Package org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper

Source Code of org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper.Wrapper

* Copyright 2010 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper;

import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask;
import org.gradle.api.GradleException;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper.internal.WrapperScriptGenerator;
import org.gradle.util.GFileUtils;
import org.gradle.util.GUtil;

import java.util.Properties;

* Generates scripts (for *nix and windows) which enable to build your project with Gradle, without having to install Gradle.
* The scripts generated by this task are supposed to be committed to your version control system. This tasks also copies
* a gradle-wrapper.jar to your project dir which needs also be committed into your VCS.
* The scripts delegates to this jar. If a user execute a wrapper script the first time, the script downloads the gradle-distribution and
* runs the build against the downloaded distribution. Any installed Gradle distribution is ignored when using the wrapper scripts.
* Alternatively you can store the distribution for the wrapper in your version control system.
* @author Hans Dockter
public class Wrapper extends DefaultTask {
    // Properties used by the gradle-wrapper
    static final String URL_ROOT_PROPERTY = "urlRoot";
    static final String DISTRIBUTION_BASE_PROPERTY = "distributionBase";
    static final String ZIP_STORE_BASE_PROPERTY = "zipStoreBase";
    static final String DISTRIBUTION_PATH_PROPERTY = "distributionPath";
    static final String DISTRIBUTION_VERSION_PROPERTY = "distributionVersion";
    static final String ZIP_STORE_PATH_PROPERTY = "zipStorePath";
    static final String DISTRIBUTION_NAME_PROPERTY = "distributionName";
    static final String DISTRIBUTION_CLASSIFIER_PROPERTY = "distributionClassifier";
    static final String WRAPPER_DIR = "gradle-wrapper";
    static final String WRAPPER_JAR = WRAPPER_DIR + ".jar";
    static final String WRAPPER_PROPERTIES = WRAPPER_DIR + ".properties";
    public static final String DEFAULT_URL_ROOT = "";
    public static final String WRAPPER_JAR_BASE_NAME = "gradle-wrapper";
    public static final String DEFAULT_DISTRIBUTION_PARENT_NAME = "wrapper/dists";
    public static final String DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_NAME = "gradle";
    public static final String DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_CLASSIFIER = "bin";

     * Specifies how the wrapper path should be interpreted.
    public enum PathBase { PROJECT, GRADLE_USER_HOME }

    private String scriptDestinationPath;

    private String jarPath;

    private String distributionPath;

    private String archiveName;

    private String archiveClassifier;

    private PathBase distributionBase = PathBase.GRADLE_USER_HOME;

    private String gradleVersion;

    private String urlRoot;

    private String archivePath;

    private PathBase archiveBase = PathBase.GRADLE_USER_HOME;

    private WrapperScriptGenerator wrapperScriptGenerator = new WrapperScriptGenerator();

    public Wrapper() {
        scriptDestinationPath = "";
        jarPath = "";
        distributionPath = DEFAULT_DISTRIBUTION_PARENT_NAME;
        archiveName = DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_NAME;
        archiveClassifier = DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_CLASSIFIER;
        urlRoot = DEFAULT_URL_ROOT;

    void generate() {
        String wrapperDir = GUtil.isTrue(jarPath) ? jarPath + "/" : "";
        new File(getProject().getProjectDir(), wrapperDir).mkdirs();
        String wrapperJar = wrapperDir + WRAPPER_JAR;
        String wrapperPropertiesPath = wrapperDir + WRAPPER_PROPERTIES;
        File jarFileDestination = new File(getProject().getProjectDir(), wrapperJar);
        File propertiesFileDestination = new File(getProject().getProjectDir(), wrapperPropertiesPath);
        URL jarFileSource = getClass().getResource("/" + WRAPPER_JAR_BASE_NAME + ".jar");
        if (jarFileSource == null) {
            throw new GradleException("Cannot locate wrapper JAR resource.");
        GFileUtils.copyURLToFile(jarFileSource, jarFileDestination);
        File scriptDestinationDir = new File(getProject().getProjectDir(), scriptDestinationPath);
        wrapperScriptGenerator.generate(wrapperJar, wrapperPropertiesPath, scriptDestinationDir);

    private void writeProperties(File propertiesFileDestination) {
        Properties wrapperProperties = new Properties();
        wrapperProperties.put(URL_ROOT_PROPERTY, urlRoot);
        wrapperProperties.put(DISTRIBUTION_BASE_PROPERTY, distributionBase.toString());
        wrapperProperties.put(DISTRIBUTION_PATH_PROPERTY, distributionPath);
        wrapperProperties.put(DISTRIBUTION_NAME_PROPERTY, archiveName);
        wrapperProperties.put(DISTRIBUTION_CLASSIFIER_PROPERTY, archiveClassifier);
        wrapperProperties.put(DISTRIBUTION_VERSION_PROPERTY, gradleVersion);
        wrapperProperties.put(ZIP_STORE_BASE_PROPERTY, archiveBase.toString());
        wrapperProperties.put(ZIP_STORE_PATH_PROPERTY, archivePath);
        GUtil.saveProperties(wrapperProperties, propertiesFileDestination);

     * Returns the script destination path.
     * @see #setScriptDestinationPath(String)
    public String getScriptDestinationPath() {
        return scriptDestinationPath;

