Package org.antlr.test

Source Code of org.antlr.test.TestRewriteAST

[The "BSD licence"]
Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Terence Parr
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
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package org.antlr.test;

import org.antlr.tool.ErrorManager;
import org.antlr.tool.GrammarSemanticsMessage;
import org.antlr.tool.Grammar;
import org.antlr.Tool;
import org.antlr.codegen.CodeGenerator;

import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class TestRewriteAST extends BaseTest {
  protected boolean debug = false;

  @Test public void testDelete() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID INT -> ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc 34", debug);
    assertEquals("", found);

  @Test public void testSingleToken() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID -> ID;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc", debug);
    assertEquals("abc\n", found);

  @Test public void testSingleTokenToNewNode() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID -> ID[\"x\"];\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc", debug);
    assertEquals("x\n", found);

  @Test public void testSingleTokenToNewNodeRoot() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID -> ^(ID[\"x\"] INT);\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc", debug);
    assertEquals("(x INT)\n", found);

  @Test public void testSingleTokenToNewNode2() throws Exception {
    // Allow creation of new nodes w/o args.
    String grammar =
      "grammar TT;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID -> ID[ ];\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("TT.g", grammar, "TTParser", "TTLexer",
            "a", "abc", debug);
    assertEquals("ID\n", found);

  @Test public void testSingleCharLiteral() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : 'c' -> 'c';\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "c", debug);
    assertEquals("c\n", found);

  @Test public void testSingleStringLiteral() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : 'ick' -> 'ick';\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "ick", debug);
    assertEquals("ick\n", found);

  @Test public void testSingleRule() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : b -> b;\n" +
      "b : ID ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc", debug);
    assertEquals("abc\n", found);

  @Test public void testReorderTokens() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID INT -> INT ID;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc 34", debug);
    assertEquals("34 abc\n", found);

  @Test public void testReorderTokenAndRule() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : b INT -> INT b;\n" +
      "b : ID ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc 34", debug);
    assertEquals("34 abc\n", found);

  @Test public void testTokenTree() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID INT -> ^(INT ID);\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc 34", debug);
    assertEquals("(34 abc)\n", found);

  @Test public void testTokenTreeAfterOtherStuff() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : 'void' ID INT -> 'void' ^(INT ID);\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "void abc 34", debug);
    assertEquals("void (34 abc)\n", found);

  @Test public void testNestedTokenTreeWithOuterLoop() throws Exception {
    // verify that ID and INT both iterate over outer index variable
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {DUH;}\n" +
      "a : ID INT ID INT -> ^( DUH ID ^( DUH INT) )+ ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a 1 b 2", debug);
    assertEquals("(DUH a (DUH 1)) (DUH b (DUH 2))\n", found);

  @Test public void testOptionalSingleToken() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID -> ID? ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc", debug);
    assertEquals("abc\n", found);

  @Test public void testClosureSingleToken() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID ID -> ID* ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b", debug);
    assertEquals("a b\n", found);

  @Test public void testPositiveClosureSingleToken() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID ID -> ID+ ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b", debug);
    assertEquals("a b\n", found);

  @Test public void testOptionalSingleRule() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : b -> b?;\n" +
      "b : ID ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc", debug);
    assertEquals("abc\n", found);

  @Test public void testClosureSingleRule() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : b b -> b*;\n" +
      "b : ID ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b", debug);
    assertEquals("a b\n", found);

  @Test public void testClosureOfLabel() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : x+=b x+=b -> $x*;\n" +
      "b : ID ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b", debug);
    assertEquals("a b\n", found);

  @Test public void testOptionalLabelNoListLabel() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : (x=ID)? -> $x?;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a", debug);
    assertEquals("a\n", found);

  @Test public void testPositiveClosureSingleRule() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : b b -> b+;\n" +
      "b : ID ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b", debug);
    assertEquals("a b\n", found);

  @Test public void testSinglePredicateT() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID -> {true}? ID -> ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc", debug);
    assertEquals("abc\n", found);

  @Test public void testSinglePredicateF() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID -> {false}? ID -> ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc", debug);
    assertEquals("", found);

  @Test public void testMultiplePredicate() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID INT -> {false}? ID\n" +
      "           -> {true}? INT\n" +
      "           -> \n" +
      "  ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a 2", debug);
    assertEquals("2\n", found);

