Package com.sun.jts.jta

Source Code of com.sun.jts.jta.TransactionManagerImpl

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package com.sun.jts.jta;

import java.util.*;
import javax.transaction.*;
import org.omg.CosTransactions.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName;

import com.sun.jts.CosTransactions.*;
import com.sun.jts.codegen.otsidl.*;

import javax.transaction.SystemException;
import javax.transaction.Synchronization;
import org.omg.CosTransactions.Status;
import org.omg.CosTransactions.Current;
import org.omg.CosTransactions.NoTransaction;
import org.omg.CosTransactions.HeuristicMixed;
import org.omg.CosTransactions.HeuristicHazard;
import com.sun.jts.CosTransactions.GlobalTID;

import javax.transaction.xa.Xid;

import javax.transaction.xa.XAException;

import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;
import com.sun.jts.utils.LogFormatter;
import org.glassfish.internal.api.Globals;

* An implementation of javax.transaction.TransactionManager using JTA.
* This is a singleton object
* @author Tony Ng
public class TransactionManagerImpl implements TransactionManager {

     * the singleton object
    static private TransactionManagerImpl tm = null;

     * store the current psuedo object
    private Current current;

     * a mapping of GlobalTID -> TransactionState
    // private Hashtable transactionStates;

     * mapping between CosTransaction status -> JTA status
    static private HashMap statusMap;
    static private int[] directLookup;
    static final int maxStatus;

    Logger to log transaction messages
    static Logger _logger = LogDomains.getLogger(TransactionManagerImpl.class, LogDomains.TRANSACTION_LOGGER);
    //START IASRI 4706150

  * store XAResource Timeout
  static private int xaTimeOut = 0;
    //END IASRI 4706150

  static private Status CosTransactionStatus[] =

    static private int JTAStatus[] =

    // static block to initialize statusMap
    static {
        statusMap = new HashMap();
        int calcMaxStatus = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<CosTransactionStatus.length; i++) {
                          new Integer(JTAStatus[i]));
            calcMaxStatus = Math.max(calcMaxStatus, CosTransactionStatus[i].value());
        maxStatus = calcMaxStatus;
        directLookup = new int[maxStatus + 1];
        for (int i=0; i < directLookup.length; i++) {
            // initialize so that any unused slots point to 'unkown'.
            directLookup[i] = javax.transaction.Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN;
        for (int i=0; i < CosTransactionStatus.length; i++) {
            int statusVal = CosTransactionStatus[i].value();
            if (statusVal < 0) {
                _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "A negative CosTransaction Status value was detected.");
            } else {
                directLookup[statusVal] = JTAStatus[i];


     * get the singleton TransactionManagerImpl
    static synchronized
    public TransactionManagerImpl getTransactionManagerImpl() {
        if (tm == null) {
            tm = new TransactionManagerImpl();
        return tm;

     * Create a transaction manager instance
    private TransactionManagerImpl() {
        try {
            ORB orb = Configuration.getORB();
            if (orb != null) {
                current = org.omg.CosTransactions.CurrentHelper.
            } else {
                DefaultTransactionService dts = new DefaultTransactionService();
                Properties p = TransactionServiceProperties.getJTSProperties(Globals.getDefaultHabitat(), false);
                if (!Configuration.isFileLoggingDisabled()) {
                    String logdir = p.getProperty(Configuration.LOG_DIRECTORY);
                    _logger.fine("======= logdir ======= " + logdir);
                    if (logdir != null) {
                        (new File(logdir)).mkdirs();

                dts.identify_ORB(null, null, p);
                current = dts.get_current();

            // This will release locks in RecoveryManager which were created
            // by RecoveryManager.initialize() call in the TransactionFactoryImpl constructor
            // if startup recovery didn't happen yet.

