Package org.infinispan.interceptors

Source Code of org.infinispan.interceptors.TxInterceptor$LocalSynchronizationHandler

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* Copyright 2000 - 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.infinispan.interceptors;

import org.infinispan.CacheException;
import org.infinispan.commands.CommandsFactory;
import org.infinispan.commands.ReplicableCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.VisitableCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.tx.CommitCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.tx.PrepareCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.tx.RollbackCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.WriteCommand;
import org.infinispan.context.InvocationContext;
import org.infinispan.context.TransactionContext;
import org.infinispan.factories.ComponentRegistry;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Inject;
import org.infinispan.factories.context.ContextFactory;
import org.infinispan.invocation.Flag;
import org.infinispan.invocation.InvocationContextContainer;
import org.infinispan.jmx.annotations.ManagedAttribute;
import org.infinispan.jmx.annotations.ManagedOperation;
import org.infinispan.lock.LockManager;
import org.infinispan.manager.CacheManager;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.CacheNotifier;
import org.infinispan.remoting.ReplicationException;
import org.infinispan.transaction.GlobalTransaction;
import org.infinispan.transaction.TransactionLog;
import org.infinispan.transaction.TransactionTable;
import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashSet;

import javax.transaction.InvalidTransactionException;
import javax.transaction.Status;
import javax.transaction.Synchronization;
import javax.transaction.SystemException;
import javax.transaction.Transaction;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

* This interceptor is the new default at the head of all interceptor chains, and makes transactional attributes
* available to all interceptors in the chain. This interceptor is also responsible for registering for synchronisation
* on transaction completion.
* @author <a href="">Manik Surtani (</a>
* @author <a href="">Steve Woodcock (</a>
* @since 4.0
public class TxInterceptor extends BaseTransactionalContextInterceptor {
   protected CommandsFactory commandsFactory;
   private CacheNotifier notifier;
   private InvocationContextContainer invocationContextContainer;
   private ComponentRegistry componentRegistry;
   private ContextFactory contextFactory;
   private CacheManager cacheManager;
   private TransactionLog transactionLog;

    * List <Transaction>that we have registered for
   private final Set<Transaction> transactions = new ConcurrentHashSet<Transaction>();
   private final Map<Transaction, GlobalTransaction> rollbackTransactions = new ConcurrentHashMap<Transaction, GlobalTransaction>(16);
   private final AtomicLong prepares = new AtomicLong(0);
   private final AtomicLong commits = new AtomicLong(0);
   private final AtomicLong rollbacks = new AtomicLong(0);
   private LockManager lockManager;
   private boolean statsEnabled;

   public void intialize(CacheManager cacheManager, ContextFactory contextFactory,
                         CacheNotifier notifier, InvocationContextContainer icc,
                         CommandsFactory factory, ComponentRegistry componentRegistry, LockManager lockManager,
                         TransactionLog transactionLog) {
      this.contextFactory = contextFactory;
      this.commandsFactory = factory;
      this.cacheManager = cacheManager;
      this.notifier = notifier;
      this.invocationContextContainer = icc;
      this.componentRegistry = componentRegistry;
      this.lockManager = lockManager;
      this.transactionLog = transactionLog;

   public Object visitPrepareCommand(InvocationContext ctx, PrepareCommand command) throws Throwable {
      Object result = null;

      // this is a prepare, commit, or rollback.
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Got gtx from invocation context " + ctx.getGlobalTransaction());
      try {
         if (ctx.getGlobalTransaction().isRemote()) {
            result = handleRemotePrepare(ctx, command);
            if (getStatisticsEnabled()) prepares.incrementAndGet();
         } else {
            if (trace) log.trace("received my own message (discarding it)");
            result = null;
      catch (Throwable e) {
         throwIfNeeded(ctx, e);

      return result;

   private void throwIfNeeded(InvocationContext ctx, Throwable throwable) throws Throwable {
      if (ctx.hasFlag(Flag.FAIL_SILENTLY))
         log.trace("There was a problem handling this request, but FAIL_SLIENTLY was set, so suppressing exception", throwable);
         throw throwable;

