Package org.glassfish.hk2.utilities.binding

Source Code of org.glassfish.hk2.utilities.binding.AbstractBinder

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package org.glassfish.hk2.utilities.binding;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;

import org.glassfish.hk2.api.ActiveDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.Descriptor;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.DynamicConfiguration;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.Factory;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.FactoryDescriptors;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.Filter;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.HK2Loader;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.TypeLiteral;
import org.glassfish.hk2.utilities.Binder;
import org.glassfish.hk2.utilities.DescriptorImpl;

* Skeleton implementation of injection binder with convenience methods for
* binding definitions.
* @author Marek Potociar (marek.potociar at
public abstract class AbstractBinder implements Binder, DynamicConfiguration {

    private transient DynamicConfiguration configuration;
    private transient AbstractBindingBuilder<?> currentBuilder;
    private transient HK2Loader defaultLoader;

     * Start building a new class-based service binding.
     * Does NOT bind the service type itself as a contract type.
     * @param <T>         service type.
     * @param serviceType service class.
     * @return initialized binding builder.
    public <T> ServiceBindingBuilder<T> bind(Class<T> serviceType) {
        return resetBuilder(AbstractBindingBuilder.create(serviceType, false));

     * Start building a new class-based service binding.
     * Binds the service type itself as a contract type.
     * @param <T>         service type.
     * @param serviceType service class.
     * @return initialized binding builder.
    public <T> ServiceBindingBuilder<T> bindAsContract(Class<T> serviceType) {
        return resetBuilder(AbstractBindingBuilder.create(serviceType, true));

     * Start building a new generic type-based service binding.
     * Binds the generic service type itself as a contract type.
     * @param <T>         service type.
     * @param serviceType generic service type information.
     * @return initialized binding builder.
    public <T> ServiceBindingBuilder<T> bindAsContract(TypeLiteral<T> serviceType) {
        return resetBuilder(AbstractBindingBuilder.create(serviceType, true));

     * Start building a new instance-based service binding. The binding is naturally
     * considered to be a {@link javax.inject.Singleton singleton-scoped}.
     * Does NOT bind the service type itself as a contract type.
     * @param <T>     service type.
     * @param service service instance.
     * @return initialized binding builder.
    public <T> ScopedBindingBuilder<T> bind(T service) {
        return resetBuilder(AbstractBindingBuilder.create(service));

     * Start building a new factory class-based service binding.
     * @param <T>          service type.
     * @param factoryType  service factory class.
     * @param factoryScope factory scope.
     * @return initialized binding builder.
    public <T> ServiceBindingBuilder<T> bindFactory(
            Class<? extends Factory<T>> factoryType, Class<? extends Annotation> factoryScope) {
        return resetBuilder(AbstractBindingBuilder.<T>createFactoryBinder(factoryType, factoryScope));

     * Start building a new factory class-based service binding.
     * The factory itself is bound in a {@link org.glassfish.hk2.api.PerLookup per-lookup} scope.
     * @param <T>         service type.
     * @param factoryType service factory class.
     * @return initialized binding builder.
    public <T> ServiceBindingBuilder<T> bindFactory(Class<? extends Factory<T>> factoryType) {
        return resetBuilder(AbstractBindingBuilder.<T>createFactoryBinder(factoryType, null));

     * Start building a new factory instance-based service binding.
     * @param <T>     service type.
     * @param factory service instance.
     * @return initialized binding builder.
    public <T> ServiceBindingBuilder<T> bindFactory(Factory<T> factory) {
        return resetBuilder(AbstractBindingBuilder.createFactoryBinder(factory));

    public void bind(DynamicConfiguration configuration) {
        if (this.configuration != null) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Recursive configuration call detected.");

        if (configuration == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("configuration");
        this.configuration = configuration;
        try {
        } finally {

    private <T> AbstractBindingBuilder<T> resetBuilder(AbstractBindingBuilder<T> newBuilder) {
        if (currentBuilder != null) {
            currentBuilder.complete(configuration(), getDefaultBinderLoader());

        currentBuilder = newBuilder;

        return newBuilder;

    private void complete() {
        try {
        } finally {
            this.configuration = null;

     * Implement to provide binding definitions using the exposed binding
     * methods.
    protected abstract void configure();

     * Get the active {@link DynamicConfiguration binder factory} instance used for
     * binding configuration. This method can only be called from within the
     * scope of the {@link #configure()} method.
     * @return dynamic configuration instance used for binding configuration.
     * @throws IllegalStateException in case the method is not called from within
     *                               an active call to {@link #configure()} method.
    private DynamicConfiguration configuration() {
        if (configuration == null)
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dynamic configuration accessed from outside of an active binder configuration scope.");

        return configuration;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * This method can be called only in the execution context of the {@link #configure()}
     * method.
     * </p>
    public <T> ActiveDescriptor<T> bind(Descriptor descriptor) {
        return bind(descriptor, true);
    public <T> ActiveDescriptor<T> bind(Descriptor descriptor, boolean requiresDeepCopy) {
        return configuration().bind(descriptor, requiresDeepCopy);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * This method can be called only in the execution context of the {@link #configure()}
     * method.
     * </p>
    public FactoryDescriptors bind(FactoryDescriptors factoryDescriptors) {
        return bind(factoryDescriptors, true);
    public FactoryDescriptors bind(FactoryDescriptors factoryDescriptors, boolean requiresDeepCopy) {

        return configuration().bind(factoryDescriptors, requiresDeepCopy);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * This method can be called only in the execution context of the {@link #configure()}
     * method.
     * </p>
    public <T> ActiveDescriptor<T> addActiveDescriptor(ActiveDescriptor<T> activeDescriptor) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        return addActiveDescriptor(activeDescriptor, true);
    public <T> ActiveDescriptor<T> addActiveDescriptor(ActiveDescriptor<T> activeDescriptor, boolean requiresDeepCopy) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        return configuration().addActiveDescriptor(activeDescriptor, requiresDeepCopy);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * This method can be called only in the execution context of the {@link #configure()}
     * method.
     * </p>
    public <T> ActiveDescriptor<T> addActiveDescriptor(Class<T> rawClass) throws MultiException, IllegalArgumentException {
        return configuration().addActiveDescriptor(rawClass);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * This method can be called only in the execution context of the {@link #configure()}
     * method.
     * </p>
    public void addUnbindFilter(Filter unbindFilter) throws IllegalArgumentException {

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * This method can be called only in the execution context of the {@link #configure()}
     * method.
     * </p>
    public void commit() throws MultiException {

     * Adds all binding definitions from the binders to the binding configuration.
     * @param binders binders whose binding definitions should be configured.
    public final void install(Binder... binders) {
        for (Binder binder : binders) {

    private void setLoader(Descriptor descriptor) {
        if (descriptor.getLoader() == null && descriptor instanceof DescriptorImpl) {
            ((DescriptorImpl) descriptor).setLoader(getDefaultBinderLoader());
        } // else who knows?

    private HK2Loader getDefaultBinderLoader() {
        if (defaultLoader == null) {
            ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
            final ClassLoader binderClassLoader = loader == null ? ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() : loader;
            defaultLoader = new HK2Loader() {
                public Class<?> loadClass(String className) throws MultiException {
                    try {
                        return binderClassLoader.loadClass(className);
                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                        throw new MultiException(e);
        return defaultLoader;

Related Classes of org.glassfish.hk2.utilities.binding.AbstractBinder

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