Package org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain

Source Code of org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext$CompletionListener

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package org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Appendable;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Appender;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.CompletionHandler;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Context;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Grizzly;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ProcessorExecutor;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ReadResult;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ThreadCache;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.WriteResult;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.MessageCloner;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes.AttributeHolder;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes.AttributeStorage;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.Buffers;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.MemoryManager;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.Holder;

* {@link FilterChain} {@link Context} implementation.
* @see Context
* @see FilterChain
* @author Alexey Stashok
public final class FilterChainContext implements AttributeStorage {
    private static final Logger logger = Grizzly.logger(FilterChainContext.class);

    public enum State {

    public enum Operation {

    private static final ThreadCache.CachedTypeIndex<FilterChainContext> CACHE_IDX =
            ThreadCache.obtainIndex(FilterChainContext.class, 8);

    public static FilterChainContext create(final Connection connection) {
        FilterChainContext context = ThreadCache.takeFromCache(CACHE_IDX);
        if (context == null) {
            context = new FilterChainContext();

        context.getTransportContext().isBlocking = connection.isBlocking();
        return context;

    public static final int NO_FILTER_INDEX = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

     * Cached {@link NextAction} instance for "Invoke action" implementation
    private static final NextAction INVOKE_ACTION = new InvokeAction();
     * Cached {@link NextAction} instance for "Stop action" implementation
    private static final NextAction STOP_ACTION = new StopAction();
     * Cached {@link NextAction} instance for "Suspend action" implementation
    private static final NextAction SUSPEND_ACTION = new SuspendAction();

     * Cached {@link NextAction} instance for "Rerun filter action" implementation
    private static final NextAction RERUN_FILTER_ACTION = new RerunFilterAction();

    final InternalContextImpl internalContext = new InternalContextImpl(this);

    final TransportContext transportFilterContext = new TransportContext();
     * Context task state
    private volatile State state;

    private Operation operation = Operation.NONE;

     * {@link CompletionHandler}, which will be notified, when operation will be
     * complete. For WRITE it means the data will be written on wire, for other
     * operations - the last Filter has finished the processing.
    protected CompletionHandler<FilterChainContext> operationCompletionHandler;
    private final Runnable contextRunnable;

     * Context associated message
    private Object message;

     * Context associated event, if EVENT operation
    protected FilterChainEvent event;

     * {@link Holder}, which contains address, associated with the
     * current {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent} processing.
    private Holder<?> addressHolder;

    NextAction predefinedNextAction;

     * Index of the currently executing {@link Filter} in
     * the {@link FilterChainContext} list.
    private int filterIdx;

    private int startIdx;
    private int endIdx;

    private final StopAction cachedStopAction = new StopAction();
    private final InvokeAction cachedInvokeAction = new InvokeAction();

    private final List<CompletionListener> completionListeners =
            new ArrayList<CompletionListener>(2);

    private final List<CopyListener> copyListeners =
            new ArrayList<CopyListener>(2);
    public FilterChainContext() {
        filterIdx = NO_FILTER_INDEX;

        contextRunnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    if (state == State.SUSPEND) {
                        state = State.RUNNING;

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception during running Processor", e);

     * Suspend processing of the current task
    public Runnable suspend() {
        this.state = State.SUSPEND;
        return getRunnable();

     * Resume processing of the current task
    public void resume() {


     * Resume processing of the current task starting from the Filter, which
     * follows the Filter, which suspend the processing.
    public void resumeNext() {
     * Resume the current FilterChain task processing by completing the current
     * {@link Filter} (the Filter, which suspended the processing) with the
     * passed {@link NextAction}.
     * @param nextAction the {@link NextAction}, based on which {@link FilterChain}
     *                   will continue processing.
    public void resume(final NextAction nextAction) {
        try {
            if (state == State.SUSPEND) {
                state = State.RUNNING;

            predefinedNextAction = nextAction;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception during running Processor", e);

     * This method invocation suggests the {@link FilterChain} to create a
     * copy of this {@link FilterChainContext} and resume/fork its execution
     * starting from the current {@link Filter}.
    public void fork() {

