Package org.dmd.dms.util

Source Code of org.dmd.dms.util.RuleFormatter

package org.dmd.dms.util;

import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException;
import org.dmd.dmc.util.DmcUncheckedObject;
import org.dmd.dmc.util.NamedStringArray;
import org.dmd.dms.RuleCategory;
import org.dmd.dms.RuleDefinition;
import org.dmd.dms.SchemaDefinition;
import org.dmd.dms.SchemaManager;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.OperationalContextEnum;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.RuleTypeEnum;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.types.RuleParam;
import org.dmd.util.FileUpdateManager;
import org.dmd.util.codegen.ImportManager;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.DebugInfo;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.ResultException;

* The RuleFormatter will create the rule base implementation in generated/rules
* and the [schema]RuleFactory that can instantiate a behavioral rule instance
* based on the rule DMO that's passed in.
* <p/>
* The RuleFormatter runs in two modes, one for the meta schema and the other for
* standard schemas.
public class RuleFormatter {

  PrintStream  progress;
  public RuleFormatter(PrintStream ps){
    progress = ps;
   * @param schemaName
   * @param schemaPackage
   * @param ruleDefs
   * @param rulesDir
   * @throws ResultException
   * @throws IOException
  public void dumpBaseImplementations(String schemaName, String schemaPackage, TreeMap<String,DmcUncheckedObject> ruleDefs, TreeMap<String,DmcUncheckedObject> ruleCategoryDefs, String rulesDir) throws ResultException, IOException{
    ImportManager factoryImports = new ImportManager();
    for(DmcUncheckedObject rule: ruleDefs.values()){
        String name = GenUtility.capTheName(rule.getSV("name"));
        NamedStringArray categories = rule.get("ruleCategory");
        String scope = rule.getSV("ruleScope");
        String type = rule.getSV("ruleType");
        ImportManager baseImports = new ImportManager();
        StringBuffer interfaces = new StringBuffer();
//        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.RuleScopeEnum", "Rule scope");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.RuleTypeEnum", "Rule type");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.RuleIF", "All rules implement this");
        baseImports.addImport("java.util.ArrayList", "To store category IDs");
        baseImports.addImport("java.util.Iterator", "To access category IDs");

        baseImports.addImport(schemaPackage + ".generated.dmo." + name + "DataDMO", "Rule parameters object");
        StringBuffer categoryInit = new StringBuffer();
        for(String cname: categories){
          DmcUncheckedObject category = ruleCategoryDefs.get(cname);
          if (category == null){
            ResultException ex = new ResultException("Unknown rule category: " + cname);
          String categoryID = category.getSV("ruleCategoryID");
          categoryInit.append("            categories.add(" + categoryID + ");\n");
          String ruleInterface = category.getSV("ruleInterface");
          baseImports.addImport(ruleInterface, "Required by RuleCategory " + cname);
          if (interfaces.length() > 0)
            interfaces.append(", ");
          int lastDot = ruleInterface.lastIndexOf(".");
          interfaces.append(ruleInterface.substring(lastDot + 1));
        factoryImports.addImport(schemaPackage + ".extended.rules." + name, "The implementation of the " + name);
      BufferedWriter   out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(rulesDir, name + "");
      out.write("package " + schemaPackage + ".generated.rules;\n\n");
      out.write(baseImports.getFormattedImports() + "\n\n");
      out.write("// Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      out.write("abstract public class " + name + "BaseImpl implements " + interfaces + " {\n\n");
      out.write("    static RuleScopeEnum      scope = RuleScopeEnum." + scope + ";\n");
      out.write("    static RuleTypeEnum       type  = RuleTypeEnum." + type + ";\n\n");
      out.write("    static ArrayList<Integer> categories;\n\n");
      out.write("    protected " + name + "DataDMO ruleDMO;\n\n");
      out.write("    protected " + name + "BaseImpl(" + name + "DataDMO dmo){\n");
      out.write("        ruleDMO = dmo;\n");
      out.write("        if (categories == null){\n");
      out.write("            categories = new ArrayList<Integer>();\n");
      out.write("        }\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");
      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public String getRuleTitle() {\n");
      out.write("        return(ruleDMO.getRuleTitle());\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public RuleScopeEnum getRuleScope() {\n");
      out.write("        return(scope);\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public RuleTypeEnum getRuleType() {\n");
      out.write("        return(type);\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public Iterator<Integer> getCategories() {\n");
      out.write("        return(categories.iterator());\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

