Package org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.jndiregistrar

Source Code of org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.jndiregistrar.JndiSessionRegistrarBase

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:
package org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.jndiregistrar;

import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.RefAddr;
import javax.naming.Reference;
import javax.naming.StringRefAddr;
import javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory;

import org.jboss.aop.Advisor;
import org.jboss.aop.Dispatcher;
import org.jboss.aop.advice.Interceptor;
import org.jboss.aspects.remoting.InvokeRemoteInterceptor;
import org.jboss.aspects.remoting.PojiProxy;
import org.jboss.ejb3.common.registrar.spi.DuplicateBindException;
import org.jboss.ejb3.common.registrar.spi.Ejb3RegistrarLocator;
import org.jboss.ejb3.common.registrar.spi.NotBoundException;
import org.jboss.ejb3.common.string.StringUtils;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.factory.ProxyFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.objectfactory.ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.remoting.IsLocalProxyFactoryInterceptor;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.remoting.ProxyRemotingUtils;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.jboss.JBossEnterpriseBeanMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.jboss.JBossSessionBeanMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.jboss.RemoteBindingMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.jboss.jndipolicy.spi.DeploymentSummary;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.jboss.jndipolicy.spi.JbossSessionBeanJndiNameResolver;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.spec.BusinessLocalsMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.spec.BusinessRemotesMetaData;
import org.jboss.naming.Util;
import org.jboss.remoting.InvokerLocator;

* JndiSessionRegistrarBase
* Responsible for binding of ObjectFactories and
* creation/registration of associated ProxyFactories,
* centralizing operations common to that of all Session
* EJB Implementations
* @author <a href="">ALR</a>
* @version $Revision: $
public abstract class JndiSessionRegistrarBase
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Class Members ------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.class);

    * The value appended to the key used to bind proxy factories to the registry
   private static final String KEY_PREFIX_PROXY_FACTORY_REGISTRY = "ProxyFactory/";

   private static final String OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX = "Proxy for: ";

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Instance Members ---------------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

    * Fully-qualified class name of the JNDI Object Factory to Reference
   private String sessionProxyObjectFactoryType;

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Constructor --------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

    * Creates a JNDI Registrar from the specified configuration properties, none of
    * which may be null.
    * @param sessionProxyObjectFactoryType String representation of the JNDI Object
    *           Factory Class Name (fully-qualified) to use for this Session EJB
   public JndiSessionRegistrarBase(final String sessionProxyObjectFactoryType)
       * Perform some assertions and logging

      // Set the Proxy Object Factory Type
      assert sessionProxyObjectFactoryType != null && !sessionProxyObjectFactoryType.equals("") : "Session EJB Proxy "
            + ObjectFactory.class.getSimpleName() + " must be specified.";

         // See if the specified Session Proxy Object Factory is valid
      catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Specified " + ObjectFactory.class.getSimpleName() + " of "
               + sessionProxyObjectFactoryType + " could not be loaded.", e);
      log.debug("Using Session EJB JNDI " + ObjectFactory.class.getSimpleName() + ": "
            + this.getSessionProxyObjectFactoryType());

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Functional Methods -------------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

    * Binds into JNDI all appropriate objects required
    * by the EJB described by the specified metadata.  Additionally
    * responsible for creation and registration of any all ProxyFactory
    * implementations required by the EJB
    * @param context The JNDI Context to use for binding
    * @param smd the Container's metadata
    * @param cl The CL of the Container
    * @param containerName The name under which the target container is registered
    * @param containerGuid The globally-unique name of the container
    * @param advisor The advisor to use for generated proxies
   public void bindEjb(final Context context, final JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd, final ClassLoader cl,
         final String containerName, final String containerGuid, final Advisor advisor)
      JndiReferenceBindingSet bindingSet = createJndiReferenceBindingSet(context, smd, cl, containerName,
            containerGuid, advisor);

      bind(context, bindingSet, false, true);

    * Creates all of the <code>Reference</code> objects that should be bound
    * in JNDI for the EJB, and determines the correct JNDI name for each.
    * Additionally responsible for creation and registration of any all
    * ProxyFactory implementations required by the EJB.
    * @param smd the Container's metadata
    * @param cl The CL of the Container
    * @param containerName The name under which the target container is registered
    * @param containerGuid The globally-unique name of the container
    * @param advisor The advisor to use for generated proxies
    * @return data object encapsulating the references and their JNDI names
   protected JndiReferenceBindingSet createJndiReferenceBindingSet(final Context context,
         final JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd, final ClassLoader cl, final String containerName,
         final String containerGuid, final Advisor advisor)
      // Log
      String ejbName = smd.getEjbName();
      log.debug("Found Session Bean: " + ejbName);

      // Get Business Locals
      BusinessLocalsMetaData businessLocals = smd.getBusinessLocals();

      // Get Business Remotes
      BusinessRemotesMetaData businessRemotes = smd.getBusinessRemotes();

      // Get Local Home
      String localHome = StringUtils.adjustWhitespaceStringToNull(smd.getLocalHome());

      // Get Remote Home
      String remoteHome = StringUtils.adjustWhitespaceStringToNull(smd.getHome());

      // Determine if there are local/remote views
      boolean hasLocalBusinessView = (businessLocals != null && businessLocals.size() > 0);
      boolean hasRemoteBusinessView = (businessRemotes != null && businessRemotes.size() > 0);
      boolean hasLocalView = (localHome != null || hasLocalBusinessView);
      boolean hasRemoteView = (remoteHome != null || hasRemoteBusinessView);

      boolean bindDefaultFactory = true;

