Package org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.ajc

Source Code of org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.ajc.AspectJCompiler

package org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.ajc;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AjBuildConfig;
import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AjBuildManager;
import org.aspectj.bridge.AbortException;
import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage;
import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation;
import org.aspectj.bridge.MessageHandler;
import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.AbstractCompiler;
import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.CompilerConfiguration;
import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.CompilerError;
import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.CompilerException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.CompilerOutputStyle;

* @plexus.component
*   role="org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.Compiler"
*   role-hint="aspectj"
* Options
* <p/>
* -injars JarList
* <p/>
* Accept as source bytecode any .class files inside the specified .jar files. The output will include these
* classes, possibly as woven with any applicable aspects. JarList, like classpath, is a single argument
* containing a list of paths to jar files, delimited by the platform- specific classpath delimiter.
* <p/>
* -aspectpath JarList
* <p/>
* Weave binary aspects from JarList zip files into all sources. The aspects should have been output by
* the same version of the compiler. To run the output classes requires putting all the aspectpath entries on
* the run classpath. JarList, like classpath, is a single argument containing a list of paths to jar files,
* delimited by the platform- specific classpath delimiter.
* <p/>
* -argfile File
* <p/>
* The file is a line-delimited list of arguments. These arguments are inserted into the argument list.
* <p/>
* -outjar output.jar
* <p/>
* Put output classes in zip file output.jar.
* <p/>
* -incremental
* <p/>
* Run the compiler continuously. After the initial compilation, the compiler will wait to recompile until it
* reads a newline from the standard input, and will quit when it reads a 'q'. It will only recompile necessary
* components, so a recompile should be much faster than doing a second compile. This requires -sourceroots.
* <p/>
* -sourceroots DirPaths
* <p/>
* Find and build all .java or .aj source files under any directory listed in DirPaths. DirPaths, like
* classpath, is a single argument containing a list of paths to directories, delimited by the platform-
* specific classpath delimiter. Required by -incremental.
* <p/>
* -emacssym
* <p/>
* Generate .ajesym symbol files for emacs support
* <p/>
* -Xlint
* <p/>
* Same as -Xlint:warning (enabled by default)
* <p/>
* -Xlint:{level}
* <p/>
* Set default level for messages about potential programming mistakes in crosscutting code. {level} may be
* ignore, warning, or error. This overrides entries in org/aspectj/weaver/ from
* aspectjtools.jar, but does not override levels set using the -Xlintfile option.
* <p/>
* -Xlintfile PropertyFile
* <p/>
* Specify properties file to set levels for specific crosscutting messages. PropertyFile is a path to a
* Java .properties file that takes the same property names and values as
* org/aspectj/weaver/ from aspectjtools.jar, which it also overrides.
* -help
* <p/>
* Emit information on compiler options and usage
* <p/>
* -version
* <p/>
* Emit the version of the AspectJ compiler
* <p/>
* -classpath Path
* <p/>
* Specify where to find user class files. Path is a single argument containing a list of paths to zip files
* or directories, delimited by the platform-specific path delimiter.
* <p/>
* -bootclasspath Path
* <p/>
* Override location of VM's bootclasspath for purposes of evaluating types when compiling. Path is a single
* argument containing a list of paths to zip files or directories, delimited by the platform-specific path
* delimiter.
* <p/>
* -extdirs Path
* <p/>
* Override location of VM's extension directories for purposes of evaluating types when compiling. Path is
* a single argument containing a list of paths to directories, delimited by the platform-specific path
* delimiter.
* <p/>
* -d Directory
* <p/>
* Specify where to place generated .class files. If not specified, Directory defaults to the current
* working dir.
* <p/>
* -target [1.1|1.2]
* <p/>
* Specify classfile target setting (1.1 or 1.2, default is 1.1)
* <p/>
* -1.3
* <p/>
* Set compliance level to 1.3 (default)
* -1.4
* <p/>
* Set compliance level to 1.4
* -source [1.3|1.4]
* <p/>
* Toggle assertions (1.3 or 1.4, default is 1.3 in -1.3 mode and 1.4 in -1.4 mode). When using -source 1.3,
* an assert() statement valid under Java 1.4 will result in a compiler error. When using -source 1.4, treat
* assert as a keyword and implement assertions according to the 1.4 language spec.
* <p/>
* -nowarn
* <p/>
* Emit no warnings (equivalent to '-warn:none') This does not suppress messages generated by declare warning
* or Xlint.
* <p/>
* -warn: items
* <p/>
* Emit warnings for any instances of the comma-delimited list of questionable code
* (eg '-warn:unusedLocals,deprecation'):
* <p/>
* constructorName        method with constructor name
* packageDefaultMethod   attempt to override package-default method
* deprecation            usage of deprecated type or member
* maskedCatchBlocks      hidden catch block
* unusedLocals           local variable never read
* unusedArguments        method argument never read
* unusedImports          import statement not used by code in file
* none                   suppress all compiler warnings
* <p/>
* <p/>
* -warn:none does not suppress messages generated by declare warning or Xlint.
* <p/>
* -deprecation
* <p/>
* Same as -warn:deprecation
* <p/>
* -noImportError
* <p/>
* Emit no errors for unresolved imports
* <p/>
* -proceedOnError
* <p/>
* Keep compiling after error, dumping class files with problem methods
* <p/>
* -g:[lines,vars,source]
* <p/>
* debug attributes level, that may take three forms:
* <p/>
* -g         all debug info ('-g:lines,vars,source')
* -g:none    no debug info
* -g:{items} debug info for any/all of [lines, vars, source], e.g.,
* -g:lines,source
* <p/>
* <p/>
* -preserveAllLocals
* <p/>
* Preserve all local variables during code generation (to facilitate debugging).
* <p/>
* -referenceInfo
* <p/>
* Compute reference information.
* <p/>
* -encoding format
* <p/>
* Specify default source encoding format. Specify custom encoding on a per file basis by suffixing each
* input source file/folder name with '[encoding]'.
* <p/>
* -verbose
* <p/>
* Emit messages about accessed/processed compilation units
* <p/>
* -log file
* <p/>
* Specify a log file for compiler messages.
* -progress
* <p/>
* Show progress (requires -log mode).
* -time
* <p/>
* Display speed information.
* -noExit
* <p/>
* Do not call System.exit(n) at end of compilation (n=0 if no error)
* -repeat N
* <p/>
* Repeat compilation process N times (typically to do performance analysis).
* -Xnoweave
* <p/>
* (Experimental) produce unwoven class files for input using -injars.
* -Xnoinline
* <p/>
* (Experimental) do not inline around advice
* -XincrementalFile file
* <p/>
* (Experimental) This works like incremental mode, but using a file rather than standard input to control
* the compiler. It will recompile each time file is changed and and halt when file is deleted.
* <p/>
* -XserializableAspects
* <p/>
* (Experimental) Normally it is an error to declare aspects Serializable. This option removes that restriction.
* @author <a href="">Jason van Zyl</a>
* @version $Id: 8080 2009-01-24 20:24:11Z bentmann $
public class AspectJCompiler
    extends AbstractCompiler

