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* An object which can accurately measure a {@link Line} and map X coordinates
* to columns and vice versa.
* TL;DR;
* We have a fast regex to tell whether a line can use the naive calculations
* for column/x. If it doesn't we have to put it in a span and measure special
* characters then store how much they effect the width of our columns. Tabs
* which are prefixing indentation and suffix carraige returns are special cased
* and don't require measurements.
* Implementation Details
* There are three states a line can be in:
* 1. Unknown, this is represented by the lack of a NEEDS_OFFSET tag on the
* Line. This is the default line state and means that a user (or this class)
* has yet to visit this line in the document.
* 2. No offset needed (false NEEDS_OFFSET value), this state indicates that
* we've visited the line and decided it has no characters which warrant special
* attention. Prefix tabs and suffix carriage returns are included in this state
* since they are a common case. If they exist they will be handled in some very
* simple offset code.
* 3. Offset needed (true NEEDS_OFFSET value), this state indicates that there
* are special characters within this line. This includes tabs which appear in
* the middle of a line or carriage-returns which aren't at the end followed by
* a \n. In this state a ColumnOffsetCache is built and put onto the line. It is
* lazily constructed as columns are requested.
* ColumnOffsetCache internals:
* Once built and attached to a line, the column offset cache maintains a cache
* entry for each special character on a line. The entry will be made for the
* column immediately following the special character and the x value of that
* entry will represent the left edge of that column (the right edge of the
* column with the special character).
* All examples assume double-wide characters are 10px and normal characters are
* 5px wide, combining marks are 0px.
* For example, if the line is "烏烏龍茶\n" the cache will contain:
* [{column: 1, x: 10px }, {column: 2, x: 20px }, {column: 3, x: 30px },
* {column: 4, x: 40px }]
* Note that this last entry exists regardless of the \n existing. So the last
* entry may be a column which does not exist in the string.
* Using the example, when column 2's x is requested (that is the third
* character in the string), entry [1] will be pulled from the cache and the
* returned left edge will be 20px.
* A cache entry is only created for special width characters, any interesting
* character that turns out to be our same width is ignored as well.
* For example in the case of "烏aaa烏" the cache will contain:
* [{column: 1, x: 10px }, {column: 5, x: 25px }]
* In this example if we were interested in column 2 (that is the 3rd character
* in the string or 2nd 'a' character), entry [1] will be pulled from cache,
* then 10px + 5px will be added together and a left edge of 15px will be
* returned.
* An important note on combining marks:
* Combining marks and some similar characters, show up in the cache as 0 width
* characters. That is when they are measured they add no additional width to
* the string and function as a zero width column. They will still contain an
* entry in cache but it will be marked as isZeroWidth and the x value will
* correspond to the same x value of the previous column.
* For example, if the line is "à=à" (note the first a has a combining mark so
* the string is really more like "a`=à" the cache will contain:
* [{column: 2, x: 5px, isZeroWidth: true }]
* That means if we look up say character 4 (the last à). We will take 5px and
* add 5px to get 10px which would put us to the right of the '=' when rendered.
* How the cache is built:
* We scan the string for any characters of interest (we vaguely define that as
* any character not part of the original latin alphabet so character code >
* 255). We then measure the entire string up to and including that character.
* If the string matches the length we'd expect, then we cache that the
* character is normal but do not create an offset cache entry. Otherwise we
* store the width of the character so we don't have to measure for it again,
* then create an offset cache entry to denote that this character affects
* columns past it since it has an odd width.
* Current Limitations:
* Some combining marks combine in both directions (this is mostly script type
* languages). This means they can affect the width of columns before themselves
* (aka make the character the combine width smaller). We have a hack to
* mitigate this but really there's only so much we can do.
* Measuring can be expensive in long strings containing a large number of
* different special characters. So if you paste a 500 character string of
* Katakana, then click at the very end, prepare for a small wait while we catch
* up. The good news is that will be mitigated the second time since each of
* those character's width is cached and we won't have to layout again.
* Zoom makes us wipe the entire cache (sucks), Unfortunately this can't be
* avoided as different character's scale at different factors (double sucks).
* So we just clear our cache and go about rebuilding.
* Further comments:
* I'm not sure how docs does it but they seem pretty quick, they bite it hard
* on combining marks (the cursor just moves over the letter), but they do
* handle wider characters fine. The one thing they do have is Arabic makes the
* cursor go right-to-left but still combining mark's don't quite work and in
* fact some don't render correctly at all (which do otherwise).
public class LineDimensionsCalculator {
   * Creates a new {@link LineDimensionsCalculator} from a
   * {@link FontDimensionsCalculator}.
  public static LineDimensionsCalculator create(FontDimensionsCalculator fontCalculator) {
    final LineDimensionsCalculator calculator =
        new LineDimensionsCalculator(new BrowserMeasurementProvider(fontCalculator));
    // add a listener so that we can clear our cache if the dimensions change.
    fontCalculator.addCallback(new FontDimensionsCalculator.Callback() {
      public void onFontDimensionsChanged(FontDimensions fontDimensions) {
    return calculator;

