Package org.jboss.ejb3.core.test.ejbthree1549.unit

Source Code of org.jboss.ejb3.core.test.ejbthree1549.unit.PassivationDoesNotPreventNewActivityUnitTestCase

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package org.jboss.ejb3.core.test.ejbthree1549.unit;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.concurrent.BrokenBarrierException;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.jboss.ejb3.cache.CacheFactoryRegistry;
import org.jboss.ejb3.cache.persistence.PersistenceManagerFactoryRegistry;
import org.jboss.ejb3.common.registrar.spi.Ejb3RegistrarLocator;
import org.jboss.ejb3.core.test.common.AbstractEJB3TestCase;
import org.jboss.ejb3.core.test.ejbthree1549.BlockingPersistenceManager;
import org.jboss.ejb3.core.test.ejbthree1549.BlockingPersistenceManagerFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.core.test.ejbthree1549.ForceEventsCache;
import org.jboss.ejb3.core.test.ejbthree1549.ForceEventsCacheFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.core.test.ejbthree1549.MyStatefulBean;
import org.jboss.ejb3.core.test.ejbthree1549.MyStatefulLocal;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.handler.session.SessionProxyInvocationHandler;
import org.jboss.ejb3.stateful.StatefulContainer;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;

* PassivationDoesNotPreventNewActivityUnitTestCase
* Contains tests to ensure that performing passivation does not
* block either new session creation or invocation in other sessions
* @author <a href="">ALR</a>
* @version $Revision: $
public class PassivationDoesNotPreventNewActivityUnitTestCase extends AbstractEJB3TestCase
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Class Members ------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

   private static StatefulContainer container;

   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PassivationDoesNotPreventNewActivityUnitTestCase.class);

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Tests --------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

    * Tests that removal may take place during the course
    * of passivation
   public void testSessionRemovalDuringPassivation() throws Throwable
       * First we invoke upon a new session

      // Initialize
      final String sfsbJndiName = MyStatefulLocal.JNDI_NAME;

      // Create a new session, which should be allowed during passivation
      MyStatefulLocal sfsb = (MyStatefulLocal) container.getInitialContext().lookup(sfsbJndiName);

      // If we've got nothing
      if (sfsb == null)
         // Fail"Lookup did not succeed");

      // Invoke upon the new Session
      final int next = sfsb.getNextCounter();

      // Test the value is expected
      TestCase.assertEquals("Next counter received was not expected", 0, next);

       * Mark this session as eligible for removal

      // Get the cache
      ForceEventsCache cache = (ForceEventsCache) container.getCache();

      // Get the Session ID
      Serializable sessionId = this.getSessionId(sfsb);

      // Mark

       * All's OK with traditional invocation, so define a task to force removal
       * of the SFSB, but don't invoke it yet (we're going to fire this off
       * *during* passivation

      // Define the task to invoke upon a SFSB, and trigger removal while passivation is suspended
      Callable<Boolean> invokeDuringPasssivationTest = new Callable<Boolean>()
          * Force removal
         public Boolean call()

             * Force removal

            // Force

            // Clear the barrier
     "Test is waiting on the pre-remove barrier");
     "Test has cleared the pre-remove barrier");
            catch (InterruptedException e)
               throw new RuntimeException(e);
            catch (BrokenBarrierException e)
               throw new RuntimeException(e);

            // Return OK
            return true;


       * Force passivation, but block it from completing (because we don't
       * await on the PM)

      // Force passivation

       * Spawn off the test in another Thread

      ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
      Future<Boolean> futureResult = executor.submit(invokeDuringPasssivationTest);
      Boolean result = null;

       * Try to get the result of the test to remove, which
       * should not be blocked by passivation already in progress

      // Get result"Attempting to get the result of the removal task...");
      result = futureResult.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // Make sure the result is expected
      TestCase.assertTrue("Removal task completed when expected, but got wrong result", result);

   public void testInvokeSameSessionDuringPassivation() throws Throwable
      final MyStatefulLocal bean = lookup(MyStatefulLocal.JNDI_NAME, MyStatefulLocal.class);

