
Source Code of$KeyComparator


   Derby - Class

   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
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import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.types.StatisticsImpl;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.db.Database;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.ExceptionSeverity;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.ShutdownException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.DependencyManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConglomerateDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.StatisticsDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecIndexRow;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.InterruptStatus;

* Daemon acting as a coordinator for creating and updating index cardinality
* statistics.
* <p>
* The need for updated statistics is currently determined when compiling a
* SELECT query. The unit of work is then scheduled with this daemon, and the
* work itself will be carried out in a separate thread. If the worker thread
* doesn't exist it is created, if it is idle the unit of work will be
* processed immediately, and if it is busy the unit of work has to wait in the
* queue.
* <p>
* The daemon code has a notion of a background task. If the update is run as a
* background task, it will try to affect other activity in the Derby database
* as little as possible. As far as possible, it will not set locks on the
* conglomerates it scans, and if it needs to take locks it will give up
* immediately if the locks cannot be obtained. In some cases it will also roll
* back to release locks already taken, ad then retry. Since we are accessing
* shared structures the background work may still interfere with the user
* activity in the database due to locking, but all such operations carried out
* by the daemon are of short duration.
* <p>
* The high level flow of an update to index statistics is:
* <ol>
*      <li>schedule update (the only action carried out by the user thread)<li>
*      <li>for each index:</li>
*      <ol>
*          <li>scan index</li>
*          <li>invalidate statements dependent on current statistics</li>
*          <li>drop existing statistics</li>
*          <li>add new statistics</li>
*      </ol>
* </ol>
* <p>
* List of possible improvements:
* <ol>
*      <li>Reduce potential impact of multiple invalidations (per table),
*          probably by finding a way to invalidate only once after all indexes
*          for a table have had their statistics updated. So far invalidation
*          has proven to be the most difficult piece of the puzzle due to the
*          interaction with the data dictionary and sensitivity to concurrent
*          activity for the table.</li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* <em>Implementation notes:</em> List of potential cleanups before going into
* a release:
* <ol>
*      <li>Consider removing all tracing code. May involve improving logging
*          if parts of the trace output is valuable enough.</li>
* </ol>
public class IndexStatisticsDaemonImpl
        implements IndexStatisticsDaemon, Runnable {

    private static final boolean AS_BACKGROUND_TASK = true;
    private static final boolean AS_EXPLICIT_TASK = false;
    /** Maximum number of work units allowed in the queue. */
    // TODO: Replace with constant after testing/tuning phase.
    private static final int MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH;
    static {
        MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH = PropertyUtil.getSystemInt(

    private final HeaderPrintWriter logStream;
    /** Tells if logging is enabled. */
    private final boolean doLog;
    // TODO: Consider removing the trace functionality after testing/tuning.
    /** Tells if tracing is enabled. */
    private final boolean doTrace;
    /** Tells if traces are written to the Derby log file. */
    private final boolean traceToDerbyLog;
    /** Tells if traces are written to standard out. */
    private final boolean traceToStdOut;

    /** Tells if the daemon has been disabled. */
    // @GuardedBy("queue")
    private boolean daemonDisabled;
    /** The context manager for the worker thread. */
    private final ContextManager ctxMgr;
    /** The language connection context for the worker thread. */
    private LanguageConnectionContext daemonLCC;
     * The database object for the database we are handling automatic index
     * statistics update for.
    private final Database db;
    /** The name of the database owner. */
    private final String dbOwner;
    private final String databaseName;

     * A list of tables that shall have their index statistics updated.
     * Note that the descriptor isn't removed before the work has
     * been completed.
    private final ArrayList queue = new ArrayList(MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH);
     * The thread in which the index statistics refresh operation is being
     * executed, if any. Created as needed, but there will only be one
     * thread doing the work. The thread is allowed to die since it is assumed
     * that index statistics regeneration is rather infrequent.
    private Thread runningThread;

     * Number of consecutive errors, used as a metric to decide if the damoen
     * should be automatically shut down.
    private int errorsConsecutive;
    // Counters used for tracing / logging (wu = work unit).
    private long errorsUnknown;
    private long errorsKnown;
    private long wuProcessed;
    private long wuScheduled;
    private long wuRejectedDup; // Duplicates
    private long wuRejectedFQ; // Full queue
    private long wuRejectedOther; // Daemon disabled

    /** Specifies when the daemon was created. */
    private final long timeOfCreation;
     * The period of time (ms) for which the daemon has been doing active work.
    private long runTime;