       * Create and Register Proxy Factories

      JndiReferenceBindingSet bindingSet = new JndiReferenceBindingSet(context);

       * Bind Remote ObjectFactories to JNDI

      // If there's a remote view
      if (hasRemoteView)
         // Initialize a default clientBindUrl
         String defaultClientBindUrl = ProxyRemotingUtils.getDefaultClientBinding();

          * Create reference addresses for remote bindings

         // Initialize Reference Addresses to attach to remote JNDI References
         List<RefAddr> refAddrsForRemote = new ArrayList<RefAddr>();

         // For each of the remote business interfaces, make a Reference Address
         if (businessRemotes != null)
            for (String businessRemote : businessRemotes)
               RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                     ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_BUSINESS_INTERFACE_REMOTE, businessRemote);

          * Set up default remote binding

         // Get the default remote JNDI Name
         String defaultRemoteJndiName = smd.getJndiName();

         // Create and register a remote proxy factory
         String defaultRemoteProxyFactoryKey = this.getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(defaultRemoteJndiName, smd, false);

         // Get Classname to set for Reference
         String defaultRemoteClassName = this.getHumanReadableListOfInterfacesInRefAddrs(refAddrsForRemote);

         // Create a Reference
         Reference defaultRemoteRef = createStandardReference(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX
               + defaultRemoteClassName, defaultRemoteProxyFactoryKey, containerName, false);

          * Set up references for Home

         // Determine if remote home and business remotes are bound to same JNDI Address
         boolean bindRemoteAndHomeTogether = this.isHomeAndBusinessBoundTogether(smd, false);
         if (bindRemoteAndHomeTogether)
            // Add a Reference Address for the Remote Home
            String home = smd.getHome();
            assert home != null : "Home and Business set to be bound together, yet no home is defined";
            RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                  ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_EJB2x_INTERFACE_HOME_REMOTE, home);
         // Bind Home (not bound together) if exists
         else if (smd.getHome() != null && smd.getHome().trim().length() > 0)
            String homeType = smd.getHome();
            RefAddr refAddrHomeInterface = new StringRefAddr(
                  ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_EJB2x_INTERFACE_HOME_REMOTE, homeType);
            RefAddr refAddrRemoting = this.createRemotingRefAddr(defaultClientBindUrl);
            Reference homeRef = createStandardReference(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX
                  + homeType, defaultRemoteProxyFactoryKey, containerName, false);

            String homeAddress = smd.getHomeJndiName();
            assert homeAddress != null && !homeAddress.equals("") : "JNDI Address for Remote Home must be defined";
            log.debug("Remote Home View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be bound into JNDI at \"" + homeAddress
                  + "\"");

            bindingSet.addHomeRemoteBinding(new JndiReferenceBinding(homeAddress, homeRef));

          * If no @RemoteBindings are defined, make a default remote binding

         // Get RemoteBindings
         List<RemoteBindingMetaData> remoteBindings = smd.getRemoteBindings();

         // If there are no @RemoteBindings defined and there's a remote business (EJB3) view
         if (remoteBindings == null && hasRemoteBusinessView)
            // Use the default Client Bind URL
            String clientBindUrl = defaultClientBindUrl;

            // Create a default remote remoting RefAddr, using the default (as none was explicitly-specified)
            RefAddr defaultRemoteRemotingRefAddr = this.createRemotingRefAddr(clientBindUrl);

            // Add a Reference Address for the Remoting URL

             * Bind ObjectFactory for default remote businesses (and home if bound together)

            // Add all Reference Addresses for Default Remote Reference
            for (RefAddr refAddr : refAddrsForRemote)
               log.debug("Adding " + RefAddr.class.getSimpleName() + " to Default Remote "
                     + Reference.class.getSimpleName() + ": Type \"" + refAddr.getType() + "\", Content \""
                     + refAddr.getContent() + "\"");

            // Bind the Default Remote Reference to JNDI
            log.debug("Default Remote Business View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be bound into JNDI at \""
                  + defaultRemoteJndiName + "\"");
            bindingSet.addDefaultRemoteBinding(new JndiReferenceBinding(defaultRemoteJndiName, defaultRemoteRef));


          * If there are @RemoteBindings and a remote view

         // Remote Bindings are defined, create a binding for each
         else if (remoteBindings != null && hasRemoteView)

             * Bind all explicitly-declared remote bindings

            // For each of the explicitly-defined @RemoteBindings
            for (RemoteBindingMetaData binding : remoteBindings)
               // Get the defined JNDI Name
               String remoteBindingJndiName = binding.getJndiName();

               // If the JNDI Name isn't defined
               if (remoteBindingJndiName == null || remoteBindingJndiName.trim().length() == 0)
                  // Set a default remote binding JNDI name
                  remoteBindingJndiName = smd.getJndiName();

               // Get the client bind URL
               String clientBindUrl = defaultClientBindUrl;

               // Override the client bind URL with that associated with @RemoteBinding.invokerName
               String remoteBindingInvokerBindName = binding.getInvokerName();
               boolean remoteBindingInvokerNameDefined = remoteBindingInvokerBindName != null
                     && remoteBindingInvokerBindName.trim().length() > 0;
               if (remoteBindingInvokerNameDefined)
                  clientBindUrl = ProxyRemotingUtils.getClientBinding(remoteBindingInvokerBindName);
                  log.debug("Using client bind URL of " + clientBindUrl + " as specified by invokerName "
                        + remoteBindingInvokerBindName + " for EJB " + smd.getName() + " with JNDI Binding: "
                        + remoteBindingJndiName);