    String factoryName = GenUtility.capTheName(schemaName) + "RulesFactoryAG";
    BufferedWriter   out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(rulesDir, factoryName + ".java");
    out.write("package " + schemaPackage + ".generated.rules;\n\n");
    out.write("import " + schemaPackage + ".generated.dmo.*;\n\n");
    out.write(factoryImports.getFormattedImports() + "\n\n");
    out.write("// Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    out.write("public class " + factoryName + " {\n\n");
    out.write("    public " + factoryName + "(){\n\n");
    for(DmcUncheckedObject rule: ruleDefs.values()){
        String name = GenUtility.capTheName(rule.getSV("name"));

        out.write("        " + name + " " + name + "Instance = new " + name + "(new " + name + "DataDMO());\n\n");
    out.write("    }\n\n");
   * Dumps the interfaces for our rule categories.
   * @param schemaName
   * @param schemaPackage
   * @param rulesDir
   * @throws ResultException
   * @throws IOException
  public void dumpRuleCategoryInterfaces(String schemaName, String schemaPackage, TreeMap<String,DmcUncheckedObject> ruleCategoryDefs, String rulesDir) throws ResultException, IOException{
    for(DmcUncheckedObject category: ruleCategoryDefs.values()){
        String         name           = GenUtility.capTheName(category.getSV("name"));
        String         ruleType         = category.getSV("ruleType");
        String         classInfoFromParam    = category.getSV("classInfoFromParam");
        String         attributeInfoFromParam  = category.getSV("attributeInfoFromParam");
        NamedStringArray  ruleImports        = category.get("ruleImport");
        Boolean        isAttributeRule     = false;
        if (ruleType.equals("ATTRIBUTE"))
          isAttributeRule = true;
        NamedStringArray categories = category.get("ruleParam");
        ImportManager baseImports = new ImportManager();
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.DmcRuleExceptionSet", "Rule type");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.RuleIF", "All rules implement this");
        StringBuffer  params = new StringBuffer();
        StringBuffer  args = new StringBuffer();
        StringBuffer  argValues = new StringBuffer();
        boolean      first = true;
        for(String p : categories){
          RuleParam param;
        try {
          param = new RuleParam(p);
            baseImports.addImport(param.getImportStatement(), "Required for " + param.getName());
            int lastDot = param.getImportStatement().lastIndexOf(".");
            String ptype = param.getImportStatement().substring(lastDot + 1);
            if (!first){
//              params.append(", ");
              args.append(", ");
              argValues.append(", ");
            params.append("     * @param " + param.getName() + " " + param.getDescription() + "\n");
            args.append(ptype + param.getGenericArgs() + " " + param.getName());
            first = false;
        } catch (DmcValueException e) {
      BufferedWriter   out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(rulesDir, name + "");
      out.write("package " + schemaPackage + ".generated.rulesdmo;\n\n");
      out.write(baseImports.getFormattedImports() + "\n\n");
      out.write("// Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      out.write("public interface " + name + "IF extends RuleIF {\n\n");
      out.write("    /**\n");
      out.write("     */\n");
      out.write("    public void execute(" + args + ") throws DmcRuleExceptionSet;\n\n");
//      baseImports = new ImportManager();
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.DmcRuleExceptionSet", "Rule type");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.RuleIF", "All rules implement this");
//        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.RuleList", "Rules with flag to indicate that we've gathered info up the class hierarchy");
//        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.RuleTypeEnum", "To determine the type of a rule");
//        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.ClassRuleKey", "To determine the type of a rule");
//        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.AttributeRuleKey", "To determine the type of a rule");
        baseImports.addImport("java.util.ArrayList", "Storage for the rules");
//        baseImports.addImport("java.util.TreeMap", "Storage for the rules");
//        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.RuleKey", "Generic rule key");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.DmcOmni", "Rule tracing support");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.DmcClassInfo", "Handle to class info");
        if (ruleImports != null){
          for(String ri: ruleImports)
            baseImports.addImport(ri, "Additional rule import");
        if (isAttributeRule){
            baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.AttributeRuleCollection", "Attribute rule");
            baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttributeInfo", "Organizing global attribute rules");
//            baseImports.addImport("java.util.HashMap", "Storage for the rules");
            baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.ClassRuleCollection", "Class rule");
        out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(rulesDir, name + "");
      out.write("package " + schemaPackage + ".generated.rulesdmo;\n\n");
      out.write(baseImports.getFormattedImports() + "\n");
      if (isAttributeRule){
        out.write("public class " + name + "RuleCollection extends AttributeRuleCollection<" + name + "IF> {" + "\n\n");
        out.write("    public " + name + "RuleCollection(){\n");
//        out.write("        globalRules = new HashMap<DmcAttributeInfo, ArrayList<" + name + "IF>>();\n");
//        out.write("        rules = new TreeMap<RuleKey,RuleList<" + name + "IF>>();\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");
        out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    public void addRule(RuleIF r){\n");
        out.write("        if (r instanceof " + name + "IF){\n");
        out.write("            super.addThisRule((" + name + "IF)r);\n");
        out.write("        }\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");
        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    public void execute(" + args + ") throws DmcRuleExceptionSet {\n");