     * This method invocation suggests the {@link FilterChain} to create a
     * copy of this {@link FilterChainContext} and resume/fork its execution
     * starting from the current {@link Filter}.
     * <p/>
     * If <code>nextAction</code> parameter is not null - then its value is treated
     * as a result of the current {@link Filter} execution on the forked
     * {@link FilterChain} processing. So during the forked {@link FilterChain}
     * processing the current {@link Filter} will not be invoked, but
     * the processing will be continued as if the current {@link Filter}
     * returned <code>nextAction</code> as a result.
     * For example if we call <code>fork(ctx.getInvokeAction());</code> the forked
     * {@link FilterChain} processing will start with the next {@link Filter} in
     * chain.
    public void fork(final NextAction nextAction) {
        try {
            predefinedNextAction = getForkAction(nextAction);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception during running Processor", e);

     * Get the current processing task state.
     * @return the current processing task state.
    public State state() {
        return state;

    public int nextFilterIdx() {
        return ++filterIdx;

    public int previousFilterIdx() {
        return --filterIdx;

    public int getFilterIdx() {
        return filterIdx;

    public void setFilterIdx(int index) {
        this.filterIdx = index;

    public int getStartIdx() {
        return startIdx;

    public void setStartIdx(int startIdx) {
        this.startIdx = startIdx;

    public int getEndIdx() {
        return endIdx;

    public void setEndIdx(int endIdx) {
        this.endIdx = endIdx;

     * Get {@link FilterChain}, which runs the {@link Filter}.
     * @return {@link FilterChain}, which runs the {@link Filter}.
    public FilterChain getFilterChain() {
        return (FilterChain) internalContext.getProcessor();

     * Get the {@link Connection}, associated with the current processing.
     * @return {@link Connection} object, associated with the current processing.
    public Connection getConnection() {
        return internalContext.getConnection();

     * Set the {@link Connection}, associated with the current processing.
     * @param connection {@link Connection} object, associated with the current processing.
    void setConnection(final Connection connection) {

     * Get message object, associated with the current processing.
     * Usually {@link FilterChain} represents sequence of parser and process
     * {@link Filter}s. Each parser can change the message representation until
     * it will come to processor {@link Filter}.
     * @return message object, associated with the current processing.
    public <T> T getMessage() {
        return (T) message;

     * Set message object, associated with the current processing.
     * Usually {@link FilterChain} represents sequence of parser and process
     * {@link Filter}s. Each parser can change the message representation until
     * it will come to processor {@link Filter}.
     * @param message message object, associated with the current processing.
    public void setMessage(Object message) {
        this.message = message;

     * Get a {@link Holder}, which contains address, associated with the
     * current {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent} processing.
     * When we process {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent#READ} event - it represents sender address,
     * or when process {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent#WRITE} - address of receiver.
     * @return {@link Holder}, which contains address, associated with the
     * current {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent} processing.
    public Holder<?> getAddressHolder() {
        return addressHolder;

     * Set address, associated with the current {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent} processing.
     * When we process {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent#READ} event - it represents sender address,
     * or when process {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent#WRITE} - address of receiver.
     * @param addressHolder {@link Holder}, which contains address, associated with the current {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent} processing.
    public void setAddressHolder(final Holder<?> addressHolder) {
        this.addressHolder = addressHolder;

     * Get address, associated with the current {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent} processing.
     * When we process {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent#READ} event - it represents sender address,
     * or when process {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent#WRITE} - address of receiver.
     * @return address, associated with the current {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent} processing.
    public Object getAddress() {
        return addressHolder != null ? addressHolder.get() : null;
     * Set address, associated with the current {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent} processing.
     * When we process {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent#READ} event - it represents sender address,
     * or when process {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent#WRITE} - address of receiver.
     * @param address address, associated with the current {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent} processing.
    public void setAddress(final Object address) {
        addressHolder = Holder.<Object>staticHolder(address);

    protected final Runnable getRunnable() {
        return contextRunnable;

     * Get the {@link TransportFilter} related context.
     * @return {@link TransportFilter}.
    public TransportContext getTransportContext() {
        return transportFilterContext;

