Package org.drools.common

Source Code of org.drools.common.AbstractRuleBase

package org.drools.common;

* Copyright 2005 JBoss Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

import org.drools.PackageIntegrationException;
import org.drools.RuleBase;
import org.drools.RuleBaseConfiguration;
import org.drools.RuntimeDroolsException;
import org.drools.SessionConfiguration;
import org.drools.StatefulSession;
import org.drools.base.ClassFieldAccessorCache;
import org.drools.definition.type.FactType;
import org.drools.event.RuleBaseEventListener;
import org.drools.event.RuleBaseEventSupport;
import org.drools.impl.EnvironmentFactory;
import org.drools.process.core.Process;
import org.drools.rule.CompositeClassLoader;
import org.drools.rule.DialectRuntimeRegistry;
import org.drools.rule.Function;
import org.drools.rule.ImportDeclaration;
import org.drools.rule.InvalidPatternException;
import org.drools.rule.Package;
import org.drools.rule.Rule;
import org.drools.rule.TypeDeclaration;
import org.drools.spi.FactHandleFactory;
import org.drools.util.ObjectHashSet;

* Implementation of <code>RuleBase</code>.
* @author <a href="">bob mcwhirter</a>
* @author <a href="">Mark Proctor</a>
* @version $Id:,v 1.5 2005/08/14 22:44:12 mproctor Exp $
abstract public class AbstractRuleBase
    Externalizable {
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Instance members
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    private String                                     id;

    private int                                        workingMemoryCounter;

    private RuleBaseConfiguration                      config;

    protected Map<String, Package>                     pkgs;

    private Map                                        processes;

    private Map                                        agendaGroupRuleTotals;

    private transient CompositeClassLoader             rootClassLoader;

     * The fact handle factory.
    private FactHandleFactory                          factHandleFactory;

    private transient Map<String, Class< ? >>          globals;

    private ReloadPackageCompilationData               reloadPackageCompilationData = null;

    private RuleBaseEventSupport                       eventSupport                 = new RuleBaseEventSupport( this );

    private transient ObjectHashSet                    statefulSessions;

    // indexed used to track invariant lock
    private int                                        lastAquiredLock;

    // lock for entire rulebase, used for dynamic updates
    private final ReentrantReadWriteLock               lock                         = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

     * This lock is used when adding to, or reading the <field>statefulSessions</field>
    private final ReentrantLock                        statefuleSessionLock         = new ReentrantLock();

    private int                                        additionsSinceLock;
    private int                                        removalsSinceLock;

    private transient Map<Class< ? >, TypeDeclaration> classTypeDeclaration;

    private List<RuleBasePartitionId>                  partitionIDs;

    private ClassFieldAccessorCache                    classFieldAccessorCache;

     * Default constructor - for Externalizable. This should never be used by a user, as it
     * will result in an invalid state for the instance.
    public AbstractRuleBase() {


    public synchronized int nextWorkingMemoryCounter() {
        return this.workingMemoryCounter++;
    public synchronized long getWorkingMemoryCounter() {
        return this.workingMemoryCounter;

     * Construct.
     * @param id The rete network.
    public AbstractRuleBase(final String id,
                            final RuleBaseConfiguration config,
                            final FactHandleFactory factHandleFactory) {
        this.config = (config != null) ? config : new RuleBaseConfiguration();
        createRulebaseId( id );
        this.factHandleFactory = factHandleFactory;

        if ( this.config.isSequential() ) {
            this.agendaGroupRuleTotals = new HashMap();

        this.rootClassLoader = new CompositeClassLoader( this.config.getClassLoader() );
        this.pkgs = new HashMap<String, Package>();
        this.processes = new HashMap();
        this.globals = new HashMap<String, Class< ? >>();
        this.statefulSessions = new ObjectHashSet();

        this.classTypeDeclaration = new HashMap<Class< ? >, TypeDeclaration>();
        this.partitionIDs = new ArrayList<RuleBasePartitionId>();

        this.classFieldAccessorCache = new ClassFieldAccessorCache( this.rootClassLoader );

    private void createRulebaseId(final String id) {
        if( id != null ) {
   = id;
        } else {
            String key = "";
            if( config.isMBeansEnabled() ) {
                DroolsManagementAgent agent = DroolsManagementAgent.getInstance();
                key = String.valueOf( agent.getNextKnowledgeBaseId() );
   = "default"+key;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Instance methods
    // ------------------------------------------------------------