     * Creates a new daemon.
     * @param log the log to write to
     * @param doLog whether to log activity information
     * @param traceLevel whether, and to where, trace information should be
     *      written ("off|log|stdout|both")
     * @param db the database ("off|log|stdout|both")
     * @param userName the name of the database owner
     * @param databaseName the name of the database (not stored in the db obj)
    public IndexStatisticsDaemonImpl(HeaderPrintWriter log, boolean doLog,
                                     String traceLevel, Database db,
                                     String userName, String databaseName) {
        // Make sure we can log errors.
        if (log == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("log stream cannot be null");
        // Configure logging/tracing
        this.logStream = log;
        this.doLog = doLog;
        this.traceToDerbyLog = (traceLevel.equalsIgnoreCase("both") ||
        this.traceToStdOut = (traceLevel.equalsIgnoreCase("both") ||
        this.doTrace = traceToDerbyLog || traceToStdOut;

        this.db = db;
        this.dbOwner = userName;
        this.databaseName = databaseName;
        this.ctxMgr = ContextService.getFactory().newContextManager();
        this.timeOfCreation = System.currentTimeMillis();
        trace(0, "created{log=" + doLog + ", traceLog=" +
                traceToDerbyLog + ", traceOut=" + traceToStdOut +
                ", createThreshold=" +
                TableDescriptor.ISTATS_CREATE_THRESHOLD +
                ", absdiffThreshold=" +
                TableDescriptor.ISTATS_ABSDIFF_THRESHOLD +
                ", lndiffThreshold=" +
                TableDescriptor.ISTATS_LNDIFF_THRESHOLD +
                ", queueLength=" + MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH +
                "}) -> " + databaseName);

     * Schedules an update of the index statistics for the specified table.
     * <p>
     * Assume the descriptor will be valid until we get around to generate
     * the statistics. If it turns out to be invalid, it will be discarded.
     * @param td base table descriptor to update index statistics for
    public void schedule(TableDescriptor td) {
        String schedulingReason = td.getIndexStatsUpdateReason();
        synchronized (queue) {
            if (acceptWork(td)) {
                // Add the work description for the given table.
                log(AS_BACKGROUND_TASK, td,
                        "update scheduled" +
                        (schedulingReason == null
                            ? ""
                            : ", reason=[" + schedulingReason + "]") +
                        " (queueSize=" + queue.size() + ")");
                // If we're idle, fire off the worker thread.
                if (runningThread == null) {
                    runningThread = new Thread(this, "index-stat-thread");
                    // Make the thread a daemon thread, we don't want it to stop
                    // the JVM from exiting. This is a precaution.

     * Determines if the given work can be accepted.
     * @param td the table descriptor to check
     * @return {@code true} if work can be accepted, {@code false} if not.
    private boolean acceptWork(TableDescriptor td) {
        // Don't allow unbounded growth.
        boolean accept = !(daemonDisabled || queue.size() >= MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH);
        if (accept && !queue.isEmpty()) {
            // See if work is already scheduled for this table. If so, we
            // give the already scheduled or in progress task precedence.
            String table = td.getName();
            String schema = td.getSchemaName();
            // Since the queue size is limited, iterating through it to find
            // duplicates should yield acceptable performance. Also, we don't
            // look for duplicates if the queue is already full.
            for (int i=0; i < queue.size(); i++) {
                TableDescriptor work = (TableDescriptor)queue.get(i);
                if (work.tableNameEquals(table, schema)) {
                    accept = false;

        // If the work was rejected, trace it.
        if (!accept) {
            String msg = td.getQualifiedName() + " rejected, ";
            if (daemonDisabled) {
                msg += "daemon disabled";
            } else if (queue.size() >= MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH) {
                msg += "queue full";
            } else {
                msg += "duplicate";
            trace(1, msg);
        return accept;