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    public AspectJCompiler()
        super( CompilerOutputStyle.ONE_OUTPUT_FILE_PER_INPUT_FILE, ".java", ".class", null );

    public List compile( CompilerConfiguration config )
        throws CompilerException
        File destinationDir = new File( config.getOutputLocation() );

        if ( !destinationDir.exists() )

        String[] sourceFiles = getSourceFiles( config );

        if ( sourceFiles.length == 0 )
            return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

        System.out.println( "Compiling " + sourceFiles.length + " " + "source file"
            + ( sourceFiles.length == 1 ? "" : "s" ) + " to " + destinationDir.getAbsolutePath() );

        //        String[] args = buildCompilerArguments( config, sourceFiles );
        AjBuildConfig buildConfig = buildCompilerConfig( config );
        return compileInProcess( buildConfig );

    private AjBuildConfig buildCompilerConfig( CompilerConfiguration config )
        throws CompilerException
        AjBuildConfig buildConfig = new AjBuildConfig();
        buildConfig.setIncrementalMode( false );

        String[] files = getSourceFiles( config );
        if ( files != null )
            buildConfig.setFiles( buildFileList( Arrays.asList( files ) ) );

        setSourceVersion( buildConfig, config.getSourceVersion() );

        if ( config.isDebug() )
            buildConfig.getOptions().produceDebugAttributes = CompilerOptions.Source + CompilerOptions.Lines
                + CompilerOptions.Vars;

        Map javaOpts = config.getCustomCompilerArguments();
        if ( javaOpts != null && !javaOpts.isEmpty() )
            // TODO support customCompilerArguments
            // buildConfig.setJavaOptions( javaOpts );

        List cp = new LinkedList( config.getClasspathEntries() );

        File javaHomeDir = new File( System.getProperty( "java.home" ) );
        File[] jars = new File( javaHomeDir, "lib" ).listFiles();
        if ( jars != null )
            for ( int i = 0; i < jars.length; i++ )
                File jar = jars[i];
                if ( jar.getName().endsWith( ".jar" ) || jar.getName().endsWith( ".zip" ) )
                    cp.add( 0, jar.getAbsolutePath() );
        jars = new File( javaHomeDir, "../Classes" ).listFiles();
        if ( jars != null )
            for ( int i = 0; i < jars.length; i++ )
                File jar = jars[i];
                if ( jar.getName().endsWith( ".jar" ) || jar.getName().endsWith( ".zip" ) )
                    cp.add( 0, jar.getAbsolutePath() );

        checkForAspectJRT( cp );
        if ( cp != null && !cp.isEmpty() )
            List elements = new ArrayList( cp.size() );
            for ( Iterator i = cp.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                elements.add( ( new File( (String) ) ).getAbsolutePath() );

            buildConfig.setClasspath( elements );

        String outputLocation = config.getOutputLocation();
        if ( outputLocation != null )
            File outDir = new File( outputLocation );
            if ( !outDir.exists() )

            buildConfig.setOutputDir( outDir );

        if ( config instanceof AspectJCompilerConfiguration )
            AspectJCompilerConfiguration ajCfg = (AspectJCompilerConfiguration) config;