  @Test public void testMultiplePredicateTrees() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID INT -> {false}? ^(ID INT)\n" +
      "           -> {true}? ^(INT ID)\n" +
      "           -> ID\n" +
      "  ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a 2", debug);
    assertEquals("(2 a)\n", found);

  @Test public void testSimpleTree() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : op INT -> ^(op INT);\n" +
      "op : '+'|'-' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "-34", debug);
    assertEquals("(- 34)\n", found);

  @Test public void testSimpleTree2() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : op INT -> ^(INT op);\n" +
      "op : '+'|'-' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "+ 34", debug);
    assertEquals("(34 +)\n", found);

  @Test public void testNestedTrees() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : 'var' (ID ':' type ';')+ -> ^('var' ^(':' ID type)+) ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' | 'float' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "var a:int; b:float;", debug);
    assertEquals("(var (: a int) (: b float))\n", found);

  @Test public void testImaginaryTokenCopy() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {VAR;}\n" +
      "a : ID (',' ID)*-> ^(VAR ID)+ ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' | 'float' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a,b,c", debug);
    assertEquals("(VAR a) (VAR b) (VAR c)\n", found);

  @Test public void testTokenUnreferencedOnLeftButDefined() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {VAR;}\n" +
      "a : b -> ID ;\n" +
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a", debug);
    assertEquals("ID\n", found);

  @Test public void testImaginaryTokenCopySetText() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {VAR;}\n" +
      "a : ID (',' ID)*-> ^(VAR[\"var\"] ID)+ ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' | 'float' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a,b,c", debug);
    assertEquals("(var a) (var b) (var c)\n", found);

  @Test public void testImaginaryTokenNoCopyFromToken() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : lc='{' ID+ '}' -> ^(BLOCK[$lc] ID+) ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' | 'float' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "{a b c}", debug);
    assertEquals("({ a b c)\n", found);

  @Test public void testImaginaryTokenNoCopyFromTokenSetText() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : lc='{' ID+ '}' -> ^(BLOCK[$lc,\"block\"] ID+) ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' | 'float' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "{a b c}", debug);
    assertEquals("(block a b c)\n", found);

  @Test public void testMixedRewriteAndAutoAST() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : b b^ ;\n" + // 2nd b matches only an INT; can make it root
      "b : ID INT -> INT ID\n" +
      "  | INT\n" +
      "  ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a 1 2", debug);
    assertEquals("(2 1 a)\n", found);

  @Test public void testSubruleWithRewrite() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : b b ;\n" +
      "b : (ID INT -> INT ID | INT INT -> INT+ )\n" +
      "  ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a 1 2 3", debug);
    assertEquals("1 a 2 3\n", found);

  @Test public void testSubruleWithRewrite2() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {TYPE;}\n" +
      "a : b b ;\n" +
      "b : 'int'\n" +
      "    ( ID -> ^(TYPE 'int' ID)\n" +
      "    | ID '=' INT -> ^(TYPE 'int' ID INT)\n" +
      "    )\n" +
      "    ';'\n" +
      "  ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "int a; int b=3;", debug);
    assertEquals("(TYPE int a) (TYPE int b 3)\n", found);

  @Test public void testNestedRewriteShutsOffAutoAST() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : b b ;\n" +
      "b : ID ( ID (last=ID -> $last)+ ) ';'\n" + // get last ID
      "  | INT\n" + // should still get auto AST construction
      "  ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b c d; 42", debug);
    assertEquals("d 42\n", found);

  @Test public void testRewriteActions() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : atom -> ^({adaptor.create(INT,\"9\")} atom) ;\n" +
      "atom : INT ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "3", debug);
    assertEquals("(9 3)\n", found);

  @Test public void testRewriteActions2() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : atom -> {adaptor.create(INT,\"9\")} atom ;\n" +
      "atom : INT ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "3", debug);
    assertEquals("9 3\n", found);

  @Test public void testRefToOldValue() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : (atom -> atom) (op='+' r=atom -> ^($op $a $r) )* ;\n" +
      "atom : INT ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "3+4+5", debug);
    assertEquals("(+ (+ 3 4) 5)\n", found);

  @Test public void testCopySemanticsForRules() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : atom -> ^(atom atom) ;\n" + // NOT CYCLE! (dup atom)
      "atom : INT ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "3", debug);
    assertEquals("(3 3)\n", found);