            // V2-commented-out transactionStates = new Hashtable();
        } catch (InvalidName inex) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {

     * extends props with the JTS-related properties
     * based on the specified parameters.
     * The properties will be used as part of ORB.init() call.
     * @param prop the properties that will be extended
     * @param logDir directory for the log, current directory if null
     * @param trace enable JTS tracing
     * @param traceDir directory for tracing, current directory if null
    static public void initJTSProperties(Properties props, String logDir,
                                         boolean trace, String traceDir) {
        if (traceDir == null) traceDir = "."/*#Frozen*/;
        if (logDir == null) logDir = "."/*#Frozen*/;

        props.put("com.sun.jts.traceDirectory"/*#Frozen*/, traceDir);
        props.put("com.sun.jts.logDirectory"/*#Frozen*/, logDir);
        if (trace) {
            props.put("com.sun.jts.trace"/*#Frozen*/, "true"/*#Frozen*/);

     * given a CosTransactions Status, return
     * the equivalent JTA Status
    static public int mapStatus(Status status) {
        int statusVal = status.value();
        if (statusVal < 0 || statusVal > maxStatus) {
            return javax.transaction.Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN;
        } else {
            return directLookup[statusVal];

     * Create a new transaction and associate it with the current thread.
     * @exception NotSupportedException Thrown if the thread is already
     *    associated with a transaction.
    public void begin()
        throws NotSupportedException, SystemException {

        try {
            // does not support nested transaction
            if (current.get_control() != null) {
                throw new NotSupportedException();
        } catch (TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK ex) {
            throw new NotSupportedException();
        } catch (SubtransactionsUnavailable ex) {
            throw new SystemException();

     * Create a new transaction with the given timeout and associate it
   *    with the current thread.
     * @exception NotSupportedException Thrown if the thread is already
     *    associated with a transaction.
    public void begin(int timeout)
        throws NotSupportedException, SystemException {
        try {
            // does not support nested transaction
            if (current.get_control() != null) {
                throw new NotSupportedException();
        } catch (TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK ex) {
            throw new NotSupportedException();
        } catch (SubtransactionsUnavailable ex) {
            throw new SystemException();

     * Complete the transaction associated with the current thread. When this
     * method completes, the thread becomes associated with no transaction.
     * @exception RollbackException Thrown to indicate that
     *    the transaction has been rolled back rather than committed.
     * @exception HeuristicMixedException Thrown to indicate that a heuristic
     *    decision was made and that some relevant updates have been committed
     *    while others have been rolled back.
     * @exception HeuristicRollbackException Thrown to indicate that a
     *    heuristic decision was made and that all relevant updates have been
     *    rolled back.
     * @exception SecurityException Thrown to indicate that the thread is
     *    not allowed to commit the transaction.
     * @exception IllegalStateException Thrown if the current thread is
     *    not associated with a transaction.
    public void commit() throws RollbackException,
  HeuristicMixedException, HeuristicRollbackException, SecurityException,
  IllegalStateException, SystemException {

        try {
        } catch (TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK ex) {
            throw new RollbackException();
        } catch (NoTransaction ex) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        } catch (NO_PERMISSION ex) {
            throw new SecurityException();
        } catch (HeuristicMixed ex) {
            throw new HeuristicMixedException();
        } catch (HeuristicHazard ex) {
            throw new HeuristicRollbackException();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ex.printStackTrace();
            throw new SystemException(ex.toString());
        Transaction tran = getTransaction();
        if (tran == null) throw new IllegalStateException();

     * Roll back the transaction associated with the current thread. When this
     * method completes, the thread becomes associated with no transaction.
     * @exception SecurityException Thrown to indicate that the thread is
     *    not allowed to roll back the transaction.
     * @exception IllegalStateException Thrown if the current thread is
     *    not associated with a transaction.
    public void rollback()
        throws IllegalStateException, SecurityException, SystemException {

        try {
        } catch (NoTransaction ex) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        } catch (NO_PERMISSION ex) {
            throw new SecurityException();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SystemException(ex.toString());

        Transaction tran = getTransaction();
        if (tran == null) throw new IllegalStateException();