     * Generates index statistics for all indexes associated with the given
     * table descriptor.
     * <p>
     * This method is run as a background task.
     * @param lcc connection context to use to perform the work
     * @param td target base table descriptor
     * @throws StandardException if accessing the conglomerates fail
    private void generateStatistics(LanguageConnectionContext lcc,
                                    TableDescriptor td)
            throws StandardException {
        trace(1, "processing " + td.getQualifiedName());
        boolean lockConflictSeen = false;
        while (true) {
            try {
                ConglomerateDescriptor[] cds = td.getConglomerateDescriptors();
                updateIndexStatsMinion(lcc, td, cds, AS_BACKGROUND_TASK);
            } catch (StandardException se) {
                // At this level, we retry the whole operation. If this happens,
                // it normally means that a lengthy operation, or possibly DDL,
                // is taking place (for instance compress table). We retry only
                // once, but wait rather long before doing so.
                // Note that some lower level operations may have tried to
                // aquire the locks several times already, and we may not be
                // able to complete the work if we get here.
                if (SQLState.LOCK_TIMEOUT.equals(se.getMessageId()) &&
                        !lockConflictSeen) {
                    trace(1, "locks unavailable, retrying");
                    lockConflictSeen = true;
                    lcc.internalRollback(); // Get rid of any locks
                } else {
                    // Rethrow exception, because:
                    //   o error is not a lock timeout
                    //           - or -
                    //   o too many lock timeouts
                    // Transaction will be cleaned up elsewhere.
                    throw se;

    /** Return true if we are being shutdown */
    private boolean isShuttingDown() {
        synchronized (queue) {
            if (daemonDisabled || daemonLCC == null){
                return true;
            } else {
                return !daemonLCC.getDatabase().isActive();

     * Updates the index statistics for the given table and the specified
     * indexes.
     * @param lcc language connection context used to perform the work
     * @param td the table to update index stats for
     * @param cds the conglomerates to update statistics for (non-index
     *      conglomerates will be ignored)
     * @param asBackgroundTask whether the updates are done automatically as
     *      part of a background task or if explicitly invoked by the user
     * @throws StandardException if something goes wrong
    private void updateIndexStatsMinion(LanguageConnectionContext lcc,
                                        TableDescriptor td,
                                        ConglomerateDescriptor[] cds,
                                        boolean asBackgroundTask)
            throws StandardException {
        // Extract/derive information from the table descriptor
        long[] conglomerateNumber = new long[cds.length];
        ExecIndexRow[] indexRow = new ExecIndexRow[cds.length];
        UUID[] objectUUID = new UUID[cds.length];

        TransactionController tc = lcc.getTransactionExecute();
        ConglomerateController heapCC =
            tc.openConglomerate(td.getHeapConglomerateId(), false,
                        ? TransactionController.ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED
                        : TransactionController.ISOLATION_REPEATABLE_READ
            for (int i = 0; i < cds.length; i++)
                if (!cds[i].isIndex())
                    conglomerateNumber[i] = -1;

                conglomerateNumber[i] = cds[i].getConglomerateNumber();

                objectUUID[i] = cds[i].getUUID();

                indexRow[i] =

        // [x][0] = conglomerate number, [x][1] = start time, [x][2] = stop time
        long[][] scanTimes = new long[conglomerateNumber.length][3];
        int sci = 0;
        for (int indexNumber = 0;
             indexNumber < conglomerateNumber.length;
            if (conglomerateNumber[indexNumber] == -1)

            // Check if daemon has been disabled.
            if (asBackgroundTask) {
                if (isShuttingDown()) {

            scanTimes[sci][0] = conglomerateNumber[indexNumber];
            scanTimes[sci][1] = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // Subtract one for the RowLocation added for indexes.
            int numCols = indexRow[indexNumber].nColumns() - 1;
            long[] cardinality = new long[numCols];
            KeyComparator cmp = new KeyComparator(indexRow[indexNumber]);

            /* Read uncommitted, with record locking. Actually CS store may
               not hold record locks */
            GroupFetchScanController gsc =
                        false,  // hold
                        TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, // locking
                        null,   // scancolumnlist-- want everything.
                        null,   // startkeyvalue-- start from the beginning.
                        null,   // qualifiers, none!
                        null,   // stopkeyvalue,

                int     rowsFetched           = 0;
                boolean giving_up_on_shutdown = false;

                while ((rowsFetched = cmp.fetchRows(gsc)) > 0)
                    // DERBY-5108
                    // Check if daemon has been disabled, and if so stop
                    // scan and exit asap.  On shutdown the system will
                    // send interrupts, but the system currently will
                    // recover from these during the scan and allow the
                    // scan to finish. Checking here after each group
                    // I/O that is processed as a convenient point.
                    if (asBackgroundTask) {
                        if (isShuttingDown()) {
                            giving_up_on_shutdown = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < rowsFetched; i++)
                        int whichPositionChanged = cmp.compareWithPrevKey(i);
                        if (whichPositionChanged >= 0) {
                            for (int j = whichPositionChanged; j < numCols; j++)

                } // while

                if (giving_up_on_shutdown)

            } // try
                gsc = null;
            scanTimes[sci++][2] = System.currentTimeMillis();