      // Get our bean's Session ID
      Serializable sessionId = this.getSessionId(bean);

      // Invoke upon our bean
      int next = bean.getNextCounter();"Got counter from " + sessionId + ": " + next);
      TestCase.assertEquals("SFSB did not return expected next counter", 0, next);

      // Get the Cache
      ForceEventsCache cache = (ForceEventsCache) container.getCache();

      // Get the lock to block the PM, now
      boolean gotLock = BlockingPersistenceManager.PASSIVATION_LOCK.tryLock();

      Future<Integer> result;
      // Once PM lock is acquired, everything is in "try" so we release in "finally"
         // Ensure we got the PM lock, else fail the test
         TestCase.assertTrue("Test was not able to immediately get the lock to block the PersistenceManager", gotLock);"Locked " + BlockingPersistenceManager.class.getSimpleName());

         // Mark

          * Passivate

         // Trigger Passivation
         ForceEventsCache.forcePassivation();"Passivation forced, carrying out test");

         ForceEventsCache.PRE_PASSIVATE_BARRIER.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

         // Block until the PM is ready to passivate"Waiting on common barrier for PM to run...");
         BlockingPersistenceManager.BARRIER.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"PM and test have met barrier, passivation running (but will be blocked to complete by test)");

         Callable<Integer> task = new Callable<Integer>()
            public Integer call() throws Exception
               return bean.getNextCounter();
         ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
         result = executor.submit(task);

         // TODO: there is no way to know where we are in StatefulInstanceInterceptor
         // Allow the Persistence Manager to finish up"Letting the PM perform passivation...");

      // We need to allow time to let the Cache finish passivation, so block until it's done"Waiting on Cache to tell us passivation is completed...");
      ForceEventsCache.POST_PASSIVATE_BARRIER.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Test sees Cache reports passivation completed.");

      int duringPassivation = result.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Got counter from " + sessionId + ": " + duringPassivation);

      int postPassivation = bean.getNextCounter();"Got counter from " + sessionId + ": " + postPassivation);

      assertEquals("the postPassivation counter should be 1 higher than the previous (during passivation)",
            duringPassivation + 1, postPassivation);

   public void testInvokeSameSessionDuringPrePassivation() throws Throwable
      final MyStatefulLocal bean = lookup(MyStatefulLocal.JNDI_NAME, MyStatefulLocal.class);

      // Get our bean's Session ID
      Serializable sessionId = this.getSessionId(bean);

      // Invoke upon our bean
      int next = bean.getNextCounter();"Got counter from " + sessionId + ": " + next);
      TestCase.assertEquals("SFSB did not return expected next counter", 0, next);

      // Get the Cache
      ForceEventsCache cache = (ForceEventsCache) container.getCache();

      // Get the lock to block the PM, now
      boolean gotLock = BlockingPersistenceManager.PASSIVATION_LOCK.tryLock();

      Future<Integer> result;
      // Once PM lock is acquired, everything is in "try" so we release in "finally"
         // Ensure we got the PM lock, else fail the test
         TestCase.assertTrue("Test was not able to immediately get the lock to block the PersistenceManager", gotLock);"Locked " + BlockingPersistenceManager.class.getSimpleName());

         // Mark

          * Passivate

         // Trigger Passivation
         ForceEventsCache.forcePassivation();"Passivation forced, carrying out test");

         Callable<Integer> task = new Callable<Integer>()
            public Integer call() throws Exception
               return bean.getNextCounter();
         ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
         result = executor.submit(task);

         // TODO: there is no way to know where we are in StatefulInstanceInterceptor

         ForceEventsCache.PRE_PASSIVATE_BARRIER.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

         // Block until the PM is ready to passivate
         /* we're not passivating, we yanked it out"Waiting on common barrier for PM to run...");
         BlockingPersistenceManager.BARRIER.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"PM and test have met barrier, passivation running (but will be blocked to complete by test)");
         // Allow the Persistence Manager to finish up"Letting the PM perform passivation...");

