine looks like this:
* First, startPainting() is called. It prepares an offscreen buffer of the
*   required size.
* Then, any number of paintXXX() methods can be called. They effectively ignore
*   the Graphics parameter and draw to the offscreen buffer.
* Finally, finishPainting() should be called. It fills the data buffer passed
*   in with the image data.
* @version 1.11, 03/15/07
* @author Josh Outwater
public class GTKNativeEngine extends GTKEngine {
    /** Size of the image cache */
    private static final int CACHE_SIZE = 50;

    private static HashMap regionToWidgetTypeMap;
    private ImageCache cache = new ImageCache(CACHE_SIZE);
    private int x0, y0, w0, h0;
    private Graphics graphics;
    private Object[] cacheArgs;
    private native void native_paint_arrow(
            int widgetType, int state, int shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height, int arrowType);
    private native void native_paint_box(
            int widgetType, int state, int shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height, int synth_state, int dir);
    private native void native_paint_box_gap(
            int widgetType, int state, int shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height,
            int gapSide, int gapX, int gapWidth);
    private native void native_paint_check(
            int widgetType, int synthState, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height);
    private native void native_paint_expander(
            int widgetType, int state, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height, int expanderStyle);
    private native void native_paint_extension(
            int widgetType, int state, int shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height, int placement);
    private native void native_paint_flat_box(
            int widgetType, int state, int shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean hasFocus);
    private native void native_paint_focus(
            int widgetType, int state, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height);
    private native void native_paint_handle(
            int widgetType, int state, int shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height, int orientation);
    private native void native_paint_hline(
            int widgetType, int state, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height);
    private native void native_paint_option(
            int widgetType, int synthState, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height);
    private native void native_paint_shadow(
            int widgetType, int state, int shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height, int synthState, int dir);
    private native void native_paint_slider(
            int widgetType, int state, int shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height, int orientation);
    private native void native_paint_vline(
            int widgetType, int state, String detail,
            int x, int y, int width, int height);
    private native void native_paint_background(
            int widgetType, int state, int x, int y, int width, int height);
    private native Object native_get_gtk_setting(int property);

    private native void nativeStartPainting(int w, int h);
    private native int nativeFinishPainting(int[] buffer, int width, int height);
    private native void native_switch_theme();

    static {
        // Make sure the awt toolkit is loaded so we have access to native
        // methods.
        // Initialize regionToWidgetTypeMap
        regionToWidgetTypeMap = new HashMap(50);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.ARROW_BUTTON, new WidgetType[] {
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.BUTTON, WidgetType.BUTTON);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.CHECK_BOX, WidgetType.CHECK_BOX);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.COLOR_CHOOSER, WidgetType.COLOR_CHOOSER);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.FILE_CHOOSER, WidgetType.OPTION_PANE);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.COMBO_BOX, WidgetType.COMBO_BOX);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.DESKTOP_ICON, WidgetType.DESKTOP_ICON);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.DESKTOP_PANE, WidgetType.DESKTOP_PANE);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.EDITOR_PANE, WidgetType.EDITOR_PANE);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.FORMATTED_TEXT_FIELD, new WidgetType[] {
            WidgetType.FORMATTED_TEXT_FIELD, WidgetType.SPINNER_TEXT_FIELD});
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(GTKRegion.HANDLE_BOX, WidgetType.HANDLE_BOX);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.LABEL, new WidgetType[] {
            WidgetType.LABEL, WidgetType.COMBO_BOX_TEXT_FIELD});
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.LIST, WidgetType.LIST);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.MENU, WidgetType.MENU);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.MENU_BAR, WidgetType.MENU_BAR);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.MENU_ITEM, WidgetType.MENU_ITEM);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.OPTION_PANE, WidgetType.OPTION_PANE);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.PANEL, WidgetType.PANEL);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.POPUP_MENU, WidgetType.POPUP_MENU);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.PROGRESS_BAR, WidgetType.PROGRESS_BAR);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.RADIO_BUTTON, WidgetType.RADIO_BUTTON);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.ROOT_PANE, WidgetType.ROOT_PANE);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.SCROLL_BAR, new WidgetType[] {
            WidgetType.HSCROLL_BAR, WidgetType.VSCROLL_BAR});
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.SCROLL_BAR_THUMB, new WidgetType[] {
            WidgetType.HSCROLL_BAR_THUMB, WidgetType.VSCROLL_BAR_THUMB});
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.SCROLL_BAR_TRACK, new WidgetType[] {
            WidgetType.HSCROLL_BAR_TRACK, WidgetType.VSCROLL_BAR_TRACK});
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.SCROLL_PANE, WidgetType.SCROLL_PANE);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.SEPARATOR, new WidgetType[] {
            WidgetType.HSEPARATOR, WidgetType.VSEPARATOR});
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.SLIDER, new WidgetType[] {
            WidgetType.HSLIDER, WidgetType.VSLIDER});
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.SLIDER_THUMB, new WidgetType[] {
            WidgetType.HSLIDER_THUMB, WidgetType.VSLIDER_THUMB});
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.SLIDER_TRACK, new WidgetType[] {
            WidgetType.HSLIDER_TRACK, WidgetType.VSLIDER_TRACK});
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.SPINNER, WidgetType.SPINNER);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.SPLIT_PANE, WidgetType.SPLIT_PANE);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.SPLIT_PANE_DIVIDER, new WidgetType[] {
            WidgetType.HSPLIT_PANE_DIVIDER, WidgetType.VSPLIT_PANE_DIVIDER});
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TABBED_PANE, WidgetType.TABBED_PANE);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TABLE, WidgetType.TABLE);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TABLE_HEADER, WidgetType.TABLE_HEADER);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TEXT_AREA, WidgetType.TEXT_AREA);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TEXT_FIELD, new WidgetType[] {
            WidgetType.TEXT_FIELD, WidgetType.COMBO_BOX_TEXT_FIELD});
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TEXT_PANE, WidgetType.TEXT_PANE);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TOGGLE_BUTTON, WidgetType.TOGGLE_BUTTON);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TOOL_BAR, WidgetType.TOOL_BAR);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TOOL_BAR_CONTENT, WidgetType.TOOL_BAR);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TOOL_TIP, WidgetType.TOOL_TIP);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TREE, WidgetType.TREE);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.TREE_CELL, WidgetType.TREE_CELL);
        regionToWidgetTypeMap.put(Region.VIEWPORT, WidgetType.VIEWPORT);