     * Handles the write serialization of the Package. Patterns in Rules may reference generated data which cannot be serialized by default methods.
     * The Package uses PackageCompilationData to hold a reference to the generated bytecode. The generated bytecode must be restored before any Rules.
    public void writeExternal(final ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
        ObjectOutput droolsStream;
        boolean isDrools = out instanceof DroolsObjectOutputStream;
        ByteArrayOutputStream bytes;

        if ( isDrools ) {
            droolsStream = out;
            bytes = null;
        } else {
            bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            droolsStream = new DroolsObjectOutputStream( bytes );

        droolsStream.writeObject( this.config );
        droolsStream.writeObject( this.pkgs );

        // Rules must be restored by an ObjectInputStream that can resolve using a given ClassLoader to handle seaprately by storing as
        // a byte[]
        droolsStream.writeObject( );
        droolsStream.writeInt( this.workingMemoryCounter );
        droolsStream.writeObject( this.processes );
        droolsStream.writeObject( this.agendaGroupRuleTotals );
        droolsStream.writeUTF( this.factHandleFactory.getClass().getName() );
        droolsStream.writeObject( buildGlobalMapForSerialization() );
        droolsStream.writeObject( this.partitionIDs );

        this.eventSupport.removeEventListener( RuleBaseEventListener.class );
        droolsStream.writeObject( this.eventSupport );
        if ( !isDrools ) {
            out.writeObject( bytes.toByteArray() );

    private Map<String, String> buildGlobalMapForSerialization() {
        Map<String, String> gl = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for ( Map.Entry<String, Class< ? >> entry : this.globals.entrySet() ) {
            gl.put( entry.getKey(),
                    entry.getValue().getName() );
        return gl;

     * Handles the read serialization of the Package. Patterns in Rules may reference generated data which cannot be serialized by default methods.
     * The Package uses PackageCompilationData to hold a reference to the generated bytecode; which must be restored before any Rules.
     * A custom ObjectInputStream, able to resolve classes against the bytecode in the PackageCompilationData, is used to restore the Rules.
    public void readExternal(final ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
                                                  ClassNotFoundException {
        // PackageCompilationData must be restored before Rules as it has the ClassLoader needed to resolve the generated code references in Rules
        DroolsObjectInput droolsStream;
        boolean isDrools = in instanceof DroolsObjectInputStream;
        ByteArrayInputStream bytes = null;

        if ( isDrools ) {
            droolsStream = (DroolsObjectInput) in;
        } else {
            bytes = new ByteArrayInputStream( (byte[]) in.readObject() );
            droolsStream = new DroolsObjectInputStream( bytes );

        this.rootClassLoader = new CompositeClassLoader( droolsStream.getParentClassLoader() );
        droolsStream.setClassLoader( this.rootClassLoader );
        droolsStream.setRuleBase( this );

        this.classFieldAccessorCache = new ClassFieldAccessorCache( this.rootClassLoader );

        this.config = (RuleBaseConfiguration) droolsStream.readObject();
        this.config.setClassLoader( droolsStream.getParentClassLoader() );

        this.pkgs = (Map<String, Package>) droolsStream.readObject();

        for ( final Object object : this.pkgs.values() ) {
            ((Package) object).getDialectRuntimeRegistry().onAdd( this.rootClassLoader );

        // PackageCompilationData must be restored before Rules as it has the ClassLoader needed to resolve the generated code references in Rules = (String) droolsStream.readObject();
        this.workingMemoryCounter = droolsStream.readInt();

        this.processes = (Map) droolsStream.readObject();
        this.agendaGroupRuleTotals = (Map) droolsStream.readObject();
        Class cls = null;
        try {
            cls = droolsStream.getParentClassLoader().loadClass( droolsStream.readUTF() );
            this.factHandleFactory = (FactHandleFactory) cls.newInstance();
        } catch ( InstantiationException e ) {
            DroolsObjectInputStream.newInvalidClassException( cls,
                                                              e );
        } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
            DroolsObjectInputStream.newInvalidClassException( cls,
                                                              e );

        for ( final Object object : this.pkgs.values() ) {
            ((Package) object).getDialectRuntimeRegistry().onBeforeExecute();
            ((Package) object).getClassFieldAccessorStore().setClassFieldAccessorCache( this.classFieldAccessorCache );
            ((Package) object).getClassFieldAccessorStore().wire();