   public Object visitCommitCommand(InvocationContext ctx, CommitCommand command) throws Throwable {
      if (!ctx.getGlobalTransaction().isRemote()) {
         if (trace) log.trace("received my own message (discarding it)");
         return null;
      try {
         if (trace) log.trace("(" + cacheManager.getAddress() + ") call on command [" + command + "]");
         GlobalTransaction gtx = ctx.getGlobalTransaction();
         Transaction ltx = txTable.getLocalTransaction(gtx, true);
         // disconnect if we have a current tx associated
         Transaction currentTx = txManager.getTransaction();
         boolean resumeCurrentTxOnCompletion = false;
         try {
            if (!ltx.equals(currentTx)) {
               currentTx = txManager.suspend();
               resumeCurrentTxOnCompletion = true;
               // make sure we set this in the ctx
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(" executing commit() with local TX " + ltx + " under global tx " + gtx);
            if (getStatisticsEnabled()) commits.incrementAndGet();
         finally {
            //resume the old transaction if we suspended it
            if (resumeCurrentTxOnCompletion) {
               resumeTransactionOnCompletion(ctx, currentTx);
            // remove from local lists.
            // this tx has completed.  Clean up in the tx table.
         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Finished remote rollback method for " + gtx);
      catch (Throwable throwable) {
         throwIfNeeded(ctx, throwable);
      return null;

   public Object visitRollbackCommand(InvocationContext ctx, RollbackCommand command) throws Throwable {
      if (!ctx.getGlobalTransaction().isRemote()) {
         if (trace) log.trace("received my own message (discarding it)");
         return null;
      try {
         if (trace) log.trace("(" + cacheManager.getAddress() + ") call on command [" + command + "]");
         GlobalTransaction gtx = ctx.getGlobalTransaction();
         Transaction ltx = txTable.getLocalTransaction(gtx);
         if (ltx == null) {
            log.warn("No local transaction for this remotely originating rollback.  Possibly rolling back before a prepare call was broadcast?");
            return null;
         // disconnect if we have a current tx associated
         Transaction currentTx = txManager.getTransaction();
         boolean resumeCurrentTxOnCompletion = false;
         try {
            if (!ltx.equals(currentTx)) {
               currentTx = txManager.suspend();
               resumeCurrentTxOnCompletion = true;
               // make sure we set this in the ctx
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("executing with local TX " + ltx + " under global tx " + gtx);
            if (getStatisticsEnabled()) rollbacks.incrementAndGet();
         finally {
            //resume the old transaction if we suspended it
            if (resumeCurrentTxOnCompletion) {
               resumeTransactionOnCompletion(ctx, currentTx);

            // remove from local lists.

            // this tx has completed.  Clean up in the tx table.
         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Finished remote commit/rollback method for " + gtx);
      catch (Throwable throwable) {
         throwIfNeeded(ctx, throwable);

      return null;

   public Object handleDefault(InvocationContext ctx, VisitableCommand command) throws Throwable {
      try {
         Object retval = attachGtxAndPassUpChain(ctx, command);
         // log non-transactional modification
         if (command instanceof WriteCommand && ctx.getTransaction() == null)
            transactionLog.logNoTxWrite((WriteCommand) command);
         return retval;
      catch (Throwable throwable) {
         throwIfNeeded(ctx, throwable);
         return null;

   protected Object attachGtxAndPassUpChain(InvocationContext ctx, VisitableCommand command) throws Throwable {
      Transaction tx = ctx.getTransaction();
      if (tx != null) attachGlobalTransaction(ctx, tx, command);
      return invokeNextInterceptor(ctx, command);

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // JMX statistics
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // --------------------------------------------------------------

    * Handles a remotely originating prepare call, by creating a local transaction for the remote global transaction and
    * replaying modifications in this new local transaction.
    * @param ctx     invocation context
    * @param command prepare command
    * @return result of the prepare, typically a null.
    * @throws Throwable in the event of problems.
   private Object handleRemotePrepare(InvocationContext ctx, PrepareCommand command) throws Throwable {
      // the InvocationContextInterceptor would have set this for us
      GlobalTransaction gtx = ctx.getGlobalTransaction();

