Package org.infinispan.marshall

Source Code of org.infinispan.marshall.MarshallersTest

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright 2009, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.infinispan.marshall;

import org.infinispan.commands.RemoteCommandFactory;
import org.infinispan.commands.ReplicableCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.control.StateTransferControlCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.remote.ClusteredGetCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.remote.MultipleRpcCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.tx.CommitCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.tx.PrepareCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.tx.RollbackCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.ClearCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.InvalidateCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.InvalidateL1Command;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.PutKeyValueCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.PutMapCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.RemoveCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.ReplaceCommand;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.ImmortalCacheEntry;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.ImmortalCacheValue;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.InternalEntryFactory;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.MortalCacheEntry;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.MortalCacheValue;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.TransientCacheEntry;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.TransientCacheValue;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.TransientMortalCacheEntry;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.TransientMortalCacheValue;
import org.infinispan.loaders.bucket.Bucket;
import org.infinispan.marshall.jboss.JBossMarshaller;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.ExtendedResponse;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.RequestIgnoredResponse;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.SuccessfulResponse;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.UnsuccessfulResponse;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsAddress;
import org.infinispan.transaction.TransactionLog;
import org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction;
import org.infinispan.util.FastCopyHashMap;
import org.infinispan.util.Immutables;
import org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import java.util.*;

* Test for home grown and JBoss Marshalling based marshallers where data written
* and size of payloads are compared. It's disabled by default because JBoss
* Marshalling for the moment generates bigger payloads in most cases. 
* @author Galder Zamarreño
* @since 4.0
@Test(groups = "functional", testName = "marshall.MarshallersTest", enabled = true)
public class MarshallersTest {
   private final MarshallerImpl home = new MarshallerImpl();
   private final JBossMarshaller jboss = new JBossMarshaller();
   private final Marshaller[] marshallers = new Marshaller[] {home, jboss};
   public void setUp() {
      home.init(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), new RemoteCommandFactory());
      jboss.start(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), new RemoteCommandFactory(), jboss);

   public void tearDown() {

   public void testJGroupsAddressMarshalling() throws Exception {
      JGroupsAddress address = new JGroupsAddress(new IpAddress(12345));
   public void testGlobalTransactionMarshalling() throws Exception {
      GlobalTransaction gtx = new GlobalTransaction(new JGroupsAddress(new IpAddress(12345)), false);
   public void testListMarshalling() throws Exception {
      List l1 = new ArrayList();
      List l2 = new LinkedList();
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
         GlobalTransaction gtx = new GlobalTransaction(new JGroupsAddress(new IpAddress(1000 * i)), false);
   public void testMapMarshalling() throws Exception {
      Map m1 = new HashMap();
      Map m2 = new TreeMap();
      Map m3 = new HashMap();
      Map<Integer, GlobalTransaction> m4 = new FastCopyHashMap<Integer, GlobalTransaction>();
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
         GlobalTransaction gtx = new GlobalTransaction(new JGroupsAddress(new IpAddress(1000 * i)), false);
         m1.put(1000 * i, gtx);
         m2.put(1000 * i, gtx);
         m4.put(1000 * i, gtx);
      Map m5 = Immutables.immutableMapWrap(m3);
      List<Integer> sizes = new ArrayList<Integer>(2);
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(m4);
         Map<Integer, GlobalTransaction> m4Read = (Map<Integer, GlobalTransaction>) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         for (Map.Entry<Integer, GlobalTransaction> entry : m4.entrySet()) {
            assert m4Read.get(entry.getKey()).equals(entry.getValue()) : "Writen[" + entry.getValue() + "] and read[" + m4Read.get(entry.getKey()) + "] objects should be the same";
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);

   public void testSetMarshalling() throws Exception {
      Set s1 = new HashSet();
      Set s2 = new TreeSet();
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
         Integer integ = new Integer(1000 * i);

   public void testMarshalledValueMarshalling() throws Exception {
      GlobalTransaction gtx = new GlobalTransaction(new JGroupsAddress(new IpAddress(12345)), false);
      int bytesH = marshallAndAssertEquality(home, new MarshalledValue(gtx, true, home));
      int bytesJ = marshallAndAssertEquality(jboss, new MarshalledValue(gtx, true, jboss));
      assert bytesJ < bytesH : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + bytesJ + ", bytesHome=" + bytesH;