               // Override the client bind URL with that specified from @RemoteBinding.clientBindUrl
               String remoteBindingClientBindUrl = binding.getClientBindUrl();
               if (remoteBindingClientBindUrl != null && remoteBindingClientBindUrl.trim().length() > 0)
                  clientBindUrl = remoteBindingClientBindUrl;
                  log.debug("Using client bind URL of " + clientBindUrl + " as specified by clientBindUrl "
                        + remoteBindingClientBindUrl + " for EJB " + smd.getName() + " with JNDI Binding: "
                        + remoteBindingJndiName);

                  // Warn the user if he's provided two overrides
                  if (remoteBindingInvokerNameDefined)
                     log.warn("Both invokerName and clientBindUrl have been specified on "
                           + RemoteBindingMetaData.class.getSimpleName() + " for EJB " + smd.getName()
                           + "; clientBindUrl takes priority");

               // Get the interceptor stack
               String interceptorStack = binding.getInterceptorStack();

                * Obtain a Proxy Factory for this Binding

               // Create and register a remote proxy factory specific to this binding
               String remoteBindingProxyFactoryKey = this.getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(remoteBindingJndiName, smd, false);
               if ( defaultRemoteProxyFactoryKey.equals ( remoteBindingProxyFactoryKey ) )
                  bindDefaultFactory = false;

               ProxyFactory remoteBindingProxyFactory = null;
               boolean reregister = true;
                  // Check if it's already available
                  remoteBindingProxyFactory = Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar().lookup(
                        remoteBindingProxyFactoryKey, ProxyFactory.class);
               catch (NotBoundException nbe)
                  reregister = false;

               // If we need to reregister with this newly-defined Proxy Factory
               if (reregister)

               // Create the Proxy Factory
               remoteBindingProxyFactory = this.createRemoteProxyFactory(remoteBindingProxyFactoryKey, containerName,
                     containerGuid, smd, cl, clientBindUrl, advisor, interceptorStack);
                  this.registerProxyFactory(remoteBindingProxyFactoryKey, remoteBindingProxyFactory, smd);
               catch (DuplicateBindException dbe)
                  throw new RuntimeException(dbe);

               // Create a default remote remoting RefAddr, using the default (as none was explicitly-specified)
               RefAddr remoteBindingRemotingRefAddr = this.createRemotingRefAddr(clientBindUrl);

               // Create a Reference
               Reference remoteBindingRef = createStandardReference(
                     JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX + defaultRemoteClassName,
                     remoteBindingProxyFactoryKey, containerName, false);

               // Also bind the remote proxy factory to jndi (after unbinding any existing instances)
               if (reregister)
                  unbind(context, remoteBindingProxyFactoryKey);
               this.bindRemoteProxyFactory(context, remoteBindingProxyFactoryKey, clientBindUrl,
                     remoteBindingProxyFactory, cl, smd);

               // Add a Reference Address for the Remoting URL
               log.debug("Adding " + RefAddr.class.getSimpleName() + " to @RemoteBinding "
                     + Reference.class.getSimpleName() + ": Type \"" + remoteBindingRemotingRefAddr.getType()
                     + "\", Content \"" + remoteBindingRemotingRefAddr.getContent() + "\"");

               // Add all Reference Addresses for @RemoteBinding Reference
               for (RefAddr refAddr : refAddrsForRemote)
                  log.debug("Adding " + RefAddr.class.getSimpleName() + " to @RemoteBinding "
                        + Reference.class.getSimpleName() + ": Type \"" + refAddr.getType() + "\", Content \""
                        + refAddr.getContent() + "\"");

               // Create the binding
               JndiReferenceBinding remoteBindingJndiBinding = new JndiReferenceBinding(remoteBindingJndiName,

               // Add the binding


         // Only bind the default if there are no remote bindings defined.
         if (bindDefaultFactory)
            ProxyFactory factory = this.createRemoteProxyFactory(defaultRemoteProxyFactoryKey, containerName,
                  containerGuid, smd, cl, defaultClientBindUrl, advisor, null);
               this.registerProxyFactory(defaultRemoteProxyFactoryKey, factory, smd);
            catch (DuplicateBindException dbe)
               throw new RuntimeException(dbe);

            // Also bind remote proxy factory to jndi
            this.bindRemoteProxyFactory(context, defaultRemoteProxyFactoryKey, defaultClientBindUrl, factory, cl, smd);

         // Bind ObjectFactory specific to each Remote Business Interface
         if (businessRemotes != null)
            for (String businessRemote : businessRemotes)
               RefAddr refAddrBusinessInterface = new StringRefAddr(
                     ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_BUSINESS_INTERFACE_REMOTE, businessRemote);
               RefAddr refAddrRemoting = this.createRemotingRefAddr(defaultClientBindUrl);
               Reference ref = createStandardReference(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX
                     + businessRemote, defaultRemoteProxyFactoryKey, containerName, false);
               String address = JbossSessionBeanJndiNameResolver.resolveJndiName(smd, businessRemote);
               log.debug("Remote Business View for " + businessRemote + " of EJB " + smd.getEjbName()
                     + " to be bound into JNDI at \"" + address + "\"");

               bindingSet.addBusinessRemoteBinding(businessRemote, new JndiReferenceBinding(address, ref));
      // If there's a local view
      if (hasLocalView)
         // Get the default local JNDI Name
         String defaultLocalJndiName = smd.getLocalJndiName();

