Package com.knowgate.jdc

Source Code of com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnectionPool

  Copyright (C) 2003  Know Gate S.L. All rights reserved.
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package com.knowgate.jdc;


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource;
import javax.sql.PooledConnection;

import com.knowgate.debug.DebugFile;
import com.knowgate.debug.StackTraceUtil;

* <p>Connection pool daemon thread</p>
* This thread scans a ConnectionPool every given interval calling
* ConnectionPool.reapConnections() for closing unused connections.

final class ConnectionReaper extends Thread {

    * Reference to reaped connection pool
    private JDCConnectionPool pool;

     * Used to stop the Connection reaper thread
    private boolean keepruning;

    * Connection Reaper call interval (default = 10 mins)
    private long delay=600000l;

     * <p>Constructor</p>
     * @param forpool JDCConnectionPool
    ConnectionReaper(JDCConnectionPool forpool) {
        pool = forpool;
        keepruning = true;
        try {
        } catch (SecurityException ignore) { }

     * Get connection reaper call interval
     * @return long Number of miliseconds between reaper calls
     * @since 3.0
    public long getDelay() {
      return delay;

     * <p>Set connection reaper call interval</p>
     * The default value is 10 minutes
     * @param lDelay long Number of miliseconds between reaper calls
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if lDelay is less than 1000
     * @since 3.0
    public void setDelay(long lDelay) throws IllegalArgumentException {
      if (lDelay<1000l && lDelay>0l)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("ConnectionReaper delay cannot be smaller than 1000 miliseconds");

    public void halt() {

     * Reap connections every n-minutes
    public void run() {
        while (keepruning) {
           try {
           } catch( InterruptedException e) { }
           if (keepruning) pool.reapConnections();
        } // wend
    } // run
} // ConnectionReaper

// ---------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>JDBC Connection Pool</p>
   * <p>Implementation of a standard JDBC connection pool.</p>
   * @version 5.0

public final class JDCConnectionPool implements ConnectionPoolDataSource {

   private Object binding;
   private Vector<JDCConnection> connections;
   private int openconns;
   private HashMap callers;
   private String url, user, password;
   private ConnectionReaper reaper;
   private LinkedList errorlog;

    * Staled connection threshold (10 minutes)
    * The maximum time that any SQL single statement may last.
   private long timeout=600000l;

    * Soft limit for maximum open connections
   private int poolsize = 32;

    * Hard absolute limit for maximum open connections
   private int hardlimit = 100;

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * Constructor
    * By default, maximum pool size is set to 32,
    * maximum opened connections is 100,
    * login timeout is 20 seconds,
    * connection timeout is 5 minutes.
    * @param url JDBC URL string
    * @param user Database user
    * @param password Password for user

   public JDCConnectionPool(String url, String user, String password) {

     binding = null;

      if (null==url)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("JDCConnectionPool : url cannot be null");

      if (url.length()==0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("JDCConnectionPool : url value not set");

      this.url = url;
      this.user = user;
      this.password = password;
      this.openconns = 0;

      DriverManager.setLoginTimeout(20); // default login timeout = 20 seconds

      connections = new Vector<JDCConnection>(poolsize<=hardlimit ? poolsize : hardlimit);
      reaper = new ConnectionReaper(this);

      if (DebugFile.trace) callers = new HashMap(1023);

      errorlog = new LinkedList();