  @Test public void testCopySemanticsForRules2() throws Exception {
    // copy type as a root for each invocation of (...)+ in rewrite
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : type ID (',' ID)* ';' -> ^(type ID)+ ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "int a,b,c;", debug);
    assertEquals("(int a) (int b) (int c)\n", found);

  @Test public void testCopySemanticsForRules3() throws Exception {
    // copy type *and* modifier even though it's optional
    // for each invocation of (...)+ in rewrite
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : modifier? type ID (',' ID)* ';' -> ^(type modifier? ID)+ ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' ;\n" +
      "modifier : 'public' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "public int a,b,c;", debug);
    assertEquals("(int public a) (int public b) (int public c)\n", found);

  @Test public void testCopySemanticsForRules3Double() throws Exception {
    // copy type *and* modifier even though it's optional
    // for each invocation of (...)+ in rewrite
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : modifier? type ID (',' ID)* ';' -> ^(type modifier? ID)+ ^(type modifier? ID)+ ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' ;\n" +
      "modifier : 'public' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "public int a,b,c;", debug);
    assertEquals("(int public a) (int public b) (int public c) (int public a) (int public b) (int public c)\n", found);

  @Test public void testCopySemanticsForRules4() throws Exception {
    // copy type *and* modifier even though it's optional
    // for each invocation of (...)+ in rewrite
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {MOD;}\n" +
      "a : modifier? type ID (',' ID)* ';' -> ^(type ^(MOD modifier)? ID)+ ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' ;\n" +
      "modifier : 'public' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "public int a,b,c;", debug);
    assertEquals("(int (MOD public) a) (int (MOD public) b) (int (MOD public) c)\n", found);

  @Test public void testCopySemanticsLists() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {MOD;}\n" +
      "a : ID (',' ID)* ';' -> ID+ ID+ ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a,b,c;", debug);
    assertEquals("a b c a b c\n", found);

  @Test public void testCopyRuleLabel() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : x=b -> $x $x;\n"+
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a", debug);
    assertEquals("a a\n", found);

  @Test public void testCopyRuleLabel2() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : x=b -> ^($x $x);\n"+
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a", debug);
    assertEquals("(a a)\n", found);

  @Test public void testQueueingOfTokens() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : 'int' ID (',' ID)* ';' -> ^('int' ID+) ;\n" +
      "op : '+'|'-' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "int a,b,c;", debug);
    assertEquals("(int a b c)\n", found);

  @Test public void testCopyOfTokens() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : 'int' ID ';' -> 'int' ID 'int' ID ;\n" +
      "op : '+'|'-' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "int a;", debug);
    assertEquals("int a int a\n", found);

  @Test public void testTokenCopyInLoop() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : 'int' ID (',' ID)* ';' -> ^('int' ID)+ ;\n" +
      "op : '+'|'-' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "int a,b,c;", debug);
    assertEquals("(int a) (int b) (int c)\n", found);

  @Test public void testTokenCopyInLoopAgainstTwoOthers() throws Exception {
    // must smear 'int' copies across as root of multiple trees
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : 'int' ID ':' INT (',' ID ':' INT)* ';' -> ^('int' ID INT)+ ;\n" +
      "op : '+'|'-' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "int a:1,b:2,c:3;", debug);
    assertEquals("(int a 1) (int b 2) (int c 3)\n", found);

  @Test public void testListRefdOneAtATime() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID+ -> ID ID ID ;\n" + // works if 3 input IDs
      "op : '+'|'-' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b c", debug);
    assertEquals("a b c\n", found);

  @Test public void testSplitListWithLabels() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {VAR;}\n"+
      "a : first=ID others+=ID* -> $first VAR $others+ ;\n" +
      "op : '+'|'-' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b c", debug);
    assertEquals("a VAR b c\n", found);

  @Test public void testComplicatedMelange() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : A A b=B B b=B c+=C C c+=C D {String s=$D.text;} -> A+ B+ C+ D ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' | 'float' ;\n" +
      "A : 'a' ;\n" +
      "B : 'b' ;\n" +
      "C : 'c' ;\n" +
      "D : 'd' ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a a b b b c c c d", debug);
    assertEquals("a a b b b c c c d\n", found);

  @Test public void testRuleLabel() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : x=b -> $x;\n"+
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a", debug);
    assertEquals("a\n", found);

  @Test public void testAmbiguousRule() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID a -> a | INT ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT: '0'..'9'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc 34", debug);
    assertEquals("34\n", found);