   * Creates a new {@link LineDimensionsCalculator} with a custom
   * {@link MeasurementProvider}.
  static LineDimensionsCalculator createWithCustomProvider(MeasurementProvider provider) {
    return new LineDimensionsCalculator(provider);

   * Specifies how a X-to-column conversion determines the column if the X isn't on the exact column
   * boundary.
  public enum RoundingStrategy {
    public int apply(double value) {
      switch (this) {
        case ROUND:
          return (int) Math.round(value);
        case FLOOR:
          return (int) Math.floor(value);
        case CEIL:
          return (int) Math.ceil(value);
          throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value for RoundingStrategy");
   * A cache used to cache the width of special characters. Would be final
   * except there isn't a fast way to clear a map.
  private static JsonStringMap<Double> characterWidthCache = JsonCollections.createMap();

   * A listener which notifies us of dirty lines. We only have to handle the
   * case where the endLine != startLine since the startLine is handled in the
   * preTextListener.
  private static TextListener textListener = new TextListener() {
    public void onTextChange( document,
        JsonArray<TextChange> textChanges) {
      for (int i = 0; i < textChanges.size(); i++) {
        TextChange change = textChanges.get(i);
        if (change.getEndLine() != change.getLine()) {
              change.getEndLine(), change.getEndColumn(), change.getType());

   * A listener which allows us to mark the cache dirty before a text change
   * actually takes place.
  private static PreTextListener preTextListener = new PreTextListener() {
    public void onPreTextChange(Document document,
        Type type,
        Line line,
        int lineNumber,
        int column,
        String text) {

       * In the case where text is deleted, we only need to mark ourselves dirty
       * if there is already an OffsetCache. The insert case though requires
       * looking at the newly typed text for special characters.
      LineDimensionsUtils.preTextIsOffsetNeededAndCache(line, column, type, text);

  private final RemoverManager listenerManager = new RemoverManager();
  private final MeasurementProvider measurementProvider;

  private LineDimensionsCalculator(MeasurementProvider measurementProvider) {
    this.measurementProvider = measurementProvider;

   * Sets the currently opened document so we can listen for mutations.
  public void handleDocumentChange(Document newDocument) {
    // Remove old document listener
    // add the new ones

   * Converts a column to its x coordinate.
  public double convertColumnToX(Line line, int column) {
    // Simple case we early out
    if (column == 0) {
      return 0;

    if (!LineDimensionsUtils.needsOffset(line)) {
      return simpleConvertColumnToX(line, column);
    return convertColumnToXMeasuringIfNeeded(line, column);

   * Converts an x coordinate to the Editor column.
  public int convertXToColumn(Line line, double x, RoundingStrategy roundingStrategy) {
    // Easy out (< can happen when selection dragging).
    if (x <= 0) {
      return 0;

    if (!LineDimensionsUtils.needsOffset(line)) {
      return simpleConvertXToColumn(line, x, roundingStrategy);
    return roundingStrategy.apply(convertXToColumnMeasuringIfNeeded(line, x));