        // read globals
        Map<String, String> globs = (Map<String, String>) droolsStream.readObject();
        populateGlobalsMap( globs );

        this.partitionIDs = (List<RuleBasePartitionId>) droolsStream.readObject();

        this.eventSupport = (RuleBaseEventSupport) droolsStream.readObject();
        this.eventSupport.setRuleBase( this );
        this.statefulSessions = new ObjectHashSet();

        if ( !isDrools ) {

     * globals class types must be re-wired after serialization
     * @param globs
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    private void populateGlobalsMap(Map<String, String> globs) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        this.globals = new HashMap<String, Class< ? >>();
        for ( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : globs.entrySet() ) {
            this.globals.put( entry.getKey(),
                              this.rootClassLoader.loadClass( entry.getValue() ) );

     * type classes must be re-wired after serialization
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    private void populateTypeDeclarationMaps() throws ClassNotFoundException {
        this.classTypeDeclaration = new HashMap<Class< ? >, TypeDeclaration>();
        for ( Package pkg : this.pkgs.values() ) {
            for ( TypeDeclaration type : pkg.getTypeDeclarations().values() ) {
                type.setTypeClass( this.rootClassLoader.loadClass( type.getTypeClassName() ) );
                this.classTypeDeclaration.put( type.getTypeClass(),
                                               type );

     * @return the id
    public String getId() {

    public RuleBaseConfiguration getConfig() {
        return config;

     * @see RuleBase
    public StatefulSession newStatefulSession() {
        return newStatefulSession( new SessionConfiguration(),
                                   EnvironmentFactory.newEnvironment() );

    public void disposeStatefulSession(final StatefulSession statefulSession) {
        try {

            this.statefulSessions.remove( statefulSession );
            for ( Object listener : statefulSession.getRuleBaseUpdateListeners() ) {
                this.removeEventListener( (RuleBaseEventListener) listener );
        } finally {

     * @see RuleBase
    public FactHandleFactory getFactHandleFactory() {
        return this.factHandleFactory;

    public FactHandleFactory newFactHandleFactory() {
        return this.factHandleFactory.newInstance();

    public FactHandleFactory newFactHandleFactory(int id,
                                                  long counter) {
        return this.factHandleFactory.newInstance( id,
                                                   counter );

    public Process[] getProcesses() {
        return (Process[]) this.processes.values().toArray( new Process[this.processes.size()] );

    public Package[] getPackages() {
        return this.pkgs.values().toArray( new Package[this.pkgs.size()] );

    public Map<String, Package> getPackagesMap() {
        return this.pkgs;

    public Map getGlobals() {
        return this.globals;

    public Map getAgendaGroupRuleTotals() {
        return this.agendaGroupRuleTotals;

    public int getAdditionsSinceLock() {
        return additionsSinceLock;

    public int getRemovalsSinceLock() {
        return removalsSinceLock;

    public void lock() {
        this.additionsSinceLock = 0;
        this.removalsSinceLock = 0;

    public void unlock() {
    public void readLock() {
    public void readUnlock() {

     * Add a <code>Package</code> to the network. Iterates through the
     * <code>Package</code> adding Each individual <code>Rule</code> to the
     * network. Before update network each referenced <code>WorkingMemory</code>
     * is locked.
     * @param newPkg The package to add.
    public void addPackages(final Collection<Package> newPkgs) {
        try {
            // we need to merge all byte[] first, so that the root classloader can resolve classes
            for ( Package newPkg : newPkgs ) {
                this.eventSupport.fireBeforePackageAdded( newPkg );

                Package pkg = this.pkgs.get( newPkg.getName() );
                if ( pkg == null ) {
                    pkg = new Package( newPkg.getName() );

                    // @TODO we really should have a single root cache
                    pkg.setClassFieldAccessorCache( this.classFieldAccessorCache );
                    pkgs.put( pkg.getName(),
                              pkg );

                // first merge anything related to classloader re-wiring
                pkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().merge( newPkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry(),
                                                       this.rootClassLoader );