            // We have scanned the indexes, so let's give this a few attempts
            // before giving up.
            int retries = 0;
            while (true) {
                try {
                    writeUpdatedStats(lcc, td, objectUUID[indexNumber],
                            cmp.getRowCount(), cardinality, asBackgroundTask);
                } catch (StandardException se) {
                    if (SQLState.LOCK_TIMEOUT.equals(se.getMessageId()) &&
                            retries < 3) {
                        trace(2, "lock timeout when writing stats, retrying");
                    } else {
                        // Rethrow exception, because:
                        //   o error is not a lock timeout
                        //           - or -
                        //   o too many lock timeouts
                        throw se;

        log(asBackgroundTask, td, fmtScanTimes(scanTimes));

     * Writes updated statistics for the specified index to the data dictionary.
     * @param lcc connection context to use to perform the work
     * @param td the base table
     * @param index the index of the base table
     * @param numRows number of rows in the base table
     * @param cardinality the number of unique values in the index (per number
     *      of leading columns)
     * @param asBackgroundTask whether the update is done automatically as
     *      part of a background task or if explicitly invoked by the user
     * @throws StandardException if updating the data dictionary fails
    private void writeUpdatedStats(LanguageConnectionContext lcc,
                                   TableDescriptor td, UUID index,
                                   long numRows, long[] cardinality,
                                   boolean asBackgroundTask)
            throws StandardException {
        TransactionController tc = lcc.getTransactionExecute();
        trace(1, "writing new stats (xid=" + tc.getTransactionIdString() + ")");
        UUID table = td.getUUID();
        DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
        UUIDFactory uf = dd.getUUIDFactory();

        // Update the heap row count estimate.
        setHeapRowEstimate(tc, td.getHeapConglomerateId(), numRows);
        // Invalidate statments accessing the given table.
        // Note that due to retry logic, swithcing the data dictionary to
        // write mode is done inside invalidateStatements.
        invalidateStatements(lcc, td, asBackgroundTask);
        // Drop existing index statistics for this index.
        dd.dropStatisticsDescriptors(table, index, tc);

        // Don't write statistics if the table is empty.
        if (numRows == 0) {
            trace(2, "empty table, no stats written");
        } else {
            // Construct and add the statistics entries.
            for (int i=0; i < cardinality.length; i++) {
                StatisticsDescriptor statDesc = new StatisticsDescriptor(
                        dd, uf.createUUID(), index, table, "I",
                     new StatisticsImpl(numRows, cardinality[i]),
                dd.addDescriptor(statDesc, null,
                        DataDictionary.SYSSTATISTICS_CATALOG_NUM, true, tc);

            // Log some information.
            ConglomerateDescriptor cd = dd.getConglomerateDescriptor(index);
            log(asBackgroundTask, td,
                    "wrote stats for index "  +
                    (cd == null ? "n/a" : cd.getDescriptorName()) +
                    " (" + index + "): rows=" + numRows +
                    ", card=" + cardToStr(cardinality));

            // DERBY-5045: When running as a background task, we don't take
            // intention locks that prevent dropping the table or its indexes.
            // So there is a possibility that this index was dropped before
            // we wrote the statistics to the SYSSTATISTICS table. If the table
            // isn't there anymore, issue a rollback to prevent inserting rows
            // for non-existent indexes in SYSSTATISTICS.
            if (asBackgroundTask && cd == null) {
                log(asBackgroundTask, td,
                    "rolled back index stats because index has been dropped");

        // Only commit tx as we go if running as background task.
        if (asBackgroundTask) {

     * Performs an invalidation action for the given table (the event being
     * statistics update).
     * @param lcc connection context to use to perform the work
     * @param td the table to invalidate for
     * @param asBackgroundTask whether the update is done automatically as
     *      part of a background task or if explicitly invoked by the user
     * @throws StandardException if the invalidation request fails
    private void invalidateStatements(LanguageConnectionContext lcc,
                                      TableDescriptor td,
                                      boolean asBackgroundTask)
            throws StandardException {
        // Invalidate compiled statements accessing the table.
        DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
        DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
        boolean inWrite = false;
        int retries = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
                if (!inWrite) {
                    inWrite = true;
                        td, DependencyManager.UPDATE_STATISTICS, lcc);
                trace(1, "invalidation completed");
            } catch (StandardException se) {
                // Special handling when running as background task.
                if (SQLState.LOCK_TIMEOUT.equals(se.getMessageId()) &&
                        asBackgroundTask && retries < 3) {
                    // If this is the first time we retry, don't roll back.
                    // If we already waited once, but still didn't get the
                    // locks, back down by releasing our own locks.
                    if (retries > 1) {
                        trace(2, "releasing locks");
                        inWrite = false;
                    trace(2, "lock timeout when invalidating");
                    sleep(100*(1+retries)); // adaptive sleeping...
                } else {
                    // Throw exception because of one of:
                    //  o it isn't a lock timeout
                    //          - or -
                    //  o we gave up retrying
                    //          - or -
                    //  o we are running in explicit mode
                    trace(1, "invalidation failed");
                    throw se;