         // Create and register a local proxy factory
         String localProxyFactoryKey = this.getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(defaultLocalJndiName, smd, true);
         ProxyFactory factory = this.createLocalProxyFactory(localProxyFactoryKey, containerName, containerGuid, smd,
               cl, advisor);
            this.registerProxyFactory(localProxyFactoryKey, factory, smd);
         catch (DuplicateBindException dbe)
            throw new RuntimeException(dbe);

         // Initialize Reference Addresses to attach to default local JNDI Reference
         List<RefAddr> refAddrsForDefaultLocal = new ArrayList<RefAddr>();

         // For each of the local business interfaces, make a Reference Address
         if (businessLocals != null)
            for (String businessLocal : businessLocals)
               RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                     ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_BUSINESS_INTERFACE_LOCAL, businessLocal);

         // Determine if local home and business locals are bound to same JNDI Address
         boolean bindLocalAndLocalHomeTogether = this.isHomeAndBusinessBoundTogether(smd, true);
         if (bindLocalAndLocalHomeTogether)
            // Add a Reference Address for the Local Home
            RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                  ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_EJB2x_INTERFACE_HOME_LOCAL, smd.getLocalHome());
         // Bind Local Home (not bound together) if exists
         else if (smd.getLocalHome() != null && !smd.getLocalHome().equals(""))
            String localHomeType = smd.getLocalHome();
            RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                  ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_EJB2x_INTERFACE_HOME_LOCAL, localHomeType);
            Reference localHomeRef = createStandardReference(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX
                  + localHomeType, localProxyFactoryKey, containerName, true);
            String localHomeAddress = smd.getLocalHomeJndiName();
            log.debug("Local Home View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be bound into JNDI at \"" + localHomeAddress
                  + "\"");

            bindingSet.addHomeLocalBinding(new JndiReferenceBinding(localHomeAddress, localHomeRef));

          * Bind ObjectFactory for default local businesses (and LocalHome if bound together)

         if (hasLocalBusinessView)
            // Get Classname to set for Reference
            String defaultLocalClassName = this.getHumanReadableListOfInterfacesInRefAddrs(refAddrsForDefaultLocal);

            // Create a Reference
            Reference defaultLocalRef = createStandardReference(
                  JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX + defaultLocalClassName,
                  localProxyFactoryKey, containerName, true);

            // Add all Reference Addresses for Default Local Reference
            for (RefAddr refAddr : refAddrsForDefaultLocal)
               log.debug("Adding " + RefAddr.class.getSimpleName() + " to Default Local "
                     + Reference.class.getSimpleName() + ": Type \"" + refAddr.getType() + "\", Content \""
                     + refAddr.getContent() + "\"");

            // Bind the Default Local Reference to JNDI
            String defaultLocalAddress = smd.getLocalJndiName();
            log.debug("Default Local Business View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be bound into JNDI at \""
                  + defaultLocalAddress + "\"");

            bindingSet.addDefaultLocalBinding(new JndiReferenceBinding(defaultLocalAddress, defaultLocalRef));

            // Bind ObjectFactory specific to each Local Business Interface
            for (String businessLocal : businessLocals)
               RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(
                     ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_BUSINESS_INTERFACE_LOCAL, businessLocal);
               Reference ref = createStandardReference(JndiSessionRegistrarBase.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASSNAME_PREFIX
                     + businessLocal, localProxyFactoryKey, containerName, true);
               String address = JbossSessionBeanJndiNameResolver.resolveJndiName(smd, businessLocal);
               log.debug("Local Business View for " + businessLocal + " of EJB " + smd.getEjbName()
                     + " to be bound into JNDI at \"" + address + "\"");

               bindingSet.addBusinessLocalBinding(businessLocal, new JndiReferenceBinding(address, ref));
      return bindingSet;

    * Unbinds from JNDI all appropriate objects registered
    * by the EJB described by the specified metadata.  Additionally
    * responsible for destruction and deregistration of any all ProxyFactory
    * implementations required by the EJB
    * @param context The JNDI Context to use for unbinding
    * @param smd
   public void unbindEjb(final Context context, final JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd)
      // Log
      String ejbName = smd.getEjbName();
      log.debug("Unbinding JNDI References for Session Bean: " + ejbName);

      // Get Business Locals
      BusinessLocalsMetaData businessLocals = smd.getBusinessLocals();

      // Get Business Remotes
      BusinessRemotesMetaData businessRemotes = smd.getBusinessRemotes();

      // Get Local Home
      String localHome = StringUtils.adjustWhitespaceStringToNull(smd.getLocalHome());

      // Get Remote Home
      String remoteHome = StringUtils.adjustWhitespaceStringToNull(smd.getHome());

      // Determine if there are local/remote views
      boolean hasLocalView = (localHome != null || (businessLocals != null && businessLocals.size() > 0));
      boolean hasRemoteView = (remoteHome != null || (businessRemotes != null && businessRemotes.size() > 0));

       * Remove Proxy Factories

      // If there's a remote view
       * Remove Remote ObjectFactories to JNDI

      if (hasRemoteView)
         // Obtain RemoteBinding URL
         List<RemoteBindingMetaData> remoteBindings = smd.getRemoteBindings();

         // Get Default Remote JNDI Name
         String defaultRemoteJndiName = smd.getJndiName();

