Package helma.util

Source Code of helma.util.ResourceProperties

* Helma License Notice
* The contents of this file are subject to the Helma License
* Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
* Copyright 1998-2003 Helma Software. All Rights Reserved.
* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hannes $
* $Revision: 9626 $
* $Date: 2009-04-17 16:49:26 +0200 (Fre, 17. Apr 2009) $

package helma.util;

import java.util.*;
import helma.framework.core.*;
import helma.framework.repository.Resource;
import helma.framework.repository.Repository;

*  A property dictionary that is updated from property resources
public class ResourceProperties extends Properties {

    // Delay between checks
    private final long CACHE_TIME = 1500L;

    // Default properties. Note that in contrast to java.util.Properties,
    // defaultProperties are copied statically to ourselves in update(), so
    // there's no need to check them in retrieval methods.
    protected ResourceProperties defaultProperties;

    // Defines wether keys are case-sensitive or not
    private boolean ignoreCase = true;

    // Cached checksum of last check
    private long lastChecksum = 0;

    // Time of last check
    private long lastCheck = 0;

    // Time porperties were last modified
    private long lastModified = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // Application where to fetch additional resources
    private Application app;

    // Name of possible resources to fetch from the applications's repositories
    private String resourceName;

    // Sorted map of resources
    private Set resources;

    // lower case key to original key mapping for case insensitive lookups
    private Properties keyMap = new Properties();

    // prefix for sub-properties
    private String prefix;

    // parent properties for sub-properties
    private ResourceProperties parentProperties;

     * Constructs an empty ResourceProperties
     * Resources must be added manually afterwards
    public ResourceProperties() {
        // TODO: we can't use TreeSet because we don't have the app's resource comparator
        // Since resources don't implement Comparable, we can't add them to a "naked" TreeSet
        // As a result, resource ordering is random when updating.
        resources = new LinkedHashSet();

     * Constructs an empty ResourceProperties
     * Resources must be added manually afterwards
    public ResourceProperties(Application app) {
        resources = new TreeSet(app.getResourceComparator());

     * Constructs a ResourceProperties retrieving resources from the given
     * application using the given name to fetch resources
     * @param app application to fetch resources from
     * @param resourceName name to use when fetching resources from the application
    public ResourceProperties(Application app, String resourceName) { = app;
        this.resourceName = resourceName;
        resources = new TreeSet(app.getResourceComparator());

     * Constructs a ResourceProperties retrieving resources from the given
     * application using the given name to fetch resources and falling back
     * to the given default properties
     * @param app application to fetch resources from
     * @param resourceName name to use when fetching resources from the application
     * @param defaultProperties default properties
    public ResourceProperties(Application app, String resourceName,
                              ResourceProperties defaultProperties) {
        this(app, resourceName);
        this.defaultProperties = defaultProperties;

     * Constructs a ResourceProperties retrieving resources from the given
     * application using the given name to fetch resources and falling back
     * to the given default properties
     * @param app application to fetch resources from
     * @param resourceName name to use when fetching resources from the application
     * @param defaultProperties default properties
     * @param ignoreCase ignore case for property keys, setting all keys to lower case
    public ResourceProperties(Application app, String resourceName,
                              ResourceProperties defaultProperties,
                              boolean ignoreCase) {
        this(app, resourceName);
        this.defaultProperties = defaultProperties;
        this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase;

     * Constructs a properties object containing all entries where the key matches
     * the given string prefix from the source map to the target map, cutting off
     * the prefix from the original key.
     * @see #getSubProperties(String)
     * @param parentProperties the parent properties
     * @param prefix the property name prefix
    private ResourceProperties(ResourceProperties parentProperties, String prefix) {
        this.parentProperties = parentProperties;
        this.prefix = prefix;
        resources = new LinkedHashSet();

     * Updates the properties regardless of an actual need
    private void forceUpdate() {
        lastChecksum = -1;

     * Sets the default properties and updates all properties
     * @param defaultProperties default properties
    public void setDefaultProperties(ResourceProperties defaultProperties) {
        this.defaultProperties = defaultProperties;

     * Adds a resource to the list of resources and updates all properties if
     * needed
     * @param resource resource to add
    public void addResource(Resource resource) {
        if (resource != null && !resources.contains(resource)) {

     * Removes a resource from the list of resources and updates all properties
     * if needed
     * @param resource resource to remove
    public void removeResource(Resource resource) {
        if (resources.contains(resource)) {

     * Get an iterator over the properties' resources
     * @return iterator over the properties' resources
    public Iterator getResources() {
        return resources.iterator();

     * Updates all properties if there is a need to update
    public synchronized void update() {
        // set lastCheck first to reduce risk of recursive calls
        lastCheck = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (getChecksum() != lastChecksum) {
            // First collect properties into a temporary collection,
            // in a second step copy over new properties,
            // and in the final step delete properties which have gone.
            ResourceProperties temp = new ResourceProperties();

            // first of all, properties are load from default properties
            if (defaultProperties != null) {

            // next we try to load properties from the application's
            // repositories, if we belong to any application
            if (resourceName != null) {
                Iterator iterator = app.getRepositories().iterator();
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    try {
                        Repository repository = (Repository);
                        Resource res = repository.getResource(resourceName);
                        if (res != null && res.exists()) {
                            InputStream in = res.getInputStream();
                    } catch (IOException iox) {