     * Sets the row estimate for the heap conglomerate.
     * @param tc transaction to use
     * @param tableId the heap table
     * @param rowEstimate estimate of number of rows in the table
     * @throws StandardException if accessing the table fails
    private void setHeapRowEstimate(TransactionController tc, long tableId,
                                    long rowEstimate)
            throws StandardException {
        // DERBY-4116: If we know the row count, update the store estimated row
        // count for the table.
        ScanController sc = tc.openScan(
                false,  // hold
                0,      // openMode: for read
                TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, // locking
                TransactionController.ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, //iso level
                null,   // scancolumnlist-- want everything.
                null,   // startkeyvalue-- start from the beginning.
                null,   // qualifiers, none!
                null,   // stopkeyvalue,

        try {
        } finally {

     * Drives the statistics generation.
     * <p>
     * This method will be run in a separate thread, and it will keep working
     * as long as there is work to do. When the queue is exhausted, the method
     * will exit (the thread dies).
    public void run() {
        final long runStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
        ContextService ctxService = null;
        // Implement the outer-level exception handling here.
        try {
            // DERBY-5088: Factory-call may fail.
            ctxService = ContextService.getFactory();
        } catch (ShutdownException se) {
            // The database is/has been shut down.
            // Log processing statistics and exit.
            trace(1, "swallowed shutdown exception: " + extractIstatInfo(se));
            ctxMgr.cleanupOnError(se, db.isActive());
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            // DERBY-4037
            // Extended filtering of runtime exceptions during shutdown:
            //  o assertions raised by debug jars
            //  o runtime exceptions, like NPEs, raised by production jars -
            //    happens because the background thread interacts with store
            //    on a lower level
            if (!isShuttingDown()) {
                log(AS_BACKGROUND_TASK, null, re,
                        "runtime exception during normal operation");
                throw re;
            trace(1, "swallowed runtime exception during shutdown: " +
        } finally {
            if (ctxService != null) {
            runTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - runStart);
            trace(0, "worker thread exit");

     * Main processing loop which will compute statistics until the queue
     * of scheduled work units has been drained.
    private void processingLoop() {
        // If we don't have a connection to the database, create one.
        if (daemonLCC == null) {
            try {
                daemonLCC =
                        db.setupConnection(ctxMgr, dbOwner, null, databaseName);
                // Initialize the lcc/transaction.
                // TODO: Would be nice to name the transaction.
                // Don't wait for any locks.
            } catch (StandardException se) {
                log(AS_BACKGROUND_TASK, null, se,
                        "failed to initialize index statistics updater");

        TransactionController tc = null;
        try {
            tc = daemonLCC.getTransactionExecute();
            trace(0, "worker thread started (xid=" +
                    tc.getTransactionIdString() + ")");