        out.write("        DmcRuleExceptionSet rc = null;\n");
        out.write("        DmcAttributeInfo    aI = " + attributeInfoFromParam + ";\n");
        out.write("        DmcClassInfo        cI = " + classInfoFromParam + ";\n");
        out.write("        ArrayList<" + name + "IF> ruleList = super.getRules(aI,cI);\n");
        out.write("        if (ruleList != null){\n");
        out.write("            for(" + name + "IF rule: ruleList){\n");
        out.write("                if (DmcOmni.instance().ruleTracing())\n");
        out.write("                    DmcOmni.instance().ruleExecuted(\"Applying: \" + rule.getRuleTitle() + \" to: \" + + \".\" +;\n");
        out.write("                try {\n");
        out.write("                    rule.execute(" + argValues + ");\n");
        out.write("                } catch (DmcRuleExceptionSet e) {\n");
        out.write("                    if (rc == null)\n");
        out.write("                        rc = e;\n");
        out.write("                    else\n");
        out.write("                        rc.add(e);\n");
        out.write("                    \n");
        out.write("                    if (DmcOmni.instance().ruleTracing())\n");
        out.write("                        DmcOmni.instance().ruleFailed(e);\n");
        out.write("                    \n");
        out.write("                    if (rc.immediateHalt())\n");
        out.write("                        throw(rc);\n");
        out.write("                }\n");
        out.write("            }\n");
        out.write("        }\n");
        out.write("        ruleList = globalRules.get(aI);\n");
        out.write("        if (ruleList != null){\n");
        out.write("            for(" + name + "IF rule: ruleList){\n");
        out.write("                if (DmcOmni.instance().ruleTracing())\n");
        out.write("                    DmcOmni.instance().ruleExecuted(\"Applying global: \" + rule.getRuleTitle() + \" to: \" + + \".\" +;\n");
        out.write("                try {\n");
        out.write("                    rule.execute(" + argValues + ");\n");
        out.write("                } catch (DmcRuleExceptionSet e) {\n");
        out.write("                    if (rc == null)\n");
        out.write("                        rc = e;\n");
        out.write("                    else\n");
        out.write("                        rc.add(e);\n");
        out.write("                    \n");
        out.write("                    if (DmcOmni.instance().ruleTracing())\n");
        out.write("                        DmcOmni.instance().ruleFailed(e);\n");
        out.write("                    \n");
        out.write("                    if (rc.immediateHalt())\n");
        out.write("                        throw(rc);\n");
        out.write("                }\n");
        out.write("            }\n");
        out.write("        }\n");
        out.write("        if (rc != null)\n");
        out.write("            throw(rc);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        out.write("public class " + name + "RuleCollection extends ClassRuleCollection<" + name + "IF> {" + "\n\n");
        out.write("    public " + name + "RuleCollection(){\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");
        out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    public void addRule(RuleIF r){\n");
        out.write("        if (r instanceof " + name + "IF){\n");
        out.write("            super.addThisRule((" + name + "IF)r);\n");
        out.write("        }\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");
        out.write("    /**\n");
        out.write("     */\n");
        out.write("    public void execute(" + args + ") throws DmcRuleExceptionSet {\n");
        out.write("        DmcRuleExceptionSet rc = null;\n");
        out.write("        DmcClassInfo        cI = " + classInfoFromParam + ";\n");
        out.write("        ArrayList<" + name + "IF> ruleList = super.getRules(cI);\n");
        out.write("        if (ruleList != null){\n");
        out.write("            for(" + name + "IF rule: ruleList){\n");
        out.write("                if (DmcOmni.instance().ruleTracing())\n");
        out.write("                    DmcOmni.instance().ruleExecuted(\"Applying: \" + rule.getRuleTitle() + \" to: \" +;\n");
        out.write("                try {\n");
        out.write("                    rule.execute(" + argValues + ");\n");
        out.write("                } catch (DmcRuleExceptionSet e) {\n");
        out.write("                    if (rc == null)\n");
        out.write("                        rc = e;\n");
        out.write("                    else\n");
        out.write("                        rc.add(e);\n");
        out.write("                    \n");
        out.write("                    if (DmcOmni.instance().ruleTracing())\n");
        out.write("                        DmcOmni.instance().ruleFailed(e);\n");
        out.write("                    \n");
        out.write("                    if (rc.immediateHalt())\n");
        out.write("                        throw(rc);\n");
        out.write("                }\n");
        out.write("            }\n");
        out.write("        }\n");
        out.write("        for(" + name + "IF rule: globalRules){\n");
        out.write("            if (DmcOmni.instance().ruleTracing())\n");
        out.write("                DmcOmni.instance().ruleExecuted(\"Applying global: \" + rule.getRuleTitle() + \" to: \" +;\n");
        out.write("            try {\n");
        out.write("                rule.execute(" + argValues + ");\n");
        out.write("            } catch (DmcRuleExceptionSet e) {\n");
        out.write("                if (rc == null)\n");
        out.write("                    rc = e;\n");
        out.write("                else\n");
        out.write("                    rc.add(e);\n");
        out.write("                if (DmcOmni.instance().ruleTracing())\n");
        out.write("                    DmcOmni.instance().ruleFailed(e);\n");
        out.write("                 if (rc.immediateHalt())\n");
        out.write("                    throw(rc);\n");
        out.write("            }\n");
        out.write("        }\n");
        out.write("        if (rc != null)\n");
        out.write("            throw(rc);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

