Package org.hibernate.cfg.annotations

Source Code of org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.MapBinder

* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
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package org.hibernate.cfg.annotations;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.persistence.AttributeOverride;
import javax.persistence.AttributeOverrides;
import javax.persistence.MapKeyClass;

import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.FetchMode;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.annotations.MapKeyType;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XProperty;
import org.hibernate.cfg.AccessType;
import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotatedClassType;
import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationBinder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.BinderHelper;
import org.hibernate.cfg.CollectionSecondPass;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Ejb3Column;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Ejb3JoinColumn;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Mappings;
import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyData;
import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyHolder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyHolderBuilder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyPreloadedData;
import org.hibernate.cfg.SecondPass;
import org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Collection;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Column;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Component;
import org.hibernate.mapping.DependantValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Formula;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Join;
import org.hibernate.mapping.ManyToOne;
import org.hibernate.mapping.OneToMany;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.ToOne;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Value;
import org.hibernate.sql.Template;

* Implementation to bind a Map
* @author Emmanuel Bernard
public class MapBinder extends CollectionBinder {
  public MapBinder(boolean sorted) {
    super( sorted );

  public boolean isMap() {
    return true;

  protected Collection createCollection(PersistentClass persistentClass) {
    return new org.hibernate.mapping.Map( getMappings(), persistentClass );

  public SecondPass getSecondPass(
      final Ejb3JoinColumn[] fkJoinColumns,
      final Ejb3JoinColumn[] keyColumns,
      final Ejb3JoinColumn[] inverseColumns,
      final Ejb3Column[] elementColumns,
      final Ejb3Column[] mapKeyColumns,
      final Ejb3JoinColumn[] mapKeyManyToManyColumns,
      final boolean isEmbedded,
      final XProperty property,
      final XClass collType,
      final boolean ignoreNotFound,
      final boolean unique,
      final TableBinder assocTableBinder,
      final Mappings mappings) {
    return new CollectionSecondPass( mappings, MapBinder.this.collection ) {
      public void secondPass(Map persistentClasses, Map inheritedMetas)
          throws MappingException {
            persistentClasses, collType, fkJoinColumns, keyColumns, inverseColumns, elementColumns,
            isEmbedded, property, unique, assocTableBinder, ignoreNotFound, mappings
            collType, persistentClasses, mapKeyPropertyName, property, isEmbedded, mappings,
            mapKeyColumns, mapKeyManyToManyColumns,
            inverseColumns != null ? inverseColumns[0].getPropertyName() : null

  private void bindKeyFromAssociationTable(
      XClass collType,
      Map persistentClasses,
      String mapKeyPropertyName,
      XProperty property,
      boolean isEmbedded,
      Mappings mappings,
      Ejb3Column[] mapKeyColumns,
      Ejb3JoinColumn[] mapKeyManyToManyColumns,
      String targetPropertyName) {
    if ( mapKeyPropertyName != null ) {
      //this is an EJB3 @MapKey
      PersistentClass associatedClass = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get( collType.getName() );
      if ( associatedClass == null ) throw new AnnotationException( "Associated class not found: " + collType );
      Property mapProperty = BinderHelper.findPropertyByName( associatedClass, mapKeyPropertyName );
      if ( mapProperty == null ) {
        throw new AnnotationException(
            "Map key property not found: " + collType + "." + mapKeyPropertyName
      org.hibernate.mapping.Map map = (org.hibernate.mapping.Map) this.collection;
      Value indexValue = createFormulatedValue(
          mapProperty.getValue(), map, targetPropertyName, associatedClass, mappings
      map.setIndex( indexValue );
    else {
      //this is a true Map mapping
      //TODO ugly copy/pastle from CollectionBinder.bindManyToManySecondPass
      String mapKeyType;
      Class target = void.class;
       * target has priority over reflection for the map key type
       * JPA 2 has priority
      if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( MapKeyClass.class ) ) {
        target = property.getAnnotation( MapKeyClass.class ).value();
      if ( !void.class.equals( target ) ) {
        mapKeyType = target.getName();
      else {
        mapKeyType = property.getMapKey().getName();
      PersistentClass collectionEntity = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get( mapKeyType );
      boolean isIndexOfEntities = collectionEntity != null;
      ManyToOne element = null;
      org.hibernate.mapping.Map mapValue = (org.hibernate.mapping.Map) this.collection;
      if ( isIndexOfEntities ) {
        element = new ManyToOne( mappings, mapValue.getCollectionTable() );
        mapValue.setIndex( element );
        element.setReferencedEntityName( mapKeyType );
        //element.setFetchMode( fetchMode );
        //element.setLazy( fetchMode != FetchMode.JOIN );
        //make the second join non lazy
        element.setFetchMode( FetchMode.JOIN );
        element.setLazy( false );
        //does not make sense for a map key element.setIgnoreNotFound( ignoreNotFound );
      else {
        XClass elementClass;
        AnnotatedClassType classType;
        PropertyHolder holder = null;
        if ( BinderHelper.PRIMITIVE_NAMES.contains( mapKeyType ) ) {
          classType = AnnotatedClassType.NONE;
          elementClass = null;
        else {
          try {
            elementClass = mappings.getReflectionManager().classForName( mapKeyType, MapBinder.class );
          catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find class: " + mapKeyType, e );
          classType = mappings.getClassType( elementClass );