      // We need to allow time to let the Cache finish passivation, so block until it's done"Waiting on Cache to tell us passivation is completed...");
      ForceEventsCache.POST_PASSIVATE_BARRIER.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Test sees Cache reports passivation completed.");

      int duringPassivation = result.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Got counter from " + sessionId + ": " + duringPassivation);

      int postPassivation = bean.getNextCounter();"Got counter from " + sessionId + ": " + postPassivation);

      assertEquals("the postPassivation counter should be 1 higher than the previous (during passivation)",
            duringPassivation + 1, postPassivation);

    * Tests that a new session may be created while another is being passivated
   public void testNewSessionMayBeCreatedDuringPassivation() throws Throwable
      // Initialize
      final String sfsbJndiName = MyStatefulLocal.JNDI_NAME;

      // Define the task to lookup a new session
      Callable<Boolean> lookupNewSessionTest = new Callable<Boolean>()
          * Lookup a new session, and set that the test succeeded if we're able
         public Boolean call()
               // Create a new session, which should be allowed during passivation
               MyStatefulLocal bean2 = (MyStatefulLocal) container.getInitialContext().lookup(sfsbJndiName);

               // If we've don't have a new session
               if (bean2 == null)
                  throw new RuntimeException("Got back null SFSB");

            // We can't fail the unit test from here, so log the error
            catch (Exception e)
               log.error("Test encountered an error", e);

            // Test is good
            return true;

      // Run the Test

    * Tests that a one session may carry out an invocation while another session
    * is undergoing passivation
   public void testSessionMayBeInvokedWhileAnotherIsPassivating() throws Throwable
      // Initialize
      final String sfsbJndiName = MyStatefulLocal.JNDI_NAME;

      // Define the task to invoke upon a SFSB
      Callable<Boolean> invokeDuringPasssivationTest = new Callable<Boolean>()
          * Lookup a new session, invoke upon it, and set that the test succeeded if we're able
         public Boolean call()
               // Create a new session, which should be allowed during passivation
               MyStatefulLocal bean2 = (MyStatefulLocal) container.getInitialContext().lookup(sfsbJndiName);

               // If we've got nothing
               if (bean2 == null)
                  // Let test fail, logging along the way
                  log.error("Lookup did not succeed");

               // Invoke upon the new Session
               int next = bean2.getNextCounter();

               // Test the value
               if (next == 0)
                  return true;

               // Value was not expected, let the test fail and log
               log.error("Invocation succeeded, but expected next counter of 0 and got: " + next);

            // We can't fail the unit test from here, so log the error
            catch (Exception e)
               log.error("Test encountered an error", e);

            // Fail, should have gotten expected value and returned above
            return false;

      // Run the Test

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Internal Helper Methods --------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

    * Performs the following common test actions:
    * 1) Looks up and invokes upon a new SFSB instance
    * 2) Blocks passivation from completing
    * 3) Waits for the SFSB instance to becomes eligible for passivation
    * 4) Forces passivation to run
    * 5) Runs the specified Test Thread
    * 6) Allows the test to complete either successfully or unsuccessfully, or times out if stuck
    * 7) Reports failure or success overall
   protected void runTestDuringPassivation(Callable<Boolean> testThread) throws Throwable
      // Initialize
      final String sfsbJndiName = MyStatefulLocal.JNDI_NAME;
      boolean testSucceeded = false;

      // Lookup an instance
      MyStatefulLocal bean1 = (MyStatefulLocal) container.getInitialContext().lookup(sfsbJndiName);

      // Invoke upon our bean
      int next = bean1.getNextCounter();"Got counter from bean1 : " + next);
      TestCase.assertEquals("SFSB did not return expected next counter", 0, next);

      // Get our bean's Session ID
      Serializable sessionId = this.getSessionId(bean1);