     * Get the general Grizzly {@link Context} this filter context wraps.
     * @return the general Grizzly {@link Context} this filter context wraps.
    public final Context getInternalContext() {
        return internalContext;

    Operation getOperation() {
        return operation;

    void setOperation(Operation operation) {
        this.operation = operation;
     * Get {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain} to
     * process next {@link Filter} in chain.
     * Normally, after receiving this instruction from {@link Filter},
     * {@link FilterChain} executes next filter.
     * @return {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain} to
     * process next {@link Filter} in chain.
    public NextAction getInvokeAction() {
        return INVOKE_ACTION;

     * Get {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain} to
     * process next {@link Filter} in chain.
     * Normally, after receiving this instruction from {@link Filter},
     * {@link FilterChain} executes next filter.
     * @param unparsedChunk signals, that there is some unparsed data remaining
     * in the source message, so {@link FilterChain} could be rerun.
     * @return {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain} to
     * process next {@link Filter} in chain.
    public NextAction getInvokeAction(final Object unparsedChunk) {
        if (unparsedChunk == null) {
            return INVOKE_ACTION;
        return cachedInvokeAction;

     * Get {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain} to
     * process next {@link Filter} in chain.
     * Normally, after receiving this instruction from {@link Filter},
     * {@link FilterChain} executes next filter.
     * @param incompleteChunk signals, that there is a data chunk remaining,
     * which doesn't represent complete message. As more data becomes available
     * but before {@link FilterChain} calls the current {@link Filter},
     * it will check if the {@link Filter} has any data stored after the
     * last invocation. If a remainder is present it will append the new data
     * to the stored one and pass the result as the FilterChainContext message.
     * @param appender the {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.Appender}, which knows
     * how to append chunks of type <code>&lt;E&gt;</code>.
     * @return {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain} to
     * process next {@link Filter} in chain.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if appender is <code>null</code> and
     * remainder's type is not {@link Buffer} or {@link Appendable}.
    public <E> NextAction getInvokeAction(final E incompleteChunk,
            org.glassfish.grizzly.Appender<E> appender) {

        if (incompleteChunk == null) {
            return INVOKE_ACTION;
        if (appender == null) {
            if (incompleteChunk instanceof Buffer) {
                appender = (Appender<E>) Buffers.getBufferAppender(true);
            } else if (!(incompleteChunk instanceof Appendable)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Remainder has to be either "
                        + Buffer.class.getName() + " or " + Appendable.class.getName() +
                        " but was " + incompleteChunk.getClass().getName());
        cachedInvokeAction.setIncompleteChunk(incompleteChunk, appender);
        return cachedInvokeAction;
     * Get {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain}
     * to stop executing phase.
     * @return {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain}
     * to stop executing phase.
    public NextAction getStopAction() {
        return STOP_ACTION;

     * Get {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain}
     * stop executing phase.
     * @param incompleteChunk signals, that there is a data chunk remaining,
     * which doesn't represent complete message. As more data becomes available
     * but before {@link FilterChain} calls the current {@link Filter},
     * it will check if the {@link Filter} has any data stored after the
     * last invocation. If a remainder is present it will append the new data
     * to the stored one and pass the result as the FilterChainContext message.
     * @return {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain}
     * to stop executing phase.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if remainder's type is not {@link Buffer} or
     * {@link Appendable}.
    public NextAction getStopAction(final Object incompleteChunk) {
        if (incompleteChunk instanceof Buffer) {
            return getStopAction((Buffer) incompleteChunk,

        return getStopAction(incompleteChunk, null);           
     * Get {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain}
     * stop executing phase.
     * @param incompleteChunk signals, that there is a data chunk remaining,
     * which doesn't represent complete message. As more data becomes available
     * but before {@link FilterChain} calls the current {@link Filter},
     * it will check if the {@link Filter} has any data stored after the
     * last invocation. If a remainder is present it will append the new data
     * to the stored one and pass the result as the FilterChainContext message.
     * @param appender the {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.Appender}, which knows
     * how to append chunks of type <code>&lt;E&gt;</code>.
     * @return {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs {@link FilterChain}
     * to stop executing phase.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if appender is <code>null</code> and
     * remainder's type is not {@link Buffer} or {@link Appendable}.
    public <E> NextAction getStopAction(final E incompleteChunk,
            final org.glassfish.grizzly.Appender<E> appender) {