   * Converts column to x using the {@link ColumnOffsetCache} stored on the
   * line, measuring if required.
  private double convertColumnToXMeasuringIfNeeded(Line line, int column) {
    LineDimensionsUtils.markTimeline(getClass(), "Begin converting Column To X via offset cache.");

    ColumnOffsetCache cache = ColumnOffsetCache.getOrCreate(line, getColumnWidth());
    checkColumnInCacheAndMeasureIfNeeded(cache, line, column);
    ColumnOffset offset = cache.getColumnOffsetForColumn(column);

    LineDimensionsUtils.markTimeline(getClass(), "End converting Column To X via offset cache.");
    return smartColumnToX(offset, column);

   * Converts x to a column using the {@link ColumnOffsetCache} stored on the
   * line, measuring if needed.
  private double convertXToColumnMeasuringIfNeeded(Line line, double x) {
    LineDimensionsUtils.markTimeline(getClass(), "Begin converting X To column via offset cache.");

    ColumnOffsetCache cache = ColumnOffsetCache.getOrCreate(line, getColumnWidth());
    checkXInCacheAndMeasureIfNeeded(cache, line, x);
    Pair<ColumnOffset, Double> offsetAndWidth = cache.getColumnOffsetForX(x, getColumnWidth());

    LineDimensionsUtils.markTimeline(getClass(), "End converting X To column via offset cache.");

    return smartXToColumn(offsetAndWidth.first, offsetAndWidth.second, x);

   * Smart column to x conversion which converts a column to an x position based
   * on a {@link ColumnOffset}.
  private double smartColumnToX(ColumnOffset offset, int column) {
    if (offset.column == column) {
      return offset.x;

    return offset.x + naiveColumnToX(column - offset.column);

   * Smart x to column conversion which an x pixel position to a column based on
   * a {@link ColumnOffset}.
  private double smartXToColumn(ColumnOffset offset, double width, double x) {
    double column = offset.column;
    if (x == offset.x) {
      return column;
    } else if (x < offset.x + width) {
       * We are converting this exact column so lets taken into account this
       * columns length which may be special.
      column += (x - offset.x) / width;
    } else {
      // Figure out the offset in pixels and subtract then convert.
      column += naiveXToColumn(x - offset.x);

    return column;

   * Naively converts a column to its expected x value not taking into account
   * any special characters.
  private double naiveColumnToX(double column) {
    return column * getColumnWidth();

   * Naively converts a x pixel value to its expected column not taking into
   * account any special characters.
  private double naiveXToColumn(double x) {
    return x / getColumnWidth();

   * Finds the adjusted column number due to tab indentation and carriage
   * returns. This is used in the simple case to handle prefixing tabs and the
   * '\r\n' windows line format. Complex cases are handled in the
   * {@link ColumnOffsetCache}.
  private double simpleConvertColumnToX(Line line, int column) {
    // early out when we are at the start of the line
    if (column == 0) {
      return 0;

    LineDimensionsUtils.markTimeline(getClass(), "Calculating simple offset");
    // get any indentation tabs that are affecting us
    int offsetTabColumns = LineDimensionsUtils.getLastIndentationTabCount(line.getText(), column)
        * (LineDimensionsUtils.getTabWidth() - 1);
    int offsetCarriageReturn = 0;
    if (isColumnAffectedByCarriageReturn(line, column)) {
      offsetCarriageReturn = -1;
    LineDimensionsUtils.markTimeline(getClass(), "End calculating simple offset");
    return naiveColumnToX(offsetTabColumns + offsetCarriageReturn + column);

  private int simpleConvertXToColumn(Line line, double x, RoundingStrategy roundingStrategy) {
    if (x == 0) {
      return 0;

    LineDimensionsUtils.markTimeline(getClass(), "Calculating simple offset from x");
     * we just have to be conscious here of prefix tabs which may be a different
     * width and suffix \r which is 0 width. We deal accordingly.

