Package com.sun.jersey.samples.jsonfromjaxb

Source Code of com.sun.jersey.samples.jsonfromjaxb.MainTest

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package com.sun.jersey.samples.jsonfromjaxb;

import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.GenericType;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.DefaultClientConfig;
import com.sun.jersey.samples.jsonfromjaxb.config.JAXBContextResolver;
import com.sun.jersey.samples.jsonfromjaxb.jaxb.AircraftType;
import com.sun.jersey.samples.jsonfromjaxb.jaxb.Flights;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.After;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer;

import java.util.List;
* @author japod
public class MainTest {

    private HttpServer httpServer;

    private WebResource r;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        httpServer = Main.startServer();

        ClientConfig cc = new DefaultClientConfig();
        // use the following jaxb context resolver
        Client c = Client.create(cc);
        r = c.resource(Main.BASE_URI);

    public void tearDown() throws Exception {

     * Test checks that the application.wadl is reachable.
    public void testApplicationWadl() {
        String applicationWadl = r.path("application.wadl").get(String.class);
        assertTrue("Something wrong. Returned wadl length is not > 0",
                applicationWadl.length() > 0);

     * Test check GET on the "flights" resource in "application/json" format.
    public void testGetOnFlightsJSONFormat() {
        // get the initial representation
        Flights flights = r.path("flights").
        // check that there are two flight entries
        assertEquals("Expected number of initial entries not found",
                2, flights.getFlight().size());

     * Test checks PUT on the "flights" resource in "application/json" format.
    public void testPutOnFlightsJSONFormat() {
        // get the initial representation
        Flights flights = r.path("flights").
        // check that there are two flight entries
        assertEquals("Expected number of initial entries not found",
                2, flights.getFlight().size());

        // remove the second flight entry
        if (flights.getFlight().size() > 1) {

        // update the first entry

        // and send the updated list back to the server

        // get the updated list out from the server:
        Flights updatedFlights = r.path("flights").
        //check that there is only one flight entry
        assertEquals("Remaining number of flight entries do not match the expected value",
                1, updatedFlights.getFlight().size());
        // check that the flight entry in retrieved list has FlightID OK!@%
        assertEquals("Retrieved flight ID doesn't match the expected value",
                "OK125", updatedFlights.getFlight().get(0).getFlightId());

     * Test checks GET on "flights" resource with mime-type "application/xml".
    public void testGetOnFlightsXMLFormat() {
        // get the initial representation
        Flights flights = r.path("flights").
        // check that there are two flight entries
        assertEquals("Expected number of initial entries not found",
                2, flights.getFlight().size());

     * Test checks PUT on "flights" resource with mime-type "application/xml".
    public void testPutOnFlightsXMLFormat() {
        // get the initial representation
        Flights flights = r.path("flights").
        // check that there are two flight entries
        assertEquals("Expected number of initial entries not found",
                2, flights.getFlight().size());

        // remove the second flight entry
        if (flights.getFlight().size() > 1) {

        // update the first entry

        // and send the updated list back to the server

        // get the updated list out from the server:
        Flights updatedFlights = r.path("flights").
        //check that there is only one flight entry
        assertEquals("Remaining number of flight entries do not match the expected value",
                1, updatedFlights.getFlight().size());
        // check that the flight entry in retrieved list has FlightID OK!@%
        assertEquals("Retrieved flight ID doesn't match the expected value",
                "OK125", updatedFlights.getFlight().get(0).getFlightId());

     * Test check GET on the "aircrafts" resource in "application/json" format.
    public void testGetOnAircraftsJSONFormat() {
        GenericType<List<AircraftType>> genericType =
                new GenericType<List<AircraftType>>() {};
        // get the initial representation
        List<AircraftType> aircraftTypes = r.path("aircrafts").
        // check that there are two aircraft type entries
        assertEquals("Expected number of initial aircraft types not found",
                2, aircraftTypes.size());


Related Classes of com.sun.jersey.samples.jsonfromjaxb.MainTest

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