            // now iterate again, this time onBeforeExecute will handle any wiring or cloader re-creating that needs to be done as part of the merge
            for ( Package newPkg : newPkgs ) {
                Package pkg = this.pkgs.get( newPkg.getName() );

                // this needs to go here, as functions will set a java dialect to dirty
                if ( newPkg.getFunctions() != null ) {
                    for ( Map.Entry<String, Function> entry : newPkg.getFunctions().entrySet() ) {
                        pkg.addFunction( entry.getValue() );

                // with the classloader recreated for all byte[] classes, we should now merge and wire any new accessors
                pkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore().merge( newPkg.getClassFieldAccessorStore() );

            for ( Package newPkg : newPkgs ) {
                Package pkg = this.pkgs.get( newPkg.getName() );

                // we have to do this before the merging, as it does some classloader resolving
                TypeDeclaration lastType = null;
                try {
                    // Add the type declarations to the RuleBase
                    if ( newPkg.getTypeDeclarations() != null ) {
                        // add type declarations
                        for ( TypeDeclaration type : newPkg.getTypeDeclarations().values() ) {
                            lastType = type;
                            type.setTypeClass( this.rootClassLoader.loadClass( type.getTypeClassName() ) );
                            // @TODO should we allow overrides? only if the class is not in use.
                            if ( !this.classTypeDeclaration.containsKey( type.getTypeClass() ) ) {
                                // add to rulebase list of type declarations                       
                                this.classTypeDeclaration.put( type.getTypeClass(),
                                                               type );
                } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                    throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "unable to resolve Type Declaration class '" + lastType.getTypeName() + "'" );

                // now merge the new package into the existing one
                mergePackage( pkg,
                              newPkg );

                // add the rules to the RuleBase
                final Rule[] rules = newPkg.getRules();
                for ( int i = 0; i < rules.length; ++i ) {
                    addRule( newPkg,
                             rules[i] );

                // add the flows to the RuleBase
                if ( newPkg.getRuleFlows() != null ) {
                    final Map flows = newPkg.getRuleFlows();
                    for ( final Object object : flows.entrySet() ) {
                        final Entry flow = (Entry) object;
                        this.processes.put( flow.getKey(),
                                            flow.getValue() );

                this.eventSupport.fireAfterPackageAdded( newPkg );
        } finally {

     * Merge a new package with an existing package.
     * Most of the work is done by the concrete implementations,
     * but this class does some work (including combining imports, compilation data, globals,
     * and the actual Rule objects into the package).
    private void mergePackage(final Package pkg,
                              final Package newPkg) {
        // Merge imports
        final Map<String, ImportDeclaration> imports = pkg.getImports();
        imports.putAll( newPkg.getImports() );

        String lastType = null;
        try {
            // merge globals
            if ( newPkg.getGlobals() != null && newPkg.getGlobals() != Collections.EMPTY_MAP ) {
                Map<String, String> globals = pkg.getGlobals();
                // Add globals
                for ( final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : newPkg.getGlobals().entrySet() ) {
                    final String identifier = entry.getKey();
                    final String type = entry.getValue();
                    lastType = type;
                    if ( globals.containsKey( identifier ) && !globals.get( identifier ).equals( type ) ) {
                        throw new PackageIntegrationException( pkg );
                    } else {
                        pkg.addGlobal( identifier,
                                       this.rootClassLoader.loadClass( type ) );
                        // this isn't a package merge, it's adding to the rulebase, but I've put it here for convienience
                        this.globals.put( identifier,
                                          this.rootClassLoader.loadClass( type ) );
        } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
            throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Unable to resolve class '" + lastType + "'" );

        // merge the type declarations
        if ( newPkg.getTypeDeclarations() != null ) {
            // add type declarations
            for ( TypeDeclaration type : newPkg.getTypeDeclarations().values() ) {
                // @TODO should we allow overrides? only if the class is not in use.
                if ( !pkg.getTypeDeclarations().containsKey( type.getTypeName() ) ) {
                    // add to package list of type declarations
                    pkg.addTypeDeclaration( type );

        //Merge rules into the RuleBase package
        //as this is needed for individual rule removal later on
        final Rule[] newRules = newPkg.getRules();
        for ( int i = 0; i < newRules.length; i++ ) {
            final Rule newRule = newRules[i];