     * we divide x by the width of a tab in pixels to overshoot the number of
     * indentation tabs
    int columnIfAllTabs = (int) Math.floor(x / naiveColumnToX(LineDimensionsUtils.getTabWidth()));
    int offsetTabColumns =
        LineDimensionsUtils.getLastIndentationTabCount(line.getText(), columnIfAllTabs);
    assert columnIfAllTabs >= offsetTabColumns : "You appear to be less tabs then you say you are";

    double lineWidthPxWithoutTabs =
        x - (offsetTabColumns * LineDimensionsUtils.getTabWidth() * getColumnWidth());
    int column =
        roundingStrategy.apply(naiveXToColumn(lineWidthPxWithoutTabs) + offsetTabColumns);
    // if we landed on the carriage return column++
    if (column < line.length() && line.getText().charAt(column) == '\r') {
    LineDimensionsUtils.markTimeline(getClass(), "End calculating simple offset from x");
    return column;

   * @return true if a measurement was performed.
  private boolean checkColumnInCacheAndMeasureIfNeeded(
      ColumnOffsetCache cache, Line line, int column) {
    if (cache.isColumnMeasurementNeeded(column)) {
      measureLineStoppingAtColumn(cache, line, column);
      return true;
    return false;

   * @return true if a measurement was performed.
  private boolean checkXInCacheAndMeasureIfNeeded(ColumnOffsetCache cache, Line line, double x) {
    if (cache.isXMeasurementNeeded(x)) {
      measureLineStoppingAtX(cache, line, x);
      return true;
    return false;

   * Builds the cache for a line up to or beyond the given endColumn value.
   * @see #measureLine(ColumnOffsetCache, Line, int, double)
  private void measureLineStoppingAtColumn(ColumnOffsetCache cache, Line line, int endColumn) {
    measureLine(cache, line, endColumn, Double.MAX_VALUE);

   * Builds the cache for a line up to or beyond the given endX value.
   * @see #measureLine(ColumnOffsetCache, Line, int, double)
  private void measureLineStoppingAtX(ColumnOffsetCache cache, Line line, double endX) {
    measureLine(cache, line, Integer.MAX_VALUE, endX);

   * Builds the cache for a line up to a particular column. Should not be called
   * if the line has already been {@link ColumnOffsetCache#FULLY_MEASURED}.
   * <p>
   * You should only rely on either endColumn or endX, one or the other should
   * be the max value for its data type.
   * @see #measureLineStoppingAtColumn(ColumnOffsetCache, Line, int)
   * @see #measureLineStoppingAtX(ColumnOffsetCache, Line, double)
   * @param endColumn inclusive end column (we will end on or after end)
   * @param endX inclusive end x pixel width (we will end on or after endX)
  private void measureLine(ColumnOffsetCache cache, Line line, int endColumn, double endX) {
     * Starting at cache.measuredColumn we will use the regex to scan forward to
     * see if we hit an interesting character other than prefixed tab. if we do
     * we'll measure that to that point and append a {@link ColumnOffset} if it
     * is a special size. Rinse and repeat.
    LineDimensionsUtils.markTimeline(getClass(), "Beginning measure line");
    RegExp regexp = UnicodeUtils.regexpNonAsciiTabOrCarriageReturn;
    MatchResult result = regexp.exec(line.getText());

    if (result != null) {
      double x = 0;
      do {
        // Calculate any x offset up to this point in the line
        ColumnOffset offset = cache.getLastColumnOffsetInCache();
        double baseXOffset = smartColumnToX(offset, result.getIndex());

         * TODO: we can be smarter here, if i > 1, then this character
         * is a mark. We could separate out the RegExp into non-spacing,
         * enclosing-marks v. spacing-marks and already know which are supposed
         * to be zero-width based on which groups are null.
        String match = result.getGroup(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < match.length(); i++) {
          x = addOffsetForResult(cache, match.charAt(i), result.getIndex() + i, line, baseXOffset);
          baseXOffset = x;
        result = regexp.exec(line.getText());
        // we have to ensure we measure through the last zero-width character.
      } while (result != null && result.getIndex() < endColumn && x < endX);

    if (result == null) {
      cache.measuredOffset = ColumnOffsetCache.FULLY_MEASURED;