      // Is there a local transaction associated with GTX?  (not the current tx associated with the thread, which may be
      // in the invocation context
      Transaction ltx = txTable.getLocalTransaction(gtx);
      Transaction currentTx = txManager.getTransaction();
      TransactionContext transactionContext;
      Object retval = null;
      boolean success = false;
      try {
         if (ltx == null) {
            if (currentTx != null) txManager.suspend();
            // create a new local transaction
            ltx = createLocalTx();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("creating new tx transactionContext");
            transactionContext = contextFactory.createTransactionContext(ltx);
            // associate this with a global tx
            txTable.associateTransaction(ltx, gtx, transactionContext);
            if (trace) log.trace("Created new tx for gtx " + gtx);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
               log.debug("Started new local tx as result of remote prepare: local tx=" + ltx + " (status=" + ltx.getStatus() + "), gtx=" + gtx);
         } else {
            //this should be valid
            if (!TransactionTable.isValid(ltx))
               throw new CacheException("Transaction " + ltx + " not in correct state to be prepared");

            //associate this thread with the local transaction associated with the global transaction, IF the localTx is NOT the current tx.
            if (currentTx == null || !ltx.equals(currentTx)) {
               if (trace) log.trace("Suspending current tx " + currentTx);

            // Asssociate the local TX with the global TX. Create new
            // transactionContext for TX in txTable, the modifications
            // below will need this transactionContext to add their modifications
            // under the GlobalTx key
            transactionContext = txTable.getTransactionContext(gtx);
            if (transactionContext == null) {
               // create a new transaction transactionContext
               if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("creating new tx transactionContext");
               transactionContext = contextFactory.createTransactionContext(ltx);
               txTable.associateTransaction(ltx, gtx, transactionContext);
         if (trace) log.trace("Resuming existing tx " + ltx + ", global tx=" + gtx);

         // at this point we have a non-null ltx
//         setTransactionalContext(ltx, gtx, transactionContext, ctx);

         // register a sync handler for this tx.
         registerHandler(ltx, new RemoteSynchronizationHandler(gtx, ltx, transactionContext), ctx);

         success = false;

         // replay modifications
         replayModifications(ctx, ltx, command);

         success = true; // no exceptions were thrown above!!

         // now pass the prepare command up the chain as well.
         if (command.isOnePhaseCommit()) {
            if (trace)
               log.trace("Using one-phase prepare.  Not propagating the prepare call up the stack until called to do so by the sync handler.");
         } else {
            // first log the transaction...
            // then pass up the prepare method itself.
            invokeNextInterceptor(ctx, command);
         // JBCACHE-361 Confirm that the transaction is ACTIVE
      finally {
         // if we are running a one-phase commit, perform a commit or rollback now.
         if (trace) log.trace("Are we running a 1-phase commit? " + command.isOnePhaseCommit());

         if (command.isOnePhaseCommit()) {
            try {
               if (success) {
               } else {
            catch (Throwable t) {
               log.error("Commit/rollback failed.", t);
               if (success) {
                  // try another rollback...
                  try {
           "Attempting anotehr rollback");
                     //invokeOnePhaseCommitMethod(globalTransaction, modifications.size() > 0, false);
                  catch (Throwable t2) {
                     log.error("Unable to rollback", t2);
            finally {
               transactions.remove(ltx);// JBAS-298

         txManager.suspend();// suspends ltx - could be null
         // resume whatever else we had going.
         if (currentTx != null) txManager.resume(currentTx);
         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Finished remote prepare " + gtx);

      return retval;

   private ReplicableCommand attachGlobalTransaction(InvocationContext ctx, Transaction tx, VisitableCommand command) throws Throwable {
      if (trace) {
         log.trace(" local transaction exists - registering global tx if not present for " + Thread.currentThread());
      if (trace) {
         GlobalTransaction tempGtx = txTable.get(tx);
         log.trace("Associated gtx in txTable is " + tempGtx);

