Package org.jboss.dna.graph.query.process

Source Code of org.jboss.dna.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent$DynamicOperation

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package org.jboss.dna.graph.query.process;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import net.jcip.annotations.NotThreadSafe;
import org.jboss.dna.common.collection.Problems;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.Location;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.QueryContext;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperand;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.DynamicOperand;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.FullTextSearchScore;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Length;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.LowerCase;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.NodeDepth;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.NodeLocalName;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.NodeName;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.NodePath;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.PropertyValue;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.TypeSystem;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.UpperCase;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.TypeSystem.TypeFactory;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.validate.Schemata;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Column;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Table;

* A component that performs (some) portion of the query processing by {@link #execute() returning the tuples} that result from
* this stage of processing. Processing components are designed to be assembled into a processing structure, with a single
* component at the top that returns the results of a query.
public abstract class ProcessingComponent {

    private final QueryContext context;
    private final Columns columns;

    protected ProcessingComponent( QueryContext context,
                                   Columns columns ) {
        this.context = context;
        this.columns = columns;
        assert this.context != null;
        assert this.columns != null;

     * Get the context in which this query is being executed.
     * @return context
    public final QueryContext getContext() {
        return context;

     * Get the column definitions.
     * @return the column mappings; never null
    public final Columns getColumns() {
        return columns;

     * Get the container for problems encountered during processing.
     * @return the problems container; never null
    protected final Problems problems() {
        return context.getProblems();

     * Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the {@link #getColumns() columns}.
     * @return the list of tuples, where each tuple corresonds to the {@link #getColumns() columns}; never null
    public abstract List<Object[]> execute();

     * Close these results, allowing any resources to be released.
    public void close() {

     * Utility method to create a new tuples list that is empty.
     * @return the empty tuples list; never null
    protected List<Object[]> emptyTuples() {
        return new ArrayList<Object[]>(0);

     * Interface for evaluating a {@link DynamicOperand} to return the resulting value.
    protected static interface DynamicOperation {
         * Get the expected type of the result of this evaluation
         * @return the property type; never null
        String getExpectedType();

         * Perform the dynamic evaluation to obtain the desired result.
         * @param tuple the tuple; never null
         * @return the value that results from dynamically evaluating the operand against the tuple; may be null
        Object evaluate( Object[] tuple );

     * Create a {@link DynamicOperation} instance that is able to evaluate the supplied {@link DynamicOperand}.
     * @param typeSystem the type system; may not be null
     * @param schemata the schemata; may not be null
     * @param columns the definition of the result columns and the tuples; may not be null
     * @param operand the dynamic operand that is to be evaluated by the returned object; may not be null
     * @return the dynamic operand operation; never null
    protected DynamicOperation createDynamicOperation( final TypeSystem typeSystem,
                                                       Schemata schemata,
                                                       Columns columns,
                                                       DynamicOperand operand ) {
        assert operand != null;
        assert columns != null;
        assert context != null;
        if (operand instanceof PropertyValue) {
            PropertyValue propValue = (PropertyValue)operand;
            String propertyName = propValue.getPropertyName();
            String selectorName = propValue.getSelectorName().getName();
            final int index = columns.getColumnIndexForProperty(selectorName, propertyName);
            // Find the expected property type of the value ...
            Table table = schemata.getTable(propValue.getSelectorName());
            Column schemaColumn = table.getColumn(propertyName);
            final String expectedType = schemaColumn.getPropertyType();
            final TypeFactory<?> typeFactory = typeSystem.getTypeFactory(expectedType);
            return new DynamicOperation() {
                public String getExpectedType() {
                    return expectedType;

                public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                    return typeFactory.create(tuple[index]);
        final TypeFactory<String> stringFactory = typeSystem.getStringFactory();
        if (operand instanceof Length) {
            Length length = (Length)operand;
            PropertyValue value = length.getPropertyValue();
            String propertyName = value.getPropertyName();
            String selectorName = value.getSelectorName().getName();
            final int index = columns.getColumnIndexForProperty(selectorName, propertyName);
            // Find the expected property type of the value ...
            Table table = context.getSchemata().getTable(value.getSelectorName());
            Column schemaColumn = table.getColumn(propertyName);
            final String expectedType = schemaColumn.getPropertyType();
            final TypeFactory<?> typeFactory = typeSystem.getTypeFactory(expectedType);
            final TypeFactory<Long> longFactory = typeSystem.getLongFactory();
            return new DynamicOperation() {
                public String getExpectedType() {
                    return longFactory.getTypeName(); // length is always LONG