   * We dump the base implementation of the rule. The subdirectory where the code gets dumped will
   * vary based on the operational context for which we're dumping the rule.
   * @param sm the schema manager
   * @param sd the schema definition
   * @param gendir the base directory to which we're dumping the code
   * @param context for which context we're dumping the rules
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws ResultException
  public void dumpBaseImplementations(SchemaManager sm, SchemaDefinition sd, String gendir, OperationalContextEnum context) throws IOException, ResultException {
    String genpackage = sd.getSchemaPackage() + ".generated.rulesdmo";
    String subfolder = gendir + "/rulesdmo";
    if (context == OperationalContextEnum.FULLJAVA){
      genpackage = sd.getDmwPackage() + ".generated.rulesfulljava";
      subfolder = gendir + "/rulesfulljava";
    for(RuleDefinition rd : sd.getRuleDefinitionList()){
      boolean isAttributeRule = false;
      if (rd.getRuleType() == RuleTypeEnum.ATTRIBUTE)
        isAttributeRule = true;
      if (context == OperationalContextEnum.DMO){
        // Skip full java rules if we're generating for the DMO context
        if (!rd.isDMOCompliant())
        if (rd.isDMOCompliant())
        ImportManager baseImports = new ImportManager();
        StringBuffer interfaces = new StringBuffer();