            Map sourcePathResources = ajCfg.getSourcePathResources();
            if ( sourcePathResources != null && !sourcePathResources.isEmpty() )
                buildConfig.setSourcePathResources( sourcePathResources );

            Map ajOptions = ajCfg.getAJOptions();
            if ( ajOptions != null && !ajOptions.isEmpty() )
                // TODO not supported
                //buildConfig.setAjOptions( ajCfg.getAJOptions() );

            List aspectPath = buildFileList( ajCfg.getAspectPath() );
            if ( aspectPath != null && !aspectPath.isEmpty() )
                buildConfig.setAspectpath( buildFileList( ajCfg.getAspectPath() ) );

            List inJars = buildFileList( ajCfg.getInJars() );
            if ( inJars != null && !inJars.isEmpty() )
                buildConfig.setInJars( buildFileList( ajCfg.getInJars() ) );

            List inPaths = buildFileList( ajCfg.getInPath() );
            if ( inPaths != null && !inPaths.isEmpty() )
                buildConfig.setInPath( buildFileList( ajCfg.getInPath() ) );

            String outJar = ajCfg.getOutputJar();
            if ( outJar != null )
                buildConfig.setOutputJar( new File( ajCfg.getOutputJar() ) );

        return buildConfig;

    private List compileInProcess( AjBuildConfig buildConfig )
        throws CompilerException

        MessageHandler messageHandler = new MessageHandler();

        AjBuildManager manager = new AjBuildManager( messageHandler );

            manager.batchBuild( buildConfig, messageHandler );
        catch ( AbortException e )
            throw new CompilerException( "Unknown error while compiling", e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new CompilerException( "Unknown error while compiling", e );

        // We need the location of the maven so we have a couple of options
        // here.
        // The aspectjrt jar is something this component needs to function so we
        // can either
        // bake it into the plugin and retrieve it somehow or use a system
        // property or we
        // could pass in a set of parameters in a Map.

        boolean errors = messageHandler.hasAnyMessage( IMessage.ERROR, true );

        List messages = new ArrayList();
        if ( errors )
            IMessage[] errorMessages = messageHandler.getMessages( IMessage.ERROR, true );

            for ( int i = 0; i < errorMessages.length; i++ )
                IMessage m = errorMessages[i];

                ISourceLocation sourceLocation = m.getSourceLocation();
                CompilerError error;

                if ( sourceLocation == null )
                    error = new CompilerError( m.getMessage(), true );
                    error = new CompilerError( sourceLocation.getSourceFile().getPath(), true,
                                               sourceLocation.getLine(), sourceLocation.getColumn(), sourceLocation
                                                   .getEndLine(), sourceLocation.getColumn(), m.getMessage() );
                messages.add( error );

        return messages;

    private void checkForAspectJRT( List cp )
        if ( cp == null || cp.isEmpty() )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "AspectJ Runtime not found in supplied classpath" );
                URL[] urls = new URL[cp.size()];
                for ( int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++ )
                    urls[i] = ( new File( (String) cp.get( i ) ) ).toURL();

                URLClassLoader cloader = new URLClassLoader( urls );

                cloader.loadClass( "org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint" );
            catch ( MalformedURLException e )
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid classpath entry" );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                throw new IllegalStateException( "AspectJ Runtime not found in supplied classpath" );

    private List buildFileList( List locations )
        List fileList = new LinkedList();
        for ( Iterator it = locations.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            String location = (String);
            fileList.add( new File( location ) );

        return fileList;

     * Set the source version in ajc compiler
     * @param buildConfig
     * @param sourceVersion
    private void setSourceVersion( AjBuildConfig buildConfig, String sourceVersion )
        throws CompilerException
        if ( "1.5".equals( sourceVersion ) )
            buildConfig.getOptions().sourceLevel = CompilerOptions.JDK1_5;
        else if ( "5.0".equals( sourceVersion ) )
            buildConfig.getOptions().sourceLevel = CompilerOptions.JDK1_5;
        else if ( "1.4".equals( sourceVersion ) )
            buildConfig.getOptions().sourceLevel = CompilerOptions.JDK1_4;
        else if ( "1.3".equals( sourceVersion ) )
            buildConfig.getOptions().sourceLevel = CompilerOptions.JDK1_3;
        else if ( "1.2".equals( sourceVersion ) )
            buildConfig.getOptions().sourceLevel = CompilerOptions.JDK1_2;
        else if ( "1.1".equals( sourceVersion ) )
            buildConfig.getOptions().sourceLevel = CompilerOptions.JDK1_1;
        else if ( sourceVersion == null || sourceVersion.length() <= 0 )
            buildConfig.getOptions().sourceLevel = CompilerOptions.JDK1_3;
            throw new CompilerException( "The source version was not recognized: " + sourceVersion );

     * @return null
    public String[] createCommandLine( CompilerConfiguration config )
        throws CompilerException
        return null;


Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.ajc.AspectJCompiler

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