   public void testSingletonListMarshalling() throws Exception {
      GlobalTransaction gtx = new GlobalTransaction(new JGroupsAddress(new IpAddress(12345)), false);
      List l = Collections.singletonList(gtx);
   public void testTransactionLogMarshalling() throws Exception {
      GlobalTransaction gtx = new GlobalTransaction(new JGroupsAddress(new IpAddress(12345)), false);
      PutKeyValueCommand command = new PutKeyValueCommand("k", "v", false, null, 0, 0);
      TransactionLog.LogEntry entry = new TransactionLog.LogEntry(gtx, command);
      List<Integer> sizes = new ArrayList<Integer>(2);
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(entry);
         TransactionLog.LogEntry readObj = (TransactionLog.LogEntry) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert Arrays.equals(readObj.getModifications(), entry.getModifications()) :
               "Writen[" + entry.getModifications() + "] and read[" + readObj.getModifications() + "] objects should be the same";
         assert readObj.getTransaction().equals(entry.getTransaction()) :
               "Writen[" + entry.getModifications() + "] and read[" + readObj.getModifications() + "] objects should be the same";
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);
   public void testImmutableResponseMarshalling() throws Exception {

   public void testExtendedResponseMarshalling() throws Exception {
      SuccessfulResponse sr = new SuccessfulResponse("Blah");
      ExtendedResponse extended = new ExtendedResponse(sr, false);

      List<Integer> sizes = new ArrayList<Integer>(2);
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(extended);
         ExtendedResponse readObj = (ExtendedResponse) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert extended.getResponse().equals(readObj.getResponse()) :
               "Writen[" + extended.getResponse() + "] and read[" + readObj.getResponse() + "] objects should be the same";
         assert extended.isReplayIgnoredRequests() == readObj.isReplayIgnoredRequests() :
               "Writen[" + extended.isReplayIgnoredRequests() + "] and read[" + readObj.isReplayIgnoredRequests() + "] objects should be the same";
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);
   public void testReplicableCommandsMarshalling() throws Exception {
      StateTransferControlCommand c1 = new StateTransferControlCommand(true);

      List<Integer> sizes = new ArrayList<Integer>(2);
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(c1);
         StateTransferControlCommand rc1 = (StateTransferControlCommand) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert rc1.getCommandId() == c1.getCommandId() : "Writen[" + c1.getCommandId() + "] and read[" + rc1.getCommandId() + "] objects should be the same";
         assert Arrays.equals(rc1.getParameters(), c1.getParameters()) : "Writen[" + c1.getParameters() + "] and read[" + rc1.getParameters() + "] objects should be the same";
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);

      ClusteredGetCommand c2 = new ClusteredGetCommand("key", "mycache");

      // SizeCommand does not have an empty constructor, so doesn't look to be one that is marshallable.     

      GetKeyValueCommand c4 = new GetKeyValueCommand("key", null);
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(c4);
         GetKeyValueCommand rc4 = (GetKeyValueCommand) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert rc4.getCommandId() == c4.getCommandId() : "Writen[" + c4.getCommandId() + "] and read[" + rc4.getCommandId() + "] objects should be the same";
         assert Arrays.equals(rc4.getParameters(), c4.getParameters()) : "Writen[" + c4.getParameters() + "] and read[" + rc4.getParameters() + "] objects should be the same";
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);

      PutKeyValueCommand c5 = new PutKeyValueCommand("k", "v", false, null, 0, 0);

      RemoveCommand c6 = new RemoveCommand("key", null, null);

      // EvictCommand does not have an empty constructor, so doesn't look to be one that is marshallable.

      InvalidateCommand c7 = new InvalidateCommand(null, null, "key1", "key2");
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(c7);
         InvalidateCommand rc7 = (InvalidateCommand) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert rc7.getCommandId() == c7.getCommandId() : "Writen[" + c7.getCommandId() + "] and read[" + rc7.getCommandId() + "] objects should be the same";
         assert Arrays.equals(rc7.getParameters(), c7.getParameters()) : "Writen[" + c7.getParameters() + "] and read[" + rc7.getParameters() + "] objects should be the same";        
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);

      InvalidateCommand c71 = new InvalidateL1Command(null, null, "key1", "key2");
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(c71);
         InvalidateCommand rc71 = (InvalidateCommand) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert rc71.getCommandId() == c71.getCommandId() : "Writen[" + c71.getCommandId() + "] and read[" + rc71.getCommandId() + "] objects should be the same";
         assert Arrays.equals(rc71.getParameters(), c71.getParameters()) : "Writen[" + c71.getParameters() + "] and read[" + rc71.getParameters() + "] objects should be the same";
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);
      ReplaceCommand c8 = new ReplaceCommand("key", "oldvalue", "newvalue", 0, 0);

      ClearCommand c9 = new ClearCommand();
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(c9);
         ClearCommand rc9 = (ClearCommand) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert rc9.getCommandId() == c9.getCommandId() : "Writen[" + c9.getCommandId() + "] and read[" + rc9.getCommandId() + "] objects should be the same";
         assert Arrays.equals(rc9.getParameters(), c9.getParameters()) : "Writen[" + c9.getParameters() + "] and read[" + rc9.getParameters() + "] objects should be the same";        
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);