         // Find and deregister a remote proxy factory
         String remoteProxyFactoryKey = this.getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(defaultRemoteJndiName, smd, false);
         // also remove the remote proxy factory from jndi
         this.unbind(context, remoteProxyFactoryKey);

         // Determine if remote home and business remotes are bound to same JNDI Address
         boolean bindRemoteAndHomeTogether = this.isHomeAndBusinessBoundTogether(smd, false);
         // Bind Home (not bound together) if exists
         if ((smd.getHome() != null && !smd.getHome().equals("")) && !bindRemoteAndHomeTogether)
            String homeAddress = smd.getHomeJndiName();
            log.debug("Remote Home View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be unbound from JNDI at \"" + homeAddress
                  + "\"");
            this.unbind(context, homeAddress);

          * Unbind ObjectFactory for default remote businesses (and home if bound together)

         // Bind the Default Remote Reference to JNDI
         log.debug("Default Remote Business View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be unbound from JNDI at \""
               + defaultRemoteJndiName + "\"");
         this.unbind(context, defaultRemoteJndiName);

         // Unbind all @RemoteBinding.jndiBindings
         if (remoteBindings != null)
            for (RemoteBindingMetaData remoteBinding : remoteBindings)
               String remoteBindingJndiName = remoteBinding.getJndiName();
               if (remoteBindingJndiName != null && remoteBindingJndiName.trim().length() > 0)
                  // Unbind the JNDI entry
                  this.unbind(context, remoteBindingJndiName);

                  // Find and deregister the remote proxy factory
                  String remoteBindingProxyFactoryKey = this.getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(remoteBindingJndiName, smd,
                  // also remove the remote proxy factory from jndi
                  this.unbind(context, remoteBindingProxyFactoryKey);

         // Unbind ObjectFactory specific to each Remote Business Interface
         if (businessRemotes != null)
            for (String businessRemote : businessRemotes)
               String address = JbossSessionBeanJndiNameResolver.resolveJndiName(smd, businessRemote);
               log.debug("Remote Business View for " + businessRemote + " of EJB " + smd.getEjbName()
                     + " to be unbound from JNDI at \"" + address + "\"");
               this.unbind(context, address);
      // If there's a local view
      if (hasLocalView)
         // Get default local JNDI Name
         String defaultLocalJndiName = smd.getLocalJndiName();

         // Remove local proxy factory
         String localProxyFactoryKey = this.getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(defaultLocalJndiName, smd, true);

         // Determine if local home and business locals are bound to same JNDI Address
         boolean bindLocalAndLocalHomeTogether = this.isHomeAndBusinessBoundTogether(smd, true);

         // Unbind Local Home (not bound together) if exists
         if ((smd.getLocalHome() != null && !smd.getLocalHome().equals("")) && !bindLocalAndLocalHomeTogether)
            String localHomeAddress = smd.getLocalHomeJndiName();
            log.debug("Local Home View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be unbound from JNDI at \""
                  + localHomeAddress + "\"");
            this.unbind(context, localHomeAddress);

          * Unbind ObjectFactory for default local businesses (and LocalHome if bound together)

         // Unbind the Default Local Reference to JNDI
         String defaultLocalAddress = smd.getLocalJndiName();
         log.debug("Default Local Business View for EJB " + smd.getEjbName() + " to be unbound from JNDI at \""
               + defaultLocalAddress + "\"");
         this.unbind(context, defaultLocalAddress);

         // Unbind ObjectFactory specific to each Local Business Interface
         if (businessLocals != null)
            for (String businessLocal : businessLocals)
               String address = JbossSessionBeanJndiNameResolver.resolveJndiName(smd, businessLocal);
               log.debug("Local Business View for " + businessLocal + " of EJB " + smd.getEjbName()
                     + " to be unbound from JNDI at \"" + address + "\"");
               this.unbind(context, address);

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Contracts ----------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

    * Creates and returns a new local proxy factory for this Session Bean
    * @param name The unique name for the ProxyFactory
    * @param containerName The name of the Container upon which Proxies
    *   from the returned ProxyFactory will invoke
    * @param containerGuid The globally-unique name of the container
    * @param smd The metadata representing this Session EJB
    * @param cl The ClassLoader for this EJB Container
    * @param advisor The Advisor for proxies created by this factory
    * @param interceptorStackName The name of the client-side interceptor stack to use.
    *       If null the default will apply.
   protected abstract ProxyFactory createLocalProxyFactory(final String name, final String containerName,
         final String containerGuid, final JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd, final ClassLoader cl, final Advisor advisor);

    * Creates and returns a new remote proxy factory for this Session Bean
    * @param name The unique name for the ProxyFactory
    * @param containerName The name of the Container upon which Proxies
    *   from the returned ProxyFactory will invoke
    * @param containerGuid The globally-unique name of the container
    * @param smd The metadata representing this Session EJB
    * @param cl The ClassLoader for this EJB Container
    * @param url The URL to use for Remoting
    * @param advisor The Advisor for proxies created by this factory
    * @param interceptorStackName The name of the client-side interceptor stack to use.
    *       If null the default will apply.
   protected abstract ProxyFactory createRemoteProxyFactory(final String name, final String containerName,
         final String containerGuid, final JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd, final ClassLoader cl, final String url,
         final Advisor advisor, final String interceptorStackName);

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Helper Methods -----------------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

