Package org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.injection

Source Code of org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.injection.WebEJBRemoteHandler

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* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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package org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.injection;

import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.ejb.EJBs;
import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;

import org.jboss.deployment.dependency.ContainerDependencyMetaData;
import org.jboss.deployment.spi.DeploymentEndpointResolver;
import org.jboss.deployment.spi.EndpointInfo;
import org.jboss.deployment.spi.EndpointType;
import org.jboss.ejb3.EJBContainer;
import org.jboss.injection.EJBInjectionHandler;
import org.jboss.injection.EjbEncInjector;
import org.jboss.injection.EncInjector;
import org.jboss.injection.InjectionContainer;
import org.jboss.injection.InjectionUtil;
import org.jboss.injection.Injector;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.AbstractEJBReferenceMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.AnnotatedEJBReferenceMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.AnnotatedEJBReferencesMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.EJBReferenceMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.RemoteEnvironment;
import org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossWebMetaData;

* Searches bean class for all @Inject and create Injectors
* for a remote environment.
* @author
* @author <a href="">Bill Burke</a>
* @version $Revision: 82920 $
public class WebEJBRemoteHandler<X extends RemoteEnvironment> extends EJBInjectionHandler<X>
   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WebEJBRemoteHandler.class);
   private JBossWebMetaData webDD;
   private DeploymentEndpointResolver resolver;
   private Map<String, ContainerDependencyMetaData> endpoints;
   private String vfsContext;

   public WebEJBRemoteHandler(JBossWebMetaData webDD,
         DeploymentEndpointResolver resolver,
         Map<String, ContainerDependencyMetaData> endpoints,
         String vfsContext)
      this.webDD = webDD;
      this.resolver = resolver;
      this.endpoints = endpoints;
      this.vfsContext = vfsContext;

   public void loadXml(X xml, InjectionContainer container)
      if (xml != null)
         log.trace("ejbRefs = " + xml.getEjbReferences());
         if (xml.getEjbReferences() != null)
            loadEjbRefXml(xml.getEjbReferences(), container);

   protected void loadEjbRefXml(Collection<EJBReferenceMetaData> refs, InjectionContainer container)
      for (EJBReferenceMetaData ref : refs)
         String interfaceName = ref.getRemote();
         String errorType = "<ejb-ref>";

         ejbRefXml(ref, interfaceName, container, errorType);

   protected void ejbRefXml(AbstractEJBReferenceMetaData ref, String interfaceName, InjectionContainer container, String errorType)
      String encName = "env/" + ref.getEjbRefName();
      InjectionUtil.injectionTarget(encName, ref, container, container.getEncInjections());
      if (container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName))

      String mappedName = ref.getMappedName();
      if (mappedName != null && mappedName.equals(""))
         mappedName = null;
      if(mappedName == null && ref.getResolvedJndiName() != null)
         mappedName = ref.getResolvedJndiName();

      String link = ref.getLink();
      if (link != null && link.trim().equals("")) link = null;

      Class<?> refClass = null;

      if (interfaceName != null)
            refClass = container.getClassloader().loadClass(interfaceName);
         catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            throw new RuntimeException("could not find " + errorType + "'s local interface " + interfaceName + " in " + container.getDeploymentDescriptorType() + " of " + container.getIdentifier());
      //----- injectors

      if (mappedName == null && refClass == null && link == null)
         // must be jboss.xml only with @EJB used to define reference.  jboss.xml used to tag for ignore dependency
         // i think it is ok to assume this because the ejb-jar.xml schema should handle any missing elements
         ejbRefEncInjector(mappedName, encName, null, refClass, link, errorType, container);
         if (ref.getIgnoreDependency() != null)
            log.debug("IGNORING <ejb-ref> DEPENDENCY: " + encName);

         ejbRefDependency(mappedName, link, container, refClass, errorType, encName);

   protected void ejbRefDependency(String mappedName, String link, InjectionContainer container, Class<?> refClass, String errorType, String encName)
      if(mappedName != null && mappedName.length() == 0) mappedName = null;
      if (refClass != null && (refClass.equals(Object.class) || refClass.equals(void.class))) refClass = null;
      if(mappedName == null)
         mappedName = getMappedName(encName, container);
      if(mappedName != null)
         addJNDIDependency(container, mappedName);
      if (refClass != null)
         if (link != null && !link.trim().equals(""))
            addDependency(container, link, refClass);
            addDependency(container, refClass);
         String msg = "IGNORING DEPENDENCY: unable to resolve dependency of EJB, there is too little information";

   protected void ejbRefEncInjector(String mappedName, String encName, String fieldName, Class refClass, String link, String errorType, InjectionContainer container)
      if (refClass != null && (refClass.equals(Object.class) || refClass.equals(void.class)))
         refClass = null;
      if (mappedName != null && mappedName.trim().equals(""))
         mappedName = null;
      if(mappedName == null)
         mappedName = getMappedName(encName, container, fieldName);