            TableDescriptor td = null;
            long start = 0;
            while (true) {
                synchronized (queue) {
                    if (daemonDisabled) {
                        // Clean the lcc and exit.
                        try {
                        } catch (ShutdownException se) {
                            // Ignore
                        tc = null;
                        daemonLCC = null;
                        trace(1, "daemon disabled");
                    if (queue.isEmpty()) {
                        trace(1, "queue empty");
                    td = (TableDescriptor)queue.get(0);
                try {
                    start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    generateStatistics(daemonLCC, td);
                    // Reset consecutive error counter.
                    errorsConsecutive = 0;
                    log(AS_BACKGROUND_TASK, td, "generation complete (" +
                            ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start))  + " ms)");
                } catch (StandardException se) {
                    // Assume handling of fatal errors will clean up properly.
                    // For less severe errors, rollback tx to clean up.
                    if (!handleFatalErrors(ctxMgr, se)) {
                        boolean handled = handleExpectedErrors(td, se);
                        if (!handled) {
                            handled = handleUnexpectedErrors(td, se);
                        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                } finally {
                    // Whatever happened, discard the unit of work.
                    synchronized (queue) {
                        // Queue may have been cleared due to shutdown.
                        if (!queue.isEmpty()) {
                    // If we have seen too many consecutive errors, disable
                    // the daemon. 50 was chosen based on gut-feeling...
                    // Hopefully it can withstand shortlived "hick-ups", but
                    // will cause shutdown if there is a real problem.
                    // Create an exception to force logging of the message.
                    if (errorsConsecutive >= 50) {
                        log(AS_BACKGROUND_TASK, null,
                                new IllegalStateException("degraded state"),
                                "shutting down daemon, " + errorsConsecutive +
                                " consecutive errors seen");
        } catch (StandardException se) {
            log(AS_BACKGROUND_TASK, null, se, "thread died");
            // Do nothing, just let the thread die.
        } finally {
            synchronized (queue) {
                runningThread = null;
            if (daemonLCC != null && !daemonLCC.isTransactionPristine()) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    SanityManager.THROWASSERT("transaction not pristine");
                log(AS_BACKGROUND_TASK, null,
                        "transaction not pristine - forcing rollback");
                try {
                } catch (StandardException se) {
                    // Log, then continue.
                    log(AS_BACKGROUND_TASK, null, se, "forced rollback failed");

     * Runs the statistics update sequence explicitly as requested by the user.
     * @param lcc connection context to use to perform the work
     * @param td the base table
     * @param cds the indexes to update (non-index conglomerates are ignored)
     * @param runContext the context in which the operation is run (i.e.
     *      'ALTER TABLE', may be {@code null})
     * @throws StandardException if updating the index statistics fails
    public void runExplicitly(LanguageConnectionContext lcc,
                              TableDescriptor td,
                              ConglomerateDescriptor[] cds,
                              String runContext)
            throws StandardException {
        updateIndexStatsMinion(lcc, td, cds, AS_EXPLICIT_TASK);
        trace(0, "explicit run completed" + (runContext != null
                                        ? " (" + runContext + "): "
                                        : ": ") +

     * Stops the daemon.
     * <p>
     * Will also clear the queue and print runtime statistics to the log the
     * first time the method is invoked.
    public void stop() {
        Thread threadToWaitFor = null;
        // Controls execution of last cleanup step outside of the synchronized
        // block. Should only be done once, and this is ensured by the guard on
        // 'queue' and the value of 'daemonDisabled'.
        boolean clearContext = false;

        synchronized (queue) {
            if (!daemonDisabled) {
                clearContext = true;
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100);
                sb.append("stopping daemon, active=").
                        append(runningThread != null).
                        append(", work/age=").append(runTime).append('/').
                        append(System.currentTimeMillis() - timeOfCreation).
                        append(' ');
                log(AS_BACKGROUND_TASK, null, sb.toString());
                // If there is no running thread and the daemon lcc is still
                // around, destroy the transaction and clear the lcc reference.
                if (runningThread == null && daemonLCC != null &&
                        !isShuttingDown()) {
                    // try/catch as safe-guard against shutdown race condition.
                    try {
                    } catch (ShutdownException se) {
                        // Ignore
                    daemonLCC = null;
                daemonDisabled = true;
                threadToWaitFor = runningThread;
                runningThread = null;

        // Wait for the currently running thread, if there is one. Must do
        // this outside of the synchronized block so that we don't deadlock
        // with the thread.
        if (threadToWaitFor != null) {
            while (true) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {


        // DERBY-5447: Remove the context only after the running daemon thread
        //             (if any) has been shut down to avoid Java deadlocks
        //             when closing the container handles obtained with this
        //             context.
        if (clearContext) {
            // DERBY-5336: Trigger cleanup code to remove the context
            //             from the context service. This pattern was
            //             copied from BasicDaemon.
            ctxMgr.cleanupOnError(StandardException.normalClose(), false);

     * Handles fatal errors that will cause the daemon to be shut down.
     * @param cm context manager
     * @param se the exception to handle
     * @return {@code true} if the error was handled, {@code false} otherwise
    private boolean handleFatalErrors(ContextManager cm, StandardException se) {
        boolean disable = false;
        if (SQLState.DATA_CONTAINER_READ_ONLY.equals(se.getMessageId())) {
            // We are not allowed to write into the database, most likely the
            // data dictionary. No point to keep doing work we can't gain from.
            disable = true;
        } else if (isShuttingDown() ||
                se.getSeverity() >= ExceptionSeverity.DATABASE_SEVERITY) {
            // DERBY-4037: Swallow exceptions raised during shutdown.
            // The database or system is going down. Probably handled elsewhere
            // but disable daemon anyway.
            trace(1, "swallowed exception during shutdown: " +
            disable = true;
            cm.cleanupOnError(se, db.isActive());

        if (disable) {
        return disable;