  @Test public void testWeirdRuleRef() throws Exception {
    ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID a -> $a | INT ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT: '0'..'9'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";

    Grammar g = new Grammar(grammar);
    Tool antlr = newTool();
    antlr.setOutputDirectory(null); // write to /dev/null
    CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(antlr, g, "Java");

    // $a is ambig; is it previous root or ref to a ref in alt?
    assertEquals("unexpected errors: "+equeue, 1, equeue.errors.size());   

  @Test public void testRuleListLabel() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : x+=b x+=b -> $x+;\n"+
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b", debug);
    assertEquals("a b\n", found);

  @Test public void testRuleListLabel2() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : x+=b x+=b -> $x $x*;\n"+
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b", debug);
    assertEquals("a b\n", found);

  @Test public void testOptional() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : x=b (y=b)? -> $x $y?;\n"+
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a", debug);
    assertEquals("a\n", found);

  @Test public void testOptional2() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : x=ID (y=b)? -> $x $y?;\n"+
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b", debug);
    assertEquals("a b\n", found);

  @Test public void testOptional3() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : x=ID (y=b)? -> ($x $y)?;\n"+
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b", debug);
    assertEquals("a b\n", found);

  @Test public void testOptional4() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : x+=ID (y=b)? -> ($x $y)?;\n"+
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b", debug);
    assertEquals("a b\n", found);

  @Test public void testOptional5() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : ID -> ID? ;\n"+ // match an ID to optional ID
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a", debug);
    assertEquals("a\n", found);

  @Test public void testArbitraryExprType() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : x+=b x+=b -> {new CommonTree()};\n"+
      "b : ID ;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b", debug);
    assertEquals("", found);

  @Test public void testSet() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options { output = AST; } \n" +
      "a: (INT|ID)+ -> INT+ ID+ ;\n" +
      "INT: '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "2 a 34 de", debug);
    assertEquals("2 34 a de\n", found);

  @Test public void testSet2() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options { output = AST; } \n" +
      "a: (INT|ID) -> INT? ID? ;\n" +
      "INT: '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "2", debug);
    assertEquals("2\n", found);

    // TODO: FAILS. The should probably generate a warning from antlr
    // See
    public void testSetWithLabel() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options { output = AST; } \n" +
      "a : x=(INT|ID) -> $x ;\n" +
      "INT: '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "2", debug);
    assertEquals("2\n", found);

  @Test public void testRewriteAction() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T; \n" +
      "options { output = AST; }\n" +
      "tokens { FLOAT; }\n" +
      "r\n" +
      "    : INT -> {new CommonTree(new CommonToken(FLOAT,$INT.text+\".0\"))} \n" +
      "    ; \n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+; \n" +
      "WS: (' ' | '\\n' | '\\t')+ {$channel = HIDDEN;}; \n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "r", "25", debug);
    assertEquals("25.0\n", found);

  @Test public void testOptionalSubruleWithoutRealElements() throws Exception {
    // copy type *and* modifier even though it's optional
    // for each invocation of (...)+ in rewrite
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;} \n" +
      "tokens {PARMS;} \n" +
      "\n" +
      "modulo \n" +
      " : 'modulo' ID ('(' parms+ ')')? -> ^('modulo' ID ^(PARMS parms+)?) \n" +
      " ; \n" +
      "parms : '#'|ID; \n" +
      "ID : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "modulo", "modulo abc (x y #)", debug);
    assertEquals("(modulo abc (PARMS x y #))\n", found);

  // C A R D I N A L I T Y  I S S U E S

  @Test public void testCardinality() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {BLOCK;}\n" +
      "a : ID ID INT INT INT -> (ID INT)+;\n"+
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+; \n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "a b 3 4 5", debug);
    String expecting =
      "org.antlr.runtime.tree.RewriteCardinalityException: token ID";
    String found = getFirstLineOfException();
    assertEquals(expecting, found);

  @Test public void testCardinality2() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID+ -> ID ID ID ;\n" + // only 2 input IDs
      "op : '+'|'-' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
           "a", "a b", debug);
    String expecting =
      "org.antlr.runtime.tree.RewriteCardinalityException: token ID";
    String found = getFirstLineOfException();
    assertEquals(expecting, found);

  @Test public void testCardinality3() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID? INT -> ID INT ;\n" +
      "op : '+'|'-' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
           "a", "3", debug);
    String expecting =
      "org.antlr.runtime.tree.RewriteEmptyStreamException: token ID";
    String found = getFirstLineOfException();
    assertEquals(expecting, found);