      // register a sync handler for this tx - only if the globalTransaction is not remotely initiated.
      GlobalTransaction gtx = registerTransaction(tx, ctx);
      if (gtx == null) {
         // get the current globalTransaction from the txTable.
         gtx = txTable.get(tx);

      // make sure we attach this globalTransaction to the invocation context.

      return command;

    * Designed to be overridden.  Returns a VisitableCommand fit for replaying locally, based on the modification passed
    * in.  If a null value is returned, this means that the command should not be replayed.
    * @param modification modification in a prepare call
    * @return a VisitableCommand representing this modification, fit for replaying, or null if the command should not be
    *         replayed.
   protected VisitableCommand getCommandToReplay(VisitableCommand modification) {
      return modification;

    * Replays modifications
   private void replayModifications(InvocationContext ctx, Transaction ltx, PrepareCommand command) throws Throwable {
      try {
         // replay modifications
         for (VisitableCommand modification : command.getModifications()) {
            VisitableCommand toReplay = getCommandToReplay(modification);
            if (toReplay != null) {
               invokeNextInterceptor(ctx, toReplay);
      catch (Throwable th) {
         log.error("prepare failed!", th);
         throw th;

   private void resumeTransactionOnCompletion(InvocationContext ctx, Transaction currentTx)
         throws SystemException, InvalidTransactionException {
      if (trace) log.trace("Resuming suspended transaction " + currentTx);
      if (currentTx != null) {

    * Handles a commit or a rollback.  Called by the synch handler.  Simply tests that we are in the correct tx and
    * passes the meth call up the interceptor chain.
    * @throws Throwable
   private Object handleCommitRollback(InvocationContext ctx, VisitableCommand command) throws Throwable {
      GlobalTransaction gtx = ctx.getGlobalTransaction();
      Object result;
      result = invokeNextInterceptor(ctx, command);
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Finished local commit/rollback method for " + gtx);
      return result;

   // --------------------------------------------------------------
   //   Transaction phase runners
   // --------------------------------------------------------------

   protected PrepareCommand buildPrepareCommand(GlobalTransaction gtx, List<WriteCommand> modifications, boolean onePhaseCommit) {
      return commandsFactory.buildPrepareCommand(gtx, modifications, cacheManager.getAddress(), onePhaseCommit);

    * creates a commit()
   protected void runCommitPhase(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction gtx, List<WriteCommand> modifications, boolean onePhaseCommit) {
      try {
         VisitableCommand commitCommand = onePhaseCommit ? buildPrepareCommand(gtx, modifications, true) : commandsFactory.buildCommitCommand(gtx);

         if (trace) log.trace("Running commit for " + gtx);

         handleCommitRollback(ctx, commitCommand);
         if (onePhaseCommit)
            transactionLog.logOnePhaseCommit(gtx, modifications);
      catch (Throwable e) {
         log.warn("Commit failed.  Clearing stale locks.");
         try {
         catch (RuntimeException re) {
            log.error("Unable to clear stale locks", re);
            throw re;
         catch (Throwable e2) {
            log.error("Unable to clear stale locks", e2);
            throw new RuntimeException(e2);
         if (e instanceof RuntimeException)
            throw (RuntimeException) e;
            throw new RuntimeException("Commit failed.", e);

   protected void cleanupStaleLocks(InvocationContext ctx) throws Throwable {
      TransactionContext transactionContext = ctx.getTransactionContext();
      if (transactionContext != null) lockManager.unlock(ctx);

    * creates a rollback()
   protected void runRollbackPhase(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction gtx, Transaction tx) {
      try {
         // JBCACHE-457
         VisitableCommand rollbackCommand = commandsFactory.buildRollbackCommand(gtx);
         if (trace) log.trace(" running rollback for {0}", gtx);

         //JBCACHE-359 Store a lookup for the globalTransaction so a listener
         // callback can find it
         rollbackTransactions.put(tx, gtx);

         handleCommitRollback(ctx, rollbackCommand);
      catch (Throwable e) {
         log.warn("Rollback had a problem", e);
      finally {

   private boolean isOnePhaseCommit() {
      if (!configuration.getCacheMode().isSynchronous()) {
         // this is a REPL_ASYNC call - do 1-phase commit.  break!
         if (trace) log.trace("This is a REPL_ASYNC call (1 phase commit) - do nothing for beforeCompletion()");
         return true;
      return false;