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * <p>Constructor</p>
    * This method sets a default login timeout of 20 seconds
    * @param bind DBBind owner of the connection pool (may be <b>null</b>)
    * @param url JDBC URL string
    * @param user Database user
    * @param password Password for user
    * @param maxpoolsize Maximum pool size
    * @param maxconnections Maximum opened connections
    * @param connectiontimeout Maximum time that a
    * @param logintimeout Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for connection
    * @since v2.2

   public JDCConnectionPool(Object bind, String url, String user, String password,
                            int maxpoolsize, int maxconnections,
                            int logintimeout, long connectiontimeout) {

      binding = bind;

      if (null==url)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("JDCConnectionPool : url cannot be null");

      if (url.length()==0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("JDCConnectionPool : url value not set");

      if (maxpoolsize<1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxpoolsize must be greater than or equal to 1");

      if (maxconnections<1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxpoolsize must be greater than or equal to 1");

      if (maxpoolsize>maxconnections)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxpoolsize must be less than or equal to maxconnections");

      this.url = url;
      this.user = user;
      this.password = password;
      this.openconns = 0;
      this.poolsize = maxpoolsize;
      this.hardlimit = maxconnections;
      this.timeout = connectiontimeout;


      connections = new Vector<JDCConnection>(poolsize<=hardlimit ? poolsize : hardlimit);
      reaper = new ConnectionReaper(this);

      if (DebugFile.trace) callers = new HashMap(1023);

      errorlog = new LinkedList();

    * <p>Constructor</p>
    * This method sets a default login timeout of 20 seconds
    * @param bind DBBind owner of the connection pool (may be <b>null</b>)
    * @param url JDBC URL string
    * @param user Database user
    * @param password Password for user
    * @param maxpoolsize Maximum pool size
    * @param maxconnections Maximum opened connections
    * @param logintimeout Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for connection
    * @since v2.2

   public JDCConnectionPool(Object bind, String url, String user, String password,
                            int maxpoolsize, int maxconnections,
                            int logintimeout) {

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * <p>Constructor</p>
    * This method sets a default login timeout of 20 seconds
    * @param bind DBBind owner of the connection pool (may be <b>null</b>)
    * @param url JDBC URL string
    * @param user Database user
    * @param password Password for user
    * @param maxpoolsize Maximum pool size (Default 32)
    * @param maxconnections Maximum opened connections (Default 100)
   public JDCConnectionPool(Object bind, String url, String user, String password,
                            int maxpoolsize, int maxconnections) {

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * <p>Constructor</p>
    * @param url JDBC URL string
    * @param user Database user
    * @param password Password for user
    * @param maxpoolsize Maximum pool size (Default 32)
    * @param maxconnections Maximum opened connections (Default 100)
    * @param logintimeout Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for connection
    * @since v2.2

   public JDCConnectionPool(String url, String user, String password,
                            int maxpoolsize, int maxconnections,
                            int logintimeout) {

     binding = null;

     if (null==url)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("JDCConnectionPool : url cannot be null");

     if (url.length()==0)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("JDCConnectionPool : url value not set");

     if (maxpoolsize<1)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxpoolsize must be greater than or equal to 1");

     if (maxconnections<1)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxpoolsize must be greater than or equal to 1");

     if (maxpoolsize>maxconnections)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxpoolsize must be less than or equal to maxconnections");

     this.url = url;
     this.user = user;
     this.password = password;
     this.openconns = 0;
     this.poolsize = maxpoolsize;
     this.hardlimit = maxconnections;


     connections = new Vector<JDCConnection>(poolsize);
     reaper = new ConnectionReaper(this);

     if (DebugFile.trace) callers = new HashMap(1023);

     errorlog = new LinkedList();

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * <p>Constructor</p>
    * This method sets a default login timeout of 20 seconds
    * @param url JDBC URL string
    * @param user Database user
    * @param password Password for user
    * @param maxpoolsize Maximum pool size (Default 32)
    * @param maxconnections Maximum opened connections (Default 100)

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

   public JDCConnectionPool(String url, String user, String password, int maxpoolsize, int maxconnections) {