            // remove the rule if it already exists
            if ( pkg.getRule( newRule.getName() ) != null ) {
                removeRule( pkg,
                            pkg.getRule( newRule.getName() ) );

            pkg.addRule( newRule );

        //Merge The Rule Flows
        if ( newPkg.getRuleFlows() != null ) {
            final Map flows = newPkg.getRuleFlows();
            for ( final Iterator iter = flows.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                final Process flow = (Process);
                pkg.addProcess( flow );

        //        // this handles re-wiring any dirty Packages, it's done lazily to allow incremental
        //        // additions without incurring the repeated cost.
        //        if ( this.reloadPackageCompilationData == null ) {
        //            this.reloadPackageCompilationData = new ReloadPackageCompilationData();
        //        }
        //        this.reloadPackageCompilationData.addDialectDatas( pkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry() );

    public TypeDeclaration getTypeDeclaration(Class< ? > clazz) {
        return this.classTypeDeclaration.get( clazz );

    public Collection<TypeDeclaration> getTypeDeclarations() {
        return this.classTypeDeclaration.values();

    public void addRule(final Package pkg,
                        final Rule rule) throws InvalidPatternException {
        synchronized ( this.pkgs ) {
            this.eventSupport.fireBeforeRuleAdded( pkg,
                                                   rule );
            //        if ( !rule.isValid() ) {
            //            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The rule called " + rule.getName() + " is not valid. Check for compile errors reported." );
            //        }
            addRule( rule );
            this.eventSupport.fireAfterRuleAdded( pkg,
                                                  rule );

    protected abstract void addRule(final Rule rule) throws InvalidPatternException;

    public void removePackage(final String packageName) {
        try {
            final Package pkg = this.pkgs.get( packageName );
            if ( pkg == null ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Package name '" + packageName + "' does not exist for this Rule Base." );

            this.eventSupport.fireBeforePackageRemoved( pkg );

            final Rule[] rules = pkg.getRules();

            for ( int i = 0; i < rules.length; ++i ) {
                removeRule( pkg,
                            rules[i] );

            // getting the list of referenced globals
            final Set referencedGlobals = new HashSet();
            for ( final Iterator it = this.pkgs.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                final org.drools.rule.Package pkgref = (org.drools.rule.Package);
                if ( pkgref != pkg ) {
                    referencedGlobals.addAll( pkgref.getGlobals().keySet() );
            // removing globals declared inside the package that are not shared
            for ( final Iterator it = pkg.getGlobals().keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                final String globalName = (String);
                if ( !referencedGlobals.contains( globalName ) ) {
                    this.globals.remove( globalName );
            //and now the rule flows
            final Map flows = pkg.getRuleFlows();
            for ( final Iterator iter = flows.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                removeProcess( (String) );
            // removing the package itself from the list
            this.pkgs.remove( pkg.getName() );


            //clear all members of the pkg

            this.eventSupport.fireAfterPackageRemoved( pkg );
        } finally {

    public void removeRule(final String packageName,
                           final String ruleName) {
        try {
            final Package pkg = this.pkgs.get( packageName );
            if ( pkg == null ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Package name '" + packageName + "' does not exist for this Rule Base." );

            final Rule rule = pkg.getRule( ruleName );
            if ( rule == null ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Rule name '" + ruleName + "' does not exist in the Package '" + packageName + "'." );


            removeRule( pkg,
                        rule );
            pkg.removeRule( rule );
            if ( this.reloadPackageCompilationData == null ) {
                this.reloadPackageCompilationData = new ReloadPackageCompilationData();
            this.reloadPackageCompilationData.addDialectDatas( pkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry() );
        } finally {

    public void removeRule(final Package pkg,
                           final Rule rule) {
        try {
            this.eventSupport.fireBeforeRuleRemoved( pkg,
                                                     rule );
            removeRule( rule );
            this.eventSupport.fireAfterRuleRemoved( pkg,
                                                    rule );
        } finally {

    protected abstract void removeRule(Rule rule);

    public void removeFunction(final String packageName,
                               final String functionName) {
        synchronized ( this.pkgs ) {
            final Package pkg = this.pkgs.get( packageName );
            if ( pkg == null ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Package name '" + packageName + "' does not exist for this Rule Base." );

            this.eventSupport.fireBeforeFunctionRemoved( pkg,
                                                         functionName );