    * Handles a local prepare - invoked by the sync handler.  Tests if the current tx matches the gtx passed in to the
    * method call and passes the prepare() call up the chain.
   public Object runPreparePhase(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction gtx, List<WriteCommand> modifications) throws Throwable {
      // running a 2-phase commit.
      PrepareCommand prepareCommand = buildPrepareCommand(gtx, modifications, false);


      Object result;

      // Is there a local transaction associated with GTX ?
      Transaction ltx = ctx.getTransaction();

      //if ltx is not null and it is already running
      Transaction currentTransaction = txManager.getTransaction();
      if (currentTransaction != null && ltx != null && currentTransaction.equals(ltx)) {
         result = invokeNextInterceptor(ctx, prepareCommand);
      } else {
         log.warn("Local transaction does not exist or does not match expected transaction " + gtx);
         throw new CacheException(" local transaction " + ltx + " does not exist or does not match expected transaction " + gtx);
      return result;

   // --------------------------------------------------------------
   //   Private helper methods
   // --------------------------------------------------------------

   protected void assertTxIsStillValid(Transaction tx) {
      if (!TransactionTable.isActive(tx)) {
         try {
            throw new ReplicationException("prepare() failed -- local transaction status is not STATUS_ACTIVE; is " + tx.getStatus());
         catch (SystemException e) {
            throw new ReplicationException("prepare() failed -- local transaction status is not STATUS_ACTIVE; Unable to retrieve transaction status.");

    * Creates a gtx (if one doesnt exist), a sync handler, and registers the tx.
   private GlobalTransaction registerTransaction(Transaction tx, InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {
      // we have ascertained that the current thread *is* associated with a transaction.  We need to make sure the
      // transaction is in a valid state before moving on, and throwing an exception if not.
      boolean txValid = TransactionTable.isValid(tx);
      if (!txValid)
         throw new IllegalStateException("Transaction " + tx + " is not in a valid state to be invoking cache operations on.");

      GlobalTransaction gtx;

      if (transactions.add(tx)) {
         gtx = txTable.getCurrentTransaction(tx, true);
         TransactionContext transactionContext;
         if (ctx.getGlobalTransaction() == null) {
            transactionContext = txTable.getTransactionContext(gtx);
         } else {
            transactionContext = ctx.getTransactionContext();
         if (gtx.isRemote()) {
            // should be no need to register a handler since this a remotely initiated globalTransaction
            if (trace) log.trace("is a remotely initiated gtx so no need to register a tx for it");
         } else {
            if (trace) log.trace("Registering sync handler for tx {0} and gtx {1}", tx, gtx);

            // see the comment in the LocalSyncHandler for the last isOriginLocal param.
            LocalSynchronizationHandler myHandler = new LocalSynchronizationHandler(gtx, tx, transactionContext, !ctx.isOriginLocal());
            registerHandler(tx, myHandler, ctx);
      } else if ((gtx = rollbackTransactions.get(tx)) != null) {
         if (trace) log.trace("Transaction {0} is already registered and is rolling back.", tx);
      } else {
         if (trace) log.trace("Transaction {0} is already registered.", tx);
      return gtx;

    * Registers a sync hander against a tx.
   private void registerHandler(Transaction tx, Synchronization sync, InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {
      if (trace) log.trace("registering for TX completion: Synchronization (" + sync + ")");
      notifier.notifyTransactionRegistered(tx, ctx);

    * Creates and starts a local tx
    * @throws Exception
   protected Transaction createLocalTx() throws Exception {
      if (trace) {
         log.trace("Creating transaction for thread " + Thread.currentThread());
      Transaction localTx;
      if (txManager == null) throw new Exception("Failed to create local transaction; TransactionManager is null");
      localTx = txManager.getTransaction();
      return localTx;

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // Synchronization classes
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // this controls the whole transaction

   private class RemoteSynchronizationHandler implements Synchronization {
      Transaction tx = null;
      GlobalTransaction gtx = null;
      List<WriteCommand> modifications = null;
      TransactionContext transactionContext = null;
      protected InvocationContext ctx; // the context for this call.