     * Modify the transaction associated with the current thread such that
     * the only possible outcome of the transaction is to roll back the
     * transaction.
     * @exception IllegalStateException Thrown if the current thread is
     *    not associated with a transaction.
    public void setRollbackOnly()
        throws IllegalStateException, SystemException {

        try {
        } catch (NoTransaction ex) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SystemException(ex.toString());

     * Obtain the status of the transaction associated with the current thread.
     * @return The transaction status. If no transaction is associated with
     *    the current thread, this method returns the Status.NoTransaction
     *    value.
    public int getStatus() throws SystemException {
        try {
            Status status = current.get_status();
            return mapStatus(status);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SystemException(ex.toString());

     * Modify the timeout value that is associated with transactions started
     * by subsequent invocations of the begin method.
     * <p> If an application has not called this method, the transaction
     * service uses some default value for the transaction timeout.
     * @param seconds The value of the timeout in seconds. If the value is zero,
     *        the transaction service restores the default value. If the value
     *        is negative a SystemException is thrown.
     * @exception SystemException Thrown if the transaction manager
     *    encounters an unexpected error condition.
    public synchronized void setTransactionTimeout(int seconds)
        throws SystemException {

        try {
            if (seconds < 0) {
        String msg = LogFormatter.getLocalizedMessage(_logger,
                throw new SystemException(msg);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SystemException(ex.toString());

     * Get the transaction object that represents the transaction
     * context of the calling thread
    public Transaction getTransaction()
        throws SystemException {

        try {
            Control control = current.get_control();
            if (control == null) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return createTransactionImpl(control);
        } catch (Unavailable uex) {
            throw new SystemException(uex.toString());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SystemException(ex.toString());

     * Resume the transaction context association of the calling thread
     * with the transaction represented by the supplied Transaction object.
     * When this method returns, the calling thread is associated with the
     * transaction context specified.
    public void resume(Transaction suspended) throws
        InvalidTransactionException, IllegalStateException, SystemException {
        // thread is already associated with a transaction?
        if (getTransaction() != null) throw new IllegalStateException();
        // check for invalid Transaction object
        if (suspended == null) throw new InvalidTransactionException();
        if ((suspended instanceof TransactionImpl) == false) {
            throw new InvalidTransactionException();
        Control control = ((TransactionImpl) suspended).getControl();
        try {
        } catch (InvalidControl ex) {
      //_logger.log(Level.FINE,"Invalid Control Exception in resume",ex);
            throw new InvalidTransactionException();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SystemException(ex.toString());

     * Suspend the transaction currently associated with the calling
     * thread and return a Transaction object that represents the
     * transaction context being suspended. If the calling thread is
     * not associated with a transaction, the method returns a null
     * object reference. When this method returns, the calling thread
     * is associated with no transaction.
    public Transaction suspend() throws SystemException {
        try {
            Control control = current.suspend();
            if (control == null) return null;
            return createTransactionImpl(control);
        } catch (Unavailable uex) {
            throw new SystemException(uex.toString());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SystemException(ex.toString());

    TransactionState getOrCreateTransactionState(GlobalTID gtid,
                                                 Transaction tran)
        throws SystemException {

        synchronized (transactionStates) {
            TransactionState result =
                (TransactionState) transactionStates.get(gtid);
            if (result == null) {
                result = new TransactionState(gtid);
                transactionStates.put(gtid, result);
                try {
                    // remove Transaction State on transaction completion
                    Synchronization sync =
                        new SynchronizationListener(gtid, result);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new SystemException();
            return result;

    TransactionState getTransactionState(GlobalTID gtid,
                                         Transaction tran)
        throws SystemException {

        synchronized (transactionStates) {
            return (TransactionState) transactionStates.get(gtid);


    private Transaction createTransactionImpl(Control control)
        throws Unavailable, SystemException
        GlobalTID gtid = null;
        if (Configuration.isLocalFactory()) {
            gtid = ((ControlImpl) control).getGlobalTID();
        } else {
            ControlImpl cntrlImpl = ControlImpl.servant(JControlHelper.narrow(control));
            gtid = cntrlImpl.getGlobalTID();

