Package org.ontoware.rdfreactor.generator

Source Code of org.ontoware.rdfreactor.generator.JavaNamingUtils

* Created on 14.02.2005
package org.ontoware.rdfreactor.generator;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.BlankNode;
import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.URI;
import org.ontoware.rdfreactor.schema.bootstrap.Resource;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

* Helper methods for creating legal and unique Java Bean Identifiers for
* resources.
* Use toBeanName() as the main entry point to the helper functions.
* @author mvo
public class JavaNamingUtils {
    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JavaNamingUtils.class);
     * Create a legal and unique Java Bean Identifier for a resource.
     * @param rresource - Resource for which to create the Identifier
     * @param usedNames - Set of already used names
     * @return a new unique name from label or URI
    public static String toBeanName(Resource rresource, Set<String> usedNames) {
        // if we have at least one label, we use that
        List<String> labels = rresource.getAllLabel_asList();
        // TODO improve: language handling in labels
        if(labels.size() > 0) {
            log.debug("Found a label, using first label: " + labels.get(0));
            String labelName = toLegalJavaIdentifier(labels.get(0));
                return labelName;
            // IMPROVE: might try other labels
            else {
                String result = uri2beanname(rresource.getResource(), usedNames);
                log.debug("NAME     " + rresource.getResource().toSPARQL() + " label '" + labelName
                        + "' is already used. Using '" + result + "' computed from URI.");
                return result;
        } else {
            String result = uri2beanname(rresource.getResource(), usedNames);
            log.debug("NAME     " + rresource.getResource().toSPARQL() + " found no label. Using '"
                    + result + "' computed from URI.");
            return result;
     * Convert any String into a legal Java Bean Identifier (no spaces,
     * everything concatenated)
     * @param illegal - String which has to be converted
     * @return legal Java Bean Identifier
    public static String toLegalJavaIdentifier(String illegal) {
        assert illegal != null;
        // make rawname bean-style
        // remove all spaces/underlines and concatenate the result
        String beanname = illegal;
        beanname = beanname.replaceAll("is ", "");
        beanname = beanname.replaceAll("has ", "");
        beanname = beanname.replaceAll("is_", "");
        beanname = beanname.replaceAll("has_", "");
        beanname = beanname.replaceAll(" ", "");
        beanname = beanname.replaceAll("_", "");
        beanname = beanname.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_");
        beanname = beanname.trim();
        // force a letter as first character (e.g. no number)
                .substring(0, 1)))
            beanname = "a_" + beanname;
        // first letter upperacse
        beanname = beanname.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + beanname.substring(1);
        return beanname;
     * Take a URI and generate a legal and unique Java Bean Identifier from it.
     * @param uriOrBlankNode - URI or BlankNode for which a bean identifiers has
     *            to be created.
     * @param usedNames - Set of already used bean identifiers
     * @return a legal and unique Java Bean Identifier
    public static String uri2beanname(Object uriOrBlankNode, Set<String> usedNames) {
        if(uriOrBlankNode instanceof BlankNode) {
            return "blankNode";
            // TODO create names for anonymous resource
            // throw new RuntimeException(
            // "Cannot create names for anonymous resources (yet)");
        URI uri = (URI)uriOrBlankNode;
        String rawname;
        if(uri != null) {
            if(getLocalPart(uri.toString()) != null) {
                rawname = getLocalPart(uri.toString());
            } else {
                rawname = uri.toString();
        } else {
            // generate name! only needed for blank nodes
            rawname = "genBean" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        // remove preceeding 'has'
        if(rawname.toLowerCase().startsWith("has") && rawname.length() > 3) {
            rawname = rawname.substring(3);
        // make rawname bean-style
        String beanname = toLegalJavaIdentifier(rawname);
        // now we have a nice bean name - but is it unique?
        if(usedNames.contains(beanname)) {
            // TODO check when this happens and deal better with it
            if(uri == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("");
            // try to use namespace prefix for disambiguation
            String namespacePrefix = guessNSPrefix(uri.toString());
            String prefixedBeanName = toLegalJavaIdentifier(namespacePrefix + beanname);
            if(usedNames.contains(prefixedBeanName)) {
                // fallback to plain uri
                beanname = toLegalJavaIdentifier(uri.toString());
            } else {
                beanname = prefixedBeanName;
        return beanname;
     * Get the local part of a URI, which is the fragment identifier (after #)
     * or part after the last / .
     * @param uriString - URI given as String
     * @return URI fragment identifier OR part after last slash OR null
    public static String getLocalPart(String uriString) {
        String fragment = null;
        if(uriString.contains("#")) {
            fragment = uriString.substring(uriString.lastIndexOf('#') + 1);
            if(fragment != null && fragment.length() > 0) {
                return fragment;
        // IV: no fragment, but some URI
        int slashPos = uriString.lastIndexOf('/');
        if(slashPos > 0 && slashPos + 1 < uriString.length()) {
            // take after last slash
            return uriString.substring(slashPos + 1);
        } else {
            int colonPos = uriString.lastIndexOf(':');
            if(colonPos > 0 && colonPos + 1 < uriString.length()) {
                // take after last slash
                return uriString.substring(colonPos + 1);
            } else {
                return null;
     * Get the Name Space Part of an URI (before the # or last / )
     * @param uriString - URI given as String
     * @return the part BEFORE the # or last slash
    public static String getNamespacePart(String uriString) {
        String local = getLocalPart(uriString);
        if(local == null)
            return null;
        return uriString.substring(0, uriString.length() - local.length());
     * try to find a suitable prefix to represent a uri, much like the prefixed
     * used in N3 notation.
     * @param uriString a URI given as String
     * @return a short, lowercase name without spaces, usable as a N3 namespace
     *         prefix
    public static String guessNSPrefix(String uriString) {
        // TODO improve: load namespace mappings from a file
        Map<String,String> namespace2prefix = new HashMap<String,String>();
        namespace2prefix.put("", "foaf");
        namespace2prefix.put("", "owl");
        namespace2prefix.put("", "rdf");
        namespace2prefix.put("", "rdfs");
        namespace2prefix.put("", "ical");
        namespace2prefix.put("", "wordnet");
        namespace2prefix.put("", "musicbrainz21");
        // look up known namespaces
        String nspart = getNamespacePart(uriString);
        if(namespace2prefix.containsKey(nspart.toLowerCase())) {
            return namespace2prefix.get(nspart.toLowerCase());
        } else {
            String[] slashparts = nspart.substring(0, nspart.length() - 1).split("/");
            int i = slashparts.length - 1;
            boolean foundAlphabetic = false;
            String name = "";
            while(i > 0 && !foundAlphabetic) {
                if(slashparts[i].matches("[a-zA-Z]+")) {
                    foundAlphabetic = true;
                name = slashparts[i] + "_" + name;
            log.debug("made name |" + name + "|");
            return name;

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