      EncInjector injector = null;
      if (mappedName == null)
         // TODO: remove this block, see previous comments
         log.warn("EJBTHREE-1289: Using legacy EjbEncInjector, because mappedName for enc \"" + encName + "\", field \"" + fieldName
            + "\" is null (container.environmentRefGroup.annotatedEjbReferences = "
            + container.getEnvironmentRefGroup().getAnnotatedEjbReferences() + ")");
         // legacy
         injector = new EjbEncInjector(encName, refClass, link, errorType);
         injector = new EjbEncInjector(encName, mappedName, errorType);

      container.getEncInjectors().put(encName, injector);

   public static EJBContainer getEjbContainer(EJB ref, InjectionContainer container, Class<?> memberType)
      EJBContainer rtn = null;

      if (ref.mappedName() != null && !"".equals(ref.mappedName()))
         return null;

      if (ref.beanName().equals("") && memberType == null)
         throw new RuntimeException("For deployment " + container.getIdentifier() + "not enough information for @EJB.  Please fill out the beanName and/or businessInterface attributes");

      Class<?> businessInterface = memberType;
      if (!ref.beanInterface().getName().equals(Object.class.getName()))
         businessInterface = ref.beanInterface();

      if (ref.beanName().equals(""))
            rtn = (EJBContainer) container.resolveEjbContainer(businessInterface);
         catch (NameNotFoundException e)
            log.warn("For deployment " + container.getIdentifier() + " could not find jndi binding based on interface only for @EJB(" + businessInterface.getName() + ") " + e.getMessage());
         rtn = (EJBContainer) container.resolveEjbContainer(ref.beanName(), businessInterface);

      return rtn;

   public static String getJndiName(EJB ref, InjectionContainer container, Class<?> memberType)
      String jndiName;

      if (ref.mappedName() != null && !"".equals(ref.mappedName()))
         return ref.mappedName();

      if (ref.beanName().equals("") && memberType == null)
         throw new RuntimeException("For deployment " + container.getIdentifier() + "not enough information for @EJB.  Please fill out the beanName and/or businessInterface attributes");

      Class<?> businessInterface = memberType;
      if (!ref.beanInterface().getName().equals(Object.class.getName()))
         businessInterface = ref.beanInterface();

      if (ref.beanName().equals(""))
            jndiName = container.getEjbJndiName(businessInterface);
         catch (NameNotFoundException e)
            throw new RuntimeException("For deployment " + container.getIdentifier() + " could not find jndi binding based on interface only for @EJB(" + businessInterface.getName() + ") " + e.getMessage());
         if (jndiName == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("For deployment " + container.getIdentifier() + " could not find jndi binding based on interface only for @EJB(" + businessInterface.getName() + ")");
         jndiName = container.getEjbJndiName(ref.beanName(), businessInterface);
         if (jndiName == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("For EJB " + container.getIdentifier() + "could not find jndi binding based on beanName and business interface for @EJB(" + ref.beanName() + ", " + businessInterface.getName() + ")");

      return jndiName;

   private String getMappedName(String encName, InjectionContainer container)
      return getMappedName(encName, container, null);
    * Find a mapped name in the meta data which came from the mapped resolver.
    * @param encName
    * @param container
    * @param fieldName
    * @return
   private String getMappedName(String encName, InjectionContainer container, String fieldName)
      String mappedName = null;
      // Initialize the lookupName to the encName
      String lookupName = encName;
      // Currently encName has 'env/' prepended (see getEncName)
      assert lookupName.startsWith("env/") : "encName used to start with 'env/'";
      lookupName = lookupName.substring(4);
      // EJBTHREE-1289: find a resolved jndi name
      AnnotatedEJBReferencesMetaData amds = webDD.getJndiEnvironmentRefsGroup().getAnnotatedEjbReferences();
      if(amds != null)
         AnnotatedEJBReferenceMetaData amd = amds.get(lookupName);
         if (amd == null && fieldName != null)
            lookupName = fieldName;
            amd = amds.get(lookupName);
         if (amd != null)
            mappedName = amd.getMappedName();
            if (mappedName == null)
               mappedName = amd.getResolvedJndiName();
      // The MappedDeploymentEndpointResolver should have put resolvedJndiName everywhere.
      // If no mappedName is known by now, we have a bug.
//      assert mappedName != null : "mappedName for enc \"" + encName + "\", field \"" + fieldName
//            + "\" is null (container.environmentRefGroup.annotatedEjbReferences = "
//            + container.getEnvironmentRefGroup().getAnnotatedEjbReferences() + ")";
      return mappedName;
   public void handleClassAnnotations(Class<?> clazz, InjectionContainer container)
      EJBs ref = container.getAnnotation(EJBs.class, clazz);
      if (ref != null)
         EJB[] ejbs = ref.value();