        // return new TransactionImpl(this, control, gtid);
        return new TransactionImpl(control, gtid);

     * The application server passes in the list of XAResource objects
     * to be recovered.
     * @param xaResourceList list of XAResource objects.
    public static void recover(Enumeration xaResourceList) {

     * Recreate a transaction based on the Xid. This call causes the calling
     * thread to be associated with the specified transaction.
     * @param xid the Xid object representing a transaction.
     * @param timeout positive, non-zero value for transaction timeout.
    public static void recreate(Xid xid, long timeout) throws WorkException {
        // check if xid is valid
        if (xid == null || xid.getFormatId() == 0 ||
                xid.getBranchQualifier() == null ||
                xid.getGlobalTransactionId() == null) {
            WorkException workExc = new WorkCompletedException("Invalid Xid");
            throw workExc;

        // has TransactionService been initialized?
        if (!DefaultTransactionService.isActive()) {
            WorkException workExc =
                new WorkCompletedException("Transaction Manager unavailable");
            throw workExc;
        // recreate the transaction       
        GlobalTID tid = new GlobalTID(xid);
        try {       
    tid, (int) ((timeout <= 0) ? 0 : timeout));
        } catch (Throwable exc) {
            String errorCode = WorkException.TX_RECREATE_FAILED;
            if (exc instanceof INVALID_TRANSACTION &&
                    (((INVALID_TRANSACTION) exc).minor ==
                        MinorCode.TX_CONCURRENT_WORK_DISALLOWED)) {
                errorCode = WorkException.TX_CONCURRENT_WORK_DISALLOWED;
            WorkException workExc = new WorkCompletedException(exc);
            throw workExc;            

     * Release a transaction. This call causes the calling thread to be
     * dissociated from the specified transaction.
     * @param xid the Xid object representing a transaction.
    public static void release(Xid xid) throws WorkException {
        GlobalTID tid = new GlobalTID(xid);
        try {       
        } catch (Throwable exc) {
            String errorCode = WorkException.UNDEFINED;
            if (exc instanceof INTERNAL) {
                errorCode = WorkException.INTERNAL;
            WorkException workExc = new WorkCompletedException(exc);
            throw workExc;            

     * Provides a handle to a <code>XATerminator</code> instance. The
     * <code>XATerminator</code> instance could be used by a resource adapter
     * to flow-in transaction completion and crash recovery calls from an EIS.
     * @return a <code>XATerminator</code> instance.
    public static javax.resource.spi.XATerminator getXATerminator() {
        return new XATerminatorImpl();

     * a simple assertion mechanism that print stack trace
     * if assertion fails
    static private void assert_prejdk14(boolean value) {
        if (!value) {
            Exception e = new Exception();

    //START IASRI 4706150
  * used to set XAResource timeout
  public static void setXAResourceTimeOut(int value){
    xaTimeOut = value;

  public static int getXAResourceTimeOut(){
    return xaTimeOut;
    //END IASRI 4706150
    class SynchronizationListener implements Synchronization {

        private GlobalTID gtid;
        private TransactionState tranState;

        SynchronizationListener(GlobalTID gtid, TransactionState tranState) {
            this.gtid = gtid;
            this.tranState = tranState;

        public void afterCompletion(int status) {

        public void beforeCompletion() {
            try {
      }catch(XAException xaex){
        _logger.log(Level.WARNING,"jts.unexpected_xa_error_in_beforecompletion", new java.lang.Object[] {new Integer(xaex.errorCode), xaex.getMessage()});
            } catch (Exception ex) {

    void cleanupTransactionState(GlobalTID gtid) {

Related Classes of com.sun.jts.jta.TransactionManagerImpl

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