                public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                    Object value = tuple[index];
                    return typeFactory.length(typeFactory.create(value));
        if (operand instanceof LowerCase) {
            LowerCase lowerCase = (LowerCase)operand;
            final DynamicOperation delegate = createDynamicOperation(typeSystem, schemata, columns, lowerCase.getOperand());
            return new DynamicOperation() {
                public String getExpectedType() {
                    return stringFactory.getTypeName();

                public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                    String result = stringFactory.create(delegate.evaluate(tuple));
                    return result != null ? result.toLowerCase() : null;
        if (operand instanceof UpperCase) {
            UpperCase upperCase = (UpperCase)operand;
            final DynamicOperation delegate = createDynamicOperation(typeSystem, schemata, columns, upperCase.getOperand());
            return new DynamicOperation() {
                public String getExpectedType() {
                    return stringFactory.getTypeName();

                public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                    String result = stringFactory.create(delegate.evaluate(tuple));
                    return result != null ? result.toUpperCase() : null;
        if (operand instanceof NodeDepth) {
            NodeDepth nodeDepth = (NodeDepth)operand;
            final int locationIndex = columns.getLocationIndex(nodeDepth.getSelectorName().getName());
            return new DynamicOperation() {
                public String getExpectedType() {
                    return typeSystem.getLongFactory().getTypeName(); // depth is always LONG

                public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                    Location location = (Location)tuple[locationIndex];
                    if (location == null) return null;
                    Path path = location.getPath();
                    assert path != null;
                    return new Long(path.size());
        if (operand instanceof NodePath) {
            NodePath nodePath = (NodePath)operand;
            final int locationIndex = columns.getLocationIndex(nodePath.getSelectorName().getName());
            return new DynamicOperation() {
                public String getExpectedType() {
                    return stringFactory.getTypeName();

                public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                    Location location = (Location)tuple[locationIndex];
                    if (location == null) return null;
                    assert location.getPath() != null;
                    return stringFactory.create(location.getPath());
        if (operand instanceof NodeName) {
            NodeName nodeName = (NodeName)operand;
            final int locationIndex = columns.getLocationIndex(nodeName.getSelectorName().getName());
            return new DynamicOperation() {
                public String getExpectedType() {
                    return stringFactory.getTypeName();

                public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                    Location location = (Location)tuple[locationIndex];
                    if (location == null) return null;
                    Path path = location.getPath();
                    assert path != null;
                    return path.isRoot() ? "" : stringFactory.create(location.getPath().getLastSegment().getName());
        if (operand instanceof NodeLocalName) {
            NodeLocalName nodeName = (NodeLocalName)operand;
            final int locationIndex = columns.getLocationIndex(nodeName.getSelectorName().getName());
            return new DynamicOperation() {
                public String getExpectedType() {
                    return stringFactory.getTypeName();

                public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                    Location location = (Location)tuple[locationIndex];
                    if (location == null) return null;
                    Path path = location.getPath();
                    assert path != null;
                    return path.isRoot() ? "" : location.getPath().getLastSegment().getName().getLocalName();
        if (operand instanceof FullTextSearchScore) {
            FullTextSearchScore score = (FullTextSearchScore)operand;
            String selectorName = score.getSelectorName().getName();
            final int index = columns.getFullTextSearchScoreIndexFor(selectorName);
            final TypeFactory<Double> doubleFactory = typeSystem.getDoubleFactory();
            if (index < 0) {
                // No full-text search score for this selector, so return 0.0d;
                return new DynamicOperation() {
                    public String getExpectedType() {
                        return doubleFactory.getTypeName();

                    public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                        return new Double(0.0d);
            return new DynamicOperation() {
                public String getExpectedType() {
                    return doubleFactory.getTypeName();

                public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                    return tuple[index];
        if (operand instanceof ArithmeticOperand) {
            ArithmeticOperand arith = (ArithmeticOperand)operand;
            final DynamicOperation leftOp = createDynamicOperation(typeSystem, schemata, columns, arith.getLeft());
            final DynamicOperation rightOp = createDynamicOperation(typeSystem, schemata, columns, arith.getRight());
            // compute the expected (common) type ...
            String leftType = leftOp.getExpectedType();
            String rightType = rightOp.getExpectedType();
            final String commonType = typeSystem.getCompatibleType(leftType, rightType);
            if (typeSystem.getDoubleFactory().getTypeName().equals(commonType)) {
                final TypeFactory<Double> commonTypeFactory = typeSystem.getDoubleFactory();
                switch (arith.getOperator()) {
                    case ADD:
                        return new DynamicOperation() {
                            public String getExpectedType() {
                                return commonType;