     * Handles expected errors.
     * <p>
     * The logging of expected errors is for observability purposes only. The
     * daemon is capable of dealing with these errors, and no interaction from
     * the user is expected.
     * @param se the exception to handle
     * @return {@code true} if the error was handled, {@code false} otherwise
    private boolean handleExpectedErrors(TableDescriptor td,
                                         StandardException se) {
        String state = se.getMessageId();
        // Accept that the heap/index/conglomerate has been deleted since the
        // work for it was scheduled. Just ignore the unit of work and continue.
        if (SQLState.STORE_CONGLOMERATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.equals(state) ||
                SQLState.HEAP_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND.equals(state) ||
                SQLState.FILE_IO_INTERRUPTED.equals(state) ||
                SQLState.LOCK_TIMEOUT.equals(state)) {
            log(AS_BACKGROUND_TASK, td, "generation aborted (reason: " +
                    state + ") {" + extractIstatInfo(se) + "}");
            return true;
        return false;

     * Handles unexpected errors.
     * <p>
     * Unexpected errors are error conditions the daemon isn't set up to handle
     * specifically. For this reason the stack trace will be logged to allow
     * for later investigation.
     * <p>
     * In general it is expected that the daemon will be able to recover by
     * dropping the current unit of work and move on to the next one (if any).
     * @param se the exception to handle
     * @return {@code true} if the error was handled, {@code false} otherwise
    private boolean handleUnexpectedErrors(TableDescriptor td,
                                           StandardException se) {
        log(AS_BACKGROUND_TASK, td, se, "generation failed");
        return true;

     * Puts the current thread to sleep for maximum {@code ms} milliseconds.
     * <p>
     * No guarantee is provided for the minimum amount of time slept. If
     * interrupted, the interrupt flag will be set again.
     * @param ms target sleep time
    private static void sleep(long ms) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

    /** Format array of scan durations as a string. */
    private static String fmtScanTimes(long[][] timings) {
        // timings[x] = [conglomId, start, end]
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("scan durations (");
        for (int i=0; i < timings.length && timings[i][0] > 0; i++) {
            // Handle corner-case where the scans are aborted due to the
            // index statistics daemon being shut down under us.
            if (timings[i][2] == 0) {
            } else {
                long duration = timings[i][2] - timings[i][1];
        sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() -1).append(")");
        return sb.toString();

    /** @see #log(boolean, TableDescriptor, Throwable, String)  */
    private void log(boolean asBackgroundTask, TableDescriptor td, String msg) {
        log(asBackgroundTask, td, null, msg);

     * Logs the information given.
     * <p>
     * Note that if {@code asBackgroundTask} is false, nothing will be logged
     * currently.
     * @param asBackgroundTask {@code true} if logging for the background
     *      daemon automatically updating stats, {@code false} if not
     * @param td current table descriptor being worked on, may be {@code null}
     * @param t raised error, may be {@code null}
     * @param msg the message to log
    private void log(boolean asBackgroundTask, TableDescriptor td, Throwable t,
            String msg) {
        if (asBackgroundTask && (doLog || t != null)) {
            PrintWriter pw = null;
            String hdrMsg = "{istat} " +
                    (td == null ? "" : td.getQualifiedName() + ": ") + msg;
            if (t != null) {
                pw = new PrintWriter(logStream.getPrintWriter(), false);
            } else {

    // @GuardedBy("this")
    private final StringBuffer tsb = new StringBuffer();
    private synchronized void trace(int indentLevel, String msg) {
        if (doTrace) {
            tsb.append("{istat,trace@").append(hashCode()).append("} ");
            for (int i=0; i < indentLevel; i++) {
                tsb.append("    ");
            tsb.append(msg).append(' ');
            if (indentLevel == 0) {
            if (traceToDerbyLog && logStream != null) {
            if (traceToStdOut) {

     * Appends runtime statistics to the given string buffer.
     * @param sb the string buffer to append to
    // @GuardedBy("queue")
    private void appendRunStats(StringBuffer sb) {
        // Print rather detailed and cryptic stats.
        sb.append("[q/p/s=").append(queue.size()). // current queue size
                append('/').append(wuProcessed). // scheduled
                append('/').append(wuScheduled). //processed
                append(errorsKnown). // known errors
                append('/').append(errorsUnknown). // unexpected errors
                append('/').append(errorsConsecutive). // consecutive errors
                append(wuRejectedFQ). // rejected, full queue
                append('/').append(wuRejectedDup). // rejected, duplicate
                append('/').append(wuRejectedOther). // rejected, other