        if (incompleteChunk == null) {
            return STOP_ACTION;
        if (appender == null && !(incompleteChunk instanceof Appendable)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Remainder has to be either "
                        + Buffer.class.getName() + " or " + Appendable.class.getName() +
                        " but was " + incompleteChunk.getClass().getName());
        cachedStopAction.setIncompleteChunk(incompleteChunk, appender);
        return cachedStopAction;

     * @return {@link NextAction} implementation, which suggests the {@link FilterChain}
     *         to forget about the current {@link FilterChainContext}, create a copy of it
     *         and continue/fork {@link FilterChain} processing using the copied
     *         {@link FilterChainContext} starting from the current {@link Filter}.
    public NextAction getForkAction() {
        return getForkAction(null);

     * @return {@link NextAction} implementation, which suggests the {@link FilterChain}
     *         to forget about the current {@link FilterChainContext}, create a copy of it
     *         and continue/fork {@link FilterChain} processing using the copied
     *         {@link FilterChainContext} starting from the current {@link Filter}.
     *         <p/>
     *         If <code>nextAction</code> parameter is not null - then its value is treated
     *         as a result of the current {@link Filter} execution on the forked
     *         {@link FilterChain} processing. So during the forked {@link FilterChain}
     *         processing the current {@link Filter} will not be invoked, but
     *         the processing will be continued as if the current {@link Filter}
     *         returned <code>nextAction</code> as a result.
     *         For example if we call <code>fork(ctx.getInvokeAction());</code> the forked
     *         {@link FilterChain} processing will start with the next {@link Filter} in
     *         chain.
    public NextAction getForkAction(final NextAction nextAction) {
        final FilterChainContext contextCopy = copy();
        // Copy doesn't copy address
        contextCopy.addressHolder = addressHolder;
        contextCopy.predefinedNextAction = nextAction;

        return new ForkAction(contextCopy);

     * @return {@link NextAction} implementation, which instructs the {@link FilterChain}
     * to suspend the current {@link FilterChainContext} and invoke similar logic
     * as instructed by {@link StopAction} with a clean {@link FilterChainContext}.
     * @deprecated use {@link #getForkAction()}
    public NextAction getSuspendingStopAction() {
        return getForkAction();
     * Get {@link NextAction}, which instructs {@link FilterChain} to suspend filter
     * chain execution.
     * @return {@link NextAction}, which instructs {@link FilterChain} to suspend
     * filter chain execution.
    public NextAction getSuspendAction() {
        return SUSPEND_ACTION;

     * Get {@link NextAction}, which instructs {@link FilterChain} to rerun the
     * filter.
     * @return {@link NextAction}, which instructs {@link FilterChain} to rerun the
     * filter.
    public NextAction getRerunFilterAction() {
        return RERUN_FILTER_ACTION;

     * <p>
     * Performs a blocking read.
     * </p>
     * @return the result of the read operation.
     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    public ReadResult read() throws IOException {
        final FilterChainContext newContext =
        newContext.operation = Operation.READ;
        newContext.startIdx = 0;
        newContext.filterIdx = 0;
        newContext.endIdx = filterIdx;

        final ReadResult rr = getFilterChain().read(newContext);

        return rr;
    public void write(final Object message) {
        write(null, message, null, null, null,

    public void write(final Object message, final boolean blocking) {
        write(null, message, null, null, null, blocking);

    public void write(final Object message,
                      final CompletionHandler<WriteResult> completionHandler) {

              null, null,


    public void write(final Object message,
                      final CompletionHandler<WriteResult> completionHandler,
                      final boolean blocking) {

        write(null, message, completionHandler, null, null, blocking);


    public void write(final Object address,
                      final Object message,
                      final CompletionHandler<WriteResult> completionHandler) {



    public void write(final Object address,
                      final Object message,
                      final CompletionHandler<WriteResult> completionHandler,
                      final boolean blocking) {