    /** Translate Region and JComponent into WidgetType ordinals */
    static WidgetType getWidgetType(JComponent c, Region id) {
        Object value = regionToWidgetTypeMap.get(id);

        if (value instanceof WidgetType) {
            return (WidgetType)value;

        WidgetType[] widgets = (WidgetType[])value;
        if (c == null ) {
            return widgets[0];
        if (c instanceof JScrollBar) {
            return (((JScrollBar)c).getOrientation() == JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL) ?
                widgets[0] : widgets[1];
        } else if (c instanceof JSeparator) {
            JSeparator separator = (JSeparator)c;

            /* We should return correct WidgetType if the separator is inserted
             * in Menu/PopupMenu/ToolBar. BugID: 6465603
            if (separator.getParent() instanceof JPopupMenu) {
               return WidgetType.POPUP_MENU_SEPARATOR;
            } else if (separator.getParent() instanceof JToolBar) {
                return WidgetType.TOOL_BAR_SEPARATOR;

            return (separator.getOrientation() == JSeparator.HORIZONTAL) ?
                widgets[0] : widgets[1];
        } else if (c instanceof JSlider) {
            return (((JSlider)c).getOrientation() == JSlider.HORIZONTAL) ?
                widgets[0] : widgets[1];
        } else if (c instanceof JSplitPane) {
            return (((JSplitPane)c).getOrientation() == JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT) ?
                widgets[1] : widgets[0];
        } else if (id == Region.LABEL || id == Region.TEXT_FIELD) {
            String name = c.getName();
            if (name != null && name.startsWith("ComboBox")) {
                return widgets[1];
            } else {
                return widgets[0];
        } else if (id == Region.FORMATTED_TEXT_FIELD) {
            String name = c.getName();
            if (name != null && name.startsWith("Spinner")) {
                return widgets[1];
            } else {
                return widgets[0];
        } else if (id == Region.ARROW_BUTTON) {
            if (c.getParent() instanceof JScrollBar) {
                Integer prop = (Integer)c.getClientProperty("__arrow_direction__");
                int dir = (prop != null) ?
                    prop.intValue() : SwingConstants.WEST;
                switch (dir) {
                case SwingConstants.WEST:
                    return WidgetType.HSCROLL_BAR_BUTTON_LEFT;
                case SwingConstants.EAST:
                    return WidgetType.HSCROLL_BAR_BUTTON_RIGHT;
                case SwingConstants.NORTH:
                    return WidgetType.VSCROLL_BAR_BUTTON_UP;
                case SwingConstants.SOUTH:
                    return WidgetType.VSCROLL_BAR_BUTTON_DOWN;
                    return null;
            } else if (c.getParent() instanceof JComboBox) {
                return WidgetType.COMBO_BOX_ARROW_BUTTON;
            } else {
                return WidgetType.SPINNER_ARROW_BUTTON;
        return null;
    private static int getTextDirection(SynthContext context) {
        TextDirection dir = TextDirection.NONE;
        JComponent comp = context.getComponent();
        if (comp != null) {
            ComponentOrientation co = comp.getComponentOrientation();
            if (co != null) {
                dir = co.isLeftToRight() ?
                    TextDirection.LTR : TextDirection.RTL;
        return dir.ordinal();

    public void paintArrow(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, ShadowType shadowType, ArrowType direction,
            String detail, int x, int y, int w, int h) {

        state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_arrow(widget, state, shadowType.ordinal(),
                detail, x - x0, y - y0, w, h, direction.ordinal());

    public void paintBox(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, ShadowType shadowType,
            String detail, int x, int y, int w, int h) {