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

   private synchronized void modifyMap (String sCaller, int iAction)
     throws NullPointerException {

     if (null==callers) callers = new HashMap(1023);

     if (callers.containsKey(sCaller)) {
       Integer iRefCount = new Integer(((Integer) callers.get(sCaller)).intValue()+iAction);
       callers.put(sCaller, iRefCount);
       DebugFile.writeln("  " + sCaller + " reference count is " + iRefCount.toString());
     else {
       if (1==iAction) {
         callers.put(sCaller, new Integer(1));
         DebugFile.writeln("  " + sCaller + " reference count is 1");
       else {
         DebugFile.writeln("  ERROR: JDCConnectionPool get/close connection mismatch for " + sCaller);
   } // modifyMap

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * Close all connections and stop connection reaper
   public void close() {
      if (DebugFile.trace) {
        DebugFile.writeln("Begin ConnectionPool.close()");

     if (null!=reaper) reaper.halt();

     reaper = null;


     if (DebugFile.trace) {
       DebugFile.writeln("End ConnectionPool.close()");
   } // close

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * <p>Get prefered open connections limit</p>
    * <p>Additional connections beyond PoolSize may be opened but they
    * will closed inmediately after use and not pooled.<br>The default value is 32.</p>
    * @return open connections soft limit
   public int getPoolSize() {
     return poolsize;

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * <p>Set prefered open connections limit</p>
    * <p>Additional connections beyond PoolSize may be opened but they
    * will closed inmediately after use and not pooled.<br>The default value is 32.<br>
    * Connections not being used can only be in the pool for a maximum of five minutes.<br>
    * After a connection is not used for over 5 minutes it will be closed so the actual
    * pool size will eventually go down to zero after a period of inactivity.</p>
    * @param iPoolSize Maximum pooled connections

   public void setPoolSize(int iPoolSize) {

     if (iPoolSize>hardlimit)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("prefered pool size must be less than or equal to max pool size ");

     poolsize = iPoolSize;

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * <p>Set maximum concurrent open connections limit</p>
    * The default value is 100.<br>
    * If iMaxConnections is set to zero then the connection pool is effectively
    * turned off and no pooling occurs.
    * @param iMaxConnections Absolute maximum for opened connections
   public void setMaxPoolSize(int iMaxConnections) {

     if (iMaxConnections==0) {
       poolsize = hardlimit = 0;
     } else {
       if (iMaxConnections<poolsize)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("max pool size must be greater than or equal to prefered pool size ");

       hardlimit = iMaxConnections;

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * <p>Absolute maximum allowed for concurrent opened connections.</p>
    * The default value is 100.
   public int getMaxPoolSize() {
     return hardlimit;

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

  * Get LogWriter from java.sql.DriverManager
  * @since 4.0
   public PrintWriter getLogWriter() throws SQLException {
     return DriverManager.getLogWriter();

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

  * Set LogWriter for java.sql.DriverManager
  * @since 4.0
   public void setLogWriter(PrintWriter printwrt) throws SQLException {

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

  * Get login timeout from java.sql.DriverManager
  * @since 4.0
   public int getLoginTimeout() throws SQLException {
     return DriverManager.getLoginTimeout();

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

  * Set login timeout for java.sql.DriverManager
  * @since 4.0
   public void setLoginTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException {

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * <p>Get staled connection threshold</p>
    * The default value is 600000ms (10 mins.)<br>
    * This implies that all database operations done using connections
    * obtained from the pool must be completed before 10 minutes or else
    * they can be closed by the connection reaper before their normal finish.
    * @return The maximum amount of time in miliseconds that a JDCConnection
    * can be opened and not used before considering it staled.
   public long getTimeout() {
     return timeout;

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * <p>Set staled connection threshold</p>
    * @param miliseconds The maximum amount of time in miliseconds that a JDCConnection
    * can be opened and not used before considering it staled.<BR>
    * Default value is 600000ms (10 mins.) Minimum value is 1000.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException If miliseconds<1000

   public void setTimeout(long miliseconds)
     throws IllegalArgumentException {

     if (miliseconds<1000l)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection timeout must be at least 1000 miliseconds");

     timeout = miliseconds;