     * Specifies a path as the parent dir of the scripts which are generated when executing the wrapper task.
     * This path specifies a directory <i>relative</i> to the project dir.  Defaults to empty string, i.e. the scripts
     * are placed into the project root dir.
     * @param scriptDestinationPath Any object which <code>toString</code> method specifies the path.
     * Most likely a String or File object.
    public void setScriptDestinationPath(String scriptDestinationPath) {
        this.scriptDestinationPath = scriptDestinationPath;

     * Returns the jar path.
     * @see #setJarPath(String)
    public String getJarPath() {
        return jarPath.toString();

     * When executing the wrapper task, the jar path specifies the path where the gradle-wrapper.jar is copied to. The
     * jar path must be a path relative to the project dir. The gradle-wrapper.jar must be submitted to your version
     * control system. Defaults to empty string, i.e. the jar is placed into the project root dir.
     * @param jarPath
    public void setJarPath(String jarPath) {
        this.jarPath = jarPath;

     * Returns the distribution path.
     * @see #setDistributionPath(String)
    public String getDistributionPath() {
        return distributionPath;

     * Set's the path where the gradle distributions needed by the wrapper are unzipped. The path is relative to the
     * dir specified with {@link #distributionBase}.
     * @param distributionPath 
    public void setDistributionPath(String distributionPath) {
        this.distributionPath = distributionPath;

     * Returns the gradle version for the wrapper.
     * @see #setGradleVersion(String)
    public String getGradleVersion() {
        return gradleVersion;

     * The version of the gradle distribution required by the wrapper. This is usually the same version of Gradle you use
     * for building your project.
     * @param gradleVersion
    public void setGradleVersion(String gradleVersion) {
        this.gradleVersion = gradleVersion;

    public String getUrlRoot() {
        return urlRoot;

     * A URL where to download the gradle distribution from. The pattern used by the wrapper for downloading is:
     * <code>{@link #getUrlRoot()}/{@link #getArchiveName()}-{@link #getArchiveClassifier()}-{@link #getGradleVersion()}.zip</code>.
     * The default for the URL root is {@link #DEFAULT_URL_ROOT}.
     * The wrapper downloads a certain distribution only ones and caches it.
     * If your {@link #getDistributionBase()} is the project, you might submit the distribution to your version control system.
     * That way no download is necessary at all. This might be in particular interesting, if you provide a custom gradle snapshot to the wrapper,
     * because you don't need to provide a download server then.
     * @param urlRoot
    public void setUrlRoot(String urlRoot) {
        this.urlRoot = urlRoot;

     * Returns the distribution base.
     * @see #setDistributionBase(org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper.Wrapper.PathBase)
    public PathBase getDistributionBase() {
        return distributionBase;

     * The distribution base specifies whether the unpacked wrapper distribution should be stored in the project or in
     * the gradle user home dir. The path specified in {@link #distributionPath} is a relative path to either of those
     * dirs. 
     * @param distributionBase
    public void setDistributionBase(PathBase distributionBase) {
        this.distributionBase = distributionBase;

     * Returns the archive path.
     * @see #setArchivePath(String)
    public String getArchivePath() {
        return archivePath;

     * Set's the path where the gradle distributions archive should be saved (i.e. the parent dir). The path is relative to the
     * parent dir specified with {@link #getArchiveBase()}.
     * @param archivePath
    public void setArchivePath(String archivePath) {
        this.archivePath = archivePath;

     * Returns the archive base.
     * @see #setArchiveBase(org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper.Wrapper.PathBase)
    public PathBase getArchiveBase() {
        return archiveBase;

     * The distribution base specifies whether the unpacked wrapper distribution should be stored in the project or in
     * the gradle user home dir. The path specified in {@link #getArchivePath()} is a relative path to etiher of those dirs.
     * @param archiveBase
    public void setArchiveBase(PathBase archiveBase) {
        this.archiveBase = archiveBase;

     * Returnes the archive name.
     * @see #setArchiveName(String)
    public String getArchiveName() {
        return archiveName;

     * Specifies the name of the archive as part of the download URL. The download URL is assembled by the pattern:
     * <code>{@link #getUrlRoot()}/{@link #getArchiveName()}-{@link #getArchiveClassifier()}-{@link #getGradleVersion()}.zip</code>
     * The default for the archive name is {@link #DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_NAME}.
     * @param archiveName
    public void setArchiveName(String archiveName) {
        this.archiveName = archiveName;

     * Returns the archive classifier.
     * @see #setArchiveClassifier(String)
    public String getArchiveClassifier() {
        return archiveClassifier;

     * Specifies the classifier of the archive as part of the download URL. The download URL is assembled by the pattern:
     * <code>{@link #getUrlRoot()}/{@link #getArchiveName()}-{@link #getArchiveClassifier()}-{@link #getGradleVersion()}.zip</code>
     * The default for the archive classifier is {@link #DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_CLASSIFIER}.
     * @param archiveClassifier
    public void setArchiveClassifier(String archiveClassifier) {
        this.archiveClassifier = archiveClassifier;

    public WrapperScriptGenerator getUnixWrapperScriptGenerator() {
        return wrapperScriptGenerator;

    public void setUnixWrapperScriptGenerator(WrapperScriptGenerator wrapperScriptGenerator) {
        this.wrapperScriptGenerator = wrapperScriptGenerator;

Related Classes of org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper.Wrapper

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