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import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.forms.CheckBoxItem;
import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.forms.ComboBoxItem;
import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.forms.FormItem;
import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.forms.ListItem;
import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.forms.NumberBoxItem;
import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.forms.TextBoxItem;
import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.forms.TextItem;

* Enum that ties handler attributes in DMR to the corresponding attributes in the UI.
* @author Stan Silvert (C) 2011 Red Hat Inc.
public enum HandlerAttribute {
    NAME(true, "name", "name", "", Console.CONSTANTS.common_label_name(), new TextBoxItemFactory(), new TextItemFactory()),
    LEVEL(true, "level", "level", "INFO", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_logLevel(), new ComboBoxItemFactory(LogLevel.STRINGS)),
    ENCODING(true, "encoding", "encoding", "UTF-8", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_encoding(), new TextBoxItemFactory()),
    FILTER(false, "filter", "filter", "", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_filter(), new TextBoxItemFactory()),
    FORMATTER(false, "formatter", "formatter", "%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_formatter(), new FormatterItemFactory()),
    AUTOFLUSH(false, "autoflush", "autoflush", "true", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_autoFlush(), new CheckBoxItemFactory()),
    APPEND(false, "append", "append", "false", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_append(), new CheckBoxItemFactory()),
    FILE_RELATIVE_TO(false, "relative-to", "fileRelativeTo", "jboss.server.log.dir", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_fileRelativeTo(), new TextBoxItemFactory()),
    FILE_PATH(true, "path", "filePath", "mylog.log", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_filePath(), new TextBoxItemFactory()),
    ROTATE_SIZE(true, "rotate-size", "rotateSize", "2m", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_rotateSize(), new ByteUnitItemFactory()), // 2MB default
    MAX_BACKUP_INDEX(true, "max-backup-index", "maxBackupIndex", "5", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_maxBackupIndex(), new TextBoxItemFactory()),
    TARGET(true, "target", "target", "SYSTEM_OUT", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_target(), new TextBoxItemFactory()), // default value can either be SYSTEM_OUT or SYSTEM_ERR
    SUBHANDLERS(false, "subhandlers", "subhandlers", "", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_subhandlers(), new ListBoxItemFactory()),
    OVERFLOW_ACTION(true, "overflow-action", "overflowAction", "BLOCK", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_overflowAction(), new ComboBoxItemFactory(new String[] {"BLOCK", "DISCARD"})),
    QUEUE_LENGTH(true, "queue-length", "queueLength", "512", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_queueLength(), new TextBoxItemFactory()),
    SUFFIX(true, "suffix", "suffix", ".yyyy-MM-dd", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_suffix(), new TextBoxItemFactory()),
    CLASS(true, "class", "className", "", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_className(), new TextBoxItemFactory(), new TextItemFactory()),
    MODULE(true, "module", "module", "", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_module(), new TextBoxItemFactory(), new TextItemFactory()),
    PROPERTIES(false, "properties", "properties", "", Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_handlerProperties(), new PropertyEditorItemFactory());
    private boolean isRequired;
    private String dmrName;
    private String beanPropName;
    private String defaultValue;
    private String label;
    private FormItemFactory itemFactoryForAdd;
    private FormItemFactory itemFactoryForEdit;
     * Create a new HandlerAttribute.
     * @param isRequired Is this a required attribute.
     * @param dmrName The name for the attribute in DMR requests.
     * @param beanPropName The bean-style name for the attribute that corresponds to the AutoBean.
     * @param defaultValue The default value used when creating a Handler.
     * @param label The label that this attribute is given in a Form.
     * @param itemFactoryForAdd The factory that creates the proper FormItem for an Add dialog.
     * @param itemFactoryForEdit The factory that creates the proper FormItem for an Edit dialog.
    private HandlerAttribute(boolean isRequired, String dmrName, String beanPropName, String defaultValue,
                             String label, FormItemFactory itemFactoryForAdd, FormItemFactory itemFactoryForEdit) {
        this.isRequired = isRequired;
        this.dmrName = dmrName;
        this.beanPropName = beanPropName;
        this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
        this.label = label;
        this.itemFactoryForAdd = itemFactoryForAdd;
        this.itemFactoryForEdit = itemFactoryForEdit;
     * Create a new HandlerAttribute.
     * @param isRequired Is this a required attribute.
     * @param dmrName The name for the attribute in DMR requests.
     * @param beanPropName The bean-style name for the attribute that corresponds to the AutoBean.
     * @param defaultValue The default value used when creating a Handler.
     * @param label The label that this attribute is given in a Form.
     * @param itemFactoryForAddAndEdit The factory that creates the proper FormItem for an Add and Edit dialog.
    private HandlerAttribute(boolean isRequired, String dmrName, String beanPropName, String defaultValue,
                             String label, FormItemFactory itemFactoryForAddAndEdit) {
        this(isRequired, dmrName, beanPropName, defaultValue, label, itemFactoryForAddAndEdit, itemFactoryForAddAndEdit);
     * Find a HandlerAttribute with the given bean property.