          holder = PropertyHolderBuilder.buildPropertyHolder(
              StringHelper.qualify( mapValue.getRole(), "mapkey" ),
              property, propertyHolder, mappings
          //force in case of attribute override
          boolean attributeOverride = property.isAnnotationPresent( AttributeOverride.class )
              || property.isAnnotationPresent( AttributeOverrides.class );
          if ( isEmbedded || attributeOverride ) {
            classType = AnnotatedClassType.EMBEDDABLE;

        PersistentClass owner = mapValue.getOwner();
        AccessType accessType;
        // FIXME support @Access for collection of elements
        // String accessType = access != null ? access.value() : null;
        if ( owner.getIdentifierProperty() != null ) {
          accessType = owner.getIdentifierProperty().getPropertyAccessorName().equals( "property" ) ? AccessType.PROPERTY
              : AccessType.FIELD;
        else if ( owner.getIdentifierMapper() != null && owner.getIdentifierMapper().getPropertySpan() > 0 ) {
          Property prop = (Property) owner.getIdentifierMapper().getPropertyIterator().next();
          accessType = prop.getPropertyAccessorName().equals( "property" ) ? AccessType.PROPERTY
              : AccessType.FIELD;
        else {
          throw new AssertionFailure( "Unable to guess collection property accessor name" );

        if ( AnnotatedClassType.EMBEDDABLE.equals( classType ) ) {
          EntityBinder entityBinder = new EntityBinder();

          PropertyData inferredData;
          if ( isHibernateExtensionMapping() ) {
            inferredData = new PropertyPreloadedData( AccessType.PROPERTY, "index", elementClass );
          else {
            //"key" is the JPA 2 prefix for map keys
            inferredData = new PropertyPreloadedData( AccessType.PROPERTY, "key", elementClass );

          //TODO be smart with isNullable
          Component component = AnnotationBinder.fillComponent(
              holder, inferredData, accessType, true,
              entityBinder, false, false,
              true, mappings, inheritanceStatePerClass
          mapValue.setIndex( component );
        else {
          SimpleValueBinder elementBinder = new SimpleValueBinder();
          elementBinder.setMappings( mappings );
          elementBinder.setReturnedClassName( mapKeyType );

          Ejb3Column[] elementColumns = mapKeyColumns;
          if ( elementColumns == null || elementColumns.length == 0 ) {
            elementColumns = new Ejb3Column[1];
            Ejb3Column column = new Ejb3Column();
            column.setImplicit( false );
            column.setNullable( true );
            column.setLength( Ejb3Column.DEFAULT_COLUMN_LENGTH );
            column.setLogicalColumnName( Collection.DEFAULT_KEY_COLUMN_NAME );
            //TODO create an EMPTY_JOINS collection
            column.setJoins( new HashMap<String, Join>() );
            column.setMappings( mappings );
            elementColumns[0] = column;
          //override the table
          for (Ejb3Column column : elementColumns) {
            column.setTable( mapValue.getCollectionTable() );
          elementBinder.setColumns( elementColumns );
          //do not call setType as it extract the type from @Type
          //the algorithm generally does not apply for map key anyway
          MapKeyType mapKeyTypeAnnotation = property.getAnnotation( MapKeyType.class );
          if ( mapKeyTypeAnnotation != null && !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue(
          ) ) {
            elementBinder.setExplicitType( mapKeyTypeAnnotation.value() );
          else {
            elementBinder.setType( property, elementClass, this.collection.getOwnerEntityName(), null );
          elementBinder.setPersistentClassName( propertyHolder.getEntityName() );
          elementBinder.setAccessType( accessType );
          mapValue.setIndex( elementBinder.make() );
      //FIXME pass the Index Entity JoinColumns
      if ( !collection.isOneToMany() ) {
        //index column shoud not be null
        for (Ejb3JoinColumn col : mapKeyManyToManyColumns) {
      if ( isIndexOfEntities ) {
            false, //a map key column has no unique constraint