            // if these are subproperties, reload them from the parent properties
            if (parentProperties != null && prefix != null) {
                Iterator it = parentProperties.entrySet().iterator();
                int prefixLength = prefix.length();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                    String key = entry.getKey().toString();
                    if (key.regionMatches(ignoreCase, 0, prefix, 0, prefixLength)) {
                        temp.put(key.substring(prefixLength), entry.getValue());


            // at last we try to load properties from the resource list
            if (resources != null) {
                Iterator iterator = resources.iterator();
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    try {
                        Resource res = (Resource);
                        if (res.exists()) {
                            InputStream in = res.getInputStream();
                    } catch (IOException iox) {

            // Copy over new properties ...
            // ... and remove properties which have been removed.
            Iterator it = super.keySet().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                if (!temp.containsKey( {
            // copy new up-to-date keyMap to ourself
            keyMap = temp.keyMap;

            lastChecksum = getChecksum();
            lastCheck = lastModified = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * Extract all entries where the key matches the given string prefix from
     * the source map to the target map, cutting off the prefix from the original key.
     * The ignoreCase property is inherited and also considered when matching keys
     * against the prefix.
     * @param prefix the string prefix to match against
     * @return a new subproperties instance
    public ResourceProperties getSubProperties(String prefix) {
        if (prefix == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("prefix");
        return new ResourceProperties(this, prefix);

     * Checks wether the given object is in the value list
     * @param value value to look for
     * @return true if the value is found in the value list
    public boolean contains(Object value) {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck) > CACHE_TIME) {
        return super.contains(value.toString());

     * Checks wether the given object is in the key list
     * @param key key to look for
     * @return true if the key is found in the key list
    public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck) > CACHE_TIME) {
        if (ignoreCase) {
            return keyMap.containsKey(key.toString().toLowerCase());
        } else {
            return super.containsKey(key.toString());

     * Returns an enumeration of all values
     * @return values enumeration
    public Enumeration elements() {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck) > CACHE_TIME) {
        return super.elements();

     * Returns a value in this list fetched by the given key
     * @param key key to use for fetching the value
     * @return value belonging to the given key
    public Object get(Object key) {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck) > CACHE_TIME) {
        String strkey = key.toString();
        if (ignoreCase) {
            strkey = keyMap.getProperty(strkey.toLowerCase());
            if (strkey == null)
                return null;
        return super.get(strkey);

     * Returns the date the resources were last modified
     * @return last modified date
    public long lastModified() {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck) > CACHE_TIME) {
        return lastModified;

     * Returns a checksum for all resources
     * @return checksum
    public long getChecksum() {
        long checksum = 0;

        if (resourceName != null) {
            Iterator iterator = app.getRepositories().iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Repository repository = (Repository);
                Resource resource = repository.getResource(resourceName);
                if (resource != null) {
                    checksum += resource.lastModified();

        if (resources != null) {
            Iterator iterator = resources.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                checksum += ((Resource);

        if (defaultProperties != null) {
            checksum += defaultProperties.getChecksum();

        return checksum;

     * Returns a value in the list fetched by the given key or a default value
     * if no corresponding key is found
     * @param key key to use for fetching the value
     * @param defaultValue default value to return if key is not found
     * @return spiecific value or default value if not found
    public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck) > CACHE_TIME) {
        if (ignoreCase) {
            key = keyMap.getProperty(key.toLowerCase());
            if (key == null)
                return defaultValue;
        return super.getProperty(key, defaultValue);

     * Returns a value in this list fetched by the given key
     * @param key key to use for fetching the value
     * @return value belonging to the given key
    public String getProperty(String key) {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck) > CACHE_TIME) {
        if (ignoreCase) {
            key = keyMap.getProperty(key.toLowerCase());
            if (key == null)
                return null;
        return super.getProperty(key);

     * Checks wether the properties list is empty
     * @return true if the properties list is empty
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck) > CACHE_TIME) {
        return super.isEmpty();

     * Checks wether case-sensitivity is ignored for keys
     * @return true if case-sensitivity is ignored for keys
    public boolean isIgnoreCase() {
        return ignoreCase;

     * Returns an enumeration of all keys
     * @return keys enumeration
    public Enumeration keys() {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck) > CACHE_TIME) {
        return super.keys();

     * Returns a set of all keys
     * @return keys set
    public Set keySet() {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck) > CACHE_TIME) {
        return super.keySet();

     * Puts a new key-value pair into the properties list
     * @param key key
     * @param value value
     * @return the old value, if an old value got replaced
    public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
        if (value instanceof String) {
            value = ((String) value).trim();
        String strkey = key.toString();
        if (ignoreCase) {
            keyMap.put(strkey.toLowerCase(), strkey);
        return super.put(strkey, value);

     * Removes a key-value pair from the properties list
     * @param key key
     * @return the old value
    public Object remove(Object key) {
        String strkey = key.toString();
        if (ignoreCase) {
            strkey = (String) keyMap.remove(strkey.toLowerCase());
            if (strkey == null)
                return null;
        return super.remove(strkey);

     * Changes how keys are handled
     * @param ignore true if to ignore case-sensitivity for keys
    public void setIgnoreCase(boolean ignore) {
        if (!super.isEmpty()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("setIgnoreCase() can only be called on empty Properties");
        ignoreCase = ignore;

     * Returns the number of peroperties in the list
     * @return number of properties
    public int size() {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck) > CACHE_TIME) {
        return super.size();

     * Overwrite clear() to also empty the key map.
    public void clear() {

     * Returns a string-representation of the class
     * @return string
    public String toString() {
        return super.toString();


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