      RemoteSynchronizationHandler(GlobalTransaction gtx, Transaction tx, TransactionContext entry) {
         this.gtx = gtx;
         this.tx = tx;
         this.transactionContext = entry;

      public void beforeCompletion() {
         if (trace) log.trace("Running beforeCompletion on gtx " + gtx);

         if (transactionContext == null) {
            log.error("Transaction has a null transaction entry - beforeCompletion() will fail.");
            throw new IllegalStateException("cannot find transaction entry for " + gtx);

         modifications = transactionContext.getModifications();
         ctx = invocationContextContainer.get();
         setTransactionalContext(tx, gtx, transactionContext, ctx);

         if (ctx.isFlagsUninitialized()) ctx.setFlags(transactionContext.getFlags());



      // this should really not be done here -
      // it is supposed to be post commit not actually run the commit
      public void afterCompletion(int status) {
         // could happen if a rollback is called and beforeCompletion() doesn't get called.
         if (ctx == null) {
            ctx = invocationContextContainer.get();
            setTransactionalContext(tx, gtx, transactionContext, ctx);

            if (ctx.isFlagsUninitialized() && transactionContext != null) {
               // use the flags from the transaction entry instead

         try {

            try {
               if (txManager.getTransaction() != null && !txManager.getTransaction().equals(tx)) txManager.resume(tx);
            catch (Exception e) {
               log.error("afterCompletion error: " + status, e);

            if (trace) log.trace("calling aftercompletion for " + gtx);

            // set any transaction wide flags as current for this thread.
            if (transactionContext != null) {
               // this should ideally be set in beforeCompletion(), after compacting the list.
               if (modifications == null) modifications = transactionContext.getModifications();
            if (tx != null) transactions.remove(tx);

            switch (status) {
               case Status.STATUS_COMMITTED:
                  boolean onePhaseCommit = isOnePhaseCommit();
                  if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Running commit phase.  One phase? " + onePhaseCommit);
                  runCommitPhase(ctx, gtx, modifications, onePhaseCommit);
                  log.debug("Finished commit phase");
               case Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN:
                  log.warn("Received JTA STATUS_UNKNOWN in afterCompletion()!  XA resources may not be in sync.  The app should manually clean up resources at this point.");
               case Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK:
               case Status.STATUS_ROLLEDBACK:
                  log.debug("Running rollback phase");
                  runRollbackPhase(ctx, gtx, tx);
                  log.debug("Finished rollback phase");

                  throw new IllegalStateException("illegal status: " + status);
         catch (Exception th) {
            log.trace("Caught exception ", th);

         finally {
            // clean up the tx table
            setTransactionalContext(null, null, null, ctx);

      private void assertCanContinue() {
         if (!componentRegistry.invocationsAllowed(true) && !ctx.hasFlag(Flag.SKIP_CACHE_STATUS_CHECK))
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cache not in STARTED state!");

       * Cleans out (nullifies) member variables held by the sync object for easier gc.  Could be (falsely) seen as a
       * mem leak if the TM implementation hangs on to the synchronizations for an unnecessarily long time even after
       * the tx completes.  See JBCACHE-1007.
      private void cleanupInternalState() {
         tx = null;
         gtx = null;
         modifications = null;
         if (transactionContext != null) transactionContext.reset();
         transactionContext = null;

      public String toString() {
         return "TxInterceptor.RemoteSynchronizationHandler(gtx=" + gtx + ", tx=" + getTxAsString() + ")";

      protected String getTxAsString() {
         // JBCACHE-1114 -- don't call toString() on tx or it can lead to stack overflow
         if (tx == null)
            return null;

         return tx.getClass().getName() + "@" + System.identityHashCode(tx);

   private class LocalSynchronizationHandler extends RemoteSynchronizationHandler {
      private boolean localRollbackOnly = true;
      // a VERY strange situation where a tx has remote origins, but since certain buddy group org methods perform local
      // cleanups even when remotely triggered, and optimistic locking is used, you end up with an implicit local tx.
      // This is STILL remotely originating though and this needs to be made explicit here.
      // this can be checked by inspecting the InvocationContext.isOriginLocal() at the time of registering the sync.
      private boolean remoteLocal = false;
      private Set<Flag> originalFlags, transactionalFlags;