                            public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                                Double right = commonTypeFactory.create(rightOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                Double left = commonTypeFactory.create(leftOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                if (right == null) return left;
                                if (left == null) return right;
                                return left.doubleValue() / right.doubleValue();
                    case SUBTRACT:
                        return new DynamicOperation() {
                            public String getExpectedType() {
                                return commonType;

                            public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                                Double right = commonTypeFactory.create(rightOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                Double left = commonTypeFactory.create(leftOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                if (right == null) return left;
                                if (left == null) left = 0.0d;
                                return left.doubleValue() * right.doubleValue();
                    case MULTIPLY:
                        return new DynamicOperation() {
                            public String getExpectedType() {
                                return commonType;

                            public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                                Double right = commonTypeFactory.create(rightOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                Double left = commonTypeFactory.create(leftOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                if (right == null || left == null) return null;
                                return left.doubleValue() * right.doubleValue();
                    case DIVIDE:
                        return new DynamicOperation() {
                            public String getExpectedType() {
                                return commonType;

                            public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                                Double right = commonTypeFactory.create(rightOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                Double left = commonTypeFactory.create(leftOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                if (right == null || left == null) return null;
                                return left.doubleValue() / right.doubleValue();
            } else if (typeSystem.getLongFactory().getTypeName().equals(commonType)) {
                final TypeFactory<Long> commonTypeFactory = typeSystem.getLongFactory();
                switch (arith.getOperator()) {
                    case ADD:
                        return new DynamicOperation() {
                            public String getExpectedType() {
                                return commonType;

                            public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                                Long right = commonTypeFactory.create(rightOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                Long left = commonTypeFactory.create(leftOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                if (right == null) return left;
                                if (left == null) return right;
                                return left.longValue() / right.longValue();
                    case SUBTRACT:
                        return new DynamicOperation() {
                            public String getExpectedType() {
                                return commonType;

                            public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                                Long right = commonTypeFactory.create(rightOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                Long left = commonTypeFactory.create(leftOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                if (right == null) return left;
                                if (left == null) left = 0L;
                                return left.longValue() * right.longValue();
                    case MULTIPLY:
                        return new DynamicOperation() {
                            public String getExpectedType() {
                                return commonType;

                            public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                                Long right = commonTypeFactory.create(rightOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                Long left = commonTypeFactory.create(leftOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                if (right == null || left == null) return null;
                                return left.longValue() * right.longValue();
                    case DIVIDE:
                        return new DynamicOperation() {
                            public String getExpectedType() {
                                return commonType;

                            public Object evaluate( Object[] tuple ) {
                                Long right = commonTypeFactory.create(rightOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                Long left = commonTypeFactory.create(leftOp.evaluate(tuple));
                                if (right == null || left == null) return null;
                                return left.longValue() / right.longValue();
        assert false;
        return null;

    protected Comparator<Object[]> createSortComparator( QueryContext context,
                                                         Columns columns ) {
        assert context != null;
        final int numLocations = columns.getLocationCount();
        assert numLocations > 0;
        final Comparator<Location> typeComparator = Location.comparator();
        if (numLocations == 1) {
            // We can do this a tad faster if we know there is only one Location object ...
            final int locationIndex = columns.getColumnCount();
            return new Comparator<Object[]>() {
                public int compare( Object[] tuple1,
                                    Object[] tuple2 ) {
                    Location value1 = (Location)tuple1[locationIndex];
                    Location value2 = (Location)tuple2[locationIndex];
                    return, value2);
        final int firstLocationIndex = columns.getColumnCount();
        return new Comparator<Object[]>() {
            public int compare( Object[] tuple1,
                                Object[] tuple2 ) {
                int result = 0;
                for (int locationIndex = firstLocationIndex; locationIndex != numLocations; ++locationIndex) {
                    Location value1 = (Location)tuple1[locationIndex];
                    Location value2 = (Location)tuple2[locationIndex];
                    result =, value2);
                    if (result != 0) return result;
                return result;

Related Classes of org.jboss.dna.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent$DynamicOperation

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