     * Produces a textual representation of the cardinality numbers.
     * @param cardinality index cardinality
     * @return A string.
    private static String cardToStr(long[] cardinality) {
        if (cardinality.length == 1) {
            return "[" + Long.toString(cardinality[0]) + "]";
        } else {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("[");
            for (int i=0; i < cardinality.length; i++) {
            sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() -1).append(']');
            return sb.toString();

    /** Purely for debugging, to avoid printing too much info. */
    private static String extractIstatInfo(Throwable t) {
        String istatClass = IndexStatisticsDaemonImpl.class.getName();
        StackTraceElement[] stack = t.getStackTrace();
        String trace = "<no stacktrace>";
        String sqlState = "";
        for (int i=0; i < stack.length ; i++) {
            StackTraceElement ste = stack[i];
            if (ste.getClassName().startsWith(istatClass)) {
                trace = ste.getMethodName() + "#" + ste.getLineNumber();
                if (i > 0) {
                    ste = stack[i -1];
                    trace += " -> " + ste.getClassName() + "." +
                            ste.getMethodName() + "#" + ste.getLineNumber();
        if (t instanceof StandardException) {
            sqlState = ", SQLSTate=" + ((StandardException)t).getSQLState();
        return "<" + t.getClass() + ", msg=" + t.getMessage() + sqlState +
                "> " + trace;

     * Support class used to compare keys when scanning indexes.
    private static class KeyComparator {

        /** Number of rows fetched per iteration. */
        private static final int FETCH_SIZE = 16;
        private final DataValueDescriptor[][] rowBufferArray;
        private DataValueDescriptor[] lastUniqueKey;
        private DataValueDescriptor[] curr;
        private DataValueDescriptor[] prev;
        private int rowsReadLastRead = -1;
        private long numRows;

         * Creates a key comparator for the given index.
         * @param ir index row (template)
        public KeyComparator(ExecIndexRow ir) {
            rowBufferArray = new DataValueDescriptor[FETCH_SIZE][];
            rowBufferArray[0] = ir.getRowArray(); // 1 gets old objects.
            lastUniqueKey = ir.getRowArrayClone();

         * Fetches rows from the scan controller.
         * @param gsc the scan controller
         * @return Number of rows fetched.
         * @throws StandardException if fetching rows fails
        public int fetchRows(GroupFetchScanController gsc)
                throws StandardException {
            // Save state (and optimize) for next read.
            // Assumes that we always read as many rows as we can per iteration.
            if (rowsReadLastRead == FETCH_SIZE) {
                // Reuse curr to reference the current last unique key.
                curr = rowBufferArray[FETCH_SIZE - 1];
                // Reuse the old last unique row array for the coming fetch.
                rowBufferArray[FETCH_SIZE - 1] = lastUniqueKey;
                // Finally we update the pointer to the last unique key.
                lastUniqueKey = curr;
            rowsReadLastRead = gsc.fetchNextGroup(rowBufferArray, null);
            return rowsReadLastRead;

         * Compares the key at the specified index with the previous key.
         * @param index row index
         * @return {@code -1} if the current and previous key are identical,
         *      the index of the changed part of the key otherwise
         *      ([0, key length>)
         * @throws StandardException if comparing the two keys fails
        public int compareWithPrevKey(int index)
                throws StandardException {
            if (index > rowsReadLastRead) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "invalid access, rowsReadLastRead=" + rowsReadLastRead +
                        ", index=" + index + ", numRows=" + numRows);
            // First row ever is always a distinct key.
            if (numRows == 1) {
                return 0;

            prev = (index == 0) ? lastUniqueKey
                                : rowBufferArray[index - 1];
            curr = rowBufferArray[index];
            DataValueDescriptor dvd;
            // no point trying to do rowlocation; hence - 1
            for (int i = 0; i < (prev.length - 1); i++) {
                dvd = (DataValueDescriptor)prev[i];

                // NULLs are counted as unique values.
                if (dvd.isNull() || prev[i].compare(curr[i]) != 0) {
                  return i;
            return -1;

         * Returns the number of rows fetched.
         * @return Number of rows fetched.
        public long getRowCount() {
            return numRows;

Related Classes of$KeyComparator

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