  protected Value createFormulatedValue(
      Value value,
      Collection collection,
      String targetPropertyName,
      PersistentClass associatedClass,
      Mappings mappings) {
    Value element = collection.getElement();
    String fromAndWhere = null;
    if ( !( element instanceof OneToMany ) ) {
      String referencedPropertyName = null;
      if ( element instanceof ToOne ) {
        referencedPropertyName = ( (ToOne) element ).getReferencedPropertyName();
      else if ( element instanceof DependantValue ) {
        //TODO this never happen I think
        if ( propertyName != null ) {
          referencedPropertyName = collection.getReferencedPropertyName();
        else {
          throw new AnnotationException( "SecondaryTable JoinColumn cannot reference a non primary key" );
      Iterator referencedEntityColumns;
      if ( referencedPropertyName == null ) {
        referencedEntityColumns = associatedClass.getIdentifier().getColumnIterator();
      else {
        Property referencedProperty = associatedClass.getRecursiveProperty( referencedPropertyName );
        referencedEntityColumns = referencedProperty.getColumnIterator();
      String alias = "$alias$";
      StringBuilder fromAndWhereSb = new StringBuilder( " from " )
          .append( associatedClass.getTable().getName() )
              //.append(" as ") //Oracle doesn't support it in subqueries
          .append( " " )
          .append( alias ).append( " where " );
      Iterator collectionTableColumns = element.getColumnIterator();
      while ( collectionTableColumns.hasNext() ) {
        Column colColumn = (Column);
        Column refColumn = (Column);
        fromAndWhereSb.append( alias ).append( '.' ).append( refColumn.getQuotedName() )
            .append( '=' ).append( colColumn.getQuotedName() ).append( " and " );
      fromAndWhere = fromAndWhereSb.substring( 0, fromAndWhereSb.length() - 5 );

    if ( value instanceof Component ) {
      Component component = (Component) value;
      Iterator properties = component.getPropertyIterator();
      Component indexComponent = new Component( mappings, collection );
      indexComponent.setComponentClassName( component.getComponentClassName() );
      //TODO I don't know if this is appropriate
      indexComponent.setNodeName( "index" );
      while ( properties.hasNext() ) {
        Property current = (Property);
        Property newProperty = new Property();
        newProperty.setCascade( current.getCascade() );
        newProperty.setGeneration( current.getGeneration() );
        newProperty.setInsertable( false );
        newProperty.setUpdateable( false );
        newProperty.setMetaAttributes( current.getMetaAttributes() );
        newProperty.setName( current.getName() );
        newProperty.setNodeName( current.getNodeName() );
        newProperty.setNaturalIdentifier( false );
        //newProperty.setOptimisticLocked( false );
        newProperty.setOptional( false );
        newProperty.setPersistentClass( current.getPersistentClass() );
        newProperty.setPropertyAccessorName( current.getPropertyAccessorName() );
        newProperty.setSelectable( current.isSelectable() );
                current.getValue(), collection, targetPropertyName, associatedClass, mappings
        indexComponent.addProperty( newProperty );
      return indexComponent;
    else if ( value instanceof SimpleValue ) {
      SimpleValue sourceValue = (SimpleValue) value;
      SimpleValue targetValue;
      if ( value instanceof ManyToOne ) {
        ManyToOne sourceManyToOne = (ManyToOne) sourceValue;
        ManyToOne targetManyToOne = new ManyToOne( mappings, collection.getCollectionTable() );
        targetManyToOne.setFetchMode( FetchMode.DEFAULT );
        targetManyToOne.setLazy( true );
        //targetValue.setIgnoreNotFound( ); does not make sense for a map key
        targetManyToOne.setReferencedEntityName( sourceManyToOne.getReferencedEntityName() );
        targetValue = targetManyToOne;
      else {
        targetValue = new SimpleValue( mappings, collection.getCollectionTable() );
        targetValue.setTypeName( sourceValue.getTypeName() );
        targetValue.setTypeParameters( sourceValue.getTypeParameters() );
      Iterator columns = sourceValue.getColumnIterator();
      Random random = new Random();
      while ( columns.hasNext() ) {
        Object current =;
        Formula formula = new Formula();
        String formulaString;
        if ( current instanceof Column ) {
          formulaString = ( (Column) current ).getQuotedName();
        else if ( current instanceof Formula ) {
          formulaString = ( (Formula) current ).getFormula();
        else {
          throw new AssertionFailure( "Unknown element in column iterator: " + current.getClass() );
        if ( fromAndWhere != null ) {
          formulaString = Template.renderWhereStringTemplate( formulaString, "$alias$", new HSQLDialect() );
          formulaString = "(select " + formulaString + fromAndWhere + ")";
          formulaString = StringHelper.replace(
              "a" + random.nextInt( 16 )
        formula.setFormula( formulaString );
        targetValue.addFormula( formula );

      return targetValue;
    else {
      throw new AssertionFailure( "Unknown type encounters for map key: " + value.getClass() );

Related Classes of org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.MapBinder

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