  @Test public void testLoopCardinality() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID? INT -> ID+ INT ;\n" +
      "op : '+'|'-' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
           "a", "3", debug);
    String expecting =
    String found = getFirstLineOfException();
    assertEquals(expecting, found);

  @Test public void testWildcard() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID c=. -> $c;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("T.g", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer",
            "a", "abc 34", debug);
    assertEquals("34\n", found);

  // E R R O R S

  @Test public void testUnknownRule() throws Exception {
    ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : INT -> ugh ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";

    Grammar g = new Grammar(grammar);
    Tool antlr = newTool();
    antlr.setOutputDirectory(null); // write to /dev/null
    CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(antlr, g, "Java");

    int expectedMsgID = ErrorManager.MSG_UNDEFINED_RULE_REF;
    Object expectedArg = "ugh";
    Object expectedArg2 = null;
    GrammarSemanticsMessage expectedMessage =
      new GrammarSemanticsMessage(expectedMsgID, g, null, expectedArg, expectedArg2);

    checkError(equeue, expectedMessage);

  @Test public void testKnownRuleButNotInLHS() throws Exception {
    ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : INT -> b ;\n" +
      "b : 'b' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";

    Grammar g = new Grammar(grammar);
    Tool antlr = newTool();
    antlr.setOutputDirectory(null); // write to /dev/null
    CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(antlr, g, "Java");

    int expectedMsgID = ErrorManager.MSG_REWRITE_ELEMENT_NOT_PRESENT_ON_LHS;
    Object expectedArg = "b";
    Object expectedArg2 = null;
    GrammarSemanticsMessage expectedMessage =
      new GrammarSemanticsMessage(expectedMsgID, g, null, expectedArg, expectedArg2);

    checkError(equeue, expectedMessage);

  @Test public void testUnknownToken() throws Exception {
    ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : INT -> ICK ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";

    Grammar g = new Grammar(grammar);
    Tool antlr = newTool();
    antlr.setOutputDirectory(null); // write to /dev/null
    CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(antlr, g, "Java");

    int expectedMsgID = ErrorManager.MSG_UNDEFINED_TOKEN_REF_IN_REWRITE;
    Object expectedArg = "ICK";
    Object expectedArg2 = null;
    GrammarSemanticsMessage expectedMessage =
      new GrammarSemanticsMessage(expectedMsgID, g, null, expectedArg, expectedArg2);

    checkError(equeue, expectedMessage);

  @Test public void testUnknownLabel() throws Exception {
    ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : INT -> $foo ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";

    Grammar g = new Grammar(grammar);
    Tool antlr = newTool();
    antlr.setOutputDirectory(null); // write to /dev/null
    CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(antlr, g, "Java");

    int expectedMsgID = ErrorManager.MSG_UNDEFINED_LABEL_REF_IN_REWRITE;
    Object expectedArg = "foo";
    Object expectedArg2 = null;
    GrammarSemanticsMessage expectedMessage =
      new GrammarSemanticsMessage(expectedMsgID, g, null, expectedArg, expectedArg2);

    checkError(equeue, expectedMessage);

  @Test public void testUnknownCharLiteralToken() throws Exception {
    ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : INT -> 'a' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";

    Grammar g = new Grammar(grammar);
    Tool antlr = newTool();
    antlr.setOutputDirectory(null); // write to /dev/null
    CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(antlr, g, "Java");

    int expectedMsgID = ErrorManager.MSG_UNDEFINED_TOKEN_REF_IN_REWRITE;
    Object expectedArg = "'a'";
    Object expectedArg2 = null;
    GrammarSemanticsMessage expectedMessage =
      new GrammarSemanticsMessage(expectedMsgID, g, null, expectedArg, expectedArg2);

    checkError(equeue, expectedMessage);

  @Test public void testUnknownStringLiteralToken() throws Exception {
    ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

    String grammar =
      "grammar T;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : INT -> 'foo' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";

    Grammar g = new Grammar(grammar);
    Tool antlr = newTool();
    antlr.setOutputDirectory(null); // write to /dev/null
    CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(antlr, g, "Java");

    int expectedMsgID = ErrorManager.MSG_UNDEFINED_TOKEN_REF_IN_REWRITE;
    Object expectedArg = "'foo'";
    Object expectedArg2 = null;
    GrammarSemanticsMessage expectedMessage =
      new GrammarSemanticsMessage(expectedMsgID, g, null, expectedArg, expectedArg2);

    checkError(equeue, expectedMessage);