        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.RuleTypeEnum", "Rule type");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.RuleIF", "All rules implement this");
        baseImports.addImport("java.util.ArrayList", "To store category IDs");
        baseImports.addImport("java.util.Iterator", "To access category IDs");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.DmcOmni", "To map class and attribute names to info");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.DmcObject", "To support the dynamic constructor");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.DmcClassInfo", "To support retrieval of rule class");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.DmcAttributeInfo", "To support retrieval of attribute info");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.RuleKey", "To allow rule sorting");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.DynamicInitIF", "To allow for dynamic initialization of rule data");
        baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.RuleDataDMO", "To allow access to the rule data DMO");
        if (isAttributeRule)
            baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.AttributeRuleKey", "To allow rule sorting");
            baseImports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.rules.ClassRuleKey", "To allow rule sorting");

        interfaces.append("RuleIF, DynamicInitIF");
        baseImports.addImport(sd.getSchemaPackage() + ".generated.dmo." + rd.getName() + "DataDMO", "Rule parameters object");
        StringBuffer categoryInit = new StringBuffer();
        for (RuleCategory rc : rd.getRuleCategory()){
          categoryInit.append("            categories.add(" + rc.getRuleCategoryID() + ");\n");
          baseImports.addImport(rc.getRuleInterface(), "The interface for the " + rc.getName() + " category");

      BufferedWriter   out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(subfolder, rd.getName() + "");
      out.write("package " + genpackage + ";\n\n");
      out.write(baseImports.getFormattedImports() + "\n\n");
      out.write("// Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      out.write("abstract public class " + rd.getName() + "BaseImpl implements " + interfaces + " {\n\n");
      out.write("    static RuleTypeEnum       type  = RuleTypeEnum." + rd.getRuleType() + ";\n\n");
      out.write("    static ArrayList<Integer> categories;\n\n");
      out.write("    private DmcClassInfo      classInfo;\n");
      if (rd.getRuleType() == RuleTypeEnum.ATTRIBUTE)
        out.write("    private DmcAttributeInfo  attrInfo;\n");
      out.write("    private RuleKey           key;\n\n");
      out.write("    protected " + rd.getName() + "DataDMO ruleDMO;\n\n");
      out.write("    protected " + rd.getName() + "BaseImpl(){\n");
      out.write("        ruleDMO = null;\n");
      out.write("        if (categories == null){\n");
      out.write("            categories = new ArrayList<Integer>();\n");
      out.write("        }\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");
      out.write("    /**\n");
      out.write("     * This method allows for the dynamic instantiation and initialization of the\n");
      out.write("     * data associated with this rule. It is used by the DmcSchemaParser and generally\n");
      out.write("     * shouldn't be used unless you know what you're doing!\n");
      out.write("     */\n");
      out.write("    public void setRuleData(DmcObject obj){\n");
      out.write("        if (obj instanceof " + rd.getName() + "DataDMO)\n");
      out.write("            ruleDMO = (" + rd.getName() + "DataDMO)obj;\n");
      out.write("        else\n");
      out.write("            throw(new IllegalStateException(\"Object of class \" + obj.getClass().getName() + \" passed when object of class " + rd.getName() + "DataDMO required\"));\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");
      out.write("    protected " + rd.getName() + "BaseImpl(" + rd.getName() + "DataDMO dmo){\n");
      out.write("        ruleDMO = dmo;\n");
      out.write("        if (categories == null){\n");
      out.write("            categories = new ArrayList<Integer>();\n");
      out.write("        }\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");
      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public RuleKey getKey() {\n");
      out.write("        if (key == null)\n");
      if (isAttributeRule)
        out.write("            key = new AttributeRuleKey(getApplyToAttribute(),getApplyToClass());\n");
        out.write("            key = new ClassRuleKey(getApplyToClass());\n");
      out.write("        return(key);\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public String getRuleTitle() {\n");
      out.write("        return(ruleDMO.getRuleTitle());\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public DmcClassInfo getRuleClass() {\n");
      out.write("        return(ruleDMO.getConstructionClassInfo());\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public RuleTypeEnum getRuleType() {\n");
      out.write("        return(type);\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public Iterator<Integer> getCategories() {\n");
      out.write("        return(categories.iterator());\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");
      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public Iterator<String> getMsgParam() {\n");
      out.write("        return(ruleDMO.getMsgParam());\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public String getMsgKey() {\n");
      out.write("        return(ruleDMO.getMsgKey());\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public RuleDataDMO getRuleDataDMO() {\n");
      out.write("        return(ruleDMO);\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public DmcClassInfo getApplyToClass() {\n");
      out.write("        if (classInfo != null)\n");
      out.write("            return(classInfo);\n");
      out.write("        \n");
      out.write("        if (ruleDMO == null)\n");
      out.write("            return(null);\n");
      out.write("        \n");
      out.write("        if (ruleDMO.getApplyToClass() != null)\n");
      out.write("            classInfo = DmcOmni.instance().getClassInfo(ruleDMO.getApplyToClass().getObjectName().getNameString());\n");
      out.write("        \n");
      out.write("        return(classInfo);\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");