    * Delay betwwen connection reaper executions
    * @return long Number of miliseconds
    * @since 3.0
   public long getReaperDaemonDelay() {
     if (reaper!=null)
       return reaper.getDelay();
       return 0l;

    * Set delay betwwen connection reaper executions (default value is 5 mins)
    * @param lDelayMs long Miliseconds
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if lDelayMs is less than 1000
    * @since 3.0
   public void setReaperDaemonDelay(long lDelayMs) throws IllegalArgumentException {
     if (lDelayMs>0l) {
       if (reaper==null) reaper = new ConnectionReaper(this);
     else {
       if (reaper!=null) reaper.halt();

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * Close and remove one connection from the pool
    * @param conn Connection to close

   protected synchronized void disposeConnection(JDCConnection conn) {
     boolean bClosed;
     String sCaller = "";

       try {
         if (DebugFile.trace) logConnection (conn, "disposeConnection", "RDBC", null);

         sCaller = conn.getName();
         if (!conn.isClosed()) {          
         if (DebugFile.trace && (null!=sCaller)) modifyMap(sCaller,-1);
         bClosed = true;
       catch (SQLException e) {
         bClosed = false;

         if (errorlog.size()>100) errorlog.removeFirst();
         errorlog.addLast(new Date().toString() + " " + sCaller + " Connection.close() " + e.getMessage());

         if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("SQLException at JDCConnectionPool.disposeConnection() : " + e.getMessage());

       if (bClosed) {
         if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("connections.removeElement(" + String.valueOf(openconns) + ")");
   } // disposeConnection()

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * Called from the connection reaper daemon thread every n-minutes for maintaining the pool clean

   synchronized void reapConnections() {

      if (DebugFile.trace) {
        DebugFile.writeln("Begin JDCConnectionPool.reapConnections()");

      long stale = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeout;
      Enumeration<JDCConnection> connlist = connections.elements();
      JDCConnection conn;

      while((connlist != null) && (connlist.hasMoreElements())) {
          conn = (JDCConnection) connlist.nextElement();

          // Remove each connection that is not in use or
          // is stalled for more than maximun usage timeout (default 10 mins)
          if (!conn.inUse())
          else if (stale>conn.getLastUse()) {
            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection "+conn.getName()+" was staled since "+new Date(conn.getLastUse()).toString());
            if (errorlog.size()>100) errorlog.removeFirst();
            errorlog.addLast(new Date().toString()+" Connection "+conn.getName()+" was staled since "+new Date(conn.getLastUse()).toString());
      } // wend

      if (DebugFile.trace) {
        DebugFile.writeln("End JDCConnectionPool.reapConnections() : " + new Date().toString());
   } // reapConnections()

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * Close all connections from the pool regardless of their current state

   public void closeConnections() {

     Enumeration connlist;

     if (DebugFile.trace) {
       DebugFile.writeln("Begin JDCConnectionPool.closeConnections()");

      connlist = connections.elements();

      if (connlist != null) {
        while (connlist.hasMoreElements()) {
          disposeConnection ((JDCConnection) connlist.nextElement());
        } // wend
      } // fi ()

      if (DebugFile.trace) callers.clear();


      if (DebugFile.trace) {
        DebugFile.writeln("End JDCConnectionPool.closeConnections() : " + String.valueOf(openconns));

      openconns = 0;
   } // closeConnections()

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * Close connections from the pool not used for a longer time
    * @return Count of staled connections closed

   public int closeStaledConnections() {

     JDCConnection conn;
     Enumeration connlist;

     if (DebugFile.trace) {
       DebugFile.writeln("Begin JDCConnectionPool.closeStaledConnections()");

     int staled = 0;
     final long stale = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeout;

     connlist = connections.elements();

      if (connlist != null) {
        while (connlist.hasMoreElements()) {
          conn = (JDCConnection) connlist.nextElement();
          if (stale>conn.getLastUse()) {
            disposeConnection (conn);
        } // wend
      } // fi ()

      if (DebugFile.trace) {
        DebugFile.writeln("End JDCConnectionPool.closeStaledConnections() : " + String.valueOf(staled));

      return staled;
   } // closeStaledConnections()