        int gtkState =
        int synthState = context.getComponentState();
        int dir = getTextDirection(context);
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_box(widget, gtkState, shadowType.ordinal(),
                detail, x - x0, y - y0, w, h, synthState, dir);

    public void paintBoxGap(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, ShadowType shadowType,
            String detail, int x, int y, int w, int h,
            PositionType boxGapType, int tabBegin, int size) {
        state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_box_gap(widget, state, shadowType.ordinal(), detail,
                x - x0, y - y0, w, h, boxGapType.ordinal(), tabBegin, size);

    public void paintCheck(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, ShadowType shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int w, int h) {

        int synthState = context.getComponentState();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_check(widget, synthState, detail, x - x0, y - y0, w, h);

    public void paintExpander(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, ExpanderStyle expanderStyle, String detail,
            int x, int y, int w, int h) {

        state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_expander(widget, state, detail, x - x0, y - y0, w, h,

    public void paintExtension(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, ShadowType shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int w, int h, PositionType placement, int tabIndex) {

        state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_extension(widget, state, shadowType.ordinal(), detail,
                               x - x0, y - y0, w, h, placement.ordinal());

    public void paintFlatBox(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, ShadowType shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int w, int h, ColorType colorType) {

        state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_flat_box(widget, state, shadowType.ordinal(), detail,
                              x - x0, y - y0, w, h,

    public void paintFocus(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, String detail, int x, int y, int w, int h) {

        state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_focus(widget, state, detail, x - x0, y - y0, w, h);

    public void paintHandle(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, ShadowType shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int w, int h, Orientation orientation) {

        state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_handle(widget, state, shadowType.ordinal(), detail,
                            x - x0, y - y0, w, h, orientation.ordinal());

    public void paintHline(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, String detail, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
        state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_hline(widget, state, detail, x - x0, y - y0, w, h);

    public void paintOption(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, ShadowType shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int w, int h) {

        int synthState = context.getComponentState();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_option(widget, synthState, detail, x - x0, y - y0, w, h);

    public void paintShadow(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, ShadowType shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int w, int h) {

        int gtkState =
        int synthState = context.getComponentState();
        int dir = getTextDirection(context);
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_shadow(widget, gtkState, shadowType.ordinal(), detail,
                            x - x0, y - y0, w, h, synthState, dir);

    public void paintSlider(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, ShadowType shadowType, String detail,
            int x, int y, int w, int h, Orientation orientation) {

        state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_slider(widget, state, shadowType.ordinal(), detail,
                            x - x0, y - y0, w, h, orientation.ordinal());

    public void paintVline(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, String detail, int x, int y, int w, int h) {

        state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_vline(widget, state, detail, x - x0, y - y0, w, h);

    public void paintBackground(Graphics g, SynthContext context,
            Region id, int state, Color color, int x, int y, int w, int h) {

        state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
        int widget = getWidgetType(context.getComponent(), id).ordinal();
        native_paint_background(widget, state, x - x0, y - y0, w, h);
    private final static ColorModel[] COLOR_MODELS = {
        // Transparency.OPAQUE
        new DirectColorModel(24, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0x00000000),
        // Transparency.BITMASK
        new DirectColorModel(25, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0x01000000),
        // Transparency.TRANSLUCENT

    private final static int[][] BAND_OFFSETS = {
        { 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff },             // OPAQUE
        { 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0x01000000 }, // BITMASK
        { 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000 // TRANSLUCENT

     * Paint a cached image identified by its size and a set of additional
     * arguments, if there's one.
     * @return true if a cached image has been painted, false otherwise
    public boolean paintCachedImage(Graphics g,
            int x, int y, int w, int h, Object... args) {
        if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
            return true;
        // look for cached image
        Image img = cache.getImage(getClass(), null, w, h, args);
        if (img != null) {
            g.drawImage(img, x, y, null);
            return true;
        return false;

     * Allocate a native offscreen buffer of the specified size.
    public void startPainting(Graphics g,
            int x, int y, int w, int h, Object... args) {
        nativeStartPainting(w, h);
        x0 = x;
        y0 = y;
        w0 = w;
        h0 = h;
        graphics = g;
        cacheArgs = args;
     * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
     * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, cache it, and paint it.
    public void finishPainting() {
        int[] data = new int[w0 * h0];
        int transparency = nativeFinishPainting(data, w0, h0);

        int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
        DataBuffer dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(data, data.length);
        WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
                dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

        // Raster created this way is not accelerated.
        // We re-enable acceleration here.
        if (raster instanceof SunWritableRaster) {
        ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
        Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
        graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
     * Notify native layer of theme change, and flush cache
    public void themeChanged() {
        synchronized(sun.awt.UNIXToolkit.GTK_LOCK) {
    /* GtkSettings enum mirrors that in gtk2_interface.h */
    public Object getSetting(Settings property) {
        synchronized(sun.awt.UNIXToolkit.GTK_LOCK) {
            return native_get_gtk_setting(property.ordinal());

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