        write(address, message, completionHandler, null, null, blocking);


    public void write(final Object address,
                      final Object message,
                      final CompletionHandler<WriteResult> completionHandler,
                      final org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.PushBackHandler pushBackHandler) {

    public void write(final Object address,
                      final Object message,
                      final CompletionHandler<WriteResult> completionHandler,
                      final org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.PushBackHandler pushBackHandler,
                      final boolean blocking) {

    public void write(final Object address,
                      final Object message,
                      final CompletionHandler<WriteResult> completionHandler,
                      final MessageCloner cloner) {

    public void write(final Object address,
                      final Object message,
                      final CompletionHandler<WriteResult> completionHandler,
                      final org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.PushBackHandler pushBackHandler,
                      final MessageCloner cloner) {

    public void write(final Object address,
                      final Object message,
                      final CompletionHandler<WriteResult> completionHandler,
                      final MessageCloner cloner,
                      final boolean blocking) {

    public void write(final Object address,
                      final Object message,
                      final CompletionHandler<WriteResult> completionHandler,
                      final org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.PushBackHandler pushBackHandler,
                      final MessageCloner cloner,
                      final boolean blocking) {

        final FilterChainContext newContext =

        newContext.operation = Operation.WRITE;
        newContext.message = message;
        newContext.addressHolder = address == null ? addressHolder : Holder.<Object>staticHolder(address);
        newContext.transportFilterContext.completionHandler = completionHandler;
        newContext.transportFilterContext.pushBackHandler = pushBackHandler;
        newContext.transportFilterContext.cloner = cloner;
        newContext.startIdx = filterIdx - 1;
        newContext.filterIdx = filterIdx - 1;
        newContext.endIdx = -1;


    public void flush(final CompletionHandler completionHandler) {
        final FilterChainContext newContext =

        newContext.operation = Operation.EVENT;
        newContext.event = TransportFilter.createFlushEvent(completionHandler);
        newContext.addressHolder = addressHolder;
        newContext.startIdx = filterIdx - 1;
        newContext.filterIdx = filterIdx - 1;
        newContext.endIdx = -1;


    public void notifyUpstream(final FilterChainEvent event) {
        notifyUpstream(event, null);

    public void notifyUpstream(final FilterChainEvent event,
            final CompletionHandler<FilterChainContext> completionHandler) {
        final FilterChainContext newContext =

        newContext.event = event;
        newContext.addressHolder = addressHolder;
        newContext.startIdx = filterIdx + 1;
        newContext.filterIdx = filterIdx + 1;
        newContext.endIdx = endIdx;
        newContext.operationCompletionHandler = completionHandler;


    public void notifyDownstream(final FilterChainEvent event) {
        notifyDownstream(event, null);

    public void notifyDownstream(final FilterChainEvent event,
            final CompletionHandler<FilterChainContext> completionHandler) {
        final FilterChainContext newContext =

        newContext.event = event;
        newContext.addressHolder = addressHolder;
        newContext.startIdx =filterIdx - 1;
        newContext.filterIdx = filterIdx - 1;
        newContext.endIdx = -1;
        newContext.operationCompletionHandler = completionHandler;

    public void fail(final Throwable error) {
        getFilterChain().fail(this, error);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public AttributeHolder getAttributes() {
        return internalContext.getAttributes();

     * Add the {@link CompletionListener}, which will be notified, when
     * this {@link FilterChainContext} processing will be completed.
     * @param listener the {@link CompletionListener}, which will be notified, when
     * this {@link FilterChainContext} processing will be completed.
    public final void addCompletionListener(final CompletionListener listener) {

     * Remove the {@link CompletionListener}.
     * @param listener the {@link CompletionListener} to be removed.
     * @return <tt>true</tt>, if the listener was removed from the list, or
     *          <tt>false</tt>, if the listener wasn't on the list.
    public final boolean removeCompletionListener(final CompletionListener listener) {
        return completionListeners.remove(listener);

     * Add the {@link CopyListener}, which will be notified, right after
     * this {@link FilterChainContext#copy()} is called.
     * @param listener the {@link CopyListener}, which will be notified, right
     * after this {@link FilterChainContext#copy()} is called.
    public final void addCopyListener(final CopyListener listener) {

