
Source Code of$UncaughtHandler

* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;


* A StoppableThread is a daemon that obeys the following mandates:
* - it sets the daemon property for the thread
* - an uncaught exception handler is always registered
* - the thread registers with the JE exception listener mechanism.
* - its shutdown method can only be executed once. StoppableThreads are not
*   required to implement shutdown() methods, because in some cases their
*   shutdown processing must be coordinated by an owning, parent thread.
* StoppableThread is an alternative to the DaemonThread. It also assumes that
* the thread's run() method may be more complex that that of the work-queue,
* task oriented DaemonThread.
* A StoppableThread's run method should catch and handle all exceptions. By
* default, unhandled exceptions are considered programming errors, and
* invalidate the environment, but StoppableThreads may supply alternative
* uncaught exception handling.
* StoppableThreads usually are created with an EnvironmentImpl, but on
* occasion an environment may not be available (for components that can
* execute without an environment). In that case, the thread obviously does not
* invalidate the environment.
* Note that the StoppableThread.cleanup must be invoked upon, or soon after,
* thread exit.
public abstract class StoppableThread extends Thread
    implements ExceptionListenerUser {

    private ExceptionListener exceptionListener;

    /* The environment, if any, that's associated with this thread. */
    protected final EnvironmentImpl envImpl;

     * Shutdown can only be executed once. The shutdown field protects against
     * multiple invocations.
    private final AtomicBoolean shutdown = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    /* The exception (if any) that forced this node to shut down. */
    private Exception savedShutdownException = null;

    /* Total cpu time used by thread */
    private long totalCpuTime = -1;

    /* Total user time used by thread */
    private long totalUserTime = -1;

    protected StoppableThread(final String threadName) {
        this(null, null, null, threadName);

    protected StoppableThread(final EnvironmentImpl envImpl,
                              final String threadName) {
        this(envImpl, null /* handler */, null /* runnable */,threadName);

    protected StoppableThread(final EnvironmentImpl envImpl,
                              final UncaughtExceptionHandler handler,
                              final String threadName) {
        this(envImpl, handler, null /* runnable */, threadName);

    protected StoppableThread(final EnvironmentImpl envImpl,
                              final UncaughtExceptionHandler handler,
                              final Runnable runnable,
                              final String threadName) {
        super(null, runnable, threadName);
        this.envImpl = envImpl;

         * Set the daemon property so this thread will not hang up the
         * application.

         * Register for updates to the exception listener mechanism. Check if
         * the environmentImpl is null, because there are a few cases where a
         * StoppableThread is created for components that work both in
         * replicated nodes and independently.
        if (envImpl != null) {
            ((handler == null) ? new UncaughtHandler() : handler);

     * @return a logger to use when logging uncaught exceptions.
    abstract protected Logger getLogger();

     * Returns the exception if any that provoked the shutdown
     * @return the exception, or null if it was a normal shutdown
    public Exception getSavedShutdownException() {
        return savedShutdownException;

    public void saveShutdownException(Exception shutdownException) {
        savedShutdownException = shutdownException;

    public boolean isShutdown() {
        return shutdown.get();

     * Set every time a new exception listener is registered.
    public void setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener exceptionListener) {
        this.exceptionListener = exceptionListener;

     * Shutdown methods should only be executed once.
     * @return true if shutdown is already set.
    protected boolean shutdownDone() {
        return (!shutdown.compareAndSet(false, true));

     * Must be invoked upon, or soon after, exit from the thread to perform
     * any cleanup, and ensure that any allocated resources are freed.
    protected void cleanup() {
        if (envImpl != null) {

     * An uncaught exception should invalidate the environment. Check if the
     * environmentImpl is null, because there are a few cases where a
     * StoppableThread is created for components that work both in replicated
     * nodes and independently.
    private class UncaughtHandler implements UncaughtExceptionHandler {

         * When an uncaught exception occurs, log it, publish it to the
         * exception handler, and invalidate the environment.
        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
            Logger useLogger = getLogger();
            if (useLogger != null) {
                String envName = (envImpl == null)? "" : envImpl.getName();
                String message = envName + ":" + t.getName() +
                    " exited unexpectedly with exception " + e;
                if (e != null) {
                    message += LoggerUtils.getStackTrace(e);

                if (envImpl != null) {
                     * If we have an environment, log this to all three
                     * handlers.
                    LoggerUtils.severe(useLogger, envImpl, message);
                } else {
                     * We don't have an environment, but at least log this
                     * to the console.
                    useLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, message);

            if ((exceptionListener != null) && (e instanceof Exception)) {
                    (DbInternal.makeExceptionEvent((Exception) e,

            if (envImpl == null) {

             * If not already invalid, invalidate environment by creating an
             * EnvironmentFailureException.
            if (envImpl.isValid()) {

                 * Create the exception to invalidate the environment, but do
                 * not throw it since the handle is invoked in some internal
                 * JVM thread and the exception is not meaningful to the
                 * invoker.
                new EnvironmentFailureException
                    (envImpl, EnvironmentFailureReason.UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION, e);

     * This method is invoked from another thread of control to shutdown this
     * thread. It first tries a "soft" shutdown by invoking
     * <code>initiateSoftShutdown()</code>. If the thread does not exit on its
     * own in <code>waitMs</code> the thread is interrupted.
     * <code>waitMs</code> is determined by the technique used for the soft
     * shutdown. For example, if the thread polls on a periodic basis, it could
     * span one or more polling periods.
     * All Stoppable threads are expected to catch an interrupt, clean up and
     * then exit.
     * @param logger the logger on which to log messages
    public void shutdownThread(Logger logger) {

         * Save resource usage, since it will not be available once the
         * thread has exited.
        ThreadMXBean threadBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean();
        totalCpuTime = threadBean.getThreadCpuTime(getId());
        totalUserTime = threadBean.getThreadUserTime(getId());

        if (Thread.currentThread() == this) {

        try {
            int waitMs = initiateSoftShutdown();

            /* Wait for a soft shutdown to take effect */
            if (waitMs >= 0) {

            if (isAlive()) {
                LoggerUtils.warning(logger, envImpl,
                                    "Soft shutdown failed for thread:" +
                                    this + " resorting to interrupt.");

                 * Wait indefinitely for this join operation, since the thread
                 * must make provision to handle and exit on an interrupt.
                    (logger, envImpl, this + " shutdown via interrupt.");
            } else {
                LoggerUtils.fine(logger, envImpl, this + " has exited.");
        } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
            LoggerUtils.warning(logger, envImpl,
                                "Interrupted while waiting to join thread:" +

     * Threads that use shutdownThread() must define this method. It's invoked
     * by shutdownThread as an attempt at a soft shutdown.
     * This method makes provisions for this thread to exit on its own. The
     * technique used to make the thread exit can vary based upon the nature of
     * the service being provided by the thread. For example, the thread may be
     * known to poll some shutdown flag on a periodic basis, or it may detect
     * that a channel that it waits on has been closed by this method.
     * @return the amount of time in ms that the shutdownThread method will
     * wait for the thread to exit. A -ve value means that the method will not
     * wait. A zero value means it will wait indefinitely.
    protected int initiateSoftShutdown() {
        return -1;

     * Returns the total cpu time associated with the thread, after the thread
     * has been shutdown.
    public long getTotalCpuTime() {
        return totalCpuTime;

     * Returns the total cpu time associated with the thread, after the thread
     * has been shutdown.
    public long getTotalUserTime() {
        return totalUserTime;

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