      // Get the Cache
      ForceEventsCache cache = (ForceEventsCache) container.getCache();

      // Get the lock to block the PM, now
      boolean gotLock = BlockingPersistenceManager.PASSIVATION_LOCK.tryLock();

      // Once PM lock is acquired, everything is in "try" so we release in "finally"
         // Ensure we got the PM lock, else fail the test
         TestCase.assertTrue("Test was not able to immediately get the lock to block the PersistenceManager", gotLock);"Locked " + BlockingPersistenceManager.class.getSimpleName());

          * Mark our session as expired

         // Mark

          * Passivate

         // Trigger Passivation
         ForceEventsCache.forcePassivation();"Passivation forced, carrying out test");

         ForceEventsCache.PRE_PASSIVATE_BARRIER.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

         // Block until the PM is ready to passivate"Waiting on common barrier for PM to run...");
         BlockingPersistenceManager.BARRIER.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"PM and test have met barrier, passivation running (but will be blocked to complete by test)");

          * At this point, we've told the passivation Thread to start, and have
          * locked it from completing.  So let's try our test in another Thread
          * so we can detect a deadlock or permanent blocking after a timeout
         ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
         Future<Boolean> futureResult = executor.submit(testThread);
         boolean result = futureResult.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

          * Assert on the result

         // If the test has not succeeded
         if (!result)
            // Fail
  "The test has completed without success");

         // If the test has been successful
  "Test Succeeded");
            testSucceeded = true;

         // Allow the Persistence Manager to finish up"Letting the PM perform passivation...");

      // We need to allow time to let the Cache finish passivation, so block until it's done"Waiting on Cache to tell us passivation is completed...");
      ForceEventsCache.POST_PASSIVATE_BARRIER.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Test sees Cache reports passivation completed.");

       * Here we ensure that the session was removed from the internal cacheMap
      boolean beanIsInCache = cache.doesCacheMapContainKey(sessionId);
      assertFalse("bean " + sessionId + " was not removed from cache", beanIsInCache);

      // Ensure we're good
      TestCase.assertTrue("The test did not succeed", testSucceeded);

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Lifecycle Methods --------------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

   public static void beforeClass() throws Exception
      // Perform generic setup of MC, default beans, etc

      // Add the Blocking PersistenceManager
      PersistenceManagerFactoryRegistry pmFactoryRegistry = Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar().lookup(
            "EJB3PersistenceManagerFactoryRegistry", PersistenceManagerFactoryRegistry.class);

      // Add the Force Passivation Cache
      CacheFactoryRegistry cacheFactoryRegistry = Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar().lookup(
            "EJB3CacheFactoryRegistry", CacheFactoryRegistry.class);
      String forcePassivationCacheRegistryName = ForceEventsCacheFactory.REGISTRY_BIND_NAME;
      cacheFactoryRegistry.getFactories().put(forcePassivationCacheRegistryName, ForceEventsCacheFactory.class);"Added " + forcePassivationCacheRegistryName);

      // Deploy the test SFSB
      Class<?> ejbImplClass = MyStatefulBean.class;"Deploying SFSB: " + ejbImplClass.getName());
      container = (StatefulContainer) deploySessionEjb(ejbImplClass);

   public void after()
   {"Resetting all barriers and clearing the cache...");
      ForceEventsCache cache = (ForceEventsCache) container.getCache();

   public static void afterClass() throws Exception
      // Undeploy the test SFSB


   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Internal Helper Methods --------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

    * Returns the Session ID of the specified proxy
   private Serializable getSessionId(MyStatefulLocal bean)
      // Get our bean's Session ID
      InvocationHandler handler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(bean);
      SessionProxyInvocationHandler sHandler = (SessionProxyInvocationHandler) handler;
      Serializable sessionId = (Serializable) sHandler.getTarget();
      return sessionId;

Related Classes of org.jboss.ejb3.core.test.ejbthree1549.unit.PassivationDoesNotPreventNewActivityUnitTestCase

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