            if ( !pkg.getFunctions().containsKey( functionName ) ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "function name '" + packageName + "' does not exist in the Package '" + packageName + "'." );

            pkg.removeFunction( functionName );

            if ( this.reloadPackageCompilationData == null ) {
                this.reloadPackageCompilationData = new ReloadPackageCompilationData();
            this.reloadPackageCompilationData.addDialectDatas( pkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry() );

            this.eventSupport.fireAfterFunctionRemoved( pkg,
                                                        functionName );

    public void addProcess(final Process process) {
        synchronized ( this.pkgs ) {
            this.processes.put( process.getId(),
                                process );


    public void removeProcess(final String id) {
        synchronized ( this.pkgs ) {
            this.processes.remove( id );

    public Process getProcess(final String id) {
        Process process;
        synchronized ( this.pkgs ) {
            process = (Process) this.processes.get( id );
        return process;

    public void addStatefulSession(final StatefulSession statefulSession) {
        try {

            this.statefulSessions.add( statefulSession );
        } finally {


    public Package getPackage(final String name) {
        return this.pkgs.get( name );

    public StatefulSession[] getStatefulSessions() {
        final StatefulSession[] copyOfSessions;
        try {
            copyOfSessions = new StatefulSession[this.statefulSessions.size()];

            this.statefulSessions.toArray( copyOfSessions );
        } finally {

        return copyOfSessions;

    public InternalWorkingMemory[] getWorkingMemories() {
        final InternalWorkingMemory[] copyOfMemories;
        try {
            copyOfMemories = new InternalWorkingMemory[this.statefulSessions.size()];

            this.statefulSessions.toArray( copyOfMemories );
        } finally {

        return copyOfMemories;

    public RuleBaseConfiguration getConfiguration() {
        return this.config;

    public CompositeClassLoader getRootClassLoader() {
        return this.rootClassLoader;

    public void executeQueuedActions() {
        synchronized ( this.pkgs ) {
            if ( this.reloadPackageCompilationData != null ) {
                this.reloadPackageCompilationData.execute( this );
                this.reloadPackageCompilationData = null;

    public RuleBasePartitionId createNewPartitionId() {
        RuleBasePartitionId p;
        synchronized ( this.partitionIDs ) {
            p = new RuleBasePartitionId( "P-" + this.partitionIDs.size() );
            this.partitionIDs.add( p );
        return p;

    public List<RuleBasePartitionId> getPartitionIds() {
        return this.partitionIDs;

    public void addEventListener(final RuleBaseEventListener listener) {
        // no need for synchonization or locking because eventSupport is thread-safe
        this.eventSupport.addEventListener( listener );

    public void removeEventListener(final RuleBaseEventListener listener) {
        // no need for synchonization or locking because eventSupport is thread-safe
        this.eventSupport.removeEventListener( listener );

    public List<RuleBaseEventListener> getRuleBaseEventListeners() {
        // no need for synchonization or locking because eventSupport is thread-safe
        return this.eventSupport.getEventListeners();

    public boolean isEvent(Class clazz) {
        for ( Package pkg : this.pkgs.values() ) {
            if ( pkg.isEvent( clazz ) ) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public FactType getFactType(final String name) {
        for ( Package pkg : this.pkgs.values() ) {
            FactType type = pkg.getFactType( name );
            if ( type != null ) {
                return type;
        return null;

    public static class ReloadPackageCompilationData
        RuleBaseAction {
        private static final long           serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private Set<DialectRuntimeRegistry> set;

        public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
                                                ClassNotFoundException {
            set = (Set<DialectRuntimeRegistry>) in.readObject();

        public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
            out.writeObject( set );

        public void addDialectDatas(final DialectRuntimeRegistry registry) {
            if ( this.set == null ) {
                this.set = new HashSet<DialectRuntimeRegistry>();
            if ( !this.set.contains( registry ) ) this.set.add( registry );

        public void execute(final InternalRuleBase ruleBase) {
            for ( final DialectRuntimeRegistry registry : this.set ) {

    public static interface RuleBaseAction
        Externalizable {
        public void execute(InternalRuleBase ruleBase);

    public ClassFieldAccessorCache getClassFieldAccessorCache() {
        return this.classFieldAccessorCache;

Related Classes of org.drools.common.AbstractRuleBase

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