    * Creates a new <code>Reference</code> whose <code>classname</code> is
    * the given <code>referenceName</code> and whose <code>classFactory</code>
    * is {@link #getSessionProxyObjectFactoryType()}, adding
    * the requisite Registry key for the ProxyFactory and the requisite
    * target EJB Container Name as ReferenceAddresses.
   protected Reference createStandardReference(String referenceName, String proxyFactoryRegistryKey,
         String containerName, boolean isLocal)
      Reference ref = new Reference(referenceName, this.getSessionProxyObjectFactoryType(), null);

      // Add the Proxy Factory Registry key for this Reference
      assert proxyFactoryRegistryKey != null && !proxyFactoryRegistryKey.trim().equals("") : "Proxy Factory Registry key is required but not supplied";
      String proxyFactoryRefType = ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_FACTORY_REGISTRY_KEY;
      RefAddr proxyFactoryRefAddr = new StringRefAddr(proxyFactoryRefType, proxyFactoryRegistryKey);
      log.debug("Adding " + RefAddr.class.getSimpleName() + " to " + Reference.class.getSimpleName() + ": Type \""
            + proxyFactoryRefType + "\", Content \"" + proxyFactoryRegistryKey + "\"");

      // Add the Container name for this Reference
      assert containerName != null && !containerName.trim().equals("") : "Container Name is required but not supplied";
      String ejbContainerRefType = ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_EJBCONTAINER_NAME;
      RefAddr containerRefAddr = new StringRefAddr(ejbContainerRefType, containerName);
      log.debug("Adding " + RefAddr.class.getSimpleName() + " to " + Reference.class.getSimpleName() + ": Type \""
            + ejbContainerRefType + "\", Content \"" + containerName + "\"");

      // Add a RefAddr to mark local/remote
      String isLocalRefAddrType = ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_IS_LOCAL;
      RefAddr isLocalRefAddr = new StringRefAddr(isLocalRefAddrType, Boolean.toString(isLocal));

      // Return
      return ref;

   protected void bind(final Context context, final JndiReferenceBindingSet bindings, final boolean useRebind,
         final boolean bindLocals)
      // Initialize
      Collection<JndiReferenceBinding> addressesToBind = new ArrayList<JndiReferenceBinding>();
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
      sb.append("Binding the following Entries in Global JNDI:\n\n");

      for (JndiReferenceBinding binding : bindings.getDefaultRemoteBindings())
         sb.append(" - EJB3.x Default Remote Business Interface\n");

      for (JndiReferenceBinding binding : bindings.getHomeRemoteBindings())
         sb.append(" - EJB2.x Remote Home Interface\n");

      for (Set<JndiReferenceBinding> businessBindings : bindings.getBusinessRemoteBindings().values())
         for (JndiReferenceBinding binding : businessBindings)
            sb.append(" - EJB3.x Remote Business Interface\n");

      if (bindLocals)
         for (JndiReferenceBinding binding : bindings.getDefaultLocalBindings())
            sb.append(" - EJB3.x Default Local Business Interface\n");

         for (JndiReferenceBinding binding : bindings.getHomeLocalBindings())
            sb.append(" - EJB2.x Local Home Interface\n");

         for (Set<JndiReferenceBinding> businessBindings : bindings.getBusinessLocalBindings().values())
            for (JndiReferenceBinding binding : businessBindings)
               sb.append(" - EJB3.x Local Business Interface\n");

      // Log;

      // Bind all addresses
      for (JndiReferenceBinding binding : addressesToBind)
         bind(context, binding, useRebind);

   protected void bind(Context context, JndiReferenceBinding binding, boolean useRebind)
      if (binding != null)
         if (useRebind)
            rebind(context, binding.getJndiName(), binding.getReference());
            bind(context, binding.getJndiName(), binding.getReference());

    * Binds the specified Reference into JNDI at the specified address
    * @param context The JNDI Context to use
    * @param address the address
    * @param ref the reference to bind
   protected void bind(Context context, String address, Reference ref)
         Util.bind(context, address, ref);
         log.debug("Bound " + ref.getClass().getName() + " into JNDI at \"" + address + "\"");
      catch (NamingException e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Could not bind " + ref + " into JNDI at \"" + address + "\"", e);

    * Re-binds the specified Reference into JNDI at the specified address
    * @param context The JNDI Context to use
    * @param address the address
    * @param object the object to bind
   protected void rebind(Context context, String address, Reference ref)
         Util.rebind(context, address, ref);
         log.debug("Bound " + ref.getClass().getName() + " into JNDI at \"" + address + "\"");
      catch (NamingException e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Could not bind " + ref + " into JNDI at \"" + address + "\"", e);

    * Unbinds the specified address from JNDI
    * @param context The JNDI Context to use
    * @param address
   protected void unbind(Context context, String address)
      // Unbind
         Util.unbind(context, address);
      catch (NameNotFoundException nnfe)
         // Swallow, who cares? :)
      catch (NamingException e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Could not unbind \"" + address + "\" from JNDI", e);

    * Returns whether the business interfaces and EJB2.x Home should be bound to
    * the same JNDI Name
    * @param smd
    * @param isLocal
    * @return
   protected boolean isHomeAndBusinessBoundTogether(JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd, boolean isLocal)
      // Initialize
      boolean bindTogether = false;

      // If local
      if (isLocal)
         // If no local home defined
         if (smd.getLocalHome() == null)
            // Not bound together
            return false;

         // If no business locals defined
         BusinessLocalsMetaData businessLocals = smd.getBusinessLocals();
         if (businessLocals == null || businessLocals.size() == 0)
            // Not bound together
            return false;