     * @param beanPropName The name of the bean property.
     * @return The HandlerAttribute
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the HandlerAttribute is not found.
    public static HandlerAttribute findHandlerAttribute(String beanPropName) {
        for (HandlerAttribute attrib : HandlerAttribute.values()) {
            if (attrib.beanPropName.equals(beanPropName)) return attrib;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown HandlerAttribute with beanPropName name " + beanPropName);
    public String getDmrName() {
        return this.dmrName;
    public String getBeanPropName() {
        return this.beanPropName;
    public String getDefaultValue() {
        return this.defaultValue;
    public FormItem<LoggingHandler> getItemForAdd() {
        return this.itemFactoryForAdd.makeFormItem(beanPropName, label, isRequired);
    public FormItem<LoggingHandler> getItemForEdit() {
        return this.itemFactoryForEdit.makeFormItem(beanPropName, label, isRequired);
    private static interface FormItemFactory {
        FormItem makeFormItem(String beanPropName, String label, boolean isRequired);
    private static class TextItemFactory implements FormItemFactory {
        public FormItem makeFormItem(String beanPropName, String label, boolean isRequired) {
            TextItem textItem = new TextItem(beanPropName, label);
            return textItem;
    private static class TextBoxItemFactory implements FormItemFactory {
        public FormItem makeFormItem(String beanPropName, String label, boolean isRequired) {
            TextBoxItem textBoxItem = new TextBoxItem(beanPropName, label);
            return textBoxItem;
    private static class FormatterItemFactory implements FormItemFactory {
        public FormItem makeFormItem(String beanPropName, String label, boolean isRequired) {
            FormatterTextBox formatterTextBoxItem = new FormatterTextBox(beanPropName, label);
            return formatterTextBoxItem;
        private static class FormatterTextBox extends TextBoxItem {
            public FormatterTextBox(String name, String title) {
                super(name, title);
            public boolean validate(String value) {
            /*    try {
                    Formatter formatter = new Formatter();
                } catch (IllegalFormatException e) {
                    this.errMessage = e.getLocalizedMessage();
                    return false;
                } */
                return true;
    private static class ByteUnitItemFactory implements FormItemFactory {
        public FormItem makeFormItem(String beanPropName, String label, boolean isRequired) {
            ByteUnitItem byteUnitItem = new ByteUnitItem(beanPropName, label);
            return byteUnitItem;
        private static class ByteUnitItem extends TextBoxItem {
            private char[] UNIT_CHARS = {'b', 'k', 'm', 'g', 't'};
            public ByteUnitItem(String name, String title) {
                super(name, title);
            // GWT doesn't allow me to use regex to do this validation. 
            // Compiler chokes on Pattern class.
            public boolean validate(String value) {
                if (!super.validate(name)) {
                    return false;
                if (value.length() < 2) return invalidValue();
                char finalChar = value.toLowerCase().charAt(value.length() - 1);
                boolean foundUnit = false;
                for (char unit : UNIT_CHARS) {
                    if (unit == finalChar) foundUnit = true;
                if (!foundUnit) return invalidValue();
                String number = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1);
                try {
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    return invalidValue();
                return true;
            private boolean invalidValue() {
                this.errMessage = Console.CONSTANTS.subsys_logging_invalidByteSpec();
                return false;
    private static class ComboBoxItemFactory implements FormItemFactory {
        private String[] values;
        public ComboBoxItemFactory(String[] values) {
            this.values = values;
        public FormItem makeFormItem(String beanPropName, String label, boolean isRequired) {
            ComboBoxItem comboBoxItem = new ComboBoxItem(beanPropName, label);
            return comboBoxItem;
    private static class CheckBoxItemFactory implements FormItemFactory {
        public FormItem makeFormItem(String beanPropName, String label, boolean isRequired) {
            CheckBoxItem checkBoxItem = new CheckBoxItem(beanPropName, label);
            return checkBoxItem;
    private static class ListBoxItemFactory implements FormItemFactory {
        public FormItem makeFormItem(String beanPropName, String label, boolean isRequired) {
            ListItem listItem = new ListItem(beanPropName, label, true);
            return listItem;
    private static class NumberBoxItemFactory implements FormItemFactory {
        public FormItem makeFormItem(String beanPropName, String label, boolean isRequired) {
            NumberBoxItem numberItem = new NumberBoxItem(beanPropName, label);
            return numberItem;
    private static class PropertyEditorItemFactory implements FormItemFactory {
        public FormItem makeFormItem(String beanPropName, String label, boolean isRequired) {
            PropertyEditorFormItem propEditor = new PropertyEditorFormItem(beanPropName,
            return propEditor;

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