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

   private static void logConnection(JDCConnection conn, String sName, String cOpCode, String sParams) {

     PreparedStatement oStmt = null;
     JDCConnection oLogConn = null;

     if (DebugFile.trace) {
       com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBAudit.log(JDCConnection.IdClass, cOpCode, "", sName, "", 0, "", sParams, "");

   } // logConnection

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * Get an array with references to all pooled connections
   public synchronized JDCConnection[] getAllConnections() {
     int iConnections = connections.size();
     JDCConnection[] aConnections = new JDCConnection[iConnections];

     for (int c=0; c<iConnections; c++)
       aConnections[c] = (JDCConnection) connections.get(c);

     return aConnections;
   } // getAllConnections

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * Get the DBbind object owner of this conenction pool
    * @return DBBind instance or <b>null</b> if this connection pool has no owner
   public Object getDatabaseBinding()  {
     return binding;

   // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * Get a connection from the pool
    * @param sCaller This is just an information parameter used for open/closed
    * mismatch tracking and other benchmarking and statistical purposes.
    * @return Opened JDCConnection
    * @throws SQLException If getMaxPoolSize() opened connections is reached an
    * SQLException with SQLState="08004" will be raised upon calling getConnection().<br>
    * <b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: Connection reuse requires that SelectMethod=cursor was
    * specified at connection string.

   public synchronized JDCConnection getConnection(String sCaller) throws SQLException {

       int i, s;
       JDCConnection j;
       Connection c;

       if (DebugFile.trace) {
         DebugFile.writeln("Begin JDCConnectionPool.getConnection(" + (sCaller!=null ? sCaller : "") + ")");

       if (hardlimit==0) {
         // If hardlimit==0 Then connection pool is turned off so return a connection
         // directly from the DriverManager

         c = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
         j = new JDCConnection(c,null);
       } else {

         j = null;

         s = connections.size();
         for (i = 0; i < s; i++) {
           j = (JDCConnection) connections.elementAt(i);
           if ( {
             if (DebugFile.trace) {
               DebugFile.writeln("  JDCConnectionPool hit for (" + url + ", ...) on pooled connection #" + String.valueOf(i));
               if (sCaller!=null) logConnection (j, sCaller, "ODBC", "hit");
             j = null;
         } // endfor

         if (null==j) {
           if (openconns==hardlimit) {
             if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
             throw new SQLException ("Maximum number of " + String.valueOf(hardlimit) + " concurrent connections exceeded","08004");

           if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("  DriverManager.getConnection(" + url + ", ...)");

           c = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);

           if (null!=c) {
             j = new JDCConnection(c, this);

             if (DebugFile.trace) {
               DebugFile.writeln("  JDCConnectionPool miss for (" + url + ", ...)");
               if (sCaller!=null) logConnection (j, sCaller, "ODBC", "miss");

             c = null;
           else {
             if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("JDCConnectionPool.getConnection() DriverManager.getConnection() returned null value");
             j = null;

           if (null!=j) openconns++;
         } // endif (null==j)

         if (DebugFile.trace ) {
           if (sCaller!=null) modifyMap(sCaller, 1);
         } // DebugFile()
       } // fi (hardlimit==0)

       if (DebugFile.trace ) {
         DebugFile.writeln("End JDCConnectionPool.getConnection()");
       } // DebugFile()

       return j;
  } // getConnection()

  // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * Get a connection from the pool
    * @return Opened PooledConnection
    * @throws SQLException If getMaxPoolSize() opened connections is reached an
    * SQLException with SQLState="08004" will be raised upon calling getConnection().<br>
    * <b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: Connection reuse requires that SelectMethod=cursor was
    * specified at connection string.
    * @since 4.0

  public synchronized PooledConnection getPooledConnection() throws SQLException {
  return (PooledConnection) getConnection(null);

  // ---------------------------------------------------------

    * Get a connection bypassing the pool and connection directly to the database with the given user and password
    * @param sUser
    * @param sPasswd
    * @return Opened Connection
    * @throws SQLException
    * @since 4.0

  public synchronized PooledConnection getPooledConnection(String sUser, String sPasswd) throws SQLException {
    return (PooledConnection) new JDCConnection(DriverManager.getConnection(url, sUser, sPasswd),null);

  // ---------------------------------------------------------

   * Get conenction for a server process identifier
   * @param sPId String Operating system process identifier at server side
   * @return JDCConnection or <b>null</b> if no connection for such pid was found
   * @throws SQLException
   * @since 2.2
  public JDCConnection getConnectionForPId(String sPId) throws SQLException {
    String pid;
    JDCConnection conn;
    Enumeration connlist = connections.elements();
    if (connlist != null) {
      while(connlist.hasMoreElements()) {
        conn = (JDCConnection) connlist.nextElement();
        try {
          pid =;
        } catch (Exception ignore) { pid=null; }
        if (sPId.equals(pid))
          return conn;
      } // wend
    } // fi ()
    return null;
  } // getConnectionForPId

  // ---------------------------------------------------------

   * Return a connection to the pool
   * @param conn JDCConnection returned to the pool

   public synchronized void returnConnection(JDCConnection conn) {
     if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("JDCConnectionPool.returnConnection([JDCConnection])");
   } // returnConnection()

  // ---------------------------------------------------------

   * Return a connection to the pool
   * @param conn JDCConnection returned to the pool
   * @param sCaller Must be the same String passed as parameter at getConnection()

   public synchronized void returnConnection(JDCConnection conn, String sCaller) {

      if (DebugFile.trace) {
        DebugFile.writeln("JDCConnectionPool.returnConnection([JDCConnection], "+sCaller+")");
        if (sCaller!=null)
          logConnection (conn, sCaller, "CDBC", null);

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("JDCConnection.expireLease()");


      if (DebugFile.trace && (null!=sCaller)) modifyMap(sCaller, -1);

  // ---------------------------------------------------------

   * @return Actual connection pool size

   public synchronized int size() {
     return openconns;

    * Get information of current activity at database to which this pool is connected
    * @return JDCActivityInfo
    * @throws SQLException
    * @since 3.0
   public JDCActivityInfo getActivityInfo() throws SQLException {
    JDCActivityInfo oInfo;
    try {
      oInfo = new JDCActivityInfo(this);
    } catch (Exception xcpt) {
      throw new SQLException ("JDCActivityInfo.getActivityInfo() "+xcpt.getClass().getName()+" "+xcpt.getMessage());
    return oInfo;
  } // getActivityInfo()

  // ---------------------------------------------------------

   * Human readable usage statistics
   * @return Connection pool usage statistics string
   * @throws ConcurrentModificationException If pool is modified while iterating
   * throught connection collection
   public String dumpStatistics()
     throws ConcurrentModificationException {
     String sDump;
     String sPId;
     Object sKey;
     Object iVal;
     int iConnOrdinal, iStaled;
     long stale = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeout;
     SimpleDateFormat oFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
     if (DebugFile.trace) {
       DebugFile.writeln("Begin JDCConnectionPool.dumpStatistics()");