  @Test public void testExtraTokenInSimpleDecl() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar foo;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {EXPR;}\n" +
      "decl : type ID '=' INT ';' -> ^(EXPR type ID INT) ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' | 'float' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("foo.g", grammar, "fooParser", "fooLexer",
                  "decl", "int 34 x=1;", debug);
    assertEquals("line 1:4 extraneous input '34' expecting ID\n", this.stderrDuringParse);
    assertEquals("(EXPR int x 1)\n", found); // tree gets correct x and 1 tokens

  @Test public void testMissingIDInSimpleDecl() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar foo;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {EXPR;}\n" +
      "decl : type ID '=' INT ';' -> ^(EXPR type ID INT) ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' | 'float' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("foo.g", grammar, "fooParser", "fooLexer",
                  "decl", "int =1;", debug);
    assertEquals("line 1:4 missing ID at '='\n", this.stderrDuringParse);
    assertEquals("(EXPR int <missing ID> 1)\n", found); // tree gets invented ID token

  @Test public void testMissingSetInSimpleDecl() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar foo;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "tokens {EXPR;}\n" +
      "decl : type ID '=' INT ';' -> ^(EXPR type ID INT) ;\n" +
      "type : 'int' | 'float' ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("foo.g", grammar, "fooParser", "fooLexer",
                  "decl", "x=1;", debug);
    assertEquals("line 1:0 mismatched input 'x' expecting set null\n", this.stderrDuringParse);
    assertEquals("(EXPR <error: x> x 1)\n", found); // tree gets invented ID token

  @Test public void testMissingTokenGivesErrorNode() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar foo;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID INT -> ID INT ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("foo.g", grammar, "fooParser", "fooLexer",
                  "a", "abc", debug);
    assertEquals("line 0:-1 missing INT at '<EOF>'\n", this.stderrDuringParse);
    // doesn't do in-line recovery for sets (yet?)
    assertEquals("abc <missing INT>\n", found);

  @Test public void testExtraTokenGivesErrorNode() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar foo;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : b c -> b c;\n" +
      "b : ID -> ID ;\n" +
      "c : INT -> INT ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("foo.g", grammar, "fooParser", "fooLexer",
                  "a", "abc ick 34", debug);
    assertEquals("line 1:4 extraneous input 'ick' expecting INT\n", this.stderrDuringParse);
    assertEquals("abc 34\n", found);

  @Test public void testMissingFirstTokenGivesErrorNode() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar foo;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : ID INT -> ID INT ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("foo.g", grammar, "fooParser", "fooLexer",
                  "a", "34", debug);
    assertEquals("line 1:0 missing ID at '34'\n", this.stderrDuringParse);
    assertEquals("<missing ID> 34\n", found);

  @Test public void testMissingFirstTokenGivesErrorNode2() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar foo;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : b c -> b c;\n" +
      "b : ID -> ID ;\n" +
      "c : INT -> INT ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("foo.g", grammar, "fooParser", "fooLexer",
                  "a", "34", debug);
    // finds an error at the first token, 34, and re-syncs.
    // re-synchronizing does not consume a token because 34 follows
    // ref to rule b (start of c). It then matches 34 in c.
    assertEquals("line 1:0 missing ID at '34'\n", this.stderrDuringParse);
    assertEquals("<missing ID> 34\n", found);

  @Test public void testNoViableAltGivesErrorNode() throws Exception {
    String grammar =
      "grammar foo;\n" +
      "options {output=AST;}\n" +
      "a : b -> b | c -> c;\n" +
      "b : ID -> ID ;\n" +
      "c : INT -> INT ;\n" +
      "ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n" +
      "S : '*' ;\n" +
      "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
      "WS : (' '|'\\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;\n";
    String found = execParser("foo.g", grammar, "fooParser", "fooLexer",
                  "a", "*", debug);
    // finds an error at the first token, 34, and re-syncs.
    // re-synchronizing does not consume a token because 34 follows
    // ref to rule b (start of c). It then matches 34 in c.
    assertEquals("line 1:0 no viable alternative at input '*'\n", this.stderrDuringParse);
    assertEquals("<unexpected: [@0,0:0='*',<6>,1:0], resync=*>\n", found);


Related Classes of org.antlr.test.TestRewriteAST

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