         // Bind together if Local Default JNDI Name == Local Home JNDI Name
         bindTogether = smd.getLocalJndiName().equals(smd.getLocalHomeJndiName());
      // If Remote
         // If no home defined
         if (smd.getHome() == null)
            // Not bound together
            return false;

         // If no business remotes defined
         BusinessRemotesMetaData businessRemotes = smd.getBusinessRemotes();
         if (businessRemotes == null || businessRemotes.size() == 0)
            // Not bound together
            return false;

         // Bind together if Remote Default JNDI Name == Remote Home JNDI Name
         bindTogether = smd.getJndiName().equals(smd.getHomeJndiName());

      // Return
      return bindTogether;

    * Creates and returns a new RefAddr to flag the proper
    * InvokerLocator URL used by remoting for the EJB represented
    * by the specified metadata
    * @param clientBindUrl
    * @return
   protected RefAddr createRemotingRefAddr(String clientBindUrl)
      assert clientBindUrl != null && clientBindUrl.trim().toString().length() != 0 : InvokerLocator.class
            + " URL must be defined, and is unspecified";
      RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_INVOKER_LOCATOR_URL,

      // Return
      return refAddr;

    * Returns the name of the unique key under which a Proxy Factory will
    * be registered.  Will follow form:
    * ProxyFactory/{ejbName}/{jndiName}
    * @param jndiName
    * @param smd
    * @param isLocal
   public String getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(String jndiName, JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd, boolean isLocal)
      // Initialize
      String suffix = null;

      // Set Suffix
      suffix = jndiName;

      // Ensure suffix is specified
      assert suffix != null && !suffix.equals("") : ProxyFactory.class.getSimpleName()
            + " key prefix for binding to registry is not specified";

      // Get EAR name (if defined)
      String earName = null;
      DeploymentSummary summary = smd.getEjbJarMetaData().getDeploymentSummary();
      if (summary != null)
         earName = summary.getDeploymentScopeBaseName();
      String earPrefix = earName == null ? "" : earName + "/";

      // Assemble and return
      String key = JndiSessionRegistrarBase.KEY_PREFIX_PROXY_FACTORY_REGISTRY + earPrefix + smd.getEjbName() + "/"
            + suffix;

      // Workaround for issue
      // Actual fix needs to come from jboss-naming which has to handle "/" correctly
      // Discussion
      key = this.cleanseProxyFactoryJNDIName(key);
      return key;

    * Makes a comma-delimited list of interfaces bound for setting the
    * Classname of the Reference.  This will show up in JNDIView and make
    * it clear to application developers what will be castable from the lookup result
    * @param refAddrs
    * @return
   protected String getHumanReadableListOfInterfacesInRefAddrs(List<RefAddr> refAddrs)
      // Make a Comma-delimited list of interfaces bound for setting the Classname of the Reference
      // This will show up in JNDIView and make it clear to application developers
      // what will be castable from the lookup result
      StringBuffer defaultRemotes = new StringBuffer();
      int remotesCount = 0;
      int interfaceCount = 0;
      for (RefAddr refAddr : refAddrs)
         String refAddrType = refAddr.getType();
         if (isRefAddrTypeEjbInterface(refAddrType))
            if (interfaceCount > 0)
               defaultRemotes.append(", ");
      return defaultRemotes.toString();

    * Returns whether the specified RefAddr type denotes an EJB Interface
    * @param refAddrType
    * @return
   private boolean isRefAddrTypeEjbInterface(String refAddrType)
      return refAddrType.equals(ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_BUSINESS_INTERFACE_LOCAL)
            || refAddrType.equals(ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_BUSINESS_INTERFACE_REMOTE)
            || refAddrType.equals(ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_EJB2x_INTERFACE_HOME_LOCAL)
            || refAddrType.equals(ProxyFactoryReferenceAddressTypes.REF_ADDR_TYPE_PROXY_EJB2x_INTERFACE_HOME_REMOTE);

    * Registers the specified proxy factory into the registry
    * @param name The unique name for the ProxyFactory
    * @param factory
    * @param smd Metadata describing the EJB
   protected void registerProxyFactory(String name, ProxyFactory factory, JBossEnterpriseBeanMetaData smd)
         throws DuplicateBindException
      // Register
      log.debug("Registering " + factory + "for EJB " + smd.getName() + " under key \"" + name + "\"...");
         Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar().bind(name, factory);
      catch (DuplicateBindException e)
          * Note on registry key collisions:
          * Indicates that either the keys created are not unique or that we're attempting to redeploy
          * an EJB that was not properly deregistered.  Either way, this is a programmatic problem
          * and not the fault of the bean provider/developer/deployer

         throw new DuplicateBindException("Could not register " + factory + " under an already registered key, \""
               + name + "\" for EJB " + smd.getName(), e);

    * The remote proxy factory will be bound to the jndi at the key <code>proxyFactoryKey</code>.
    * Internally this method creates a Remoting proxy for the remote proxyfactory, fronted by
    * the {@link IsLocalProxyFactoryInterceptor} and the {@link InvokeRemoteInterceptor} interceptors
    * @param context
    * @param proxyFactoryKey
    * @param remotingUrl
    * @param proxyFactory
    * @param cl
    * @param smd
   protected void bindRemoteProxyFactory(Context context, String proxyFactoryKey, String remotingUrl,
         ProxyFactory proxyFactory, ClassLoader cl, JBossEnterpriseBeanMetaData smd)