      Map m1 = new HashMap();
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
         GlobalTransaction gtx = new GlobalTransaction(new JGroupsAddress(new IpAddress(1000 * i)), false);
         m1.put(1000 * i, gtx);
      PutMapCommand c10 = new PutMapCommand(m1, null, 0, 0);

      Address local = new JGroupsAddress(new IpAddress(12345));
      GlobalTransaction gtx = new GlobalTransaction(local, false);
      PrepareCommand c11 = new PrepareCommand(gtx, true, c5, c6, c8, c10);

      CommitCommand c12 = new CommitCommand(gtx);

      RollbackCommand c13 = new RollbackCommand(gtx);

      MultipleRpcCommand c99 = new MultipleRpcCommand(Arrays.asList(new ReplicableCommand[]{c2, c5, c6, c8, c10, c12, c13}), "mycache");

   public void testInternalCacheEntryMarshalling() throws Exception {
      ImmortalCacheEntry entry1 = (ImmortalCacheEntry) InternalEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);

      MortalCacheEntry entry2 = (MortalCacheEntry) InternalEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, 200000, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);

      TransientCacheEntry entry3 = (TransientCacheEntry) InternalEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), 4000000);

      TransientMortalCacheEntry entry4 = (TransientMortalCacheEntry) InternalEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, 200000, System.currentTimeMillis(), 4000000);
   public void testInternalCacheValueMarshalling() throws Exception {
      byte[] bytes = null;
      ImmortalCacheValue value1 = (ImmortalCacheValue) InternalEntryFactory.createValue("value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);
      List<Integer> sizes = new ArrayList<Integer>(2);
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(value1);
         ImmortalCacheValue rvalue1 = (ImmortalCacheValue) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert rvalue1.getValue().equals(value1.getValue()) : "Writen[" + rvalue1.getValue() + "] and read[" + value1.getValue() + "] objects should be the same";
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);

      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         MortalCacheValue value2 = (MortalCacheValue) InternalEntryFactory.createValue("value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, 200000, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);
         bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(value2);
         MortalCacheValue rvalue2 = (MortalCacheValue) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert rvalue2.getValue().equals(value2.getValue()) : "Writen[" + rvalue2.getValue() + "] and read[" + value2.getValue() + "] objects should be the same";
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         TransientCacheValue value3 = (TransientCacheValue) InternalEntryFactory.createValue("value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), 4000000);
         bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(value3);
         TransientCacheValue rvalue3 = (TransientCacheValue) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert rvalue3.getValue().equals(value3.getValue()) : "Writen[" + rvalue3.getValue() + "] and read[" + value3.getValue() + "] objects should be the same";
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         TransientMortalCacheValue value4 = (TransientMortalCacheValue) InternalEntryFactory.createValue("value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, 200000, System.currentTimeMillis(), 4000000);
         bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(value4);
         TransientMortalCacheValue rvalue4 = (TransientMortalCacheValue) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert rvalue4.getValue().equals(value4.getValue()) : "Writen[" + rvalue4.getValue() + "] and read[" + value4.getValue() + "] objects should be the same";
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);
   public void testBucketMarshalling() throws Exception {
      ImmortalCacheEntry entry1 = (ImmortalCacheEntry) InternalEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);
      MortalCacheEntry entry2 = (MortalCacheEntry) InternalEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, 200000, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);
      TransientCacheEntry entry3 = (TransientCacheEntry) InternalEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), 4000000);
      TransientMortalCacheEntry entry4 = (TransientMortalCacheEntry) InternalEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, 200000, System.currentTimeMillis(), 4000000);
      Bucket b = new Bucket();
      List<Integer> sizes = new ArrayList<Integer>(2);
      for (Marshaller marshaller : marshallers) {
         byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(b);
         Bucket rb = (Bucket) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
         assert rb.getEntries().equals(b.getEntries()) : "Writen[" + b.getEntries() + "] and read[" + rb.getEntries() + "] objects should be the same";        
      assert sizes.get(1) < sizes.get(0) : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + sizes.get(1) + ", bytesHome=" + sizes.get(0);
   protected void checkEqualityAndSize(Object writeObj) throws Exception {
      int bytesH = marshallAndAssertEquality(home, writeObj);
      int bytesJ = marshallAndAssertEquality(jboss, writeObj);
      assert bytesJ < bytesH : "JBoss Marshaller should write less bytes: bytesJBoss=" + bytesJ + ", bytesHome=" + bytesH;

   protected int marshallAndAssertEquality(Marshaller marshaller, Object writeObj) throws Exception {
      byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(writeObj);
      Object readObj = marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
      assert readObj.equals(writeObj) : "Writen[" + writeObj + "] and read[" + readObj + "] objects should be the same";
      return bytes.length;


Related Classes of org.infinispan.marshall.MarshallersTest

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