       * A Synchronization for locally originating txs.
       * <p/>
       * a VERY strange situation where a tx has remote origins, but since certain buddy group org methods perform local
       * cleanups even when remotely triggered, and optimistic locking is used, you end up with an implicit local tx.
       * This is STILL remotely originating though and this needs to be made explicit here. this can be checked by
       * inspecting the InvocationContext.isOriginLocal() at the time of registering the sync.
       * @param gtx
       * @param tx
       * @param remoteLocal
      LocalSynchronizationHandler(GlobalTransaction gtx, Transaction tx, TransactionContext transactionContext, boolean remoteLocal) {
         super(gtx, tx, transactionContext);
         this.remoteLocal = remoteLocal;

      public void beforeCompletion() {
         ctx.setOriginLocal(!remoteLocal); // this is the LOCAL sync handler after all!
         // fetch the modifications before the transaction is committed
         // (and thus removed from the txTable)
         setTransactionalContext(tx, gtx, transactionContext, ctx);
         if (!transactionContext.hasModifications()) {
            if (trace) log.trace("No modifications in this tx.  Skipping beforeCompletion()");
            modifications = Collections.emptyList();
         } else {
            modifications = transactionContext.getModifications();

         // set any transaction wide flags as current for this thread, caching original flags that would then be reset
         originalFlags = ctx.getFlags();
         transactionalFlags = transactionContext.getFlags();

         try {
            switch (tx.getStatus()) {
               // if we are active or preparing then we can go ahead
               case Status.STATUS_ACTIVE:
               case Status.STATUS_PREPARING:
                  // run a prepare call.

                  Object result = isOnePhaseCommit() ? null : runPreparePhase(ctx, gtx, modifications);

                  if (result instanceof Throwable) {
                     if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("Transaction needs to be rolled back - the cache returned an instance of Throwable for this prepare call (tx=" + tx + " and gtx=" + gtx + ")", (Throwable) result);
                     throw (Throwable) result;
                  throw new CacheException("transaction " + tx + " in status " + tx.getStatus() + " unable to start transaction");
         catch (Throwable t) {
            if (log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("Caught exception, will now set transaction to roll back", t);
            try {
            catch (SystemException se) {
               throw new RuntimeException("setting tx rollback failed ", se);
            if (t instanceof RuntimeException)
               throw (RuntimeException) t;
               throw new RuntimeException("", t);
         finally {
            localRollbackOnly = false;
            setTransactionalContext(null, null, null, ctx);

      public void afterCompletion(int status) {
         // could happen if a rollback is called and beforeCompletion() doesn't get called.
         if (ctx == null) ctx = invocationContextContainer.get();
         setTransactionalContext(tx, gtx, transactionContext, ctx);
         if (transactionalFlags != null) ctx.setFlags(transactionalFlags);
         try {
         finally {
            if (getStatisticsEnabled()) {
               if (status == Status.STATUS_ROLLEDBACK) rollbacks.incrementAndGet();
               else if (status == Status.STATUS_COMMITTED) commits.incrementAndGet();

      public String toString() {
         return "TxInterceptor.LocalSynchronizationHandler(gtx=" + gtx + ", tx=" + getTxAsString() + ")";

   public void resetStatistics() {

   public boolean getStatisticsEnabled() {
      return this.statsEnabled;

   public void setStatisticsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
      this.statsEnabled = enabled;

   @ManagedAttribute(description = "number of transaction prepares")
   public long getPrepares() {
      return prepares.get();

   @ManagedAttribute(description = "number of transaction commits")
   public long getCommits() {
      return commits.get();

   @ManagedAttribute(description = "number of transaction rollbacks")
   public long getRollbacks() {
      return rollbacks.get();

Related Classes of org.infinispan.interceptors.TxInterceptor$LocalSynchronizationHandler

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