      ProxyFactory proxyToProxyFactory = this.createProxyToProxyFactory(proxyFactoryKey, remotingUrl, proxyFactory, cl,
      // now bind
         log.debug("Binding remote ProxyFactory to JNDI, at key " + proxyFactoryKey);
         Util.bind(context, proxyFactoryKey, proxyToProxyFactory);
      catch (NamingException ne)
         throw new RuntimeException("Could not bind remote proxy factory to JNDI, at key " + proxyFactoryKey, ne);


    * Creates a remoting {@link PojiProxy} for the proxy factory and fronts it with
    * the {@link IsLocalProxyFactoryInterceptor} and {@link InvokeRemoteInterceptor} interceptors
    * @param proxyFactoryKey
    * @param remotingUrl
    * @param proxyFactory
    * @param cl
    * @param smd
    * @return
   protected ProxyFactory createProxyToProxyFactory(String proxyFactoryKey, String remotingUrl,
         ProxyFactory proxyFactory, ClassLoader cl, JBossEnterpriseBeanMetaData smd)
         InvokerLocator locator = new InvokerLocator(remotingUrl);
         // Create a POJI Proxy to the Registrar
         Interceptor[] interceptors =
         {IsLocalProxyFactoryInterceptor.singleton, InvokeRemoteInterceptor.singleton};
         PojiProxy handler = new PojiProxy(proxyFactoryKey, locator, interceptors);
         // The proxy should me marked as implementing interface(s) of type ProxyFactory
         // and the other sub-interfaces of ProxyFactory (whichever applicable for this specific
         // proxyfactory). We need the specific sub-interfaces to ensure that the ObjectFactories
         // can invoke the APIs on the sub-interfaces
         Class<ProxyFactory>[] proxyFactoryInterfaces = this
               .getAllProxyFactoryInterfaces((Class<ProxyFactory>) proxyFactory.getClass());

         return (ProxyFactory) Proxy.newProxyInstance(proxyFactoryInterfaces[0].getClassLoader(),
               proxyFactoryInterfaces, handler);
      catch (MalformedURLException mue)
         throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create a remoting proxy for ProxyFactory " + proxyFactoryKey
               + " with remoting url " + remotingUrl, mue);


    * Returns all the interfaces of type {@link ProxyFactory} that are implemented
    * by the proxyFactory klass
    * @param klass
    * @return
   protected Class<ProxyFactory>[] getAllProxyFactoryInterfaces(Class<ProxyFactory> klass)
      Set<Class<ProxyFactory>> proxyFactoryInterfaces = new HashSet<Class<ProxyFactory>>();

      // See if super class implements and ProxyFactory interface(s)
      if (klass.getSuperclass() != null && ProxyFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(klass.getSuperclass()))
         Class<ProxyFactory>[] intfs = getAllProxyFactoryInterfaces((Class<ProxyFactory>) (klass.getSuperclass()));

      // Iterate through the directly implemented interfaces and
      // check whether any ProxyFactory interface is being implemented
      Class<?>[] allInterfaces = klass.getInterfaces();
      for (Class<?> intf : allInterfaces)
         if (ProxyFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(intf))
            proxyFactoryInterfaces.add((Class<ProxyFactory>) intf);
      return (Class<ProxyFactory>[]) proxyFactoryInterfaces.toArray(new Class<?>[proxyFactoryInterfaces.size()]);

    * Deregisters the proxy factory with the specified name from the registry
    * @param name
   protected void deregisterProxyFactory(String name)
      // Log
      log.debug("Deregistering " + ProxyFactory.class.getSimpleName() + " under name \"" + name + "\"");

      // Deregister
      catch (NotBoundException nbe)
         // Swallow, already deregistered

      // EJBTHREE-1473
      // Deregister with AOP if registered
      //TODO This should probably be in a cleaner location, ie.
      // implement a callback for AOP Registration/Deregistration
      // that decouples JNDI Registration and abstracts whether
      // a Proxy Factory is Remote or not
      if (Dispatcher.singleton.isRegistered(name))

    * Replaces any adjacent "/" characters in the <code>proxyFactoryJNDIName</code>
    * with a single "/" character. This is a workaround for a bug in jboss-naming
    * which does not correctly handle the "/" character in CompositeName.
    *  More info here
    * @param proxyFactoryJNDIName
    * @return Returns null if <code>proxyFactoryName</code> is null. Else returns the
    *       String after processing the <code>proxyFactoryJNDIName</code> as explained
    *       above
   private String cleanseProxyFactoryJNDIName(String proxyFactoryJNDIName)
      if (proxyFactoryJNDIName == null)
         return null;
      // will recursively replace adjacent "/" characters
      String cleansedProxyFactoryJNDIName = proxyFactoryJNDIName.replaceAll("//", "/");
      if (log.isTraceEnabled())
         log.trace("Cleansed proxy factory name from " + proxyFactoryJNDIName + " to " + cleansedProxyFactoryJNDIName);
      return cleansedProxyFactoryJNDIName;

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Accessors / Mutators -----------------------------------------------------------||
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

   public String getSessionProxyObjectFactoryType()
      return sessionProxyObjectFactoryType;

   public void setSessionProxyObjectFactoryType(String sessionProxyObjectFactoryType)
      this.sessionProxyObjectFactoryType = sessionProxyObjectFactoryType;


Related Classes of org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.jndiregistrar.JndiSessionRegistrarBase

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