    LineDimensionsUtils.markTimeline(getClass(), "Ending measure line");

  private double addOffsetForResult(
      ColumnOffsetCache cache, char matchedCharacter, int index, Line line, double baseXOffset) {
     * Get the string up to the current character, special casing tabs since
     * they must render as the correct number of spaces (we replace them when
     * the appropriate number of hard-spaces so the browser doesn't trim them).
    String partialLineText = line.getText().substring(0, index + 1).replace(
        "\t", StringUtils.repeatString("\u00A0", LineDimensionsUtils.getTabWidth()));

     * Get the width of the string including our special character and if needed
     * append an offset to the cache.
    double expectedWidth = baseXOffset + getColumnWidth();
    double stringWidth = getStringWidth(matchedCharacter, baseXOffset, partialLineText);
    if (stringWidth < baseXOffset) {
       * This is a annoying condition where certain combining characters can
       * actually change how the previous character is rendered. In some cases
       * actually making it smaller than before. This is fairly annoying. It
       * only happens when some scripts and languages like Arabic with heavy
       * combining marks. This is also possible due to measurement
       * inconsistencies when measuring combining characters.
       * Honestly there's not much we can do, but we make our best attempt to at
       * least provide a consistent cursor experience even if it isn't
       * navigating the characters correctly (not that I would even know,
       * considering I can't speak/read Arabic).
      stringWidth = baseXOffset;
    if (stringWidth != expectedWidth) {
      cache.appendOffset(index + 1, stringWidth, stringWidth - baseXOffset);
    return stringWidth;

   * Returns the width of a column within the current zoom level.
  private double getColumnWidth() {
    return measurementProvider.getCharacterWidth();

   * Determines the width of a string using either the cached width of a
   * character of interest or by measuring it using a
   * {@link MeasurementProvider}
   * @param characterOfInterest The character we are interested in which should
   *        also be the last character of the textToMeasure string.
   * @param baseXOffset The base x offset of the column before the character of
   *        interest. The returned result will be this offset + the width of the
   *        characterOfInterest.
   * @param textToMeasureIncludingCharacterOfInterest The string of text to
   *        measure including the character of interest.
   * @return The width of the string which is baseXOffset +
   *         characterOfInterestWidth
  private double getStringWidth(char characterOfInterest, double baseXOffset,
      String textToMeasureIncludingCharacterOfInterest) {
    switch (characterOfInterest) {
      case '\t':
        // base + columnWidth * tab_size_in_columns
        return baseXOffset + LineDimensionsUtils.getTabWidth() * getColumnWidth();
      case '\r':
        // zero-width just return the baseXOffset
        return baseXOffset;
        Double characterWidth = characterWidthCache.get(String.valueOf(characterOfInterest));
        // if we know the width already return it
        if (characterWidth != null) {
          return baseXOffset + characterWidth;
        // Measure and store the width of the character
        double expectedWidth = baseXOffset + getColumnWidth();
        double width =

        // cache the width of this character
        characterWidthCache.put(String.valueOf(characterOfInterest), width - baseXOffset);
        return width;

   * Returns true if the column is past a carriage return at the end of a line.
  private static boolean isColumnAffectedByCarriageReturn(Line line, int column) {
    return line.length() >= 2 && column > line.length() - 2
        && line.getText().charAt(line.length() - 2) == '\r';

   * Due to differences in how characters measure at different zoom levels (it's
   * not a constant factor for all character types!!!), we just clear the world
   * and rebuild.
  private static void clearCharacterCacheDueToZoomChange() {
    LineDimensionsUtils.markTimeline(LineDimensionsCalculator.class, "Cleared cache due to zoom");
    characterWidthCache = JsonCollections.createMap();

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