     * Remove the {@link CopyListener}.
     * @param listener the {@link CopyListener} to be removed.
     * @return <tt>true</tt>, if the listener was removed from the list, or
     *          <tt>false</tt>, if the listener wasn't on the list.
    public final boolean removeCopyListener(final CopyListener listener) {
        return copyListeners.remove(listener);
     * <p>A simple alias for <code>FilterChainContext.getConnection().getTransport().getMemoryManager()</code>.
     * @return the {@link MemoryManager} associated with the {@link Connection}
     *  of this <code>FilterChainContext</code>.
    public final MemoryManager getMemoryManager() {
        return (getConnection().getTransport().getMemoryManager());

    public FilterChainContext copy() {
        final FilterChain p = getFilterChain();
        final FilterChainContext newContext =

        notifyCopy(this, newContext, copyListeners);
        return newContext;       
     * Release the context associated resources.
    public void reset() {
        message = null;
        event = null;
        addressHolder = null;
        filterIdx = NO_FILTER_INDEX;
        state = State.RUNNING;
        operationCompletionHandler = null;
        operation = Operation.NONE;
        predefinedNextAction = null;

    public void completeAndRecycle() {
        notifyComplete(this, completionListeners);
        ThreadCache.putToCache(CACHE_IDX, this);

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(384);
        sb.append("FilterChainContext [");
        sb.append(", operation=").append(getOperation());
        sb.append(", message=").append(getMessage());
        sb.append(", address=").append(getAddress());

        return sb.toString();

    static Operation ioEvent2Operation(final IOEvent ioEvent) {
        switch(ioEvent) {
            case READ: return Operation.READ;
            case WRITE: return Operation.WRITE;
            case ACCEPTED: return Operation.ACCEPT;
            case CONNECTED: return Operation.CONNECT;
            case CLOSED: return Operation.CLOSE;
            default: return Operation.NONE;

    public static final class TransportContext {
        private boolean isBlocking;
        CompletionHandler completionHandler;
        org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.PushBackHandler pushBackHandler;
        MessageCloner cloner;

        public void configureBlocking(boolean isBlocking) {
            this.isBlocking = isBlocking;

        public boolean isBlocking() {
            return isBlocking;

        public CompletionHandler getCompletionHandler() {
            return completionHandler;

        public void setCompletionHandler(CompletionHandler completionHandler) {
            this.completionHandler = completionHandler;

        public org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.PushBackHandler getPushBackHandler() {
            return pushBackHandler;

        public void setPushBackHandler(org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.PushBackHandler pushBackHandler) {
            this.pushBackHandler = pushBackHandler;
        public MessageCloner getMessageCloner() {
            return cloner;

        public void setMessageCloner(final MessageCloner cloner) {
            this.cloner = cloner;

        void reset() {
            isBlocking = false;
            completionHandler = null;
            pushBackHandler = null;
            cloner = null;

    static void notifyComplete(
            final FilterChainContext context,
            final List<CompletionListener> completionListeners) {
        final int size = completionListeners.size();
        for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    static void notifyCopy(
            final FilterChainContext srcContext,
            final FilterChainContext copiedContext,
            final List<CopyListener> copyListeners) {
        final int size = copyListeners.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            copyListeners.get(i).onCopy(srcContext, copiedContext);
     * The interface, which represents a listener, which will be notified,
     * once {@link FilterChainContext} processing is complete.
     * @see #addCompletionListener(org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext.CompletionListener)
    public interface CompletionListener {
         * The method is called, when passed {@link FilterChainContext} processing
         * is complete.
         * @param context
        public void onComplete(FilterChainContext context);
     * The interface, which represents a listener, which will be notified,
     * after {@link FilterChainContext#copy()} is called.
     * @see #addCopyListener(org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext.CopyListener)
    public interface CopyListener {
         * The method is called, when passed {@link FilterChainContext}
         * is copied.
         * @param srcContext source Context
         * @param copiedContext copied Context
        public void onCopy(FilterChainContext srcContext,
                FilterChainContext copiedContext);

Related Classes of org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext$CompletionListener

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