     Enumeration connlist = connections.elements();
     JDCConnection conn;

     sDump = "Maximum Pool Size=" + String.valueOf(poolsize) + "\n";
     sDump += "Maximum Connections=" + String.valueOf(hardlimit) + "\n";
     sDump += "Connection Timeout=" + String.valueOf(timeout) + " ms\n";
     sDump += "Reaper Daemon Delay=" + String.valueOf(getReaperDaemonDelay()) + " ms\n";
     sDump += "\n";

     iStaled = iConnOrdinal = 0;

     if (connlist != null) {
       while (connlist.hasMoreElements()) {
         conn = (JDCConnection) connlist.nextElement();

         if (stale>conn.getLastUse()) iStaled++;

         try {
           sPId =;
         } catch (Exception ignore) { sPId=null; }

         sDump += "#" + String.valueOf(++iConnOrdinal) + (conn.inUse() ? " in use, " : " vacant, ") + (stale>conn.getLastUse() ? " staled," : " ready,") + (conn.validate() "validate=yes" : " validate=no") + ", last use=" + new Date(conn.getLastUse()).toString() + ", " + (conn.inUse() ? "caller=" + conn.getName() : "") + (sPId==null ? "" : " pid="+sPId) + "\n";
     } // fi ()

     sDump += "\n";

     if (DebugFile.trace) {
       Iterator oCallersIterator = callers.keySet().iterator();

       while (oCallersIterator.hasNext()) {
         sKey =;
         iVal = callers.get(sKey);
         if (!iVal.toString().equals("0")) sDump += sKey + " , " + iVal.toString() + " named open connections\n";
       sDump += "\n\n";
     } // fi (DebugFile.trace)

     sDump += String.valueOf(iStaled) + " staled connections\n";

     sDump += "Actual pool size " + String.valueOf(size()) + "\n\n";

     try {
       JDCActivityInfo oAinf = getActivityInfo();
       if (oAinf==null) {
     sDump += "no activity info available";
       } else {
         JDCProcessInfo[] oPinfo = oAinf.processesInfo();
         if (oPinfo!=null) {
           sDump += "Activity information:\n";
           for (int p=0; p<oPinfo.length; p++) {
             sDump += "user "+oPinfo[p].getUserName()+" running process "+oPinfo[p].getProcessId();
             conn = getConnectionForPId(oPinfo[p].getProcessId());
             if (conn!=null) {
               sDump += " on connection "+conn.getName();
             if (oPinfo[p].getQueryText()!=null) {
               if (oPinfo[p].getQueryText().length()>0) {
                  if (oPinfo[p].getQueryText().equals("<IDLE>"))
                   sDump += " for idle query";
                   sDump += " for query "+oPinfo[p].getQueryText();
               } // fi (getQueryText()!="")
             } // fi (getQueryText()!=null)
             if (oPinfo[p].getQueryStart()!=null) {
               sDump += " since "+oFmt.format(oPinfo[p].getQueryStart());
             sDump += "\n";
           } // next
           JDCLockConflict[] oLocks = getActivityInfo().lockConflictsInfo();
           if (oLocks!=null) {
             sDump += "Locks information:\n";
             for (int l=0; l<oLocks.length; l++) {
               sDump += "PID "+String.valueOf(oLocks[l].getPID())+ " query "+oLocks[l].getQuery()+" is waiting on PID "+String.valueOf(oLocks[l].getWaitingOnPID())+" query "+oLocks[l].getWaitingOnQuery()+"\n";
             } // next          
           } // fi
     } catch (Exception xcpt) {
       sDump += xcpt.getClass().getName()+" trying to get activity information "+xcpt.getMessage()+"\n";
       try { sDump += StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(xcpt); } catch (Exception ignore) { }

     sDump += "\n";

     if (errorlog.size()>0) {
       sDump += "Fatal error log:\n";
       ListIterator oErrIterator = errorlog.listIterator();
       while (oErrIterator.hasNext()) sDump +="\n";
     } // fi


     if (DebugFile.trace) {
       DebugFile.writeln("End JDCConnectionPool.dumpStatistics()");

     return sDump;
   } // dumpStatistics

} // JDCConnectionPool

Related Classes of com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnectionPool

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