         for (EJB ejb : ejbs)
            handleClassAnnotation(ejb, clazz, container);
      EJB ejbref = container.getAnnotation(EJB.class, clazz);
      if (ejbref != null) handleClassAnnotation(ejbref, clazz, container);

   protected void handleClassAnnotation(EJB ejb, Class<?> clazz, InjectionContainer container)
      String encName =;
      if (encName == null || encName.equals(""))
         throw new RuntimeException("JBoss requires the name of the @EJB in the @EJBs: " + clazz);
      encName = "env/" + encName;

      if (container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName)) return;
      ejbRefEncInjector(ejb.mappedName(), encName, null, ejb.beanInterface(), ejb.beanName(), "@EJB", container);

      // handle dependencies

      if (isIgnoreDependency(container, ejb))
         log.debug("IGNORING <ejb-ref> DEPENDENCY: " + encName);
         ejbRefDependency(ejb.mappedName(), ejb.beanName(), container, ejb.beanInterface(), "@EJB", encName);

   public void handleMethodAnnotations(Method method, InjectionContainer container, Map<AccessibleObject, Injector> injectors)
      EJB ref = container.getAnnotation(EJB.class, method);
      if (ref != null)
         if (!method.getName().startsWith("set"))
            throw new RuntimeException("@EJB can only be used with a set method: " + method);
         String encName = getEncName(ref, method);
         if (!container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName))
            ejbRefEncInjector(ref.mappedName(), encName, method.getName().substring(0), method.getParameterTypes()[0], ref.beanName(), "@EJB", container);
            if (isIgnoreDependency(container, ref))
               log.debug("IGNORING <ejb-ref> DEPENDENCY: " + encName);
               ejbRefDependency(ref.mappedName(), ref.beanName(), container, method.getParameterTypes()[0], "@EJB", encName);

         super.handleMethodAnnotations(method, container, injectors);

   public void handleFieldAnnotations(Field field, InjectionContainer container, Map<AccessibleObject, Injector> injectors)
      EJB ref = container.getAnnotation(EJB.class, field);
      if (ref != null)
         String encName = getEncName(ref, field);
         if (!container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName))
            String mappedName = null;
            if(ref.mappedName().length() > 0)
               mappedName = ref.mappedName();
            if(mappedName == null)
               EndpointInfo info = null;
               String link = null;
               if(ref.beanName().length() > 0)
                  link = ref.beanName();
               if(link != null)
                  info = resolver.getEndpointInfo(link, EndpointType.EJB, vfsContext);
               if(info == null)
                  info = resolver.getEndpointInfo(field.getType(), EndpointType.EJB, vfsContext);
               if(info == null)
                  throw new IllegalStateException("No mapped-name for field: "+field+", "+ref);

               ContainerDependencyMetaData cdmd = endpoints.get(info.getComponentKey());
               if(cdmd == null)
                  throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to resolve ContainerDependencyMetaData for info: "+info+", "+ref);
                mappedName = cdmd.getContainerName();
            if (isIgnoreDependency(container, ref))
               log.debug("IGNORING <ejb-ref> DEPENDENCY: " + encName);
               ejbRefDependency(mappedName, ref.beanName(), container, field.getType(), "@EJB", encName);
            ejbRefEncInjector(mappedName, encName, field.getName(), field.getType(), ref.beanName(), "@EJB", container);
         super.handleFieldAnnotations(field, container, injectors);

   protected boolean isIgnoreDependency(InjectionContainer container, EJB ref)
      RemoteEnvironment refGroup =  container.getEnvironmentRefGroup();
      if (refGroup != null)
         if(refGroup.getEjbReferences() != null)
         for(EJBReferenceMetaData ejbRef : refGroup.getEjbReferences())
            if (ejbRef.getEjbRefName().equals(
               return ejbRef.getIgnoreDependency() != null;
      // TODO: shouldn't we scan local ejb refs as well?
      return false;

Related Classes of org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.injection.WebEJBRemoteHandler

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