      if (rd.getRuleType() == RuleTypeEnum.ATTRIBUTE){
        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    public DmcAttributeInfo getApplyToAttribute() {\n");
        out.write("        if (attrInfo != null)\n");
        out.write("            return(attrInfo);\n");
        out.write("        \n");
        out.write("        if (ruleDMO == null)\n");
        out.write("            return(null);\n");
        out.write("        if (ruleDMO.getApplyToAttribute() != null)\n");
        out.write("            attrInfo = DmcOmni.instance().getAttributeInfo(ruleDMO.getApplyToAttribute().getObjectName().getNameString());\n");
        out.write("        \n");
        out.write("        return(attrInfo);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");
        out.write("    @Override\n");
        out.write("    public DmcAttributeInfo getApplyToAttribute() {\n");
        out.write("        return(null);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

      out.write("    @Override\n");
      out.write("    public String toString() {\n");
      out.write("        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();\n");
      out.write("        \n");
      out.write("        sb.append(getRuleType() + \" \");\n");
      out.write("        \n");
      out.write("        sb.append(getRuleClass().name + \" \");\n");
      out.write("        \n");
      out.write("        sb.append(getKey() + \" \");\n");
      out.write("        \n");
      out.write("        sb.append(getRuleTitle());\n");
      out.write("        \n");
      out.write("        return(sb.toString());\n");
      out.write("    }\n\n");
    dumpAutoTester(sm, sd, gendir, context);

  void dumpAutoTester(SchemaManager sm, SchemaDefinition sd, String gendir, OperationalContextEnum context) throws ResultException {
    String genpackage = sd.getSchemaPackage() + ".generated.rulesdmo";
    ResultException  ex = null;
    for(RuleDefinition rd : sd.getRuleDefinitionList()){
      if (context == OperationalContextEnum.DMO){
        // Skip full java rules if we're generating for the DMO context
        if (!rd.isDMOCompliant())
        if (rd.isDMOCompliant())
      try {
        Class<?>  ruleClass = Class.forName(rd.getRuleDefinitionImport());
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        if (ex == null)
          ex = new ResultException();
        ex.addError("You must create a rule implementation class: " + rd.getRuleDefinitionImport());
        ex.result.lastResult().moreMessages("It must extend " + genpackage + "." + rd.getName() + "BaseImpl");
    if (ex != null)

Related Classes of org.dmd.dms.util.RuleFormatter

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